Letter Sequence Other |
MONTHYEARML20206U7411999-05-18018 May 1999 Provides Summary of 990217-18 Visit to Rancho Seco Facility to Become Familar with Facility,Including Onsite ISFSI & Meeting with Representatives of Smud to Discuss Issues Re Revised Rancho Seco Ep,Submitted to NRC on 960429 Project stage: Meeting ML20209D2501999-06-24024 June 1999 Informs That Util Has Revised All Sections of Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (Rsep),Change 4,effective 990624 Project stage: Other 1999-05-18
[Table View] |
MONTHYEARML20217M8851999-10-0808 October 1999 Informs of Staff Determination That Listed Calculations Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790, as Requested in 990909 Affidavit ML20211J7731999-08-31031 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/99-03 on 990802-06.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Decommissioning & Dismantlement Activities,Verification of Compliance with Selected TS & Review of Completed SEs ML20211H7481999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Amend 126 to License DPR-54 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes Permanently Defueled Technical Specification (PDTS) D3/4.1, Spent Fuel Pool Level, to Replace Specific Reference to SFP Level Alarm Switches with Generic Ref 3F0799-22, Provides Update & Rev to Submittal Made by Util Ltr with Regard to EAL Classification Methodology for Unit 3.Reponses to NRC Staff Questions Provided as Attachment D to Ltr & Reflects Discussions Held1999-07-13013 July 1999 Provides Update & Rev to Submittal Made by Util Ltr with Regard to EAL Classification Methodology for Unit 3.Reponses to NRC Staff Questions Provided as Attachment D to Ltr & Reflects Discussions Held ML20210H9541999-07-0707 July 1999 Informs NRC of Change to Rancho Seco Decommissioning Schedule,As Described in Licensee Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept ML20209D2501999-06-24024 June 1999 Informs That Util Has Revised All Sections of Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (Rsep),Change 4,effective 990624 ML20196G0431999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Smud Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station ML20207E9181999-05-27027 May 1999 Informs That Effective 990328,NRR Underwent Reorganization. within Framework of Reorganization,Div of Licensing Project Mgt Created.Reorganization Chart Encl ML20195D1851999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Rancho Seco Annual Rept, IAW Plant Permanently Defueled TS D6.9.4 & D6.9.6b.Rept Contains Shutdown Statistics,Narrative Summary of Shutdown Experience,Er Info & Tabulation of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments ML20195B8511999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Change 4 to Rancho Seco Emergency Plan, Incorporating Commitments Made to NRC as Outlined in NRC .Emergency Plan Includes Two Listed Supporting Documents ML20206U7411999-05-18018 May 1999 Provides Summary of 990217-18 Visit to Rancho Seco Facility to Become Familar with Facility,Including Onsite ISFSI & Meeting with Representatives of Smud to Discuss Issues Re Revised Rancho Seco Ep,Submitted to NRC on 960429 ML20206M1611999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Listed Proprietary Calculations to Support Review of Rancho Seco ISFSI Sar.Proprietary Encls Withheld ML20206E8591999-04-12012 April 1999 Provides Info Re High Total Coliform Result in Plant Domestic Sewage Effluent Prior to Confluence with Combined Effluent.Cause of High Total Coliform Result Was Broken Flow Rate Instrument.Instrument Was Repaired on 990318 ML20204H6751999-03-19019 March 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/99-02 on 990309-11.No Violations Noted.Portions of Physical Security & Access Authorization Programs Were Inspected ML20204E4031999-03-16016 March 1999 Submits Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Rancho Seco,As Required by 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Plant Is Currently in Safstor, with Operating License Scheduled to Expire in Oct 2008 ML20204E6441999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Individual Monitoring Repts for Personnel That Required Radiation Exposure Monitoring During 1998 ML20204E6661999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Rancho Seco Exposure Rept for Individuals That Received Greater than 100 Mrem During 1998,IAW TS D6.9.2.2 & NRC Regulatory Guide 1.16 NL-99-002, Submits Info About Property Insurance for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3)1999-03-10010 March 1999 Submits Info About Property Insurance for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20207L1711999-03-10010 