IR 05000327/1998300

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NRC Operator Licensing Exam Repts 50-327/98-300 & 50-328/98-300 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 980601-02
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/25/1998
From: Peebles T
Shared Package
ML20236J676 List:
50-327-98-300, 50-328-98-300, NUDOCS 9807080309
Download: ML20236J687 (225)




l Docket Nos.- 50-327. 50-328 License No DPR-7 DPR-79 Report Nos.: 50-327/97-30 /97-300


Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority Facility: Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Location: Sequoyah Access Road Hamilton County. TN 37379 Dates: June 1 - 2. 1998 Examiners: Richard S. Baldwin, Chief License Examiner Ronald F. Aiello. License Examiner Larry S. Mellen. License Examiner Approved by: -~7 Thomas'A. P5ebles. Chief


'Date Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety

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9807080309 900625 l PDR ADOCK 05000327 -J V PDR if Enclosure 1

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 NRC Examination Report Nos. 50-327/98-301, 50-328/98-301


During the period June 1 - 2. 1998. NRC examiners conducted an announced operator licensing initial retake examination in accordance with the Examiner Standards. NUREG-1021. Revision 7 and pilot guidance outlined in ROI 95-2 ;

This examination implemented the operator licensing requirements of 10 CFR S55.41. 555.43, and S55.4 Doerations




Three Senior Reactor Operator Upgrades (SRO-U) and two Reactor Operator  ;


(RO) candidates received written examinations. The three SRO-U i candidates also received the walkthrough portion of the operating test The examinations were developed by the facility training staff and the {

operating tests were administered by NRC operator licensing examiner I The operating tests were administered June 1 - 2. 1998. The written '

examination was administered by the facility licensee on June 3, 199 All candidates passed the examinatio Candidate Pass / Fail Total


SRO-U R0 Percent Pass 3 2 5 100% i Fail 0 0 0 0% _


The licensee identified 10 SRO and 6 RO specific candidate knowledge weaknesses and one R0 training weakness from post-examination review of the written examinations. (Section 05.1)

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The examiners concluded that the facility licensee's second effort at developing the NRC operator licensing examination was adequate.

i (Section 05.1)


- The poor support of Health Physics during the walkthrough examination caused undue stress to the walkthrough candidate and delayed the examination process. (Section 05.1)


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Reoort Details Summary of Plant Status During the period of the examinations. Unit 1 and 2 were at 100 percent powe I. Doerations i

05 Operator Training and Qualifications 05.1 Initial Doerator Licensina Examinations Examination Scooe NRC examiners conducted regular. announced operator licensing initial retake examinations during the period June 1 - 2. 1998. The facility licensee developed and NRC examiners administered examinations in accordance with the Operator Licensing Examiner Standards. NUREG-102 Revision 7 and the pilot guidance described in ROI 95-25. This examination implemented the operator licensing requirements of 10 CFR 555.41, 555.43. and S55.45. Three SRO-U and two R0 candidates received written examinations and three SRO-U candidates received operating test Observations and Findinas Written Examination The written examination was administered by the facility licensee on June 3. 1998. The licensee identified 10 SR0 and 6 RO specific candidate knowledge weaknesses and one RO training weakness from post-examination review of the written examinations. The facility lic'ensee had no post-examination comments. A generic weakness is any question


wiiere less than 50% of the candidates passed. All candidates passed the written examinatio The proposed written examination outline did not sample all areas appropriately, and was modified by the facility. The NRC and the facility modified the written examination. These modifications were generally modifications to the question stem or adding plausibility to the distractors. The licensee maintained the required mix of memory level questions and the final version of the SR0 exam had the required number of "SRO only" questions.

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'00eratino Test The retake walkthrough portion of the operating examination was administered during the period of June 1 - 2. 1998, to three SRO-U candidates.. All candidates passed the walkthrough examination. During the walkthrough examination. Health Physics was required to provide permission for the candidate to access a valve that was greater than six-feet above the floor level. The candidate called for this assistance, but'the health physics technician failed to appear. The lack of coordination with Health Physics during the walkthrough examination caused undue stress to the walkthrough candida'te and delayed the ,

examination proces The NRC did not modify the submitted walkthrough Job Performance Measures: however. the prescripted, followup questions required some changes. These were primarily in the form of fewer closed reference (memory) level questions and more open reference (comprehension and analysis) questions. The 'inal walkthrough examination met all of the requirements of Operator Licensing Examiner Standards. NUREG-102 Revision The examiner's post-examination review of the operating tests did not identify any generic knowledge weaknesse l Conclusions All candidate passed the written and walkthrough retake exams. Based on the post-exam review of the written examination there was only one I weakness identified in the training program. The initial submittal of )

the written exam required some modification of the distractors and of the question stems; however, the modifications were not extensiv . -

, V. Manaaement Meetinas )

X Exit Meeting Summary 4 i

At the conclusion of the site visit the examiners met with

' representatives of the plant staff listed below to discuss the results


of the walkthrough examinations and other issues. The actions involving


Health Physics were discussed. The written examination was not l discussed since it had not yet been administered.

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[ 3 L - None of the material provided to the examiners was identified by the l

licensee as proprietary, i PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee M. Bajestani. Site Vice President H. Butterworth. Operations Manager l

R. Driscoll. Site Training Manager i _P. Gass. Operator Training .

J. Herron. Plant Manager W. Hunt. Operations Training Manager l E. Keyser. Operator Training l -D. Koehl. Assistant Plant Manager J. Osborne. Radwaste/ Environmental l L. Pauley. Operator Training R. Proffitt. Nuclear Engineer P. Salas. Licensing and Industrial A airs Manager EC f

R. Telson. Resident' Inspector D. Starkey._ Resident Inspector ITEMS OPENED. CLOSED. AND DISCUSSED j- OPENED None j ll '



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SIMULATION FACILITY REPORT Facility Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority - Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Facility Docket No and 50-320 Operating Tests Administered on: June 1 - 2. 1998 This form is to be used only to report observations. These observations do not constitute audit or inspection findings and are not, without further verification and review, indicative of noncompliance with 10 SCFR 55.45(b). -

These observations do not affect NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information that may be used in future evaluations. No licensee action is required in response to these observation While conducting the simulator portion of the operating tests, the following items were observed (if none, so state):

JIB DESCRIPTION No discrepancies were note .

Enclosure 2

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1. Given the following plant conditions: N'

Seg u ay < d 9 8- 3 07

- The plant is operating at 100% powe Channe! #3 of the containment "HIGH-HIGH PRESS" pressure switches is out of service for surveillance testing and its bistable is BYPASSED, its associated channel 3 "HIGH PRESS" bistable has been tripped as allowed by Tech. Spec Subsequently, channel #2 of the containment "HIGH PRESS" pressure switches fail such that a high pressure signal is initiate Which ONE of the following describes the Cont. Spray system and plant response to the pressure switch failur '

A. Containment Spray WILL NOT actuate; Cont. Isolation Phase B actuates; Rx trip and Si actuat B. Cont Spray WILL actuate; Rx trip and Si and Cont Phase A actuat I C. Cont Spray WILL NOT actuate; Rx trip, SI and Cont. Phase A actuat D. Cont. Spray WILL actuate; Cont. Isolation Phase B actuates; Rx trip and Si actuat . -


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2. Given the following plant conditions:

- The unit has tripped from 100% power

- Si actuate Cont. pressure is 2.6 psid and INCREASIN Operators have attempted to initiate Cont. Spray by actuating one switch from each set of Phase B actuation switches on control panels M-5 and M- Cont. Spray has NOT actuate RWST level is at 85%.

Which one of the following is the reason that Cont. Spray has NOT actuated?

l A. Cont. spray isolation valves are blocked from opening because the RWST suction I

valves to the Cont. spray pumps are NOT ope B. Cont. spray pumps are blocked from starting until RWST level is > 90%.


C. Both switches from one set of phase B actuation switches have to be actuated simultaneously to initiate Cont. spra D. The Cont. spray pump RESET pushbuttons must be pushed before the Cont. spray system will actuat .

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3. Given the following plant conditions:

- Unit 1 is at 75% with boron concentration of 450 pp '

- CVCS is lined up with 75 gpm letdown in sentic A-A Centrifugal Charging pump is in operation and control systems are in automati The makeup system is setup in automatic for a boron concentration of 485 pp All other control systems are in automati Several minutes later, you notice rods stepping out and Tave dropping. After rods stop, Tave continues to dro Which ONE of the following would cause this transient?

A. Power Range Channel N-41 failing hig B.1-LT-62-129 VCT level failing lo C. PZR level transmitter 1-LT-68-339 (controlling channel) failing lo D.1-LT-62-130 VCT level failing hig .-

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4. Which one of tha following reduces the possibility of an unintentional radioactive release to the atmosphere from a Waste Gas Decay Tank (WGDT) relief valve lifting?

A. WGDT inlet pressure control valve closes automatically at 100 psi B. WGDT relief valves discharge directly to the vent header, so gaseous waste is directed through the compressor to the standby WGD C. Separator outlet valve (PCV-77-99) opens at 80 psig to divert any relief valve discharge to a standby WGD D. The waste gas compressors discharge pressure is automatically limited to less than the WGDT relief valve pressure setpoin *



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ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 4

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5. Given the following plant conditions:

- Unit 1 is MODE 4

- Temperature was stable for the previous hour

- RCS heat up is now in progres RCS temperature has increased from 297 degrees F to 303 degrees F in ten minute WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions will result in reaching the MAXIMUM RCS Heat Up Rate allowed by Technical Specifications at the end of the first hour?

A. Increase Heat Up Rate to 0.28 degrees F per minut B. Increase Heat Up Rate to 1.28 degrees F per minut C. Increase Heat Up Rate to 0.88 degrees F per minute.


D. Increase Heat Up Rate to 1.88 degrees F per minut '


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l 6. Given tha following plant conditions:

- A Rx startup is in progress.

l - Rx power is steady at 1X10E-2% (intermediate range).

- The RO placed the NI 35 IR Nuclear Instrumentation trip block switch to the blocked positio WHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IS THE RESULT IF NI CHANNEL 35 BLOWS AN l

INSTRUMENT POWER FUSE 7 A. The trip bistable deenergizes and the Reactor does not tri B. The trip bistable energizes and the Reactor trip C. The trip bistable deenergizes and the Reactor tri ,

j D. The trip bistable energizes and the Reactor does not trip.


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7. Which ONE of the following is the order of sequential start for the following equipment after an SI plus Blackout ?

, CCP pumps 2. CCS pumps 3. ERCW pumps Si pumps 5. TBBP pumps 6. AFW pumps RHR pumps l

A. 1, 3, 6, 5, 2, 4, 7, B.1,4,7,3,6,5,2 C.1,3,6,2,4,7,5 D.1,5,'3,6,7,4,7



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8. Given the following plant conditions:


- A Rx startup is in progres Control bank C is at 100 steps.

l -The RODS AT BOTTOM alarm is lit I

Which one of the following is the cause of the annunicator being lit?

