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| number = ML17338A621
| number = ML17338A624
| issue date = 03/20/1979
| issue date = 03/20/1979
| title = Ack Receipt of IE Insp Repts 50-250/79-01 & 50-251/79-01 on 790130-0201.No Proprietary Info
| title = IE Insp Repts 50-250/79-01 & 50-251/79-01 on 790130-0201.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Spent Fuel Storage Expansion,Review of Unresolved & Open Items,Environ Qualification of Electrical Equip & Plant Tour
| author name = Uhrig R
| author name = Cantrell F, Verdery E
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = Oreilly J
| addressee name =  
| addressee affiliation =  
| docket = 05000250, 05000251
| docket = 05000250, 05000251
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = L-79-67, NUDOCS 7904110063
| document report number = 50-250-79-01, 50-250-79-1, 50-251-79-01, 50-251-79-1, NUDOCS 7904110073
| package number = ML17338A622
| package number = ML17338A622
| page count = 2
| page count = 10

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{{#Wiki_filter:M~~P.O.BOX 529100, MIAMI, FL 33152 On MAR26~8: d7 FLORIDA POWER 4 LIGHT COMPANY March 20, 1979 L-79-67 Mr.James P.O'Reilly, Director, Region II Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

==Dear Mr.O'Reilly:==
RE: RII:EHV 50-250/79-01 50-251/79-01 Florida Power&Light Company has reviewed the subject inspection report.There is no proprietary information in the report.Very truly yours, Robert E.Uhrig Vice President Advanced Systems and Technology REU/MAS/pm cc: Robert Lowenstein, Esquire 0
ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30303 Report Nos.:
50-250/79-01 and 50-251/79-01 Licensee:
Florida Power and Light Company 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida Facility Name:
Turkey Point Units 3 and
License Nos:
DPR-31 and DPR-41 Inspection at ey Point Site, Florida City, Florida Inspector:
i. Verdery, eac Inspector Approved by:
A F.
C ntrell, Section hief, RONS Branch SUHHARY Zz 2y Date Signed ate Signed Inspection on January 30 - February 1,
1979 Areas Ins ected This routine, announced inspection involved 20 inspector-hours onsite in the areas of spent fuel pit storage expansion, review of unresolved and open items, environmental qualification of electrical equipment, followup on reportable events and tour of plant areas.
Results Of the five areas inspected, no apparent items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie,~j ji<)(,"'~'
DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Em lo ee
+H. E. Yaeger, Plant Manager-J.
K. Hays, Plant Superintendent, Nuclear
-"J. E. Moore, Operations Superintendent, Nuclear V. B. Wager, Operations Supervisor, Nuclear
*P. J. White, Maintenance Superintendent-D.
W. Jones, Quality Control Supervisor J.
P. Mendieta, ISC Department Supervisor M. Shoppman, Power Resources Specialist, G.O.
G. Liebler, Manager Power Resources Staff, Nuclear G.O.
-"L. Huenniger, Nuclear Plant Supervisor-R
. J.
Spooner, QAO Supervisor
*L. R. Casella, IRC/Electrical Staff, G.O.
-W. A. Klein, Technical Department
+Attended exit interview 2.
Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 1,
1979, with,those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above.'he inspector requested that the licensee commit to reviewing all QA for Operation Audit reports beginning with the first calendar year 1979 report.
The licensee agreed to have these reviews completed by the PNSC on April 1, 1979, and to continue thereafter.
Additionally, the inspector discussed the need for the licensee to implement procedural controls on a
more timely basis.
The licensee committed to developing a
formal review process for temporary plant procedures by April 1, 1979.
Licensee Action on Previous Ins ection Findin s (Closed)
Unresolved item (250/251/78-03):
Adequacy of PNSC review of plant operations.
This item was opened based upon a previous inspection of PNSC activities.
Technical Specification requires the PNSC to review facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.
The licensee had not routinely reviewed plant operations other than through reviews of reportable occurrences and,NRC inspection findings.
Based upon the commitment to review all 'QA for Operation on site audit reports beginning with CY 79, this item is considered resolved.
The commitment will be verified after April 1, 1979, during an inspection of PNSC activitie (Closed)
Unresolved item (250/251/78-04):
Adequacy of CNRB review of Plant Change/Modification (PC/M) Safety evaluations.
During a previous inspection the inspector questioned the licensee's practice for the review of PC/M safety evaluations by the Company Nuclear Review Board (CNRB).
The practice normally followed allowed the secretary of the CNRB to review the PC/M safety evaluation and prepare a short summary of the significant aspects of the modification for review by the full CNRB.
Because the CNRB and has the full PC/M safety evaluation available and may inquire into any area of concern, this practice is considered to be acceptable.
This item is considered resolved.
Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.
