MONTHYEARIR 05000327/20240042025-01-28028 January 2025 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024004 and 05000328/2024004 IR 05000327/20240902025-01-27027 January 2025 Final ASP Analysis Sequoyah 1 and 2, Failure of EDG 1B During Testing IR 05000327 2024 090 Precursor IR 05000327/20240102024-12-19019 December 2024 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000327/2024010 and 05000328/2024010 IR 05000327/20240032024-11-0606 November 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024003 and 05000328/2024003 IR 05000327/20250102024-10-29029 October 2024 Notification of Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2 - Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000327/2025010 and 05000328/2025010 IR 05000327/20240052024-08-26026 August 2024 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2024005 and 05000328/2024005 IR 05000327/20240022024-07-31031 July 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024002 and 05000328/2024002 ML24145A0852024-05-30030 May 2024 1B-B Diesel Generator Failure - Final Significance Determination Letter IR 05000327/20240012024-04-17017 April 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024001 and 05000328/2024001 ML24066A1972024-03-19019 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000327-2024090 and 05000328-2024090 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20244012024-03-12012 March 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2024401 and 05000328/2024401 IR 05000259/20230062024-02-28028 February 2024 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2 - Report 05000259/2023006, 05000260/2023006 and 05000296/2023006 IR 05000327/20230042024-02-12012 February 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023004 and 05000328/2023004 and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20234422024-01-11011 January 2024 95001 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000327/2023442 and 05000328/2023442 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000327/20234202023-11-28028 November 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023420 and 05000328/2023420 IR 05000327/20230032023-11-0303 November 2023 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023003 and 05000328/2023003 IR 05000327/20230112023-10-16016 October 2023 Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000327/2023011 and 05000328/2023011 IR 05000327/20234032023-09-14014 September 2023 Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000327/2023403 and 05000328/2023403 (Cover Letter) IR 05000327/20230052023-08-29029 August 2023 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2023005 and 05000328/2023005 IR 05000327/20230022023-07-31031 July 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023002 and 05000328/2023002 IR 05000327/20230102023-07-20020 July 2023 – Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2023010 and 05000328/2023010 ML23163A0392023-06-13013 June 2023 – Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Team Inspection (FPTI) (NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023011, 05000328/2023011) and Request for Information (RFI) IR 05000327/20233012023-05-15015 May 2023 – NRC Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2023301 and 05000328/2023301 IR 05000327/20230012023-05-0202 May 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023001 and 05000328/2023001 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20234412023-04-20020 April 2023 Final Significance Determination for a Security-Related Greater than Green Finding, Nov & Assessment Followup Letter, 05000327/2023441 & 05000328/2023441 IR 05000327/20234022023-04-13013 April 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023402 and 05000328/2023402 IR 05000327/20220062023-03-0101 March 2023 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2022006 and 05000328/2022006 IR 05000327/20234402023-02-13013 February 2023 – NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023440 and 05000328/2023440; Preliminary Greater than Green and Apparent Violation Cover Letter IR 05000327/20220042023-02-10010 February 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022004 and 05000328/2022004 IR 05000327/20234012023-02-0606 February 2023 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023401 and 05000328/2023401 IR 05000327/20224402023-01-17017 January 2023 – Special Inspection Report 05000327/2022440 and 05000328/2022440 and Apparent Violation - Cover IR 05000327/20220032022-11-0707 November 2022 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022003 and 05000328/2022003 IR 05000327/20224012022-10-18018 October 2022 Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000327/2022401 and 05000328/2022401 IR 05000327/20220052022-08-30030 August 2022 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327 2022005 and 05000328 2022005 - Final IR 05000327/20220022022-08-0101 August 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327 2022002 and 05000328 2022002 IR 05000327/20223012022-07-21021 July 2022 Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2022301 and 05000328/2022301 IR 05000327/20220012022-05-11011 May 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022001, 05000328/2022001 and 07200034/2010002 IR 05000327/20220102022-04-25025 April 2022 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Teams) Inspection Report 05000327/2022010 and 05000328/2022010 IR 05000327/20224022022-03-28028 March 2022 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2022402 and 05000328/2022402 IR 05000327/20210062022-03-0202 March 2022 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - (Report No. 05000327/2021006 and 05000328/2021006) IR 05000327/20210042022-02-0707 February 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021004 and 05000328/2021004 IR 05000327/20210032021-11-10010 November 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021003 and 05000328/2021003 and Apparent Violation and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20210052021-08-18018 August 2021 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2021005 and 05000328/2021005 IR 05000327/20210022021-07-27027 July 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021002 and 05000328/2021002 IR 05000327/20210112021-07-19019 July 2021 Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2021011 and 05000328/2021011 IR 05000327/20210012021-04-27027 April 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021001 and 05000328/2021001 IR 05000327/20210102021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021010 and 05000328/2021010 IR 05000327/20214012021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021401 and 05000328/2021401 (U) IR 05000327/20200062021-03-0303 March 2021 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2020006 and 05000328/2020006 IR 05000327/20200042021-01-29029 January 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004 2025-01-28
[Table view] Category:NRC-GENERATED
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19990051999-09-27027 September 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-05 & 50-328/99-05 on 990718-0828. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mitigating Sys IR 05000327/19990041999-08-13013 August 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-04 & 50-328/99-04 on 990601-0717.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness IR 05000327/19990031999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-03 & 50-328/99-03 on 990328-0531.Non- Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990021999-04-23023 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-02 & 50-328/99-02 on 990214-0327.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990011999-03-15015 March 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-01 & 50-328/99-01 on 990103-0213. Violations Noted & Being Treated as non-cited Violations. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980111999-02-0101 February 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/98-11 & 50-328/98-11 on 981122-990102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980101998-12-0707 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-10 & 50-328/98-10 on 981011-1121.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980141998-12-0404 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-14 & 50-328/98-14 on 981102-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation & Evaluation of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Sequoyah Nuclear Plan IR 05000327/19980131998-11-24024 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-13 & 50-328/98-13 on 980914-1016. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee maint,testing,engineering,self-assessment & Problem Evaluations of Licensee Ice Condenser Sys IR 05000327/19980091998-11-0909 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-09 & 50-328/98-09 on 980830-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980081998-09-18018 September 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-08 & 50-328/98-08 on 980719-0829.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support,Licensee Conducted Radiological Emergency Plan Drill IR 05000327/19980071998-08-0404 August 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-07 & 50-328/98-07 on 980607-0718. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operation,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980061998-06-26026 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-06 & 50-328/98-06 on 980426-0606. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980051998-06-12012 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-05 & 50-328/98-05 on 980504-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Procedure.Insp Team Comprised Region II & Headquarters Personnel.Switchgear & Surrounding Areas Found in Good Matl Condition IR 05000327/19980031998-04-10010 April 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-03 & 50-328/98-03 on 980201-0314. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980011998-03-30030 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-01 & 50-328/98-01 on 980126-0213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980021998-03-0505 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-02 & 50-328/98-02 on 980202-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations & Maint.Review of Initial & Requalification Training Programs Were Also Conducted IR 05000327/19970181998-02-19019 February 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-18 & 50-328/97-18 on 971221-980131. