MONTHYEARIR 05000327/20240042025-01-28028 January 2025 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024004 and 05000328/2024004 IR 05000327/20240902025-01-27027 January 2025 Final ASP Analysis Sequoyah 1 and 2, Failure of EDG 1B During Testing IR 05000327 2024 090 Precursor IR 05000327/20240102024-12-19019 December 2024 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000327/2024010 and 05000328/2024010 IR 05000327/20240032024-11-0606 November 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024003 and 05000328/2024003 IR 05000327/20250102024-10-29029 October 2024 Notification of Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2 - Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000327/2025010 and 05000328/2025010 IR 05000327/20240052024-08-26026 August 2024 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2024005 and 05000328/2024005 IR 05000327/20240022024-07-31031 July 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024002 and 05000328/2024002 ML24145A0852024-05-30030 May 2024 1B-B Diesel Generator Failure - Final Significance Determination Letter IR 05000327/20240012024-04-17017 April 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024001 and 05000328/2024001 ML24066A1972024-03-19019 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000327-2024090 and 05000328-2024090 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20244012024-03-12012 March 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2024401 and 05000328/2024401 IR 05000259/20230062024-02-28028 February 2024 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2 - Report 05000259/2023006, 05000260/2023006 and 05000296/2023006 IR 05000327/20230042024-02-12012 February 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023004 and 05000328/2023004 and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20234422024-01-11011 January 2024 95001 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000327/2023442 and 05000328/2023442 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000327/20234202023-11-28028 November 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023420 and 05000328/2023420 IR 05000327/20230032023-11-0303 November 2023 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023003 and 05000328/2023003 IR 05000327/20230112023-10-16016 October 2023 Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000327/2023011 and 05000328/2023011 IR 05000327/20234032023-09-14014 September 2023 Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000327/2023403 and 05000328/2023403 (Cover Letter) IR 05000327/20230052023-08-29029 August 2023 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2023005 and 05000328/2023005 IR 05000327/20230022023-07-31031 July 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023002 and 05000328/2023002 IR 05000327/20230102023-07-20020 July 2023 – Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2023010 and 05000328/2023010 ML23163A0392023-06-13013 June 2023 – Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Team Inspection (FPTI) (NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023011, 05000328/2023011) and Request for Information (RFI) IR 05000327/20233012023-05-15015 May 2023 – NRC Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2023301 and 05000328/2023301 IR 05000327/20230012023-05-0202 May 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023001 and 05000328/2023001 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20234412023-04-20020 April 2023 Final Significance Determination for a Security-Related Greater than Green Finding, Nov & Assessment Followup Letter, 05000327/2023441 & 05000328/2023441 IR 05000327/20234022023-04-13013 April 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023402 and 05000328/2023402 IR 05000327/20220062023-03-0101 March 2023 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2022006 and 05000328/2022006 IR 05000327/20234402023-02-13013 February 2023 – NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023440 and 05000328/2023440; Preliminary Greater than Green and Apparent Violation Cover Letter IR 05000327/20220042023-02-10010 February 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022004 and 05000328/2022004 IR 05000327/20234012023-02-0606 February 2023 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023401 and 05000328/2023401 IR 05000327/20224402023-01-17017 January 2023 – Special Inspection Report 05000327/2022440 and 05000328/2022440 and Apparent Violation - Cover IR 05000327/20220032022-11-0707 November 2022 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022003 and 05000328/2022003 IR 05000327/20224012022-10-18018 October 2022 Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000327/2022401 and 05000328/2022401 IR 05000327/20220052022-08-30030 August 2022 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327 2022005 and 05000328 2022005 - Final IR 05000327/20220022022-08-0101 August 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327 2022002 and 05000328 2022002 IR 05000327/20223012022-07-21021 July 2022 Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2022301 and 05000328/2022301 IR 05000327/20220012022-05-11011 May 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022001, 05000328/2022001 and 07200034/2010002 IR 05000327/20220102022-04-25025 April 2022 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Teams) Inspection Report 05000327/2022010 and 05000328/2022010 IR 05000327/20224022022-03-28028 March 2022 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2022402 and 05000328/2022402 IR 05000327/20210062022-03-0202 March 2022 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - (Report No. 05000327/2021006 and 05000328/2021006) IR 05000327/20210042022-02-0707 February 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021004 and 05000328/2021004 IR 05000327/20210032021-11-10010 November 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021003 and 05000328/2021003 and Apparent Violation and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20210052021-08-18018 August 2021 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2021005 and 05000328/2021005 IR 05000327/20210022021-07-27027 July 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021002 and 05000328/2021002 IR 05000327/20210112021-07-19019 July 2021 Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2021011 and 05000328/2021011 IR 05000327/20210012021-04-27027 April 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021001 and 05000328/2021001 IR 05000327/20210102021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021010 and 05000328/2021010 IR 05000327/20214012021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021401 and 05000328/2021401 (U) IR 05000327/20200062021-03-0303 March 2021 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2020006 and 05000328/2020006 IR 05000327/20200042021-01-29029 January 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004 2025-01-28
[Table view] Category:NRC-GENERATED
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19990051999-09-27027 September 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-05 & 50-328/99-05 on 990718-0828. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mitigating Sys IR 05000327/19990041999-08-13013 August 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-04 & 50-328/99-04 on 990601-0717.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness IR 05000327/19990031999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-03 & 50-328/99-03 on 990328-0531.Non- Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990021999-04-23023 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-02 & 50-328/99-02 on 990214-0327.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990011999-03-15015 March 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-01 & 50-328/99-01 on 990103-0213. Violations Noted & Being Treated as non-cited Violations. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980111999-02-0101 February 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/98-11 & 50-328/98-11 on 981122-990102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980101998-12-0707 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-10 & 50-328/98-10 on 981011-1121.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980141998-12-0404 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-14 & 50-328/98-14 on 981102-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation & Evaluation of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Sequoyah Nuclear Plan IR 05000327/19980131998-11-24024 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-13 & 50-328/98-13 on 980914-1016. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee maint,testing,engineering,self-assessment & Problem Evaluations of Licensee Ice Condenser Sys IR 05000327/19980091998-11-0909 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-09 & 50-328/98-09 on 980830-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980081998-09-18018 September 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-08 & 50-328/98-08 on 980719-0829.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support,Licensee Conducted Radiological Emergency Plan Drill IR 05000327/19980071998-08-0404 August 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-07 & 50-328/98-07 on 980607-0718. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operation,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980061998-06-26026 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-06 & 50-328/98-06 on 980426-0606. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980051998-06-12012 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-05 & 50-328/98-05 on 980504-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Procedure.Insp Team Comprised Region II & Headquarters Personnel.Switchgear & Surrounding Areas Found in Good Matl Condition IR 05000327/19980031998-04-10010 April 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-03 & 50-328/98-03 on 980201-0314. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980011998-03-30030 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-01 & 50-328/98-01 on 980126-0213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980021998-03-0505 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-02 & 50-328/98-02 on 980202-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations & Maint.Review of Initial & Requalification Training Programs Were Also Conducted IR 05000327/19970181998-02-19019 February 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-18 & 50-328/97-18 on 971221-980131. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Resolving Problems IR 05000327/19970171998-01-16016 January 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-17 & 50-328/97-17 on 971109-1220.