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{{#Wiki_filter:February 10 , 2006 CAL 3-04-001 Mr. Denni s L. Koehl Site Vice President Point Beach Nuclear Pl ant Nuclear M anagement Company , LLC 6590 Nucle ar Road Two Riv ers, WI 54241-9516 SUB JEC T: PUBLI C ME ETING ON FEBR UARY 2, 200 6, TO DIS CUSS THE RE SULTS OF SELF-ASSESSMENTS AND FUTURE ACTIONS TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AT POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT
{{#Wiki_filter:February 10, 2006 CAL 3-04-001 Mr. Dennis L. Koehl Site Vice President Point Beach Nuclear Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 6590 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, WI 54241-9516

==Dear Mr. Koehl:==
==Dear Mr. Koehl:==

This letter refers to the public meeting conducted on February 2, 2006, at the Nuclear Regulatory C ommission (NR C) Region III office i n Lisle, Il linois. The purpose of the mee ting was to di scuss the resul ts of current performance se lf-assessments in the areas of the engine ering a nd corr ective act ion prog rams an d to discu ss fut ure act ions to im prove performance in these areas.Mr. Mark S atorius, Dire ctor, Divi sion of Reactor Projects at NRC Region III, open ed the meeting and stated that we hav e noted recent improvements th at you hav e made in the human perf orman ce area an d that we ar e continu ing our reviews of the eng ineering and corr ective action program (CAP) areas. Mr. James Caldwell, Regional Administrator of the NRC Region III, reitera ted Mr. Sato rius' statements and discus sed specific i nformation that w as desired by the NRC du ring your pres entation.You and y our staff discussed co ntinued impro vement ini tiatives and you a lso presented your perspectives on current plant perf ormance in the five regulator y areas of concern contained in the Ap ril 2 1, 200 4, Con firmatory Actio n Lette r (CAL).In the CAP a rea, you an d your staff discus sed your re cent analy ses and asses sment of the CAP, your methods to achi eve consi stent quality CAP eva luation, an d the issues that continue to result in inconsistencies in CAP perform ance. Specifically, analyses were performed in Janua ry 20 06 to e valu ate w hat as pects o f your CAP w ere no t meeti ng you r quali ty expectation
This letter refers to the public meeting conducted on February 2, 2006, at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Region III office in Lisle, Illinois. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of current performance self-assessments in the areas of the engineering and corrective action programs and to discuss future actions to improve performance in these areas.
: s. This assessme nt determined th at areas for improv ement includ ed employe e unders tandi ng of CAP impor tance, stand ards a nd ex pectat ions, proce dures, and a pparen t D. Koehl-2-cau se a nal ys es. Be cau se o f th e re cen t pe rfor man ce o f th is ass ess men t, y ou and yo ur s taff out li ned sev era l i nte rim act io ns t o a ddr ess the se f in di ngs. A ddi tio nal ly , y ou and yo ur s taff discussed pl anned long-term ac tions to ensu re consistent, p redictable C AP performance includin g: causal ana lyses, Ex cellence P lan updates, and follow-up assessments.
Mr. Mark Satorius, Director, Division of Reactor Projects at NRC Region III, opened the meeting and stated that we have noted recent improvements that you have made in the human performance area and that we are continuing our reviews of the engineering and corrective action program (CAP) areas. Mr. James Caldwell, Regional Administrator of the NRC Region III, reiterated Mr. Satorius statements and discussed specific information that was desired by the NRC during your presentation.
You and your staff also state d that, overal l, identifica tion and reso lution of probl ems at Point B each meet regulatory require ments; howev er, consistent qua lity ev aluation o f problems contin ues to be an area o f focus for improv ement.In the engineeri ng program area, you and your staff described you r recent analy ses and assess ment t o identif y issues lead ing to inc onsiste ncies in eng ineering product s. Specif ically, analyses were performed i n January 2006 to ev aluate engine ering excel lence attribu tes that were not b eing fully i mplemented. This assessment determin ed that areas for i mprovement included process barriers such as sup ervisory oversight an d worker practi ces, manager/superv isor e ngagemen t, susta ined improv ement, a nd qual ity o f work p roduct s. Similar to the CAP asse ssment, you de scribed inte rim and long-term a ctions to add ress these findings. You a nd your staff also outlined methods that yo u plan to u se to measure w hether the actions are successfu l.Finally, you stated that Point Beach has demonstrated sust ained improvement and progres s in all five CAL areas, an d has met all NRC commitments.
You and your staff discussed continued improvement initiatives and you also presented your perspectives on current plant performance in the five regulatory areas of concern contained in the April 21, 2004, Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL).
Mr. Satoriu s stated that ad ditional NRC inspe ction and rev iew w as necessary regarding your presentation c onclusions and the statemen ts made in the December 20, 2 005, letter that you submitted to the NRC regarding the status of the 143 CAL commitment i tems. This follow-up will assist the NR C in determi ning the ove rall performance s tatus in the C AL areas of engineering and the CAP.
In the CAP area, you and your staff discussed your recent analyses and assessment of the CAP, your methods to achieve consistent quality CAP evaluation, and the issues that continue to result in inconsistencies in CAP performance. Specifically, analyses were performed in January 2006 to evaluate what aspects of your CAP were not meeting your quality expectations. This assessment determined that areas for improvement included employee understanding of CAP importance, standards and expectations, procedures, and apparent
Mr. Cald well c oncluded the meeting wi th an acknowl edgment of the information provided by you, Mr. D ouglas Coope r, and other N uclea r Man agement Compan y (NM C) rep resent ativ es. Mr. Caldwell stated that the information presen ted by you and your staff will be considered in the NRC's annual asse ssment of Point Be ach.A listing of pri ncipal NM C and NRC meeting attendees and a copy of the handout p rovided b y NMC at the meetin g are en close d as E nclos ures 1 and 2 , respe ctiv ely, to thi s lett er.
D. Koehl-3-In accordance w ith 10 CFR 2.390 of the NR C's "Rules o f Practice," a copy of this letter a nd its enclosu res wil l be ava ilable e lectronical ly for publi c inspectio n in the NR C Public Document Room or from the Publ icly Av ailable Records Sy stem (PARS) compo nent of NRC's do cument system (ADAM S). ADAM S is access ible from the NR C Web site at http://w ng-rm/ada ms.html (the P ubli c Ele ctroni c Read ing Ro om).If you have any question s regarding this mee ting, please co ntact me at (630) 8 29-9627.Sincere ly,/RA/Patrick L. Loude n, Chief Branch 5 Divi sion of Reac tor Pro jects Docket Nos. 50-26 6; 50-301 License No
D. Koehl                                           cause analyses. Because of the recent performance of this assessment, you and your staff outlined several interim actions to address these findings. Additionally, you and your staff discussed planned long-term actions to ensure consistent, predictable CAP performance including: causal analyses, Excellence Plan updates, and follow-up assessments. You and your staff also stated that, overall, identification and resolution of problems at Point Beach meet regulatory requirements; however, consistent quality evaluation of problems continues to be an area of focus for improvement.
: s. DPR-24; DP R-27  
In the engineering program area, you and your staff described your recent analyses and assessment to identify issues leading to inconsistencies in engineering products. Specifically, analyses were performed in January 2006 to evaluate engineering excellence attributes that were not being fully implemented. This assessment determined that areas for improvement included process barriers such as supervisory oversight and worker practices, manager/supervisor engagement, sustained improvement, and quality of work products.
Similar to the CAP assessment, you described interim and long-term actions to address these findings. You and your staff also outlined methods that you plan to use to measure whether the actions are successful.
Finally, you stated that Point Beach has demonstrated sustained improvement and progress in all five CAL areas, and has met all NRC commitments.
Mr. Satorius stated that additional NRC inspection and review was necessary regarding your presentation conclusions and the statements made in the December 20, 2005, letter that you submitted to the NRC regarding the status of the 143 CAL commitment items. This follow-up will assist the NRC in determining the overall performance status in the CAL areas of engineering and the CAP.
Mr. Caldwell concluded the meeting with an acknowledgment of the information provided by you, Mr. Douglas Cooper, and other Nuclear Management Company (NMC) representatives.
Mr. Caldwell stated that the information presented by you and your staff will be considered in the NRCs annual assessment of Point Beach.
A listing of principal NMC and NRC meeting attendees and a copy of the handout provided by NMC at the meeting are enclosed as Enclosures 1 and 2, respectively, to this letter.
D. Koehl                                         In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact me at (630) 829-9627.
Patrick L. Louden, Chief Branch 5 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-266; 50-301 License Nos. DPR-24; DPR-27

