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Forwards NRC Understanding of Current Status of Unimplemented USIs at Plant,Per Generic Ltr 89-21.Results Presented to Commission at 900214 Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 03/27/1990
From: Reynolds S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Keuter D
GL-89-21, TAC-74538, NUDOCS 9004060421
Download: ML20012E841 (4)


14 arch 27,1990 o


  • Docket No. 50 312 plSTRIF.UTION t spesetfue2 E. Jordan


hRC Local PDRs K. Eccleston 005 Readin')

OGC Mr. Dan R. Keuter J. Zwolins r.1 ACR$(10) i Assistant General Manager C. Trassnell PDS Gray File Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station P. Shea 14440 Twin Cities Reed S. Reynolds Herald, California 95638-9799 l


Dear Mr. Keuter:


UN!MPLEMENTEDUNRESOLVEDSAFETYISSUESATRAftCHOSECO(TACE 0.74538) e On October 19,1989, thestaffissuedGenericLetter(GL)8921whichrequested information concerning the status of implementation of unresolved safety issues (US15) at your f acility. Based on your response to this GL, dated November 30, i

1989, our review of Agency records and discussions between your staff and the NRC Project Manager, the NRC staff has conpiled the enclosed list representing our assessment of US1 isolementation. These results were presented to the Com-mission at a meeting on Februery 14, 1990.

The enclosure to this letter presents the staff understanding of the current status of all unimplemented U515 for Rancho Seco.

l l

If you hav9 ouestions or comments about the enclosed information please contact us.

l Sincerely, i

I original signed by Steven A. Reynolds Steven A. Reynolds, Project Manager Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projects - 111 IV, Y and Special Projects j

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page i


$P/D:PDS PShea SReynolds:sg ell 3/ /


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UNITa0 aTAf ts l


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W AbH140 TON, D. C. PMM k,.....,

March 27, 1990 i

Docket No. 50 312


l Mr. Dan R. Keuter Assistant General Manager Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating $tation l

14440 Twin Cities Road i

Herald, California 95638 9799 i

Dear Mr. Keuter



On October 19,1989 the staff issued Generic Letter GL) 89 21 which reevested I

information concernIng the status of implementation o unresolved safety issues (U$15) at your f acility.

Based on your response to this GL, dated November 30, l

1989, our review of Agency records and discussions t'etween your staff and the NRC Project Manager, the NRC staff has compiled the enclosed list representing our assessment of US! im>1ementation. These results were presented to the Com-nission at a m eting on r bruary 14,1990.

e i

The enclosure to this letter presents the staff understanding of the current status of all unimplemented 051s for Rancho Seco.

If you have questions or comments about the enclosed information please contact us.

Sincerely, i

4 4


Steven A. Reynolds, Project Manager l

Project Directorate V i

Division of Reactor Projects - 111 IV, Y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation i


i As stated cc w/ enclosure:

see next page 1

I e

l i

i 4


1-l ut; Mr. Den R. Keuter Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station cc:

General Manager Mr. John Bartus Mr. David Boggs,ipal Utility District Sacramento Munic Ms. JoAnne Scott 6201 S Street Federal Energy Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 15830 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.

Sacramento, California 95813 Washington, D.C.

20425 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Ms. Helen Hubbard Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge P. O. Box 63 2300 N Street, N.W.

Sunol, California 94586 Vashington, D.C.

20037 s.

C Environmental Conservation tir. Steven Crunk Organization Manager, Nuclear Licensing Suite 320 Sacramento Municipal Utility District 101 First Street Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Los Altos, California 94022 14440 Twin Citits Road Ferald, Cali e nia 95638-97M Ms. Jan Schori General Counsel SacramentoMunicipalUtilityDistrict Mr. Robert B. Borsum, LicentioO 6201 S Street Representative P.O. Box 15830 Babcock & Wilcox Sacramento, California 95813 Nuclear Pcwer Division 1700 Rockville Pike - Suite 525 Rockville, Maryland 2085E Resident inspector / Rancho Seco c/o U. S. N. R, C.

1A440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638 Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1450 tiaria Lane. Suite 210

' Walnut Creek, California 94596 tir. John Hickman Senior Health Physicist Environmental Radioactive Management Unit Environmental Management Branch State Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Room 616 Sacramento, California 95814 Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 700 H Street. Suite 2450 Sacramento, California 95814 (12) 1






TITLE Remarks A-9 Anticipated Transients With-Hardware Changes Remain.

outScram(ATWS)per Indefinitely Postponed i

10 CFR 50.62 Due to Plant Closure.

A-44 Station Blackout Hardware, Procedures, and Training Changes Remain.

Indefinitely Postponed Due to Plant Closure.

A-46 Seismic Qualification Awaiting Supplemental of Equipment in Operating SER and SQUG Guidance.

Plants A-47 Safety Implication of Evaluation of Issue Control System in LWR Remains.

Indefinitely Nuclear Power Plants Postponed Due to Closure.

P 1
