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Insp Repts 50-348/88-23 & 50-364/88-23 on 880611-0710. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Monthly Surveillance Observation,Operational Safety Verification,Engineered Safety Sys Insp,Radiological Protection & Physical Security
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/1988
From: Bradford W, Dance H, Miller W
Shared Package
ML20151L545 List:
50-348-88-23, 50-364-88-23, NUDOCS 8808040082
Download: ML20151L584 (8)

See also: IR 05000348/1988023


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                                                                                             NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION -
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                                                                                                  101 MARIETTA STREET,N.W.

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                                                          ~t                                       ATLANTA, GEORGI A 30323
                                                   Report Nos.: 50-348 and 50-364
                                                   Licensee:        Alabama Power Company
                                                                    600 North 18th Street
                                                                    Birmingham, AL 36291                      -
                                                   Docket.Nos.:              50-348/88-23 and 50-364/88-23                   License Nos.: NPF-2 and NPF-8
                                                   Facility Name:                    Farley 1 and 2
                                                   Inspection Conducted: June 11 - July 10, 1988
                                                   Inspection at F riey site near Dothan, Alabama
                                                   Inspect rs:/                      .
                                                                                                       u                                     7[E/
                                                                 M. H. Bradf'ord                                                             Date Signed
                                                                 W. H. Mill'er
                                                                                             /      W                                          2-) l W
                                                                                                                                             Date Signed
                                                   Approvpby:                          - .           u                                       7[2s[ W
                                                                    H. C. Dance, Section Chief                                               Date Signed
                                                   Scope:       This routine on-site inspection involved a review of monthly
                                                                surveillance observation, monthly maintenance observation,
                                                                operational safety verification, engineered safety system inspection,
                                                                radiological protection program and physical security program,
                                                                licensee event reports, and followup of events.
                                                   Results: Within the areas inspected, the following violation was identified:
                                                                Failure to remove charcoal filter units from Unit 2 penetration room
                                                                ventilation equipment room                         paragraph 4.c.
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                                             -RE)0RT DETAILS
           1.  Licensee Employees Contacted
               D. N. Morey, General Plant Manager
               W. D. Shipman, Assistant. General Plant Manager
               R. D. Hill, Assistant General-Plant Manager
              .J. K. Osterholtz, Operations Manager
              .C. D. Nesbitt, Technical Manager
               R. G. Berryhill, Systems Performance and Plancing Manager
               J. J. Thomas, Maintenance Manaaer
               J. K. Osterholtz, Unit _ Supervisor, Administrative
               L. W. Enfinger, Administrative Manager
               J. E. Odom, 0perations Unit Supervisor
               B.11. Vanlandingham, Operations Unit Supervisor
               T. H.- Esteve, Planning Supervisor
               J. B. Hudspeth, Document Control Supervisor
                L. K. Jones, Material Supervisor
               R. H. Marlow, Technical Supervisor
                L. M. Stinson, Plant Modification Manager
               S. Fulmer, Supervisor, Safety Audit Engineering Review
               Other. licensee employees contacted included, technicians, operation-
                personnel, ' maintenance and I&C personnel, security force members, and
                office personnel.
           2.  Monthly Surveillance Observation (61726)
                The inspectors observed and reviewed Technical specification (TS) required

y surveillance testing and verified that testing was performed in accordance

               with adequate procedures, test instrumentation was calibrated, limiting
                conditions for operation (LCO) were met, test results met acceptance
                criteria and were reviewed by personnel other than the individual
                directing the test, deficiencies identified during the testing were
                properly reviewed and resolved by appropriate management personnel, and
                personnel conducting the test were qualified.     Portions of the' following
                test activities were observed or reviewed by the inspectors:
               .1-STP-19.1       Reactor Cavity Hydrogen Dilution and Mixing System Train
                                 A Operability Test.
                0-STP-80.1       Diesel Generator 1-2A Operability Test.
                0-STP-80.2       Diesel Generator 1C Operability Test.
                1-STP-115.1      Reactor Coolant System Flow Measurement (Heat Balance




