IR 05000416/1985021

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Insp Rept 50-416/85-21 on 850617-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Completed Startup Tests.Startup Test Performance & Review Schedule Encl
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/1985
From: Burnett P, Jape F
Shared Package
ML20132E277 List:
50-416-85-21, NUDOCS 8508010761
Download: ML20132E283 (5)




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Report No.:

50-416/85-21 Licensee: Mississippi Power and Light Company Jackson, MS 39205 Docket No.:

50-416 License No.:

NPF-29 Facility Name: Grand Gulf 1 Inspection Conducted:

June 17 - 21, 1985 Inspector:

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  1. 0at( Signed Approved by:



F. Jape,'Section Chief f

Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 36 inspector-hours at the site on the areas of review of completed startup tests.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

8500010761 850711 PDR ADOCK 05000416 G






Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

> J. E. Cross, General Manager

  • C. R. Hutchinson, Manager, Plant Maintenance


F. Rogers, Technical Assistant


  • J. D. Bailey, Compliance Coordinator M. J. Wright, Manager, Plant Operations
  • D. Cupstid, Start-up Supervisor
  • W. P. Harris, Compliance Coordinator Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, operators, and office personnel.
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 21, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters Not inspected.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


Plant Tour (71707)

The inspector accompanied the senior resident inspector on a general plant tour of portions of the control building, turbine building, and rooms containing safeguards equipment.

Observations included safety-related tsgout verifications, housekeeping, and general plant conditions.

No conditions adverse to safety were noted.


Review of Completed Startup Tests (72532)

The following completed startup tests were reviewed to assure that the results had been reviewed and accepted ' by plant management, that the acceptance criteria had been satisfied, and that all test exceptions had been resolved or were being actively pursued:






Test Condition 1 (1) 1-C51-SU-6-1 (Revision 1), SRM Performance, was performed over the period September 8 to October 26, 1984.

The results were approved on November 1, 1984 with one test exception outstanding.

That exception, LP-9, was closed by retest on November 2,1984, with the results approved on November 16, 1984.

(2) 1-C91-SU-13-1 (Revision 1), Process Computer, was accepted and the results approved with one open exception, MP-9, on December 20, 1984.

Resolution of the exception was deferred until the end of test condition (TC) 3.

The inspector confirmed that the deferral was appropriate and that timely resolution was obtained under SU-99-MP (below).

(3) 1-C51-SU-10-1 (Revision 1), IRM/SRM Overlap was approved on October 30, 1984.

It, too, referenced exception LP-9 (see (1)


(4) 1-821-SU-16-1 (Revision 1), Selected Process Temperatures and Water Level Measurements was approved on October 17, 1984.

Inspector concerns in the method of averaging some of the test results are addressed in inspector followup item 416/84-50-01.

(5) 1-N32-SU-22-1 (Revision 1), Initial Pressure Controller was approved on November 1, 1984, with no open exceptions.


(6) 1-000-SU-23-1 (Revision 1), Feedwater System, was approved on October 12, 1984 with no open exceptions.


Test Condition 3 (1) 1-C11-SU-05-2 (Revision 1), Control Drive System, was accepted on March 20, 1985, with exception MP-40 open.

Further review revealed the exception was closed in 50-05-3.


(2) 1-E51-14-2 (Revision 2), RCIC System, results were approved on April 11, 1985, with exception MP-61 open.

The exception was


still open at the end of middle power plateau testing.

Discussions with the test engineers revealed that a plant modifi-cation to reinstall elbow taps in the RCIC pump suction.line to properly measure differential pressure was required to close the exception.

That modification will be performed during the next extended plant outage.

In the interim, the differential pressure set point is less than 150 inches of water, which, with a measured offset of 162 inches, is conservative with respect to the limit of 363 inches required by technical specification table 3.3.2-2, item 5. a.1.

(3) 1-N32-SU-22-2 '(Revision 2), Initial Pressure Controller, results were approved on March 20, 1985 with no open exceptions.






(4) 1-000-SU-23-2 (Revision 2), Feedwater System results were approved on February 26, 1985, with exception MP-32 open.

That exception was still open at the end of middle power testing.

