IR 05000348/1986021

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Insp Repts 50-348/86-21 & 50-364/86-21 on 861016-20.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp Program Review,Procedures Review,Observations of Work Activities & Nonwelding & Welding Activities for Piping
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1986
From: Blake J, Hallstrom G, Newsome R
Shared Package
ML20214L577 List:
50-348-86-21, 50-364-86-21, NUDOCS 8612030137
Download: ML20214L625 (14)









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Report Nos.: 50-348/86-21 and 50-364/86-21 Licensee: Alabama Power Company 600 North 18th Street Birmingham, AL 35291


Docket Nos.: 50-348 and 50-364 License Nos.:

NPF-2 and NPF-8 Facility Name:

Farley 1 and 2 Inspection Conduc d: October 16-20, 1986 Inspectors:

My M

// -/ 3 -76 g R. W. Newsome Date Signed Y

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lf om Date Signed Approved by.

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'Blake, Section Chief Date Signed neering Branch D vision of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of inservice inspection (ISI) program review, procedures review, observation of work activities, and data review.

Also examined were non-welding and welding activities for safety-related piping.

l Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

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i 1.

Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • J. D. Woodard, Plant Manager
  • W. B. Shipman, Assistant Plant Manager
  • R. G. Berryhill, Performance and Planning Superintendent
  • R. D. Hill, Operations Manager
  • L. A. Ward, Maintenance Manager
  • L. M. Stinson, Plant Maintenance Department Manager
  • B. L. Moore, Unit Supervisor
  • S. T. Burns, Senior Project Engineer, Inservice Inspection (ISI)
  • C. D. Nesbitt, Technical Manager
  • L. W. Enfinger, Administrative Manager
  • C. D. Pugh, Senior Engineer, ISI
  • T. W. Cherry, I&C Supervisor Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personnel.

Other Organizations

  • R. T. Davis, Southern Company Services (SCS), Lead Level III J. Campbell, Westinghouse Electric Corporation (W), ISI
  • C. G. Ward, Kemper Insurance, Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII)

NRC Resident Inspectors

  • W. H. Bradford, Senior Resident Inspector
  • B. Bonser, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview i

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on October 20, 1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.

The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings.




dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The following new item was identified during this inspection.

i l

(0 pen) Inspector Followup Item (IFI) 50-348, 364/86-21-01, Procedures i

Revisions to include ANII Functions, paragraph 6.a.

The licensee did identify as proprietary materials provided and reviewed by the inspectors during this inspection; however, this material is not


discussed in this report.







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Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during the inspection.


Independent Inspection Effort The inspectors conducted a general inspection of Unit 1 containment, turbine building, auxiliary building and main steam valve rooms to observe plant modification progress and modification activities such as welding, material handling, housekeeping, and storage.

Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


Inservice Inspection (ISI)

The inspectors examined documents, activities, and records as indicated below to determine whether ISI was -being conducted in accordance with applicable procedures, regulatory requirements and licensee commitments.

The applicable code for ISI is American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel (ASME B&PV) Code,Section XI, 1974 edition with addenda through Summer 1975. Westinghouse (W) has the responsibility as the ISI contractor with Southern Company Services (SCS) conducting overview functions.

The automated ultrasonic examinations being conducted on the Unit I reactor vessel is'being accomplished by W while the ISI examinations on the balance of plant are being conducted by Tonic System, Inc.


Inservice Inspection, Programmatic Review, Units 1 and 2 (73051)

The inspectors reviewed the below listed documents relating to the licensee's Inservice Inspection program (Plan) for the current outage in the areas of:

program approval; QA program requirements including organizational structure; audit requirements; general QA requirements (examination reports, control of deviations from established program; quality documentation and identification of components); work and quality inspection procedures; control of processes; corrective action; document control; control of examinations and examination equipment; quality records; inspection scope; inspection intervals; personnel qualifications; and, NDE records including provisions for storage.