: 1. List of Prin cipal Atten dees 2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl:
: 1. List of Principal Attendees
F. Kuester, Presi dent and Chi ef  Executi ve Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executiv e Vice Pres ident  Chief Nucl ear Officer D. Cooper, Se nior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy , Site Dire ctor of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant M anager Regulatory A ffairs Manager Training Man ager Site Assessmen t Manager Site Enginee ring Director Emergency Pla nning Man ager J. Rogo ff, Vice P resid ent, Co unsel & Sec retary K. Duvene ck, Town Chairma n  Tow n of Tw o Cr eeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of W isconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Di vision  Public Service Commission of W isconsin State Liais on Officer D. Koehl-3-In accordance w ith 10 CFR 2.390 of the NR C's "Rules o f Practice," a copy of this letter a nd its enclosu res wil l be ava ilable e lectronical ly for publi c inspectio n in the NR C Public Document Room or from the Publ icly Av ailable Records Sy stem (PARS) compo nent of NRC's do cument system (ADAM S). ADAM S is access ible from the NR C Web site at http://w ng-rm/ada ms.html (the P ubli c Ele ctroni c Read ing Ro om).If you have any question s regarding this mee ting, please co ntact me at (630) 8 29-9627.Sincere ly,/RA/Patrick L. Loude n, Chief Branch 5 Divi sion of Reac tor Pro jects Docket Nos. 50-26 6; 50-301 License No
: 2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl:     F. Kuester, President and Chief Executive Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executive Vice President Chief Nuclear Officer D. Cooper, Senior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy, Site Director of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Training Manager Site Assessment Manager Site Engineering Director Emergency Planning Manager J. Rogoff, Vice President, Counsel & Secretary K. Duveneck, Town Chairman Town of Two Creeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of Wisconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Division Public Service Commission of Wisconsin State Liaison Officer
: s. DPR-24; DP R-27  
D. Koehl                                                                       In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).
If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact me at (630) 829-9627.
Patrick L. Louden, Chief Branch 5 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-266; 50-301 License Nos. DPR-24; DPR-27