March 1999 Informs of Staff Determination That Supporting Calculations & Drawings Contained in Rev 2 of Sar, Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20207D4431999-03-0101 March 1999 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept, for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station for 1998 ML20207H6181999-02-18018 February 1999 Provides Attached Metrix & Two Copies of Rancho Seco ISFSI Sar,Rev 2 on Compact Disc,As Requested in 990209 Meeting. First Rounds of RAIs Dealt Primarily with Use of Cask as Storage Cask.Without Compact Disc ML20203D0761999-02-10010 February 1999 Ltr Contract:Task Order 37 Entitled, Technical Assistance in Review of New Safety Analysis Rept for Rancho Seco Spent Fuel Storage Facility, Under Contract NRC-02-95-003 ML20155D4431998-10-27027 October 1998 Forwards Amend 3 to Rancho Seco Dsar,Representing Updated Licensing Basis for Operation of Permanently Shutdown & Defueled Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility During Permanently Defueled Mode.With Instructions & List of Effective Pages NL-98-032, Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util1998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util ML20237A6031998-08-0707 August 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/98-03 on 980706-09.No Violations Noted ML20237A9481998-08-0303 August 1998 Forwards Smud 1997 Annual Rept, IAW 10CFR50.71(b),which Includes Certified Financial Statements IR 05000312/19980021998-07-15015 July 1998 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/98-02 ML20236J6331998-06-30030 June 1998 Forwards Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/98-02.Corrective Actions:Util Revised RSAP-1003 to Clarify District Security Staff Responsibilities Re Handling & Review of Criminal History Info ML20236E8211998-06-0303 June 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/98-02 on 980519-21 & NOV Re Failure to Review & Consider All Info Obtained During Background Investigation.Areas Examined During Insp Also Included Portions of Physical Security Program ML20217G8391998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Copy of Rancho Seco Monthly Discharger Self-Monitoring Rept for Mar 1998 ML20217F1891998-03-18018 March 1998 Forwards Signed Original & Amend 7 to Rancho Seco Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan & Rev 4 to Long Term Defueled Condition Training & Qualification Plan.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20217G6661998-03-18018 March 1998 Forwards Discharge Self Monitoring Rept for Feb 1998, Which Makes Note of One Wastewater Discharge Permit Violation ML20217H0451998-03-18018 March 1998 Submits Rancho Seco Exposure Rept for Individuals Receiving Greater than 100 Mrem During 1997,per TS D6.9.2.2 & Guidance Contained in Reg Guide 1.16.No One Exposed to Greater than 100 Mrem in 1997 ML20216K1091998-03-11011 March 1998 Forwards NRC Form 5 Individual Monitoring Repts for Personnel Who Required Radiation Exposure Monitoring,Per 10CFR20.1502 During 1997.W/o Encl ML20217N9531998-03-0505 March 1998 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/98-01. Corrective Actions:Radiation Protection Group Wrote Potential Deviation from Quality (Pdq) 97-0082 & Assigned Radiation Protection Action to Determine Cause & CAs ML20203H7001998-02-25025 February 1998 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan- Dec 1997, IAW 10CFR50.36a(a)(2) & TS D6.9.3.Revs to Radiological Environ Monitoring Manual & off-site Dose Calculation Manual,Encl NL-98-006, Submits Annual Rept of Property Insurance Levels for Rsngs, IAW 10CFR50.54(w)(3)1998-02-12012 February 1998 Submits Annual Rept of Property Insurance Levels for Rsngs, IAW 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20202G0131998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements & Master Worker Policy Certificate of Insurace for Facility ML20202C4641998-02-0505 February 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/98-01 on 980105-08 & Notice of Violation.Insp Included Decommissioning & Dismantlement Work Underway,Verification of Compliance W/Selected TS & Main & Surveillance Activities Associated W/Sfp ML20199A5881997-11-10010 November 1997 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/97-01.Corrective Actions:Reviewed SFP Water Temp & Instrument Calibr Records,Generated Otr 97-001 to Document out-of-tolerance Instrument & Generated Pdq 97-0064 ML20198R9501997-11-0505 November 1997 Requests Interpretation of or Rev to NUREG-1536, Std Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Sys, Re Compliance W/ 10CFR72.236(e) & 