FNP-0-AP-57, R-3, Preservice and Inservice Inspections FNP-0-AP-53. R-3, Preventive Maintenance Program FNP-0-AP-4, R-10, Control of Plant Documents and Records FNP-0-AP-5, R-8, Surveillance Program Administrative Control





FNP-0-AP-6, R-2, Procedure Adherence FNP-0-AP-31, R-8, Quality Control Measures


FNP-0-AP-52, R-8, Equipment Status Control and Maintenance Authorization FNP-1-STP-156.0, R-0, Inservice Inspection of Class 3 Systems and Components FNP-1-M-033, R2, Inservice Inspection Program for ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 Components of Unit No. 1 During the inspectors review of the ISI program and the associated


administrative procedures, the inspectors noted that it was not evident that the ANII functions were included as part of the program.

Discussions with the licensee and personal observations made by the inspectors indicated that the ANII was onsite and performing the required functions.

However, at the present time, the ANII functions had not yet been included in the program.

Further discussions with the i

licensee indicated that the program and administrative procedures were being revised and will include the ANII functions when the revisions are issued.

Pending review of these documents by the NRC, following issuance of the revisions, this matter will be identified as Inspector Followup Item 348, 364/86-21-01, Procedures Revisions to Include ANII Functions.



Review of Procedures (73052) Units 1 and 2 The inspectors reviewed the procedures indicated below to determine whether the procedures were consistent with regulatory requirements and licensee commitments.

The procedures were also raiewed in the areas


of procedure approval, requirements for qualification of NDE personnel, and compilation of required records; and if applicable, division of responsibility between the licensee and contractor personnel if contractor personnel are involved in the ISI effort.

Procedure ID Ti tle (H)


Visual Examination Procedure (E) ISI-47 (R2)

Manual Ultrasonic Examination of with FC002 & Am.8 Circumferential and Longitudinal Butt


Welds on Ferritic Vessels of 2}" Thick and Greater


ISI-70 (R1)

Magnetic Particle Examinations l

with Ch.1 (E)


Inservice Inspection of Reactor Vessels

with FC-1, 2, 3



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Liquid Penetrant Examination Procedure with Ch.1 & Am.3 (W) ISI-88(R4)

Remote Underwater Visual Examination of Reactor Vessel Upper and Lower Internals, Reactor Vessel and Reactor Vessel Core Barrel (1) The inspectors reviewed procedures ISI-47 and ISI-154-ALA to ascertain whether they had been reviewed and approved in accordance with the licensee's established QA procedures.

The above procedures were reviewed for technical adequacy and conformance with ASME,Section V and other license commitments /

requirements in the below listed areas:

type of apparatus used; extent of coverage of weldment; calibration requirements; search units; beam angles; DAC curves; reference level for monitoring discontinuities; method for demonstrating penetration; limits for evaluating and recording indications; recording significant indications; and acceptance limits.

(2) The inspectors reviewed procedure ISI-11 to ascertain whether it had been reviewed and approved in accordance with the licensee's established QA procedures.

The procedure was reviewed for tech-nical adequacy and conformance with ASME,Section V, Article 6, and other licensee commitments / requirements in the below listed areas:

specified method; penetrant material identification; penetrant materials analyzed for sulfur; penetrant materials analyzed for total halogens; acceptable pre-examination surface; drying time; method of penetrant application; surface temperature; solvent removal; surface drying prior to developing; type of developer; examination technique; evaluation technique; and procedure requalification.

(3) The inspectors reviewed procedure ISI-70 to ascertain whether it had been reviewed and approved in accordance with the licensee's established QA procedures. The procedure was reviewed for techni-cal adequacy and conformance with ASME,Section V, Article 7, and other license commitments / requirements in the below listed areas:

examination method; contrast of dry powder particle color with background; surface temperature; suspension medium and surface temperature for wet particles; viewing conditions; examination overlap and directions; pole or prod spacing; current or lifting power (yoke); and acceptance criteria.

(4) The inspectors reviewed the visual examination procedures to determine whether they contained sufficient instructions to assure that the following parameters were specified and controlled within the limits permitted by the applicable code, standard, or any additional specification requirement; method - direct visual, remote visual, or translucent visual; application - hydrostatic testing, fabrication procedures, visual examination of welds, leak



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testing, etc.; how visual examination is to be performed, type of surface condition available; method or tool for surface preparation, if any, whether direct or remote viewing is used; special illumination, instruments, or equipment to be used, if any; sequence of performing examination, when applicable; data to be tabulated, if any; acceptance criteria is specified and i


consistent with the applicable code section or controlling specification; and report form completion.