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Resolving Problems IR 05000327/19970171998-01-16016 January 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-17 & 50-328/97-17 on 971109-1220.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970141997-12-0808 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-14 & 50-328/97-14 on 970928-1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support,Effectiveness of License Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970161997-12-0505 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-16 & 50-328/97-16 on 971103-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of 971017 Wire Damage Event at Electrical Penetration 22 IR 05000327/19970121997-10-24024 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-12 & 50-328/97-12 on 970824-0927.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support & Operator Requalification Program IR 05000327/19970151997-10-23023 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-15 & 50-328/97-15 on 970922-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness ML20198H7911997-09-11011 September 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-13 & 50-328/97-13 on 970725-0904. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Insp Scope,Event Synopsis & Observations & Findings IR 05000327/19970061997-07-28028 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-06 & 50-328/97-06 on 970525-0705. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19970071997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-07 & 50-328/97-07 on 970623-27. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Plant Support ML20141G0441997-06-20020 June 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-04 & 50-328/97-04 on 970413-0524. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations Re Physics Testing,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support ML20148F9631997-05-27027 May 1997 Special Insp Repts 50-327/97-05 & 50-328/97-05 on 970324-0522.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Events Associated W/Unit 1 Inadvertent RCS Drain Down on 970324 ML20141C9881997-05-12012 May 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-03 & 50-328/97-03 on 970302-0412. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19970021997-03-24024 March 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-02 & 50-328/97-02 on 970203-14.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Detailed Reviews of Corrective Actions 14-1,14-2,14-3,15 & 16 ML20137F7081997-03-18018 March 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-01 & 50-328/97-01 on 970119-0301. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19960171997-02-14014 February 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/96-17 & 50-328/96-17 on 961208-970118.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering,Plant Support & Plant Status ML20134G1851997-01-13013 January 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/96-16 & 50-328/96-16 on 960923-1219. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Corrective Actions Implemented for Problem Evaluation Repts IR 05000327/19960141996-12-31031 December 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-14 & 50-328/96-14 on 961027-1207.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19960151996-12-23023 December 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-15 & 50-328/96-15 on 961104-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Simulator,Tsc,Osc,Cecc & Joint Info Ctr of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20134Q1721996-11-25025 November 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-13 & 50-328/96-13 on 960919-1102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Events Associated W/Reactor Shutdown & Subsequent Manual Tripping of Unit 2 on 961011 IR 05000327/19960111996-11-19019 November 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-11 & 50-328/96-11 on 960915-1026. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support, & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems ML20129A2141996-10-10010 October 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-09 & 50-328/96-09 on 960728-0914. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20128H8021996-09-27027 September 1996 Insp Repts 50-327/96-10 & 50-328/96-10 on 960708,10-12 & 0819-22.Non Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Plant FP Program & Action Taken of Insp Findings Previously Identified IR 05000328/20060151995-06-15015 June 1995 Insp Repts 50-387/95-08 & 50-388/95-08 on 950328-0615. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint & Surveillance,Engineering & Plant Support.Initiatives Selected for Insp Plant Mgt Walkdowns IR 05000327/19940091994-05-0202 May 1994 Resident Insp Repts 50-327/94-09 & 50-328/94-09 on 940306- 0402.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations,Plant Maint,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19940111994-04-29029 April 1994 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/94-11 & 50-328/94-11 on 940328-0401,per 10CFR73.21.No Violations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power Reactors,Alarm Stations,Assessment Aids & Testing & Maint IR 05000327/19930521993-12-23023 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-52 & 50-328/93-52 on 931107-1204. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19930371993-12-17017 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-37 & 50-328/93-37 on 931115-19. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operator Requalification Program,Exam Development & Administration & Training Staff Qualifications & Training IR 05000327/19930531993-12-17017 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-53 & 50-328/93-53 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Meteorological Monitoring,Control Room Emergency Ventilation,Audits & Secondary Water Chemistry IR 05000327/19930511993-12-13013 December 1993 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/93-51 & 50-328/93-51 on 931115-19 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support,Security Program Plans & Implementing Procedures & Security Program Audit IR 05000327/19930501993-11-24024 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-50 & 50-328/93-50 on 931011-1106. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Plant Maintenance,Plant Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & LER Closeout IR 05000327/19930421993-11-0909 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-42 & 50-328/93-42 on 930904-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Maint & Surveillance,Evaluation of Licensee self-assessment Capability & Licensee Event Rept Closeout IR 05000327/19930481993-11-0909 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-48 & 50-328/93-48 on 931006-08. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Qualifications of Acting Lab Supervisor,Use of Expired Stds in Alcohol breath-analysis Equipment & Testing Lab Procedures IR 05000327/19930491993-11-0202 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-327/93-49 & 50-328/93-49 on 930929-1004.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Civil/Structural Items Which Will Remain Open After Restart 1999-09-27
[Table view] Category:INSPECTION REPORT
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/20240042025-01-28028 January 2025 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024004 and 05000328/2024004 IR 05000327/20240902025-01-27027 January 2025 Final ASP Analysis Sequoyah 1 and 2, Failure of EDG 1B During Testing IR 05000327 2024 090 Precursor IR 05000327/20240102024-12-19019 December 2024 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Programs) Inspection Report 05000327/2024010 and 05000328/2024010 IR 05000327/20240032024-11-0606 November 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024003 and 05000328/2024003 IR 05000327/20250102024-10-29029 October 2024 Notification of Sequoyah, Units 1 and 2 - Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection Report 05000327/2025010 and 05000328/2025010 IR 05000327/20240052024-08-26026 August 2024 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2024005 and 05000328/2024005 IR 05000327/20240022024-07-31031 July 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024002 and 05000328/2024002 ML24145A0852024-05-30030 May 2024 1B-B Diesel Generator Failure - Final Significance Determination Letter IR 05000327/20240012024-04-17017 April 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2024001 and 05000328/2024001 ML24066A1972024-03-19019 March 2024 NRC Inspection Report 05000327-2024090 and 05000328-2024090 and Preliminary Greater than Green Finding and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20244012024-03-12012 March 2024 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2024401 and 05000328/2024401 IR 05000259/20230062024-02-28028 February 2024 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2 - Report 05000259/2023006, 05000260/2023006 and 05000296/2023006 IR 05000327/20230042024-02-12012 February 2024 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023004 and 05000328/2023004 and Apparent Violation IR 05000327/20234422024-01-11011 January 2024 95001 Supplemental Inspection Report 05000327/2023442 and 05000328/2023442 and Follow-Up Assessment Letter IR 05000327/20234202023-11-28028 November 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023420 and 05000328/2023420 IR 05000327/20230032023-11-0303 November 2023 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023003 and 05000328/2023003 IR 05000327/20230112023-10-16016 October 2023 Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000327/2023011 and 05000328/2023011 IR 05000327/20234032023-09-14014 September 2023 Cyber Security Inspection Report 05000327/2023403 and 05000328/2023403 (Cover Letter) IR 05000327/20230052023-08-29029 August 2023 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2023005 and 05000328/2023005 IR 05000327/20230022023-07-31031 July 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023002 and 05000328/2023002 IR 05000327/20230102023-07-20020 July 2023 – Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2023010 and 05000328/2023010 ML23163A0392023-06-13013 June 2023 – Notification of an NRC Fire Protection Team Inspection (FPTI) (NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023011, 05000328/2023011) and Request for