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Forwards Requested Addl Info Re Proposed Amend 147 to License DPR-54 & Plant Electrical Distribution Sys.Single Failure at Switch 52-4B202 Has No Safety Impact
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 10/30/1987
From: Firlit J
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AGM-NPP-87-348, TAC-63030, NUDOCS 8711100396
Download: ML20236L543 (20)


{{#Wiki_filter:, 1 ( ( $~)SMUD SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL' UTILITY DISTRICT C P. O. Box 15830, Sacramento CA 95852 1830,1916) 452-3211 ,f AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART OF CALIFORNIA OCT 3 0 N .AGM/NPP 87-348 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Frank J. Miraglia, Jr. Ass'ociate. Director for Projects Philips Bldg. 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 DOCKET 50-312 RANCHO SEC0 NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION j LICENSE N0. DPR-54 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO.147

Dear Mr. Miraglia:

As a. result of. discussions with the staff on Proposed Amendment No.147 and the Rancho Seco electrical distribution system, additional information was requested. Attached is the requested information. This includes questions, as we understood them, and the District response. i Please contact me if you have any questions. Members of your staff with questions requiring additional information or clarification may contact Robert Roehler at extension 4918. Sincerel, ose F. Firlit Assistant. General Manager, Nuclear Power Production Attachment i l cc: J. B. Martin, NRC, Walnut Creek (. G. Kalman, NRC, Bethesda w/atch l-A. D' Angelo, NRC, Rancho Seco w/atch I (jlljDDCKo396 07103o 05000312 P PDR RANCHO sECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION O 14440 Twin Cities Road, Herald, CA 95638 9799;(209) 333-2935

s 1' { l RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTION QUESTION (VERBAL)': I With reference to drawing E-207, Sht. 3B, Rev. O, analyze the effect of switch 52-4A202 being closed, diesel generator GEA2 paralleled to the of.fsite power, and a single failure at switch 52-48202.


As these two switches have a single key, which is held captive in the closed position, a ' single failure of all contacts on switch 52-4B202 would be physically possible. Therefore, a single failure at switch 52-4B202 would be l limited to a single short across terminals, i For.this discussion see attached switch identification points for the i following analysis: Short between any 4 and any 7 terminals would blow the fuses to switch 52-4A202 from bus 4A2.- If diesel generator GEA2 is not paralleled this will prevent paralleling. If diesel generator GEA2 is paralleled there I would be' no impact. In either case, there would be'no safety impact. j Short between any 3 and any G terminals would blow the fuses to switch 52-4B202 from bus 482. This would prevent paralleling of diesel generator 1 GEB2, which has no safety impact. 1 Short between terminals 7A and 8A, 78 and 8B, 7A and 8B, 7B and 8A, 3A and l 4A, 3B and 48, 3A and 4B, or 3B and 4A, would not complete any circuit ) and, therefore, would have no impact other than on the capability to parallel' diesel generator GEB2, which has has no safety impact. Short betweer 3D and 4D terminals does not complete a circuit by itself, f Therefore, this short has no safety impact. i The conclusion is that a single failure at switch 52-48202 has no safety j impact. Also, even in the event of a double failure (i.e., short) as follows there is no safety impact: A double direct short (i.e., no resistance in short; a resistance short j would blow the fuses to the switches) between 7A and 8A, and 7B and 88 l would cause the 460 voltage balance relay to alarm as indicated on drawing i E-104, Sht. 8, Rev. O. Thereby, operator would take action and this would l result in no safety impact. A double direct short between 3A and 4A, and 3B and 48 would be evident on voltmeter at cubicle S4B200 and would have no safety impact. 1 i Page ) of 19 l C _ __