: 1. List of Prin cipal Atten dees 2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl:
: 1. List of Principal Attendees
F. Kuester, Presi dent and Chi ef  Executi ve Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executiv e Vice Pres ident  Chief Nucl ear Officer D. Cooper, Se nior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy , Site Dire ctor of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant M anager Regulatory A ffairs Manager Training Man ager Site Assessmen t Manager Site Enginee ring Director Emergency Pla nning Man ager J. Rogo ff, Vice P resid ent, Co unsel & Sec retary K. Duvene ck, Town Chairma n  Tow n of Tw o Cr eeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of W isconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Di vision  Public Service Commission of W isconsin State Liais on Officer DOC UMEN T NAM E: G:\POIN\Pub Mtg Sum 2-2-06.wpd o receive a copy of th is documen t, indicate in the box:
: 2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl:               F. Kuester, President and Chief Executive Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executive Vice President Chief Nuclear Officer D. Cooper, Senior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy, Site Director of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Training Manager Site Assessment Manager Site Engineering Director Emergency Planning Manager J. Rogoff, Vice President, Counsel & Secretary K. Duveneck, Town Chairman Town of Two Creeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of Wisconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Division Public Service Commission of Wisconsin State Liaison Officer DOC UMEN T NAM E: G:\POIN\Pub Mtg Sum 2-2-06.wpd o receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE            RIII                                 RIII                           RIII NAME               LH aeg:s ls                         PLouden                       MSatorius DATE               02/07/06                             02/10/06                       02/10/06 OFFICIAL RECORD CO PY
  "C" = Copy without a ttachmen t/enclosur e  "E" =
Copy with attachmen t/enclosur e  "N" = N o copy OFFI CE RIII RIII RIII NAME LH ae g:s ls PLouden MSatori us DATE 02/07/06 02/10/06 02/10/06 OFFICIAL RECORD CO PY D. Koehl-4-ADAMS Distributio n: PJH2 HKC RidsNrrDirsIrib GEG KGO CAA1 RGK C. Peder son, DRS (hard cop y - IR's only)
D. Koehl                                     ADAMS Distribution:
DRPIII DRSIII PLB1 JRK1 ROPrep orts@n rc.g ov (insp ectio n repo rts, fina l SDP lette rs, any lette r wi th an I R numb er)
PJH2 HKC RidsNrrDirsIrib GEG KGO CAA1 RGK C. Pederson, DRS (hard copy - IRs only)
PUBLIC MEETING PRINCIPAL A TTENDEES February 2, 2006 Nuclear M anagement Company Douglas Coop er Senio r Vice Pres ident , NMC Craig L ambert Vice P resi dent - Eng ineer ing, NMC Dennis Koe hl Site Vice President, Po int Beach James McCa rthy Director Site Operations, Po int Beach Michael Lorek Plant M anager, Point B each Craig Butcher Site Enginee ring Director, Po int Beach Robert Grazio Compliance Manager, Poi nt Beach NRC James Caldwell Region al Ad minis trator, Region III Geoffrey Grant Deputy Regio nal A dmini strator , Regio n III Edwi n Hacke tt Deputy Direc tor, Di visi on of Ope rating Reacto r Lice nsing,   Office of Nuclear Reacto r Regulation Mark Satorius Direc tor, Di visi on of Re actor P rojects Steven West Deputy Direc tor, Di visi on of Re actor P rojects Cynthia P ederson Direc tor, Di visi on of Re actor S afety Anne Bola nd Deputy Direc tor, Di visi on of Re actor S afety Patrick Louden Chief, Branch 5, Di visi on of Re actor P rojects David Hills Chief, Engine ering B ranch 1, Div isio n of Rea ctor Sa fety Ann Mari e Stone Chief, Engine ering B ranch 2, Div isio n of Rea ctor Sa fety C. Fred Lyo n Project Mana ger, Office of Nuclear Reacto r Regulation Robert Krsek Senior Resi dent Inspector, P oint Beach Mi chae l Ku now ski Projec t Engin eer, Di visi on of Re actor P rojects Robert Daley Senio r Reac tor Engi neer, D ivi sion of Reac tor Safe ty Lucas Haeg Reacto r Engin eer, Di visi on of Re actor P rojects Public Dan Horner McGraw H ill Nucl ear Public ations (vi a telephone
DRPIII DRSIII PLB1 JRK1 (inspection reports, final SDP letters, any letter with an IR number)
Point Beach Point Beach Nuclear Plant Nuclear Plant February 2, 2006 Continued Performance Improvements ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 2 Introduction Introduction Dennis Koehl Site Vice President ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 3 Agenda Agenda*IntroductionDennis Koehl*Achieving Predictable CAP PerformanceMike Lorek *Achieving PredictableEngineering PerformanceCraig Butcher*Summary Dennis Koehl ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork     EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 4 Introduction*Provide Information On Plans For Continued Improvement*Consistent Pursuit Of Picture Of Excellence*Actions To Continue Improving Performance-Assessments of engineering and CAP-Leadership assessments completed
PUBLIC MEETING PRINCIPAL ATTENDEES February 2, 2006 Nuclear Management Company Douglas Cooper                Senior Vice President, NMC Craig Lambert                Vice President - Engineering, NMC Dennis Koehl                  Site Vice President, Point Beach James McCarthy                Director Site Operations, Point Beach Michael Lorek                 Plant Manager, Point Beach Craig Butcher                 Site Engineering Director, Point Beach Robert Grazio                 Compliance Manager, Point Beach NRC James Caldwell               Regional Administrator, Region III Geoffrey Grant               Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III Edwin Hackett                Deputy Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mark Satorius                 Director, Division of Reactor Projects Steven West                   Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects Cynthia Pederson              Director, Division of Reactor Safety Anne Boland                  Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety Patrick Louden               Chief, Branch 5, Division of Reactor Projects David Hills                   Chief, Engineering Branch 1, Division of Reactor Safety Ann Marie Stone               Chief, Engineering Branch 2, Division of Reactor Safety C. Fred Lyon                  Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Robert Krsek                 Senior Resident Inspector, Point Beach Michael Kunowski              Project Engineer, Division of Reactor Projects Robert Daley                 Senior Reactor Engineer, Division of Reactor Safety Lucas Haeg                   Reactor Engineer, Division of Reactor Projects Public Dan Horner                   McGraw Hill Nuclear Publications (via telephone)
-Need to demonstrate sustainability*We Understand Where We Are & What We Need To Do ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 5 Achieving Predictable Achieving Predictable CAP Performance CAP Performance Mike Lorek Plant Manager ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 6*CAP Assessment Mission-Build on improved CAP implementation in 2005-Achieve consistently high quality CAP products to ensure sustainability-Determine the drivers of inconsistencies in CAP performance Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 7*Method of Assessment -Streaming Analysis-Review documents that assess CAP performance*2005 NRC Inspection Reports*2004 NRC Problem Identificat ion & Resolution Inspection Report*2005 Nuclear Oversight (NOS) Observation Reports
Enclosure 1
*2005 CAP Self-Assessment Report
*Corrective Action Review Board Meeting Minutes
Enclosure 2 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Continued Performance Improvements February 2, 2006
*2005 Notes from NRC Exit Meetings Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork     EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 8*Issues Evaluated During Streaming-Causal Analysis determination for Level "B" CAPs-Consistency of root causes and apparent causes
-Standards and expectations for the Corrective Action Program-Scope of some apparent cause analyses
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational                                                Operational                                                                          Training                                          Equipment Excellence                                                  Excellence                                                                          Excellence                                        Excellence Predictable Teamwork Accountable Learning Introduction Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Teamwork Effective Accountable Model Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose DennisTraining Event Free AKoehl ttend  No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Site Vice President INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                 Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                        E                                                          M                                                    A  Results N
-Follow-through of corrective actions
-Point Beach employees' understanding of the benefits of the Corrective Action Program-Corrective Action Program Procedure compliance Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork     EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 9*Method of Assessment-Develop problem statements from the analysis-Bin the problem statements -Right People/Right Job, Right Picture, Right Coaching/Mentoring, Right Processes-Stream the problem statements (A drives B, B drives A or A & B unrelated)-Identify thedrivers-Perform causal analysis and develop effective corrective actions for the drivers Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork     EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 10*Results-Point Beach employees' understanding of the benefit of the CAP-Consistent internalization of the Standards and Expectations for the CAP -CAP Procedure compliance-Apparent Cause Analysis for some CAPs do not address all of the issue Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 11*Interim Actions-Reinforce "2 More Minutes, 2 More Hours, 2 More Days" in the CAP*First line supervisor daily reinforcement*D-15 Meetings
*Pre-job brief for RCEs & ACEs
Enclosure 2 PictureAgenda of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
*Visual aids to reinforce message-Return Control of Extensions to the Line with CARB Oversight with the exception of RCEs and recurrence control Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 12*Interim Actions (cont.)-Assign a CAP Coach For Departments With Performance Challenges-Focus CARB on Department Manager/CAP Coach Presentations of the Health of their Department's CAP*Focus on departments based on current performance*Department CAP Coach assessments & recommendations-Develop New Performance Indicators*Focus on quality
* Introduction                                                                                                                                                                    Dennis Koehl
*Focus timeliness on significant conditions adverse to quality Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 13*Long-Term Actions -Perform Causal Analysis Main Drivers-Update Excellence Plan with the Corrective Actions-Follow-up Assessments Every 6 Months for 2 Years Achieving Predictable CAP Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 14 Craig Butcher Engineering Director Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 15 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance Engineering Assessment Mission-To identify remaining issues to ensure the capability of the engineering organization to consistently deliver high quality products ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 16 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Engineering Assessment Objectives-Address the concern that some Engineering products and activities are not consistently adequate and Attributes of Engineering Excellence  
* Achieving OrganizationalPredictable Excellence Operational Excellence Training Excellence Equipment Excellence CAP Performance Predictable Teamwork Accountable Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Accountable Mike Lorek                  Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                      Model                                                    Pride
* Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance                                                                                                                                                          Craig Butcher A ccident C ontrol                                              Event                                                    M eet                                                  A ttend                      No
* Free Summary Dose                                                Free                                                  Schedule Commitments                                              Training Dennis                       Rework Koehl INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                    Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A     Opportunities C                                                        E                                                          M                                                        A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Introduction                                                                         EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE
* Provide Information Safe, Reliable,On     Plans Predictable, Leader For Continued Improvement Organizational                                            Operational                                                                      Training                                        Equipment Excellence                                              Excellence                                                                      Excellence                                        Excellence
* Consistent Pursuit Of Picture Of Excellence Predictable                                      Safety Teamwork                                        Zero Tolerance Teamwork                                                                                                                                Effective                                          Reliable Accountable                                Configuration Control                                                                        Accountable                                        Predictable Learning                                      Teamwork                                                                                  Model                                              Pride
* Actions To Continue Improving Performance
    - Assessments of engineering and CAP A ccident  C ontrol
      - Leadership                               Event  Mcompleted assessments eet    A ttend                                                                                                                                  No Free      Dose                                                  Free                                            Schedule Commitments                                              Training                        Rework
    - Need to demonstrate INDIVIDUAL sustainability EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight
* We Understand Where We Are & What We Job Planning/                  Procedures/Work                                                              Worker Practices Preparation                    Instructions A      C      E      M        A      N Need To Do Opportunities                                                                                                                                                                          Results 4
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational                                                Operational                                                                          Training                                          Equipment Achieving Predictable Excellence Predictable Teamwork                                          Safety Excellence                                                                          Excellence Teamwork Effective Excellence Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                Configuration Control                                                                            Accountable                                          Predictable CAP Performance Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                      Model                                                Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose Event Free Mike    Lorek A ttend Training No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Plant Manager INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                 Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                        E                                                          M                                                    A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* CAP Assessment Mission Organizational                                              Operational                                                                        Training                                         Equipment Excellence                                                Excellence                                                                        Excellence                                        Excellence
  - Build Predictableon improved Teamwork            SafetyCAP implementation Teamwork Effective inZero2005 Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                  Configuration Control                                                                          Accountable                                          Predictable Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                    Model                                                Pride
  - Achieve consistently high quality CAP products to ensure sustainability
    - Determine A ccident        the Edrivers C ontrol    vent  of M inconsistencies eet      A ttend in CAPNo Free    Dose performance Free       Schedule Commitments  Training     Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                               Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A      Opportunities C                                                        E                                                        M                                                    A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving    Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Method of Assessment - Streaming Analysis Organizational                                          Operational                                                                    Training                                          Equipment Excellence
  - Review       documents that assessTeamwork CAP performance     Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                        Excellence Predictable                                Zero Tolerance Safety Teamwork                                                                                                                            Effective                                            Reliable Accountable                              Configuration Control                                                                      Accountable                                          Predictable
* 2005 NRC Inspection Reports Learning                                    Teamwork                                                                                Model                                                Pride
* 2004 NRC Problem Identification & Resolution Inspection Report C ontrol A ccident
* 2005         Event Nuclear Oversight   M eet Observation (NOS)           A ttend Reports No Free        Dose      Free      Schedule Commitments    Training      Rework
* 2005 CAP Self-Assessment Report INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
* Corrective Action Review Board Meeting Minutes Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                          Worker Practices Preparation                    Instructions A
* 2005C Notes fromENRC Exit Meetings Opportunities M                                                                                                                                                      A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Issues Evaluated During Streaming Organizational                                          Operational                                                                    Training                                      Equipment
     - Causal Analysis determination for Level B CAPs Excellence                                            Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                    Excellence Predictable                                        Teamwork          Zero Tolerance Teamwork                  Safety                  Effective              Reliable
    - Consistency Accountable Learning of  root      causes Configuration Control Teamwork              and      apparent Accountable Model causes Predictable Pride
    - Standards and expectations for the Corrective Action Program
    - Scope A ccident            of someEapparent C ontrol        vent              cause M eet      analysesA ttend              No Free               Dose        Free               Schedule Commitments            Training           Rework
    - Follow-through            of corrective INDIVIDUAL                    actions EXCELLENCE
    - Point Beach employees understanding of the benefits Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                           Worker Practices A of the Corrective            EAction Program Preparation                    Instructions C
Opportunities M                    A                  N                                                                                          Results
    - Corrective Action Program Procedure compliance 8
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving    Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Method of Assessment Organizational                                              Operational                                                                        Training                                              Equipment
      - Develop problem statements from the analysis Excellence                                                Excellence                                                                        Excellence                                            Excellence Predictable                                                                                                                                  Teamwork                                            Zero Tolerance Teamwork                                            Safety                                                                                  Effective                                                Reliable Accountable                                  Configuration Control                                                                          Accountable                                              Predictable