Information (RFI) IR 05000327/20233012023-05-15015 May 2023 – NRC Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2023301 and 05000328/2023301 IR 05000327/20230012023-05-0202 May 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2023001 and 05000328/2023001 and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20234412023-04-20020 April 2023 Final Significance Determination for a Security-Related Greater than Green Finding, Nov & Assessment Followup Letter, 05000327/2023441 & 05000328/2023441 IR 05000327/20234022023-04-13013 April 2023 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023402 and 05000328/2023402 IR 05000327/20220062023-03-0101 March 2023 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2022006 and 05000328/2022006 IR 05000327/20234402023-02-13013 February 2023 – NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2023440 and 05000328/2023440; Preliminary Greater than Green and Apparent Violation Cover Letter IR 05000327/20220042023-02-10010 February 2023 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022004 and 05000328/2022004 IR 05000327/20234012023-02-0606 February 2023 – Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2023401 and 05000328/2023401 IR 05000327/20224402023-01-17017 January 2023 – Special Inspection Report 05000327/2022440 and 05000328/2022440 and Apparent Violation - Cover IR 05000327/20220032022-11-0707 November 2022 – Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022003 and 05000328/2022003 IR 05000327/20224012022-10-18018 October 2022 Material Control and Accounting Program Inspection Report 05000327/2022401 and 05000328/2022401 IR 05000327/20220052022-08-30030 August 2022 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327 2022005 and 05000328 2022005 - Final IR 05000327/20220022022-08-0101 August 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327 2022002 and 05000328 2022002 IR 05000327/20223012022-07-21021 July 2022 Operator License Examination Report 05000327/2022301 and 05000328/2022301 IR 05000327/20220012022-05-11011 May 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2022001, 05000328/2022001 and 07200034/2010002 IR 05000327/20220102022-04-25025 April 2022 Design Basis Assurance Inspection (Teams) Inspection Report 05000327/2022010 and 05000328/2022010 IR 05000327/20224022022-03-28028 March 2022 Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000327/2022402 and 05000328/2022402 IR 05000327/20210062022-03-0202 March 2022 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - (Report No. 05000327/2021006 and 05000328/2021006) IR 05000327/20210042022-02-0707 February 2022 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021004 and 05000328/2021004 IR 05000327/20210032021-11-10010 November 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021003 and 05000328/2021003 and Apparent Violation and Exercise of Enforcement Discretion IR 05000327/20210052021-08-18018 August 2021 Updated Inspection Plan for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Report 05000327/2021005 and 05000328/2021005 IR 05000327/20210022021-07-27027 July 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021002 and 05000328/2021002 IR 05000327/20210112021-07-19019 July 2021 Biennial Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection Report 05000327/2021011 and 05000328/2021011 IR 05000327/20210012021-04-27027 April 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2021001 and 05000328/2021001 IR 05000327/20210102021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021010 and 05000328/2021010 IR 05000327/20214012021-04-21021 April 2021 NRC Inspection Report 05000327/2021401 and 05000328/2021401 (U) IR 05000327/20200062021-03-0303 March 2021 Annual Assessment Letter for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 - Report 05000327/2020006 and 05000328/2020006 IR 05000327/20200042021-01-29029 January 2021 Integrated Inspection Report 05000327/2020004 and 05000328/2020004 2025-01-28
[Table view] Category:UTILITY
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19900341990-11-16016 November 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-34 & 50-328/90-34 on 901006-1105.One Violation & One Apparent Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19900361990-11-0909 November 1990 Augmented Insp Team Repts 50-327/90-36 & 50-328/90-36 on 901011-19.Insp Included Review of Events That Led to Discovery of Multiple Failures of Main Steam Check Valves on 901008 IR 05000327/19900321990-11-0101 November 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-32 & 50-328/90-32 on 900906-1005. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection IR 05000327/19900331990-10-31031 October 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-33 & 50-328/90-33 on 901009-12.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness Program:Emergency Detection & Classification,Protective Action decision-making IR 05000327/19900291990-10-0505 October 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-29 & 50-328/90-29 on 900827-31. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Measurement of Incore Power Distributions,Calibr of Nuclear Instruments, Measurement of Thermal Power & Followup of LERs IR 05000327/19900311990-09-26026 September 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-31 & 50-328/90-31 on 900910-14.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Occupational Exposure During Extended Outages & Licensee Actions to Correct Previously Identified Weaknesses IR 05000327/19900261990-08-30030 August 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-26 & 50-328/90-26 on 900706-0805. Violations Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection & Safeguards ML20059H0431990-08-21021 August 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-23 & 50-328/90-23 on 900625-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Weaknesses in Program Implementation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Program to Maintain Occupational Dose to Workers ALARA IR 05000327/19900211990-07-31031 July 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-21 & 50-328/90-21 on 900709-13.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Observation & Evaluation of Annual Emergency Response Exercise IR 05000327/19900201990-06-29029 June 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-20 & 50-328/90-20 on 900506-0605.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19900191990-05-21021 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-19 & 50-328/90-19 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiation Protection Activities,Including Review of Licensee Organization & Mgt Controls & Training IR 05000327/19900131990-05-21021 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-13 & 50-328/90-13 on 900423-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Facilities,Equipment,Instrumentation,Supplies, Organization & Mgt Control & Independent Review/Audits ML20043A5271990-05-16016 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-17 & 50-328/90-17 on 900406-0505. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards, Surveillance Testing & Followup to Generic Ltr 88-17 IR 05000327/19900141990-05-0303 May 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-14 & 50-328/90-14 on 900326-30 & 0409-13.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Testing,Containment Integrity & Followup on Previous Insp Findings IR 05000327/19900111990-04-25025 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-11 & 50-328/90-11 on 900306-0405. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps ML20034C4651990-04-25025 April 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-15 & 50-328/90-15 on 900326-30 (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21).Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program Including, Inspector Reviewed Barriers & Detection Aids IR 05000327/19900161990-04-12012 April 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-16 & 50-328/90-16 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Procedures,Records,Operations & Physical Inventory,Control & Accountability of SNM IR 05000327/19900121990-04-10010 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-12 & 50-328/90-12 on 900326-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Inservice Insp (Isi),Including Review of NDE Procedures,Isi Plan for Outage & Observations of in Progress NDE Exams IR 05000327/19900081990-04-0404 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-08 & 50-328/90-08 on 900226-0302.No Violations Noted.Several Examples of Corrective Action Procedure Ambiguities Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Events & Employee Concerns Program IR 05000327/19900071990-04-0303 April 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-07 & 50-328/90-07 on 900226-0302.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Effluents & Waste Treatment,Radiological Environ Monitoring & Primary & Secondary Water Chemistry IR 05000327/19900031990-03-14014 March 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-03 & 50-328/90-03 on 900105-0205.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Maint Observations,Surveillance Testing Observations,Review of Insp Findings & Followup of Events IR 05000327/19900021990-03-0909 March 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-02 & 50-328/90-02 on 900122-26. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Design Changes & Mods,Procurement & Licensee Action on Previously Identified Findings ML20033F3361990-02-22022 February 1990 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/90-05 & 50-328/90-05 on 900130-0202.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Routine,Unannounced Insp of Licensee Physical Security Program of Power Reactors Including,Plans,Audits & Maint IR 05000327/19900041990-02-14014 February 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/90-04 & 50-328/90-04 on 900122-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program & pre-outage Activities for Radiation Protection Program.Licensee Identified Violation Cited IR 05000327/19890291990-01-31031 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-29 & 50-328/89-29 on 891205-900109. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Safeguards, Radiation Protection & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19890281990-01-26026 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-28 & 50-328/89-28 on 891113-17. Violation Noted Re Failure to Source Check Effluent Gas Monitors Per Tech Specs.