IR 05000327/1987020

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Insp Repts 50-327/87-20 & 50-328/87-20 on 870323-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Electrical Area of Employee Concerns Element Repts 235.4(B) & 235.2(B) & Followup Items on Fuse Replacement Program
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1987
From: Conlon T, Ruff A
Shared Package
ML20209F338 List:
50-327-87-20, 50-328-87-20, NUDOCS 8704300286
Download: ML20209F432 (6)








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Report Nos.:

50-327/87-20 and 50-328/87-20 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Docket Nos.:

50-327 and 50-328 License Nos.:

DPR-77 and DPR-79 Facility Name: Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: March 23-27,1987 Inspector:

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Approved by:

T. E. Conlon, Section Chief Date Signed Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This special announced inspection was conducted in the electrical area of employee concerns element reports 235.4(B) and 235.2(B); repull of cables to resolve cable ampacity problem; protection of class 1E equipment from potential water spray; and inspector followup items on fuse replacement program.


No violations or deviations were identified.

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Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

H. Abercrombie, Site Director E. Begley, Principal Electrical Engineer

  • I. L. Beltz, Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer

. N. D. Black, Principal Electrical Engineer

R. Breslaw, QA/QC Representative

  • K. W. Brown, Senior Electrical Engineer W. Carrasquillo, Electrical Engineer M. Cope, Electrical General Foreman j

E. Craigge, Industrial Safety Representative S. Crowe, Quality Control Supervisor R. Denning, Project Manager G. Gupta, Principal Electrical Engineer


  • J. L. Hamilton, QE/QC Manager


J. Hayes, Electrical Engineer J. Holmes, Principal Electrical Engineer

  • F. C. Mashburn, Compliance Licensing Engineer R. Moody, Electrical Engineer
  • J. A. Nack, Supervisor Modification L. Nobles, Plant Manager J. Purkey, Principal Engineer
  • H.- B. Rankin, Manager of Project
  • R. C. Swenney, Project Manager
  • J. W. Webb, Principal Electrical Engineer Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen, engineers, technicians, operators, mechanics, security force members, and office personnel, i

NRC Personnel

  • K. M. Jenison, Senior Resident Inspector
  • P. E. Harman, Senior Resident Inspector
  • F. R. McCoy, Section Chief
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on March 27, 1987, with


j those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the









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areas inspected.and discussed in detail the inspection findings.

No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.

The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or. reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.


Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


Employee Concerns Potential Problem:

An employee expressed the following concerns at Watts Bar nuclear construction site. These concerns.were considered potentially generic to the Sequoyah nuclear operational site in that the two plants are similar.

These concerns are covered by element reports number 235.2(B), Exposed 480V Buses at Top of Shutdown Boards where Conduits Enter the Motor Control Centers, and 235.4(B), Exposed-High Voltage Cable.

Routed on the Floor a possible Safety Hazard if Cable Insulation were Damaged.

Observation and Resolution:.

Item 235.2(B) - A walkdown inspection was performed on the 480V shutdown boards by TVA and their consultant. This walkdown verified that cable entry into the panels was in accordance with TVA Electrical Design Standard DS.E.1.3.1., and if pressure or water tight sealing of conduits was required, this was performed in accordance with drawing series 45W880. When cables were run into the boards by other means rather than by conduit, the openings were sealed so that no buses were exposed.

This was verified by a walkdown inspection and is considered to be satisfactorily resolved for Sequoyah.

Item 235.4(B) - The high voltage cable referenced in the Watts Bar report was a 480 Volt Temporary Construction cable that was routed on the floor.

Sequoyah is an operational plant and not in the construction phase. Since this is the case, electrical power is normally available in the area when modifications and/or additions are required at Sequoyah.

Therefore, the installation 'of large quantities of temporary power cable is not required.

During the NRC's walkdown inspections for other items in this report, no unprotected temporary cables on the floor were observed.

In addition, Sequoyah's Hazard Control Instruction (HCI) E-8 amends and endorses the temporary wiring requirements of the National Electric Code.

Each new employee, when hired, is also required to read and abide by rules in TVA's Sequoyah Employee Safety Handbook. This handbook includes instructions to keep electrical cords off of the floor and to inspect insulation to insure no damaged before using extension cords.

A discussion with the site's safety personnel indicated that items of this type were also audited during their periodic audits.

This item, although not associated with





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class 1E equipment. is considered to be resolved satisfactorily for the Sequoyah plant.


Cable Ampacity.

TVA Significant Condition Report (SCR) #SQNEEB86178 identified a problem

with cable ampacity.

This item was also discussed at Washington,DC with NRC.

TVA issued a calculation document SQN-CAS-136 which identifies the overall process that was used to resize cable-for ampacity resolution and i

an Engineering Change Notice (ECN) L6835 was authorize the.

i modifications. The cable pulls are being performed on individual Work Plans (WPs) in accordance with. Modification and Additions Instructions (MA&I) 4,


Installation of Control, Power, and Signal Cable. Approximately 120 cables.


are required to be repulled for unit #2 startup.

Thirteen cables were repulled and 30 were partially pulled at completion of this inspection.

This item is covered in Sequoyah Activities List (SAL) as item 0889 and is-being tracked to insure it is resolved for startup.

The following Work-

Plans were examined.


Work Plans Cable No.

Type Conductor Size a.

12424-2PL4893A WDN-2 3-1C.