A. Shutdown bank D rod bottom bypass bistable did NOT reset when shutdown bartk D was greater than 35 steps withdraw B. Control bank B rod bottom bypass t'istable did NOT reset when control bank B was

greater than 20 steps withdrawn.


C. Control bank A rod bottom bistable did NOT reset when control bank A was greater l than 20 steps withdraw '

! D. Shutdown bank A rod bottom bistable did NOT reset when shutdown bank A was

greater than 35 steps withdrawn.


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9. At 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after a LOCA occurred, you are instructed to align the ECCS for hot leg injectio Which ONE of the following describes the reason for hot leg injection?

A. Forces any steam bubble formed in the head to be swept out the break if the break is on a cold leg.


B. Ensures adequate emergency sump water volume in the event the break was on one of the hot leg C. Precludes boron precipitation in the upper core region that may hinder core heat remova D. Terminates boiling in the core by providing highly cooled water directly into the core

downcomer regio i

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10. Given tha following plant conditions:

-The RCS is being cooled down from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdow The RCS is on RHR coolin Cooldown at the maximum rate is desire During a maximum cooldown rate of the RCS, which one of the following is the most l limiting in obtaining the maximum rat i A. RHR return temperatur *

B. RHR supply temperatur .

C. CCS supply temperatur D. CCS return temperatur '

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l 11. Given tha Following Plant Conditions:

- Rx power is 99%

- Pressurizer Level is 58%

- Letdown Flow is 75 gpm (one orifice)

- A charging line leak developes near the charging line cont. penetration (outside cont.) that diverts all charging flow from the lin Normal seal injection is maintaine Assume NO operator action is take Which one of the following statements describes the FINAL unit response?

A. High level tri B. High pressure tri .

C. Low pressure tri D. Low-low level alar .

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12. Given tha following plant conditions:

-T-AVG is on program at 567 deg. F for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> The Pressurizer Level Control System is in MANUAL due to a controller failur Repairs have been completed and the Pressurizer Level Control System is being returned to Automatic contro Which one of the following setpoints should the program level be set at for the transfer to automatic?

A. 37%

B. 43%



D. 54%

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13. Which ONE of the following describes a CHANNEL CALIBRATION per Technical i Specifications?

A. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel input such that it responds within the  !

necessary range and accuracy for the associated trip function B. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel monitor '

l C. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel sensor to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions which the channel transmitt {

D. The adjustment, as necessary, of a single channel output such that it matches the average values of other channels which monitor the same paramete .

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14. Given the following plant conditions: ,


W P A.tschacy. Pressuo M d[46 4

. :M ste?~ "ae pr~rre is 98 psig and has been for 62 second Which one of the following describes requirements for the automatic transfer of steam supply to the TD AFW A. FCV 1-15 is open, FCV 1-16 is ope B. FCV 1-51 is open, FCV 1-16 is close C. FCV 1-51 is open, FCV 1-15 is close D. FCV 1-15 is open, FCV 1-51 is close .

  • T go m ors y nc \ p s.h on , c.o< rec.kas k<. ga_ .

M C ba~y, ges4 de6 3 kyg M ao,) Q /s /%.

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l 15. Which ONE of tha following typ:(s) of radiation is tha Post Accident Area Radiation Monitoring Syst:m d: signed to d:tect?


l A. Beta l

B. Beta and Gamma



C. Gamm D. Neutro I

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16. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- A large load rejection from 100% power has occurre The steam dumps have failed to ope PZR pressure is peaking at 2400 psi All systems are in automatic and functioning as designe Which one of the following conditions would you expect as a consequence of the above?

A. PZR spray valves full open, PZR PORVs full open, PZR safety valves liftin B. PZR spray valves full open, PZR PO'RVs full open, PZR safety valves close C. PZR spray valves partially open, PZR PORVs full open, PZR safety valves close D. PZR spray valves partially open, PZR PORVs closed, PZR safety valves close '

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17. Concerning the Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, which ONE of the following is a response to a safety injection signal?


A. Running ERCW pumps trip off and then restar B. ERCW unit crosstie valves on the affected unit ope C. ERCW outlet valves on CCS heat Exchanger throttle to 50%.

! D. Standby (selected) ERCW pump on opposite Unit start .

ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 17

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18. Plant conditions, Unit 1:

- A reactor trip has just occure RCS pressure 2200 psig decreasing

- RCS temperature 550 degrees F decreasing

- Pressurizer level 25 % decreasing

- Two control bank "D" rods 220 steps Which ONE of the following is the required action to be taken?

A. Emergency borate from the RWST at 50 gpm for 78 minutes.

l B. Emergency borate through FCV-62-138 (Emergency Boration Valve) at greater that or equal to 50 gpm for 101 minute C. Manual emergency borate through the blender and valve 62-932 (Manual


Emergency Boration valve) at 10 gpm for 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> D. Emergency borate through FCV-62-138 (Emergency Boration Valve) at greater than 50 gpm until a SDM calculation can be performe . .- i l




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19. Which ONE of the following describes the operation of the ice compartment lower inlet doors in the event of a LOCA?

A. Lower compartment doors are opened by hydraulic operators when containment pressure exceeds 3 psi B. Lower compartment doors automatically open when the pressure on the doors increases by one pound per square foot.

l C. Lower compartment doors are opened by shock absorber mechanisms which are actuated by containment air pressur D. Lower compartment doors are opened by tension spring mechanisms which are actuated by a Phase "A" isolation signa .



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20. Which ONE of the following describes the EXO SENSOR Monitor saturation calculation?

l l

A. Calculates the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to RCS pressure and the pressurizer vapor space RTD.

B. Calculates the difference between the pressurizer vapor space RTD and the highest T-hot RT C. Calculates the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to RCS )

pressure and the maximum core exit thermocoupl I D. Calculates the difference between RCS pressure and the saturation pressure corresponding to the average T-hot RT !


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- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ___ - _ ____ - ____ _ _- - ___ . From tha list b: low, choose tha setpoint at which tha Essential and Non-essential Air will isloata to tha cont inmen s A. 50 psig decreasing B. 68 psig decreasing C. 84 psig decreasing D. 92 psig increasing


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22. Which ONE of tha following wi!! occur upon a loss of 125V DC Vital Battery Board I?

A. NI-41 fail B. MDAFW pump 1 A-A starts on low S/G water leve C. All control and service air compressors unloa D. Normal letdown isolation valves FCV-62-69 and FCV-62-70 clos .

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23. Unit 1 is at 100% power with a boron concentration of 800 ppm when a droppad rod occurs. Temperature drops from 578 degrees F to 571 degrees F as Reactor power returns to 100%. Disregarding Xe changes determine the reactivity worth of the dropped rod using the attached Informatio A.102 pc B.124 pc C.135 pc D.270 pc .

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ROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 23

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24. Given the following plant conditions:

Reactor power is 70%

Loop 1 deltaT is offscale LOW Loop 1 Tavg indication is 612 degrees F Which ONE of the following RTD failures in loop 1 caused these indications?

A Two of the loop 1 Thot RTDs are shorte B. One of the loop 1 Thot RTDs is ope C. One of the loop 1 Tcold RTDs is shorte D. Two of the loop 1 Tcold RTDs are ope . _

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1 25. Which ONE of the following statements describes the effect of operation with the Ice Condenser Lower inlet Doors open when in MODE 17 A. Excessive sublimation of the ice because of warm air intrusion from the lower containment may not prevent exceeding containment design pressure of 12.0 psi B. In the event of a LOCA, levels of contamination in the upper containment will be much higher than analyze C. During a LOCA the released Reactor Coolant System fluid may be diverted away from the ice Condenser Bay D. Inadequate sublimation of the ice bed may occur because of warm air intrusio .





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26. The unit is operating at 100% power with all systems normal. Annuciator 0-XA-55-12a window B-5 "1-RA-120A/121 A STM GEN BLDN LIQ SAMP MON HIGH RAD" alarms and is vali Which ONE of the fo!!owing must be done in response to this alarm?

A. Ensure 1-FCV-15-8 OPEN B. Ensure 1-FCV-15-6 CLOSED C. Reroute SGBD sample drain lines to TDC D. Ensure 1-FCV-15-44 CLOSED



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27. Given th3 following pl:nt conditions:

l Unit #1 is at 100% power

- 1-RM-90-99 is OOS

- 1-RM-90-119 is in service

- No releases are in progress Alarm panel 0-XA-55-12A window C-1"1-RA-90-119A CNDS VAC PMP AIR EXH MON l HIGH RAD" is lit and will not rese Which ONE of the following is the most probable cause of this alarm?

A.1-RM-90-99 out of service


B.1-RM-90-119 heat trace breaker open C.1-RM-90-120/121, SGBD, Instrument Malfunctio D. FCV-2-255 filter bypass valve open.

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I ROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 27

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28. Which ONE cf the following describes the operation of the power range nuclear l instrumentation Channel Comparator?

A. Compares detector B (lower) normalized signal to detector A (upper) normalized signal and generates an alarm when greater than 2% difference.

B. Compares each lower detector to the average of the lower detectors and each upper detector to the average of the upper detectors and generates an alarm at 2%


l C. Compares total power from each channel to average power and generates an alarm

! when any one is greater than 4% difference.

D. Compares total power from each channel to lowest value of the other channel I signals and generates an alarm et 4% difference between the highest and lowest

L reading channel.

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l 29. Given the following plant conditions:


Unit 1 at 100% power


Unit 2 core offload complete


Preparations to begin fuel shuffle in the Spent Fuel Pit in progress


"0-RA-90-102A FUEL POOL RAD MONITOR HI RAD" alarms sounds


Radiation level indicated on 0-RM-90-102 is increasing Which ONE of the following describes the proper operator response?


A. Dispatch Radeon to the control room to provide recommendation l


B. Announce on the PA System to evacuate the Auxiliary Building and dispatch operators to close the U-2 Equipment Hatc C. Verify the A-Train Auxiliary Building Ventilation Fans are shutdown and manually '

initiate a B-Train Auxiliary Building isolatio D. Verify A-Train and B-Train Auxiliary Building Ventilation Fans are shutdown and announce on the PA System "High Radiation at the Spent Fuel Pool Area".

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30. Given the following plant conditions:


Units 1 and 2 have experienced a Loss of All AC Power


ECA-0.0, " Loss of All AC Power" has been implemented


Step 13 directs the crew to place selected equipment in PULL TO LOCK or OFF Which ONE of the following describes the reason for defeating the automatic loading onto the Shutdown Boards?

