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Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-293/87-54 on 871208-10.No Violations Noted
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 12/30/1987
From: Martin T
To: Bird R
Shared Package
ML20149E928 List:
NUDOCS 8801140054
Download: ML20149E924 (2)

See also: IR 05000293/1987054


. ..




DEC 3 01987

Docket No. 50-293 License No. DPR-35

Boston Edison Company

ATTN: Mr. Ralph G. Bird

Senior Vice President - Nuclear

800 Boylston Street

Boston, Massachusetts 02199



Subject: Inspection Report No. 50-p f/87-54

A routine safety inspection of your annual emergency preparedness exercise

was conducted by Mr. Conklin of this office, and other members of an NRC

team, on December 8-10, 1987 at the Pilgrim Generating Station, Plymouth,

Massachusetts. Discussions of our findings were presented by Mr. Conklin to

you and others of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.

Areas examined during this inspection included observation of the annual

exercise and follow-up of findings identified during previous emergency

preparedness inspections and exercises as described in the NRC Region I

inspection report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas,

the inspection consisted of sele::tive examination of procedures and repre-

sentative records, interviews with personnel and observation of the emergency

exercise by team members.

Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were observed. It was

determined that your emergency response actions were adequate to provide

protective measures for the health and safety of the public.

No reply to this letter is required. Your cooperation with us in this matter

is appreciated.


Original Signed By:


Thon$adi. HarYiI,# Director

Division 7f Radiation Safety

and Safeguards


Enclosure: NRC Region ! Inspection Report No. 50-293/87-54


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Boston Edison Company 2 DFC 3 0 1987 l

cc w/ encl:

K. P. Roberts, Nuclear Operations Manager

Paul Levy, Chairman, Department of Fublic Utilities

Chairman, Board of Selectmen

J. D. Keyes, Boston Edison Regulatory Affairs and Programs -

E. D. Robinson, Nuclear Information Manager

R. N. Swanson, Nuclear Engineering Department Manager

The Honorable E. J. Markey

Plymouth Civil Defense Director

Senator Edward P. Kirby

The Honorable Peter V. Forman

Sharon Pollard, Secretary of Energy Resources

Rachel Shimshak, MASSPIRG

Public Document Room.(PDR)

local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector

Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2)

bec w/ enc 1:

Region I Docket Room (with Concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encl)

DRP Section Chief

R. Wessman, PM, NRR

Robert-J. Bores, DRSS


Con L s B my M n

12//j/87 12/ /87 12/v1/87 12/ 7

Official Record Copy
