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Amends 73 & 65 to Licenses NPF-2 & NPF-8,respectively, Changing Tech Specs to Increase Steam Generator Tube Plugging from 5% to 10% & to Increase Slightly Increase Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor Coefficient
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1987
From: Adensam E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20236F171 List:
TAC-62283, TAC-62284, NUDOCS 8711020030
Download: ML20236F169 (12)


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p tio F UNITED STATE $i '( g: c i NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION) J 1 t. y w ' y;j . g }t. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666 L, ig i i \\- a g a' y i m s m ',

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, ? ?)a . [ ALABAMIPOWE'R?C0hANY'J, s.p, o 9 ~ ,a '1 g y m k 5DOCKETiON50-348[ h N Z ' M .1... i x ,i g..,. ' gj JOSEPH M. FARLEY~NUCLEARrPLANTpVNIT 1? 4; p$C y> 7g 1 LAMENDMENT 'TO FACli.lTYJ0PENATINbs. LICENSE 1 H,



  1. 4 ;
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,s 9 Amen'dmentiNoEy73?., 'D (^(

License NoENPF-2J,

,f.. TheINuclear;RegulatiryJCommissioni(theLCommission)thastfoundthat?(.d(t}g ' x. l =.,.3 z.- 1. ,qw A.= The application for; amendment;by:AlabamaiPower;Comanyn(thet. n d p

licensee),;datediAugustl25,1986JsupercededLJune;2.S1987/and 4."

y' ' suppl emented Se ptembe r?l6 ; and i 23 d 1987, compl i es 4 Wi th the ls tapda rds L and requirementstof the At'mic! Energy'Act-llof<1954,RasTamended C V < 7, o (theAct),.andthe~ Commission's;rulesandkegulations; set;forth;a .in 10 CFR.Ch_ apter?I;; %y'A withhh'eappli6atio$asi The facility,willsoperate,in conformity! thew 4gulationslof the: B. 1 n Commission; ~' "~ ,, N ' L %" amended, the provisions of the1Act,'and 3; C. -There isir'easonableJassurance:.(i) thaththecactivitiesfautnorized by n -this amendment can be conducted without. endangering theFhealthiand ~ J safetyJof(thepublic,and;(ii)1thatJsuch!activitiesLwi1Ube" conducted ~ ^

  • g

^ H incompliancewiththel Commission'siregulatio'ns;j n ...y D.- The issuance'of this license amendment will'not;betinimica10to!the'> M J common defense and security oritotthe:healthaandisafetylofEthel ' 'l .public; and' -E.. The issuance of this amendment'isiin accordanc'e;with?107CFR Part'51'. ~ " Comnission's. regulations and applicable 2 requirements have:.

  • x 9

n ' 1 been satisfied i 'i d Ma '

  • 2.

Accordingly,thdlicensehisamendedbyLdha_ngesitsthejedhsiaal) Specifications,' as 11rididated inL thelattachment'rto this license haendment;h n -andparagraph2.C;(2)?of. Facility;0peratingLicenseNopNPF-2lis1hereby) ~ y read as'follows: 3,., y + bk ~ ~ ( 1 4 I ( '8711020030$8710261 'd PDR ADOCK-05000348 p PDRg y, j

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./.j 5 v v '?l i LZ i +,m /

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,jh: N (2) Technical-Specifications u - :,, The Technical Spec'ifications contained in4 Appendices j 10 A and B,Las revised through Amendment No. 73, are y he'reby incorporated in the' license..The licensee ,J shall operate the facility in accordan'ce with the j Technical Specifications. 3. This' license amendme'nt. is effective as of-its'date of issuaned and shhllt U 3- .be implemented within 30 days.of receipt of the amendment;: ] ? I FOR.THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY. COMMISSION? w1 )- .i - Elino'r G. Adensa,^D rector; P oject Directorate 11-1 Division of Reactor ProjectsLI/II~- f


Changes to,the Technical Specifications: Date of Issuance: October 26, 1987~ 1 a a i s '). i '

) !

