IR 05000417/1985007

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Insp Rept 50-417/85-07 on 850916-20.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Electrical Components & Sys Work,Work Activities & Quality Records
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/1985
From: Conlon T, Gibbons T
Shared Package
ML20133J323 List:
50-417-85-07, 50-417-85-7, NUDOCS 8510180383
Download: ML20133J335 (5)


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Report No.: 50-417/85-07 Licensee: Mississippi Power and Light Company Jackson, MS 39205 Docket No.: 50-417 License No.: CPPR-119


Facility Name: Grand Gulf Unit 2 Inspection Conducted: September 16 - 20, 1985 Inspector:

a/h,]dv2 u/g/gs-T. D. Gibbons Date Signed i

Approved b p


/v-P-gr T. E. Conlon, Section Chief Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety






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This routine, unannounced inspection involved 32 inspector-hours on site in the areas of electrical components and system work, work activities and quality records.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

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0280383 851011 G

ADOCK 05000427 PDR







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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • S., Site QA Manager
  • B. Lee, QA Supervisor Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personnel.

Other Organization

  • P. Collins, QA Engineer, Bechtel Power Corporation (BPC)

R. Couse, Project Manager, BPC NRC Resident Inspectors R. Butcher, Senior Resident Inspector J. Caldwell, Resident Inspector

  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Intervfew l

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 20, 1985, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The inspector described the areas inspected.

There were no violations, deviations or unresolved items identified during this inspection.

No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during the inspection.


Independent Inspection Effort



Construction Progress


The inspector conducted a general inspection of electrical construction in progress.

During the inspection on September 17, 1985, the Mississippi Public Service Comission issued a stop work order for all construction





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effort. Work will continue on protection of equipment stored either in the


warehouses or stored in place in the plant.

This inspector examined portions of the work which was in process or completed prior to this stop work order.

The inspector also observed some of the equipment which was stored in place. The electrical work is about 11". complete at this time and the general appearance of conduits and cable tray installation appreared



The containment is not completed, however the equipment is covered to prevent water intrusion.

Heating was provided to prevent condensation. Housekeeping in the areas appeared to be good.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


Electrical Components and System Work Observation (51053)

The inspector examined the in-place storage of the following equipment:

125 Volt DC Battery Chargers 2DA4 and 20B4 4160 Volt Switchgear 26AB


i This equipment was stored in the control building in temperature controlled


dry storage.

Each cabinet was clearly identified with plastic tags and periodic inspections were performed.

The 4160 volt switchgear had several red nonconformance tags which identified minor shipping damage such as dented doors and side panels.

There were tags identifying several items which were not shipped with the equipment. These items will be installed when they are received on site.

The licensee staff is adequate for implementing


e above equipment had been partially installed.

The licensee uses Work


Plans to control installation work.

The Work Plan contains the latest drawings, specifications and reference procedures to be used during installation.

The equipment was installed in the proper location as required by the work plan and drawings.

The protection and identification are maintained after installation.

The inspector selected two conduit and four cable trays for examination of completed work. The items selected are listed as follows:


2BBRVQO3 Conduit 2BATLT03 Tray 2BARL614 Conduit 2CATWM03 Tray 2CATNM02 Tray 2CATNM03 Tray The above raceway items (conduit and cable trays) were inspected to assure that they were installed by the drawing, location was correct, the specified material was used, and that anchors and supports were installed in accordance with the design drawing.

The trays were adequately identified.

There is adequate electrical separation per reg Guide 1.75.

The trays were i

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j identified by the licensee as not meeting the required separation for fire requirements.

Fire barriers will be installed at a later date.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


Electrical Components and Systems - Record Review (51055)

The inspector examined the receiving inspection records for the following electrical equipment:

Battery Charger 2DA4 Battery Charger 20B4 4160 Volt Switchgear 26AB i

4160 Volt Breaker Q2R215601B 4160 Volt Grounding Device

The above items were properly identified and inspected to the applicable

receiving requirements.

The shipping damage to the 4160 volt switchgear identified in paragraph 6 was documented on NCRs.

The NCRs identified the

corrective actions required and the work will be done when construction is restarted.

The factory inspection and test records for each item of i

electrical equipment were examined.

The records were complete and clearly established the acceptability of the equipment.

The storage records for the above battery chargers and the 4160 switchgear were examined.

The equipment was stored in-place in clean, temperature


I controlled rooms in the control building.

Storage inspections were routinely performed.

Red nonconforming tags were attached to equipment identifying minor deficiencies.

The inspector examined the records for the two conduits and four cable trays previously identified in paragraph 6. The inspector verified that the

drawing and procedure used-for the installation were current.

The items were located, installed, supported, and identified as required.



were performed, reviewed and evaluated.

The records were complete and


appeared satisfactory.

The requirements for electrical separation of the


cable tray were accepted.

The trays were identified by the licensee as not


meeting the required separation for fire requirements and are entered in the fire separation log.

The fire separation log entry will be closed by installation -of fire barriers, if required.

The items are adequately protected from construction damage.

The inspector examined the qualification and training records of three electrical inspectors.

The records confirm the qualification, experience,


training, and testing of the inspectors.

The inspectors previous work experience used for qualification was gained within the contractors


organization and qualification records are routinely audited by the





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The inspector examined 14 Nonconformance Reports (NCRs) issued in the electrical area to assure that the reports are legible, complete, and reviewed.

An evaluation for reportability to the NRC is made for each NCR.

A copy of each NCR is held in the records vault while the original is routed


for disposition and evaluation.

The resolution of an NCR requires that the

immediate problem be corrected and that where possible an evaluation be made of the cause. The records vault can produce the copy of the NCR immediately

upon request.

However, if necessary the original can be retrieved in a short time.

The NCRs include the status of corrective action and adequate l

justification for the resolution.

Field Change Notice (FCN) or Field Change Request (FCR) are used to control

field requests for design changes.

The FCN allows work to proceed but agrees to rework if the FCN is not approved.

The FCR does not allow work to be performed prior to design arproval.

The inspector selected four FCNs for review to assure that field changes are reviewed in a timely manner and evaluated by the design organization.

The work package indicates the latest

drawings, FCRs, FCNs, and NCRs which are applicable to the work. The field i

change process incorporates design control to assure that all aspects of the change are reviewed including original design and as built records. A field change may resolve a nonconforming condition only after an NCR is issued.


l Licensee and contractor QA groups perform audits of the quality program.

The inspector reviewed five licensee audits and one contractor audit l

performed this year.

The audits are perforned per the audit schedule which covers all functional areas.

The audits were pre planned to cover the intended scope.

The audits appeared to adequately cover the area audited.

The audit findings were sufficiently detailed to allow management to evaluate the finding and establish corrective action.

In several cases the audit finding was corrected by management during the audit.

Findings were evaluated, corrective action assigned and completed in a reasonable time.

The auditors are independent of the work being audited.

l Within the areas examined there were no violations or deviations identified.

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