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970141997-12-0808 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-14 & 50-328/97-14 on 970928-1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support,Effectiveness of License Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970161997-12-0505 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-16 & 50-328/97-16 on 971103-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of 971017 Wire Damage Event at Electrical Penetration 22 IR 05000327/19970121997-10-24024 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-12 & 50-328/97-12 on 970824-0927.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support & Operator Requalification Program IR 05000327/19970151997-10-23023 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-15 & 50-328/97-15 on 970922-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness ML20198H7911997-09-11011 September 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-13 & 50-328/97-13 on 970725-0904. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Insp Scope,Event Synopsis & Observations & Findings IR 05000327/19970061997-07-28028 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-06 & 50-328/97-06 on 970525-0705. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19970071997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-07 & 50-328/97-07 on 970623-27. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Plant Support ML20141G0441997-06-20020 June 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-04 & 50-328/97-04 on 970413-0524. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations Re Physics Testing,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support ML20148F9631997-05-27027 May 1997 Special Insp Repts 50-327/97-05 & 50-328/97-05 on 970324-0522.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Events Associated W/Unit 1 Inadvertent RCS Drain Down on 970324 ML20141C9881997-05-12012 May 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-03 & 50-328/97-03 on 970302-0412. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19970021997-03-24024 March 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-02 & 50-328/97-02 on 970203-14.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Detailed Reviews of Corrective Actions 14-1,14-2,14-3,15 & 16 ML20137F7081997-03-18018 March 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-01 & 50-328/97-01 on 970119-0301. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19960171997-02-14014 February 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/96-17 & 50-328/96-17 on 961208-970118.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering,Plant Support & Plant Status ML20134G1851997-01-13013 January 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/96-16 & 50-328/96-16 on 960923-1219. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Corrective Actions Implemented for Problem Evaluation Repts IR 05000327/19960141996-12-31031 December 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-14 & 50-328/96-14 on 961027-1207.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19960151996-12-23023 December 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-15 & 50-328/96-15 on 961104-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Simulator,Tsc,Osc,Cecc & Joint Info Ctr of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20134Q1721996-11-25025 November 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-13 & 50-328/96-13 on 960919-1102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Events Associated W/Reactor Shutdown & Subsequent Manual Tripping of Unit 2 on 961011 IR 05000327/19960111996-11-19019 November 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-11 & 50-328/96-11 on 960915-1026. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support, & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems ML20129A2141996-10-10010 October 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-09 & 50-328/96-09 on 960728-0914. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20128H8021996-09-27027 September 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-10 & 50-328/96-10 on 960708,10-12 & 0819-22.Non Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Plant FP Program & Action Taken of Insp Findings Previously Identified IR 05000328/20060151995-06-15015 June 1995 Insp Repts 50-387/95-08 & 50-388/95-08 on 950328-0615. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint & Surveillance,Engineering & Plant Support.Initiatives Selected for Insp Plant Mgt Walkdowns IR 05000327/19940091994-05-0202 May 1994 Resident Insp Repts 50-327/94-09 & 50-328/94-09 on 940306- 0402.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Plant Maint,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19940111994-04-29029 April 1994 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/94-11 & 50-328/94-11 on 940328-0401,per 10CFR73.21.No Violations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power Reactors,Alarm Stations,Assessment Aids & Testing & Maint IR 05000327/19930521993-12-23023 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-52 & 50-328/93-52 on 931107-1204. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19930371993-12-17017 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-37 & 50-328/93-37 on 931115-19. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operator Requalification Program,Exam Development & Administration & Training Staff Qualifications & Training IR 05000327/19930531993-12-17017 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-53 & 50-328/93-53 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Meteorological Monitoring,Control Room Emergency Ventilation,Audits & Secondary Water Chemistry IR 05000327/19930511993-12-13013 December 1993 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/93-51 & 50-328/93-51 on 931115-19 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support,Security Program Plans & Implementing Procedures & Security Program Audit IR 05000327/19930501993-11-24024 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-50 & 50-328/93-50 on 931011-1106. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Plant Maintenance,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19930421993-11-0909 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-42 & 50-328/93-42 on 930904-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint & Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & Licensee Event Rept Closeout IR 05000327/19930481993-11-0909 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-48 & 50-328/93-48 on 931006-08. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Qualifications of Acting Lab Supervisor,Use of Expired Stds in Alcohol breath-analysis Equipment & Testing Lab Procedures IR 05000327/19930491993-11-0202 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-49 & 50-328/93-49 on 930929-1004.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Civil/Structural Items Which Will Remain Open After Restart 1999-09-27
[Table view] Category:INSPECTION REPORT
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/20240042025-01-28028 January 2025 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024004 and 05000328/2024004 IR 05000327/20240902025-01-27027 January 2025 Final ASP Analysis Sequoyah 1 and 2, Failure of EDG 1B During Testing IR 05000327 2024 090 Precursor IR 05000327/20240102024-12-19019 December 2024 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000327/2024010 and 05000328/2024010 IR 05000327/20240032024-11-0606 November 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024003 and 05000328/2024003 IR 05000327/20250102024-10-29029 October 2024 Notification of Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2 - Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000327/2025010 and 05000328/2025010 IR 05000327/20240052024-08-26026 August 2024 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2024005 and 05000328/2024005 IR 05000327/20240022024-07-31031 July 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024002 and 05000328/2024002 ML24145A0852024-05-30030 May 2024 1B-B Diesel Generator Failure - Final Significance Determination Letter IR 05000327/20240012024-04-17017 April 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024001 and 05000328/2024001 ML24066A1972024-03-19019 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000327-2024090 and 05000328-2024090 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20244012024-03-12012 March 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2024401 and 05000328/2024401 IR 05000259/20230062024-02-28028 February 2024 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2 - Report 05000259/2023006, 05000260/2023006 and 05000296/2023006 IR 05000327/20230042024-02-12012 February 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023004 and 05000328/2023004 and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20234422024-01-11011 January 2024 95001 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000327/2023442 and 05000328/2023442 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000327/20234202023-11-28028 November 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023420 and 05000328/2023420 IR 05000327/20230032023-11-0303 November 2023 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023003 and 05000328/2023003 IR 05000327/20230112023-10-16016 October 2023 Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000327/2023011 and 05000328/2023011 IR 05000327/20234032023-09-14014 September 2023 Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000327/2023403 and 05000328/2023403 (Cover Letter) IR 05000327/20230052023-08-29029 August 2023 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2023005 and 05000328/2023005 IR 05000327/20230022023-07-31031 July 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023002 and 05000328/2023002 IR 05000327/20230102023-07-20020 July 2023 – Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2023010 and 05000328/2023010 ML23163A0392023-06-13013 June 2023 – Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Team Inspection (FPTI) (NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023011, 05000328/2023011) and Request for Information (RFI) IR 05000327/20233012023-05-15015 May 2023 – NRC Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2023301 and 05000328/2023301 IR 05000327/20230012023-05-0202 May 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023001 and 05000328/2023001 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20234412023-04-20020 April 2023 Final Significance Determination for a Security-Related Greater than Green Finding, Nov & Assessment Followup Letter, 05000327/2023441 & 05000328/2023441 IR 05000327/20234022023-04-13013 April 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023402 and 05000328/2023402 IR 05000327/20220062023-03-0101 March 2023 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2022006 