IR 05000416/1990009

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Insp Rept 50-416/90-09 on 900514-18.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness,Including Corrective Action Tracking Sys, Training & Maint of Select Emergency Kits & Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1990
From: Gooden A, Rankin W
Shared Package
ML20043H039 List:
50-416-90-09, 50-416-90-9, NUDOCS 9006210482
Download: ML20043H040 (7)







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g ag $90-Report No.: ~50-416/96-09 Licensee: System Energy Resources, Inc.


Jackson, MS 39205





' Docket No.:

50-416 License No.: NPF-29




Facility.Name:. Grand Gulf




Inspection Conducted:- May.14-18, 1990 d ( jf--

' Inspector:

M k-





- - -- - --

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Approved by:




Emergency Preparedness Section

~ '

Emergency Preparedness and Radiological-


Protection Branch


Division.of. Radiation Safety and Safeguards.




' Scope:



This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the area of emergency


preparednesse-Several aspects of the-emergency preparedness program were '

.s-reviewed: to determine if the program was being, maintained in a state "of l


Areas-reviewed included independent audits! and the corrective action tracking system; training; maintenance of select emergency:

kits :and equipment; organizational changes since the August 1989 inspection; distribution of changes to the Emergency Plan and Emergency Plan Procedures


(EPPs); and-the adequacy of licensee' actions _ taken on previously identified.



inspection findings.



Within the areas examined, violations or deviations were not identified.



emergency preparedness' program elements appeared to be adequately addressed and

' implemented.

'Noted program strengths were:

management support for the program; monthly comunications drills with offsite groups; event.

classification training during simulator exercises; and the equipment inventories and operability checks.


9005210482 900605 H

PDR ADDCK 050 4 64




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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees-D. Beard, Shift Supervisor R. Carroll, Shift Supervisor

i E. Diana, Operations Instructor

  • C, Elisaesser, Operations Superintendent
  • C. Hutchinson, General Manager T.- Jablonski, Shift Superintendent
  • M. Kavanaugh, Emergency Planner
  • J. Parrish, Manager, Plant Operations W. Russell, Operations Assistant J. Sanford, Emergency Planner W. Sullivan, Quality Specialist
  • J. Summers, Compliance Coordinator
  • S. Tanner, Manager, Quality Services D. Townsend, Emergency Planner


R. Vandenakker, Emergency Planner

  • G. Zinke, Licensing Superintendent


Other licensee employees contacted during' this inspection included engineers, security force members,. technicians, and administrative personnel.

NRC Resident Inspectors

  • H. Christensen
  • J. Mathis
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Emergency Plan and-Implementing Procedure (82701)

Pursuant to 10CFR50.47(b)(16), 10 CFR 50.54(q), and Appendix E ' to 10 CFR Part 50, this area was reviewed to determine whether changes were made to'the program since-the last routine inspection (August 1989), and-to assess the impact of these changes on the overall state of emergency preparedness at the facilit.




The inspector reviewed Section 8.5 of the licensee's Emergency Plan and j

discussed with licensee personnel the program for making changes to the Plan and EPPs.

The inspector verified that changes to the EPPs were reviewed and approved by management in accordance with the administrative


procedure governing the development, review, and approval. The inspector l

reviewed the distribution of EPPs to NRC covering the period


September 1989 through April 1990.

The randomly selected EPPs were

submitted within 30 days of the approval date in accordance with J

I 10 CFR 50.54(q).

No problems were noted.


Since the last inspection, changes incorporated as Revision 19 'to the

Grand Gulf Emergency Plan were approved by NRC in a letter dated


September 8, 1989.

At the time of the inspection, Revision 20 changes were being reviewed by the Regional Office staff to determine if changes were consistent with NRC requirements.


Controlled copies of the _ Emergency Telephone Directory, Emergency Plan, and/or EPPs were audited in the Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), and the E0F.

The selected documents were found to be current revisions, No violations or deviations were identified.

c 3.

Emergency Facilities, Equipnent, Instrumentation, and Supplies (82701)


Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(8) and (9),Section IV.E of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and Section 7.0 of the licensee's Emergency Plan, this area was inspected to determine whether the licensee's emergency response

facilities and other essential emergency equipment, instrumentation, and


supplies were maintained in a state of operational readiness.

Discussions were held with a licensee representative concerning modifications to facilities, equipment, and instrumentation tince the last

inspection. The inspector toured the Control Room, TSC, OSC, and E0F.