[ ' ". ge_. j7 r ,E i RESPONSE T0 NRC. QUESTION-(Cont.). j i } Even a complete failure of switch 52-48202.(i.e., both switches 52-4A202 5 and 52-48202 closed simultaneously, which as previously noted is f physically impossible) would still Lnot cause GEB2 to be closed to GEA2 or 3 result in any detrimental effects. Diesel generator GEA2 can only be l paralleled to Startup Transformer No.1 and diesel generator GEB2 is 1 interlocked to prevent paralleling with Startup Transformer No.1. l l .The previous analysis is equivalent' for GEB2, Startup Transformer No. 2 l and GEA2. . The above analyses were based on paralleling'the diesel generator to the 4160V bus and thereby to the offsite power. The equivalent analysis would 3 apply if the paralleling to the offsite power were to take place across bus supply breakers 52-4A203, 52-4A207, 52-4B203 or 52-48207. Therefore, due to the interlocking that prevents GEA2-from being paralleled to Startup Transformer No. 2 and GEB2 from being paralleled to Startup Transformer No.1, even a complete failure of any switch 52-4A202, 4A203, 4A207, 4B202, 4B203 or 4B207 will not result in paralleling of GEA2 and-GEB2; or result in any detrimental effects. 1 ] t .s - Page 2 of 19 w___-__

RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTION QUESTION: (2) Page 8 (n)..- Reg. Guide 1.9, Position 7, recommends retaining other protective trips, beside overspeed and differential, only with coincident logic. Low lube oil' pressure trip should have a coincident logic. 1 ( ' RESPONSE: I The TDI' diesel generators have coincident logic, 2 out of 3, for tripping on ~ low labe oil. i .I l l 0 1 l1 Page 3 of 19 l -.

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'a .\\ L 3 .( ,5 'p 'S ,g J 1, 1 # 3 p j 1 , l h h'g \\ '\\ A . \\) ]d '%8 1, p .,}_ a, f( i' fpSDONSE T0 I!E' QUESTION 1 j j +^ y3 p 8 .c 9 Od,,jUdd: ,\\ l') l' ~,, l 3 \\ n il. -l-ECN't-374S,-3Elt%-](i . t >) i 1 sN 1 s )(t (i!1 Page.8 l: ) - Pgsf tf n 7 of Reg. Gu ne l'9 requires Eypass circuitry to t meet IEEE!279 c/71 rdgerements at the system level and should include ~ the .T three listeQi. Jabi?ities. Confirm Rancho Seco compliance. ')' a,3 , 7;t l s


6 ,/ s .t i The TCfy.f etW1 generator installation complies with R. G.1.9, Section C.7, l bypass"circijtry compliance with indicated IEEE 2T9-1971 capabilities as follows: .s r -

41) 'The operabiWty of the bypassing circuit is tested at each refueling j


outage, j

,(s si g s .( (2);. Any bypasse j ' trip is alarmed in the Control Room upon activation. 1


(3) The reset of shq. hj?ns initiating' signal,(ESFAS) must be manually .y reset.

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~ [, f( V. ? J:. @.s a. xQUESTION:. \\ s: v. 3 ,} 'ECN:A-3748,lREY. 5; '9' o 3 q o +m :(4). Page19.l(T) -l'DG.' Inoperative": alarm is-- provided-in the, main control ! room E F. '.: computer. : Verbala commitment made in past;to: design this" alarm as Class IE.

Confirm.this': commitment. -.

x, ~ \\.i = .:\\ 4y h


? H s M JThi;commitmentito/the NRC's Mr.1Ed;Tomlinson was ifor aD eismiclClassil.


~ S a y,b,, ? indication':of, seven -indicated..TDI: Diesel. Generator-trouble' alarms in.the. J ^ control room.. : The, traditional "DG Inoperative" alarms will ; continue to report. 1

on.IDADS. The: term Class:1E is:not applicable' to mild environments at' Rancho i

'Seco, only.Clessil meaning seismically qualified.. ( wf: n 3.- 1 s s; e, 3 s y !!.'k I s I (- jn l f l 1 s !( ( i .1 T t (.' 9 ,4, a Page 5 of 19 i@

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i,. v;;Q4 ~ - ' ~ ~ - - ~ ~ - - ~- -- -- v + L.1; g., n - - g(s u 1-u n., 4, r. RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTION, ,'l.


