ML20006G110 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Rancho Seco |
Issue date: | 02/26/1990 |
From: | Holahan G Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TAC-75068, NUDOCS 9003050061 | |
Download: ML20006G110 (3) | |
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i q-February. 26. 1990-q, :,
NRC & Local"PDRs h
PD5 Reading.
-Mr. David Boggs C. Trenne11
-General Manager J. Zwolinski Sacramento Municipal Utility District P.'Shea 6201 5 Street, P.O. Box 15830 S. Reynolds
- Sacramento, California 95813 OGC E. Jordan
Dear Mr. Boggs:
INTERIM RELIEF REGARDING REVISIONS TO THE UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS-REPORT (TACNO.75068) 1 By letter dated October 12, 1989, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
(SMUD), the operators of the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station, requested exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71. This section of the Federal regulations requires licensees to submit annual revisions to the Updated Safety
' Analysis Report (USAR). The USAR is a comprehensive document which describes the facility and includes the associated safety' analyses. The annual USAR re-visions update the document to incorporate any facility modifications that were completed during the previous year. When submitted to the NRC, the revised USAR is required to reflect the plant status to within six r.onths of the submission date.
In response to the SMUD exemption request, the NRC staff will authorize an extension for.the submission of the next USAR revision. The extansion will require the licensee to-submit the next USAR update no later than June 22, 1990.
When updated in' June 1990,~the USAR will include a' current description of the facility through December 1989. The updated USAR_will essentially describe the facility as it existed when the licensee decided to terminate power operations and proceed with decommissioning. There is minimal safety significance to the extension request since the reactor is currently defueled.
4 The NRC staff has commenced the administrative process to grant an-appropriate-exemption to reflect the extension for submitting the revised USAR.
In-the i,
I interim, this letter grants an immediate waiver of compliance to the schedule n
requirements of'10 CFR 50.71 since adherence to the schedule would not serve a useful purpose at this time.
L original signed by John Zwolinski l'-
Gary M. Holahan, Acting Director fi% -
Division of Reactor Projects - III IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation w
cc: See next page h
- See previous conc ce M
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WASHINGTON, D C. 20666 t
February 26, 1990 e
Docket No. 50-312 Mr. David Boggs..
General Manager e
3 Sacramento Municipal Utility District
,6201 S Street, P.O. Box 15830 1
-Sacramento, California 95813 1
Dear Mr. Boggs:
By letter dated October 12, 1989, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District 1
(SMUD),theoperatorsoftheRanchoSecoNuclearGeneratingStation, requested exemption from the~ requirements of 10 CFR 50.71. This section of.the Federal regulations requires licensees-to submit annual revisions to-the-Updated Safety _
AnalysisReport(USAR). The USAR is a comprehensive document which describes-the facility-and includes the associated safety analyses. The annual USAR re-visions update the document'to incorporate any facility-modifications that were completed during the-previous year. When submitted to the NRC, the revised USAR'
'is required _to-ref. lect the plant status to within six months of the submission date.
In response to the SMUD exemption request, the NRC staff will authorize an extension for the submission of the next USAR revision. The extension will require the licensee to submit the next USAR update no later than June 22, 1990.
When updated in June 1990, the USAR will include a current description of the j
facility through December 1989. The updated USAR will essentially describe the j
facility as it existed when the. licensee decided to terminate power operations and proceed with decommissioning. There is minimal safety significance to the extension request since the reactor is currently defueled.
The.NRC staff has commenced the administrative process to grant an appropriate i
exemption to reflect the extension for submitting the revised USAR.
In the 1
interim, this letter grants an immediate waiver of compliance to the schedule requirements of 10 CFR 50.71 since adherence to the schedule would not serve a useful purpose at this time.
Gary M Holahan, Acting Director Division of Reactor Projects - Ill IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page
- f. L l
Mr. David Boggs Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station cc:
Mr. Dan R. Keuter Mr. John Bartus Assistant General Manager, Nuclear.
Ms. JoAnne Scott Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Federal Energy Regulatory Comission 14440 Twin Cities Road 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.
Herald, Californis 95638-9799 Washington D.C.
20425 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.
Ms. Helen Hubbard Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge P. O. Box 63 2300 N Street, N.W.
Sunol, California 94586 Washington, D.C.
20037 Environmental Conservation Mr. Gteven Crunk Organization Manager, Nuclear Licensing Suite 320 i
Sacramento. Municipal Utility District 101 First Street Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Los Altos, California 94022 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Ms. Jan Schori, General Counsel Sacramento Municipal Utility District Mr. Robert B. Borsum, Licensing 6201 S Street i
Representative P.O. Box 15830 Babcock & Wilcox Sacramento, California 95813 l
Nuclear Power Division L
'1700 Rockville Pike - Suite 525
Rockville, Maryland 20852 l
Resident Inspector / Rancho Seco l'
c/o U. S. N. R. C.
'14440 Twin Cities Road l
Herald, California 95638 L'
Regional Administrator, Region V I
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1450 Maria. Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 i
Mr. John Hickman l
Senior Health Physicist Environmental Radioactive Management l
Unit Environmental Management Branch State Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Room 616 Sacramento, California 95814 l
Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 700 H Street, Suite 2450 Sacramento, California 95814 1
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