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              2-STP-626.0      Pre-action Sprinkler System (18 month) Test - Systems       )
                               2A-101 and 2A-118.
              No violations or deviations were identified.
           3. Monthly' Maintenance Observation (62703)                                     i
              Station maintenance activities of safety-related systems and compor,ents
              were observed / reviewed to ascertain that they were conducted in accordance
              with approved procedures, regulatory guides, industry codes and standards,
              and were in conformance with TS. Items' considered during the review          <
              included: verification that limiting . conditions for operations were met    "
              while components or systems were - removed from service; approvals were
              obtained prior to initiating the work; approved procedures were used;
              completed work was inspected as applicable; functional testing and/or        ]
              calibrations were performed prior to returning components or systems to
              service; quality control records were maintained; activities were
              accomplished by qualified personnel; parts and materials were properly
              certified;    and, radiological      and   fire  prevention controls were
              implemented. Work requests were also reviewed to determine the status of
              outstanding jobs to assure that priority was assigned to safety-related
              equipment maintenance which may affect system performance. The following
              maintenar     activities were observed / reviewed:
              1-M-014          Unit 1 Lubrication Manual
              2-M-014          Unit 2 Lubrication Manual
              0-MP-14.1        COLT Model PC-2V Diesel Engine 18 month inspection - Diesel
                               Generator 2B
              2-GMP-52.2       Auxiliary Building monthly battery inspection
              MWR 138285       Replace 2" and under service water piping to RHR Pump 2B
                               room cooler
              MWR 146485      -Install stainless steel bolts and nuts on RHR room cooler
              MWR 170691       Replace Charcoal filter trays in Train 2A Penetration Room
                               Ventilation System
              MWR 17843        Replace diaphram and reset automatic sprinkler system valve
                                1A 132
              No violations or deviations were identified.
              a.    Lubrication Program
                    A review was made of the licensee's plant lubrication program for
                    safety related components.       Procedure 0-AP-28, Plant Lubrication
                    Program describes the implementation of the plant lubrication

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           program.     This Lincludes the valves, pumps and motors which are
           lubricated - by the operations group. A sample of components was
           selected- by the inspectors and the vendor manual ~ for each component
           was reviewed to verify that the lubricant and frequency specified by
           the plant's "Lubrication Manuals" met the vendors recommendations.
           Records were reviewe'd to ascertain .if the ' lubrication of 'the
           components .was up to date. _ Lubr,1 cation of chargina pump 2A was
           witnessed. The components reviewed were as_follows:
                 RHR Pumps 18 and 28
                 CTMT Spray Pumps 1A and 2A
                 HHSI/CVCS Pumps 1A and 2A
                 Boric Acid Pumps 1A and 2A
                 Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps 1A and 2A
                  Reactor Makeup Water Pumps 1A and 2A
                  Service Water Pumps 1C and 2C
                  Component Cooling Water Pumps 1A and 2A
                 MOV 8000 B from pressurizer - Units.1 and 2
                  MOV 8702A from RCS to RHR - Units 1 and 2
                  MOV 8809B RWST to RHR - Units 1 and-2
                  MOV 8820A CTMT Spray Pump Discharge - Units 1 and 2
                  MOV 8808A Accumulator Tank Discharge - Units 1 and 2
                  MOV 37664B Auxiliary Feedwater Discharge - Units 1 and 2
                  MOV Service Water "B" Train strainer
                    Inlet Isolation - Units 1 and 2
                  MOV 3185A CCW Valve Control - Units 1 and 2
            The lubricant for a number of the motor operated valves (MOV) is
            required to be Exxon Nebular EPO. However, another lubricant has
            previously been used in these M0V's. This problem is addressed in
            NRC report' Nos. 348,364/87-15 and 87-20. Subsequently, the licensee
            has initiated an evaluation to determine which MOV's. should use 'the
            Nebular type lubricants.     The results of the licensee's evaluation
            will be used to determine the' type lubrication to be used in the
            remaining MOVs.      The NRC is to be advised of the results of this
            Presently, the Lubrication Manuals require a 300 SSU at 100 F
            lubricant (Regal R&O 68) for the charging pump (HHSI/CVCS) radial and
            thrust bearings. But, the vendor's manual (Pacific Pumps) recommends
            the use of a 150 SSU at 100 F (Regal R&O 32) lubriedant.          The
            licensee evaluated this discrepancy and contacted the vendor to
            determine the type lubricant that should be used. The vendor advised
            the licensee by letter dated July 12, 1988 that the lubricant
            presently being used was satisfactory for this application.

L Therefore, the inspectors had no further questions on this item.