and 05000328/2022006 IR 05000327/20234402023-02-13013 February 2023 – NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023440 and 05000328/2023440; Preliminary Greater than Green and Apparent Violation Cover Letter IR 05000327/20220042023-02-10010 February 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022004 and 05000328/2022004 IR 05000327/20234012023-02-0606 February 2023 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023401 and 05000328/2023401 IR 05000327/20224402023-01-17017 January 2023 – Special Inspection Report 05000327/2022440 and 05000328/2022440 and Apparent Violation - Cover IR 05000327/20220032022-11-0707 November 2022 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022003 and 05000328/2022003 IR 05000327/20224012022-10-18018 October 2022 Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000327/2022401 and 05000328/2022401 IR 05000327/20220052022-08-30030 August 2022 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327 2022005 and 05000328 2022005 - Final IR 05000327/20220022022-08-0101 August 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327 2022002 and 05000328 2022002 IR 05000327/20223012022-07-21021 July 2022 Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2022301 and 05000328/2022301 IR 05000327/20220012022-05-11011 May 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022001, 05000328/2022001 and 07200034/2010002 IR 05000327/20220102022-04-25025 April 2022 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Teams) Inspection Report 05000327/2022010 and 05000328/2022010 IR 05000327/20224022022-03-28028 March 2022 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2022402 and 05000328/2022402 IR 05000327/20210062022-03-0202 March 2022 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - (Report No. 05000327/2021006 and 05000328/2021006) IR 05000327/20210042022-02-0707 February 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021004 and 05000328/2021004 IR 05000327/20210032021-11-10010 November 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021003 and 05000328/2021003 and Apparent Violation and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20210052021-08-18018 August 2021 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2021005 and 05000328/2021005 IR 05000327/20210022021-07-27027 July 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021002 and 05000328/2021002 IR 05000327/20210112021-07-19019 July 2021 Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2021011 and 05000328/2021011 IR 05000327/20210012021-04-27027 April 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021001 and 05000328/2021001 IR 05000327/20210102021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021010 and 05000328/2021010 IR 05000327/20214012021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021401 and 05000328/2021401 (U) IR 05000327/20200062021-03-0303 March 2021 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2020006 and 05000328/2020006 IR 05000327/20200042021-01-29029 January 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004 2025-01-28
[Table view] Category:UTILITY
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19900341990-11-16016 November 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-34 & 50-328/90-34 on 901006-1105.One Violation & One Apparent Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19900361990-11-0909 November 1990 Augmented Insp Team Repts 50-327/90-36 & 50-328/90-36 on 901011-19.Insp Included Review of Events That Led to Discovery of Multiple Failures of Main Steam Check Valves on 901008 IR 05000327/19900321990-11-0101 November 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-32 & 50-328/90-32 on 900906-1005. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection IR 05000327/19900331990-10-31031 October 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-33 & 50-328/90-33 on 901009-12.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness Program:Emergency Detection & Classification,Protective Action decision-making IR 05000327/19900291990-10-0505 October 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-29 & 50-328/90-29 on 900827-31. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Measurement of Incore Power Distributions,Calibr of Nuclear Instruments, Measurement of Thermal Power & Followup of LERs IR 05000327/19900311990-09-26026 September 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-31 & 50-328/90-31 on 900910-14.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Occupational Exposure During Extended Outages & Licensee Actions to Correct Previously Identified Weaknesses IR 05000327/19900261990-08-30030 August 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-26 & 50-328/90-26 on 900706-0805. Violations Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection & Safeguards ML20059H0431990-08-21021 August 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-23 & 50-328/90-23 on 900625-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Weaknesses in Program Implementation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Program to Maintain Occupational Dose to Workers ALARA IR 05000327/19900211990-07-31031 July 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-21 & 50-328/90-21 on 900709-13.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Observation & Evaluation of Annual Emergency Response Exercise IR 05000327/19900201990-06-29029 June 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-20 & 50-328/90-20 on 900506-0605.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19900191990-05-21021 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-19 & 50-328/90-19 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiation Protection Activities,Including Review of Licensee Organization & Mgt Controls & Training IR 05000327/19900131990-05-21021 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-13 & 50-328/90-13 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Facilities,Equipment,Instrumentation,Supplies, Organization & Mgt Control & Independent Review/Audits ML20043A5271990-05-16016 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-17 & 50-328/90-17 on 900406-0505. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards, Surveillance Testing & Followup to Generic Ltr 88-17 IR 05000327/19900141990-05-0303 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-14 & 50-328/90-14 on 900326-30 & 0409-13.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Testing,Containment Integrity & Followup on Previous Insp Findings IR 05000327/19900111990-04-25025 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-11 & 50-328/90-11 on 900306-0405. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps ML20034C4651990-04-25025 April 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-15 & 50-328/90-15 on 900326-30 (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21).Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program Including, Inspector Reviewed Barriers & Detection Aids IR 05000327/19900161990-04-12012 April 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-16 & 50-328/90-16 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Procedures,Records,Operations & Physical Inventory,Control & Accountability of SNM IR 05000327/19900121990-04-10010 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-12 & 50-328/90-12 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Inservice Insp (Isi),Including Review of NDE Procedures,Isi Plan for Outage & Observations of in Progress NDE Exams IR 05000327/19900081990-04-0404 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-08 & 50-328/90-08 on 900226-0302.No Violations Noted.Several Examples of Corrective Action Procedure Ambiguities Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Events & Employee Concerns Program IR 05000327/19900071990-04-0303 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-07 & 50-328/90-07 on 900226-0302.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Effluents & Waste Treatment,Radiological Environ Monitoring & Primary & Secondary Water Chemistry IR 05000327/19900031990-03-14014 March 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-03 & 50-328/90-03 on 900105-0205.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Maint Observations,Surveillance Testing Observations,Review of Insp Findings & Followup of Events IR 05000327/19900021990-03-0909 March 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-02 & 50-328/90-02 on 900122-26. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Design Changes & Mods,Procurement & Licensee Action on Previously Identified Findings ML20033F3361990-02-22022 February 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-05 & 50-328/90-05 on 900130-0202.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Routine,Unannounced Insp of Licensee Physical Security Program of Power Reactors Including,Plans,Audits & Maint IR 05000327/19900041990-02-14014 February 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-04 & 50-328/90-04 on 900122-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program & pre-outage Activities for Radiation Protection Program.Licensee Identified Violation Cited IR 05000327/19890291990-01-31031 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-29 & 50-328/89-29 on 891205-900109. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Safeguards, Radiation Protection & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19890281990-01-26026 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-28 & 50-328/89-28 on 891113-17. Violation Noted Re Failure to Source Check Effluent Gas Monitors Per Tech Specs.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Effluents & Waste Treatment,Water Chemistry & QA IR 05000327/19890271990-01-0202 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-27 & 50-328/89-27 on 891106-1205. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection & Safeguards IR 05000327/19890251989-12-0505 December 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-25 & 50-328/89-25 on 891006-1108. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection & Safeguards IR 05000327/19890261989-11-0909 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-26 & 50-328/89-26 on 891023-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Allegation Followup to Establish Validity & to Verify Corrective Actions Implemented for Invalid Allegations IR 05000327/19890231989-11-0808 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-23 & 50-328/89-23 on 891002-06.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Fire Prevention/Fire Protection IR 05000327/19890221989-11-0707 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-22 & 50-328/89-22 on 890906-1005.