Regarding facility changes, the inspector was informed by a. licensee represt, tative that all -operational assignments and responsibilities previon'y assigned to the Site Access Point (SAP) were reassigned to the EOF.

tinsequently, the SAP war deleted as an emergency response facility (ERF).

The SAP provided a base of operation for offsite monitoring teams, and. served as a focal point for receipt of field monitoring data.

Once the EOF was activated and considered operational, offsite monitoring).

responsibility was transferred to the E0F (Radiation Emergency Manager The reassignment appears to provide continuity in the deployment of.offsite monitoring personnel.

Based on a tour of the E0F and a discussion -

regarding the operational concept of the E0F, the referenced change will not impact the licensee's capability to deploy offsite monitoring personnel in a timely, effective manner.

In assessing the operational status of the ERFs, the inspector verified that protective equipment, and supplies were operational and inventoried on a periodic basis.







4 kits and/or cabinets from the Control Room, TSC, OSC, E0F, and Offsite Monitoring Team (OMT) kit were inventoried and randomly selected equipment was checked for operability.

The selected equipment operated properly,

~ displayed current calibration stickers, and successful battery and source checks were obtained.

By review of applicable procedures and check-list documentation covering the period of October 1989 to April 1990, the inspector determined that emergency equipment (eg. communication equipment, E0F emergency diesel generator.and emergency kits) was. being checked in accordance with the procedures governing such tests.. Records reviewed indicated that all discrepancies or problems identified during inventories and communications checks were corrected in a timely manner.

The licensee's management control program for the Alert and Notification System (ANS) was reviewed..

According to documentation, the system consisted of 43 sirens.

Thirteen sirens are located in Tensas Parish, Louisiana, and 30 sirens are located in Claiborne County, Mississippi.

The licensee provided test documentation covering the period September 1989 through May 1990. - Results showed that problems identified during testing were resolved in a timely manner.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Organization and Management Control (82701)


Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(1) and (16),Section IV.A of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and Section 5.0 of the licensee's Emergency Plan, this area was inspected to determine the effects of any changes in the licensee's emergency organization and/or managenent control systems on the emergency preparedness program, and to verify that any such changes were properly factored into the Emergency Plan and EPPs.

The inspector's discussion with a member of the licensee's staff disclosed that several personnel changes had been made involving the normal ' plant staff since the August 1989 inspection as a result of position-

' reassignments or promotions.

For example, the previous Manager of Plant Support was reassigned as the Training Superintendent.

The discussed changes had no impact on the emergency preparedness program reporting chain.

However, as a result of reassignment within the normal organization, individuals in some cases were assigned different roles in the emergcncy organization.

When personnel training records were compared to position assignment, no problems were noted.

Regarding the offsite support organizations, only one change was discussed.

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) interface for Grand Gulf on Radiological Emergency Plan issues had changed since the last inspection, but no other offsite changes had occurred.

No violations or deviations were identified.



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Training (82701)

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(2) and (15),Section IV.F of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 50, and Section 8.2 of the Emergency Plan, this area was inspected to determine whether the licensee's key emergency response.

l personnel were properly trained and understood their emergency i



l The inspector reviewed Section 8.2 of-the Emergency Plan and the various


implementing procedures for a description of the_ training program and

training procedures.

In addition, personnel with the responsibility for conducting and tracking the emergency response training were interviewed.


It was-determined that the licens.

maintains a formal emergency training



Training records were reviewed for selected members of the emergency organization. Training records were chosen based on the current emergency response position matrix and the monthly on-call listing of emergency response personnel.

Fifteen names were randomly selected from various emergency positions on the emergency response position matrix.

When personnel training records were compared with position assignments, no problems were noted.

The inspector conducted a walk-through evaluation with key members of the Control Room staff.

Three individuals who may be designated as the Interim


Emergency Director was given hypothetical emergency conditions involving'a loss of all offsite power and loss of onsite power supplies.



Interviewees demonstrated familiarity with the emergency < classification procedures (EPP '10-S-01-1) and various other EPPs which implement the.

station's Emergency Plan.

No problems were noted in the areas of emergency action level (EAL) recognition, classification, and protective action reconmendations.

Training was reviewed for~ the offsite fire, medical, local law enforcement, and governmental support agencies.

No problems were noted.

Training was provided to the local fire, law enforcement, ambulance, and hospitals during the period June 13-15, 1989. Annual training for Tensas Parish and Claiborne County Civil Defense personnel regarding 'the

"Compulert" ANS was conducted during February 1990.