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Effluents & Waste Treatment,Water Chemistry & QA IR 05000327/19890271990-01-0202 January 1990 Insp Repts 50-327/89-27 & 50-328/89-27 on 891106-1205. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection & Safeguards IR 05000327/19890251989-12-0505 December 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-25 & 50-328/89-25 on 891006-1108. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection & Safeguards IR 05000327/19890261989-11-0909 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-26 & 50-328/89-26 on 891023-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Allegation Followup to Establish Validity & to Verify Corrective Actions Implemented for Invalid Allegations IR 05000327/19890231989-11-0808 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-23 & 50-328/89-23 on 891002-06.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Fire Prevention/Fire Protection IR 05000327/19890221989-11-0707 November 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-22 & 50-328/89-22 on 890906-1005.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance & Sys Lineups IR 05000327/19890241989-10-25025 October 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-24 & 50-328/89-24 on 890927-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program,Followup on Previous Inspector Identified Items & Employee Safety Concerns IR 05000327/19890201989-08-29029 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-20 & 50-328/89-20 on 890717-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Annual Emergency Exercise,Including Staffing & Response of Emergency Organizations in Control Room & Support Ctrs IR 05000327/19890141989-08-28028 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-14 & 50-328/89-14 on 890424-28. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Surveillance & Operational Records & Procedures.Discussions Held W/ Operations,Engineering & Transmissions Personnel IR 05000327/19890191989-08-25025 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-19 & 50-328/89-19 on 890706-0805. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection ML20245L3191989-08-0101 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-11 & 50-328/89-11 on 890626-30. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program,Follow Up on Previous Inspector Identified Items & IE Info Notices IR 05000327/19890171989-07-28028 July 1989 Partially Withheld Safeguards Insp Repts 50-327/89-17 & 50-328/89-17 on 890522-26 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21)). Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Power Reactors & Protected Area Alarms ML20246B6511989-06-26026 June 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-15 & 50-328/89-15 on 890506-0605. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups,Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps ML20245D4191989-06-14014 June 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-16 & 50-328/89-16 on 890508-12. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Completed Unit 2,Cycle 4 Initial Criticality & Post Refueling Start Up Tests & Evaluation of Thermal Power Measurements for Unit 1 IR 05000327/19890121989-05-24024 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-12 & 50-328/89-12 on 890406-0505. Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection, Safeguards & Operational Safety Verification,Including Control Room Observations & Operational Performance IR 05000327/19890131989-05-16016 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-13 & 50-328/89-13 on 890417-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness,Including Review of Programmatic Elements & Radiological Emergency Plan & Training IR 05000327/19890101989-05-0404 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-10 & 50-328/89-10 on 890316-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing,Review of Test Procedures & Evaluation of Test Results ML20246K0751989-05-0303 May 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-09 & 50-328/89-09 on 890305-0405. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping Insps IR 05000327/19890071989-04-13013 April 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-07 & 50-328/89-07 on 890205-0304. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operational Safety Verification,Including Operations Performance,Sys Lineups, Radiation Protection,Safeguards & Housekeeping ML20244C3911989-04-0404 April 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/88-50 & 50-328/88-50 on 881212-890126. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Operations, Surveillance & Sys Outage Control,Corrective Action Program, Maint Activities & Qualified Reviewer Process IR 05000327/19890051989-03-13013 March 1989 Special Team Insp Repts 50-327/89-05 & 50-328/89-05 on 890131-0209.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste, Radiological Controls,Corporate QA Audits & Site Chemistry ML20247F3461989-03-13013 March 1989 Special Team Insp Repts 50-327/89-05 & 50-328/89-05 on 890131-0209.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste, Radiological Controls,Corporate QA Audits & Site Chemistry IR 05000327/19890061989-03-10010 March 1989 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-327/89-06 & 50-328/89-06 on 890123-27 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21).Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program for Reactors, Including Security Mgt,Audit,Barriers,Alarms & Maint IR 05000327/19890021989-03-0909 March 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-02 & 50-328/89-02 on 890105-0204.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Safety Verification Including,Operations Performance,Sys Lineups & Radiation Protection IR 05000327/19890081989-03-0303 March 1989 Insp Repts 50-327/89-08 & 50-328/89-08 on 890213-17. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp, Including Eddy Current Exam of Unit 2 Steam Generator Tubing,Reviews of NDE Exams Procedures & Exam Verifications 1990-09-26
MONTHYEARIR 05000327/19990051999-09-27027 September 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-05 & 50-328/99-05 on 990718-0828. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mitigating Sys IR 05000327/19990041999-08-13013 August 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-04 & 50-328/99-04 on 990601-0717.One Potentially Safety Significant Issue Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Emergency Preparedness IR 05000327/19990031999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-03 & 50-328/99-03 on 990328-0531.Non- Cited Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990021999-04-23023 April 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-02 & 50-328/99-02 on 990214-0327.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19990011999-03-15015 March 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/99-01 & 50-328/99-01 on 990103-0213. Violations Noted & Being Treated as non-cited Violations. Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19983021999-03-12012 March 1999 NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-327/98-302 & 50-328/98-302 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Test Administered on 980928-1001 IR 05000327/19980111999-02-0101 February 1999 Insp Repts 50-327/98-11 & 50-328/98-11 on 981122-990102. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint & Engineering ML20202J5471999-02-0101 February 1999 Notice of Violation from Insp on 981122-990102.Violation Noted:Following Unit 1 RT on 981109,procedural Requirements of EOP ES0.1 Were Not Properly Implemented,In That RCS Temperatures Were Not Monitored & Steam Not Dumped IR 05000327/19980101998-12-0707 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-10 & 50-328/98-10 on 981011-1121.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering IR 05000327/19980141998-12-0404 December 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-14 & 50-328/98-14 on 981102-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Observation & Evaluation of Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise for Sequoyah Nuclear Plan ML20196D6081998-11-24024 November 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980914-1016.Violation Noted:As of 980916,requirements of 0-MI-MXX-061-001 Not Implemented IR 05000327/19980131998-11-24024 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-13 & 50-328/98-13 on 980914-1016. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee maint,testing,engineering,self-assessment & Problem Evaluations of Licensee Ice Condenser Sys ML20195G5521998-11-0909 November 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980830-1010.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Assure That All Testing Required to Demonstrate That Safety Related Circuit Breakers Would Perform Satisfactorily in Svc IR 05000327/19980091998-11-0909 November 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-09 & 50-328/98-09 on 980830-1010. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980081998-09-18018 September 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-08 & 50-328/98-08 on 980719-0829.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support,Licensee Conducted Radiological Emergency Plan Drill ML20237B1851998-08-0404 August 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980606-0718.Violations Noted:On or Before 971103,conditions Adverse to Qualify Were Not Promptly Identified & Corrected,In That Licensee Failed to Correct &/Or Initiate Problem Evaluation Rept IR 05000327/19980071998-08-0404 August 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-07 & 50-328/98-07 on 980607-0718. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operation,Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19980061998-06-26026 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-06 & 50-328/98-06 on 980426-0606. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations, Maintenance,Engineering & Plant Support ML20236J6591998-06-26026 June 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980426-0606.Violation Noted:Inservice Testing of Valves Not in Accordance with Section XI of ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code & Applicable Addenda as Required by 10CFR50.55a IR 05000327/19983001998-06-25025 June 1998 NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-327/98-300 & 50-328/98-300 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 980601-02 IR 05000327/19980051998-06-12012 June 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-05 & 50-328/98-05 on 980504-08.