[ ? 2, {' - LA:9 PR , PM: .:DRPR-OGC-B, '"1D:PIr2 1DR, 4 EAdensam

  • PAnd son ERefdes/dsf 13 / 3 / 8 7..

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ay ,w, lNl f _; 'i' i, .. j '. s, ., s thf r 0 . i - ^' ATTACHMENT TO. LICENSE' AMENDMENT N0.73 l' TO FACILITY: OPERATING LICENSE:N0.'NPF-2' E - DOCKET NO.s50-348: i Sj b Repla'ce;thefollowing'pa'ges.ofthe. Appendix:."A"fTechhial.' Specifications: 3 with the' enclosed pages;.asiindicated.. The revisedipages-are identified;,

.by_ amendment number andccontain. vertical. lines 11ndicating the: area'ofichange'.~ -

Remove' Pages; 'IInsert Pages E I '.) ' E .2-2 2-2. ~ ' ' i 3/4:2-4~ 13/4.2-4

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.B3/4 2-1. .B3/4 2-1 ' ] 1... 1


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s65 Unacceptable. x-14 -saa. l Operation. '555-400. psia ssa. s45

< 3 250 psia

'sae. J:4 1 s55 P sse

2000l psia s25 m

Tsae 1875 psia ., 615 ') m Gle i, u- " se5 see. 595. Acceptable 590. Operation Sas y 589 l 575 579 565 8. .- 2 .3 .d. .5- .s 7 .8 W ?!.: : 1.-l ' t.2' FRACTION OF' RATED :THEFFJi POWER .] Figure 2.lil. Reactor Core Safety. Liniit Three L, cops'in.,0peration Appl icabil ity.: < 10% Steam Generator 1 Tube. l1 - s j Plugging m .FARLEY UNIT 1 4AmendmentNo.3/[73l .ij l2 2 4 am t. 3 4

.%[ - i v y \\ A /f fPOWER1 DISTRIBUTION LIMITS-u,. -3/4.2.2 HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR: nFn(Z) . LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION.............................. 3.2.2' LF (Z)l shall:be limited"by t th'e following7 relationships: q g(Z)'< [2.32]-[K(Z)] for Pi>.0.5 F-P w. F (Z) < [4.64]L[K(Z)] for Plt 0.5 g q where P = THERMAL POWER' RATED THERMAL-. POWER 1 i and'.K(Z).isthefunctionfobtained;fromFigureL(3;2-2)3 fora given: core height location. 'L fI APPLICABILITY: MODE 1~

p n

ACTION: With((Z) exceeding;its; limit: Reduce. THERMAL. POWER at ~1 east 1% for each '1'%1 (Z)' ex' eeds the :limi t c within 15 minutes. and similarly reduce the Pow)er Range Neutron a. Flux-High Trip.SetpointsLwithin the next;4 :h' urs;1 POWER'.0PERATION may: o proceed for up to 'a total' of:72l hours; subsequent: POWER 10PERATION'may. proceed provided the Overpower delta T Tr.ip Setpoints1have beenL reduced-at least 1% for each 1%;F (Z). exceeds the limit ~.L 'The Overpower. delta T: Q Trip Setpoint reduction shall be performed with the reactor-inLat11 east" H0T STANDBY. i= b. Identify and correct the' cause of the.out!of! limit condition' prior. to ~ increasing. THERMAL POWER.above the Ere'duced. limit required ' by. a. : above;; THERMAL POWER'may then be increased;provided F (Z)fisidemonstrated g through incore mapping to be within its limit c n L:- -1 Il 5 I y .FARLEY-UNIT 1 3/4 2 AMENDMENT N0(26173: a i C._ _.m__ m ._1._ _______1_ 4 m

_ l._


n. y y#y 7yf, y 3: x r . 3, f \\; y e H 3/4i2 POWER DISTRIBUTf0N'LIMITSL \\ r, 3


The specifications of this section provide assurance fof -fuel integrity-

during Condition I'(Normali Operation) and!II;(Incidents of Moderate! Frequency)l l