Remaining training for calendar year 1990 had not been conducted at the - time of the inspection; however, a letter dat(d February 1990 was sent to the offsite support agencies showing tentative dates for conducting annual training.

The. inspector reviewed drill documentation for verification that the required drills were conducted during the calendar year 1989. No problems were noted.

In addition to the required drills, the inspector was i








provided documentation to show that a table-top drill using the back-up emergency operations facility (BEOF) was conducted on February 21, 1990.


No violations or. deviations were identified.


IndependentReview/ Audit (82701)

i Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(14) and 10 CFR 50.54(t), this area was

.l inspected to determine whether the licensee -had performed an independent review or audit of the emergency preparedness program and whether the

licensee had a corrective action system for deficiencies and weaknesses identified during exercise and drills.

According to documentation, an independent audit was conducted by the'


System Program during the period September 19 through licensee's Quality (documented in Audit Report No. QSA-89/0021).


October 16, 1989.

The aforementioned audit satisfy the annual frequency requirement for such audits.

The licensee's program for follow-up action on audit, drills, and exercise -

f findings was reviewed.

The licensee maintains a tracking system known as

Action Tracking Management System (ATMS). The inspector reviewed.a sample v

of items from the Calendar Year 1989 exercise, and noted that items were assigned to a specific organization with responsibility for taking


corrective actions including a tentative completion date.

The tracking system was maintained by Nuclear Licensing and Safety.

No violations or deviations were identified.

i 7.

NRC Information Notice (92703)

The inspector discussed with a licensee representative their response to i

the following Information Notices ON):

IN No. 89-89 " Event Notification. Work Sheets."

The inspector reviewed licensee documentation entitled "NRC Information Notice Review" and noted the licensee had reviewed the' referenced IN and determined that the additional information in the IN would be I


applicable to their site and procedures.

The current procedure (01-S-06-5) which provides guidance for making 10 CFR 50.72 reports was revised to include the additional information contained on NRC Form 361 attached to the IN.

IN No. 90-08 "Kr-85 Hazards From Decayed Fuel."

According to a licensee contact and documentation entitled "NRC Information Notice Review", an assigned Reviewer reviewed the IN and evaluated current procedures for adequacy.

Based on the review and EAL andysis by plant staff, the licensee determined that the Current EALS and i

appropriate EPPs adequately address the information in IS No. 90-08 and no further action was required.




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Action on Previous Inspection Findings (92701)

(Closed) IFI - 50-416/88-20-01:

Ensure that OSC Supervisor periodically updates facility staff on plant stetus throughout exercise.


EPP-29 entitled Operations Support Center Operations was revised to include the addition of an OSC Coordinator check-list which required periodic updates to the OSC staff re5arding plant status.

Due to noise level in the OSC, a hand-held megaphone or bu11 horn was provided for use by the OSC Coordinator in conducting facility briefings.

Further, during the calendar


, year 1989 exercise'(see Report-No. 50-416/89-25), no problems were noted J

with facility activation, staffing, and/or operation.

W (Closed) IFI 50-416/88-20-02:

Ensure that E0F is activated within the time regime astigned by EPIPs.


The licensee conducted an emergency response time estimate study during i

the fourth quarter of Calendar Year 1988 and the first quarter of Calendar Year 1989.

In addition, emergency positions in the E0F



previously assigned to corporate office personnel were reassigned to site

or near-site personnel (corporate personnel qualified in various positions were assigned as backups).

During the Calendar Year 1989 exercise (Report No. 50-416/89-25), no problems were noted by the NRC Exercise Evaluation Team in the activation, staffing, and operation of the E0F.


e (dpen)'IFl 50-416/89-21-02:

Conduct an ur nnounced augmentation l

verify that Table 5-1-augmentation staffing and arrival times can be met.



The licensee provided docementation dated December 28, 1989 which disclosed the subject drill was conducted on October 27, 1989.. However,


Table 5-1 staffing and arrival times were not met.

In response to -

deficiencies identified during the augmentation drill, remedial actions were taken (primarily involving notification procedure) to enhance the

licensee's augmentation performance.

This item remains open pending the

licensee's redemonstration during the second quarter of Calendar Year-




Exit Interview


The inspection scope and results were summarized on May 18, 1990, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1.

The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the information provided to the inspector during the inspection.

There were no dissenting comments from the licensee.

Licensee management was infcrmed that three previous open items (listed in Paragraph 8) were reviewed and two items were closed, and one remains opened pending further actions.