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Confirmation of Action Ltr 86-10 Providing Addl Guidance on Requirements for Restart.Restart Not Approved Until Util Submits Readiness Assessment & Restart Program
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 08/27/1986
From: Murley T
To: Lydon J
CAL-86-10, NUDOCS 8609030066
Download: ML20212P294 (3)


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h AUG U N Docket No. 50-293 Boston' Edison Company M/C Nuclear ATTN: Mr. James M. Lydon Chief Operating Officer 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 Gentlemen:


Confirmatory Action Letter 86-10 This letter is to provide further guidance on the requirements we expect to be met prior to the restart of the Pilgrirr plant. We acknowledge receipt of Boston Edison Company's (BECO) letter of June 16, 1986, in response to Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) 86-10. Your actiens with regard to the issues in CAL 86-10 appear to be thorough and technically sound. My staff has a few remaining questions, which have been discussed with your staff and which will be documented in Inspection Report 50-293/86-25.

In addition to the specific plant hardware issues involved with CAL 86-10, several other issues have been identified that require resolution prior to restart of the Pilgrim plant. Specific technical issues of concern include: overdue surveil-lances, malfunction of recirculation motor generator set field breakers, seismic qualification of emergency diesel generator differential relays, and completion of Appendix R modifications. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at our next management meetin'g at the plant on September 9,1986. We would also like to hear at this meeting the scope and status of all your programs related to restart of Pi l grirr. These include (a) the results of your six week action plan f or improve-ments, (b) the role of BEC0 safety review committees, including the Program For Excellence Task Force, in assessing readiness for restart, and (c) the readiness of the plant and corporate staff to support plant startup, testing, and operations.

In light of the number and scope of the outstanding issues, I am not prepared to approve restart of the Pilgrim facility until you provide a written report that documents BECO's formal assessment of the readiness for restart operation. This assessment should inc.'ude your detailed check list for assuring that all out-standing items have been satisfactorily resolved and that plant systems have been restored and prepared for operation. A formal restart program and schedule should also be submitted for NRC review and approval. This program should include hold points at appropriate stages such as criticality, completion of mode switch test-ing, and at specific milestones during ascension to full power. Authorization to proceed beyond each hold point will be contingent upon my approval and will be based on my staff's evaluation of the operational performance of the plant. We will have substantially augmented NRC inspection coverage during this restart period.

Please plan to submit your readiness assessment and restart program and schedule at least forty-five days before your planned startup from the current outage. My decision on restart will be based in part on our review of these documents.

8609030066 860027 CICIAL RECORD COPY 328MCBRIDE8/12/86 - 0001.0.0 gDR ADOCK 05000293 08/26/86_I EC l eor qg

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Your cooperation is appreciated.

Sincerely, '

Opfgl'nal BTgied by Thomas E. Murley, Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator CC L. Oxsen, Vice President, Nuclear Operations A. E. Pedersen, Station Manager Paul Levy, Chairman, Department of Public Utilities Edward R. MacCormack, Senior Regulatory Affairs and Program Engineer Chairman, Board of Selectmen Plymouth Civil Defense Director The Honorable E. J. Markey J. D. Keyes Senator Edward P. Kirby The Honorable Peter V. Forman Sharon Pollard Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector .

Commonwealth of Massachusetts (2) bcc:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encl)

Section Chief, DRP W. Raymond, SRI, Vermont Yankee T. Shedlosky, SRI, Millstone 1&2 H. Eichenholz, SRI, Yankee P. Leech, LPM, NRR PA0 (2) SALP Reports Only Robert J. Bores, DRSS V. Stello H. Denton J. Taylor T. Murley


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