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Procedure.Insp Team Comprised Region II & Headquarters Personnel.Switchgear & Surrounding Areas Found in Good Matl Condition ML20247L5781998-05-15015 May 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980315-0425.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Perform Surveillance Requirement,within 1 H & at Least Once Per 8 H Thereafter ML20216H7701998-04-10010 April 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980201-0314.Violation Noted:License Failed to Rept an Adverse Condition on Work Request/Work Order &/Or Problem Evaluation Rept IR 05000327/19980031998-04-10010 April 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-03 & 50-328/98-03 on 980201-0314. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000327/19980991998-04-0101 April 1998 SALP Repts 50-327/98-99 & 50-328/98-99 for Period 960728- 980221 IR 05000327/19980011998-03-30030 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-01 & 50-328/98-01 on 980126-0213.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint & Engineering ML20217K3751998-03-30030 March 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 980126-0213.Violation Noted:On Listed Dates,Licensee Made Changes to Facility as Described in FSAR W/O Adequate Written SE Which Provides Bases for Determination That Changes Did Not Involve USQ IR 05000327/19980021998-03-0505 March 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/98-02 & 50-328/98-02 on 980202-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Operations & Maint.Review of Initial & Requalification Training Programs Were Also Conducted IR 05000327/19970181998-02-19019 February 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-18 & 50-328/97-18 on 971221-980131. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Operations, Maint,Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying & Resolving Problems ML20203J5411998-02-19019 February 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 971231-980131.Violation Noted:On 980126 Individuals Failed to Monitor Themselves in Whole Body Contamination Monitor or W/Hand & Foot Frisk Monitor ML20216D8431998-02-0606 February 1998 EN-97-109A:on 980206,informs of Withdrawal of Proposed Civil Penalty of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Credit for Identification Appropriate to Recognize Diligence of TVA Training Instructor Who Discovered Vital Battery Problem IR 05000327/19970171998-01-16016 January 1998 Insp Repts 50-327/97-17 & 50-328/97-17 on 971109-1220.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support & Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems IR 05000327/19970141997-12-0808 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-14 & 50-328/97-14 on 970928-1108.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering,Plant Support,Effectiveness of License Controls in Identifying,Resolving & Preventing Problems ML20197F5541997-12-0808 December 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970725-0704 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000.Violation Noted:Sro Failed to Implement Step 8.4.8 of Soi 0-S0-250-1. Predecisional EC Agenda & Documentation Encl IR 05000327/19970161997-12-0505 December 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-16 & 50-328/97-16 on 971103-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of 971017 Wire Damage Event at Electrical Penetration 22 ML20197F6971997-12-0303 December 1997 EN-97-109:on 971208,notice of Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $55,000 Issued to Licensee.Action Based on Severity Level III Problem Re Failure to Maintain Direct Current Vital Battery Channel Energized & Operable IR 05000327/19973001997-11-0606 November 1997 Exam Repts 50-327/97-300 & 50-328/97-300 on 970919-1007. Exam Results:Four Out of Seven Candidates Passed Exam.One Candidate Was Marginal Performer IR 05000327/19970121997-10-24024 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-12 & 50-328/97-12 on 970824-0927.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support & Operator Requalification Program IR 05000327/19970151997-10-23023 October 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-15 & 50-328/97-15 on 970922-29.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness PNO-II-97-057, on 971017,discovered 12 of 14 Instrument Cables Damaged in Unit 2 Containment Electrical Penetration. Sequoyah Unit 2 in Outage & All Fuel Removed from Reactor Vessel.Licensee Continues to Investigate Event1997-10-17017 October 1997 PNO-II-97-057:on 971017,discovered 12 of 14 Instrument Cables Damaged in Unit 2 Containment Electrical Penetration. Sequoyah Unit 2 in Outage & All Fuel Removed from Reactor Vessel.Licensee Continues to Investigate Event PNO-II-97-055, on 971006,contaminated Person Transported from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant to Offsite Medical Facility,Following Apparent Heart Attack.Victim Pronounced Dead at Hosp,Due to Apparent Heart Attack.Licensee Responded to Media Inquirie1997-10-0606 October 1997 PNO-II-97-055:on 971006,contaminated Person Transported from Sequoyah Nuclear Plant to Offsite Medical Facility,Following Apparent Heart Attack.Victim Pronounced Dead at Hosp,Due to Apparent Heart Attack.Licensee Responded to Media Inquirie ML20211E2531997-09-22022 September 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970706-0823.Violation Noted:On 970714,containment Isolation Valve 1-FCV-31C-229 Failed to Exhibit Required Change of Obturator Position & Was Not Repaired or Replaced & Data Not Analyzed ML20198H7911997-09-11011 September 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-13 & 50-328/97-13 on 970725-0904. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Insp Scope,Event Synopsis & Observations & Findings IR 05000327/19970061997-07-28028 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-06 & 50-328/97-06 on 970525-0705. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support ML20141H9531997-07-28028 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970525-0705.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Implement Prompt Corrective Actions to Resolve Condition Adverse to Quality IR 05000327/19970071997-07-24024 July 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-07 & 50-328/97-07 on 970623-27. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Aspects of Licensee Plant Support ML20149L5671997-07-24024 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970623-27.Violation Noted: on 960627,licensee Had Loss of Security Electronic Equipment & Failed to Post Officers in Position to Provide Surveillance of Entire Protected Area Perimeter ML20149G8681997-07-10010 July 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970324-0522.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Esatblish Measures to Assure That Significant Condition Adverse to Quality Was Promptly Identified & Corrected & C/A Taken to Preclude Repetition ML20141G0361997-06-20020 June 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970413-0524.Violation Noted:Each Intermediate & Power Range Channel Was Not Subj to Channel Function Test within 12 H Prior to Initiating Physics Test ML20141G0441997-06-20020 June 1997 Insp Repts 50-327/97-04 & 50-328/97-04 on 970413-0524. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Operations Re Physics Testing,Maint,Engineering & Plant Support 1999-09-27
[Table view] |
See also: IR 05000327/1990023
_. -
p tt;p
% ,, . #
M)6 3 01990
Report Nos.: 50-327/90-23 and 50-328/90-23
Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority
6N38a lookout Place
1101 Market Street'
Cnattanooga, TN 37402-2801
Docket Nos.: 50-327 a".1 50-326
Licensee Nos.:
DPR-77 and DPR-79
Facility Name: Sequoyah I and 2
Inspection Conducte .
Ju e'25-29, 1990
Inspecto :
W. pl ' o~
Fat ' Signed
/.V O
Approved by:
d(P. . Potter,' ChWf
Uate' Signed
Facilities kediation Protection Section -
Emergency Preparedness and Radiological
Protection Branch
Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
- '
This routine, unannounced inspecthn of radiation protection activities focused
on the plant program to maintain occupational! dose to workers as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA).
No violations or deviations were identified. . All elements.necessary for an.
adequate ALARA program were in place.
However, there were weaknesses in
program implementation in the following areas:
accountability for. collective -
dose by department managers (Paragraphs 2.b and c); establishment of collective
dose goals and management of collective dose (Paragraph 2.d); implementation of-
a comprehensive source term reduction program; at Sequoyah--(Paragraph 2.h).-
- ,
reduction of contaminated areas of the plant (Paragraph 2.1); . awareness
training for plant staff and radiological impact evaluators and implementation-
of an ALARA standard for the station (Paragraphs 2.j and k). : Based on the
telephone conversation discussed in Paragraph 3, the NRC, Region II-under_ stands
that Sequoyah is taking action on several of these matters.
9009140202 900830
ADOCK 05000327
. - .
,- .-
. _ _ -
_ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. , . . .
Persons Contacted
Licensee Employees
- R. Beecken, Manager, Maintenance
- H. Burrynski, Manager Site Licensing
J. Bynum, Vice President, Nuclear Power Production
- W. Byrd, Manager, Project Controls & Financial Services
- R. Daniels Engineer, Nuclear Engineering
- G. Fiser, Superintendent, Chemistry and Environmental
- S. Holdefer, Health Fhysicist,' Radiological Controls
- G. Hudson, Corporate Manager, Radiological Controls
- M. Lorek, Superintendent. Operations
- J. Osborne, Health Physicist, Radiological Controls
- J. Proffitt, Acting Manager, Compliance Licensing
- W. Smith, Specialist, Quality Assurance
- M. Sullivan, Superintendent, Radiological Controls
- P. Trudel, Project Engineer, Nuclear Engineering
- C. Whittemore, Engineer, Licensing
Other licensee employees contacted during this' inspection included
craf tsnan, engineers, mechanics, technicians, and adn.inistrative
Nuclear Regulatory Connission
- P. Harmon, Senior Resident Inspector
- D. Loveless, Resident Inspector
10 CFR 19.12, states, in part, that all individuals working in or
frequenting any portion of a restricted area; shall -be instructed in
precautions or procedures to minimize exposure.
