IR 05000275/1988030

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Mgt Meeting Repts 50-275/88-30 & 50-323/88-28 on 881026. Major Areas Discussed:Salp Rept for Plant & Recent Plant Events Developed Since Last Mgt Meetings Held on 880722 & 0426
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1988
From: Mendonca M, Obrien J
Shared Package
ML16341E879 List:
50-275-88-30-MM, 50-323-88-28, NUDOCS 8812050201
Download: ML16341E880 (10)


U. S.


Report Nos. 50-275/88-30 and 50-323/88-28 Docket Nos.

50-275 and,50-323 License Nos.

DPR 80 and DPR 82 Licensee:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street Room 1451

.San Francisco, California 94106 Facility Name:

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units I and

Meeting Held at:

USNRC Region V Conference Room, Walnut Creek, California Meeting Conducted:

October 26, 1988 Inspector:

rien, rogect nspector Approved by:

M. M. Mendonca, Section C ie


i gz/S"z

'g rrjl/dd Mana ement Meetin on October 26, 1988 Re ort Nos. 50-275/88'-30 and 50-323/88-28 A management. meeting was held on Octdber 26, 1988 to discuss the recently issued Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) Report for Diablo Canyon and recent plant events that have developed since the last management meetings held on July 22, 1988 and on April 26, 1988.

8~12050201 881 I 10 PDR ADOCK OS000275 il PDC

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Attendees Pacific Gas and Electric Company:

G. A. Maneatis, President J.

D. Shiffer, Vice President, Nuclear Power Generation W. H. Wall'ace, Vice President, Engineering J.

D. Townsend, Plant Manager, Diablo Canyon Power Plant B. S.

Lew, Director Nuclear, Regulator Affairs G.

H. Moore,'anager, Nuclear Engineering and Construction S.

M. Skidmore, Manager, guality Assurance W. H. Fujimoto, Manager, Nuclear Operations Support M. R. Tresler, Project Engineer C. L. Eldridge, Manager, guality Control J. A. Sexton, Plant Superinten'dent B.

W. Giffin, A'ssistant Plant Manager, Technical Support J.

M. Gisclon, Assistant Plant Manager, Support Services D. Miklush, Assistant Plant Manager, Maintenance Services T; L. Grebel, Supervisor, Regulatory Compliance United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

Services J.

B. Martin, Regional Administrator.

A. Chaffee, Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety and Projects R. Scarano, Director, Divjsion of Radiation Safety and Safeguards R.


Zimmerman, Chief," Reactor-Projects Branch M. B. Blume, Regional Attorney


M. Mendonca, Section Chief,.ProjectsSection I


P. Narbut,.Senior Resident Inspector, Diablo Canyon J.

P. O'rien, Project Inspector, Project Section I

K. E. Johnston, Resident Inspector, Diablo Canyon F.

R. Huey, Senior Resident Inspector, San Onofre site M. D. Schuster, Chief, Safeguards Section D.

W. Schaefer, Security Inspector D. B. Pereira, Licensed Operator Examiner Noted due to cancelled flights, NRR personnel were unable to attend.


W. Knighton, Project Director, NRR, Project Directorate V

H. Rood, NRR, Project Section 3, P.D.V.


Meeting Summary The meeting convened at approximately I:30 p.m.

on October 26, 1988 at the Region V office in Walnut Creek, California.

Mr. Martin opened the meeting with a brief discussion of the SALP process including its recent revisions which include an enhanced look at the Engineering process.

He stressed that the format of this meeting should include clarity and cando Mr. Maneatis briefly stated that he felt that SALP was a good process, and that it raised substantive issues in a understandable format.

He considered that the assessment was generally accurate and helpful.

He accepted the criticism for moving slow in establishing corrective actions, and implementing programs.

He felt that the mechanisms were in place to keep moving in a forward direction, and improvements are ongoing; however, the issue will be responded to.

Nr. Chaffee discussed briefly his participation. in; the development of the SALP findings and his review of the response to the maintenance team inspection findings.

He indicated his primary concerns fell into two areas.

First, as Nr. Maneatis had recognized and the SALP had stated, the licensee was slow to implement lessons learned from:operating experience.

Second, correct instincts had not been successfully developed at the working level for people to follow procedures, and to stop activities when procedures or instructions are found to be inadequate.

Nr. Chaffee was interested in seeing how new programs described in the maintenance team inspection response would address the problems.

Nr Shiffer responded by stating that installing new programs are not going to solve the problems.