Observation of Work and Work Activities, Unit 1(73753B)


The inspectors reviewed certification records of equipment, materials,

and NDE personnel which had been and will be utilized during the required ISI examinations during this outage. The reviews conducted by

the inspectors are documented below.

(1) The inspectors reviewed the qualification documentation for the

below listed Westinghouse (W) and Sonic examiners in the following areas:

employers' name; person certified; activity qualified to j

perform; effective period of certification; signature of


i employer's designated representatives; basis used for

certification; and annual visual acuity, color vision examination j

and periodic recertification.


Method - Level


Examiner (W)

























Method - Level Examiner (Sonic)



























j (2) The inspectors observed portions of the ultrasonic examinations indicated below including calibration activities.

The observa-tions were compared with the applicable procedures and the Code in the following areas:

availability of and compliance with








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approved Nondestructive Examination (NDE) procedure; use of knowledgeable NDE personnel; use of NDE personnel qualified to the proper level; type of apparatus used; extent of coverage of

weldment; calibration requirements; search units; beam angles; DAC curves; reference level for monitoring discontinuities; method of


i demonstrating penetration; limits of evaluating and recording indications; recording significant indications; and acceptance limits.


Weld / Item 150 No.

Description Scan



3-60 ALA-218 Loop 3, Main Steam

3-60LS ALA-218 Loop 3, Main Steam

3-64LS ALA-218 Loop 3, Main Steam 0"

152 ALA-227 RHR Train "B"

153 ALA-227 RHR Train "B"

154 ALA-227 RHR Train "B"


Valve ALA-233 20 Pressure Retaining 0*

Studs Reactor Vessel From Seal Flange to Shell


Weld Automated Examination Surface The following listed ultrasonic equipment and materials certification records were reviewed:

Ultrasonic Instruments


Manufacturer /Model Serial No.


Sonic /MK-I 06225E


Sonic /MK-I 01057E Sonic /MK-I 05286E Sonic /MK-I 781304 Ultrasonic Couplant Sonotrace 40 Batch No. 8558 i-


Ultrasonic Transducer Size Frequency Serial No.

.75 2.25 MHz Y6070 i

.75" 1 MHz Y11595

.75" 1 MHz T-2233



1.5" 2.25 MHz Y6065 i

1.5" 2.25 MHz Y11572 i

.5 x 1.0 2.25 MHz J08326


.5 x 1.0 2.25 MHz J08327

1.0 2.25 MHz 017921 i,


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(3) The inspectors reviewed the below listed liquid penetrant materials certification records to ascertain if the sulfur and halogen content of the material was within acceptable content limits.

Materials Batch Number Liquid Penetrant 84M069 Cleaner / Remover 86A010 Developer 85B029, 85M043 (4) The inspectors reviewed documentation indicating that a lift test had been performed on alternating current (AC) magnetic particle yokes having serial numbers 9688 and Y-6.

The lift test was performed using a ten pound steel plate, serial No. 790339, with the yokes being operated in the AC mode.

Certification records for the lift test plate were reviewed to confirm the plate weight.

(5) The inspectors observed the visual examination of 20 pressure retaining valve studs which were going to be used as replacements for damaged studs.

The observations were compared with the applicable procedures and the Code in the following areas:

type of examination; lighting levels; cleanliness; measurements; and results.

In addition, the inspectors conducted independent re-examinations on eight of the studs to verify the validity of the reported information.


Inservice Inspection, Date Review and Evaluation, Unit 1 (73755)

Records of completed nondestructive examinations were selected and reviewed to ascertain whether:

the method (s), technique and extent of the examination complied with the ISI plan and applicable NDE procedures; findings were properly recorded and evaluated by qualified personnel; programmatic deviations were recorded as required; personnel, instruments, calibration blocks and NDE materials (penetrants, couplants) were designated.