Ex ansion of S ent Fuel Pit Stora e
Ca acit The inspector reviewed the licensee's documentation in support of the expansion of both Units 3 and 4 Spent Fuel Pit Storage Capacity to 621 fuel assembly locations.
Approval for these modifications was granted in license Amendments
and 22, for Units
and 4, respectively, dated March 17,
The inspector reviewed the following records:
Receipt Inspection Reports for Spent Fuel Racks Nos. 20-24 c ~
Plant Change/Modification 76-17 "Augmented Fuel Storage" I,
gC Inspection Report for Load Test of New 1 Ton Hoist on Spent Fuel Pit Bridge Crane d.
gC Inspection Reports for Spent Fuel Pit Crane Welds, Visual and Dye Penetrant Tests e.
gC Inspection Reports for New Fuel Rack Shim and Verticality In addition, the inspector toured the Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pit Area and verified that no more than the specified 621 Spent Fuel Storage locations were available, There are actually 636 lattice locations, however,
locations are not useable due to obstructions.
These unuseable locations are marked on the PC/M drawings.
The inspector verified that there was no spent fuel stored in any of them.
Problems regarding the swelling of spent fuel in storage locations are not an issue at this facility since this type of installation does not utilize fixed neutron poisons.
No items of noncompliance or deviation were identifie Im lementation of Licensee Pro ram to Review Safet Related Electrical E ui ment for Environmental uglification The inspector met with members of the Power Resources Staff at the General Office on January 30, 1979, and discussed the status of the subject review program.
This program had been developed by the licensee in response to IE Circular 78-08.
A master list of equipment which would be subjected to the Post LOCA containment environment has been developed.
The licensee plans to develop an auxiliary list of electrical components associated with the equipment identified in the master list by April 1, 1979.
The subsequent action planned is to verify that documentation is available to demonstrate that this equipment and auxiliary components have been environmentally qualified in accordance with the IEEE Standard in effect during the construction phase of Turkey Point
and 4.
The licensee does not currently plan to upgrade any equipment to the environmental qualification standards presently in effect.
The inspector stated that the NRC expects to be informed, as soon as possible, when safety-related components, required to function in the post LOCA containment environment, have not been environmentally qualified.
The inspector indicated that this subject was being incor-porated into an IE Bulletin which would give more definitive schedule requirements.
Alternate Purification Lineu The inspector identifed a potential problem in the use of the equipment clearance system during a tour of the control room on January 30, 1979.
As a result of the performance of a PC/M on the Unit 3 charging system, the Unit 3 purification lineup had been altered.
The licensee indicated that this alternate purification lineup had been reviewed and approved in advance and was being controlled through the use of an in plant equipment clearance (1-44, 1/5/79).
The inspector indicated that the clearance could be used as a procedure for taking safety-related systems in and out of service, however, use of the clearance sistern to specify and control alternate plant lineups was not in accordance with regulatory requirements.
The licensee had issued a temporary instruction to cover the'perational impact of the alternate purification lineup.
Subsequent to the inspector discussion, the license'e agreed to have the PNSC review the temporary instruction as a temporary procedure by February 9, 1979.
In addition, the licensee agreed at the exit interview to develop and implement a
temporary procedure system by April 1, 1979, to preclude recurrence of this problem (250/251/79-01-01).
Followu on 0 en Items The inspector verified that a new radiator had been installed on Emergency Diesel Generator in November 1978.
This action closes item 250/251/77-0.
Ove ressure Miti atin S stem (OMS)
The inspector advised the licensee that, when the Technical Specifi-cation for the OMS goes into effect, the power operated relief valves must be considered safety related components and should be included on the Q list prior to that time.
The licensee agreed that they should be included.
This item will be reviewed after implementation of the OMS Technical Specifications (250/251/79-01-02).
Re ortable Events Followu C
The following reportable events were reviewed to ascertain that:
N (1)
reporting requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.2 were met; (2)
corrective action was taken as required by Appendix B to
CFR Part 50; (3)
the event was reviewed and evaluated; and (4)
the facility was operated within the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and the Technical Specification subsequent to the event.
"Leak in CVCS Holdup Tank A" b.
"4A Charging Pump Discharge Drain Line Crack"