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19890241989-10-25025 October 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-24 & 50-328/89-24 on 890927-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program,Followup on Previous Inspector Identified Items & Employee Safety Concerns IR 05000327/19890201989-08-29029 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-20 & 50-328/89-20 on 890717-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Annual Emergency Exercise,Including Staffing & Response of Emergency Organizations in Control Room & Support Ctrs IR 05000327/19890141989-08-28028 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-14 & 50-328/89-14 on 890424-28. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Surveillance & Operational Records & Procedures.Discussions Held W/ Operations,Engineering & Transmissions Personnel IR 05000327/19890191989-08-25025 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-19 & 50-328/89-19 on 890706-0805. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection ML20245L3191989-08-0101 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-11 & 50-328/89-11 on 890626-30. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program,Follow Up on Previous Inspector Identified Items & IE Info Notices IR 05000327/19890171989-07-28028 July 1989 Partially Withheld Safeguards Insp Repts 50-327/89-17 & 50-328/89-17 on 890522-26 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21)). Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power Reactors & Protected Area Alarms ML20246B6511989-06-26026 June 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-15 & 50-328/89-15 on 890506-0605. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps ML20245D4191989-06-14014 June 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-16 & 50-328/89-16 on 890508-12. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Completed Unit 2,Cycle 4 Initial Criticality & Post Refueling Start Up Tests & Evaluation of Thermal Power Measurements for Unit 1 IR 05000327/19890121989-05-24024 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-12 & 50-328/89-12 on 890406-0505. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection, Safeguards & Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations & Operational Performance IR 05000327/19890131989-05-16016 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-13 & 50-328/89-13 on 890417-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness,Including Review of Programmatic Elements & Radiological Emergency Plan & Training IR 05000327/19890101989-05-0404 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-10 & 50-328/89-10 on 890316-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing,Review of Test Procedures & Evaluation of Test Results ML20246K0751989-05-0303 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-09 & 50-328/89-09 on 890305-0405. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps IR 05000327/19890071989-04-13013 April 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-07 & 50-328/89-07 on 890205-0304. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping ML20244C3911989-04-0404 April 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/88-50 & 50-328/88-50 on 881212-890126. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Surveillance & Sys Outage Control,Corrective Action Program, Maint Activities & Qualified Reviewer Process IR 05000327/19890051989-03-13013 March 1989 Special Team Insp Repts 50-327/89-05 & 50-328/89-05 on 890131-0209.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste, Radiological Controls,Corporate QA Audits & Site Chemistry ML20247F3461989-03-13013 March 1989 Special Team Insp Repts 50-327/89-05 & 50-328/89-05 on 890131-0209.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste, Radiological Controls,Corporate QA Audits & Site Chemistry IR 05000327/19890061989-03-10010 March 1989 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/89-06 & 50-328/89-06 on 890123-27 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21).Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Reactors, Including Security Mgt,Audit,Barriers,Alarms & Maint IR 05000327/19890021989-03-0909 March 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-02 & 50-328/89-02 on 890105-0204.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification Including,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection IR 05000327/19890081989-03-0303 March 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-08 & 50-328/89-08 on 890213-17. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp, Including Eddy Current Exam of Unit 2 Steam Generator Tubing,Reviews of NDE Exams Procedures & Exam Verifications 1990-09-26
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19990051999-09-27027 September 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-05 & 50-328/99-05 on 990718-0828. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mitigating Sys IR 05000327/19990041999-08-13013 August 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-04 & 50-328/99-04 on 990601-0717.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness IR 05000327/19990031999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-03 & 50-328/99-03 on 990328-0531.Non- Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990021999-04-23023 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-02 & 50-328/99-02 on 990214-0327.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990011999-03-15015 March 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-01 & 50-328/99-01 on 990103-0213. Violations Noted & Being Treated as non-cited Violations. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19983021999-03-12012 March 1999 NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-327/98-302 & 50-328/98-302 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Test Administered on 980928-1001 IR 05000327/19980111999-02-0101 February 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/98-11 & 50-328/98-11 on 981122-990102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering ML20202J5471999-02-0101 February 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 981122-990102.Violation Noted:Following Unit 1 RT on 981109,procedural Requirements of EOP ES0.1 Were Not Properly Implemented,In That RCS Temperatures Were Not Monitored & Steam Not Dumped IR 05000327/19980101998-12-0707 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-10 & 50-328/98-10 on 981011-1121.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980141998-12-0404 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-14 & 50-328/98-14 on 981102-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation & Evaluation of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Sequoyah Nuclear Plan ML20196D6081998-11-24024 November 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980914-1016.Violation Noted:As of 980916,requirements of 0-MI-MXX-061-001 Not Implemented IR 05000327/19980131998-11-24024 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-13 & 50-328/98-13 on 980914-1016. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee maint,testing,engineering,self-assessment & Problem Evaluations of Licensee Ice Condenser Sys ML20195G5521998-11-0909 November 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980830-1010.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Assure That All Testing Required to Demonstrate That Safety Related Circuit Breakers Would Perform Satisfactorily in Svc IR 05000327/19980091998-11-0909 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-09 & 50-328/98-09 on 980830-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980081998-09-18018 September 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-08 & 50-328/98-08 on 980719-0829.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support,Licensee Conducted Radiological Emergency Plan Drill ML20237B1851998-08-0404 August 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980606-0718.Violations Noted:On or Before 971103,conditions Adverse to Qualify Were Not Promptly Identified & Corrected,In That Licensee Failed to Correct &/Or Initiate Problem Evaluation Rept IR 05000327/19980071998-08-0404 August 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-07 & 50-328/98-07 on 980607-0718. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operation,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980061998-06-26026 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-06 & 50-328/98-06 on 980426-0606. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support ML20236J6591998-06-26026 June 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980426-0606.Violation Noted:Inservice Testing of Valves Not in Accordance with Section XI of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code & Applicable Addenda as Required by 10CFR50.55a IR 05000327/19983001998-06-25025 June 1998 NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-327/98-300 & 50-328/98-300 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 980601-02 IR 05000327/19980051998-06-12012 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-05 & 50-328/98-05 on 980504-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Procedure.Insp Team Comprised Region II & Headquarters Personnel.Switchgear & Surrounding Areas Found in Good Matl Condition ML20247L5781998-05-15015 May 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980315-0425.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Perform Surveillance Requirement,within 1 H & at Least Once Per 8 H Thereafter ML20216H7701998-04-10010 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980201-0314.Violation Noted:License Failed to Rept an Adverse Condition on Work Request/Work Order &/Or Problem Evaluation Rept IR 05000327/19980031998-04-10010 April 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-03 & 50-328/98-03 on 980201-0314. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980991998-04-0101 April 1998 SALP Repts 50-327/98-99 & 50-328/98-99 for Period 960728- 980221 IR 05000327/19980011998-03-30030 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-01 & 50-328/98-01 on 980126-0213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering ML20217K3751998-03-30030 March 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980126-0213.Violation Noted:On Listed Dates,Licensee Made Changes to Facility as Described in FSAR W/O Adequate Written SE Which Provides Bases for Determination That Changes Did Not Involve USQ IR 05000327/19980021998-03-0505 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-02 & 50-328/98-02 on 980202-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations & Maint.Review of Initial & Requalification Training Programs Were Also Conducted IR 05000327/19970181998-02-19019 February 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-18 & 50-328/97-18 on 971221-980131. