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Responds to 630918 Ltr Re Nuclear Power Reactor Proposed for Const at Bodega Bay.Copy of AEC Public Announcement & Procedures Re Licensing of Power Reactors Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 10/15/1963
From: Conner R
To: Lowenstein R
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709220550
Download: ML20234E866 (9)



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                     '                                                                                               l Supplemental Fila l

DI.R CTE l j Docket No. 50-205  ! 1 OCT 151963 i 111ss Tiovina Conner 614 Benjamin lisy 4 1 Healdsburg, California

Dear Miss Conner:

This replies to your letter of September'18,1963 addressed to President Kenne# concerning the nuclear power reactor pro. posed for construction at Bodega Bay, California. At the Coensission's request, the U. S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, has been conducting a thorough field study of the geology of Bodega Bay ainee early Hay. In addition, expert consultants have been retained to assist the AEC regulatory staff in evaluating Pacific Gas & Electric Comparg8s application tsith respect to the seismology of the area and I structural design of the proposed plant. The Coast and Geodetic

   '                       Survey of the U. S. Department of Commerci: also is sanisting us in our evaluation of the seimselogr.

A report dated September 2$,1963 setting forth the results of ~ field work at the site thesagh June 6,1963 has been submitted to the Atomic Energy Comutasion by the Department of the Interior. A cop / of an AEC public annoanaement concerning the report is enclosed. You will note that a further geological report has been requested from the Departaset of the Interior. Final action on the Pacific Gas & Electrie Compaar application will not be taken until the additional report requested of the Department of the Interior has been reeeived and evaluated. In additten, a oenstruction posit will not be lassed unless the Caenisaica, falleedag a publia hearing and a decimien hr the Atcedo Safety and Lisenstag Beast and -haties of all factors bearing upon is essvinced that the facility eaa be son. structed and at tho' proposed lees'tice without undue risk to the health and asfetr of the pahlic. 8709220550 85'1217' PDR FOIA FIRESTOB5-665 PDR ' _., _ .,,._ _ _ . . . ~ k 3

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i Miss Dovina Cauw -2 p 5 1963


Also enclosed is a pamphlet uhich describos the procedures re-lating to the licensing of power reactors by the ' Atomic Energy Commisalon. We are om fident that these procedures and their provision for public hearing util easble all interested persons to acquain themselves with the details of Pacific Gas & Electric Company's proposal and util assure thorough consideration of all aspects of the proposed plant bearing upon the question of whether it een be constructed and operated at the proposed site without undue risk to the health and safety of the public. It noted, however, that such matters as local soning and the esthetics of the site are matters within local and state

                                                             ,tarisdiction and are not within the purview of thn Atmic Energy Commissica. Comoerning your reference to construction activity at i

' the pw,pca;e4 alte, enclosed is a eog of the Commission's regulation. 10 CFR Part 50, "LLeansing af Production and Utilizatim Facilities." Section 50.10(b) conoems the point which you have raised. That section provides that the construction of a proposed reactor may not begin prior to the insaanse of a construction pemit by the l Atomic Energy Commissi a. los will mote that "constructica", as defined in the above cited sootton, does not include site escavation, construction of renduars, railroad spurs, temporary butidings for use in econection with construction, etc. Eowever, the Commission has pointed out magr times that agr such site preparation prior to the issuance of a construction pomit is undertaken at the applicant's risk and'is gLven no consideration by the ccsantsaion in its decision on the application, f Sincerely yours, (Hput eisnad ' by R. Lowenstairk Robert Lowenstein, Director Division of Licensing and Regulation Enclosuress

1. Press Release' Distribution:
2. Pamphlet Formal
3. 10 CFR Part 50 Supplemental Public Document Rom (2)
                                                        ,                                                                  C. T. Edwards G. Radlock i l                  .

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e c - , A' STAT [ NT BY LT. . GOV. ;GLENN M. AND('_ SN : . 9 s e-Q

                                                                                                                               . AUGUST 13,1.9ff g                   g
                                  -    . ON THE PROPOSED BODEGA HEAD POWER. PLANT                                                                         g,          p            .