10CFR72.122(h)(4) for Dry Fuel Storage Casks ML20198K5391997-10-21021 October 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/97-04 on 970922-25 & Notice of Violation.Response Required & Will Be Used to Determine If Further Action Will Be Necessary ML20217D3101997-09-25025 September 1997 Forwards Update of 1995 Decommissioning Evaluation, for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generation Station & Annual Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund for Adequacy Re Assumptions for Inflation & Rate of Return ML20211F0991997-09-23023 September 1997 Forwards One Certified Copy of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Endorsement 120 for Policy MF-0075 for Smud Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility ML20198G8141997-08-22022 August 1997 Forwards Amend 125 to License DPR-54 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Permits Smud to Change TS to Incorporate Revised 10CFR20.Amend Also Revises References from NRC Region V to NRC Region IV ML20151L0281997-07-29029 July 1997 Provides Response to NRC Request for Addl Info Re TS Change,Relocating Administrative Controls Related to QA to Ufsar,Per NUREG-0737 ML20149E5031997-07-10010 July 1997 Second Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents. Forwards Records Listed in App C Being Made Available in Pdr.Records in App D Already Available in PDR ML20148P5161997-06-30030 June 1997 Second Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.App B Records Being Made Available in PDR ML20141A1721997-06-17017 June 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 50-312/97-03 on 970603-05.No Violations Noted.Areas Examined During Insp Included Portions of Physical Security Program NL-97-030, Forwards Endorsement 132 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 118 to Maelu Policy MF-0075 for Smuds Rsngs1997-05-13013 May 1997 Forwards Endorsement 132 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 118 to Maelu Policy MF-0075 for Smuds Rsngs 1999-08-31
MONTHYEAR3F0799-22, Provides Update & Rev to Submittal Made by Util Ltr with Regard to EAL Classification Methodology for Unit 3.Reponses to NRC Staff Questions Provided as Attachment D to Ltr & Reflects Discussions Held1999-07-13013 July 1999 Provides Update & Rev to Submittal Made by Util Ltr with Regard to EAL Classification Methodology for Unit 3.Reponses to NRC Staff Questions Provided as Attachment D to Ltr & Reflects Discussions Held ML20210H9541999-07-0707 July 1999 Informs NRC of Change to Rancho Seco Decommissioning Schedule,As Described in Licensee Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept ML20209D2501999-06-24024 June 1999 Informs That Util Has Revised All Sections of Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (Rsep),Change 4,effective 990624 ML20196G0431999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Smud Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station ML20195B8511999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Change 4 to Rancho Seco Emergency Plan, Incorporating Commitments Made to NRC as Outlined in NRC .Emergency Plan Includes Two Listed Supporting Documents ML20195D1851999-05-27027 May 1999 Forwards Rancho Seco Annual Rept, IAW Plant Permanently Defueled TS D6.9.4 & D6.9.6b.Rept Contains Shutdown Statistics,Narrative Summary of Shutdown Experience,Er Info & Tabulation of Facility Changes,Tests & Experiments ML20206M1611999-05-10010 May 1999 Forwards Listed Proprietary Calculations to Support Review of Rancho Seco ISFSI Sar.Proprietary Encls Withheld ML20206E8591999-04-12012 April 1999 Provides Info Re High Total Coliform Result in Plant Domestic Sewage Effluent Prior to Confluence with Combined Effluent.Cause of High Total Coliform Result Was Broken Flow Rate Instrument.Instrument Was Repaired on 990318 ML20204E4031999-03-16016 March 1999 Submits Rept of Status of Decommissioning Funding for Rancho Seco,As Required by 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Plant Is Currently in Safstor, with Operating License Scheduled to Expire in Oct 2008 ML20204E6441999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Individual Monitoring Repts for Personnel That Required Radiation Exposure Monitoring During 1998 ML20204E6661999-03-11011 March 1999 Forwards Rancho Seco Exposure Rept for Individuals That Received Greater than 100 Mrem During 1998,IAW TS D6.9.2.2 & NRC Regulatory Guide 1.16 NL-99-002, Submits Info About Property Insurance for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3)1999-03-10010 March 1999 Submits Info About Property Insurance for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20207D4431999-03-0101 