IR 05000327/1987039
ML20235H731 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah ![]() |
Issue date: | 07/01/1987 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20235H709 | List: |
References | |
50-327-87-39, 50-328-87-39, IEB-77-06, IEB-77-6, IEB-80-20, NUDOCS 8707150242 | |
Download: ML20235H731 (5) | |
c j
.. p* 8800q UNITED STATES
Report Nos.:
50-327/87-39 and 50-328/87-39 Licensee:
Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
50-327 and 50-328 License Nos.: DPR-77 and DPR-79 Facility Name:
Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: June 8-12, 1987 Inspectors:
I'2) [T5fi,,
&l2dl27 M. u. Hunt Da'te Signed 87 b ch
T. F. McElbinne Date Signed Approved by:
92 /
7- /- f'7 T. E. Conlon,' Chief Date Sig6ed Plant Systems Section Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:
This routine, announced inspection was in the areas of open items,.
Inspector Followup Item (IFI), Inspection and Enforcement Bulletins.
No violations or deviations were identified.
8707150242 870700 PDR ADOCK 05000327 G
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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
- L. M. Nobles, Plant Manager TVA/Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN)
- A. M. Qualls, Plant Manager Construction TVA/SQN Department
- T. A. Flipp, Quality Surveillance Supervisor Design Nuclear QA (DNQA)/SQN
- T. L. Howard, Quality Assurance Manager DNQA/SQN
- T. Cribb, Licensing Engineer Department of Nuclear Safety Licensing (DNSL) Compliance
- W. S. Wilburn, Assistant to Maintenance Superintendent SQN
- H. B. Rankin, Manager of Projects SQN
- T. D. Knight, Assistant to Site Office of Nuclear Power (ONP) SQN
- M. Cooper, Compliance Licensing SQN
- J. M. Anthony, Operations Group Manager SQN
- B. M. Patterson, Maintenance Engineer SQN
- R. H. Bucholz, Site Representative, ONP R. Denny, Employee Concerns Special Project Manager SQN Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, technicians, and office personnel.
NRC Resident Inspectors K. M. Jension P. E. Harmon W. K. Poertner D. P. Loveless
- Attended exit interview 2.
Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 12, 1987, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.
The inspectors described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings.
No l
dissenting comments were received from the licensee.
l The licensee did not identify as proprietary, any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspection.
Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspectio l
.2 4.
Unresolved Items-Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.
Employee Concerns Program (TI 251574)
The inspectors reviewed the progress being made to complete =the licensee's-review of employee concerns and the development of element reports. 'The
list of employee concerns which are identified as restart items requiring Employee Concern -Task Group.(ECTG) inspection / evaluation was examined.
This list, dated-June 10, 1987, indicated that only seven of 56 restart items had been closed by.the ECTG and were ready for NRC evaluation.
The inspectors advised. the licensee that the ' review of the ' completed element reports and.the associated activities for the restart items would require time on the part of NRC and therefore, efforts should be made to get the completed element reports to the NRC at.the earliest opportunity.
The inspectors reviewed a copy of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Standard Practice SOA 166, Sequoyah Employee' Concern Program Disposition of Concerns l
Generated Prior to February 1,1986, Revision 9 which documents the site program related to the disposition of employee concerns.
The procedure
defined the duties and responsibilities for the various personnel and line j
organizations in the development'of element reports. Attachment C of this l
procedure provides the criteria for evaluation of potential restart items l
and appears to adequately define the parameters for evaluation of an l
employee concern as a restart jtem.
Within the areas examined, no violations or deviations were identified, i
Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin (IEB) Followup (92703)-
(Closed) Inspection and Enforcement Bulletin No. 77-06, " Potential Problems with Containment Electrical Penetration Assemblies."
This bulletin was issued by the NRC on November 22, 1977, and delineates
actions to be taken by licensees of all power reactor facilities with an
operating license.
This bulletin does not apply to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SON) due to the fact that Units 1 and 2 did not have operating.
.l licenses (0L) at the time the bulletin was issued.
Unit 1 OL was issued September 12, 1980, and Unit 2 OL was issued June 25,.1981. This item is closed.
(Closed) IEB 80-20, " Failure of Westinghouse Type W-2 Spring Return to l
Neutral. Control Switches."