~ events by: '(a) maintaining the minimum DNBRiin the: core greate6than'orfegual' i to l.30 during normalfoperation andlin;short term transients,.and ?(b). limiting l } the fission. gas. release,L fuel p'ellet-temperature:and cladding mechanical ' . properties to'within assumed: design:criter.ia..'In addition,Llimiting4the'peaO linear power density during Condition IJeventstprovides assurance thatgthe initial-~ conditions assumed for. the LOCA analysesiare: met and the ECCS ' acceptances criteria limit of 2200 F is.not'e'xceeded.1 The! efinitions.of certaih hot channel.landl' pea' king!factorsiasfused in these' 'j ~ d l specifications are' as.follows-p F (Z) Heat Flux Hot' Channel Factor, Lis defin'ed. as ;the maximum local /heatffluxo Q on the surface 'of a fuel rod at: core' elevation Z divided by the average r fuel rod, heat fluxTallowingtforemanufacturingitolerances 'on fuel ~ pellets and rods.and measurement; uncertainty. ' g N + Nuclear.Enthalpy : Rise Hot Channel defi.ned'as the> ratio-off FAH the integral-of linear power along the. rod with the< highest integrated power to the average. rod; power. Fxy(Z) Radial Peaking Factor,-is defined 4a's the ratio ofipeakipower denkity ko ~ average power density in the horizontal plane at ~ core l e, evationL Z. - ' l .q y 1 l 3/4.2.1 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE The limits on AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD):asstir'e thatLthe'.Fg (Z)l upper bound. envelope of 2.32 times the normalized axial l peaking-fact.or :is not exceeded - during either normal operation or in the event of xenonfredistribution following: power changes. Target flux difference is determined at: equilibriumLxenon conditions. The. full length rods may'be positioned within the core in accordance with their respective insertion limits and should be' inserted near their normaliposition. for steady state operation at high power. levels. The?value'of the target flux difference obtained under these conditions l divided byithe: fractionLof: RATED - THERMAL POWER is the target flux difference. at RATED THERMAll POWERifor-the., associated core burnup conditions. Target flux differencesifor other THERMAL POWER levels are obtained by multiplying the RATEDfiHERMAL. POWER val.u'e by the: appro'priate fractional THERMALPOWER level. The' periodic' updatingfof'the. target flux' difference value is necessary to. reflect core.burnup considerations. 'FARLEY-UNIT 1 B3/4~2-1. . AMENDMENT NO. R 73 l J-=


1 ,w k,' ' ?, . A ni, / 'k UNITED STATES ' . E' . NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ' o WASHINGTON,' D. C. 20555 .i


. c;;,, %,,,, + l ' ALABAMA' POWER COMPANY lj y.q DOCKET NO. 50-364 w d ' JOSEPH M. FARLEY= NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2J l AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSF' ') ,a Amendment No..: 651 License.No. NPF-8( q .i 1. The Nuclear'Regulstory Comission'(the Commission).has.foundi hati' t y A. The application for. amendment by Alabama Power ' Company (theJ.. licensee),datedAugust 25, 1986,- superceded June 2, 1987, and-3 supplemented September 16, and 23,' 1987 complies with 'thec standards and requirements..of the' Atomic Energy Act of..1954,. as amended'(the Act)', and'the Commission's rules and' regulations set forth in 10'CFR Chapter I,. j 1 The facility will operate'in conformity with the application j B. the provisions of the Act, and the regulationsLof.the j Commission; 'J C. .There is reasonable assurance (i) that the-activities authorized byL this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and. safety of the public, and _(ii) that such activities will'be conducted-y in compliance with the Commission's~ regulations;- a D. The issuance of this license amendment will'nottbe;inimicalito.the y ~ common defense and security'or to the health and safety of.the public; and d n E. The issuance of this amendment'is in accordance with 10 CFR'Part 51 J of the Comission's regulation.s and all applicable requirements have-dH been satisfied, a l u [" l 2. Accordingly,'the license:is amended by changes to' the Technical. . c Specifications, as indicated in the attachment to this license amendment; and paragraph 2.C.(2) of Facility Operating License Not NPF-8_is~herebyf' ~ . amended to read as follows: y 1 i l' l e L l ~! Amm__ -_____A___m_-__o_ m_m__..___-___m.____.-___ l