March 1999 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept, for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station for 1998 ML20207H6181999-02-18018 February 1999 Provides Attached Metrix & Two Copies of Rancho Seco ISFSI Sar,Rev 2 on Compact Disc,As Requested in 990209 Meeting. First Rounds of RAIs Dealt Primarily with Use of Cask as Storage Cask.Without Compact Disc ML20155D4431998-10-27027 October 1998 Forwards Amend 3 to Rancho Seco Dsar,Representing Updated Licensing Basis for Operation of Permanently Shutdown & Defueled Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility During Permanently Defueled Mode.With Instructions & List of Effective Pages NL-98-032, Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util1998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util ML20237A9481998-08-0303 August 1998 Forwards Smud 1997 Annual Rept, IAW 10CFR50.71(b),which Includes Certified Financial Statements ML20236J6331998-06-30030 June 1998 Forwards Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/98-02.Corrective Actions:Util Revised RSAP-1003 to Clarify District Security Staff Responsibilities Re Handling & Review of Criminal History Info ML20217G8391998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Copy of Rancho Seco Monthly Discharger Self-Monitoring Rept for Mar 1998 ML20217H0451998-03-18018 March 1998 Submits Rancho Seco Exposure Rept for Individuals Receiving Greater than 100 Mrem During 1997,per TS D6.9.2.2 & Guidance Contained in Reg Guide 1.16.No One Exposed to Greater than 100 Mrem in 1997 ML20217F1891998-03-18018 March 1998 Forwards Signed Original & Amend 7 to Rancho Seco Long Term Defueled Condition Physical Security Plan & Rev 4 to Long Term Defueled Condition Training & Qualification Plan.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20217G6661998-03-18018 March 1998 Forwards Discharge Self Monitoring Rept for Feb 1998, Which Makes Note of One Wastewater Discharge Permit Violation ML20216K1091998-03-11011 March 1998 Forwards NRC Form 5 Individual Monitoring Repts for Personnel Who Required Radiation Exposure Monitoring,Per 10CFR20.1502 During 1997.W/o Encl ML20217N9531998-03-0505 March 1998 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/98-01. Corrective Actions:Radiation Protection Group Wrote Potential Deviation from Quality (Pdq) 97-0082 & Assigned Radiation Protection Action to Determine Cause & CAs ML20203H7001998-02-25025 February 1998 Forwards Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan- Dec 1997, IAW 10CFR50.36a(a)(2) & TS D6.9.3.Revs to Radiological Environ Monitoring Manual & off-site Dose Calculation Manual,Encl ML20202G0131998-02-12012 February 1998 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements & Master Worker Policy Certificate of Insurace for Facility NL-98-006, Submits Annual Rept of Property Insurance Levels for Rsngs, IAW 10CFR50.54(w)(3)1998-02-12012 February 1998 Submits Annual Rept of Property Insurance Levels for Rsngs, IAW 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20199A5881997-11-10010 November 1997 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-312/97-01.Corrective Actions:Reviewed SFP Water Temp & Instrument Calibr Records,Generated Otr 97-001 to Document out-of-tolerance Instrument & Generated Pdq 97-0064 ML20198R9501997-11-0505 November 1997 Requests Interpretation of or Rev to NUREG-1536, Std Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Sys, Re Compliance W/ 10CFR72.236(e) & 10CFR72.122(h)(4) for Dry Fuel Storage Casks ML20217D3101997-09-25025 September 1997 Forwards Update of 1995 Decommissioning Evaluation, for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generation Station & Annual Review of Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund for Adequacy Re Assumptions for Inflation & Rate of Return ML20211F0991997-09-23023 September 1997 Forwards One Certified Copy of Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Endorsement 120 for Policy MF-0075 for Smud Rancho Seco Nuclear Facility ML20151L0281997-07-29029 July 1997 Provides Response to NRC Request for Addl Info Re TS Change,Relocating Administrative Controls Related to QA to Ufsar,Per NUREG-0737 NL-97-030, Forwards Endorsement 132 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 118 to Maelu Policy MF-0075 for Smuds Rsngs1997-05-13013 May 1997 Forwards Endorsement 132 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 118 to Maelu Policy MF-0075 for Smuds Rsngs ML20138F5321997-04-28028 April 1997 Forwards Response to RAI Re License Amend 192,updating Cask Drop Design Basis Analysis,Per NRC 960510 Request for Addl Info on 960318 