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Advises That No Tech Spec Relief Necessary to Conduct Tests on New Emergency Diesel Generators & Associated Electrical Distribution Sys.Proposed Test Should Be Conducted Under Provisions of 10CFR50.59 W/O Changing Existing Tech Spec
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 10/30/1987
From: Holahan G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Andognini G
TAC-66305, NUDOCS 8711050161
Download: ML20236J145 (3)



10ctober 30, 1987 g c +


l I' '0'ocket No.: 50-312- DISTRIBUTION {

iDocketJileg 7 ACRS (10) #

NRC T l? PDRs Mr. G. Carl Andognini. JLee ,

Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear PDf5 Plant. l

. Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating. Station GHolahan j 14440 Twin Cities Road GKalman

. Herald, California 95638-9799 RBevan OGC-Bethesda

Dear Mr. Andognini:

EJordan/JPartlow 4 l



1 By letter' dated September 16, 1987, Sacramento Municipal Utility District { '

(SMUD, the' licensee) requested an waiver from a Technical Specification

-(TS)requirementforRanchoSecoNuclearGenerating. Station (RS). The proposed waiver would provide relief from the requirements of a TS limiting -

-condition for operation (LCO) in' order to conduct tests on new emergency diesel generators and.the associated electrical distribution systems. The

-proposedLossofOffsitePower(LOOP)Testwouldtesttheplantemergency electrical power systems by verifying tha.t the onsite, diesel powered generators and associated electrical. distribution systems operate as designed )

.when offsite electrical power is disconnected.

The Rancho Seco TS's' require that, when the average primary coolant temperature is less than 280*F, at least two coolant loops remain operable. At the-present. time, the primary coolant temperature is approximately 115 F and two decay heat removal systems are operable. By disconnecting the offsite elec-

'trical power to conduct the proposed test, you state that the two decay heat removal systems wouldLbe rendered inoperable, because to meet your TS

. definition of operable, a system is required to have both normal and emergency power sources available. You, therefore, requested a TS waiver to permit you to " disable" the two decay heat removal systems during the test.

We have reviewed your submittal and have determined that no TS relief is necessary for you to conduct the test as described. Part 50.59 of 10 CFR provides, among other things, that a licensee may conduct tests or experi-ments not described in the FSAR without prior Connission approval provided the proposed test or experiment does not involve a change in a TS or an unreviewed

. safety question. We believe the proposed test should be conducted under the provisions of Part 50.59 without changing the existing TS.

1 AD O Og P

7 f

By temporarily disconnecting' the offsite electrical power to conduct the proposed test, we do not consider that you would violate the TS operability definition. . While conducting the test, both normal and emergency power sources to the decay heat removal systems will be available even though the 1 power will be momentarily disconnected while the automatic transfer process '

from offsite electric power to diesel electric power is in progress. '

It has been demonstrated during the Rancho Seco. decay heat outages in 1987 1 that the existing decay heat in the core does not cause an appreciable increase in primary system temperatures even after the decay heat systems are i idle for several weeks. Under these circumstances we do not consider that a momentary power disruption to the decay heat systems is significant in terms l of decay heat system operability.  !

1 However, since the scope of the LOOP Test includes interaction between plant safety systems and the modified electrical systems, NRC approval of the 1 a' - electrical design will be required prior to commencing the test. A safety i evaluation report will be forwarded to you when our evaluation of the design l 1s complete. Following approval of the design, the staff will monitor the J conduct of the LOOP Test and will review the test results to confirm that the  !

emergency electrical system functions as designed. Revised TS's, which  !

address the modified diesel's and the electrical system's operability and I' surveillance requirements (your proposed amendment 147), will be issued following our evaluation of the' LOOP Test results. We had intended to issue the TS's. prior to the LOOP Test, however, in the course of our ongoing review process, it appeared more appropriate to complete our review of the design, '

including the LOOP Test, before issuing the TS's.

If you have any questions concerning this matter please contact George Kalman, ,

the NRC project manager.  !

l Gary M. Holahan, Assistant Director for Regions III and V Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page t g p y i h'


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0$fn'l _ _ _ _ : _:GMHolahan t'on :AThadani _ _ _ _ _ . p:DMCrutchfield


4 IDATE:10/J2/87 :10 1/87 :10 A,y/87 :10/d/87 v



2 - _ - _ _ _ i

1 i

Mr. G. Carl Andognini Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Station Sacramento Municipal Utility District CC:

Mr. David S..kaplan, Secretary Mr. John Bartus

'and General Counsel Ms. JoAnne Scott Sacramento Municipal Utility Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

, District 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.

6201 S Street Washington, D.C. 20426 P. 0~ Boy 15830 Sacramento, California 95813 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 2300 N Street, N.W. -

Washington, D.C. 20037 Mr. John V. Vinguist .

Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing Sacramento Municipal Utility District Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California- 95638-9799

'Mr. Robert B. Borsum Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Power Generation Division Suite 220, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Resident inspector /Pancho Seco  !

c/o U. S. N. R. C.

14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638 s

Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conrnission 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Pr. Joseph 0. Ward, Chief Radiological Health Branch


I State-0epartment of Health Services l 714 i Street, Office Building #8 j Sacramento, California 95814 '

Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 827 7th Street, Rocm 424, California 95814 Ms, Helen Hubbard P. O. Box 63 Sunol, California 94586

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