A. To prevent potential overload of the Shutdown Boards when they are re-energize B. To prevent ECCS pump starting and thermal shock to RCS penetration ,

C. To prevent ESF pump starts without proper cooling water and auxiliary support equipment availabl D. To prevent RWST inventory depletio i


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i ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 30


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31. During an cmargency condition the STA reports the following:

1. Core Cooling (C) Orange Path 2. Subcriticality (S) Orange Path !

3. Thermal Shock (P) Orange Path j 4. Heat Sink (H) Red Path 5. Containment (Z) Red Path Which ONE of the following describes the order in which the above conditions should be addressed?

A. 2,1,4,3,5 B. 2,4,5,1,3 C.4,5,2,1,3 '

D.5,4,3,1,2 I

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32. Which one of the following is the MAXIMUM number of individuals that an escort can be responsible for in the vital area?

A. 2 B. 5 C. 8



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33. Which one of the following individuals by titia is responsible for assigning the Manager Assigned Continous Responsibility (MACR) for Complex Infrequently Peerformed Test or Evolution (CIPT) 7 '

A. Responsible superviso B. Test directo C. Shift Operations Superviso D. Plant Manage .

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34. Which ONE of the following establishes BASELINE valve alignment configuration on which further system operations are based as stated in SSP-12.17 A. Valve alignments shown on the plant's " Controlled Drawings" 8. The initial valve alignment following a refueling outage or major maintenance perio C. Valve alignments as shown on the PEDS compute D. The most recent valve alignment as verified prior to a refueling outag l l

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35. Which one of the following is the MINIMUM temperatures for a high energy system that requires double valve isolation when preparing a clearance?

A.150 deg. F B.175 deg. F C. 200 deg. F D. 225 deg. F


ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 35

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36. SSP-2.7 " Verifying the latest Document Revision for Use" allows an alternate method l be established by site DCRM for maintaining the integrity of document verification.


Which ONE of the following describes this alternate method?

A. Copies' of procedures may be made from the SON simulator controlled copie B. Copies of procedures may be made from the WCC controlled copie C. Copies of procedures may be made from the SON control room controlled copie !

l D. Copies for urgent needs may only be obtained from the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> TIC



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I 37. Which ONE of the following correctly describes the initiation of an automatic start of the Component Cooling System pump C-S, while it is aligned normal to supply B-train '

cooling water?


A. SIS on unit 1 or unit 2, after a 20 second time delay.


l B. Low B-train discharge header pressure <40 psi C. A station blackout, after a 20-second time dela D. 30 seconds after power is restored to "B train" after a blackout.



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38. What is the primary purpose of adding Sodium Tetraborate to containment ice?

A. To remove hydrogen from containment atmospher B. To reduce radioactive corrosion products in containment spra C. To ensure boric acid stays in solution in the sum D. To ensure iodine stays in solutio .





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39. Given the following Plant conditions:

- At 0810 a small break LOCA occurs requiring a reactor trip and safety injectio At 0829 the break was isolated terminating the LOCA, RCS pressure and inventory begin to recove At 0832, the SI signal is reset and a recovery in progres At 0845 the LOCA reinitiated and RCS pressure is at 1500 psig and decreasin Which ONE of the following describes how REINITIATION of SI will occur?

A. Si / ECCS equipment will have to be manually started individually, i

B. S1 will occur automatically when required conditions exls C. SI will not occur automatically or manually until the Rx trip breakers have been cycle D. SI will occur following manual actuation of the control room handswitch by the operato J l



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40. Given the following plant conditions:

- The Rx has tripped from 65% powe "

- A" Rx trip breaker is close "

- B" Rx trip breaker is ope The Steam Dumps are in the Tavg Mod Which one of the following describes the response of the Steam Dump System?

l A. The steam dumps will transfer to the Rx trip controller, but will not ope B. The steam dumps will remain on the load rejection controller and "B" train P-4 signal will arm the steam dump C. The steam dumps will remain on the load rejection controller and the load rejection signal (C-7) will arm the steam dump D. The steam dumps will transfer to the RX trip controller and the load rejection signal (C-7) will arm the steam dump .

_________ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

41. The reactor has tripped from 100% power due to a loss of offsite electrical power, the EDGs failed to reenergize the 6.9KV shutdown boards and the following plant indications are no'te '

RCS pressure is 1650 psig and decreasin Core exit thermocouple indicate 604 degrees Wide range RVLIS indicates 90%.

Pressurizer level indicates 100%.

Which ONE of the following is most likely to cause these indications?

A. A pressurizer PORV is stuck ope B. RCS depressurization has caused the plant to go soli C. RCS temperature increase has caused the plant to go soli '

D. The steam dump controller has failed with all steam dumps fully ope l I

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42. Given the following plant conditions: .

-Refueling in progress on unit ,

-A spent fuel element is being moved from the reactor to the upende !

-The spent fuel element is dropped to the bottom of the cana i Which one of the following products released from the ruptured spent fuel element will present the most immediate radiation hazard?  !

A. Beta radiation from Xenon gase B. Gamma radiation from lodine and Krypton gase C. Alpha radiation from fission product D. Gamma radiation from fission products and corrosion product '

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43. Identify the ONE statement below that describes the flow path of the Control Building Emergency Ventilation System following a Control Room Isc~ tion (CRI)

A. A portion of the MCR A/C system return air is routed through both of the HEPA filter-charcoal absorber trains and then to the system return air plenum by the Control Building Emergency Air Cleanup Fans. The air is then recirculated to the MCR by the operating AHU. The system is maintained at a positive pressure by the Control Building Emergency Air Pressurization Fan B. All of the MCR A/C system return air is routed through both of the HEPA filter-charcoal absorber trains and then to the system return air plenum by the Control Building Emergency Air Cleanup Fans. The air is than recirculated to the MCR by the operating AHU. The system is maintained at a negative pressure by .

the Control Building Emergency Air Pressurization Fan C. Fresh air is taken from the outdoors, supplied to the air return ductwork of the


Electrical Board Room air conditioning system, to the cable spreading room, and to the Mechenical Equipment Room. The building is maintained at a positive pressur D. Fresh air is taken from the outdoors, supplied to the air return ductwork of the cable I

spreading room, and to the Mechanical Equipment Room. The building is maintained at a positive pressure.




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44. During a Rx Startup, the power range low setpoint high flux trip is blocked when two of the four power range channels reach the setpoin Given the information above, fill in the blanks with one of the followin A. Manually; P-1 B. Manually; P- C. Automatically; P-1 D. Automatically; P- !

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L__--___---_--________---__.__ . The unit is in Mode 1 at 50% power.

i Which ONE of the following statements apply, if the operator determines that three control rods are capable of being tripped but inoperable due to rod control system electrical problems?

Assume all rods are properly aligned.

l A. The operating crew must initiate a manual reactor trip and verify all rods inser B.' The plant must be placed in hot standby within the time required by the action statemen C. There are no limitations on power operations unless the inoperable rods become untrippable which then requires immediate emergency boratio .

l D. Power operations may continue provided the Technical Specifications requirements l for rod alignment and system " Operability" are met.

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46. Given the following plant conditions:


A liquid radwaste release is in progres RCV-77-43 Effluent radiation control radwaste isolation valve CLOSE Which ONE of the following could have caused the closure of 0-RCV-77-43 ?

A. Loss of control air to the valv B. Loss of 120 VAC supply to the valve soleno'i C. Two of three running CCW pumps tri D. Hi activity alarm on monitor 1-RM-90-118.




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47. The Reactor is at 100% power. Pressurizer Level Transmitter 1-LI-68-339 is se:ected for control, and all other systems are lined up for normal operation and in automatic, where applicable. The REFERENCE leg for 1-Ll-68-339 is lost. Which ONE of the following describes the short term (25 to 30 min.) response to this condition?

1-LI-68-339 level 1-LI-68-335 & 320 level VCT level l Indication Will Indication Will Indication Will !


, A. Increase Decrease Increase l

B. Decrease increase increase C. Increase Decrease Decrease D. Decrease Increase Decrease




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48. A rod control urgent failure has occurred on Unit 1. The Auxiliary Unit Operator (AUO)

l reports that Power Cabinet 2BD has a local urgent failure alarm and all other cabinets indicate normal. Based on this information, which ONE of the following describes the effect this will have on the ability to move rods?

A. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for groups 1 and 2 of shutdown l bank B & D.

l l

B. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for group 2 of shutdown bank B


and group 2 of control banks B & C. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for group 2 of control bank D.


D. The RO can move all rod banks individually except for shutdown bank .

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49. Given the following plant conditions:

l - The unit has been operating at 100% power for 30 day '

- The unit tripped due to a loss of offsite powe :

- CST level is 200,000 (approximately 16 feet). l

' - CST is the ONLY source of S/G feedwate )

- Both Motor Driven AFW pumps are runnin Steam generator atmospheric relief valves are being used to dump


l If the Unit SRO decides to maintain the plant in Hot Standby, which ONE I of the following is the minimum time it will take to deplete the CST l contents for these conditions based on the minimum required CST level?

A. 3.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />


B. 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> C. 2.0~ hours l

D.1.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> l






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- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . Which ONE of tha following statements describes how plant operations are affected if Wide Range Pressure instrument 1-PT-68-68 fails low during Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System operation?

A. No effec B. Both 1-PCV-68-340 and 1-PCV-68-334 will be unable to perform their LTOP l functio i i

C. Only pressurizer PORV 1-PCV-68-340 will be unable to perform its LTOP functio !

D. Only pressurizer PORV 1-PCV-68-334 will be unable to perform its LTOP functio .


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51. Given the following Plant conditions:



- Unit 1 in Mode 3 preparing to startu RCS pressure is 2235 psi Tave is 547 degrees F, being maintained by the steam dump to condenser, operating l in the pressure mod S/G Atmospheric Relief Valve controls are in automatic at normal setting per 0-GO- All four RCP's are runnin l If a loss of Offsite Power occurs with NO operator actions, RCS Tave will stabilize at I which ONE of the following temperatures?

A. 545 degrees B. 547 degrees .

C. 550 degrees D. 552 degrees F.

i ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 51

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- - _ -- -__ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ - - _ _ - _ _ __ _ __- _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _

52. In preparation for surveillance testing during at-power operations, reactor trip breakers

' "A" and "B" and reactor trip bypass breaker "A" are closed. Racking in and closing reactor trip bypass breaker "B" will result in:

l l

A. opening both reactor trip bypass breakers and both reactor trip breakers.

I B. opening both reactor trip bypass breakers and reactor trip breaker "B" only.

l- C. opening both reactor trip breakers only.


! D. a " General Warning" alarm only.






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53 Given the following initial plant conditions:


100% reactor powe Rod control in automati Tave = Tref.

l l

Which ONE of the following statements describes how the rod control system will respond to a 3 degree F rise in Tave?