10CFR20.1(c) states,inpart.thatpersonsengagedinactivitiesunder
licenses issued by the NRC should, in addition to complying with the
requirements set forth in this part, make every reasonable effort to
maintain radiation exposures, as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). .
Other recontended elements of an ALARA program are contained in Regulatory
Guides 8.8 and 8.10.
The following are observations that the inspectors made during the
inspection. The observations were idcntified for licensee consideration.
for program improvement, but have no specific regula*;ory requirement.
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ALARA Program
The station's ALARA program was controlled by three administrative
procedures, ALARA Planning, Site ALARA Connittee, . and ' ALARA
Suggestion Procram.
These procedures described personnel functions
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and responsibilities for the program and name the Site Director as
having the ultimate onsite authority and responsibility for its-
implementation. The Superintendent of Radiological Controls (RADCON)
advised the Plant Manager and supervisors regarding dose reduction,.
and plant supervision was responsible for implerrenting procedures to
reduce collective dese.
In addition, first .line supervision was
responsibic to actively pursue' and encourage the subniittal of ALARA .
suggestions, and each individual was to be cognizant of, and work to
minimize, his or her dose.
Dose Accountability
The inspectors reviewed the licensee's method to account for the
station's collective dose.
The review included an examination of
selected ALARA pre-job and post-job reviews and discussions with
licensee representatives.
It was observed that for the Unit 1. (UI,
C4) refueling outage, approximstely 90 percent of the station's
collective dose (893 person-rem out of g8? person-rem accumulated)
underwent an ALARA review.
On the average, the licensee had been
performing ALARA reviews for. approximately 85' percent of the
station's collective dose.
The licensee had an adequate program for
dose accountability although, as .noted. . in Paragraph 2.c of this.
report department management was not always utilizing the information,
All jobs whose estimated collective dose was greater than l' man-rem
received an ALARA review by the radiological controls group.
whose estimate was greater than five person-rem went to the ALARA
Comittee for review.
Job history files which were used during the
review process, were maintained by the radiological l controls group.
The _ inspectors also reviewed radiologicalt incident reports (RIP,s)
covering the period from January to June 1990, and observed that
there were no significant ALARA program weaknesses or trends
identified. One RIR identified an isolated event in which a group of
resistance temperature detector (RTD) modification' fitters removed.
insulation 'and lead shielding without proper health. physics (HP)
coverage. The licensee took inrediate corrective action and escorted
the fitters from the work area and analyzed their personnel
There were no individual doses which exceeded the-
administrative limits.
The long term corrective actions included
retraining on RWP requirenents, a review of the event, and a review
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on the proper method to notify HP.
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During this inspection, interviews with several departmental n.anagers
cn ALARA awareness and accountability were conducted.
The licensee
had identified that it was not clear that line n.anagement was held
accounttble for radiological dose performance goals.
representatives indicated that in response to this finding, inclusion
of departnental collective dose performance e als in departnental
managers' performance appraisals would be evaluated and considered.
Dose Management
The inspectors interviewed several departmental managers, reviewed
managsment tools used to. track. collective dose, and reviewed the
departmental collective dose perfonnance against the dose allotnent.
utility s ALARA program, including their knowledge of ALARA goals,
concepts, policies - and procedures
individual responsibilities,
personnel exposure, and dose limits.
Additionally, the discussions-
included managers' cons.unication with co-workers and supervisors,
participation in the ALARA suggestion program, the n.anagers'
perspective on how to iniprove the ALARA program, what events have
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caused increased personnel dose, and what events or conditions have
helped reduce personnel radiation doses.
The: inspectors interviewed
n.anagers or supervisors from the following departments: maintenance,
nuclear engineering, operations, technical support, and steam
generator maintenance.
Each individual interviewed was generally
familiar with' the basic ALARA concepts. - Additionally. -individuals
interviewed knew that they had a- basic responsibility for-
implementing the utility's ALARA program by performing tasks in a
manner- consistent with the utility's ALARA- policy.
Although it
appeared that u.anagers were aware of departmental dose goals, only
one of the n.anagers interviewed knew his numerical departnental
collective dose goal.
'Similarly, only one of the managers
intin!iewed knew the current accumulated collective dose for his
Mr.nagere generally understood where the ALARA
requirements originated and what utility docun.ents described the
ALARA program objectives.
The inspectors also reviewed the licensee's department collective
dose performance against the various departnental goals.
department except the Operations Department had exceeded its fiscal
year (FY)1990dosegoal. The data are sunenarized below:
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FY 90 Goal
FY 90 Actual
Technical Support Services
Radiological Control
100 ,
Quality Assurance
Nuclear Engineering
Steam Generator
T6 tat
As will be discussed in Paragraph 2.d. of this report, the higher
than projected collective dose was due to the work scope of the
outage including RTD bypass renioval
UHI removal, steam generato.
nozzle dem installation, and reactor coolant pump modifications.
The inspectors also reviewed the licensee's pethods for tracking
collective dose for effective. dose managenient.
It was observed that
the licensee had a good program for accessing the data base:to track
individual dose, departmental collective dose, and job collective
dose. These data were easily displayed numerically or in the form of
charts and graphs that could easily be used by. the departniental
manager to track, trend, and manage their dose allotment.- Through
discussions with the licensee, it was noted that-during the. last
outage only the Maintenance Departn.ent received collective dose trend
Although the information was available, the other
departnients had not requested nor had . they been provided the
collective dose summary information in order to aid in n.anaging their
departmental dose allotment.
Collective Dose Goal
The inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedures and methods used to
establish the collective annual dose goal.
Based on a review of
data, procedures, and interviews with managers and ALARA group
personnel, the inspectors noted that the site annual collective dose
by the ALARA Cemittee.
The Radiological Controls Group Radcon)-
forwarded to each department head the anticipated work scope for the'
year and dose rates expected.
The department section heads provided
the number of man-heurs and developed their FY dose estin.ates for
subn.ittal to the ALARA Conmiittee for approval. After a review by the
ALARA Conuittee, the annual collective dose goal' approval chain was
the Plant Manager, Site Director, Vice President Nuclear Power
Production, and Vice President Nuclear Power..
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In mid-1989, Radeon collected department inputs for FY 1990 and
submitted 912 persen-rem to the ALARA Comittee for approval.
October 13,1pCS, the ALARA Comittee sut" ited the estimate to the
Site Director. The initial estimate was disapproved, and the goal was-
established at CBS person-rem.
The goal of 685 person-rem was
exceeded in' April of 1990 due to 6dditional work sco>e, .an escalated
schedule, and weaknesses that are. discussed in deta'l later in the
inspection report.'
In June 1990, the superintendent of Radcon submitted a change request
for a new annual ~ collective dose goal of 1,365 person-rem.
justification for the amended goal was that work scope changes had
not been icehtified during the initial goal developnent, and a shift
of 20 days of the Unit 2, Cycle 4 outage into FY 1990 (20 days of
U2, C4 outage are expected to result;in as much as 350 person-rem).
In addition. -durin0 this FY 1990 goal development process, site.
rnanagement reduced the site goal to below what was in the goal basis.
The justificetion for the change was submitted on June 15, 1990, from
the V. P. Nuclear Power Production to the Senior V. P. Nuclear Power
and was rejected.