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q  % 4 4%. '! California, more than any other state, faces an extremely a N

                                      ' problem in preserving its remaining ' natural areas. We must m                                                                           -

the great responsibility of insuring adequate and desirable places of unspoiled beauty for the future in the face of a popu-lation explosion second to none. a dilemma,of serious proportion and consequence and the increasing leisure time i l available to our society' serves only to compound the demand. Careful, thoughtful long rtuge planning at this critical point in our history is therefore a most solemn responsibility. ON of the most' charming and unusual areas of natural beauty on California's coastline hes been proposed as the site for.construc-tion of an atomic reactor to generate electric power. Erection 1 I of such a massive facility on Bodega Head will permanently scar one of the nation's truly unique, and particularly appealing, coastal regions. I must stress that I am entirely in favor of the developnient of f


peaceful uses of atomic energy, especially.when such projects J are meet the tremendous power demands of a prosper-ing State. But great wisdom must be exercised in the selection , of sites for such units, and while construction of the proposed l nuclear power f acility at this location constitutes a threat to the beauty of the area, my concern is equally great in another respect. I Residents and. future visitors to,this region must not be subjectt to the fear of a possible calamity from what may be a serious error in judgment. Confronted with a mounting conflict of pro-fessional opinion, the question of safety looms very large indeed We are here presented with a possible construction of a nuclear

            ..                                power unit in close proximity to the San Andreas Fault line.

f, In the present case the wonderful natural beauty of Bodega Bay is threatened for all time, and the matter, of public safety constitutes almost serious, and in my opinion, unresolved question. Common sense dictates that if there is even the slightest risk involved, it is far better to find a location which does not possess the inherent danger'of the earth's, greatest continental active fault line. I have written a letter today to Glenn Seaborg, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, urging the Atomic Energy Commission to withhold iss ing a permit for operation of this proposed unit at Bodega *Heag asking the Commission to encourage the,PG&E to seek a more suitablo site along our northern coast. . nl d'u.-hn+*y 9 .v < - d W b

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Transcribed from KPFA-FM News k.csw , Oc M-q li/ f PLa nse. wp nd av u.w m;L s:vt n.

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                                                                                $arihquake2xpertHits1 e

Bodega Mlant iSte By DON ENGDAIIL a P, D. Staff Wrner reasons for 4 BERKELEY - An internation. " site:itisa" poor"his conclusions that F> ally . known earthquake expert - Extensive faulting on the ni 4 waay took sharp issue with Pa. p or foundational material h cific Gas & Electric Co. And

                                                                      , termed the proposed Bode                                        combination of unstable alluvium is A reactorsite"verypoor" ga Headcially                              60D and crushed rock is espe.                                                                                                                ,

P tion." unsuited to heavy construc 6 i

                                                                    's Dr. Pierre Saint Amand, seis-
  • h le "Re plant is located In .

b head of the UA !1aval Ordnance or a- w fling--a region ' g Test Station's

                                                                  ., es Division at Odna Lake, report-Astronautical Scienc develop "ly high earthquake in ed he found a " spectacular" earth"%e probability of actual                                                                                 e
  • quake fault on the face c( the site fault displacement i g excavation. s ite is high ne laonrge .

or near 'he fault .ex- (

                                                                                                                                                                                                     .            (

gg .

         .p nat alone,                            Dr. Saint                           . Amand      to haltofficient               special                               concern                  and is itse 1

d said, g, is " sufficient reason" reason to discontin k plans for the $61 million plant: ue con- !  ! (

  • in addition he listed a series struction. of he presence of faultsJ t

crossing the site of the coolingp 3 other reasons he concludes the water tunnel is site to be a poorone, Dr. Saint-Amants detailed" re-aspect."  :'

                              * , .                          ' port on the Bodega situation was r --- The abundant evidence :for                                                                          .                                                            -

ence called here by the Northern system because of threleased today at a l

                                                             ,' California Association to Preserve                                         e possibility of change in                                              -

1 major opponent in the controversyBodega Head & Harbor.i

                                                           '                                                                                           source."                                                                                                  '
                                                          ' over the proposed plant.

