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Ack Receipt of Forwarding Util Evaluation of NRC Inspector General Rept 90N-02 Re Offsite Emergency Planning
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/08/1990
From: Carr K
To: Bird R
NUDOCS 9011150054
Download: ML20062D665 (1)


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November 8, 1990

% . . . . . ,e CHAIRMAN Mr. Ralph G. Bird Senior Vice President - Nuclear Boston Edison Company Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, Massachusetts OE360 Dear P I have receivea your letter of October 17, 1990, enclosing the Boston Edison Company's evaluation of the Nuclear Regulatory Conmiission (NRC) Inspector General's Repor: 90N-02 on the NRC staff review of off-site emergency planning at Pilgrim. In view of your comments ano conclusions on this report and the agency's on-going efforts to review lessons learned in this matter ano to evaluate the current status of off-site emergency preparedness at Pilgrim, I have forwarded your letter to the NRC staff and the Inspector General for their consideration. A copy has also been placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.

Sincere ly, m

Kenneth M. Carr 9011150004hbb C RE DENCE PDR

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sosmearscw N Qfim Nuclear Power Station Rocky Heil Roao -

Nvmoutn.-Massacnusetts 02360 Ralph G. Bird

- Senior Vice Presioent - Nuclear October 17, 1990 l BECo Ltr.-#90-124 l

1 Chairman Kenneth M. Carr U.S. Nuclear.. Regulatory Commission

'One White' Flint North c 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 l

P Docket No.: 50-293 License Non- DPR-35 ISubject Boston-Edison Company - Evaluation of NRC OIG Reportt

.9 0N-0 2 -

' Dear-Mr._-Carr -



p i-lOn July _ 23, 1990, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) transmitted ~0IG Inspection Report 90N-02 to:you which responded b lto all'egations concerning.the NRC Staff's October 14 and December l

p 9,_19881 testimony on.the status.of off-site emergency l preparedness for:the. Pilgrim Nuclear Power. Station (Pilgrim-Station). _Although this OIG' report is not directed at Boston I

Edi' son l Company,-we evaluated the OIG-report _because the

_ underlying subject matter of the report relates-to Pilgrim Station.' The evaluation and its substantive conclusions are attached for your information.


In preparing the enclosed evaluation, we conducted a detailed review of the record of:the October 14 and December 9, 1988 Commission meetings,-as well-as a review'of relevant contem-paraneous documents.

The evaluation addresses six areas in which the OIG concluded that the NRC' Staff's presentations-to the _.

. Commission were inaccurate'. Based on evaluation of these six Q L

areas,'Bocton_ Edison Company has concluded: "

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U.' S e Nuclear' Regulatory Commission b

.0ctober 17, 1990 1

Page 2 (1) with minor exceptions, the information ' presented by the Staff was' accurate; (2)- in those specific insta'nces where Staff information was unclear or in error, it was clarified or corrected prior to the Commission's December 21, 1988 vote on Pilgrim restart;.and (3) the Ccmmission's December 21 restart decision was based on full and accurate information on the status of.

Pilgrim off-site EP.

The OIG Report did not address the present status of off-site emergencyLpreparedness for' Pilgrim. However, since December of

1988, the-towns in the EPZ and the Commonwealth, with extensive and unwavering assistance from Boston Edison Company, have s continued to improve the off-site emergency response program.

This-has been demonstrated in-a full scale exercise conducted in October 1989 and a remedial exercise of May whichuthe two-deficiencies identified in the October exercise were remedied.


/In meetings attended by Commonwealth officials, FEMA repre-

.sentatives have stated that.the Pilgrim program is the~best in Lthe region. Boston Edison Company believes that it has been conclusively _ demonstrated that the off-site program at Pilgrim-

- .-provides reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public would be adequately protected in the event of aut emergency at-Pilgrim Station.


, .G Bird

. / Enclosure - -

occ t 'See Attached Sheet M ,

T l

  1. U. .S.; Nuclear Regulatory Commission is ' October.17, 1990 Page 3 cc Commissioner Kenneth C. Rogers U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnaission

~One White Flint North '

11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Commissioner James R. Cuttias U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cccmission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Commissicner Forrest J. Remick U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. William T. Russell. '

Associate Director for Inspection and Technical Assessment

~ Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.' Nuclear. Regulatory-Commission Washington, D C. .20555 Dr.. Thomas E. Murley 3 Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor

. Regulation .

U.S. Nuclear-. Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. Frank J. Congel.

Director, Division of-Radiation Protection and Emergency Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Washington, D.C. '20555' Mr. Steven A. Varga, Director Division of Reactor Projects - I/III Office of-Nuclear Reactor' Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 g e F - d

1 .


t U. .S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission October 17, 1990 Page 4 '

Mr. Robert A. Erickson Chief,. Emergency Preparedness Branch U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

.Mr. Ronald B. Eaton Project Manager Division of. Reactor Projects I/II j Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

- Washington, D.C.. 20555 Mr.-John B. Macdonald  !

g . Senior NRC Realdent

= Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, MA_ 02360

' Mr. T. ' Martin

. Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road.

King of. Prussia,_PA- 19406 Mr. Richard Strome F ' Regional Director ..

i FederalcEmergency Management Agency L J. W..McCormack Post-Office

.&' Court: House j Boston,'MA 02109 q l

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