      - Bin the problem statements - Right People/Right Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                    Model                                                    Pride Job, Right Picture, Right Coaching/Mentoring, Right Processes A ccident  C ontrol                                  Event     M eet                                                                                                              A ttend                            No Free- Stream Dosethe                                problem Free statements Schedule Commitments                                                                                                        (ATraining drives                    B,    Rework B drives A orINDIVIDUAL A & B unrelated)
EXCELLENCE Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight
      - Identify the drivers Qualified Workers                    Job Planning/                     Procedures/Work                                                              Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A                        C                                                        E                                                        M                                                        A                    N
      - Perform causal analysis and develop effective Opportunities                                                                                                                                                                                  Results corrective actions for the drivers                                                                                                                                                                                            9 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving    Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Results Organizational                                              Operational                                                                      Training                                            Equipment
      - Excellence Point Beach employees Excellence          understanding Excellence  of    the Excellence Predictable                                Teamwork  Zero Tolerance benefit Teamwork Accountable of the    CAP Safety Configuration Control Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning                                                        Teamwork                                                                  Model                                                        Pride
      - Consistent internalization of the Standards and Expectations for the CAP A ccident     C ontrol Event     M eet                                                                                                                                          A ttend                                  No Free-    CAP  Procedure Dose     Freecompliance Schedule Commitments                                                                                                                                      Training                               Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
      - Apparent Cause   Analysis for some CAPs do not address all of the issue Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A        Opportunities C                                                        E                                                        M                                                      A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving    Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Interim Actions Organizational                                          Operational                                                                    Training                                      Equipment
    - Reinforce 2 More Minutes, 2 More Hours, Excellence                                              Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                    Excellence Predictable                            Teamwork  Zero Tolerance Safety 2 More Days Teamwork Accountable      in   the Configuration Teamwork ControlCAP Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning                                                                                                                            Model                                                Pride
* First line supervisor daily reinforcement
* D-15 Meetings
* Pre-job brief for RCEs & ACEs A ccident          C ontrol      Event        M eet      A ttend                                                                                                                                          No Free
* Visual Dose aids toFree reinforce message Schedule Commitments    Training                                                                                                                                        Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
  - Return Control of Extensions to the Line with Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight CARB Oversight with the exception of RCEs and Qualified Workers                    Job Planning/                  Procedures/Work                                                          Worker Practices Preparation                    Instructions A recurrence C        E control Opportunities M          A        N                                                                                                                                        Results 11 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Interim Actions (cont.)
  - Assign                 Operational a CAP Coach                 Training For Departments   WithEquipment Excellence          Excellence          Excellence      Excellence Performance Predictable Teamwork Challenges Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                                                                                                        Accountable                                      Predictable Learning                                                    Teamwork                                                                Model                                            Pride
  - Focus CARB on Department Manager/CAP Coach Presentations of the Health of their Departments CAP
* Focus on departments based on current performance A ccident  C ontrol Event    M eet      A ttend    No Free
* Department Dose CAPFree Coach Commitments assessments Schedule  &Training recommendations Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
  - Develop New Performance   Indicators Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight
* Focus on quality Qualified Workers                    Job Planning/                  Procedures/Work                                                          Worker Practices Preparation                    Instructions A
* FocusC          E significantMconditions adverse timeliness on Opportunities A to quality N                                                                                                                              Results 12 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Long-Term Actions Organizational                                                Operational                                                                          Training                                            Equipment Excellence                                                  Excellence                                                                          Excellence                                            Excellence
      - Perform Predictable Teamwork Causal Safety Analysis MainEffective Drivers Teamwork                                                                                                                                                            Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                Configuration Control                                                                            Accountable                                            Predictable Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                      Model                                                  Pride
      - Update Excellence Plan with the Corrective Actions
      - Follow-up Assessments Every 6 Months for 2 Years A ccident            C ontrol                                      Event                                                   M eet                                                  A ttend                              No Free                 Dose                                         Free                                                  Schedule Commitments                                              Training                           Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                   Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                        E                                                          M                                                        A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational                                                Operational                                                                        Training                                         Equipment Achieving Predictable Excellence Predictable Teamwork                                          Safety Excellence                                                                        Excellence Teamwork Effective Excellence Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                Configuration Control                                                                          Accountable                                          Predictable Engineering Performance Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                    Model                                                Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose Craig M eet Event Free Schedule Commitments Butcher A ttend Training No Rework Engineering Director INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                               Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                        E                                                        M                                                    A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational                                                Operational                                                                          Training                                            Equipment Excellence                                                    Excellence                                                                          Excellence                                            Excellence Engineering Assessment Mission Predictable Teamwork                                              Safety Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                    Configuration Control                                                                            Accountable                                            Predictable Teamwork
    - To identify remaining issues to ensure the Learning                                                                                                                                          Model                                                  Pride capability of the engineering organization to consistently A ccident  C ontrol deliver Event high M eet qualityAttend productsNo Free                       Dose                                          Free                                               Schedule Commitments                                              Training                           Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                   Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                          E                                                          M                                                        A  Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving     Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Engineering Assessment Objectives Organizational                                          Operational                                                                    Training                                      Equipment
  - Address the concern that some Engineering Excellence                                            Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                    Excellence Predictable                                  Teamwork    Zero Tolerance Safety products Teamwork Accountable and Configuration activities Teamwork Control are not consistently Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning                                      Model          Pride adequate and Attributes of Engineering Excellence are not fully implemented
    - Develop A ccident        specific C ontrol      problemMstatements Event        eet        based on Nthe A ttend  o Free      Dose        Free    Schedule Commitments Training Rework above concern such that an effective improvement INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE plan can be developed Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                          Worker Practices A- Provide C recommendations for improvement actions Preparation                    Instructions E
Opportunities M          A        N                                                                                                                                      Results 16 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving      Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Method of Assessment Organizational                                          Operational                                                                    Training                                        Equipment Excellence                                            Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                        Excellence
  - Sampled Predictable Teamwork recent engineering Safety documents Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                              Configuration Control                                                                      Accountable                                        Predictable Learning                                    Teamwork                                                                                Model                                              Pride
  - Interviewed engineering personnel
  - Interviewed stakeholders A ccident  C ontrol    Event                                                                                  M eet                                                  A ttend                          No
Free Evaluated Dose    workflow Free                                                                process Schedule Commitments                                                            Training                        Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
  - Developed and characterized problem statements Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices
  - Reviewed C site leadership assessments Preparation    Job Planning/  Instructions A                E Opportunities M        A                                                                                                                                                      Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable                                                                                EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Results Organizational                                              Operational                                                                    Training                                      Equipment Excellence                                            Excellence                                                                    Excellence                                    Excellence
      - Predictable Areas Teamwork    for improvement Safety Configuration Control were  noted Teamwork Effective predominantly Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable                                Accountable        Predictable in    the followingTeamwork Learning Picture of Excellence Model barriersPride
* Supervisor oversight
* Worker practices A ccident    C ontrol  Event      M eet      A ttend      No Free-    Key Dose Drivers from Free analysis  of problem Schedule Commitments          statements Training    Rework INDIVIDUAL
* Engagement          EXCELLENCE of workforce by Manager/Supervisor
* Sustained improvement Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                          Worker Practices Preparation                    Instructions A              C practices/quality
* Worker Opportunities E        ofMwork      A                                                                                                                                      Results N
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving      Predictable Engineering    Performance POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Actions Taken
    - Established Organizational      full Operational time Engineering                  Manager Equipment Training            to Excellence            Excellence                Excellence          Excellence coach/counsel/reinforce Predictable                Safety soft skills Teamwork          Zero Tolerance Teamwork                                          Effective            Reliable Accountable        Configuration Control        Accountable          Predictable Teamwork
    - Coaching Learning    supervisors/managers                      regarding Pride Model performance expectations
    - Alignment of engineering work activities to A ccident Plant HealthC ontrol Committee Event                M eet prioritization      A ttend              No Free                      Dose                                          Free                                            Schedule Commitments                                          Training                        Rework
    - Engineering Management        Mentor visits from fleet INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
    - Initial training for improved use of Engineering Human Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation  Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                            Worker Practices A Performance    tools Preparation                    Instructions C
Opportunities E        M            A          N                                                                                                                                      Results
    - Management reinforcement of the expectations for Attributes on Engineering Excellence                      19 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving      Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Interim Actions Planned by 2/17/06 Organizational
  - Raise            Operational accountability            Training of supervisors          Equipment and managers Excellence      Excellence      Excellence    Excellence Predictable                            Teamwork      Zero Tolerance
  - Reevaluate Teamwork Accountable scheduled Safety NOS assessments Configuration Control Effective Accountable to review Reliable Predictable Learning          Teamwork            Model              Pride Engineering    Products
  - Expand the scope of DRB to provide Engineering Expert review of other Engineering Products A ccident C ontrol  Event      M eet    A ttend    No
    - ReviewDose Free      work scope Freeat Engineering Schedule Management Commitments Training meeting Rework to ensure workINDIVIDUAL alignmentEXCELLENCE and cradle to grave accountability Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation  Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                      Worker Practices Preparation
A Management C expectations forM pre-job briefs Instructions E
Opportunities A                                                                                                                                            Results N
  - Expand the use of, and improve effectiveness of, Engineering Observations                                                                                                                                                                          20 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving      Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Long Term Actions
  - Implement Organizational Engineering  Work Management Operational      Training module Equipment interfacing Excellence with  Passport        Excellence      Excellence      Excellence Predictable                                                                                                                          Teamwork                                    Zero Tolerance Teamwork                                      Safety                                                                              Effective                                        Reliable Configuration Control
  - Expand critical knowledge capabilities to reduce dependence on Accountable Learning                                    Teamwork Accountable Model Predictable Pride selected experts
  - Trend in-process errors to identify leading indicators of Engineering performance issues A ccident    C ontrol    Event      M eet      A ttend      No
Free Incorporate Dose INPO Engineering Free      Organizational Schedule Commitments Success Training    Factors Rework
  - Communicate and  enforce new INDIVIDUAL    Fleet Engineering Human EXCELLENCE Performance standards Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices
  - Update Point Beach Excellence Plan with new actions for Preparation    Job Planning/  Instructions A tracking and C management Opportunities E reviewM                A                                                                                                                                        Results N
  - Follow-up assessments every 6 months for 2 years 21 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving      Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader
* Measure of Success Organizational                                          Operational                                                                  Training                                      Equipment
    -  Right personnel in Excellence                  assigned positions Excellence                  Excellence            Excellence Predictable                                          Teamwork          Zero Tolerance Teamwork                  Safety                  Effective              Reliable
    -  Complete Accountable    supervisory          engagement Configuration Control Teamwork and Accountable  accountability Predictable Learning                                            Model                  Pride for excellent product and use of processes
    - Embedded understanding of Attributes of Engineering Excellence A ccident        C ontrol      Event                M eet              A ttend              No
Free Critical      thinking Dose      is  valued Free              and  treated Schedule Commitments          as  both Training a  behavior Rework and a process INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
    - Application of Engineering Human Performance tools is Qualified Workers                                                  Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices second nature Preparation    Job Planning/  Instructions A                  C            E                  M
    - Learning organization with constant goal to raise the bar Opportunities A                  N                                                                                          Results on acceptable performance 22 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

