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Forwards Safety Evaluation & Technical Evaluation Rept (TER) for Environ Qualification of safety-related Electrical Equipment.Ter Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 04/13/1983
From: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Morisi A
Shared Package
ML20204F270 List:
NUDOCS 8304290238
Download: ML20204F265 (3)




Docket No. 50-293 APR 131983 Mr. A. Victor Morisi Manacer, Nuclear Operations Support Deoartncot Hoston Edison Company 25 Braintree 11111 Park Rockdale Street Rraintree, MA 02184

Dear !!r. Morisi:


SAFETY EVAltIATION FOR ENVIRO.tENTAL QUALIFICATION OF SAFETY-RELATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Re: Pilgrin Nuclear Povter Station This letter transnits the Safety Evaluation along with the Technical Evaluation Report (TER) for the Environnental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipaent at your facility. This evaluation is based on your response to our previous Safety Evaluation, dated Septenher 11, 1931 and a subsequent suhnittal dated February 8,1982. The Safety Evaluation presents the results of the Environnental Qualification Review for safety-related electrical equipent, exposed to a harsh environnent, in accordance with URC requirenents. You should provide to us by May 20, 1983, your plans for qualification or replacenent of the equipnent in NRC Categories I.b.

II.a. II.b and IV as applicable to your plant (presented in the Technical Evaluation ReDort) in addition to the , justification for continued operation (JCn) required in the near tem, and the schedule for accomplishing your proposed corrective actions in accordance with the Equipnent Oualification rule (10 CFR 50.49(g) issued on January 21, 1983, Federal Register Volume 48, No. IS, PP 2729-2734).

As indicated in the conclusion section of the Safety Evaluation, we-request that you reaffim the ,iustification for continued operation and within thirty (30) days of receipt of this letter, subnit infomation for itens in NRC categories I.b II.a and IV (presented in the enclosed Technical 3

Evaluation Report) for which justification for continued operation was .

not previously submitted to the NRC. In addition, for itens in NRC Category 11.5, justification for continued operation, if not previously provided, is to be provided within ten (10) days of receipt of this letter. Should issues or conflicts exist, which prohibit a response in a tinely manner, a 10 CFR Part 50.54(f) letter will be issued. Guidelines set forth in paraqraph (1) of 10 CFR 50.49 should be ' considered in your justification for continued operation of your facility.

Upon conpletion of the plant specific review for all plants, a cross-refer-ence of non-qualified equipment existing in any plant will be conducted by the NRC staf f to detemine if the sane equipnent exists on other plants and has been declared qualifief. Should the cross-reference indicate that

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l Appendix D of the above TER provides a technical review of the licensee's state-ments regarding the justification for continued operation (JCO) that was sub-nitted in the 90-day response to an earlier staff safety evaluation (published in nid-1981). Appendix 0 is not necessarily applicable to the deficiencies identified in the enclosed TER. You should review all JCOs subnitted to date to ensure that a JC0 exists for all equipment which may not be qualified.

As a separate action to your response to this letter, the Conaission has promulgated an Equipment Qualification rule which in Paragraph (g) of the l rule requires that by fiay 20, 1983, licensees identify electrical equipnent i inportant to safety within the scope of the rule that is already qualified, and submit a schedule for the qualification or replacement of the remaining electric equipnent within the scope of the rule in accordance with the qualification deadline specified in paragraph (g). The subnittal required l by the rule should specifically indicate whether your previous subnittals comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) of 10 CFR 50.49. In addition, you l are requested to discuss the nethods used to identify the equipment covered l by paragraph 10 CFR $0.49(b) (2) and to establish any qualification prograns not previously described for such equipnent. This rule is now the focus the staff intends to rely upon in resolving the EQ progran.


! The Technical Evaluation Report contains certaih identified information

. which you have previously clained to be proprietary. We request that you l

inforn us as indicated in the proprietary review section of the Safety Evaluation whether any portions of the identified pages still require proprietary protection. It should be noted that the NRC's policy on proprietary information, as specified in SECY 81-119 is that suonary data on equipment qualification testing will not be treated as proprietary by the NRC. This information shall be subnitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of this latter. A general guideline is enclosed.

Questions reqarding the enclosed SE and TER, especially the findings and actions required, should be directed through the NRC Project Manager for the Pilorin Nuclear Power Station.

The reporting and/or recordkeeping requirenents contained in this letter affect fewer *han ten respondents; therefore, 0110 clearance is not required under P.L.96-511.

Sincerely, DISTRIBUTION: Docket, File NRC PDR LPDR ORB #2 Rdg DEisenhut NSIC JHeltemes-AE00 SNorris KEccleston OELD JMTaylor ACRS-10 Gray

?.%odk.L NM Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing



1. Safety Evaluation ROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE
2. Technical Evaluation Report g J. Propri etary deview Inron ation g (/v' omce > .yg gg...... ... .. .gg..yg gg... ..tpg , . . - . - . - . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - ~ ~ . . . . . - - .

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Mr. A. '.'ictor Morisi

(; Soston Edison Company CC' Mr. Charles J. Mathis, Sta. Mgr. U. S. Environmental Protection Boston Edison Company Agency RFD #1, Rocky Hill Road Region I Office ..

Plymouth, MA 02360 Reaional Radiation Representative JFK Federal Building Boston, Massachusetts 02203 Resident Inspector I

c/o U.S. NRC P.O. Box 867 Ronald C. Haynes Plymouth *, Massachusetts 02360 . Regional Administrator, Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Henry Herrmann, Esquire 631 Park Avenue Massachusetts Wildlife Federation King of Prussia, PA 19406 151 Tremort' Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 Massachusetts Department of Public Health ATTN: Comissioner of Public Health 600 Washington Street Boston, Massachusetts 02111 .

Water Quality & Environmental Commissioner Department of Environmental Quality Engineering 100 Cambridge Street Boston, Massachusetts 02202

. Mr. David F. Tarantino _

Chairman, Board of Selectmen

  • 11 Lincoln Street .

Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 .

Office of the Attorney General ' '~ '<

_. 1 Ashburton Place J 19th Floor * * ~

Boston, Massachusetts 02108

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