/ Mississippi Power and Light Company ATTH: Mr. J. B. Richard Senior Vice President, Nuclear P. O. Box 23054 Jackson, MS 392C5 Gentlemen:
SUBJECT: REPORT N0. 50-416/85-09 Thank you for your responses of May 24 and June 28, 1985, to our Notice of Violation issued on April 25, 1985, concerning activities conducted at your Grand Gulf facility.
We have evaluated your responses and found that they meet the requirements of 10 CFR 2.201.
We will examine the implementation of your corrective actions during future inspections.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely, Original Signed by Roger D. Walker Roger D. Walker, Director Division of Reactor Projects cc: /. E. Cross, General Manager J
<R. T. Lally, Manager of Quality d.MiddleSouthServices,Inc.
B. McGehee, Esquire Wise, Carter, Child, Steen
,and Caraway vN. S. Reynolds, Esquire Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell
& Reynolds sR. W. Jackson, Project Engineer bcc:dRCResidentInspector Document Control Desk State of Mississippi RI:
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