are not fully implemented-Develop specific problem statements based on the above concern such that an effective improvement
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational                                                Operational                                                                          Training                                          Equipment Excellence                                                  Excellence                                                                          Excellence                                        Excellence Predictable Teamwork Accountable Learning Safety Summary Configuration Control Teamwork Teamwork Effective Accountable Model Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose DennisTraining Event Free AKoehl ttend  No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Site Vice President INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                                Worker Practices Preparation                        Instructions A          Opportunities C                                                        E                                                          M                                                    A  Results N

plan can be developed-Provide recommendations for improvement actions ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 17 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Method of Assessment-Sampled recent engineering documents-Interviewed engineering personnel-Interviewed stakeholders
Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Summary                                                                                EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE
-Evaluated workflow process
* Committed to Safe, Continued Reliable, Predictable,Improvement Leader
-Developed and characterized problem statements-Reviewed site leadership assessments ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 18 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Results-Areas for improvement were noted predominantly in the following Picture of Excellence barriers*Supervisor oversight*Worker practices-Key Drivers from analysis of problem statements*Engagement of workforce by Manager/Supervisor
* CAP      Improvements Organizational Excellence Operational Enable Excellence Improvement Training Excellence Equipmentin Excellence the Entire Organization Predictable Teamwork Accountable Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Accountable Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Learning                                        Teamwork                                                                                    Model                                                Pride
*Sustained improvement
* Consistent High Quality Performance in Engineering Will Be Achieved By Focusing on A ccident  C ontrol  Event    M eet    A ttend  No FreeContinuous Dose    Improvement Free  Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers                                                      Procedures/Work Verification/Validation      Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/                                                                                              Worker Practices Preparation                      Instructions A      Opportunities C                                                      E                                                        M                                                    A  Results N
*Worker practices/quality of work ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 19 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Actions Taken-Established full time Engineering Manager to coach/counsel/reinforce soft skills-Coaching supervisors/managers regarding performance expectations-Alignment of engineering work activities to Plant Health Committee prioritization-Engineering Management Mentor visits from fleet-Initial training for improv ed use of Engineering Human Performance tools-Management reinforcement of the expectations for Attributes on Engineering Excellence ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 20 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Interim Actions Planned by 2/17/06-Raise accountability of supervisors and managers-Reevaluate scheduled NOS assessments to review Engineering Products-Expand the scope of DRB to provide Engineering Expert review of other Engineering Products-Review work scope at Engineering Management meeting to ensure work alignment and cradle to grave accountability-Management expectations for pre-job briefs -Expand the use of, and improve effectiveness of, Engineering Observations ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 21 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Long Term Actions-ImplementEngineering Work M anagement module interfacing with Passport-Expand critical knowledge c apabilities to reduce dependence on selected experts -Trend in-process errors to identify leading indicators of Engineering performance issues-Incorporate INPO Engineering Organizational Success Factors -Communicate and enforce new Fleet Engineering Human Performance standards-Update Point Beach Excellence Plan with new actions for tracking and management review-Follow-up assessments ever y 6 months for 2 years ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 22 Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance*Measure of Success-Right personnel in assigned positions-Complete supervisory engagement and accountability for excellent product and use of processes-Embedded understanding of Attributes of Engineering Excellence-Critical thinking is valued and treated as both a behavior and a process-Application of Engineering Human Performance tools is second nature-Learning organization with constant goal to raise the bar on acceptable performance ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 23 Summary Dennis Koehl Site Vice President ACEMANINDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCEPOINT BEACH EXCELLENCESafe, Reliable, Predictable, LeaderEXCELLENCEOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePrideOrganizationalExcellenceOperational ExcellenceTrainingExcellenceEquipmentExcellencePredictableTeamworkAccountableLearningSafetyConfiguration ControlTeamworkTeamwork    EffectiveAccountableModelZero ToleranceReliablePredictablePride Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet Schedule Accident Free N oRework Event Free Control Dose Attend Training Meet CommitmentsOpportunitiesResultsQualif iedWor k er s J ob Planning/Prepara tionPro cedur e s/Wor k I n s t r u c t ion sVeri f i ca tion/Valida tion Superv isorOversigh tWor k erPra ct i ce sBARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCEPicture of Excellence 24 Summary*Committed to Continued Improvement*CAP Improvements Enable Improvement in the Entire Organization*Consistent High Quality Performance in Engineering Will Be Achieved By Focusing on Continuous Improvement}}

