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Requests Plan for Ultimate Disposition of Facility to Enable NRC to Continue Review of Stating That possession-only License Would Be Submitted on 900430. Adequate Trained Staff Must Be Maintained
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 04/25/1990
From: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Boggs D
NUDOCS 9004300203
Download: ML20034B688 (3)



APR 2 51930 Docket No.50-31C DISTRIBUTION LHEETTTTFE NRC & Local PDRs P. Shea D. Hagan J. Larkins G. Hill (4)

Mr. David Boggs J. Zwolinski W. Jones General Manager S. Reynolds J. Calvo i

Sacramento Municipal Utility District OGC GPA/PA 6201 S Street G. Kalman J. Scinto P. O. Box 15830 E. Jordan OC/LFMB Sacramento, California 95852-1830 ACRS(10)

PD5 Gray File R. Bangart S. Brown

Dear Mr. Boggs:

P. Erickson


POSSESSION ONLY LICENSE AMENDMENT FOR THE RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Your letter of December 27, 1989, stated that a possession only license amendment for the Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station would be submitted on April 30, 1990, and that "the maintenance and surveillance of plant systems other than those required to maintain spent fuel pool integrity would be unnecessary at this point.".However, we want to reiterate that plant equipment and programs must not be allowed to degrade in any manner and an adequate number of properly trained staff to assure safety at the facility must be maintained untti a possession only license amendment is approved and issued. Submitting such an amendment does not relieve you from these requirements.

Additionally, in order for the NRC to process and review a possession only license amendment, a plan for ultimate disaosition of the facility must be submitted, then reviewed and accepted by tie NRC. This plan for ultimate disposition does not have to be the complete, finalized decomissioning plan as required by 10 CFR 50.82, but rather a plan outlining your intentions with respect to permanent plant closure, your decision on decomissioning options, and the storage and handling of spent fuel.

i In sumary, I assure you that our staff will continue to work closely with your staff as Rancho Seco proceeds towards early decomissioning.

It is, of course, essential that Rancho Seco be maintained in a safe condition and that your plant closure and decomissioning activities be carried out in compliance with NRC regulations.

Si M% Bik signedbY l

ThccM E. IhWI"Y Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ec: See next page




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WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666 i

APR 2 61530 Docket No. 50-312 Mr. David Boggs l

General Manager.

j Sacramento Municipal Utility District 6201 S Street l

P. O. Box 15830 j

Sacramento, California 95852-1830 i

Dear Mr. Boggs:


p0SSESSION ONLY LICENSE AMENDMENT FOR THE RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION stated that a possession'only license Your letter of December 27, 1989, lear Generating Station would be submitted on amendment for the Rancho Seco Nuc April 30, 1990, and that "the maintenance and surveillance of plant systems other than those required to maintain spent fuel pool integrity would be unnecessary at this point " However, we want to reiterate that plant equipment and programs must not be allowed to degrade in any manner and an adequate number of properly trained staff to assure safety at'the facility i

must be maintained until a possession only license amendment is approved and issued. Submitting such an amendment does not relieve you from these requirements.

7 Additionally, in order for the NRC to process and review a possession only license amendment, a plan for ultimate disposition of the facility must be i

submitted, then reviewed and accepted by the NRC. This plan for ultimate i

L disposition does not have to be the complete, finalized decomissioning plan as i

required by 10 CFR 50.82, but rather a plan outlining your intentions with i

respect to permanent plant closure, your decision on decomissioning options, and the storage and handling of spent fuel.

In summary, I assure you that our staff will continue to work closely with your staff as Rancho Seco proceeds towards early decomissioning.

It is, of j

L course, essential that Rancho Seco be maintained in a safe condition and that l

your plant closure and decomissioning activities be carried out in compliance l

with NRC regulations.

Sincerely, IMe Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc:

See next page

_ _ ~........, _,...



i Mr. David Boggs Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating o

Station cC' Mr. Dan R. Keuter Mr. John Bartus Assistant General Manager, Nuclear Ms. JoAnne Scott Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 14440 Twin Cities Road 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.

Herald, California 95638-9799 Washingt;>n, D.C.

20425 Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Ms. Helen Hubbard Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge P. O. Box 63 2300 N Street, N.W.

Sunol, California 94586 Washington, D.C.

20037 Environmental Conservation Mr. Steven Crunk Organization Manager, Nuclear Licensing Suite 320 Sacramento Municipal Utility District 101 First Street Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Los Altos, California 94022 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Ms. Jan Schori, General Counsel Sacramento Municipal Utility District fir. Robert B. Borsum, Licensing 6201 S Street Representative P.O. Box 15830 Babcock & Wilcox Sacramento, California 95813 Nuclear Power Division 1700 Rockville Pike - Suite 525 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Pesident Inspector /Rancto Seco c/o V. S. N. R. C.

14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638 Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1450 Maria Lane, Suite ??O Walnut Creek, California 94596 Mr. John Hickman Senior Health Physicist Environmental Radioactive Management Unit Environmental Management Branch State Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Room 616 Sacramento, California 95814 Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 700 H Street, Suite 2450 Sacramento, California 95814 l