On another major point. Dr; ( have reported no evidence eration during of ama 1906-type earthPG jor fauhs in the plant site. con. ed quake attothe be cluded theatlikelihood of ground one times the forcwould "j . be more than

                                                        * 'movementa                              the site during                       an                    e of gravity.                       >                                                                                    ,

earthquake is '"probably quite consulting designDr. George W. Housn J

                                                       . sma!!" and the wek under the po:ted                                                                   speclalist, hereexpects       4                                   a
                                                       , site is the best foundation avall greater than three-tenths of I* able on the headland.                                    '

accelerations no 4 et Dr. Saint Amand agrees wIth lorce of gravity. y PG&E experts that a major earth-1

                                                     . quake can be expected along the                                                              'F11ag' f.
     .                                               1 San Andreas Fault zone                                   c             (whi h l Dr,.11ousner concluded that the t                                       ,

runs within an estimated 1.000 feet might actually bocation .close to the fa I. of the site) within the plant life- site somewhat furth '. e better than a time. s , , Reaso Saint-Amand in part agrees buter awa'y; Dr.1

                                                 ,'i .11e( goes                                'en ,ns Listed       wys there is another afetor - t to. list the other "fiing." or permanent displace I.                                                                                                   .

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                                                                                                                         , Continued en Page 6, Col.m                                                                                   '~'

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t 9 Earth 9 nakeEneriHits'. 1 1 Bodega A-p?ani Site y l I ment whi (Continued from Page D i At Bodega, PG&E says, the re-L. ': i l a fault. ch "is at maximum actor nearitself will be founded 'en d the ' I

                                          .                           i Dr. Saint-Amand says he ex-              turbine buiklings and other struc-{c. underlying                         -

y pects it to be "quite likely that u ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                   '                                     k l movement tin a major earthquake          [tes,g,     ,H tw on other snatedal at                              ,
                                                                                                                   .,                                                g                                                         r, s
                                                                , ,may occur on the big fault in the                             g         g ,,                ,,

plant site, or on any of the several Dr. ggg Saint Amand says, "would bc(8 g g[, faults that cmss the site of thel (Dr. Ho x1jcoohg+ater system. g In his report . to PGLE, Dr. of the alluvial material can bat 's ex { 9 Ilousner frund "no reason to ex- pected to be " essentially the same ;

               .,.4                                         ,,                                                                                                                                                                           !

pect that future slippage should. as the underlying granitics rock? ' ation ' underlylng, Bodega g Head, go through i the stronger rock form 1 lards at the site, finds it "sur. till!centrated along the

                                                         .rt weaker" prising,    in view of the  San!rather expert ad-than to continue to bj
                                                         **. Andreas fault zone."

s vice given by Tocher and Qualde,t  ! 4 Dr. Don 'Tocher, seismologist and by Housner, that another site wa i y and Dr. Wlulam Qualde, geolo. hass gone

                                         .                                                                           not chosen and construction                              ,

a ahead. . . The location on

                                                            'i gist, reported to PG&E that they                                                                fi I
                                                            # found evidence that there had                  Bodega   beenHead ti hazardous from a no                                                                                              .

movement on. "old minor my geolog! cal and seismic on . p i t of ' faults" in the plant site "In the i s i past few thousand years. Lack of %e geological situation at 'the } ' recent movements e plies, but does'not guarantee thatstrongly b proposed site is expected'to be explored in detail at hearings' to } 5t d there will be no m o ye m e,a t : be held by the Atomic Dnergy throughoui the life expectancy of Commbslon on an application J1 a power plant." ~ LPG &E for permission to build the j ,, j 1 by

                                                                                                                                                                             '        s.                                                 l
                                                        's                                               reactor.
                                                              ' As for foundation material, Dr.i                                                         .

h foundations "may be as bad or{have , ut f has not set a da g 11 worse" than soll foundations, and .


the worst possible situ- PG&E,.meanwhile, is sinking a,j hole on the plant site to expose "'

                                                       . the two,"v ation istotheto i tion of L

i build on material bed the reactor. upon whicha combina it proposes l,

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