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Resolving Problems ML20203J5411998-02-19019 February 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971231-980131.Violation Noted:On 980126 Individuals Failed to Monitor Themselves in Whole Body Contamination Monitor or W/Hand & Foot Frisk Monitor ML20216D8431998-02-0606 February 1998 EN-97-109A:on 980206,informs of Withdrawal of Proposed Civil Penalty of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Credit for Identification Appropriate to Recognize Diligence of TVA Training Instructor Who Discovered Vital Battery Problem IR 05000327/19970171998-01-16016 January 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-17 & 50-328/97-17 on 971109-1220.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970141997-12-0808 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-14 & 50-328/97-14 on 970928-1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support,Effectiveness of License Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems ML20197F5541997-12-0808 December 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970725-0704 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:Sro Failed to Implement Step 8.4.8 of Soi 0-S0-250-1. Predecisional EC Agenda & Documentation Encl IR 05000327/19970161997-12-0505 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-16 & 50-328/97-16 on 971103-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of 971017 Wire Damage Event at Electrical Penetration 22 ML20197F6971997-12-0303 December 1997 EN-97-109:on 971208,notice of Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Action Based on Severity Level III Problem Re Failure to Maintain Direct Current Vital Battery Channel Energized & Operable IR 05000327/19973001997-11-0606 November 1997 Exam Repts 50-327/97-300 & 50-328/97-300 on 970919-1007. Exam Results:Four Out of Seven Candidates Passed Exam.One Candidate Was Marginal Performer IR 05000327/19970121997-10-24024 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-12 & 50-328/97-12 on 970824-0927.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support & Operator Requalification Program IR 05000327/19970151997-10-23023 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-15 & 50-328/97-15 on 970922-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness PNO-II-97-057, on 971017,discovered 12 of 14 Instrument Cables Damaged in Unit 2 Containment Electrical Penetration. Sequoyah Unit 2 in Outage & All Fuel Removed from Reactor Vessel.Licensee Continues to Investigate Event1997-10-17017 October 1997 PNO-II-97-057:on 971017,discovered 12 of 14 Instrument Cables Damaged in Unit 2 Containment Electrical Penetration. Sequoyah Unit 2 in Outage & All Fuel Removed from Reactor Vessel.Licensee Continues to Investigate Event PNO-II-97-055, on 971006,contaminated Person Transported from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant to Offsite Medical Facility,Following Apparent Heart Attack.Victim Pronounced Dead at Hosp,Due to Apparent Heart Attack.Licensee Responded to Media Inquirie1997-10-0606 October 1997 PNO-II-97-055:on 971006,contaminated Person Transported from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant to Offsite Medical Facility,Following Apparent Heart Attack.Victim Pronounced Dead at Hosp,Due to Apparent Heart Attack.Licensee Responded to Media Inquirie ML20211E2531997-09-22022 September 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970706-0823.Violation Noted:On 970714,containment Isolation Valve 1-FCV-31C-229 Failed to Exhibit Required Change of Obturator Position & Was Not Repaired or Replaced & Data Not Analyzed ML20198H7911997-09-11011 September 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-13 & 50-328/97-13 on 970725-0904. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Insp Scope,Event Synopsis & Observations & Findings IR 05000327/19970061997-07-28028 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-06 & 50-328/97-06 on 970525-0705. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20141H9531997-07-28028 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970525-0705.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement Prompt Corrective Actions to Resolve Condition Adverse to Quality IR 05000327/19970071997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-07 & 50-328/97-07 on 970623-27. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Plant Support ML20149L5671997-07-24024 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970623-27.Violation Noted: on 960627,licensee Had Loss of Security Electronic Equipment & Failed to Post Officers in Position to Provide Surveillance of Entire Protected Area Perimeter ML20149G8681997-07-10010 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970324-0522.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Esatblish Measures to Assure That Significant Condition Adverse to Quality Was Promptly Identified & Corrected & C/A Taken to Preclude Repetition ML20141G0361997-06-20020 June 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970413-0524.Violation Noted:Each Intermediate & Power Range Channel Was Not Subj to Channel Function Test within 12 H Prior to Initiating Physics Test ML20141G0441997-06-20020 June 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-04 & 50-328/97-04 on 970413-0524. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations Re Physics Testing,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support 1999-09-27
[Table view] |
3 Etc(,
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'+9.....,o Report Nos.:
50-327/87-19 and 50-328/87-19 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
Docket Nos.:
50-327 and 50-328 License-Nos.:
DPR-77 and DPR-79 Facility Name:
Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: Februar 12-13, 1987 Inspectors:
F. R. McCoy, /Xe'qdaystrTection Chief Da'te Signed rWOM&
3ll9l27 L. J. Wafson, Re r Engineer Date S4 ned -
Approved by:
(4A 3 N d-7
!n G. G. Zech, Assistant Director D(te'S'igned Inspection Programs, Division of TVA Projects Office of Special Projects
SUMMARY Scope: This routine, special announced inspection was conducted in the areas of surveillance instruction review.
Results: No violations or deviations were identified.
8704030453 870324 i
PDR ADOCK 05000327 O
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- -
- - - -
- -
Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
- H. Abercrombie, Site Director
- L. Nobles', Plant Manager
- B. Patterson, Maintenance Superintendent
- R. Fortenberry, Technical Support Manager
- D. Craven, Quality Assurance Manager -
- C. Martin, Site Quality Assurance Manager
- R. Denise, Project Manager, Procedures
- R. Buchholz, Office of Nuclear Power Site Representative
- B. Willis, Power Plant Superintendent
- F. Kabiri, Manager Site Systems
- G. Kirk, Compliance Licensing Manager
- J. Walker, Assistant Manager Operations Group
- H. Rankin, Manager of Projects
- J. Sullivan, Supervisor - Plant Operations Review Staff
- W. Mackay, Mechanical Test Supervisor
- H. Elkins, Instrument Maintenance Supervisor
- H. Rogers, Supervisor Plant Reporting Section
- M. Cooper, Licensing Engineer
- J. McGriff, SI Review Coordinator
- G. Boles, Mechanical Maintenance Outage Supervisor i
- J. Klein, Mechanical Maintenance Engineer
- A. Ritler, Engineering Assurance Engineer, DNE
- C. Wood, Quality Assurance Supervisor
- R. Smith, Quality Inspection Supervisor
Shell, Division of Nuclear Quality Assurance Surveillance Section
- B. Schofield, Licensing Engineer l
Siler, Supervisor, Instrument and Control Section
- R. Gladney, Instrument Maintenance Technical Supervisor
- J. Kelly, Engineering Assurance Engineer, DNE
- G. Gantt, Reactor Engineer
- L. McCormick, Regulatory Licensing Engineer
Other licensee employees contacted included. engineers, technicians, operators, contractor employees and office personnel.
I NRC Resident Inspectors
-- - -
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- _
Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on February 13, 1987, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.
The inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed below.
No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.
The inspector reviewed proprietary information during the course of this inspection; however, this information is not included in the report.
Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters
(0 pen) Unresolved Item 327, 328/86-32-07.
Control Building Emergency Ventilation System Testing. A review of this item reflects additional resolution is required to determine operability of the chlorine detection system and adequacy of surveillance testing of this system.
Refer to paragraph 5.b.(5).
Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.
Inspection of TVA's Surveillance Instruction Review Program This inspection was conducted in ord u to ascertain the licensee's.readi-
ness for NRC inspection of surveillance instructions; evaluate the licensee's method of review, revisicn, and performance of surveillance instructions which had been previously performed prior to surveillance
instruction review and which are expected to be current with respect to performance frequency at startup; and to assess again whether the licensee was currently addressing NRC inspection findings identified at Watts Bar in the areas of surveillance instructions.
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Summary of the Licensee Surveillance Instruction Review Effort The licensee presented a brief summary of their surveillance instruction review effort. The licensee stated that as a result of NRC concerns with surveillance instruction inadequacies such as safety injection manual actuation testing, molded case circuit breaker testing, and essential raw cooling water system (ERCW)
testing implementation concerns, the licensee established a surveillance instruction review team led by Mr. C. LeFever, in the
spring of 1986, to compare existing surveillance instructions to Technical Specification surveillance requirements and to determine if the surveillance requirements were covered by the surveillance instructions. The licensee stated that the scope of this review did not include an evaluation of test methodology to verify proper imple-mentation of the surveillance requirements. The licensee stated that as a result of this review effort a large quantity of potential
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reportable occurrences (PR0's) were generated describing deficiencies and that from these PR0's approximately 15 licensee event reports (LERs) were issued reporting problems with inadequate implementation of surveillance requirements. The licensee stated that, deficiencies
were being identified in their CATS tracking system and that, where deficiencies applied to a procedure required for restart, the tracking system would assure resolution prior to restart.