1 ECN A-3748, REV.LS: . (5)?- Confirm that the. EDG' qualification' meets. thearequirement 'of ' Reg. : Guide - 4

1.89. and'1'.9.-and ; test capabilities will-be in' accordance
with ' Reg.. Guide 1 108 and. GDC 11,8.

y 1 n,c ' RESPONSE:. N "~ ', ;The TDI. diesel generator' installation meets IEEE'323-1974' for. mild. .c. environment. ? As. Reg.L Guide 1.89-primarily;; deals with harsh environment', it~ f 'r twas. not invoked. This installation meets the qualification. requirements'of. Reg.--Guide-l'.9; specifically. Reg. Guide.l.100.'.. This; installation: also meets : the, testing requirements of. Reg. Guide 1'.108. and'GDC 18; j d 4 -j l i *r i a j t '1 g' i s -j a s I Page 6 of 19 .i N_. '

m. -

y. 1; ; ^ RESP.0NSE TO NRC QUESTION: QUESTION: ENCLOSURE 5 -' DESCRIPTION OF THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ,1 1 <(2) Table'1 (auto sequence starting) Note l'.- Does the. sequencer operate.on

loss of offsite power.'(LOOP) only ~and ~ sequences:the shutdown load. ' For a: LOOP:

on-one, bus,.the associated EDG starts 'and connects to the bus. Do the shutdown load starts-or sequencing 'is blocked.. If sequencing is blocked Land. an SI signalcomes, how unblocking is accompl_ished safety loads are started. - Explain the scenario.


. -) : r / All. loads l required for a' safe shutdown'are' automatically loaded on' to;their diesel generator in the event _ of-a < loss of power to. the. diesel generator.'s . 4160V bus. In 'all modes of ' operation tho sequencer provides the sequenceds l permissive tolthe connected loads.. For loads only required in the event of an

ESFAS, the completion of the closing, circuit is 'accomp1.ished by an ESFAS contact closure.-

I r .I a i Page 7 of 19 L


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RESPONSE TO NRC-QUESTION ? " QUESTION: L l ENCLOSURE:5 - DESCRIPTION OF THE: TABLE.3'AND ECN R-0955. 4 (3) - Thh four:25kva; deleted inverters were supplied from 125VDC buses SOA,-. S0B, SOC and S0D and were respectively supplying 120Y AC buses S1 A, S18, S1C. i ~ nd S10. Theinew 25kva inverters are each supplying an additional bus as per-a ' Fign2-and 3 of


5 and the. sketch'with ECN R-0955..:Is the inverter > l' sufficient'.for both buses. loads. They should be' qualified as Class 1E as ~ - inverters.- l 1 RESPONSE:' The maximum combined load of; the respective.120V AC buses on each NSEB'- inverter < is-14.2kva, which _is.well. below the inverter's rating of. 25kva. ' The inverter.-. static' transfer switch and maintenance bypass switch.are qualified.- 1 1

l I

l r.-: l. [,; i L i j. Page 8 of 19 i< ___._._______________.___.._____________________a

V l p ;r }.. RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTIONS l l QUESTION: ECN A-3660'- APPENDIX D i -(1) Page D-3, Item 5. Transformer NSST is shown to be capable of. overload l (109.3%) for a period of more than 4 hours without any degradation. GDC 17 requires both capacity and capability of the offsite power to perform its i safety function. Cumulative effect of overloading is not identified in this .i ECN. Also the capability-of this power with references to the consequential i voltages on safety buses and the equipuent are not furnished. SMUD response j to NRC question _12 is already considered. i i RESPONSE-GDC 17 states that the system should be capable to perform it's function under . anticipated operational occurrences. - The indicated theoretical overload is not an anti _cipated operational occurrence. To reach this theoretical overloaded condition-the following would 'all have to happen: - Loss of Startup Transformer No. 2 offsite power, source. - Loss of both diesel generators, DGB and DGB2. - Operate three (3) 100% capacity HPI/ Makeup Pumps. - - A design basis accident. Furthermore, even if this could happen it would obviously be a one time occurrence in the life of Rancho Seco and, therefore, would not represent any cumulative effect on the life of the Nuclear Station Service Transformer. Pa8e 9 of 19 a.

