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Forwards Safety Evaluation Supporting Drywell Vacuum Breaker Analysis to Predict Impact Velocities & Resulting Stresses (Ref Generic Ltr 83-08).ARVIN/CALSPAN Technical Evaluation Rept TER-C5506-328 Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/15/1987
From: Rajender Auluck
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Lydon J
Shared Package
ML20212A711 List:
GL-83-08, GL-83-8, TAC-57164, NUDOCS 8701290420
Download: ML20212L352 (3)


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p WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 k...../

January 15, 1987 Pocket No. 50-293 Mr.. lames M. Lydon Chief Operating Officer Boston Edison Company 800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199

Dear Mr. Lydon:




Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Our Generic Letter 83-08 related to modification of vacuum breakers on Mark I containments identified a potential failura mode of the wetwell/drywell 4

vacuum breakers in chugging and condensation oscillation phases of blowdown to the torus during a loss of coolant accident.

In that Generic Letter we reauested that the impacted licensees provide a commitment to submit the results of plant unique calculations which either formed the bases for modifications to vacuum breakers or provide.iustification for their as-built acceptability.

By a letter dated May 13, 1983, you provided a response to Generic Letter 83-08, conunitting to modifications of vacuum breaker pallets, vacuum breaker hinge shafts, vacuum breaker arms, and vacuum breaker hinge arm studs.

On January 23, 1986 we sent you a Request for Additional Information (RAI). The purpose of this RAI was to obtain verification that the pallet impact velocity used in your vacuum breaker stress analysis was determined using the approved methodology consistent with the conditions and restrictions prescribed by the staff. Your reply dated April 7, 1986 confirmed that you used the approved methodology.

The staff's technical assistance contractor, Franklin Pesearch Center (FRC) has reviewed the results of your stress analysis to verify that the vacuum breaker stresses calculated by using the pallet impact velocity as input to your analytical model of the valve are now within the ASME code allowable values for the materials used. Ccpies of our safety evaluation and the FRC l

Technical Evaluation are enclosed.

Based on our review, we conclude that the analyses perfomed to predict the drywell vacuum breaker impact velocities and resulting stresses were performed 5

8701290420 870115 DR ADOCK 0500 3


r using acceptable methodology and that the modified vacuum breakers will not be subjected to excessive stress as a result of LOCA chugging and condensation oscillation loads.

This completes our review of Multiplant Action Item D-20 for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

Sincerely, Original signed by Rajender Auluck, Project Manager BWR Project Directorate #1 Division of BWR Licensing



Safety Evaluation 2.

FRC Technical Evaluation Report cc:

See next page DISTRIBUTION:

C Uocket file; HShaw NRC PDR OGC-BETH (Info) local PDR EJordan BWD#1 Reading BGrimes CJamerson JPartlow RAuluck NThortpson JZwolinski ACRS (10)

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Mr. lames M. Lydon Boston Edison Company Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station cc:

Mr. Alfred E. Pedersen, Station Manager Boston Edison Company RFD #1, Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Resident Inspector's Office U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Post Office Box 867 Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Chairman, Board of Selectmen I

11 Lincoln Street Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Office of the Comnissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering One Winter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Office of the Attorney General 1 Ashburton Place 19th Floor Poston, Massachusetts 0?108 Mr. Robert M. Hallisey, Director Radiation Control Program Massachusetts Department of Public Health 150 Tremont Street, 2nd Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02111 Regional Administrator, Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 l

Mr. James D. Keyes Boston Edison Company 25 Braintree Hill Office Park Braintree, Massechusetts 02184 1