Discussions with the test engineers revealed that the exception was not related to acceptance criteria but to the performance of function generators in obtaining baseline data.

Additional tests will be performed under SU-23-6.


No level 1 acceptance criteria were involved in the exception.

(5) 1-B21-S0-26-2 (Revision 2), Relief Valves, results were approved with exception MP-38 open.

That exception was closed by the end of middle power testing.

(6) 1-000-SU-27-2 (Revision 1), Generator Load Rejection within Bypass Capacity, results were approved on March 20, 1985 with no test exceptions.

(7) 1-000-SU-28-2 (Revision 1), Shutdown from Outside the Main Control Room, results were approved without test exceptions on February 26, 1985.

The licensee's written commentary on the test included identifying a need to provide a correlation between the control room narrow range vessel level indicator and the remote shutdown panel wide range indicator.

Followup by the inspector revealed that the necessary correlation data had been collected, and the technical department was generating the necessary curves under a design change request.

(8) 1-000-SU-31-2 (Revision 1), Loss of Turbine Generator and Offsite Power, results were approved on April 26 with all test exceptions closed.

(9) 1-M51-SU-72-2 (Revision 1), Drywell Cooling System, test results were approved on January 19, 1985.

Related test exception MP-31 was still open at the end of middle power testing, but it did not involve a level 1 acceptance criterion.


Plateau Procedures At the close of 1-000-SU-99-MP (Revision 2), Plateau Procedure-Medium Power, there were three test exceptions open from open-vessel and low power testing and fifteen exceptions open from medium power testing.

Three of the latter were related to level 1 acceptance criteria.

Review of SU-99-FP, the full power plateau procedure revealed that the three significant exceptions were resolved prior to actual power escalation.

No violations or deviations were identified in the review of the completed startup test procedures.

The status of the review of the startup tests is shown in an attachment to this report.


Power Level Data Review

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Startup Test Performance and Review Schedule (NR = not required by FSAR Table 14.2-3 )

Test Condition Test No.

Title Heatup One Two Three Four Five Six


- _ _



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SU-01 Chemical and radiochemical NR NR SU-02 Radiation measurements NR NR E

SU-05 Control rod drive system 84-04 HR 85-21 NR


SU-06 SRM performance & rod sequence 84-04 85-21 NR NR NR W

NR 5U-08 Rod sequence exchange M

HR NR NR NR NR 50-10 IRN performance 84-04 85-21 NR NR NR m

m 50-11 LPRM calibration 84-46 NR NR m

SU-12 APRM calibration 84-04 84-46 84-50 NR S0-13 Process computer 85-21 NR NR NR 5U-14 RCIC system 84-04 NR 85-21 NR M


SU-16 Selected process temperature 85-21 04-50 NR 50-17 System expansion NR NR NR 50-10 Core power distribution NR NR NR M

M SU-19 Core performance NR 84-46 84-50 Su-21 Core power-void mode response NR NR NR


NR 5U-22 Pressure controller setpoint changes NR 85-21 85-21 Su-23 Feedwater system 85-21 85-21

Su-24 Turbine valve surveillance M

NR NR NR SU-25 Main steam isolation valves NR NR M

SU-26 Relief valves NR 85-21 NR NR NR 5U-27 Turbine SV trip & 9en load rejection NR NR 85-21 NR M

S0-29 Shutdown from outsade control room NR NR 85-21 M

NR NR NR 5U-29 Recirculation flow control system W

84-46 NR M


SU-30 Recirculation system M

M 84-50 5U-31 Lost.of turbine / generator & offsite power M

NR 85-21 NR NR M

NR SU-33 Drywell piping vibration NR NR SU-34 RPV internals vibration NR W

SU-35 Recirculation system flow calibration W


M SU-36 Isolated reactor stability 84-04 NR NR NR NR M

NR 5U-70 Reactor water cleanup system NR NR HR NR W

W l

50-71 Residual heat removal system 84-04 84-46 NR NR NR NR SU-72 Orywell atmosphere cooling NR 85-21 NR NR HR SU-74 Offgas system NR NR M

Su-75 Cooling water system 85-21 NR NR

.m Inspection in which review 84-04(typ)


of the completed procecbre was finished.