A. Ror_s drive in at approximately 52 steps per minute until Tave is within 1.5 degtees of Tref.

j' B. Rods drive in at 8 steps per minute until Tave is within 1 deg. of Tre C. Rods drive in at 8 steps per minute until Tave is within 1.5 degrees of Tre .

D. Rods drive in at approximately 40 steps per minute until Tave = Tref.



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54. During reduced inventory conditions a hot leg vent path capability must be established to, . .

A. allow a vent path for nitroge B. prevent surge line floodin C. prevent vessel head pressurizatio D. allow for a steam flow path during a loss of RH _

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55. The following conditions exist on Unit 1:

- RCS Temp / Press is 210 Deg. F. - 450 psig

- Maintenance is being performed on the Containment Pressure Transmitters

- An Si actuation occurs Which ONE of the following statements describes the response of the ECCS Accumulators; and the reason for that response?

A. The Accumulators will not discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are shut with their power supply remove B. The Accumulators will not discharge into the RCS; because RCS pressure is less than P-11 (1950 psig).

C. The Accumulators will discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are '

interlocked to open on an SI Signa D. The Accumulators will discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are open with their power supply remove _

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56. If a control rod bank has a differential reactivity worth of 12.8 PCM/ inch, which ONE of the following describes the integral reactiity worth for 5 STEPS of outward rod motion?

A. 28 PCM B. 33 PCM C. 40 PCM D. 64 PCM i


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c 57. Given tha following plant conditions:

- Reactor shutdown s

! - RCS pressure is 1535 psig l - Decay heat is being removed by the steam generators.

What pressure must be maintained in the steam generators to obtain a 110 degree F subcooling margin in the RCS loops? (Assume a negligible delta T exists between the RCS and steam generators.)

A. 577 psig B. 597 psig C. 612 psig D. 627 psig l

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l 58. Given the following plant conditions:


Unit 1 has been shutdown per AOP-C.03 " Emergency Shutdown" due to a S/G Tube Leak on loop The crew is in the process of cooldown and depressurization per AOP-R.01 "S/G Tube Leak" Low steam line pressure Si and low pressurizer pressure Si have both been manually l blocke )

I Which ONE of the following conditions will automatically UNBLOCK the Unit 1 pressurizer low pressure safety injection signal?

A. Tave increases to 541 degrees *



B. Reclose the Reactor Trip Breakers to reset P-4 contac C. RCS pressure increases to 2015 psig on 2 of 3 instrument channel D. RCS pressure increases to 1980 psig on 1 of 3 instrument channels


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59. Which ONE of the following describes the functional relationship between the main FW pump, the FW rwg. values (with respect to controlling S/G levels) when the unit is ramping from 80% to 100% powe A. Main FW Pump maintains a Variable delta P program across the FW reg. value, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a constant S/G level progra B. Main FW Pump maintains a Constant delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a variable S/G level progra C. Main FW Pump maintains a Variable delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a variable S/G level progra D. Main FW Pump maintains a Constant delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a constant S/G level progra ,



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60. In the CVCS Makeup Control System, a blockage of the entire line between FCV-62-140, " Boric Acid Flow Control Valve," and FCV-62-144, " Blender discharge to charging pump suction header," has occurre Which ONE of the following paths to the charging pump suction header is the only path available to add a combination of boric acid and primary water?

A. Via FCV-62-128, Isolation to VCT Spray valve and 1-62-93 B. Via FCV-62-138, Emergency Boration valve and 1-62-93 C. Via FCV-62-143, Primary water makeup valve and 1-62-93 D. Via HCV-62-929, Manual Emergency Boration valve and 1-62-93 I



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61. After refueling, the NIS intermediate range channels were not adjusted correctly to account for the lower leakage core pattern resulting from the core reloa .

Which ONE of the following would occur during the startup following the refueling ou' ape?

A. Darce and intermediate range overlap would be excessive.

l B. A rod stop would occur due to the significantly lower intermediate range high flux setpoint C. The intermediate range high flux trips would occur at a significantly higher powe D. There would be no source and intermediate range overla .



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62. Which ONE of the following signals will be available to trip the 1 A-A Emergency Diesel Gansrator (EDG) when started during a Large Break LOCA7 A. Low lube oil presur B. Generator differential.


l C. Electrical overspeed.

l l D. Generator overcurren .

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l 63. Given tha following plant conditions:


A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred due to a large break LOC Procedure ES-1.3 " Transfer to RHR containment sump"is in us l t


Both diesels were running unloaded and subsequently shutdown and l placed in standb Offsite power has just been los Which ONE of the following statements describes ECCS pump status?

j A. All ECCS pumps are load shed and must be manually restarted.

l B. All ECCS pumps are load shed and then only the CCP's sequenced back on automatically by their Blackout Sequence timer '

l C. RHR and Si pumps are load shed and then sequenced back on automatically by


their Safety injection Sequence timer D. All ECCS pumps are load shed and then the RHR and SI pumps sequenced back on automatically by their Safety injection Sequence timers.

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64. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- Unit 1 RCS has a stuck open pressurizer safety valv '

- The reactor tripped and safety injection initiate The RCS rapidly depressurized to saturation condition l

- Pressurizer level indicates 100 %. l

Which ONE of the following characterizes the relationship between pressurizer level and RCS inventory under these conditions?

A. Level is an accurate indication of inventory, because ECCS flow will keep RCS i subcooling within limits and prevent voiding'in the RC I B. Level is an accurate indication of inventory, because hydraulic pressure forces any l water to the pressurizer steam space and out the safet l


C. Level is NOT an accurate indication of inventory, because RCS voiding may result in a rapidly increasing pressurizer leve D. Level is NOT an accurate indication of inventory, because at higher temperatures  ;

the cold calibrated pressurizer level channels indicate hig !


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i 65. Given the following Plant Conditions:

Containment pressure is presently 1.5 psig, following a loss of coolant accident. As a l MINIMUM, which ONE of the following describes the action necessary to permit Containment Spray Pump 18-B to be stopped and its handswitch returned to A-Auto?

I A. Depress train-A and train-B Containment Spray Pump reset pushbuttons on Control Panel M, l l

B. Reset train-B Phase-B Containment Isolation Signal and then depress the trair, - 4 Containment Spray Pump reset pushbutton.

C. Block the train-B Safety injection Signal and then depress the train-B Containment i

Spray Pump reset pushbutto !

j D. Depress the train-B Containment Spray Pump reset pushbutton on Control Panel


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66. Which ONE of the following is the maximum allowable administrative deviation in power range channel indications for 0-SI-OPS-92-78 " Power Range Neutron Flux Channel Calibration by Heat Balance Comparison"?

A. The indicated "as-found" power level from each operable NIS neutron flux channel must equal the core thermal power level to within .5%.

B. The indicated "as-left " power level from each operable NIS neutron flux channel that was adjusted must equal the core thermal power level to within .5%.

C. The indicated "as-left " power level from each operable NIS neutron flux channel that was adjusted must equal the core thermal power level to within 2%.

D. The indicated "as-found" power level from each operable NIS neutron flux channel must equal the core thermal power level to within 3%.


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67. Giv:n the following Plant Conditions:


Unit 1 in Mode 6 with vessel head installed.




Midloop operations in progres SG hot and cold leg manways are remove SG nozzle dams installed on hot leg SG nozzle dams not installed on cold leg No vents are open in the RC Loss of RHR cooling occur Which ONE of the following will occur as a long-term result of this event if NO corrective action can be taken?

A. Steam formation in hot legs will cause erroneous reactor vessel level indicatio B. Steam formation in upper head will increase pressure enough to blow out one or '

i more SG hot leg nozzle dam l C. Steam formation in upper head will depress vessel level and displace water out the SG cold leg nozzle D. Steam formation in hot legs and resultant steam expansion will displace water out the PZR PORV I l


ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 67

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68. Given the followino Plant Conditions:

- A Fire / Explosion on the Unit 1 Main Bank Transformer 1-A has caused the HPFP '

sprinkler system to discharg An auto Fire Pump start signal has been generate The new HPFP -A has lost control power and did not star Under these conditions what design feature allows the HPFP-A to be started?

A. An emergency motor power supply breaker from 480 V shutdown bd.1 A-A has to be manually close B. An emergency run D-Ring " push /tum to lock" switch that mechanically closes the i

normal breaker must be use '

C. An emergency 125 V DC control power breaker must be manually closed from the pump ski D. The jockey pump auto starts if pump discharge pressure is < 130 psig and will b supply enough flow and pressure to satisfy fire protection requirement ROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 68

69. Which one of the following conditions requires the operator to Emergency Borate using EA-68-47 A. Receipt of the " Rod Control Limit " LOW' alar B. RCS T-AVG is at 535 deg. F and Core Burnup is 11,000 MWD /MTU following a Rx tri C. An unisolated main steam line break with RCS T-AVG at 520 deg. F and decreasin D. An uncontrolled or unexplained increase in source range counts during a Rx startu \



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70.The high gaseous activity contents of a Waste Gas Decay Tankis being released to the atmosphere using the normal gaseous waste discharge pat Which ONE of the following radiation monitors will detect a release?

A. Auxiliary Building Ventilation Monitor [RE-90-101).

B. Containment Purge Air Exhaust Monitor [RE-90-130].

l C. Service Building Ventilation Monitor [RE-90-132].

D. Shield Building Ventilation Monitor [RE-90-400].

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, 71. During the performance of E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, a red path for


( containment pressure is idantified. The operators transition to FR-Z.1, Response to High High Containment Pressure and upon completion of all required steps in FR-Z.1, the red path condition still exists. The operator shoul A. repeat the sequence of steps of FR-Z.1, then return to E-1 at step in effect.

l B. return to E-1 at the step in effec C. continue to repeat actions in FR-Z.1 until the red path condition clear D. retum to E-1 at the step in effect and concurrently perform the actions of FR-Z.1 red path until conditions clear .


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. 72. Steps 3 and 4 of FRS.1, " Nuclear Powar Gcnaration/ATWS", require the

I operator to:


3. ' " CHECK AFW Operation" 4. " INITIATE Boration of the RCS" Which ONE of the following is the reason that each of the above actions must be performed manually by the operator instead of through manual initiation of Si to simultaneously accomplish these actions?

A. Initiation of SI will compound the problem by charging the RCS system solid, I causing pressurizer safety valves to lif !


B. Initiation of SI will reduce the possible paths for emergency boration and add to a .)

loss of heat sink problem, if one exist '

' C. Prompt operator action ensures the most direct method of boration into the RCS I and ensures feedwater is maintained when Si is not require D. Operator action is necessary to prevent complicated recovery actions resulting from i a full SI.-

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73. Unit 1 is oparating at 30% steaay state reactor power. A maintenance technician


mistakenly pulls tha instrument power fuses to PR channel N-42. Then, realizing the


error, he immediately reinserts the N-42 fuses and then pulls the instrument fuses for channel N-4 '

Which ONE of the following describes the reactor protection system response to these actions?