Records selected for this review are listed below:


Weld / Item ID NDE Method ALA-218 3-36LS UT-0 ALA-218 3-38 UT-0 ALA-218 3-37LS UT-0*

ALA-218 3-17 UT-0 ALA-218 3-65 UT-0 ALA-217 2-54 UT-0 ALA-217 2-56 UT-0, 45 ALA-217 2-57 UT-0, 45 ALA-108

UT-70 ALA-108









UT-70 ALA-108

UT-70 ALA-130 WS-L-S-RC-R16 UT-45 ALA-216 1-61 UT-0, 45 ALA-216 1-62 UT-0, 45 ALA-201

UT-0, 45 ALA-201 2*

UT-0, 45 ALA-115

VT ALA-123

VT ALA-123

VT ALA-123

VT ALA-123

VT ALA-123

VT ALA-152

  1. 1-#24 Bolts VT ALA-125

PT ALA-208

PT ALA-208

PT ALA-135

PT ALA-151 2-1 thru 2-12 Bolts MT, VT, UT ALA-151 3-1 thru 3-12 Bolts MT, VT, UT ALA-218 3-23*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-24*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-25*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-26*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-27*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-28*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-29*

MT, VT ALA-218 3-30*

MT i

ALA-218 3-34*

MT, VT ALA-122




UT 163 - 180 RV Fig to Shell from seal surface ALA-101

UT 36 - 76 RV Fig to Shell from seal surface ALA-101

UT 42* - 66 RV Flg to Shell from seal surface ALA-101

UT 154 - 162.3 RV Fig to Shell from seal surface ALA-101 19, 20, 21, 22 UT RV Ligaments 38, 39, 40, 2, 3 ALA-101 55*, 56*, 57*,

UT RV Ligaments 58*, 59*

ALA-151 3-1 thru 3-12 MT, VT Bol ts

  • The inspectors compared the preservice examination results with the current ISI examination results. No major discrepancies were noted, however, on 150 No. ALA-201, weld 2, UT indications were noted during this ISI examination which were not reported during the preservice examination.

Final disposition of these indications had not been determined at the end of this inspectio \\



9 Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified.


Safety-Related Piping The inspectors examined welding and nonwelding activities for safety-related piping to determine whether applicable code and procedure requirements were being met. The applicable code for safety-related piping is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III,1971 Edition with Addenda through S71; and Section XI,1974 Edition with Addenda through S75.


Review of Nonwelding Quality Records (49065)

The inspectors selected various safety-related piping components (e.g.,

pipe, fittings, and welded-in components) for review of pertinent records to determine conformance with procurement, storage and installation specifications and QA/QC site procedures.

Records of the following items were selected for review to ascertain whether they (records) were in conformance with applicable requirements relative to the following areas: material test reports / certifications; vendor supplied NDE reports; Nuclear Steam Service Supply quality release; site receipt inspections; storage; installation; and vendor nonconformance reports.

Item Heat / Control No.

System 2" dia. Sched 40 40 CH Service Water SS 90 ell 2" dia. Sched 40 473391 Service Water SS pipe 2" dia. 600 psi 85541 Service Water SS gate valve b.

Welding Activities (1) Production Welding (55050)

The inspectors observed in-process welding activities of service water piping field welds completed within the licensee's fabrication shop and Unit 1 Steam Generator B feedwater piping field welds (thermal liner modifications being completed by Westinghouse under a separate quality program) inside of Unit 1 containment as described below to determine whether applicable code and procedure requirements were being met.

The below listed welds were examined in-process to verify:

work conducted is in accordance with traveler, welder identification and location, welding procedures, WPS assignment, welding technique and sequence, materials identity, weld geometry, fit-up,




temporary attachments, gas purging, preheat, electrical character-istics, shielding gas, welding equipment condition, interpass temperature, interpass cleaning, process control systems, qualifi-cations of inspection personnel, and weld history records.