Following initiation of this review effort, an enforcement conference-was conducted with the licensee concerning surveillance instruction inadequacies. At this enforcement conference, the licensee committed to accomplish a technical review of all surveillance instructions.
The licensee stated that this review was identified as the phase I review which commenced in July 1986 and which included review of test methodology to assure proper surveillance requirement implementation.
Additionally, this phase I review was programmed to review documents that were tiered to the basic surveillance instruction. The licensee stated that an SI-1 appendix F checklist based on a previously established Watts Bar surveillance instruction checklist was utilized in accomplishing the phase I review. Part I Technical Adequacy, and, if applicable, Attachment I, Operability Evaluation were to be satisfactorily completed in order to implement the phase I review.
The NRC conducted an inspection in July 1986, as documented in NRC inspection report 50-327, 328/86-44, to determine the adequacy of the phase I surveillance instruction review program and identified further technical deficiencies with surveillance instructions.
Subsequent to this phase I inspection, a quality assurance audit of the surveillance instruction review effort was conducted. This audit
also identified major technical deficiencies with reviewed su.veillance instructions.
Although individual deficiency reports were issued for specific deficiencies a compilation of these defi-ciencies reports was issued as a corrective action report (CAR).
This CAR, which was issued on November 18, 1986 concluded that programmatic problems were associated with the surveillance instruc-tion review, which was approximately 82% complete at the time the CAR was issued. As a result the licensee identified as corrective action that a revised SI-1 appendix F checklist would be used to review a minimum of five elements for previously reviewed procedures.
Additionally documents not previously reviewed would be reviewed to
the revised checklist. In December, 1986, the licensee established a project manager for procedures, Mr. R. Denise, to coordinate the entire 31 review effort. The licensee stated that in addition to the reviews, and re-reviews, and revisions being conducted by the cognizant section staff reviewers, an independent review group (IRG)
had been established to independently review finalized instructions
prior to PORC approvcl and that this IRG would technically review 25%
of all surveillance instructions.
The licensee stated that IRG had
reviewed 146 procedures, but that approximately 111 of these were not valid reviews of a finished section staff product.
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only 35 procedures were considered by the licensee to have been satisfactorily IRG reviewed and IRG would be required to review an approximate 165 additional procedures to fulfill their review obliga-tions.
Additionally, the licensee stated that quality assurance would also be independently assessing technical adequacy of 10
percent of the surveillance instructions. The licensee stated the l
quality assurance commitments would be addressed as deficiency reports but that IRG comments were to be handled by memorandum. The zl inspectors noted that a formal. mechanism for IRG to assure closure did not appear to exist.
The inspectors noted that the licensee's re-review effort appeared to
be in very early stages and did not appear to support current schedules for NRC review in this area.
The inspectors also noted that data associated with IRG review of finished section staff
procedures appeared to reflect that 15*4 of the procedures reviewed had major technical comments by IRG. The inspectors considered that this percentage of technical comments would be unacceptable during NRC review and, consequently, it too did not appear to support
currently scheduled NRC inspection in this area. The licensee stated
at the exit interview that they would inform the NRC of an inspection readiness date in a program submittal which the licensee committed to submit to the NRC in a February 5-6, 1987 meeting.
The inspectors noted, based on the licensees summary, that several areas, outside the scope of this specific inspection, would require NRC review during the NRC team inspection of surveillance instructions to be
conducted in the near future. This would be in addition to assessing randomly selected surveillance requirements to assure that they are adequately implemented by surveillance instructions and to assure the procedures that implement those requirements are usable. These areas include:
Assess the adequacy of PRO evaluations and reportability determinations conducted by the licensee with respect-to identified concerns.
Assess tracking and restart determination for deficiencies identified during the initial licensee review.
- Assess tracking and restart determination of deficiencies identified -by quality assurance subsequent to initiation of phase I review.
Assess the adequacy of the revised checklist elements (what was to be re-reviewed) based on the quality assurance findings.
Assess how the licensee resolves IRG and quality assurance comments and how the IRG assures adequate resolution of their comments.
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Assess whether a revised checklist subsequent to the quality
assurance CAR of November 18, 1986, exists for each procedure selected for review.
Assess the adequacy of the licensee's split of the technical adequacy portion and administrative adequacy-portion of the SI-1 appendix F checklist.
Assess the adequacy of the licensee's surveillance instruction review program submittal currently scheduled for March 17, 1987.
During the course of this inspection, the licensee's Site Director notified the inspectors that due to recent information provided by
TVA staff involved in surveillance instruction review, directed both through the line organization as well as the employees concerns program, TVA management was concerned that the perception existed with TVA staff that (1) procedures may be being. rushed in review to meet schedules rather than to develop a quality. product, and that (2) problem identification may be suppressed and discouraged.
The Site Director stated that as a result of this concern, he had directed that management meet with staff and inform them of the management position with regard to surveillance instruction review as follows:
' Demand' schedules were to be discontinued.
Sections were to provide schedules which would produce a quality i
product and could be realistically supported by section.
If these schedules did not appear to support restart, then management would provide the support necessary to properly improve the schedule.
Suppression and discouragement of problem identification is contrary to management's position that problems be identified and corrected and that cases where this is occurring should be brought to upper management attention for resolution.
The results of this meeting were noted by the inspectors to be documented in a February 18, 1987 summary of surveillance instruction review meeting on February 11, 1987.
The inspectors acknowledged that scheduling to develop a quality product rather than meet a demand schedule and encouraging problem
identification were necessary steps to assuring technically correct i
and usable surveillance instructions and that the success of licensee efforts in this regard would be judged not only by the results of their own IRG and Quality Assurance reviews but also by the NRC procedure review results generated during the upcoming NRC team inspection of surveillance instructions.
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Review of NRC Findings on Surveillance Program at Watts Bar In order to ascertain the status of the surveillance review program at Sequoyah, the inspectors selected eleven of the NRC findings from inspections conducted at Watts Bar and reviewed the actions taken at Sequoyah to address the findings. Due to the limited time available for the status review, the inspectors requested that the licensee provide a presentation on each of the findings by the cognizant engineer or manager.
These individuals provided documentation of implementation of each of the Watts Bar findings or discussed the corrective action programs underway which will assure adequate implementation.
Even though time was not available to review all pertinent information, the inspectors were able to determine the status of the licensee's evaluation of each item. Each of the items reviewed is addressed below:
(1) Scaling and Setpoint Data Review and Verification The concern at Watts Bar involved the failure to perform a detailed independent review and verification of instrumentation scaling and setpoint data.
Scaling and setpoint data is provided in technical instruction TI-41 at Sequoyah.
The licensee provided the following information on the review at Sequoyah.
The surveillance instruction review checklist in surveillance instruction SI-1, Surveillance Program, appendix F, required the reviewer to determine if the Technical Specification setpoints agree with instrument tabs, FSAR and applicable drawings.
The checklist question qualification and scope definition, which is a part of appendix F, stated that for the instrument maintenance section, the instruction under review must be compared with TI-41 for consistency concerning setpoints, calculations, and tolerances. It further stated that if inconsistencies are found and it is determined that TI-41 is in e rror,- then the inconsistency must be added to a punchlist for TI-41.
The licensee stated that the review included the verification of any calculations by reperforming the calculation and comparing the data to the TI-41 data. For data in TI-41 which is correct, this calculation would be. counted as an independent review.
If an error was detected, a second reviewer would independently
perform the calculation to complete the independent review.
With regard to the punchlist, the licensee stated that upon completion of the surveillance procedure review, TI-41 would be revised to include all errors noted in the punchlist.
Until then reviewers were to refer to the punchlist prior to use of
data in TI-41.