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+ ,. v. I= h' a. .,..g l~.I'k- } ' -~ + n o., u 4 9: 3.. h RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTION 1 1 '1 -QUESTION: H, i ECN A-3660 - APPENDIX D ~ l ^



(2) Page.D-4,.: Item' 9.=

Non-op'erative ' alarm forl.;the battery charger 'should' be : like the DG.inoperativ.e". alarm as in Question 4 on ECN A-3748.'. n q RESP 0 NEE: l ~ .j There has been no previous-l discussion on extending the. commitment made to the-j . NRC's' Mr.1Ed Tomlinson for selected DG trouble seismically qualified-alarms to - -:other systems.. Nor. do Lwe'see any need or. requirement to-de so. i i -l i c I l I l l Page 10 of 19

r 4 RESPONSE TO NRC QUESTION I QUESTION: ECH R-1045 The operator transfers load to EDG when bus voltage is 4500 or 237.5kv grid vol tage. Confirm that EDG can be synchronized at 4500 volts and no detrimental effect will be caused.


i ) As stated in the Amendment 147 Technical Specification, Safety Analysis for i items in Section 'III, the operator will start taking action at 4500Y and j complete transferring loads to the diesel generators before the bus. voltage ~ reaches 4626V. The diesel generators have been tested up to 4700V and no-detrimental effect was caused. Also, upon opening the normal bus supply breaker, after paralleling is complete, the diesel generator operating mode will automatically change from DROOP to ISOCHRONOUS. Once this occurs the generator _ voltage will automatically be returned to it's preset point (nominally 4160V). I I 1 l l ) l i l Page 11 of 19

I' f TECH SPEC REQUESTS FROM NRC (IQBAL AHMED) I October 21, 1987 i NRC Concern: ECN R-1045 has the operators paralleling the diesel-with offsite power when the 4kV bus voltage increased through 4500Y and procedures to reduce this voltage have not stopped the increase. The concern is that the onsite emergency power sources are connected to an abnormal' offsite source. This exposuro would occur for each 4kV Class 1 bus as it is reconfigure to the diesel and this is considered a potential common mode failure (Reference GDC 17 and Branch Technical Position ISCP-8). District Response: The District commits to not parallel the emergency diesels f except for testing. The offsite supply breakers to the Class 1 buses will be tripped before the buses are exposed to 4626 volts. NRC Request: In the District's October 2,1986 submittal of Proposed Technical Specification Amendment 147 under SRP 8.3.1 Requirements, Section 4 Standby Power Supplies, paragraph concerning reliability and operation item "d" - preventative i maintenance program; the response states that applicable. l 1 recommendations of the TDI Owners Group will be incorporated into the TDI diesel generator preventative maintenance program. Add a statement that all the SRP requirements will be adequately i addressed. District Response: { The HRC and the TDI Owners Group have agreed upon the J preventative maintenance required for the TDI diesel generators ) and published these in NUREG 1216 ( August 1986). Technical i Specification 4.6.3.C.1 a) and b) both reference the recommendations made by the TDI Owners Group. The District comniitted to implement the maintenance and preventive maintenance requirements of NUREG 1216 in our February 20, 1987 l (JEW 87-232) submittal. 1 1 Page 12 of 19

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{s/OMUD CALCULATION: SHEET SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT O 6201SStreet.P.O. Box 15830.SacrarnentoCA958521830(916) 452 3211

-o ' ORIGINATOR DATE. CALC.NO. !4*L' 64 /"ZD'A b/A Y 8'J - CHECKED SUBJECT-' l' A & 4 (W- ,l0.- $b2'i%/ 01 lt. 2"V13 *5 'E 05'1k 0V A, SHEET OF' .. p i .i 2 b 4 i 6 7 s i L 613O PEC Pr4' ! ; 72 Yth' ~ l . IN VER T.:R ~ n i Aux. bum l N 5.ES (;< V A ) 12 > lA C '0l A 5lA L -l 'N