During this inspection, the Radcon ALARA group was in the process of
preparing a justification' for another change to . establish the
collective dose-goal at 1,035 >erson-rem., The' inspectors noted that
currently the site collective cose was at 1,075 person-rem, and three
months remained in FY 1990.
After interviews with key department managers and plant managenent'
(Paragraph 2.c), the inspectors noted that< the parties associated
with establishing an annual site collective dose goal did not appear
+o be comunicating well; that the current effort underway, if
approved, would not result in a realistic goal since it had been
surpassed;-and that the licensee was not effectively using the goal
process as one of the managenent tools to control collective dose at
the station.
The inspectors noted the recomendations in Regulatory
Guide 8.8 that meeting appropriate ALARA goals and objectives
provided measures of ALARA program effectiveness.
During the exit meeting, the Plant Manager stated that a realistic
collective dose goal would be developed for the remainder of FY 1990,
ALARA Reviews
Licensee procedure requires that. pre-job ALARA reviews be performed
for. all jobs in which the collective dose was expected to exceed
I rerson-rem or where radiation dose rates exceed I rem per hour.
/11so, for jobs expected to result in collective dose greater than
5 person-ren, an ALARA Comittee review was required. The inspectors
selectively evaluated prc-job ALARA reviews performed in 1990.s and
verified that appropriate dose reduction techniques and lessons
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learned from previous similar work were considered in the reviews. To
aid workers in reducing dose, dose reduction techniques and
were listed on an addendum
requirements developed by the ALARA group (RKP) and'went to the field
to the applicable radiation work permit
as'sp cial instructions with the RWP.
The inspectors requested post-job ALARA reviews for 12 of the U1,
C4 outage high dose jobs.-
Radeon was still working with other
department personnel on the post-job debriefings and provided six
completed post-job reviews.
Based on an evaluation of the post-job-
reviews and discussions with plant personnel, the inspectors
determined that problems occurred during the outage that resulted in
higher than anticipated dose to workers. The following are the more
significant problems: -(a) non-critical path work was performed in
containment when the reactor coolant- system (RCS) water level was .
drained for RTD bypass removal; the loss of water shielding resulted.
in an increase in radiation levels of 200-300 percent. . Dose cost was
46 person-rem; (b) minimal amounts of temporary lead shielding were
used due to unavailability, delays, schedule, and seismic restraints;
( 'e cost was 15 person-rem;-(c) poorly traintd and or inexperienced
> ;ers; dose cost 11 person-rem; (d) overcrowding,in work areas .and
large use of respirators due to. high levels of. loose surface
.ntamination; dose cost unquantifiable.
The_insSectors noted that
the licensee had purchased additional temporary s11elding and other.
problems identified in the post-job debriefings were placed.on an
action item list to be resolved prior to the upcoming Unit 2 outage.
The inspectors reviewed dose estimates for 55 jobs that included RWP
hours and dose rate information.
The following sunnary shows -the
estimated versus actual performance:
Percent of.
Number of people
RWP hours
Whole Body Dose
Whole Body Dose Rate
(person-millirem /hr)
The inspectors concluded that the process for estin.ating doses for
jobs was good for the majority of jobs and that the post-job reviews
were identifying significant problems, that when corrected, would
improve dose control.
ALARA Consnittee
The inspectors reviewed and discussed - with cognizant licensee
representatives the current: ALARA Connittee organization and its
functional responsibilities.
Details regarding the Connittee
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organization and functions were_ outlined. in SQA-209, " Site ALARA
Comittee," Revision 1 dated April 9,1990. The Comittee consisted
of at least one representative each from radiological controls,
maintenance, operations, modifications, site OA, and nuclear
engineering whose attendance was required for a quorum.
Representatives from:the corporate. office were normally invited. .
- The Connittee reviewed ercas of potential exposure in the plant:to-
determine mechanisms to reduce doses and to review dose saving
suggestions for viability.
The Chairman of the Comittee was
nonna11y the= Maintenance Penager; however, this responsibility ~ was
recently being shared with the Plant Manager.
By procedure, the ALARA Comittee was required to meet quarterly;.
however,- during the outage period the Comittee would reet nore
. frequently, typically. weekly to tronthly.
Af ter reviewing Comittee
meetino . attendance records for 1990, the inspectors noted two
cancelled neetings due to lack of attendance.
The inspectors
reviewed the topics discussed during the ALARA Comf , tee neetings
which mainly consisted of review and approval of high dose jobs and a
review of ALARA suggestions.
Recently, the threshol . for requiring'
the site ALARA Comittee to review and. approve work Das reduced from-
10 to 5 person-rem.
Additionally, the site ALARA Comittee was
recently given the responsibility to review containment power entries
and establish designated containment power entry days for scheduling
and coordinating work.
Also, the site ALARA Comittee was. tasked
with performing quarterly reviews of departmental and station dose
goal performance and making recomendations and : adjustments .when
The licensee's ALARA suggestion program was effective, with 'several
dose savings suggestions implenented.
In 1989,.33 ALARA suggestions
were submitted, and eight were being implemented to dete.
In 1990,
14 suggestions were submitted, and two were being implerented.
licensee's incentive program has resulted in individuals submitting
viable suggestions.
An liLARA subcomittee prereviews_~ all ALARA
suggestions and submits the best ones to the : ALARA Comittee for
Dose Reduction Initiative
The inspectors discussed with licensee representatives. from both the
station and the corporate office, several dose reduction initiatives
which have been implemented.
It was noted that the licensee had
implemented an induced crudburst control and cleanup program at the
The program allowed the. licensee to control when a
crudburst would occur by adding hydrogen peroxide to' the primary
coolant system and removing the activated crud using the ion exchange
purification system. This-program helped the licensee lower the dose
rates and contamination levels in the primary system and irtprove-
water clerity for refueling operations.
During the U1, C4 outage,
hydrogen peroxide was added to the primary coolant with the system
con.pletely full which maximized the Co-60 removal due to the
increased letdown ficw rate and circulation 'in .the' loops.
licensee had also undertaken several other dose reduction projects.
The following dose reduction initiatives were either completed or
Reactor head instrument port conoseal c1kmp replacement
RTD menifold removal (U1 con.pleted; U2 scheduled for FF4),duled
Upper head injection system removal (U1 completed; U2 sche
Laser videodisc and photographic display system (U1' completed;
U2 scheduled for RF4)
Reactor coolant pun.p cartridge-type seal nodification (two RCPs-
per unit remaining for modification)
Modification on steam generator nozzle dam.s to reduce time for
installation in steam generator channel head (Unit I completed;
Unit 2scheduledforRF4)
Additionally, the inspectors' noted that.the licensee was considerin
the acquisition of a permanent reactor-head shield to reduce genera
area dose rates during fuel movement.
Acquisition of a head shield
was slated for the Fall of 1991.
The inspectors also discussed with licensee representatives the use
of temporary shielding during the U1', C4 outage.
It was determined
that several scheduling constraints and seismic concerns precluded
shielding crews from installing some shielding near the RTD manifolds
which resulted in- higher doses for- crews performing S/G sludge-
lancing operations.
Another contributing problem was a lack of lead
The inspectors discussed with representatives from the.
corporate office and the station the use of standard load tables for
adding temporary shielding to piping and various components to aid in
reducing the amount of time for approval and installation of
temporary shielding during outage critical path periods,
Source Term Reduction Initiatives
The inspectors discussed with licensee representatives from the
station and corporate office methodsi for reducing out-of-core
radiation sources ' which would offer -the greatest potential for
continued reductions in occupational radiation dose.
cobalt . source
preconditioning of out-of-core surfaces, control of crud transport,.
and chemical decontamination.
Earlier this year, the licensee's corporate office had identified the
need-to formulate a concerted source term reduction program.for TVA.