From: 480V Shutdown (S/D) Board 2Al-A


To: Junction Box (J/B) Transfer Switch UA2/737

i b.

12378 2PL4775 WDK-2 3-1C 4/0



480V S/D Board 2A2-A



Pentration 8



12334 1PL4725A & 26A WDK-2 3-C 4/0



480V S/D Board 1A-A To:

CCS Pump 1A-A

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12361 2PL3795B WFA-16 1-3C 4/0



C&A B1dg. VT Bd 2B1-B i


Splice in CDLT near Compressor B e.

12364 2PL3785A WFA-16 1-3C 4/0 From:

C-A Vent Bd 2Al-A



Splice in CDLT near Compressor A




12327 1P47428 & 438 WDK-2 3-1C 4/0



480V S/D Bd 181-B To:

CCS Pump 1 B-B A


A partial pull for cable in item a. above was witnessed in the field.

The partial pull involved the two end points, where the cable leaves cable trays GG-A and HG-A.

It was pulled in conduits numbers


2PL4893A at each of the From and To end points. The cable pull was l

performed satisfactorily and in accordance with M&A I-4.

The program


for repulling cables identified by SQN-CAS-136 is in general considered t


It was noted that a QC sign off was made for a previous


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partial - pull with an unsatisfactory notation.

This was discussed with engineering and QC, Engineering stated that the questionable item that prompted this notation had been referred to DNE for resolution and cable pulling had continued on a risk release basis.

QC stated that this type of sign off was allowed in the past but that it would not be allowed in the future.

Interim corrective action by QC Department was issued to QC personnel that stated " Inspector shall sign and date on the applicable data sheet hold point only after all required criteria concerning that unique inspection has been accepted."

The licensee also indicated that similar instructions would be placed in their QC instructions to inspectors.


Protection of Class 1 Equipment From Spray By Rupture of 1(L) Piping During a DBE TVA's Nonconformance Report CEB8409 identified a concern that could impair the operation.of electrical equipment.

This concern was that seismic position retention category 1(L) piping systems, such as fire protection piping, sinks and fountains along with their piping, could break during a seismic event causing water spray to short out class 1E electrical equipment.

In June 1986, TVA had a consultant perform a site walkdown to identify the potential piping hazards at Sequoyah. An Engineering Change Notice.(ECN)

L6770 was issued to resolve items of concerns that were identified on Piping Hazard Identification Data Sheets (PHIDS) in the June walkdown. This ECN involves the electrical engineering branch and the civil / mechanical engineering branch.

The electrical engineering branch issued WP 12243 to seal conduit threaded connections within 10 ft of class 1E electrical equipment end device as identified by the PHIDS.

A site walkdown of class 1 equipment identified in PHIDS A-006 and A029 was performed and sealing was considered satisfactory.

A review of the work plan showed a QC notation for one or two sign offs that additional conduit threaded connection need to be sealed.

This was discussed with engineering.

Engineering indicated that an analysis was made based on the location of a potential pipe break and the area of spray from the break, and that no additional sealing was required. They stated that the resolution for this observation item would be documented with proper cross references.

At the time of the NRC inspection, the final signs off for reviewers of the completed WP was not complete.

In addition, the licensee stated that this type of QC inspector comment was to be documented in the QC's inspectors observation or assignment log for resolution. The QC Department indicated that an interim instruction, which was issued at the close of the inspection, stated that this type of notation could be made but reference to the observation or assignment log was also required to insure that the observation or concern was properly documented and resolved.

The QC Department also indicated that their enhancement program would cover this type of concern in their new QC instructions.

The Civil / Mechanical portion is covered by WP 12231 and TVA stated that all items for unit two startup are complete.

However, because of time restraints this was not examined during this inspection.







Inspector Followup Items (IFI)


(Closed) IFI 50-327,328/86-60-05, Fuse Replacement Program.

The licensee initiated a program to upgrade fuse and to verify (proper fuses as a result of this program.

Bussman KAZ actuators signal indicating, alarm activation devices) were being replaced with Bussman MIS-5 fuses.

The licensee experienced problems with this fuse and a Part 21 report was issued to the NRC on October 29, 1986.

As a result of the part 21 and problems with the MIS-5 fuses, the licensee is replacing the above devices with Little Fuse Company fuse type FLAS. The TVA specifications and criteria listed in TVA contract to Little Fuse Company was reviewed and considered satisfactory. At the time of the inspection only one of the replacement fuses blew where the indicating pin failed to eject.

This occurred as a result of jumper probe slippage during an installation event.

Engineering investigated the event and determined that the fuse operated as designed.

This event was discussed with the inspector and was considered to be resolved satisfactorily. Fuses are being replaced by Work Plan 12328.

Approximately 82% of the work had been completed and TVA was waiting for another shipment from their suppliers to complete the job. A field sighting was made on the fuse and fuse tag installation and was considered satisfactory.

This item is a Unit 2 startup item and is being tracked by Sequoyah's Activities List Item #150.

This IFI is closed.


(0 pen) IFI 50-327,328/86-57-01, Electrical Coordination between Feeder and Branch Fuses.

The site indicated that calculation and identification of similar circuits would be covered by project no. SQN-E-104. This was to be completed during the week of March 23, 1987, and was to be forwarded to the Knoxville offices for additional work in the coordination analysis.

It is expected that an ECN will be issued to resolve this problem.