The licensee's presentation on this issue indicated that the instrumentation scaling and setpoint data is undergoing appropriate reviews.
Implementation of these reviews will be inspected in more detail in future inspections.
(2) Controls on Vendor Manuals The findings at Watts Bar (Inspector Followup Item 390/84-73-08)
concerned the adequacy of administrative controls on vendor manuals utilized for writing procedures. The licensee indicated that the short term corrective actions to provide controls on vendor manuals included the following actions.
All vendor manuals, with the exception of the copy in the document control section, have been taken off the controlled copy list. Prior to use of-any vendor manual, an individual must review the manual and utilize forms provided in administrative instruction AI-23, Vendor Manual Control, to document-that the current revision is in use. The licensee provided the inspector with a proposed response to Generic Letter 83-28 which inchded a commitment to implement a long term program involving the technical review of all vendor manuals by January 31, 1988.
This response will be evaluated by the NRC upon formal submittal.
The inspectors determined that the licensee had established actions to assure control of vendor manuals. The inspectors consider that implementation of these actions in conducting surveillance instruction reviews should be evaluated during the NRC team inspection.
(3) Testing of ESF Signals for Control Bailding Emergency Ventilation System The Watts Bar finding (Inspector Followup Item 390/84-73-09)
involved the failure to test certain ESF signals which initiate the recirculation mode of the control building emergency venti-lation system.
The inspectors were provided with a copy of SI-144.1 and SI-144.2, which implemented the ESF initiation surveillance requirements of the control building emergency ventilation system in Technical Specification 4.7.7.e.2 at Sequoyah.
The inspectors determined that the finding was
adequately addressed at Sequoyah.
(4) Preventative Maintenance on Reactor Cavity Seal The inspectors had determined that at Watts Bar no preventative maintenance was performed on the reactor cavity seal.
The inspectors were provided a copy of the maintenance instruction MI-1.2, which required preventative maintenance similar to a Watts Bar procedure that had been revised to address the NRC
The inspectors noted that the Watts Bar procedure-required a check for oil contamination that was not specifically
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listed in the Sequoyah procedure.
The inspectors interviewed
1 one of the engineers who routinely performs this inspection and determined that the engineer was cognizant of the need to avoid oil contamination and conducted the placement and removal of the i
seal in a manner which prevented oil contamination.
The inspectors also determined that the Watts Bar procedure required verification that the seal cure date be no more than four years earlier than the installation date. The inspectors noted that the Sequoyah procedure did not require a review of the seal cure date.
The licensee provided information that indicated that when housed in the materials control warehouse, the shelf life of the seal was twelve ' years.
The licensee stated that durometer checks were performed on the seal to assure integrity prior to placement of the seal, but.the age of the seal was not reviewed. This appeared to be due to the fact that the seal was stored between uses in the plant rather than in the materials warehouse. The inspector requested information on the material control program for storage inside the plant; however, this information was not available by the -end of the inspection. The storage of material inside the plant in regard i
to controls on shelf life will be reviewed in a followup inspec-tion and is identified as Inspector Followup Item 327, 328/87-19-01.
(5) Control Building Emergency Ventilation (CBEV) System Testing Three findings were identified in the area of CBEV system testing at Watts Bar. Unresolved item 390/85-21-02 involved the failure to perform response time. testing of the -CBEV system.
Inspector followup item 390/84-73-09 concerned the failure to verify system realignment to the recirculation mode on all four signals required by TS 4.7.7.e(2). Unresolved item 390/85-21-03 involved verification of correct system installation and testing in light of the extremely long suction line from the sample pump to the control room air intake ducts. It should be noted that
the Sequoyah Technical Specifications do not specifically require testing of the chlorine detection initiation signal under Technical Specification 4.7.7 as do the Watts Bar Technical Specifications.
The actions taken by the licensee to resolve Watts Bar unresolved item 390/85-21-02 and inspector followup item 390/84-73-09 have been reviewed at Sequoyah as documented in NRC Inspection Reports 327, 328/85-46; 327, 328/86-20; and 327, 328/86-32. These reports found that the Technical Specification surveillance requirements of Sequoyah Technical Specification 4.7.7 did not specifically require verification that the system realigns to the recirculation mode on detection of high chlorine.
The licensee has submitted a request to NRC dated January 21, 1987, to delete the requirement for chlorine
detection equipment from Technical Specifications since chlorine onsite had been removed and no significant chlorir; barge or railroad tank car traffic passed within five miles of the site.
Inspector followup item 327, 328/85-46-06 was closed and unresolved item 327, 328/86-32-07 was opened pending resolution of the licensee's request to delete chlorine testing of the control room emergency ventilation system.
The inspectors concluded at that time, that if the request was not granted, the licensee should revise the applicable surveillance instructions to require testing with chlorine and smoke signals to include timing of CREV isolation and switching of CREV to the recirculation mode.
In addition, the inspectors determined at that time that a Technical Specification change request should be submitted to include the chlorine and smoke detection signals testing requirements.
During the current inspection, the inspectors noted that Tech-nical Specification requires that each chlorine detection system shall be demonstrated operable by performance of a channel check at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />, a channel functional test at least once per 31 days and a channel calibration at least once per 18 months. The channel functional test includes a requirement to verify operability of the system including alarm and/or trip functions.
The inspectors questioned the licensee on the implementation of this Technical Specification.
The licensee stated that the Technical Specification had been interpreted to mean that the chlorine detector had to be tested, but that a test of control room isolation by the detector was not considered to be a required part of the functional test since Technical Specification 4.7.7, Control Room Emergency Ventilation System, did not specifically require the testing.
Therefore, the isolation function of the chlorine detection system had not been included in the surveillance tests.
The licensee had tested only the operability of the chlorine detection instrumentation.
Due to the. ambiguity of Technical Specifications and 4.7.7, the inspectors consider that the Technical Specifications have been interpreted by the licensee in a narrow sense and that the licensee is testing this system within that narrow interpre-tation. After inoffice review of the Technical Specifications and 4.7.7, the inspectors informed the licensee, by telecon (F. McCoy, NRC / G. Kirk, TVA) on March 11, 1987, that the NRC considered that final device testing was not being performed for the chlorine detection system and that lacking additional requirements, the inspectors considered that Technical Specification required channel functional testing of the chlorine detection system in a manner that would assure that the system could isolate the control roo.
The inspectors also determined that the preoperational tests of.
the chlorine detection system had been a
detection instrumentation test and had apparently not included a test to show isolation of the control room on a high chlorine signal.
The inspectors obtained a commitment from the licensee _ to.
perform a test of the chlorine detection system to determine if the system would perform its intended function, i.e., isolate the control room in the event of chlorine concentrations in excess of 5 ppm within the time frames assumed in the analysis in FSAR sections and The inspectors determined that unresolved item 327, 328/86-32-07 would be left open pending licensee determination of chlorine detection system operability, establishment of appropriate testing measures for the system, and final resolution of the licensee's -request for del, tion of Technical Specification
The inspectors alt) requested the licensee to evaluate Watts Bar unresolved item 390/85-21-03 to determine if the configuration of the chiorine detection system affected operability.
The inspectors noted that licensee staff had initiated PR0's 1-86-298, dated October 20, 1986, and 1-87-20, dated January 15, 1987, on this same subject. NRC evaluation of the licensee's assessment and reportability determination will be accomplished for these PR0s as identified in paragraph 5.a. of this report.
(6) Testing of RHR Heat Exchanger Outlet Air Operated Valves and Containnent Suction Flow Control Valves The concerns identified at Watts Bar involved (1) the failure to include the RHR heat exchanger ~ outlet air operated valves in a surveillance test due to the fact that-they were normally open, and (2) the failure to test the containment suction flow control valves with a valid actuation signal.