Latest revision as of 13:11, 7 January 2025

IE Insp Repts 50-250/79-01 & 50-251/79-01 on 790130-0201.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Spent Fuel Storage Expansion,Review of Unresolved & Open Items,Environ Qualification of Electrical Equip & Plant Tour
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/20/1979
From: Cantrell F, Verdery E
Shared Package
ML17338A622 List:
50-250-79-01, 50-250-79-1, 50-251-79-01, 50-251-79-1, NUDOCS 7904110073
Download: ML17338A624 (10)





ATLANTA,GEORGIA 30303 Report Nos.:

50-250/79-01 and 50-251/79-01 Licensee:

Florida Power and Light Company 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida Facility Name:

Turkey Point Units 3 and

License Nos:

DPR-31 and DPR-41 Inspection at ey Point Site, Florida City, Florida Inspector:

i. Verdery, eac Inspector Approved by:

A F.


C ntrell, Section hief, RONS Branch SUHHARY Zz 2y Date Signed ate Signed Inspection on January 30 - February 1,

1979 Areas Ins ected This routine, announced inspection involved 20 inspector-hours onsite in the areas of spent fuel pit storage expansion, review of unresolved and open items, environmental qualification of electrical equipment, followup on reportable events and tour of plant areas.

Results Of the five areas inspected, no apparent items of noncompliance or deviations were identifie,~j ji<)(,"'~'

DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Em lo ee

+H. E. Yaeger, Plant Manager-J.

K. Hays, Plant Superintendent, Nuclear

-"J. E. Moore, Operations Superintendent, Nuclear V. B. Wager, Operations Supervisor, Nuclear

  • P. J. White, Maintenance Superintendent-D.

W. Jones, Quality Control Supervisor J.

P. Mendieta, ISC Department Supervisor M. Shoppman, Power Resources Specialist, G.O.

G. Liebler, Manager Power Resources Staff, Nuclear G.O.

-"L. Huenniger, Nuclear Plant Supervisor-R

. J.

Spooner, QAO Supervisor

  • L. R. Casella, IRC/Electrical Staff, G.O.

-W. A. Klein, Technical Department

+Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 1,

1979, with,those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above.'he inspector requested that the licensee commit to reviewing all QA for Operation Audit reports beginning with the first calendar year 1979 report.

The licensee agreed to have these reviews completed by the PNSC on April 1, 1979, and to continue thereafter.

Additionally, the inspector discussed the need for the licensee to implement procedural controls on a

more timely basis.

The licensee committed to developing a

formal review process for temporary plant procedures by April 1, 1979.

Licensee Action on Previous Ins ection Findin s (Closed)

Unresolved item (250/251/78-03):

Adequacy of PNSC review of plant operations.

This item was opened based upon a previous inspection of PNSC activities.

Technical Specification requires the PNSC to review facility operations to detect potential safety hazards.

The licensee had not routinely reviewed plant operations other than through reviews of reportable occurrences and,NRC inspection findings.

Based upon the commitment to review all 'QA for Operation on site audit reports beginning with CY 79, this item is considered resolved.

The commitment will be verified after April 1, 1979, during an inspection of PNSC activitie (Closed)

Unresolved item (250/251/78-04):

Adequacy of CNRB review of Plant Change/Modification (PC/M) Safety evaluations.

During a previous inspection the inspector questioned the licensee's practice for the review of PC/M safety evaluations by the Company Nuclear Review Board (CNRB).

The practice normally followed allowed the secretary of the CNRB to review the PC/M safety evaluation and prepare a short summary of the significant aspects of the modification for review by the full CNRB.

Because the CNRB and has the full PC/M safety evaluation available and may inquire into any area of concern, this practice is considered to be acceptable.