~,_n-= u m .{ ) i f,=- ,.m,< - 2 =...,-p ~ i~P 4 y .g ./ + L -wy -ar g,3. a m.. n: o sgx w+g. ..m n w s y .n. n c, a i w s, n.3 r, p = n ap x py r ~ 7 OJ g ' h A.. g

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.,Ds. L, g,:., >U[., ww ,o- > 2, .,z g 3; :M E 3The'TectinicalRSpecificatMs,conta.nid ik Appendices [ W 1% i w 3 aA L Af andtB,Lasfrevis' ed thr_oughTAmeridmentL No; 650 arej 0hereby incorporatedjinithe lic'ense n Thellicense'e? w w( A 7 ["' '1, shallToperateitheifacilityJ niaccordance.with.thel i 7 f,', 9, s e TechnicaLSpecifibations,- , V <f s J 3.? r Thi s1 l icense Vamendm'entc i s effec ti,ve ' a s. o ffi tsdateTofLi s s uance w >. m a + a u,p ; .sw.. c o \\ c

  • v

+ .be implemented within' 30 daystof receipt?ofJthe/ ambdment.4 . WW ' [Fd THEJVCLEhR ' REG,ULAIORY! COMMIkSIdNl '(( I N .a ^;.. ' 3 l iv e /p y, a p 7 x m ~ ~' ): ~. kf - ' EHnor& Ad nsamy Director M m Project DirectoraterII-1 A i y -Division of Reactor: Projects (I/IIf i, g. ,g o Attachments a 4 Changes lo the; Technical s ..Specif a cations y,,

  • YU L,

4 ,:Date of Issuance: E 0ctober: 26,i 1987 m + t o o i.#" P x e. a 9.. _j i '.k'r s.m. s, i 's '1

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- 4 ., g y.4 r u .,g;, 3 n i m a s

n 4: ,t) -\\ fj ) y . ATTACHMENTLT0' LICENSE AMENDMENT: NO. 65 -TO FACILITY OPERITING LICENSEINO. NPF-8 n,.3 DOCKET N0; 50-364 q W i Replace the~ following pages of. the Appendix."A"' Technical Specifications'.' withthe' enclosed'pages-asindicated..'The'revisedpagesLarefidentified, ' fichange. j by amendment number, and,:contain vertical'.linesiindicating(the.. area o ',-Insert Pagesi .f j Remove Pages ,j s 2-2'- 2-2' , W. ' H. 3/4!2-1, d 13/4 2-4 'B3/4 2-l' B3/4.2-1 4 1 , r. do -?. 1 l 5j l j 1 '!j .i .k 'l 1 I [ y . :p e ? J(- ) i , h, E g ', / >, ', s ' l s l ,I 1 ,~ (

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l f 1 ,'i s' t 1

i Ht

- ?l, a n -t., c i' s .ss5 'Unacceptab1_e ' saa. 400' psia. Ope' ration - 655< .ssa. s45< j 250 psia

g4g, E55<

- s58 1 ? s25< 2000 psia

o q

p s2e g,,g, 1875 psia d ' 610-tl .i m. u-sas. 'j L1 r see. Acceptable' 5,5, - 598'- . Operation ~ 585< j 588-O, 575 .q 578 . v. 1 5658. .l. .2 .5 4 .5 .6 .7;.. 4 -;9' l '. .tr1..l.2' . FRACTION OF RATED' THERMAL POWER l: Figure 2.1-1. Reactor Core: Safety Limit Three Loops in Operation ) Jo d Applicability: < 10% Steam Generator / Tube, 1.- Plugging y FARLEY UNITf 2 ' . AmendinenltiNo. J27l f 5 l 6 l2-2. L _L2=-