The corporate chemistry department initiated a plan to formulate
connittees to address source term reduction initiatives such as:
stellite control, system preconditioning, chemical decontamination,
and elevated reactor coolant pH.
The licensee's_ Watts Bar= facility
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had comitted the resources to help develop and implement the source
term reduction initiatives.
With site-specific cdjustments, the licensee's corporate office
planned to apply the source term reduction initiatives at the other
TVA facilities.
As of this inspection, the licensee's source term
reduction plan was still in the developmental stages; consequently a
site-specific plan for the Sequoyah facility had not been addressed..
HowcVer, as noted in Paragraph 2.g, the licensee's Sequoyah facility
has taken the initiative to reduce future occupational collective
rediation dose by component removal, such as the RTD bypass manifolds
'and the upper head injection system on Unit-1, and hydrogen peroxide-
cddition at shutdown.
The inspectors noted that there was no
schedule for application of the Watts Bar initiatives at the Sequoyah
Contaminathn Controls
The inspectors reviewed the licensee's program to control
contaniination at the source.
The inspectors noted the licensee had
exceeded the goal of 240 personnel contamination events (PCEs) by 12
at the end of June.
Licensee personnel stated that, although six
weeks of the Unit.2 outage is scheduled for this FY, they felt that
PCEs will be lower than the pre.vious two years of 409 in 1988 . and
435 in 1989.
During tours of the radiologically controlled area (RCA)- of: the
plant, the inspectors observed that large areas were being controlled
as contaminated after the outage.- Based on licensee data, the total
RCA was 228,940 square feet (ftr) of which 8,200 fte of reclaimable
and 17,200 ft2 of non-reclaimable area existed prior to the U1, C4 -
During the inspection the - licensee was maintaining
13,612 fte as reclainable and 17,000 fte as non-reclaimable
contaminated area for a total of 30, 612 ftr. : The -inspectors
determined that a significant cmount of non-reclaimable area at
Sequoyah was normally considered reclaimable at other utilities. The
inspectors interview d licensee personnel and learned that the higher
priorities. may have prevented engineering approval to- place pump
shaft guards on pumps in radioactive systems.
Such guards would help
contain contan.ination.
Consequently pun.ps with radioactive leaks
resulted in whole rooms being contaniinated rather than just the pump
Licensee personnel stated that at the end of the outage the intent
was to reclaim areas that became contaminated during the outage, but
resources to acconiplish - this were eliminated.
Also, licensee
representatives stated that durin
resources (training and staffing) g both normal and outage periods
were limited in comparison to the
The inspectors discussed this issue with plant management and
were- inforned that the engineering problem regarding approval for
containnents would be given inmediate attention 'and that for . Unit 2
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outage personnel would be inade available for' decontamination work.
Licensee managenent stated that it was their goal to reclaim
contandnated areas during the titre between obtages 50 that the total
contendnated area would be the s6ne going into the next outage as
there was going into the past outage.
ALARA Training
The inspectors toured the Plant Op(erations Training Center and
reviewed general erployee training GET) lesson plans.
1he lesson
plans appeared to be well developed as were the instructor teaching
Based on interviews with instructors and plant. personnel, the
inspectors learned that, other than GET, plant personnel did not'
receive additicr.61 classroom training in ALARA concepts, techniques,
or practical factors. The licensee, in the past year, had eliminated
from the station's curriculum ALARA Awareness training and' Advanced
Radiation Worker training. - In addition. the number of instructors-
providing the training had been cut back.
ALARA Committee neeting
minutes 90-18. June 15,1990, recorded that employee exit interviews
revealed a number of concerns relating to dose reduction. The ALARA
Comittee, in seeking a resolution to this item, had requested that
GET be reviewed for ALARA content.
The inspectors ' concluded that
although training tret the requirements of -10 CFR 19.12, there had
been reductions in that area of training that had been intended to
result in better worker dose control.
Audit Program
The inspectors reviewed audit reports perforrned by the fluclear
Quality Audit and Evaluation- (NOA&E) group and surveillances
performed by Quality Assurance Organizations for radiological
In general the eudits and surveillances were indepth and
NQA&E audit Report ho. SQA 89002, dated January 9,
1990, focused on ALARA and radiological effluent monitoring.
Overall, the audit found that the ALARA program was adequate- and-
cffective, and cited a number of strengths.
However, a condition
adverse. to quality was found regarding the failure to implement an
ALARA standard.
In discussions with' ALARA group- personnel, the
inspectors learned that the need for an ALARA standard was identified
by the corporate office and that Nuclear Engineering (NE) had three:
design guides for use for ALARA reviews. These design guides had not
been formalized into the program,- DesignChanceNotices(DCNs)were
routed to Radcon engineers f 'a courtesy. and that Radcon had a
backlog of up to six months between receipt and complation.
delay. in corrpletion was-attributed to the reduced level of'the ALARA
staff and an increase in DCNs.-
In managerrent . interviews. the
Chairman.of the ALARA Comittee stated that a large number of DCNs
were issued during the outage and that it impactec the work of the
' ALARA Connittee.
The inspectors reviewed thc change to Radcon
Instruction 10, Implenenting ALARA- for - Radiaticn Exposure and -
Radiological Environnental Imptets" and noted that the standard was
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However, it was not approved for in.pleneentation by NE due
to lack of staffing resources.
The new change implementing the
standard would - require that radiological impact evalut,tions be
conducted for most site radiological work. The standard also requires
that ALARA Awareness training be given to all NE radiological in. pact
The inspectors noted that the standard was approved by
the station en July 17
1969, but had not been implenented in the
- past year,
The inspectors in reviewing surveillances of the radcon' program noted
a significant number of worker radiological knowledge problems were
identified as well as compliance problems.
The inspectors determined that the audits and ~ surveillances were ;
generally indepth and docunented substantive prcblems that were being
addressed by the licensee.
Exit Interview
The inspection scope and- findings were supinarized on June 29, 1990, with
-those persons indicated in Paragraph 1.
The items discussed are outlined
in the sunnary to this report.
Licensee management stated that it was
their position that the station.was operating the ALARA program with a
realistic collective dose ' goal.
The licensee stated that it was their
intent to fully account for the collective dose for the remainder of -
FY 1990; however, the licensee was not able to offer a specific number for
the collective dose goal.
The licensee made an oral- commitment. to
establish a realistic annual collective dose goal for the remainder of
FY 19M. On July 30, 1990, D. Collins ,-' B. Wilson - J. ' Brady. . R. Shortridge :
of Reglon II NRC and C. Vondra, C. Kent, and C. Whittemore of Sequoyah
Nuclear plant participated in a telephone : conversation relating to the
weaknesses identified in the report and actions that are being taken by
the licensee to resolve the weaknesses. . During the- telephone conversation,
the licensee outlined the following- insnediate actions: ' (1) the licensee
has established a monthly collective dose goal and will manage collective
dose using this as e management tool-through FY 1990; (2) Sequoyah has
formally established a task force to develcp a comprehensive source term
reduction plan; (3) additional resources have been provided to recover
contaminated areas of the plant' that resulted from the U1, C4 outage and
plans are to recover these areas ' prior. to the U2, C4 outage; (4) the-
licensee plans to use more temporary shielding for. the upcoming outage;
(5) the licensee dons not currently plan to implement the ALARA Standard'
for Nuclear Enginee-ing or provide formal ALARA training other than than
currently provided in GET or in preparation for special activities, and
(6) the licensee hhs included more senior nembers of .the plant staff on
the ALARA Conrnittee, which is now chaired by the Plant Manager.- The
licensee did not ide~ntify any of'the material provided to, or reviewed by
the inspector dur'.ng the inspection, as proprietary.
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