A. Power Range neutron flux low setpoint reac,or tri ,

I B. Power Rang i over-power rod stop is deactivated.

i C. Power Range Negative Rate reactor tri D. Power Range neutron flux high setpoint reactor tri \

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74. Given th3 following Plant conditions:

-The reactor is being shutdow Reactor power is 10 -4% power on intermediate range NI-3 The OATC reports that intermediate range channel NI-35 has not decreased below j l 10 -3% power and appears to be inoperable (not moving).

Which ONE of the following describes the required operator actions during the shutdown?

A. Manually reset source range instruments when NI-36 decreases below 10 -5%


I B. If NI-35 / NI-36 mismatch becomes greater than 1 decade then manually trip the reactor,


C. Insure source range instruments automatically energize when NI-36 decreases I below 10 -5% powe D. Pull control power fuses for NI-35 detector and continue the shutdow t i


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75. ECA-2.1 "Uncontroll:d D: pressurization of All Steam Generators" directs that a minimum of 25 gpm must be maintained to each S/G with a narrow range level of less than 10 %, the basis for this step is:

A. Allow feedflow to increase when needed without damaging steam generator component B. Minimize RCS heat up potential thus reducing Pressurized Thermal Shock concern C. Minimize any radiation release to the atmospher D. Maintain minimum conditions for natural circulatio .


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76. The two parameters indicated by the diesel g:nerator synchroscope are:

A. Current and voltage difference B. Frequency and current difference C. Frequency and phase difference D. Current and phase difference .


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-77. Given the following Plant conditions: l I

- RCS is at 685 psi $

- Average core exit thermocouple readings is 500 degrees Offsite power is availabl #1 SIG has a ruptured tube and has been isolated. Pressure is 725 psi {

  1. 2 S/G MSIVs and bypass valves were inadvertently shut. Pressure is 1025 psi #3 S/G used for cooldown (steam to condenser). Pressure is 765 psi #4 S/G used for cooldown (steam to condenser). Pressure is 760 psi You are at step #43 of E- Which ONE of the following is the next required transition from E-37


A. ES-3.1 Post SGTR Cooldown Using Backfil l


B. ES-3.1 Post SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdow '


C. ECA-3.1 SGTR and LOCA Subcooled Recover I l

D. ECA-3.2 SGTR and LOCA Saturated Recover l




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78. Given the following conditions on Unit 2: I




Leakage into #3 steam generator is determined to be 0.5 gp . No leakage is detectable into the other steam generator Other leakage whose source cannot be identified is determined to be 0.6 gp Leakage from known sources other than steam generator leakage is determined to be 4.0 gp ,

With these conditions in existence, Technical Specification leakage limits:

A. are not exceeded for any leakage categor B. are exceeded for unidentified leakag C. are exceeded for pressure boundary leakag .

D. are exceeded for steam generator leakag . .-

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79. Sequoyah Unit 1 is operating in Mode 5 with the containment purge system in operation. Unit 2 is operating in Mode Which ONE of the following describes the special requirements in 0-SO-30-3, " Containment Purge System Operation", to operate under these conditions? l A. An operator must be available to shutdown the purge system in the event of a containment phase "A" isolatio B. An operator must be available to shutdown the purge system in the event of an auxiliary building isolatio C. An operator must immediately close purge isolation valves if high radiation is detected by containment radiation monitors RM-90-112/10 .

D. An operator must start the auxiliary building gas treatment system fans to ensure any release to the environment is filtered.

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' 80. Given the following plant conditions:

!. -

100% reactor power.

!- -

75 gpm Letdown established.



Pressurizer level increasing.



VCT level decreasin Tave is constan "FS-62-82 LOW PRESSURE LETDOWN FLOW HIGH PRESSURE HIGH" annunciator li Charging flow is decreasin All control systems are in automatic.

l Which ONE of the following events would cause these conditions?

j A. Orifice isolation valve 1-FCV-62-73 closin .

! B. Orifice isolation valve 1-FCV-62-74 openin ,

C. Letdown isolation valve 1-FCV-62-77 closin D. Letdown pressure control valve 1-PCV-62-81 closing.

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81. Which ONE of the following is required following a sustained loss of CCS flow according to 1-SO-68-2 "RCP Operation-Precautions"?

s A. To continue operation, restore CCS flow within five minutes to the affected Uni B. Trip the reactor and all reactor coolant pumps within two minutes C. Trip affected reactor coolant pumps when motor bearing temperature exceeds 180 D. Reduce CCS loads and increase seal injection flow if power is greater than 10%.



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82. Given the following:


A point source in containment is reading 500 mrem /hr at a distance of two (2)

l feet. Two options are available to complete a mandatory work assignment near I this radiation source.

Option One: Operator X can perform the assignment in thirty (30) minutes working at a distance of four (4) feet from the point sourc OptionTwo: Operators Y and Z, who have trained in the use of special extension tooling, can perform the assignment in seventy-five (75) minutes at a distance of eight (8) feet from the point sourc Which ONE of the following is the preferred option when considering the total exposure based on the ALARA plan? '

A. Option One since the total exposure is 62.5 mre B. Option Two since the total exposure is 78 mrem C. Option One since the total exposure is 125 mre D. Option Two since the total exposure is 39 mre _

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83. Tha following plant conditions exist for unit 1:


Power is 100%.


Normal CCS lineup with 1 A-A CCP runnin Pressurizer level slowly decreasin CCS surge tank level increasin Rad Monitor 1-RM-90-123, CCS Process Rad Monitor, increasin Which ONE of the following components is the source of in-leakage to the CCS under these conditions?

A. RCP seal water heat exchange B. Residual Heat Removal heat exchange C. RCP thermal barrier heat exchange '

D. Spent fuel pool cooling heat exchange )

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84. Given the following plant conditions: I

- The plant is in mode 3 at 355 deg. RCP's 1 and 2 are runnin All prerequisites are met for starting #3 RC The operators are unaware that the anti-reverse-rotation device on the #3 RCP is


NOT functioning.


If the #3 RCP is started under these conditions, which ONE of the following on #3 RCP will be most adversely affected?

l A. Stator winding insulatio B. No.1 seal packag C. Motor thrust bearing temperature.

l l D. Pump joumal bearing temperature.






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ic NE of tha following will provcnt FCV-74-1, RHR inlet isolation v e s

A. RHR suction valve, FCV-63-1, fully ope B. RCS pressure 350 psi C. RCS temperature 325 degrees D. RHR pump suction valve, FCV-74-3, fully ope I




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86. Given the following plant conditions- l l


- Unit 1 is at 25% power '

- 18 Start Bus trips out on differential relay actuation i i

Which ONE of the following describes the plant response?

A.18-8 diesel generator starts and connects to the 1B-B 6.9 kV shutdown boar l B Control rods withdra C. CVCS ietdown isolates .

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D. Reactor trip .

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87. Which ONE of the following conditions will result in a MAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION and a FEEDWATER ISOLATION on Unit 27 A. Steam Generator NR Level- 83% N B. Containment Pressure -2.51 psi C. Steam Line Pressure - 585 psi D. Reactor Trip with Low Tave - Tave @ 550 degrees .





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88. Given the following plant conditions:

- The unit is in mode 6

- A source range monitor (SRM) amplifier (A-2 output) has failed resulting in a loss of the audio count rate signal to containmen Which ONE of the following describes the actions necessary to transfer the audio count rate signal to containment?

A. Place the level trip bypass switch for the failed channel in bypass and the operable channel is automatically placed in servic B. Place the audio count rate channel selector switch on the front of the audio count rate drawer to the operable channe C. Reset the scaler timer and place the level trip bypass switch to NORMAL positio D. Place the selector switch on the rear of the audio count rate drawer assembly to the operable channe i


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89. Given the following plant conditions:

-The Unit is operating at 100% powe '


- No.1 seat leakoff flow recorder indicates 10 gp Charging flow has increased by 40 gpm to maintain pressurizer leve Which ONE (1) of the following RCP seal failures has occurred?

A. No.1 and NO. 2 seals have failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the No. 3 sea ;

B. The No. 2 seal has failed and is allowing water from the standpipe to flow out the No.1 seal leakoff lin .

C. The No.1 seal has failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the No. 2 sea D. The No. 2 and No. 3 seals have failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the N sea :

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90. Which of the following complete sets of electrical protective equipment is required for removing fuses with terminals energized with more than 300 volts or with exposed parts energized with over 50 volts?

A. Hard Ha Safety Glasses.

, Leather Gloves.

l Flame resistant clothin Grounding devic B. Hard Hat.


Safety Glasse Insulating Glove Face Shiel Rubber ma C. Hard Ha Safety Glasse Face Shiel Insulating Glove Flame resistant clothin D. Hard Ha Face Shiel Insulating Glove Flame resistant clothin Rubber ma .


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l L


91. Which ONE of the following constitutes a confined space that would require a Confined Space Entry Permit for entry?

A. Inside the containment annulu B. Waste gas decay tank roo C. Main generator exciter cubical when generator H2 pressure > 18 psi.

l l D. The fuel transfer cana .


ROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 91


- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._

9 Per FR-Z.1, the hydrogen recombiners should not be placed in service above which one of the following minimum hydrogen concentrations?


B. 4%




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i l

ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 92

_ .____ ._ _. -- ___ . . __________________________ -

93. Which ONE (1) of the following is th's required radiological posting for an area in which a p::rson could recsivo a radiation dose of 0.075 rem in an hour? .


' A. Radiation are . B. High radiation are C. Contamination are D. Very high radiation are i i


i I

i I



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i i


ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 93 I

__ ________.__1_.____.__________________._______.__ ._ _ ____-___ ._ ._ ._____ ._ - __ _ _ _ - _ _ . _

_ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ - - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - - _ __ _ - -

l 94. 'Which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM requirements for Recorder Charts l

in accordance with SSP-12.1, " Conduct of Operations?"

A. All main control room recorders must have the time, date, and initials noted by the i

individual performing the check on the chart at least once per shif B. Each recorder chart in operation must have the time, date, and initials of the individual performing the check, noted on the chart at least once per da C. All main control room recorders must have the time, date, and initials noted by the individual performing the check on the chart at least once per day.


D. Each recorder chart in operation must have the time, date, and initials of the individual performing the check, noted on the chart at least once per shif .

l i

. . . .


I' ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 94

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . Which one of the following may be assigned as the Fire Brigade incident Commander?


A. Unit Supervisor /SRO designated to perform STA function B. Unit Supervisor /SRO designated support responsibilitie I C. Unit Supervisor /SRO designated control room comman I D. Unit Operator /RO designated CRO responsibilitie ,


l l

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ROT EST1.TST Version: O Page: 95 L___-__-__________________ __-_ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

96. Tech Spec LCO 3.4.8 requires the plant to be placed in HOT STANDBY with Tavg less than 500 deg F if RCS activity exceeds the limits for DOSE EQUIVALENT l-13 Which ONE of the following is the basis for this action?