Revision as of 23:24, 23 November 2019

02/02/2006 - Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Point Beach Self-Assessments, Summary Letter & Licensee Slides
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/2006
From: Louden P
To: Koehl D
Nuclear Management Co
CAL 3-04-001
Download: ML060440642 (30)


February 10, 2006 CAL 3-04-001 Mr. Dennis L. Koehl Site Vice President Point Beach Nuclear Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 6590 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, WI 54241-9516



Dear Mr. Koehl:

This letter refers to the public meeting conducted on February 2, 2006, at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Region III office in Lisle, Illinois. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of current performance self-assessments in the areas of the engineering and corrective action programs and to discuss future actions to improve performance in these areas.

Mr. Mark Satorius, Director, Division of Reactor Projects at NRC Region III, opened the meeting and stated that we have noted recent improvements that you have made in the human performance area and that we are continuing our reviews of the engineering and corrective action program (CAP) areas. Mr. James Caldwell, Regional Administrator of the NRC Region III, reiterated Mr. Satorius statements and discussed specific information that was desired by the NRC during your presentation.

You and your staff discussed continued improvement initiatives and you also presented your perspectives on current plant performance in the five regulatory areas of concern contained in the April 21, 2004, Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL).

In the CAP area, you and your staff discussed your recent analyses and assessment of the CAP, your methods to achieve consistent quality CAP evaluation, and the issues that continue to result in inconsistencies in CAP performance. Specifically, analyses were performed in January 2006 to evaluate what aspects of your CAP were not meeting your quality expectations. This assessment determined that areas for improvement included employee understanding of CAP importance, standards and expectations, procedures, and apparent

D. Koehl cause analyses. Because of the recent performance of this assessment, you and your staff outlined several interim actions to address these findings. Additionally, you and your staff discussed planned long-term actions to ensure consistent, predictable CAP performance including: causal analyses, Excellence Plan updates, and follow-up assessments. You and your staff also stated that, overall, identification and resolution of problems at Point Beach meet regulatory requirements; however, consistent quality evaluation of problems continues to be an area of focus for improvement.

In the engineering program area, you and your staff described your recent analyses and assessment to identify issues leading to inconsistencies in engineering products. Specifically, analyses were performed in January 2006 to evaluate engineering excellence attributes that were not being fully implemented. This assessment determined that areas for improvement included process barriers such as supervisory oversight and worker practices, manager/supervisor engagement, sustained improvement, and quality of work products.

Similar to the CAP assessment, you described interim and long-term actions to address these findings. You and your staff also outlined methods that you plan to use to measure whether the actions are successful.

Finally, you stated that Point Beach has demonstrated sustained improvement and progress in all five CAL areas, and has met all NRC commitments.

Mr. Satorius stated that additional NRC inspection and review was necessary regarding your presentation conclusions and the statements made in the December 20, 2005, letter that you submitted to the NRC regarding the status of the 143 CAL commitment items. This follow-up will assist the NRC in determining the overall performance status in the CAL areas of engineering and the CAP.

Mr. Caldwell concluded the meeting with an acknowledgment of the information provided by you, Mr. Douglas Cooper, and other Nuclear Management Company (NMC) representatives.

Mr. Caldwell stated that the information presented by you and your staff will be considered in the NRCs annual assessment of Point Beach.

A listing of principal NMC and NRC meeting attendees and a copy of the handout provided by NMC at the meeting are enclosed as Enclosures 1 and 2, respectively, to this letter.

