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Forwards Safety Evaluation & Technical Evaluation Rept Granting 821203,0804,831201,840628 & 850212 Relief Requests from ASME Code Requirements Re Inservice Insp Program,Except for Items B9.10-B9.40 & C5.10-C5.32
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 08/13/1985
From: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harrington W
Shared Package
ML20132D050 List:
NUDOCS 8508280380
Download: ML20134H343 (2)


,. ,

August 13, 1995 Docket No. 50-293 DISTRIBUTION JDocket Files NRC PDR Mr. William D. Harrington Local PDR ORB #2 Rdg Senior Vice President, Nuclear HThompson OELD Boston Edison Company SNorris PLeech 800 Boylston Street ELJordan JPartlow Boston, Massachusetts 02199 BGrimes ACRs (10)

Gray File GJohnson

Dear Mr. Harrington:


SECOND 10-YEAR INSPECTION PROGRAM Re: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 By letters dated December 3, 1982, August 4, and December 1, 1983, June 28, 1984 and February 12, 1985, you submitted the Inservice Inspection (ISI)

Plan and additional information for the second 10-year inspection interval at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. In these letters you also requested relief from the ASME Code requirements for certain items.

We have completed our review of your submittals and we have concluded that your ISI program and relief requests are appropriate except as indicated by the enclosed Safety Evaluation and Technical Evaluation Report. In reaching this conclusion, we have determined that the inspection and testing requirements are impractical for the items for which relief is being granted and, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(i), that the granting of relief is authorized by law, will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and is otherwise in the public interest. In making this determination, we have given due consideration to the burden that could result if those requirements were imposed on your facility.

Therefore, subject to the provisions in the Safety Evaluation, all of your pending relief requests relative to the ISI program are hereby granted except for those associated with pressure retaining welds in Item Numbers 89.10 through B9.40 and C5.10 through C5.32.

Sincerely, Original signed by/

Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page 4

DL: RB#2 DL:0RBffR DL. RB#2 OELD b SNo s:a s PLeech W DVassallo /2 c. s 08/4 /85 08/ 5'/85 08/f/85 Os/G/85 F500280300 850313 PDR ADOCK 05000293 0 PDR

F Fr. William D. Harrington Boston Edison Company Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station




Mr. Charles sl. Mathis, Station Mgr. Thomas A. Murley Boston Edison Company Regional Administratnr RFD #1, Rocky Hill Road Region I Office Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue Resident Inspector's Office King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19a06 U. S_ Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Rox 867 Mr. A. Victor Morisi Plymouth, Massachusetts 02260 Boston Edison Company

~' , _ 25 Braintree Hill Park Mr. David F. Tarantino Rockdale Street Chairman, Board of Selectman Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 11 Lincoln Street

- Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 w ..

Office of the Conmissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering One Winter Street

. Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Office of the Attorney General

i. 1 Ashburton Place 19th Floor .

.. Boston, Massachusetts 02108

. . - Mr. Rnbert M. Hallisey, Director ,

Radi.ation Control Program _ _ _

-- Massachusetts Department of Public Health 150 Tremont Street Boston, Ma'ssachusetts 02111 B