A. The iodine remains entrained in the reactor coolant making the cation bed more j effective in 1-131 remova B.-The release of activity to the atmosphere is prevented should a steam generator tube rupture occu C. The stress on the fuel cladding is reduced minimizing additional release of I-131 to the coolan D. The release of activity to the atmosphere will be limited to less than the limit for a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dose at the site boundar .


l l

l l

l l

.. .

l ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 96

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ .

l 97. After a reactor trip and safety injection on Unit 1, the following conditions are observed for Emsrgency Diescl Generator 1AA: 4 k I

- Diesel Generator Fail to Run alarm is energized l

- Green engine running light above panel 1M1 energized-Red engine running light above panel 1M1 not ,


- Diesel generator 6.9KV breaker open

- Diesel generator voltage zero Which ONE of the following correctly describes the response of EDG 1 A-A7 A. EDG 1 AA started, accelerated to 900 RPM, and then shutdown after 10 second B. EDG 1 AA feeder breaker tripped open due to overcurren '

t C. EDG 1 AA started but engine speed did not accelerate from 200 RPM to 850 RPM within 10 se D. EDG 1 AA started, engine speed exceeded 850 rpm in normal time, but did not increase to 900 rp . -

ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 97

. _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___________ _A

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - .


l 98. Given the following plant conditions:

i l


Power was decreased from 100% to 80% for planned maintenance ;


- Two rods in control bank D remained at 215 steps, all other rods in I control bank D indicated 190 steps .


Bank D step counters indicate 190 steps i


1 Which ONE of the following is the proper response for this condition?

l A. Trip the reactor and enter E-0 at step B. Remove the unit from service within 1 hou l l C. Verify Shutdown Margin within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 i


hour '


D. Be in Hot Standby within the next 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> )

. -

ROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 98

- _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _

99. Given the following plant conditions: j l


Un;t 1 is at 50% power


Instrument maintenance is performing a monthly surveillance on pressurizer level channel 11 and its associated bistables are in tri Loss of 120V AC vital instrument power board 1-1 occurs, j Which ONE of the following is a consequence of the loss of power?

A. Reactor trip and safety injection occur B. Reactor trip occurs and steam generate PORVs will control secondary pressur C. All diesel generators start but do not connect to the shutdown board D. Channel I of pressurizer level fails low and no Sl or reactor trip signals are I generate j


l l

. -

l l

l l l



ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 99 l

_ _ - _ _ _ _ - - - - _ - - - - _ _ _ . - - - - - - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ J

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . __

100. Which ONE of the following Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) conditions meets the operability requirements for the RWST in Mode 47 A. 350,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2350 ppm, and a water temperature of 80 degrees B. 365,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2450 ppm, and a water temperature of 75 degrees F.

l C. 372,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2550 ppm, and a water temperature


' of 100 degrees D. 370,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2250 ppm, and a water temperature of 65 degrees .

i l

l l-








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l ROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 100 l




- _ - - _ - , _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - - _ _






3.1. All full length (shutdown and control) rods shall be OPERABLE and positioned within i 12 steps (indicated position) of their group step counter demand position.


ACTION: With one or more full length rods untrippable, determine that the lR219 l

' SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification is satisfied


j l

l within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and be in HOT STAF"JBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, .With more than one full length rod misaligned from the group step lR219 l

! counter demand position by more than 2 12 steps (indicated position),

be in HOT STANDBY within 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> With one full length rod misaligned from ite group step counter lR219 i demand height by more than i 12 steps (indicated position), POWER {

OPERATION may continue provided that within one hour either: The rod is restored within the above alignment requirements, or lR219 The remainder of the rods in the group with the misaligned rod R22*


are aligned to within i 12 steps of the misaligned rod while


maintaining the rod sequence and insertion limit of-specification The THERMAL POWER level shall be lR159 restricted pursuant to specification during subsequent j operation, or The rod is declared inoperable and the SHUIDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification is satisfie POWER i OPERATION may then continue provided that:


s l

  • See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.2 and 3.10.3.


l l November 21, 1995 3/4 1-14 Amendment No. 114, 155, 215 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 l

l j

_ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ __ - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _



I ACTION: (Continued)

a) A reevaluation of each accident analysis of Table 3.1-1 is performed within 5 days; this reevaluation shall confim that the previously analyzed results of these accidents remain valid for the durttien of operation under these condition b) The SHUIDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification is FP determined at least once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> c) A power distribution map is obtained from the movable incere detectors and F (Z) andFkH are verified to be within their limits within 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> d) The THERMAL POWER level is reduced to less than or equal to 75% of RATED THERMAL POWER within one hour and within the next 4 the high neutron flux trip setpoinc is reduced to less than or equal to 85% of RATED THERMAL POWE l SUrNE7LLANCE REQUIREMENTS

--v The position of each full length rod shall be determined to be within the group demand limit by verifying the individual rod positions at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> except during time intervals when the Rc,d Position Deviation Monitor is inoperable, then verify the group positions at least once per 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> .3.3. Each full-length rod not fully inserted in the core shall be R219 i determined to be trippable by verifying rod freedom of movement by movement of ,

a 10 steps in either direction at least once per 92 day I l

. .

November 21, 1995

'SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 1-15 Amendment No. 215 l


_ _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .

-_-- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


, POSITION INDICATION SYSTEMS - OPERATING LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION The shutdown and control rod position. indication system and the demand position indication, system shall be OPERABLE and capable of determining the control rod positions within i 12 step APPLICABILITY: MODES 1 and ACTION: With a maximum of one rod position indicator per bank inoperable either: Detemine the position of the non-indicating rod (s) indirectly l


by the movable incore detectors at lea'st once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and '


immediately after any motion of the non-indicating rod which exceeds 24 steps in ene direction since the last determination of the rod's position, or Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

l With a maximum of one demand position indicator per bank inoperable either: ) Verify that all rod position indicators for the affected bank are OPERABLE and that the most withdrawn rod and the least l

withdrawn rod of the bank are within a maximum of 12 steps of  ;

l each other at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, or j

. Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER within 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> R217




October 4, 1995 3/4 1-17 Amendment No. 118. 213 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1

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4.1. verifying that the demand position indication system indication .iystem agree within 12 steps at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> e during time intervals when the Rod Position Deviation Monitor is inoper then tion compare system at leas.tthe demand once position indication system and the rod pos per 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> ,






. '

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s l

SEQUDYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 1-17a Amendment No.118 t June 23, 1989 I

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- m ~- -- DATE: fr/AW95




~ ~

VALIDATION DATE: ~)/30/fl REVISION DESCRIPTION: This procedure contains a Foldout Page which is printed on the back of applicable pages and a Handout Page which is two-sided (3 copies).

Revised to incorporate WOG ERG Revision 1B.



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  • ~




DESCRIPTION: This procedure contains a Foldout Page which is printed on the l back of applicable pages and a Handout Page which is two-sided (3 copies).

Revised to incorporate WOG ERG Revision 18.

l l

l l

l l ---________________D

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . ._. _ _ - . . _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _


1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides actions to terminate leakage of reactor coolant into the secondary system following a steam generator tube ruptur .0 SYMPTOMS AND ENTRY CONDmONS


2.1 ENTRY CONDmONS E-0 l'R eactor Trip or Safety injection:

. Secondary radiatio .

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-1 Series Foidout Page .


. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-1 Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant:


. Secondary radiatio . S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-2 Faulted Steam Generator isolation:

. Secondary radiation.

. _ ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Backfill:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdown: ,

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Steam Dump:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators:

. Secondary radiatio (Step continued on next page.)

Page 2 of 35

SQN E-3 -


ECA- SGTR and LOCA - Subcooled Recovery:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- SGTR and LOCA - Saturated Recovery:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- SGTR Without Pressurizer Pressure Control:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne . Pressurizer pressure control restore FR- Steam Generator High Level:

. Secondary Radiatio .



Page 3 of 35



STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Loss of seal injection flow could result in RCS debris entering the RCP seals and adversely affect RCP seal performanc . MONITOR RCP trip criteria:


a. CHECKthefollowing: a. GO TO Step . At least one CCP OR SI pump AND

. RCS pressure less than 1250 psig b. STOP RCP . BYPASS condensate DI.

O Page 4 of 35

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _


a. IDENTIFY Ruptured S/G(s) as a. WHEN Ruptured S/Gs identified, indicated by any of the following: THEN PERFORM Steps 4. and . Unexpected rise in any S/G GO TO Caution prior to Step narrow range leve 'OR

. High radiation from any S/G sampl ,


. RADCON survey of main steamlines and S/G blowdown i line OR

. High radiation on any main steamline radiation monito OR

. High radiation on S/G blowdown recorders RR-90-120 and RR-90-12 Page 5 of 35 a


E-3 -

SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION . Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source of food flow will result in loss of secondary heat sin . Isolating all S/Gs will result in a loss of secondary heat sin . ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s):

a. ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s)

atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO. (1040 psig)

b. CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric b. WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure relief hand switch in P-AUTO and less than 1040 psig, valve (s) CLOSE THEN PERFORM the following:

1) VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSE ) IF atmospheric relief NOT closed, THEN CLOSE atmospheric relie IF Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnelto close atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2,


Local Control of S/G PORVs.


c. CLOSE TD AFW pump steam supply c. IF at least one MD AFW pump running, from Ruptured S/G(s) FCV-1-15 or THEN FCV-1-1 ISOLATE TD AFW pump locall d. VERIFY Ruptured S/G(s) blowdown d. CLOSE valve (s).

isolation valves CLOSE (Step continued on next page.)

Page 6 of 35

- _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _


MSIV bypass valve:

i 1) CLOSE Intact S/G MSIVs and MSIV

! . CLOSE valves manually, bypass valves.


OR IF any intact S/G MSIV or MSIV bypass valve can NOT be closed,

. CLOSE valves locally THEN .