He offered that attitude can not be addressed by a program.

What is needed is someone who is responsible for ensuring a problem is solved.

Mr. Martin concurred with Nr. Shiffer's point.

Mr. Narbut stated that the SALP 'focused attention on.the issue of timeliness of actions.

More recent events, since the start of the Unit 2 refueling outage had focused-attention on'.the issue of establishing correct in4tincts..

Mr. Narb'ut provided two examples:

(1) the water ih

~ the containment. nitrogen system, and (2) the of the steam generators.

In both cases, the point was made that although procedures or instructions were ipadequate; the. problems should. have been recognized by the individuals involved.

They should have stopped the evolution, and made a 'collective decision with management prior,. to proceeding.

Nr. Martin added that it appeared that the licensee was doing many things acceptably,

~ however, it appeared that a performance plateau had been reached; and that the licensee would not be considered a top plant until plant personnel instinctively made the right decision when a critical point was reached in a plant evolution.

The shift supervisors, operators, maintenance workers, review groups have to decide to stop the evolution, and reassess the problem.

Nr. Maneatis agreed with the assessment, and stated that it was an issue of not successfully communicating management expectations.

Nr. Townsend stated that plant personnel need to receive a clear, consistent message from management of what expectations are.

Mr. Martin pointed out that Diablo Canyon is no longer a newcomer in the nuclear industry, and a higher level of performance should be expected of an experienced staff.

He questioned how PG8E management would hold personnel accountable for their performance or

'lack of performance.

He offered that if no one is held responsible; no improvements would be made.

Mr. Shiffer agreed, but stated discipline, unless for blatant poor performance, may not be effective.

What is needed, is a sense of ownership of the problem I

He stated that they were considering performance based salaries as a

.means of establishing ownership.

Mr. Maneatis accepted the issues of establishing a culture of responsibility and ownership as a challenge.

Mr. Tressler discussed the progress made with respect to configuration management and the issues addressed by the configuration management task force.

Mr. Tressler indicated that as a result of the review, their intent is to strengthen the bridge between Engineering and Operations, but to leave the task of interpretation of design concerns with the design engineers.

He expressed concern that access to design information by those unfamiliar with the process could lead to problems.

The program to be implemented includes, for the short term, the establishment of a Design Basis source reference document and design/system engineer teams with training on use of the reference document.

In the long ter'm, the plan is to establish expanded design criteria memoranda to provide design basis information and to assure that these are compatible with the FSAR,

'echnical Specifications and plant procedures.

Mr. Martin stated that discussions of this program at a futur e meeting may be desired.

Nr. Giffin discussed the system engineering program to address the concerns expressed by the maintenance team.

Specifically,,that system engineers are to be accountable for their systems, and that a training program is currently being established.

Mr. Martin encouraged the effort; and.concurred that system engineers should be accountabl'e in the same. manner as the operations, maintenance, and 'the quality organizations.

Mr. Giffin also discussed the.results of a recent event investigation team on the lack of. timely implementation of industry experience and operational lessons learned; and in general, a lack of accountability.


Mr. Fujimoto discussed enhanced efforts to learn from plant-specific and industry experience.

He shared the concern that recent operating experience indicate's that the trip reduction program has not been effective.

Mr. Fujimoto discussed communications with another plant. in the region which has had a successful trip reduction program.

Nr. Shiffer stated that although people tended to make excuses for not implementing goals, this practice was not acceptable.

Other issues were discussed briefly.

Nr. Townsend discussed management feedback programs.

Mr. Shiffer discussed ways to make the General Office Nuclear Plant Review and Audit Committee and the Plant Staff Review Committee.

meetings more effective in addressing important issues.

Mr. Niklush discussed efforts to reduce standing annunciators, control room action requests, and maintenance backlog.

Mr. Eldridge discussed lowering the threshold for root cause evaluations, solving problems quicker, and including balance of plant in the scope of review.

Mr. Martin stated that he would like to visit these issues again at a later meeting and stressed a theme of problem ownership as a thread of commonality to these issues.

Nr. Maneatis accepted as a challenge to address the issues raised in the meeting.

Nr. Martin stated that he would like to see Diablo Canyon improve in their SALP performance.

He felt that there was no reason why this wasn't possible.

He recommended a simple agenda:

individual responsibility and ownership of problems; attention to industry initiatives as well as operational lessons learned; and the follow

through on Engineering programs such as configuration management and system engineers.

The meeting conc1uded at 4: 15 j'