IR 05000482/1988019

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Ack Receipt of 880829 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/88-19
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/1988
From: Callan L
To: Withers B
NUDOCS 8810050141
Download: ML20154S711 (2)


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SEP 2 61988 In Reply Refer To:

Dodket: STN 50-482/88-19 Wolf Creek Nuclea.' Operating Corporation ATTN: Bart D. Withers President and Chief Executive Officer P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Gentlemen:

Thank you for your letter of August 29, 1988, in response to our letter and Notice of Violation dated July 29, 1988. We have reviewed your reply and find it responsive to the concerns raised in our Notice of Violation. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintaiae Sincerel Original Signed Sy:

L J; CALLAN 88100b0141 000926 PDR

ADocKosoog4t[ 1.. J. Callan, Director Division of Reactor Projects cc:

Wolf Cree ( Nuclear Operating Corporation ATTh: Otto Maycard, Manager of Licensing P,0. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 65839 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation ATTN: Gary Boyer, Plant Manager P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Kansas Corporation Comission ATTN: Robert D. Elliott, Chief Engineer Fourth Floor. Docking State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612-1571 Kansas Radiation Control Program Director bec to DMB (IE01) _

RIV:PSA .-ji C YS D:b ATHowellydf DDCharrberlain LJCallan \

9/h/88 9/2 6/88 9/'lh88 6{b

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Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating -2-Corporation bec distrib. by RIV:

RRI R. D. Martin, RA SectionChief(DRP/A) DRP RPB-DRSS B. DeFayette, RIII RIV File SRI, Callaway, RIII MIS System RSTS Operator Project Engineer, DRP/A Lisa Slea, RM/ALF P. O'Connor, NRR Project Manager DRS






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'!~~4. s /, J W4) NUCLEAR OPERATING i -



'j s ut o. w e ers m ene -

      • August 29, 1988 VM 83-0212 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Com:nission ATTH: Doc urnen t Control Desk Mail Station Pl-137 Washington, D. C. 20555 Reference: Letter dated July 29, 1988 from L. J. Callan, NRC, to B. D. Withers, WCHOC Subject Docket No. 50-482 : Response to Violation 482/8819-01 Gent ietsen :

Attached is Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation's response to violation ,

482/8819-01 which was docu:sented in the Referenc Violation 482/8819-01 involved a f ailure to complete the required fire impairment control permit for two fire door If you have any questionr. cuncerning this artter, please contact ro e or Mr. O. L. M.syna:d o f my sta f Very truly yours,



Bart D. Withers Prealdent and Chiaf Executive Officer B DW/,l ad Attachraent ces B. L. Bartsett (HRC), w/a D. D. Chamberl. tin' (NRC), w/a R. D. Martin (NRC), w/a P. W. O'Connor ( NRC), w/a (2)


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Attachment to WM 88-0212

Page 1 of 1

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Violation (482 /8819-01): Failure to Follow Procedure F_ipling: .

i Technical Specification 6. requires that written procedures be , [


established, implemented, and maintained for the fire protection progra Procedure ADM 13-103, Revision 5, "Fire protection: Impairment Control," !

implements procedures for impaired fire protection equipment including {

requires that fire protetton


4 degraded fire door ADM 13-103, Section 4, '

impairment control permit forms be prepared for all fire protection system impairment In addition, Section 4 requires that entries be made in the t fire protection impairment control log for the impairment !

l (

i contrary to the above, on June 6, 1988 Fire Doors 13261 and 13281 were j i observed to be standing ope Neither fire protection im pairment control i permits nnr log entries had been completed for those door I a

I Reason for Violation:

I i

Fire doors 13261 and 13281 were lef t open by operations personnel without  ;

the required fire protection impairment control permits or los entries due i


to incorrectly interpreting the requirements of ADM 13-103. The involved  ;

! operations pwesonnel believed it was acceptable to leave the duors open  :

without a fire impairment pe rmit when in the area performine, Technical Specification sutveillance tests since the operator was fire watch ;




l Cos vective _Sys Wich inve Been taken and Results Achf.eved


! Thst "vire Protaction Impairment Control" procedure, ADM 13-103, has been ,

i reviced to clearly identify the requirement fer obtalaing fire impairment i perait any r N a fire door is to be left ope The Operations Supervisor l l


instructed all Operations personnel by memo of the reqvirement to isst.e a  !


l tire im pa iree n': wnenever any fire door is le f t open for any reason, except l normal passag ,

i prrectiv_e__Sf eos Which Will Be Taken To Avoid Further Violations


! In addition to the corrective steps discussed above, the procedure change to  !

ADM 13'-103 was placed in operations required reading as required reading l l entry number 88-160 to reinforce the memo sent to all Operations personne !

l I

Date When Full Compilance Will Be_ Achieved:

Full ecwspliance has been achieve :



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