D. Koehl In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact me at (630) 829-9627.



Patrick L. Louden, Chief Branch 5 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-266; 50-301 License Nos. DPR-24; DPR-27


1. List of Principal Attendees
2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl: F. Kuester, President and Chief Executive Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executive Vice President Chief Nuclear Officer D. Cooper, Senior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy, Site Director of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Training Manager Site Assessment Manager Site Engineering Director Emergency Planning Manager J. Rogoff, Vice President, Counsel & Secretary K. Duveneck, Town Chairman Town of Two Creeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of Wisconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Division Public Service Commission of Wisconsin State Liaison Officer

D. Koehl In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records System (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact me at (630) 829-9627.



Patrick L. Louden, Chief Branch 5 Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 50-266; 50-301 License Nos. DPR-24; DPR-27


1. List of Principal Attendees
2. Licensee Presentation Slides cc w/encl: F. Kuester, President and Chief Executive Officer, We Generation J. Cowan, Executive Vice President Chief Nuclear Officer D. Cooper, Senior Vice President, Group Operations J. McCarthy, Site Director of Operations D. Weaver, Nuclear Asset Manager Plant Manager Regulatory Affairs Manager Training Manager Site Assessment Manager Site Engineering Director Emergency Planning Manager J. Rogoff, Vice President, Counsel & Secretary K. Duveneck, Town Chairman Town of Two Creeks Chairperson Public Service Commission of Wisconsin J. Kitsembel, Electric Division Public Service Commission of Wisconsin State Liaison Officer DOC UMEN T NAM E: G:\POIN\Pub Mtg Sum 2-2-06.wpd o receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII NAME LH aeg:s ls PLouden MSatorius DATE 02/07/06 02/10/06 02/10/06 OFFICIAL RECORD CO PY

D. Koehl ADAMS Distribution:

PJH2 HKC RidsNrrDirsIrib GEG KGO CAA1 RGK C. Pederson, DRS (hard copy - IRs only)

DRPIII DRSIII PLB1 JRK1 (inspection reports, final SDP letters, any letter with an IR number)

PUBLIC MEETING PRINCIPAL ATTENDEES February 2, 2006 Nuclear Management Company Douglas Cooper Senior Vice President, NMC Craig Lambert Vice President - Engineering, NMC Dennis Koehl Site Vice President, Point Beach James McCarthy Director Site Operations, Point Beach Michael Lorek Plant Manager, Point Beach Craig Butcher Site Engineering Director, Point Beach Robert Grazio Compliance Manager, Point Beach NRC James Caldwell Regional Administrator, Region III Geoffrey Grant Deputy Regional Administrator, Region III Edwin Hackett Deputy Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mark Satorius Director, Division of Reactor Projects Steven West Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Projects Cynthia Pederson Director, Division of Reactor Safety Anne Boland Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety Patrick Louden Chief, Branch 5, Division of Reactor Projects David Hills Chief, Engineering Branch 1, Division of Reactor Safety Ann Marie Stone Chief, Engineering Branch 2, Division of Reactor Safety C. Fred Lyon Project Manager, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Robert Krsek Senior Resident Inspector, Point Beach Michael Kunowski Project Engineer, Division of Reactor Projects Robert Daley Senior Reactor Engineer, Division of Reactor Safety Lucas Haeg Reactor Engineer, Division of Reactor Projects Public Dan Horner McGraw Hill Nuclear Publications (via telephone)

Enclosure 1

Enclosure 2 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Continued Performance Improvements February 2, 2006

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Accountable Learning Introduction Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Teamwork Effective Accountable Model Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose DennisTraining Event Free AKoehl ttend No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Site Vice President INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 PictureAgenda of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Introduction Dennis Koehl
  • Achieving OrganizationalPredictable Excellence Operational Excellence Training Excellence Equipment Excellence CAP Performance Predictable Teamwork Accountable Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Accountable Mike Lorek Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride
  • Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance Craig Butcher A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No
  • Free Summary Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Dennis Rework Koehl INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Introduction EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE

  • Provide Information Safe, Reliable,On Plans Predictable, Leader For Continued Improvement Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence
  • Consistent Pursuit Of Picture Of Excellence Predictable Safety Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Effective Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride
  • Actions To Continue Improving Performance

- Assessments of engineering and CAP A ccident C ontrol

- Leadership Event Mcompleted assessments eet A ttend No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework

- Need to demonstrate INDIVIDUAL sustainability EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight

  • We Understand Where We Are & What We Job Planning/ Procedures/Work Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A C E M A N Need To Do Opportunities Results 4


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Training Equipment Achieving Predictable Excellence Predictable Teamwork Safety Excellence Excellence Teamwork Effective Excellence Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable CAP Performance Learning Teamwork Model Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose Event Free Mike Lorek A ttend Training No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Plant Manager INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • CAP Assessment Mission Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence

- Build Predictableon improved Teamwork SafetyCAP implementation Teamwork Effective inZero2005 Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride

- Achieve consistently high quality CAP products to ensure sustainability

- Determine A ccident the Edrivers C ontrol vent of M inconsistencies eet A ttend in CAPNo Free Dose performance Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Method of Assessment - Streaming Analysis Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence

- Review documents that assessTeamwork CAP performance Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Zero Tolerance Safety Teamwork Effective Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable

  • 2005 NRC Inspection Reports Learning Teamwork Model Pride
  • 2004 NRC Problem Identification & Resolution Inspection Report C ontrol A ccident
  • 2005 Event Nuclear Oversight M eet Observation (NOS) A ttend Reports No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework
  • 2005 CAP Self-Assessment Report INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE
  • Corrective Action Review Board Meeting Minutes Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A
  • 2005C Notes fromENRC Exit Meetings Opportunities M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Issues Evaluated During Streaming Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Causal Analysis determination for Level B CAPs Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Safety Effective Reliable

- Consistency Accountable Learning of root causes Configuration Control Teamwork and apparent Accountable Model causes Predictable Pride

- Standards and expectations for the Corrective Action Program

- Scope A ccident of someEapparent C ontrol vent cause M eet analysesA ttend No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework

- Follow-through of corrective INDIVIDUAL actions EXCELLENCE

- Point Beach employees understanding of the benefits Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices A of the Corrective EAction Program Preparation Instructions C

Opportunities M A N Results

- Corrective Action Program Procedure compliance 8


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Method of Assessment Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Develop problem statements from the analysis Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Safety Effective Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable

- Bin the problem statements - Right People/Right Learning Teamwork Model Pride Job, Right Picture, Right Coaching/Mentoring, Right Processes A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free- Stream Dosethe problem Free statements Schedule Commitments (ATraining drives B, Rework B drives A orINDIVIDUAL A & B unrelated)

EXCELLENCE Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight

- Identify the drivers Qualified Workers Job Planning/ Procedures/Work Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A C E M A N

- Perform causal analysis and develop effective Opportunities Results corrective actions for the drivers 9 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Results Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Excellence Point Beach employees Excellence understanding Excellence of the Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance benefit Teamwork Accountable of the CAP Safety Configuration Control Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride

- Consistent internalization of the Standards and Expectations for the CAP A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free- CAP Procedure Dose Freecompliance Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Apparent Cause Analysis for some CAPs do not address all of the issue Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Interim Actions Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Reinforce 2 More Minutes, 2 More Hours, Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Safety 2 More Days Teamwork Accountable in the Configuration Teamwork ControlCAP Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning Model Pride

  • First line supervisor daily reinforcement
  • D-15 Meetings
  • Pre-job brief for RCEs & ACEs A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free
  • Visual Dose aids toFree reinforce message Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Return Control of Extensions to the Line with Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight CARB Oversight with the exception of RCEs and Qualified Workers Job Planning/ Procedures/Work Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A recurrence C E control Opportunities M A N Results 11 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Interim Actions (cont.)