USING EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs CLOSE affected valve USING Locall EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locall ) CLOSE the following:

. HP steam to MSRs

. Condenser steam dumps

. HP steam to MFW pump turbine l

. MFW pump steam seals

. Main Turbine steam seals

. Steam header traps USING EA-1-4, Steam Trap isolatio ]

3) USE intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief for steam dum IF any Ruptured S/G can NOT be isolated from at least one intact S/G, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and


LOCA - Subcooled Recover l l




Page 7 of 35

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_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _



- . Rev.11 i

l STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION Feeding a S/G that is Faulted and Ruptured increases the potential for an uncontrolled RCS cooldown and S/G overfill. This option is NOT to be considered UNLESS needed for RCS cooldow . MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) levelin ,

narrow range:


a. CHECK narrow range level a. MAINTAIN feed flow to Ruptured S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV). UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV]. ,

GO TO Caution prior to Step l


l l

b. STOP feed flow to Ruptured S/G(s).


i i



. -

Page 8 of 35

- _ _ - _ - _ -

c___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _




CAUTION Any time a pressurizer PORV opens, there is a possibility that it may stick ope . MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves

! a. Powerto block valves AVAILABLE a. DISPATCH personnel to restore power to block valves USING EA-201-1,480 V


Board Room Breaker Alignment b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED b. IFpressurizerpressure less than 2335 psig, l

THEN l CLOSE pressurizer PORV IF pressurizer PORV can NOT be closed,

! THEN CLOSE its block valve.

i IF pressurizer PORV remains open

., AND associated block valve can NOT be closed,


- Subcooled Recovery.

. -

c. At least one block valve OPE c. OPEN one block valve UNLESS it was


closed to isoiate an open PORV.

l l

l Page 9 of 35 l

___-___ _ _

-3 SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CHECK S/G secondary pressure VERIFY all Faufted S/G(s) ISOLATED boundary integrity: UNLESS needed for cooldown:

. S/G pressures controlled or rising . MSIVs and MSIV bypasses CLOSED


. S/G pressures greater than 140 psi . MFW ISOLATED

. Atmospheric relief CLOSED

. S/G blowdown valves CLOSED -

. Steam supply to TD AFW pump ISOLATED (S/G 1 or 4).


IF any Faulted S/G NOTisolated AND NOT needed for cooldown, THEN GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator isolatio . MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels:

a. Greaterthan 10% [25% ADV] a. MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV]

in at least one intact S/ b. Between 10% [25% ADV) and 50%. b. IF level in any intact S/G continues to rise

- - in an uncontrolled manner, THEN GO TO Note prior to Step Page 10 of 35

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- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Rev.11 !


. AUTO S.I. BLOCKED permissive LIT [M-4A, C4]



permisswe DARK [M-4A, D4).

I 10. RESET Phase A and Phase . ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containmen '

12. MONITOR AC busses energized ENERGIZE AC busses from offsite power from start busse USING EA-202-1, Energizing 6900 V Power Distribution Syste IF necessary, THEN ENSURE diesel generators supplying shutdown board ,

WHEN shutdown power restored, THEN ENSURE safeguards equipment running as necessar l Page 11 of 35


- _- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _


a. CHECK RHR pumps a. IF RHR pumps aligned to containment ALIGNED to RWS sump, THEN GO TO Step 1 b. CHECK RCS pressure b. GO TO Step 1 greaterthan 180 psi c. STOP RHR pumps and -

PLACE in A-AUT d. MONITOR RCS pressure d. START RHR pump greater than 180 psig.

. ._

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- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ -



a. CHECK either of the following a. DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure conditions SATISFIED: UNTIL conditions satisfied UNLESS Ruptured S/G needed

. Ruptured S/G MSIVs and for RCS cooldow MSIV bypass valves CLOSE .




. MSIV(s) and MSIV bypass valve (s) CLOSED on intact S/G(s)

to be used for RCS cooldow b. CHECK the following CLOSED: b. CLOSE valves as necessar . Ruptured S/G blowdown valves

. Ruptured S/G steam supply to TD AFW

. Ruptured S/G atmospheric relie i 15. CHECK Ruptured S/G pressure GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA greater than 380 psi Subcooled Recover _

l l



Page 13 of 35





- Rev.11


STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE . Blocking low steamline pressure Si as soon as pressurizer pressure is less than 1920 psig will prevent an inadvertent MSIV closure and keep the condenser available for steam dum .

. After the low steamline pressure SI signal is blocked, main steamline isolation will occur if the high steam pressure rate setpoint is exceede .

. The 1250 psig RCP trip criterion is NOT applicable after RCS cooldown is initiated in the following ste . INITIATE RCS cooldown:

a. DETERMINE target core exit T/C temperature based on Ruptured S/G pressure:

Ruptured S/G pressure (psig) Target Core Exit T/C Temp (*F)

1100 515 1000 500 900 490 800 475 700 460 600 445 500 425

- ~

400 400 380 390 (Step continued on next page.)

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_ __

STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RE.SPONSE RESPONSE NOT OSTAINED 16. b. DUMP steam to condenser b. DUMP steam at maximum achievable rate from Intact S/G(s) at maximum USING intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief (s),

achievable rat IF local control of atmospheric reliefs is necessary, THEN DISPATCH personnelto dump steam at maximum achievable rate USING '

EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORV IF Intact S/G NOT available, THEN PERFORM the following:

. USE Faulted S/ OR

. GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover c. WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN j PERFORM the following:

. BLOCKlow steamline pressure St.


l [M-4A, A4)

(Step continued on next page.)

j Page 15 of 35 I



STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 16. d. CHECK core exitT/Cs d. GO TO Step 1 less than target temperature determined in Substep 1 e. STOP RCS cooldow MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperature, g. DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure UNTIL RCS cooldown COMPLETE . CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) pressure IF Ruptured S/G(s) pressure drops to stable or risin less than 250 psig above pressure of Intact S/G(s) being used for cooldown, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover . CHECK RCS subcooling based on core GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA exit T/Cs greater than 60* Subcooled Recover _


Page 16 of 35

i l


19. DEPRESSURIZE RCS to minimize break flow and to refill pressurizer:

a. CHECK normal pressurizer spray a. GO TO Cautions prior to Step 2 AVAILABL <

b. INITIATE maximum available pressurizer spra c. CHECK depressurization rate c. GO TO Cautions prior to Step 2 ADEQUAT d. CONTINUE depressurization UNTIL any of the following conditions SATISFIED:

. Both of the following:

1) RCS pressure less than Ruptured S/G(s)

pressure AND

- -~

2) Pressurizerlevel greater than 10% [20% ADV OR

. Pressurizer level greater than 65%.


. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40* (Step continued on next page.)

Page 17 of 35 j

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


1) Normal spray valves 1) STOP RCP(s) supplying failed spray valve (s).

2) Auxiliary spray valve ) ISOLATE auxiliary spray line.


l l f. GO TO Caution prior to Step 22.





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E-3 -



l CALITION . Depressurizing the RCS using a pressurizer PORV may result in PRT rupture l with attendant abnormal containment condition l

. Excessive cycling of a pressurizer PORV increases the potential for I


PORV failure.



NOTE Upper head voiding due to RCS depressurization under natural circulation conditions may result in a rapidly rising pressurizer leve l 20. DEPRESSURIZE RCS


USING one pressurizer PORV to minimize

! break flow and to refill pressurizer:

a. CHECK at least one pressurizer ESTABLISH auxiliary spray USING PORV AVAILABLE EA-62-4, Establishing Auxiliary Spra IF auxiliary spray established, THEN GO TO Step 1 IF auxiliary spray can NOT be established, THEN PERFORM the following:

[ 1) CLOSE normal and auxiliary sprays.

l l

2) GO TO ECA-3.3, SGTR Without Pressurizer Pressure Contro (Step continued on next page.)

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l '

STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 20. b. OPEN one pressurizer PORV UNTIL any of the following conditions SATISFIED:

. ~ BOTH of the following:

1) RCS pressure ,

less than Ruptured S/G(s)

pressure AND 2) Pressurizerlevel greater than .10% [20% ADV OR

. Pressurizerlevel greater than 65%.


. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40* c. CLOSE pressurizer POR c. CLOSE block valv d. CLOSE spray valve (s):

1) Normal spray valves 1) STOP RCP(s) supplying failed spray valve (s).

2) Auxiliary spray valve ) ISOLATE auxiliary spray lin Page 20 of 35

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- i STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 21. CHECK RCS pressure RISIN CLOSE pressurizer PORV block valv IF pressure continues to drop, THEN PERFORM the folicwing:

1) MONITOR the following conditions for indication of leakage from pressurizer -


. Acoustic Monitoring System

. Tail pipe temperatures

. PRT indication ) GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover l l

l l l

l l

l Page 21 of 35 l

. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___


E-3 SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION Any delay in terminating Si after termination criteria are met may cause Ruptured S/G(s) overfil .

22. CHECK if ECCS flow should be terminated: ,

a.' RCS subcooling baseo on core exit a. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump T/Cs greater than 40*F GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled F.ecover b. Secondary heat sink: b. DO NOT STOP ECCS pumps.


GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA l . Narrow range level - Subcooled Recovery.

I in at least one intact S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV)


. Total feed flow to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm AVAILABLE c. RCS pressure stable or rising c. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recovery.

l. .

d. Pressurizerlevel d. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump greater than 10% [20% ADV). GO TO Step 1 Page 22 of 35

__ __

- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ __ __ _ .


. Si pumps

. All BUT one CC .



a. CLO9E inlet isolation valves FCV-63-30 and FCV-63-4 b. CLOSE outlet isolation valves FCV-63-26 and FCV-63-2 . ESTABLISH normal charging flow; a. CLOSE seal water flow control valve FCV-62-8 b. OPEN alternate or normal charging isolation valve FCV-62-85 or FCV-62-8 I c. OPEN charging flow isolation valves


FCV-62-90 and FCV-62-9 d. ESTABLISH desired charging flow USING seal water and charging flow control valves FCV-62-89 and


FCV-62-9 . CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer leve Page 23 of 35 l

i l


a. RCS subcooling based on core exit a. START ECCS pumps as necessar T/Cs greater than 40*F GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover b. Pressurizerlevel b. START ECCS pumps as necessar greater than 10% [20% ADV).

IF pressurizerlevel can NOT be maintained, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover . MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped:

a. CHECK any containment spray pump a. GO TO Step 2 RUNNIN b. CHECK containment pressure b. GO TO Step 2 ~

less than 2.0 psi c. RESET Containment Spra d. STOP containment spray pumps and PLACE in A-AUT e. CLOSE containment spray discharge valves FCV-72-2 and FCV-72-3 Page 24 of 35

. ____-- __ _ _ _ ._ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .



29. CHECK VCT makeup control system: ADJUST controls as necessary, a. Makeup set for greaterthan RCS i boron concentration.

l b. Makeup set for automatic contro .