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              b.    Repairs to Unit 1 RHR Room Cooler IA
                    On April 14, 1988 RHR room cooler 1A was removed from service by MWR
                    146485 to replace existing staybolts and nuts with stainless steel
                    bolts and nuts.     This rework required removal and replacement of
                    portions of ' the piping and the cooler cover plate. Upon completion
                    of' this work, on April 18, 1988 the system was required to be
                    hydrostatically tested.      However, this requirement was not listed on
                    the MWR and the system was not hydrostatically tested. On July 5,
                    1988, during a mechanical maintenance review of MWR 146485, this
                    discrepancy was identified by the licensee. The Room Cooler was
                    declared inoperative and the system was hydrrstatically tested and
                    restored to service on July 7. Since this protdem was identified by
                    the licensee and corrective action promptly initiated, in accordance
                    with 10 CFR 2, Appendix C no violation is being cited.
         4.   Operational Safety Verification (71707)
              The inspectors observed control room operations, reviewed applicable logs
              and conducted discussions with control room operators during the report
              period. Also, the operability of selected emergency systems was verified,
              tagout records were reviewed and proper return to service of affected
              components was verified.       Tours of the auxiliary building, diesel
              building, turbine building and service water structure were conducted to
              observe plant equipment conditions, including fluid leaks and excessive        ,
              vibrations and general housekeeping ef forts. The inspectors verified
              compliance with selected limiting condition for operation (LCO) and
              results of selected surveillance tests. The verifications were
              accomplished by direct observation of monitoring instrumentation, valve
              positions, switch positions, accessible hydraulic snubbers, and review of
              completed logs, records, and chemistry results. The licensee's compliance
              with LCO action statements was reviewed as events occurred.


              The inspectors routinely attended meetings with certain licensee

l. management and observed various shift turnovers between shift supervisor, l shift foremen and licensed operators. These meetings and discussions '

               provided a daily status of plant operations, maintenance, and testing
               activities in progress, as well as discussions of significant problems.
               a.    Document and Drawing Control


                     The inspectors reviewed 12 controlled drawings in two system
                     operators' office spaces on the 100' and 121' elevations of the
                     radiation area of the auxiliary building and six drawings in the
                     system operator's office space in the diesel generator building. The
                     drawings in the diesel building were up to date but one drawing in
                     each auxiliary building office space was not up to date. When told
                     of this problem the licensee immediately conducted an audit of all
                     drawings, procedures and manuals assigned to the operations group.
                     Several additional discrepancies were identified. All out of date
                                               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _
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                   -drawings,   procedures and manuals were_ brought up to date.
                    Appropriate action is being initiated to . assure that controlled
                    documents will be maintained.
                    This problem is considered another example of violation 348,
                    364/88-05-01 to which the licensee responded on June 15, 1988.
                    Corrective action is scheduled to be. completed by November 1,1988.
                    Therefore, another violation is not being issued.
               b.   Fire Protection Tanks Fill Valves
                    During a tour of the fire protection pump house the inspectors noted
                    that the valves on the fill pipes to the fire protection storage
                    tanks were open with the locks and chains removed from the valves.
                    An investigation was made to determine if the valves were required to
                    be locked in the open position. This investigation revealed that
                    these valves were not listed on a surveillance procedure to . verify
                    correct alignment.       The  licensee promptly revised procedure
                    0-SOP-60.1 to include these valves. These valves are not included in
                    the TS, but the available tank instrumentation and alarms should have
                    prevented the water level in the tanks from reaching the TS action
                    statements. Therefore, this discrepency has little safety concern
                    and no violation is being issued.
               c.   Combustible Storage in Penetration Room Filtration Filter Room
                    On June 17, 1988 during a routine inspection of the auxiliary
                    building a total of 18 charcoal filter elements were found stored in
                    the penetration room filtration room.       Subsequent investigation
                    indicated that these filters had been removed from the ventilation
                    system on April 22, 1988 but had not been removed from the ~ building
                    as    required by procedure 0-AP-35, General Housekeeping and
                    Cleanliness Control, Section 5.1.       Procedure 0-AP-52, Equipment
                    Status Control and Maintenance Authorization, Section 7.5.6 requires
                    that a work sequence with appropriate delineation of the work
                    activities to be performed be included on the maintenance work
                    request (MWR). This includes special housekeeping items. MWR 170691
                    required that the charcoal filters in the Unit 2 penetration room
                    filtration system be replaced but did not specify that the old
                    filters were to be removed and that special housekeeping requirements
                    were applicable. The failure to specify the special housekeeping
                    requirements and promptly remove these filter units is identified as
                    Violation 364/88-23-01.
          5.   Radiological Protection Program (71709)