{~ u. F



==========================================================r ..=================== 3.2.2 F (Z) shall be limited by the follow'ing relationships: g F (Z) < [2.32] [K(Z)] for P >.'0.5 g

P F (Z) <'[4.64] [K(Z)] for P < 0.5 g

where P = THERMAL POWER' RATED THERMAL POWER and K(Z) is the function obtained from Figure-(3.2'-2) for. a: given core height location. q


] APPLICABILITY: MODE 1 ACTION: J With Fq(Z) exceeding its limit: Reduce THERMAL POWER at least 1% for each 1%_ F (Z)L exceeds.-the; limit Q a. within 15 minutes and similarly reduce'the. Power Range Neutron-1 Flux-High Trip Setpoints within the next '4 hours;< POWER OPERATION.may .j proceed for up to a total.of 72 hours; subsequent POWER OPERATION may i proceed provided the Overpower-delta T Trip Setpoints have been reduced i at least 1% for each 1% F (Z) exceeds the. limit.: The Overpower delta' T Q Trip Setpoint reduction shall be performed with the;;at11 east .j HOT STANDBY. J l b. Identify and correct the cause of the out of limit. condition ~ = d increasing THERMAL POWER above the reduced.' limit a, above;' through incora mapping to be within its limit.Q-(Z) is demonstrated THERMAL POWER may then be increased provided F q FARLEY-UNIT 2 3/4 2r4 ' AMENDMENT [N0h N 65 w a



The specifications of = this 's'ection. provide-assurance-of. fuel integrity during Condition I. (Normal 0peration) and II (Incidents.of Moderate. Frequency)' 1 events'by: (a) maintaining;the-minimum DNBR in the core greater;than or equal 4 to 1.30'rmal operation' and in short uterm transients, and -(b) ' limiting the fission gas. release, fuel pellet temperature and cladding mechanical within assumed design criteria...In' addition,; limiting the peak: linear power density during Condition. I events provides assurance that the 1 initial conditions assumed for' the LOCA analyses, are met and the ECCS-acceptance ' criteria limit of 2200 F is,not exceeded. l The. definitions. of certain' hot channel 'and' peaking factors as used in these: specifications are as follows: q Fq(Z) Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor, is defined. as the' maximum locall heat flux-on the surface of a fuel rod' at core. elevation Z' divided by the averagei j fuel rod heat flux, allowing 1for manufacturing. tolerances on fuel <l l pellets and rods:and measurement uncertainty. 1 FjH Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot' Channel Factor, is defined as thel ratio' of the integral of linear power along the rod'with the highest integrated q 1 power to the average rod power. J Fxy(Z) Radial Peaking Factor, is defined as the ratio of peak power density to'- average power density in the horizontal ^ plane' at core elevation Z. l 3/4.2.1 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE [ The limits on AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) assure thatithe F (Z) upper bound - ~ q ~ l' envelope of 2.32 times the normalized. axial peaking factor is.not exceeded during either normal operation or in the event.of xenon; redistribution.:following power changes. Target flux difference is determined at equilibrium xenon conditions. ' The-full. length rods may be positioned within theLcore in'accordance with their respective insertion limits and should be inserted nea'r their normal position ~ for steady state operation at high pcwer.leveld.- The value of the target flux l L difference obtained under these conditions divided by the fraction'of RATED L THERMAL POWER is the target flux difference at RATED THERMAL POWER for the associated core burnup conditions. Target flux differences for' other THERMAL POWER levels are obtained by multiplying the' RATED THERMAL POWER val' e by the-. u appropriate fractional THERMAL POWER. level. The periodic-updating of the target flux difference value is necessary to reflect core burnup considerations' i a o 1 FARLEY-UNIT 2' B3/4 2-1 1 AMENDMENT NO.'13 65 '}}