Vice President, Nuclear Operations P. O. Box 23054 Jackson, MS 39205 Gentlemen:
REPORT NO. 50-416/85-27 Thank you for your response of October 16, 1985, to our Notice of Violation issued on September 17, 1985, concerning activities conducted at your Grand Gulf facility. Our letter of October 31, 1985, acknowledged your response. We have evaluated your response and found that it meets the requirements of 10 CFR 2.201.
We will examine the implementation of your corrective actions during future inspections.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely, V. Panciera/ for Roger D. Walker, Director Divisica of Reactor Projects cc:d.H.Cloninger,VicePresident, d.NuclearEngineeringandSupport E. Cross, General Manager J. F. Dale, Director, Nuclear d.LicensingandSafety T. Lally, Manager of Quality Assurance Middle South Services,
l B. McGehee, Esquire
Wise, Carter, Child, Steen and f Caraway l
vfd. S. Reynolds, Esquire Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell
& Reynolds
. W. Jackson, Project Engineer
. R. Hutchinson, GGNS General Manager bec:JNRC Resident Inspector Document Control Desk l