ISO Weld Size Status Q-1-P16 (B84-1-2914) - WO No. 10532 R/0 FW #2-2" Final Pass FW #3 2"

Final Pass FW #1 2"

Final Pass Q-1-P16 (B84-1-2914) - WO No. 10520 R/0 FW #2 2"

Fit-up Tack FW #4 2"

Fit-up Tack W Dwg. 1771E50 R/3


FW #1 16" Last Pass of sixth layer FW #2 14" Second hot pass *

FW #3 14" Fifth pass of third layer

  • Visual examination after completion of manual welding.

The following inspector qualification status records and QA/QC Inspector Qualification / Certification records were reviewed relative to inspection of the weld joints listed above.

Inspector Type of Certification APC0 - PGE VT-II APC0 - LM VT-II W - 2301 RT-II R - 4466 RT-I R - 8989 RT-III W - 2440 RT-II E - 6169 RT-I SCS - 1428 RT-III, PT-III (2) Welding Procedure Specifications and Quality Assurance Procedures



(a) Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) applicable to the weld joints listed in paragraph 7.b.(1), were selected for review and comparison with the ASME Code as follows:

Procedure Qualification WPS Process PQR Reports APC0-8.22N (GTAW


B05, 806 W - 5001, Rev. G GTAW (Manual)

143, 147-W - 9000, Rev. G GTAW(Automatic)

142, 143 148, 151 W - 5201, Rev. F GTAW (Manual)

142, 144 1/

GTAW - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding The above WPSs and their supporting Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) were reviewed to ascertain whether essential, supplementary and/or nonessential variables, including thermal treatment, were consistent with Code requirements; whether the WPSs were properly qualified and their supporting PQRs were accurate and retrievable; whether all mechanical tests had been performed and the results met the minimum requirements; whether the PQRs had been reviewed and certified by appropriate personnel and whether any revisions and/or changes to nonessential variables were noted.

WPSs are qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX, the latest edition and addenda at the time of qualification.

(b) The below listed documents were reviewed to ascertain whether the feedwater thermal liner welding had been approved by the licensee and whether adequate plans and procedures had been established to assure that welding would be controlled and accomplished consistent with commitments and regulatory requirements.

Document No.

Ti tle SSS 2.7.2 ALA-5 Rev. O Thermal Liner Assembly Installation WEP-310, Rev. A Weld Filler Metal Control for Product Application WEP-250, Rev. A Welding Carbon and Low Alloy Steel by the GTAW Method WEP-300, Rev. O Pre and Post Weld Heat Treatment WEP-100, Rev. 0 Qualification of Welders




(3) Welder Performance Qualification The inspectors reviewed the licensee and Westinghouse programs for qualification of welders and welding operators for compliance with QA procedures and ASME Code requirements.

The following welder gnalification status records and " Records of Performance Qualification Test" were reviewed relative to the weld joints listed in paragraph 7.b.(1).

Welder-Symbol WPS APC0- AP61 8.22 N W - NO. 2221 5001/5201 W - N0. 4806 5001/5201 W - NO. 6177 5001/5201 W - N0. 9271 5001/5201 W - N0. 8773 5001/5201 H-NO.9477 5001/5201 W - M-84 9000 W - M-96 9000 W - M-123 9000 W - M-60 9000 W - M-79 9000 3-M-78 9000 Note:

Accepted welder qualification bend specimens were examined for welders qualified to WPS No. 9000.

(4) Welding Filler Material Control The inspectors reviewed the licensee and Westinghouse programs for control of welding materials to determine whether materials were being purchased, accepted, stored, and handled in accordance with QA procedures and applicable code requirements.

The following specific areas were examined.

Purchasing, receiving, storing, and distribution and handling


procedures; material identification; and inspection of welding material issuing stations.

Welding material purchasing and receiving records for the


following material applicable to the welds listed in paragraph 7.b.(1) were reviewed for conformance with applicable procedures and code requirement,

hpe Size ~

Heat / Control No.


ER308L 3/32 x 36" 55144 ER308L 1/8 x 36" 55144 ER705-6 0.035" 608 ER70S-3 1/16 x 36" E5655 ER70S-3 3/32 x 36" 70121 ER70S-3 1/8 x 36" 70121 Within the areas inspected, no violation or deviation's were identified.