The inspectors reviewed Sequoyah surveillance instruction SI-9.
SI-9 adequately.
addressed the testing of the RHR heat exchanger outlet valves and required testing of the flow control valve; by initiation of an SI signal. The inspectors determined that the licensee had addressed these concerns.
(7) Surveillance Requirements on Boron Injection Line Heat Tracing The concern at Watts Bar -involved the failure to include appropriate circuit breaker designations for assuring power to boron injection line heat tracing in surveillance instructions.
The inspectors discussed this issue with the individual who performed the review of SI-8 and SI-16, the Sequoyah heat trace l
surveillance instructions.
The individual stated that these
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procedures had been reviewed in depth and that only one circuit number had been determined to be incorrect. This error had been corrected. The inspectors consider that the licersee had taken appropriate action on this item.
(8) Cold Leg Accumulator Level Indication The issue at Watts Bar involved an error in the curve utilized by operators to determine the volume of water available in the cold leg accumulators based on control room indication. The inspectors determined that the licensee had initiated PRO 1-86-091 and had requested that Westinghouse review the cold leg accumulator curves at Sequoyah to assure adequacy.
Westinghouse determined that the present setpoints were adequate. The licensee was also in the process of revising the curves provided in technical instruction TI-28 to assure adequacy of other curves.
These actions and the Westinghouse evaluation will be reviewed during the NRC team inspection of surveillance instructions.
The inspectors determined that the licensee was taking action on the concerns identified at Watts Bar.
(9) Units for Containment Pressure Ranges The Watts Bar concern involved a discrepancy between the Tech-nical Specification high and high-high containment pressure setpoint unit (psig) and the instrumentation which measures psid.
The licensee stated that this discrepancy was not considered significant since the annulus was maintained at a negative pressure making the differential pressure measured conservative to the setpoint. This item will be reviewed during the NRC team inspection to assess the licensee's conclusions.
(10) Accuracy of Test Equipment In Determining Setpoint Boundaries The concern identified at Watts Bar involved the_ effect of the errors of measurement and calibration instrumentation in determining the accuracy of IS setpoints.
The inspectors determined that the licensee had contracted with Westinghouse to evaluate the effect of measuring and test equipment accuracy on setpoint boundaries.
This item was under review by the NRC resident inspectors. The inspector determined that the licensee was taking appropriate action to resolve the issue.
(11) Venting of ECCS Pump Casings The concern at Watts Bar involved the failure to include venting of ECCS pump casings at appropriate intervals in surveillance instructions.
The licensee stated that surveillance instructions SI-128, SI-40, SI-129, and - SI-37 included the requirements to vent ECCS pump casings and that the vents
utilized had been verified to be high points. The inspectors determined that the licensee was aware of the issue at Watts Bar, however did not have an opportunity to review the procedures. This item will be reviewed during the upcoming NRC team inspection of surveillance instructions.
The inspectors determined that, although some individuals interviewed did not always know that the above issues had been identified at Watts Bar, the licensee had initiated actions to assure that the Sequoyah procedures and programs addressed the concerns and findings identified during NRC inspections at Watts Bar.
The scope of this inspection effort was not intended to assess the effectiveness with which the licensee was addressing these issues with current program review and revision of surveillance instructions as this will be accomplished during the upcoming NRC team inspection of surveillance instructions.
Evaluation of Licensee's Review Process In evaluating the licensee's review process the inspectors targeted the Instrument and Control (I&C) section for review since the majority of surveillance instruction are the responsibility of that group.
Interviews were conducted with the supervisors of this group and with the procedures project manager.
Additionally, one procedure, which was currently undergoing review and revision, was reviewed by the inspectors with the individuals who were directly responsible for review and revision of that document.
The I&C section is responsible for approximately 668 surveillance instructions, 407 of which are Technical Specification related.
Implementation of Technical Specification surveillance requirements under I&C section cognizance would be addressed by these 407 procedures. The I&C section had identified four priorities for the 407 Technical Specification related procedures as follows:
Priority 1 Required to be performed prior to Unit 2 startup Priority 2 Required to be performed during startup or during Mode 1 operation Priority 3 Not required to be performed either prior to or during startup or during Mode 1 operation Priority 4 Procedure to be cancelled.
The inspectors expressed concern with the approximate 83 priority 3 procedures which were not required to be performed either prior to or during startup. The inspectors inquired as to how these procedures were to be reviewed, revised, and performed prior to startup.
The initial licensee's responses to this inquiry were varied and ambigu-ous, particularly with respect to review of priority 3 procedures
that had been initially reviewed prior to issue of the quality
assurance CAR.
At the exit interview, the inspectors expressed concern that it did _not appear in all cases that the licensee staff was intending to re-review, using the revised SI-1 appendix F checklist issued subsequent to quality assurance CAR, those priority 3 procedures which had been initially reviewed prior to issue of the CAR.
The inspector noted that this would not assure satisfactory resolution of the programmatic deficiencies associated with the CAR.
The plant manager acknowledged this concern and stated that all surveillance instructions, including priority 3 procedures, would be reviewed to the post CAR revised SI-1 appendix F checklist, even if they had been previously reviewed prior to issue of the CAR.
With regard to revision and performance of priority 3 procedures the licensee stated that if the review reflected technical problems associated with adequate surveillance requirement implementation, the procedure would be revised and test reperformed. If the review did not reflect technical problems with the procedure, a revision would not be issued prior to restart and if review of previous test data reflected that an acceptable test had been previously performed, the licensee did not intend to reperform the test.
In a subsequent meeting on February 20, 1987, the inspector informed the licensee that there was concern that performance of priority 3 tests should be considered necessary since table top reviews would not capture
problems such as the ERCW valve throttling issue identified in NRC inspection report 50-327, 328/86-32. The licensee acknowledged this concern and stated that their intentions, and basis thereof, for surveillance test performance would be included in their surveillance instruction review program submittal.
The inspectors walked through review of one procedure, IMI-99FT 6.1, Functional Test of RC Flow Channel I, R1 (Loop F414) (F68-EA), with the reviewers assigned to that procedure. The reviewers were able to effectively obtain required source materials such as drawings, instrument tabs, vendor manuals, scaling and set point document TI-41-68, FSAR sections, Westinghouse setpoints documents, and Technical Specifications in order to accomplish the walkthrough. The procedure was currently in draft form and the walkthrough reflected that the review process employed by the reviewers was an adequate
process with regard to review methodology and acceptance criteria to assure proper Technical Specification surveillance requirement
implementation for that procedure.
The inspector reviewed the six elements of the revised SI-1 appendix F checklist to be used in re-reviewing documents.
The section reviewers stated that the elements of the checklist being reviewed were I. A.2, I. A.3, I. A.5, I.A.11, I.B.2 and I.C.1.
Any inadequate response to any of these elements would result in an operability evaluation pursuant to Attachment 1 of the appendix F checklist. Procedure IMI-99FT6.1 had been reviewed by the reviewers for those elements.
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The inspectors noted that. in addition to table top reviews, craft walkdowns were to be preformed prior to submission of the procedure
for informal PORC review. During and, in some cases, after informal-p0RC review, IRG and quality assurance independent reviews would be completed on a sample of procedures. Additionally procedure valida-
tion was intended to be accomplished.
Although the licensee was currently planning to validate procedures
subsequent to PORC approval, they were evaluating whether current Technical Specifications requirements would allow full validation
(procedure performance) prior to PORC approval. The licensee stated t
that, in any case, their plans for implementing validation would be
j addressed in their' surveillance instruction review program submittal.
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