This item is considered resolved.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


Ex ansion of S ent Fuel Pit Stora e

Ca acit The inspector reviewed the licensee's documentation in support of the expansion of both Units 3 and 4 Spent Fuel Pit Storage Capacity to 621 fuel assembly locations.

Approval for these modifications was granted in license Amendments

and 22, for Units

and 4, respectively, dated March 17,


The inspector reviewed the following records:


Receipt Inspection Reports for Spent Fuel Racks Nos. 20-24 c ~

Plant Change/Modification 76-17 "Augmented Fuel Storage" I,

gC Inspection Report for Load Test of New 1 Ton Hoist on Spent Fuel Pit Bridge Crane d.

gC Inspection Reports for Spent Fuel Pit Crane Welds, Visual and Dye Penetrant Tests e.

gC Inspection Reports for New Fuel Rack Shim and Verticality In addition, the inspector toured the Unit 3 Spent Fuel Pit Area and verified that no more than the specified 621 Spent Fuel Storage locations were available, There are actually 636 lattice locations, however,

locations are not useable due to obstructions.

These unuseable locations are marked on the PC/M drawings.

The inspector verified that there was no spent fuel stored in any of them.

Problems regarding the swelling of spent fuel in storage locations are not an issue at this facility since this type of installation does not utilize fixed neutron poisons.

No items of noncompliance or deviation were identifie Im lementation of Licensee Pro ram to Review Safet Related Electrical E ui ment for Environmental uglification The inspector met with members of the Power Resources Staff at the General Office on January 30, 1979, and discussed the status of the subject review program.

This program had been developed by the licensee in response to IE Circular 78-08.

A master list of equipment which would be subjected to the Post LOCA containment environment has been developed.

The licensee plans to develop an auxiliary list of electrical components associated with the equipment identified in the master list by April 1, 1979.

The subsequent action planned is to verify that documentation is available to demonstrate that this equipment and auxiliary components have been environmentally qualified in accordance with the IEEE Standard in effect during the construction phase of Turkey Point

and 4.

The licensee does not currently plan to upgrade any equipment to the environmental qualification standards presently in effect.

The inspector stated that the NRC expects to be informed, as soon as possible, when safety-related components, required to function in the post LOCA containment environment, have not been environmentally qualified.

The inspector indicated that this subject was being incor-porated into an IE Bulletin which would give more definitive schedule requirements.

Alternate Purification Lineu The inspector identifed a potential problem in the use of the equipment clearance system during a tour of the control room on January 30, 1979.

As a result of the performance of a PC/M on the Unit 3 charging system, the Unit 3 purification lineup had been altered.

The licensee indicated that this alternate purification lineup had been reviewed and approved in advance and was being controlled through the use of an in plant equipment clearance (1-44, 1/5/79).

The inspector indicated that the clearance could be used as a procedure for taking safety-related systems in and out of service, however, use of the clearance sistern to specify and control alternate plant lineups was not in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The licensee had issued a temporary instruction to cover the'perational impact of the alternate purification lineup.

Subsequent to the inspector discussion, the license'e agreed to have the PNSC review the temporary instruction as a temporary procedure by February 9, 1979.

In addition, the licensee agreed at the exit interview to develop and implement a

temporary procedure system by April 1, 1979, to preclude recurrence of this problem (250/251/79-01-01).

Followu on 0 en Items The inspector verified that a new radiator had been installed on Emergency Diesel Generator in November 1978.

This action closes item 250/251/77-0.

Ove ressure Miti atin S stem (OMS)

The inspector advised the licensee that, when the Technical Specifi-cation for the OMS goes into effect, the power operated relief valves must be considered safety related components and should be included on the Q list prior to that time.

The licensee agreed that they should be included.

This item will be reviewed after implementation of the OMS Technical Specifications (250/251/79-01-02).


Re ortable Events Followu C

The following reportable events were reviewed to ascertain that:

N (1)

reporting requirements of Technical Specification 6.9.2 were met; (2)

corrective action was taken as required by Appendix B to

CFR Part 50; (3)

the event was reviewed and evaluated; and (4)

the facility was operated within the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and the Technical Specification subsequent to the event.



"Leak in CVCS Holdup Tank A" b.


"4A Charging Pump Discharge Drain Line Crack"