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October 27,.1987 } Selected pages from. Calc Z-EDS-E0104, Rev.1, per request of - ' October 21, 1987. i I f I i i i .] ] 'l -1 I l l l i i 1 l l 1 l l s Page 14 of 19 b:

CALCULATION COVER SHEET SMD SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT C 6201SStreet.P.O.Dox15830.SocrementoCA9585218301916) 452-3211 calc. wo. svaxci Un bErt \\)0 L7 AGE / UV ) d Ovs?? V6L.7 AGE (MJ \\ RELAV E s,'TlblG E.,L E.[C.SMiTCHC6 ):l': S~ $"h/N &~ 17 0 / ovauty cGis i / C0tmNUO ON M 1 A- ,,,,, 3 "" " "' / l N RECORD OF ORIGINAL ISSUE AND REV1310NS SMUD ORIGINATED CALCS CEPT WJ- ' 870VW or se navisioN ossCaienoN 04T onio. Cxn. Q O(h GI N A L. }[ftJE 9-20-8 4 Cet Vf7AaliC st{ES T I G u lbt r\\L fE Wr/oA/ ll-14-8h Go, W W/gk r l 1 J l RESULTS OF CHECKER REVIEW l I 9E%l$10N NC. litM OtSCRIPnON I E l S ~~~ ~~ 0","C!WN#CJan'n80'N! cts'sM' " ' iMn= M p3 gg si FICANT NEC $sARY OHRE T N ARE MADE. IMTIAL AYTAr*W$ CHECK MADE BY ATTACH (O ALTERNATE INITIAL f4.:0 7 C ALCUL ATIONS. SHEETS DATE ecg.o ee rsir cate_. we-usuiss cat.c. z-soc-sootf (A.Ce f.2,9C.,) 1 l I l l l A QE e V ek:#$ u-1.s-rg , %TAL. No of CHT't 6 esEEam B A. Schm'itier f@MTmats E5 ///iy/5 omanaron C. K VoHre 4 ( M%6 - () ( (p C 9-z6-RG, r CHECKER $ g, ggQ \\ [c,k.[s.M-(A,,,,,_, Q {. g F,,.," gf /g, /g g f.[ggM/ b 'l[M SUPVY, REvtEW h d PPINTE6 NAME StGNATURE 7 'INffiAL OISCIPtlNE DATE swuo.ists cas ) Page 15 of 19 ]

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L Page 17 of 19

I9 O .O ' r %)cs CALCULATI'dN CHEET' 2'-e~Df-M.... calc.No A* M '2.I21 Nt b IM SIGNATURE . (fL DATE CHECKED DATE PROJECT 7AO'M $E(o MN JOB NO. ' SUBJECT UONW3M F'dMP\\/07/V# WN SHEET OF '2 1 SHEETS serrm6s nw ese s u.)a A, 3, 4 S Q Ut VA c dAJ 7',Vo c.rA G 68 G)< eM G4 4 a "kk i Y~*'9;' 3 ~ y Jt 9 P. y 45& %,: o m 3 s ~ E m, 15m m 4, b . A t/ L&* /.'S/ W 'A HW E 00 0 h 4s, V' a N 2 @>) 09 9 m w b v Fw W G h. S_ xs Q 's is g 14 Th ,f ) is J s O L 'Q a a 3 'G is . :s i T ~ n )9 T U 5A h h D l bgl .6 Q g o L % i, \\T { re, is h+ll -w ga* m >I is a -s. y awj } d,, r* gi f> m "Ej zo i y >ij@f W g- '[ $w h-I ~ ma { tk b j /' e. 3 2 h w, Tu x,g $uRi Y h h ? - @Ikkstifh!' e' s ei e3 c _ _ y. s e u e9 i a e -~ ..- n , 2,. r ~ m < m l s "k/ 28 u o,8 n 'Nt s ^mo? I ; on. [) '. c:J g u o l b l N 9 t Oc 6% W (a.5g' O" Es-o 5 dW6$ u ~%z sy d b 6@@@ ~ 9 o$ as s e4 ~

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