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Forwards Insp Rept 50-358/73-03 on 730410-11.Description of Violations Noted During Insp Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Zimmer
Issue date: 05/04/1973
From: Grier B
To: Dickhoner W
Shared Package
ML20235B311 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-111 NUDOCS 8709240266
Download: ML20235B887 (4)

See also: IR 05000358/1973003


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%rts o' "p 799 ROOSEVELT ROAD ggyg,goug

GLEN ELLYN. ILLINOIS 60:37 (312) e 56-2660

May 4, 1973

Cincinnati Cas and Electric Company Docket No. 50-358

ATTN Mr. W. H. Dickhonor. Vice President

Engineering and Electrical Production

139 East 4th Street

Cincinnati, Ohio 45201


This refers to the incpection by Messr's. Vandel and Dickerson of this office

on April 10 - 11, 1973, of construction activities at the W. H. Zimmer site

authorized by AEC Construction Permit No. CPPR-88 and to the discussion of

our findings at the conclusion of the inspection with Mr. Rothenberg and

others of your staff.

Areas examined during the inspection included (1) the disposition of

previously identified unrcoolved matters, and (2) implementation of the

Zimmer quality assurance program relative to concrete production, placement,

and testing activitico. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of

celective examination of procedures and representative records , interviews

with perscnnel, and observations by the inspectors.

During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities appear

to be in violation of AFC regulation. The activition c.nd referecces to

t..w p :inant requirec. cats ara listed in the onclosure to this letter.

This letter is a notice of violation sent to you pursuant to the provisions

of section 2.201 of the AEC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, code

of Pederal Regulations. Section 2.201 requires you to submit to this office,

within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, a written statement or

explanation in reply, including (1) corrective steps which have been takan

by you and the results achieved; (2) corrective steps which will be taken to

avoid further violations; and (3) the date when full compliance will be

achieved. Such a statement or explanation should be provided for each of

the items listed in the enclosure. In addition to the need for corrective

action regarding these specific deficiencies, we are concerned about the

impicmentation of your quality assurance program which permitted these

violations to occur. Consequently, in your reply, you should describe in

particular, those actions taken or planned to improve the effectiveness of

your quality assurance program.

8709240266 870921'


MENZB7-111 PDR ____

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, .-

Cincinnati Gas and -2- May 4, 1973

Electric Company


Should you have questions concerning this inspection, we will be glad

to discuss them with you.

Sincerely yours,

Boyce H. Grier

Regional Director


Description of Violations

bect RO Chief, CB

RO BQ (4)

Licensing (4)

DR f'aneral Files

Regions I & II


Local PDR







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Cincinnati Cas and Electric Company

Docket No. 50-358

Certain of your activities appear to be in violation of AEC regulations,

the American Concrete Institute codes, and the Cincinnati Cas and Electric

Company's applicable specifications, as identified below

1. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion V, states, in part, that:

" Activities affecting quality shall be prescribed by documented

instructions, procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate to

the circumstances . . . Instructions, procedures, or drawings

shall include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance

criteria for determining that important activities have been

satisfactorily accomplished."

The Cincinnati Cas and Electric Company Specification No. B-2174,

Division 3, requires that aggregates be tested in accordance with

the ASTM Standards No. C-127 and No. C-128.

Contrary to the above requirements, applicable procedures did not

include testing of aggregate to demonstrate compliance to the

acceptance criteria of ASTM Standards No. C-127 and No. C-128.

2. The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company Specification No. H-2174,

Division 3, requires that the temperature of the concrete, at the

tim of pinectemt, met be within ecrtain epceified limits.

Contrary to the above requirements and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B,

Criterion V, the applicable procedure (QACMI C-1) did not require

that the temperature of concrete be measured at the time of place-

ment to demonstrate that temperature limits wcre being maintained.

3. The Cincinnati Cas and Electric Company Specification No. B-2174,

Division 3, requires that the placement of concrete must be made

within a limited time after batching.

Contrary to the above requirements and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B,

Criterion V, documentation was not available at the site to establish

that the time limitation between batching and placement of concrete

had been maintained.

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4. The Cincinnati Gas and Riectric Company Specification No. H-2174,

Division 3, requires that the concrete batch plant shall be certified



by the Naticnol Ready Mix Concrete Association.

Conttiry to the above requirements and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B,

Critegion V, onrtification of the batch plant had not been accomplished.


,n o

5. The Amerh Concrete Institute (ACI) Code No. ACI-301-66, Chapter 2,

requires that aggregate testing to demonstrate conformance to require-

ments shall be performed on samples secured at the point of batching.


Contrary to the above requirements and/10'CFR Part 50, Appendix B,

Criterion V, aggregate test samples were secured at the point of

aggregate unloading.


6. 10 CYR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion VII, states, in part, that:

" Documentary evidence that material and equipment conform to the

procurement requirements shall be available at the nuclear power

plant site installation or use of such material and equipment."


The ACI Code No. ACI-301-66, Chapter 3, requires that the design

mix be tested by trial. mixtures to establish compressive strength.

Contrary to the above requirements, documentation was not available

at the site to show 4that the, design mix had been tested.

7. 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, criterion IVIII, states, in part, that:

"A comprehensive system of planned and periodic cudits shall be

carried out to verify compliance with all aspects of the quality

j acaurance progra:a and to deten:ine the effectiveness of the progran."

, Contrary cd the above requirc:acnt, the licenseo has not initiated

an audit program for concrete activities, although three pours of

Class I concrete have been completed.




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