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Forwards Safety Evaluation Supporting Plant Electrical Distribution Sys Design (Ref Tdi Diesel Generators).Approval of Design Required Before Performance of Loss of Offsite Power Test
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 11/10/1987
From: Knighton G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Andognini G
Shared Package
ML20236Q239 List:
TAC-63030, TAC-66305, NUDOCS 8711190259
Download: ML20236Q238 (2)



j November 10, 1987 Docket No.:

50-312 DISTRIBUTION fjDocketFUe[

GKalman NRC'& Local PDRs RBevan Mr. G. Carl Andognini JLee OGC-Bethesda Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear PDS Plant EJordan Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station GHolahan JPartlow 14440 Twin Cities Road GKnighton ACRS(10)

Herald, California 95638-9799

Dear Mr. Andognini:



SAFETY EVALUATION OF RANCHO SECO ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN (TAC N0. 66305) i In our letter dated October 30, 1987 concerning the loss of offsite power test to be conducted at Rancho Seco, we stated that NRC approval of the plant electrical distribution system design would be required before the test could be performed. The enclosure to this letter contains the NRC staff safety 4

evaluation of the plant electrical distribution system design. Related areas of cable, equipment, and necessary separation and fire protection issues related to the electrical distribution system were previously addressed and found acceptable in the NRC staff Safety Evaluation Report relating to restart of Rancho Seco, issued October 1987. The enclosed safety evaluation, together with NRC staff evaluation of all other considerations involving the TDI diesel l

generators and auxiliary supporting systems and buildings (i.e. Section 4.7 l

of the Safety Evaluation Report) will be included in SER Supplement 1, to be issued by December 1, 1987.

As stated in the enclosed safety evaluation, the electrical distribution system design has been reviewed by the NRC staff and is acceptable.

Sincerely, I

original signed by l

George W. Knighton, Director Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III IV, V and Special Projects l


As stated 1

cc: See next page g




n JL


GWKnighton RBevan 11q/87 11

/87 117 87 11/gg/87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY 8711190259 871110 jDR ADOCK 05000312 PDR l

Mr. G. Carl Andognini Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Station Sacramento Municipal Utility District

't CC:

Mr. David S. Kaplan, Secretary Mr. John Bartus and General Counsel Ms. JoAnne Scott Sacramento Municipal Utility Federal. Energy Regulatory Commission District 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.

6201 S Street Washington, D.C.

20426 P. O. Box 15830 Sacramento, California 95813 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Mr. Barclay S. Lew Shaw, Pittman,.Potts & Trowbridge Pacific Gas and Electric Company 2300 N Street, N.W.

77 Beale Street (333/A613)

Washington, D.C.

20037 San Francisco, CA 94106 i

Hr. Karl A. Meyer Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing Sacramento Municipal Utility District Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road



Herald, California 95637-9799 Mr. Robert B. Borsum Babcock & Wilcox I

Nuclear Power Generation Division Suite 220, 7910 Woodmont Avenue f ethesda, Maryland 20814 Resident Inspector / Rancho Seco c/o U. S. H. R. C.

14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638 R?gional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 1

Mr. Joseph 0. Ward, Chief t

Radiological Health Branch l

State Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Office Building'#8 Sacramento, California 95814 Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 827 7th Street, Room 424 Sacramento, California 95814 Ns. Helen Hubbard P. O. Box 63 Sunol, California 94586 I

i 1