Application NL-97-027, Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Utility1997-04-17017 April 1997 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Utility ML20137W8091997-03-20020 March 1997 Forwards Biennial Update to Rancho Seco Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Rept ML20137S3571997-03-19019 March 1997 Provides Notification of Use of Revised Quality Manual for Activities Re Rancho Seco ISFSI ML20137D0981997-03-18018 March 1997 Submits Rancho Seco Exposure Rept for Individuals Receiving Greater than 100 Mrem During 1996.Provided IAW TS D6.9.2.2 & Guidance Contained in NRC Reg Guide 1.16.No One Exposed to Greater than 100 Mrem in 1996 ML20137D1221997-03-18018 March 1997 Submits,Iaw 10CFR20.2206 & TS D6.9.2.1,1996 NRC Form 5 Individual Monitoring Repts for Personnel Requiring Radiation Exposure Monitoring Per 10CFR20.1502 During 1996. W/O Encl NL-97-012, Submits Rept of Listed Current Levels of Property Insurance for Plant,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3)1997-02-11011 February 1997 Submits Rept of Listed Current Levels of Property Insurance for Plant,Iaw 10CFR50.54(w)(3) ML20138L1091997-01-29029 January 1997 Informs of Schedule Change Re Decommissioning of Rancho Seco.Incremental Decommissioning Action Plan,Encl NL-97-005, Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Utility1997-01-22022 January 1997 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Utility NL-96-056, Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util1996-12-16016 December 1996 Forwards Certified Copies of Listed Nuclear Liability Endorsements for Util ML20134E0041996-10-23023 October 1996 Forwards Response to NRC GL 96-04, Boraflex Degradation in Spent Fuel Pool Storage Racks ML18102B6871996-08-0606 August 1996 Informs That Util Will Revise Loading & Unloading Procedures & Operator Training as Necessary ML20149E4491994-05-16016 May 1994 Forwards 1993 Annual Rept of Sacramento Municipal Utility District,For Info ML20029E4601994-05-12012 May 1994 Forwards Response to NRC Bulletin 94-001, Potential Fuel Pool Drain-Down Caused by Inadequate Maint Practices at Dresden Unit 1. Util Plans to Move Spent Fuel Into Proposed Rancho Seco ISFSI by 1998 ML20149E3971994-05-10010 May 1994 Forwards Re Updated Decommissioning Cost Estimate for Rancho Seco & Attached Rept by Tlg Engineering,Inc. W/Svc List ML20029D3531994-04-28028 April 1994 Forwards Documents S11-25-003, Update of 1991 Decommissioning for Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station NL-94-008, Forwards Endorsement 118 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 106 to Maelu Policy MF-00751994-04-28028 April 1994 Forwards Endorsement 118 to Nelia Policy NF-0212 & Endorsement 106 to Maelu Policy MF-0075 1999-07-07
[Table view] |
(,,'l S M U D SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL' UTluTY DISTRICT C P. O. Box 1583o, Sacramento CA 95852-1830, (916) 452-3211 AN EL'ECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA NQA 99-072 June 24, 1999 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555
Docket No. 50-312 4
Rancho Seco Nuclear Station License No. DPR-54 10 CFR 50.54(q) 30 DAY REPORT OF EMERGENCY PLAN CHANGES Attention: Dr. Masnik In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q) and 10 CFR 50.4(b)(5)(ii), the District repons that it has revised all sections of Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (RSEP) Change 4, effective June 24,1999.
Based on a District evaluation, the District concluded this RSEP revision did not decrease the effectiveness of the RSEP and did not require NRC approval prior to 1[
implementation. The main purpose of the revision was to incorporate:
'Q l.
Applicable 10 CFR 50 and 10 CFR 72 emergency planning requireme..ts into the RSEP to accommodate (1) removing spent fuel assemblies from the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) in a cask and canister system and (2) transferring the fuel to the Rancho Seco Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for dry storage; and O
NRC review comments documented in R. Dudley (NRC) to S. Redeker (SMUD) letter dated May 18,1999, Review of Revised Rancho Seco Emergency Plan (TAC No. M98432).
The following is a summary of the substantive changes made as part of the RSEP Change 4 revision:
9907130085 990624 PDR ADOCK~05000312 r
RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERAMNG STATION O 14440 Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638-9799; (209) 333-2935
- v 4
Dr. Masnik. NQA 99-072 i
. General RSEP Change.3 1.
Incorporated State of California and Sacramento County comments into the revised RSEP,'
' 2.'