               Selected activities of the licensee's Radiological Protection Program were
               reviewed by the inspectors to verify conformance with plant procedures and
               NRC regulatory requirement. The areas reviewed included: organization
               and management of the plant's health physics staff, "ALARA"
                                                                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ .         _ _ __ _
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              -implementation, Radiation Work Permits (RWP's) for compliance to plant
               procedures, personnel exposure records, observation of work and personnel
               in radiation areas to verify compliance to radiation protection
               procedures, and control of radioactive materials.
               No violations or deviations were identified.
           6.  Physical Security Program (71881)
               Licensee's compliance to the approved security plan was reviewed by the
               inspectors.   The inspectors verified by observation and interviews with
               security force members that measures taken to assure the physical
               protection of the facility met current requirements.        Areas inspected
               included:   organization of the security force, establishment and
              . maintenance of gates, doors, isolation zones, access control, and
               badging procedures.
               No violations or deviations were identified.
           7.  Licensee Event Reports (92700)
               The following Licensee Event Report (LER) was reviewed for potential
               generic problems to determ'.ne trends, to determine whether information
               included in the report meets the NRC reporting requirements and to
               consider whether the corrective action discussed in the report appears
               appropriate. The Licensee action was reviewed to verify that the event
               has been reviewed and evaluated by the licensee es required by the
               Technical Specifications; that corrective action was taken by the
               licensee; and that safety limits, limiting safety setting and LCOs were
               not exceeded. The inspector examined the incident report, logs and
               records, and interviewed selected personnel . The following report is
               considered closed:
               Unit 1 (348)
               88-16      Special Report: Fire Door Inoperative for More Than Seven Days.


               No violations or deviations were identified.
           8.  Engineered Safety Systems Inspections (71710)
               The inspectors performed various system inspections during the inspection
               period. Overall plant conditions were assessed with particular attention
               to equipment condition, radiological controls, security, safety, adherence
               to technical specification requirements, systems valve alignment, and
               locked valve verification. Major components were checked for leakage and
               any general conditions that would degrade performance or prevent
               fulfillment of functional requirements.       The inspectors verified that
               approved procedures and up-to-date drawings were used.       The systems were
               assessed to be cperable in accordance with technical specifications,
               appropriate drawings, procedures, and the Final Safety Analysis Report.
                     _ _                   _    _
                                                        _ _                  _ _ . _                       . _ - .
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                   Portions of .the following systems were observed for proper operations,
                   valve alignment and valve verification.
                         ' Auxiliary Feedwater Systems
                          -Chemical Volume Control Systems
                           Service Water. Systems-
                           Beric' Acid Transfer Systems
                           Containment Spray System Including Chemical Additive _ System-
                           Residual Heat Removal-System
                   No. violations or deviations were identified.
              9.   On-site Followup of Events _(93702) Reactor Coolant System Leak
                   On June 20, 1988 the Unit 1 generator was taken off line at 12:44 a.m. to
                   repair a reactor coolant system leak from a flow orifice flange, F0 2877A,
                   on _ the "A" loop resistance temperature detector manifold located inside
                   containment. The flange gaskets were replaced and the unit was returned
                   to power on June 20, 1988.
                   No violations or deviations were identified.
              1,0. Exit Interview
                   The inspection- scope and findings were summarized during management
                   interviews throughout the report period and on July 12, 1988, with the
                   plant manager and selected members of his staff. The inspection findings
                   were discussed in detail.         The licensee acknowledged the inspection
                   findings and did not~ identify as proprietary any material reviewed by the
                   inspection during this inspection.
                   Licensee was informed that the item discussed in paragraph 7 was closed.
                   ITEM NUMBER                        DESCRIPTION AND REFERENCE
                   364/88-23-01                       Violation: Failure to remove charcoal
                                                      filter units from Unit 2 penetration
                                                      ventilation equipment room    paragraph
                   N/A                                Licensee Identified Violation: Failure to
                                                      corjuct hydrostatic test on service water
                                                      piping to RHA 1A room cooler following
                                                      repairs     paragraph 3.b.

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