- Assign Operational a CAP Coach Training For Departments WithEquipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Performance Predictable Teamwork Challenges Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Accountable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride

- Focus CARB on Department Manager/CAP Coach Presentations of the Health of their Departments CAP

  • Focus on departments based on current performance A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free
  • Department Dose CAPFree Coach Commitments assessments Schedule &Training recommendations Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Develop New Performance Indicators Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight

  • Focus on quality Qualified Workers Job Planning/ Procedures/Work Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A
  • FocusC E significantMconditions adverse timeliness on Opportunities A to quality N Results 12 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE CAPPOINTPerformance BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Long-Term Actions Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence

- Perform Predictable Teamwork Causal Safety Analysis MainEffective Drivers Teamwork Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride

- Update Excellence Plan with the Corrective Actions

- Follow-up Assessments Every 6 Months for 2 Years A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Training Equipment Achieving Predictable Excellence Predictable Teamwork Safety Excellence Excellence Teamwork Effective Excellence Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Engineering Performance Learning Teamwork Model Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose Craig M eet Event Free Schedule Commitments Butcher A ttend Training No Rework Engineering Director INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Engineering Assessment Mission Predictable Teamwork Safety Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Teamwork

- To identify remaining issues to ensure the Learning Model Pride capability of the engineering organization to consistently A ccident C ontrol deliver Event high M eet qualityAttend productsNo Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Engineering Assessment Objectives Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Address the concern that some Engineering Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Safety products Teamwork Accountable and Configuration activities Teamwork Control are not consistently Effective Accountable Reliable Predictable Learning Model Pride adequate and Attributes of Engineering Excellence are not fully implemented

- Develop A ccident specific C ontrol problemMstatements Event eet based on Nthe A ttend o Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework above concern such that an effective improvement INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE plan can be developed Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices A- Provide C recommendations for improvement actions Preparation Instructions E

Opportunities M A N Results 16 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Method of Assessment Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence

- Sampled Predictable Teamwork recent engineering Safety documents Teamwork Effective Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride

- Interviewed engineering personnel

- Interviewed stakeholders A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No


Free Evaluated Dose workflow Free process Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Developed and characterized problem statements Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices

- Reviewed C site leadership assessments Preparation Job Planning/ Instructions A E Opportunities M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Results Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence

- Predictable Areas Teamwork for improvement Safety Configuration Control were noted Teamwork Effective predominantly Zero Tolerance Reliable Accountable Accountable Predictable in the followingTeamwork Learning Picture of Excellence Model barriersPride

  • Supervisor oversight
  • Worker practices A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No Free- Key Dose Drivers from Free analysis of problem Schedule Commitments statements Training Rework INDIVIDUAL
  • Engagement EXCELLENCE of workforce by Manager/Supervisor
  • Sustained improvement Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A C practices/quality
  • Worker Opportunities E ofMwork A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable Engineering Performance POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Actions Taken

- Established Organizational full Operational time Engineering Manager Equipment Training to Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence coach/counsel/reinforce Predictable Safety soft skills Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Effective Reliable Accountable Configuration Control Accountable Predictable Teamwork

- Coaching Learning supervisors/managers regarding Pride Model performance expectations

- Alignment of engineering work activities to A ccident Plant HealthC ontrol Committee Event M eet prioritization A ttend No Free Dose Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework

- Engineering Management Mentor visits from fleet INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Initial training for improved use of Engineering Human Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices A Performance tools Preparation Instructions C

Opportunities E M A N Results

- Management reinforcement of the expectations for Attributes on Engineering Excellence 19 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Interim Actions Planned by 2/17/06 Organizational

- Raise Operational accountability Training of supervisors Equipment and managers Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance

- Reevaluate Teamwork Accountable scheduled Safety NOS assessments Configuration Control Effective Accountable to review Reliable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride Engineering Products

- Expand the scope of DRB to provide Engineering Expert review of other Engineering Products A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No

- ReviewDose Free work scope Freeat Engineering Schedule Management Commitments Training meeting Rework to ensure workINDIVIDUAL alignmentEXCELLENCE and cradle to grave accountability Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation


A Management C expectations forM pre-job briefs Instructions E

Opportunities A Results N

- Expand the use of, and improve effectiveness of, Engineering Observations 20 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Long Term Actions

- Implement Organizational Engineering Work Management Operational Training module Equipment interfacing Excellence with Passport Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Safety Effective Reliable Configuration Control

- Expand critical knowledge capabilities to reduce dependence on Accountable Learning Teamwork Accountable Model Predictable Pride selected experts

- Trend in-process errors to identify leading indicators of Engineering performance issues A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No


Free Incorporate Dose INPO Engineering Free Organizational Schedule Commitments Success Training Factors Rework

- Communicate and enforce new INDIVIDUAL Fleet Engineering Human EXCELLENCE Performance standards Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices

- Update Point Beach Excellence Plan with new actions for Preparation Job Planning/ Instructions A tracking and C management Opportunities E reviewM A Results N

- Follow-up assessments every 6 months for 2 years 21 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Achieving Predictable EXCELLENCE Engineering POINT BEACHPerformance EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader

  • Measure of Success Organizational Operational Training Equipment

- Right personnel in Excellence assigned positions Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Zero Tolerance Teamwork Safety Effective Reliable

- Complete Accountable supervisory engagement Configuration Control Teamwork and Accountable accountability Predictable Learning Model Pride for excellent product and use of processes

- Embedded understanding of Attributes of Engineering Excellence A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No


Free Critical thinking Dose is valued Free and treated Schedule Commitments as both Training a behavior Rework and a process INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE

- Application of Engineering Human Performance tools is Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Worker Practices second nature Preparation Job Planning/ Instructions A C E M

- Learning organization with constant goal to raise the bar Opportunities A N Results on acceptable performance 22 BARRIERS FOR EXCELLENCE

Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE Safe, Reliable, Predictable, Leader Organizational Operational Training Equipment Excellence Excellence Excellence Excellence Predictable Teamwork Accountable Learning Safety Summary Configuration Control Teamwork Teamwork Effective Accountable Model Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Pride A ccident Free C ontrol Dose DennisTraining Event Free AKoehl ttend No Rework M eet Schedule Commitments Site Vice President INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N


Enclosure 2 Picture of Excellence Summary EXCELLENCE POINT BEACH EXCELLENCE

  • Committed to Safe, Continued Reliable, Predictable,Improvement Leader
  • CAP Improvements Organizational Excellence Operational Enable Excellence Improvement Training Excellence Equipmentin Excellence the Entire Organization Predictable Teamwork Accountable Safety Configuration Control Teamwork Effective Accountable Zero Tolerance Reliable Predictable Learning Teamwork Model Pride
  • Consistent High Quality Performance in Engineering Will Be Achieved By Focusing on A ccident C ontrol Event M eet A ttend No FreeContinuous Dose Improvement Free Schedule Commitments Training Rework INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE Qualified Workers Procedures/Work Verification/Validation Supervisor Oversight Job Planning/ Worker Practices Preparation Instructions A Opportunities C E M A Results N