Included RSEP Section 9, Section 10, and Appendix B information into RSEP Sections 5,1, and 4, respectively, so RSEP Section 9, Section 10, ano Appendix B may be voided and the RSEP may be streamlined, 3,
. Deleted Evacuation and changed Dismissal to include the actions previously associated witr Evacuation, 4.'
Changed the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), which was limited to the Rancho Seco Industrial Area, to include the ISFSI location, and 5.
Deleted reference to Federal Eroergency Management Agency (FEMA) since (1) the EPZ is limited to the Industrial Area and (2) the RSEP does not require or include protective actions for protection of the general public.
RSEP Section 1 1.
No additional substantive changes beyond those described above.
. RSEP Section 2 1.
' Added the requirement to submit a 30-day wtitten report to the NRC following declaration of an emergency in accordance with 10 CFR 72.75, and 2.
Included a section on community right to know in accordance with 10 CFR 72.32 regarding information on hazardous chemicals used at Rancho Seco.
RSEP Section 3 S
Clarified and expanded the definition of Emergency Action I.evel (EAL) to include spent fuel, u
- ct. '
Dr. Masnik L NQA 99-072 RSEP Section 3 (Continued) i
- 2. -
Revised the definitions'for Unusual Event and Alert to (1) clarify the 1;urpose for declaring an emergency event and (2) provide an overview of the actions taken when an event is declared,.
Deleted the Protective Action Recommendation for Sacramento County to evacuate the Rancho Seco Park since the park and its access road are outside the EPZ,-
Revised the Emergency Action level (EAL) summary tables for the two
' emergency classifications (Unusual Event and Alert) to incorporate 10 CFR 4
50 and 72 aspects of spent fuel handling during cask loading activities,
'. including transpon to, and storage at, the ISFSI,-
1 5.-
Added a section on~ detecting accidents to provide gt..clance on when an emergency declaration should be made,
' 6.
Added a summary of licensing basis accidents to show the relationship between accident analyses and EALs, and 7.
Rc vised the Unusual Event and Alert response summary tables to describe the Rancho Seco and Sacramento County emergency responses when an Unusual Event or an Alert is declared.
- RSEP Section 4 --
i 1.
Added a summary of 12tters of Agreement and Contracts with off-site agencies to summarize local agency commitments and support for Rancho Seco during emergency conditions, -
e 2.
Addressed providing radiological information, dosimetry, and escorts to off-
~ ite medical personnel accessing Rancho Seco to ensure medical personnel s
protection upon entering the site, 3.
Updated law enforcement section to indicate that Sacramento County Sheriff or FBI assistance may be requested for suppon in more areas than just access control in accordance with the Rancho Seco security program, and i
f bw
- (
). I Dr. Masnik -~ NQA 99-072 I
RSEP Section 4 (Continued)
Deleted the Western Regional Radiological Emergency Mutual Assistance Agreement (WRREMAA) and the Sacramento County Radio
. Communications Contract from, and added the State Department of Health Services to, the list of letters of Agreement and Contracts.
. WRREMAA existed to restore a nuclear plant to a safe shutdown condition following an accident. This condition is not applicable to defueled plants.
j The Sacramento County Radio Communications service provided between the District off-site emergency facilities and State and County radiological monitoring organizations is not applicable during the defueled condition.
RSEP'Section 5 -
Reduced the number of Chem / Rad Decommissioning Technicians (C/RDT),
required to respond to the site within two hours for an emergency event, from three to one because (1) on-shift operators are qualified as RP Responders, (2) 1 a C/RDT is required on-shift during fuel handling operations, and (3) a Radiological Assessment Coordinatoris assigned to the TSC and is required to provide emergency response support Within two hours. This available support and response capabi!ity provides sufficient RP coverage du'ing potential emergency events, I
. Clarified the division between the Control Room and Technical Support
? Center (TSC) organizations consistent with the Emergency Plan
- Implementing Procedures (EPIPs),
Changed description of Fire Brigade to address fighting only incipient stage
- fires due to reduced fire hazard in radiological areas and a significant
- reduction in flammable liquids and hazardous materials at Rancho'Seco, 4.
Added the methods for notifying TSC personnel to activate the TSC as addressed in the EPIPs,-
c 5.