The inspectors' examined' Work Plans 10832, l
10114,11995 and 9973 which directed the work. in the areas of circuit
modification and switch change out. The' circuit modification involved.the moving of the wiring for breaker indicating lights 'to contacts that are closed when the switch is in the neutral position. Thus, the assured that the switch is in the full neutral position if a breaker
position indicating light is energized, j
e q
i For those switches which were in circuits that the wiring modification
could not be made, a replacement switch was installed.
All work plans-were closed. Three of the four were 'in the records vault.
WP.11995, which involved another modification of 20 circuits of certain switches, was closed and is awaiting transmittal to the permanent records. vault.
The IEB is closed.
Followup of Open Items (92701)
(Closed)'Open Item 50-328/81-09-01, " Improper ' Wiring of Radiation Monitors." On February 16, 1981,- the' Unit 1 common annunciator system malfunctioned which rendered it inoperable for approximately one hour.
Unit I was in cold shutdown and Unit 2 was undergoing preoperational testing at the time of this occurrence.
TVA investigation' of this incident revealed that the annunciator system malfunction was caused by a wiring error on the Unit 2 reactor coolant liquid letdown pump radiation.
monitor (2-RE-90-104).
This monitor is not considered safety-related.
A review of the installations and modifications made to the radiation monitor was conducted.
The internal wiring was completed in mid - 1979 with modifications being done in late 1979. The internal wiring check was completed under a work package by the Instrumentation Engineering Unit.
Prior to transferring the monitor to Division of Nuclear Power.(NUC PR)
l for calibration, the functional test (non-QA) to ensure proper operation I
was not performed. When the monitor was wired during this modification, a
wire was incorrectly placed on a terminal block connecting the 120 volt ac
supply for the reactor coolant liquid letdown pump motor to the 140 volt'
i dc annunciators power supply for the radiation monitor annunciator. When NUC PR attempted to calibrate the monitor, the annunciators in the Unit 1 controi room were set off. The Unit 1 annunciators were affected because
all the annunciation indicators for the radiation monitors are powered by the Unit 1/ common annunciator power supply system. TVA determined that i
this was a one time occurrence and is not a generic problem. 'With the
annunciator system at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, it appears that construction i
forces did not follow established quality control _(QC) procedures for wire l
checking newly installed equipment.
The NRC inspectors reviewed TVA's resolution of this item and concurs that this was an isolated incident of
failure to follow procedure, and not a generic problem with the annun-j ciator system.
This item is closed.
i (Closed) IFI 50-327/81-12-02 and 50-328/81-09-02, " Control Circuit Design Deficiency."
The NRC was notified of a design deficiency in certain
control circuits that incorporated indicating type fuses as circuit
protection and alarm when 'the fuses blow.
Since this deficiency was
identified during Unit 2 preoperational testing corrections were made to
that Unit prior to fuel loading.
Unit 1 was operating at that time and
certain temporary measures were instituted until outage time of adequate duration was available. For Unit 1 Work Plan 11568 was reviewed and all physical modifications required by Engineering Change Notice 5397 were V
signed off as complete and QC accepted.
The only remaining task is to j
complete the revision of the affected drawing to the as-built configura-
tion. This item is closed.
l i
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(Closed) IFI 50-327, 328/85-46-02, " Major Differences Between Technical Specification (TS) Requirements for Units 1 and 2 in TS Table 3.8-1."
On December 9-13, 1985, NRC inspectors reviewed procedure Surveillance Instruction (SI) 256, Periodic Calibration of Overcurrent Relay and Distance Relays on 6.9ky Unit Bnards.
TS 3/4.8.3 for operability and surveillance of Electrical Equipment Protection Devices and Containment Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protection Devices was reviewed ' to determine specific testing requirements.
Major differences were identi-fied by the inspectors between TS requirements for Unit 1 and Unit 2 testing of the primary and secondary protection devices of TS Table 3.8-1.
The correction of Table 3.8-1 was required prior to unit startup.
The licensee submitted TS change request number 62 on November 7, 1984, which proposed deleting TS table 3.8-1.
This TS' change request has since been approved by the NRC.
Unit 1 TS amendment number 42 and Unit 2 TS amendment number 34, dated January 14, 1986, reflect the TS change by deleting Table 3.8-1.
This item is closed.
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