Modified the list of duti:s that the Emergency Coordinator (EC) is not allowed to delegate, clarified ' Authorize Emergency Exposure Limits for Emergen' y Workers,' and deleted ' Approval of Public Information Releases.'
c g
- (
o c
- Dr. Masnik ; NQA 99-072 RSEP Section 6 -
Updated the Unusual Event and. Alert response measures consistent with the
- changes made as addressed above for RSEP Secthn 3, 2.
Deleted the Rancho Seco Park closure / evacuation recommendation since protective action guidelines are not exceeded beyond the EPZ (i.e., the Rancho Seco Industrial Area, including the ISFSI),
' Expanded the Industrial Area' Boundary radiation dose projection information to include unmonitored gaseous releases that could potentially occur when the Fuel Storage Building roll-up doors are open during fuel off-load activities.
The default value for an unmonitored release while handling one fuel assembly is 10 mrem. Each additional damaged fuel assembly is assumed to contribute an additional'10 mrem to the two-hour integmted accident dose.
The maximum release is for a fully loaded dropped cask event (24 fuel assemblies or 240 mrem),
h~ '
4, Updated Protective Action descriptions to address notifying plant' personnel of hazards and the actions they must take to protect themselves, 5.
Revised the Radiation Exposure Control section to invoke the current y
dosimetry program and establish the standard for exposure control duriug emergency response, L
- 6. '
Changed the emergency exposure limits in ac.;ordance with EPA 400-R 001 to correct the previously listed limits, c 7.
. Added a dAscription of respiratory equipment issue and use requirements for emergency response activities, 8.'
Clarified that Security response to events during emergencies is conducted in coordination with the emergency organization to protect on-site personnel, 9.!
Specified Operations Casualty procedure OP-C.53 as the guide for requesting medical suppon from off-site agencies, t --
k Dr. Masnik
. NQA 99-072
' RSEP Section 7 l
Described the Control Room as the initial Emergency Response Facility to better describe the Control Room function, and added the NRC Headquarters to the list of agencies that are provided emergency notification from the.
Control Room, -
Clarified (1) the time limit for activating the Technical Support Center (TSC),
- (2) the emergency response ~ supplies contained in the TSC, and (3) that the
. TSC is activated for an Alert classification emergency event to better describe TSC use during emergency events, 3.
- Added information from the Defueled Safety Analy;is Report (DSAR) on
.. Control Room and TSC availability to address that it is not necessary to designate relocation facilities for the Control Room and TSC, and
. 4.
Removed reference to flashing amber lights and intennittent sounding horns previously used in high operating plant noise areas to alert personnel that the emergency siren had been activated. Since high plant operational noise areas
. no longer exist, the flashing lights and intermittent horns are not needed.
Decommissioning noise levels are localized, intermittent, and much lower
. than previous cont'.nuously high operational plant noise areas.
RSEP Section 8-1.
Referenced A 1erican Red Cross standards as re-cenification requirements to clarify Emergency Team training requirements,
( 2.'-
' Specified the Radiation Protection / Chemistry (RP/ Chem) department as the
. group responsible for developing, planning, scheduling, and conducting emergency drills and exercises, 3.
- Included a requirement to (1) invite the NRC to observe and invite local agencies. to" participate in the annual emergency exercise and (2) provide a
/ copy of annual exercise objectives and scenario to the NRC for comment at least 60 days prior to the annual exercise,-
t L1
_q l
o Dr. Masnik NQA 99-072 RSEP Section 8 (Continued)'
Added the requirement to renew the Letters of Agreement and contracts specified in RSEP Section 4 at least every four years or as necessary, and J
. 5.
Changed the RP/ Chem internal RSEP review requirement from annual to biennial, consistent with the biennial EPIP review requirement. The Quality Assurance group continues to conduct an annual audit of the emergency preparedness program.
The District submitted an information copy of the revised RSEP and the associated 10 CFR 50.59 determination and 10 CFR 50.54(q) evaluation under separate cover (i.e., S. Redeker (SMUD) to R. Dudley (NRC) letter MPC&D 99-087, dated May 27, 1999, " Rancho Seco Emergency Plan, Change 4").
Members of your staff requiring additional information or clarification may contact
Mr. Steve Nicolls at (916) 732-4850.
l Sincerely, t
erry Delezenski Supervisor Quality Assurance / Licensing / Administration cc:
_ E. W. Merschoff, NRC, Arlington, Texas (2 copies) g.
R. Dudley, NRC, Rockville 4
1 l