30. MONITOR if letdown can be established; a. CHECKpressurizerlevel a. GO TO Step 3 greater than 20% [35% ADV b. ESTABLISH letdown USING b. ESTABLISH excess letdown USING l


EA-62-5, Establishing Normal EA-62-3, Establishing Excess Letdow Charging and Letdow l l


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31. DETERMINE if CCP suction can be aligned to VCT:

a. CHECK CCP suction a. GO TO Step 3 ALIGNED to RWS b. OPEN VCT outlet valves LCV-62-132 and LCV-62-133 and PLACE in PULL A-P-AUT c. CLOSE RWST valves LCV-62-135 and LCV-62-136 and PLACE in PULL A-P-AUT _


. __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _






32. CONTROL RCS pressure and makeup flow to minimize RCS-to-secondary leakage:

a. PERFORM appropriate action (s) from table:


[35% ADV] makeup flow, makeup flow, makeup flow, e DEPRESSURIZE e MAINTAIN RCS l RCS USING and Ruptured S/G(s)

l Substep 3 pressures equa Between DEPRESSURIZE TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS 20% [35% ADV) RCS USING pressurizer heater and Ruptured and 50% Substep 3 S/G(s) pressures l equal.

l Between e REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS j 50% and 65% makeup flo pressurizer heater and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures equa e DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 32.b.

l Greater than 65% REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS f makeup flo pressurizer heator and Ruptured S/G(s)

i pressures equa b. USE normal pressurizer spray as b. IF letdown in service, required by Substep 3 THEN USE auxiliary spray USING EA-62-4, Establishing Auxiliary Spra IF letdown NOT in service OR auxiliary spray can NOT be established, THEN USE one pressurizer POR (Step continued on next page.)

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less than 1040 psi ) MAINTAIN RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 40* ) DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 32.b. UNTIL RCS pressure


less than 1040 psi ) DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure


UNTIL RCS pressure and Ruptured S/G(s) pressures less than 1040 psi ) MAINTAIN RCS and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures less than 1040 psi . DETERMINE if diesel generators should be stopped:

a. ' VERIFY shutdown board a. ATTEMPT to restore offsite power to ENERGlZED from start busse shutdown boards USING EA-202-1, Energizing 6900 V Power Distribution Syste b. PLACE any unloaded diesel generator in standby USING EA-82-1, Placing D/Gs in Standb . _

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- - - . - . __ ______ . - _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SON E-3 STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 34. DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-3, Minimizing Secondary Plant Contaminatio . OPERATE pressurizer heaters to ,

maintain pressurizer at saturation i


temperature for Ruptured S/G pressur . CHECK RCP cooling NORMAL: ESTABLISH normal cooling to RCPs USING EA-68-2, Establishing RCP Start

. RCP CCS flow Condition l

. RCP sealinjection flo . DETERMINE if RCP seal retum flow should be established:



a. VERIFY CCS cooling to seal water a. ESTABLISH CCS cooling to seal heat exchanger NORMAL: water heat exchange . SEAL WATER HX OUTLET IF CCS cooling to seal water heat !

FLOW / TEMP ABNORMAL exchanger can NOT be established, !

alam1 DARK [M-27B, A6 (A7)]. THEN GO TO Step 38.



b. OPEN seal retum isolation valves FCV-62-61 and FCV-62-6 Page 29 of 35 J

__ __ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ .

E-3 -



CAUTION Loss of all RCP seal cooling may cause RCP seal damage and will require a TSC status evaluation prior to restarting affected RCP NOTE To optimize normal pressurizer spray capability, the preferred RCP starting order is: 2,1,4, .

38. MONITOR RCP status:

a. CHECK aileast one RCP RUNNING, a. AMMPT to start one RCP:

1) IF all RCP seal cooling has previously been lost .

THEN NOTIFY TSC to initiate RCP restart status evaluatio ) IF RVLIS lower range indication less than 98%,

THEN PERFORM the following:

. RAISE pressurizer level to greater than 90%

. RAISE RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 76*F.


3) ESTABLISH conditions for starting an l RCP USING EA-68-2, Establishing RCP Start Condition (Step continued on next page.)

l l

I Page 30 of 35





Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 38. a. (continued) 4) IF conditions for starting an RCP are established, THEN i START one RC IF an RCP can NOT be started, THEN MONITOR natural circulation


USING EA-68-6, Monitoring Natura'l Circulation Condition '

IF natural circulation can NOT be verified, THEN RAISE steam durnp rat b. STOP all BUT one RC .


l l

l P[ge 31 of 35

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a. CHECKintermediate range flux a. GO TO Step 4 less than 10-5% powe .

b.' CHECK source range detectors b. REINSTATE source range detector REINSTATE c. SELECT one SRM and one IRM on -

NR-45 recorde d. ENSURE audio count rate operatio e. RESET shutdown monitor alaim setpoints. [M13] WHEN shutdown monitor ALARM LEDs cark AND HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN bistable lights dark, THEN PLACE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDDWN alarm block switches in NORMA [M13)



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40. ALIGN MSRs for hot standby:

a. DEPRESS RESET on MSR Control Panel XX-47-3000, b. ISOLATE high pressure steam to MSRs:

1) CLOSE the following valves and VERIFY status on Panel XX-1-145:

. FCV-1-141

. FCV-1-241

. FCV-1-135

. FCV-1-235

. FCV-1-143

. FCV-1-243

. FCV-1-137

. FCV-1-237

. FCV-1-145

. FCV-1-245

. FCV-1-139

. FCV-1-23 c. OPEN MSR starting vents and VERIFY status on panel XS-6- d. CLOSE MSR operating vents and VERIFY status on panel XS-6- Page 33 of 35

-. _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _




41. SHUT DOWN unnecessary plant equipment:

. MFW pump . Con DI booster pump . No. 3 heater drain tank pump '

. No. 7 heater drain tank pump . Condensate booster pumps.

l . Hotwell pump i

- .

l 42. PERFORM EA-0-9, Post Trip Administrative Requirements.

l l . -


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NOTE . Backfill method is slow but preferred since it minimizes radiological releases and facilitates processing of contaminated reactor coolan . Blowdown method is slo , but minimizes radiological releases and eliminates boron dilution and secondary chemistry effects on RC . Steam dump method is fast but may involve:

1) radiological releases if the condenser is NOT available and 2) water hammer concems if water exists in the steamline '

43. DETERMINE appropriate post-SGTR i cooldown method:

I a. SELECT appropriate procedure:


. ES-3.1, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Backfil OR

. ES-3.2, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdow OR

. ES-3.3, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Steam Dum b. GO TO selected procedur ~


END Page 35 of 35

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- IF Si has been terminated AND either of the following conditions occurs:

. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40 *F, '

.. OR

. Pressurizer level can NOT be maintained greater than 10% [20% ADVJ, THEN START ECCS pumps as necessary and GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA - Subcooled Recover *


, -l RED PATH SUMMARY l 1. SUSCRITICALITY Nuclear power greater than 5%. '


2. CORE COOLING Core exit T/Cs greater than 1200*F.

1 . OR l'


Core ext.T/Cs greater than 700*F AND all RCPs stopped AND RVLIS lower range less than 40%.

3. HEAT SINK All S/G narrow range levels less than 10% [25% ADVJ-AND Total feedwater flow less than 440 gpm.

l 4. PRESSURIZED T-cold drop greater than 100*F in last 60 minutes THERMAL AND SHOCK T-cold less than 250* !


5. CONTAINMENT Containment pressure greater than 12.0 psi EVENT DIAGNOSTICS

. IF both trains of shutdown boards doenergized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Powe . IF any S/G pressure dropping in an uncontrolled manner or less than 140 psig j AND S/G NOT isolated AND S/G NOT needed for RCS cooldown, i THEN GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator isolation.


i IF any intact S/G has level rising in an uncontrolled manner or has abnormal radiation, THEN GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture, Step 1.


. IF CST levelless than 10%,

THEN ALIGN AFW suchon to ERC . IF RWST levelless than 27%,

THEN GO TO ES-1.3, Transfer to RHR Containment Sum .. - - _ _ - - _ - . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - -






HANDOUT FOR E-3 s Page 1 of 2 STEP ACTION l MONITOR RCP trip criteria:

l . At least one CCP OR Si pump RUNNIN AND

! . RCS pressure less than 1250 psig .

- MONITOR indcations of Ruptured S/G(s).

l WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure less than 1040 psig, l RNO THEN VERIFY S/G atmospheric relief close . MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) level in narrow range greater than 10% [25% ADV . MAINTAIN feed flow to Ruptured S/G UNTil level greater than 10% [25% ADVJ.

l RNO MONITOR pressurizer PORVs arri block valves:

! a. Power to block valves AVAILA*BLE l b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED


i c. At least one block valve OPE . MAINTAIN intact S/G narrow range levels between 10% [25% ADV) and 50%.

l 8.a.- MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm RNO UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV) in at least one S/ . MONITOR AC busses energized from start busse . (if any train of shutdown power lost-- momentary or sustained) l RNO WHEN shutdown power restored, THEN ENSURE safeguards equipment running as necessar . MONITOR RCS pressure greater than 180 psi . WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN BLOCK low steamline pressure S l l

1 MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperatur l 21.1) MONITOR for indication of leakage from pressurizer POR ,

RNO  :

i 2 CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer leve I 2 MONITOR ECCS flow NOT required:

a. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 40*F b. Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV j i

- - --- - - -- -_- - ___ - - __ __

HANDOUT FOR E-3 Page 2 of 2 STEP ACTION 2 MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped. (pressure less than 2.0 psid)

3 MONITOR if letdown can be established. (pressurizer level greater than 20% [35% ADV])

3 CONTROL RCS pressure and makeup flow to minimize RCS-to-secondary leakag (see table below).

(Order of preference- normal spray, aux spray if letdown in service, pressurizer PORV.)

3 MONITOR RCS pressure less than 1040 psi . MONITOR RCP status. (at least one RCP running)


38.a.4) MONITOR natural circulatio RNO 3 MONITOR if source range detectors shoutri be reinstate (IRM flux less than 10-5% power)

3 WHEN shutdown monitor ALARM LEDs dark AND HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN bistable lights dark, THEN PLACE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN alarm block switches in NORMAL. [M13]


  • RAISE RCS RAISE RCS e RAISE RCS Less than 20% makeup flo makeup flo makeup flo {35% ADV)

Substep 32.b.- pressures equa DEPRESSURIZE TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS Between and Ruptured RCS USING pressurizer heaters.

. 20%[35% ADV] S/G(s) pressures and 50% Substep 3 equa * REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS Between and Ruptured S/G(s)

50% and 65% makeup flo pressurizer heater pressures equa e DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 3 REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS Greater than 65% and Ruptured S/G(s)

makeup flo pressurizer heater pressures equa _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

-_ . _ _ __ _ __

. _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _


~ Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 07:40 AM Answer Key Page: 1 Test Name: ROTEST1.TST Test Date: Thursday, May 21,1998 gg l Question ID Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 1 022000A301 [4.1/43] 001 MC-SR


I C C C C C C C C C C 1:

l l

2 026000A401 [4.5/43] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 3 004000K101 [3.6] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C-1: 4 071000K404 [2.90.4] 001 MC-SR I A BCDAB C DAB 1: 5 002000A103 001 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB C DA 1: MC-SR 6 015000K101 [4.1/4.2] 001 I C DAB CDA B C D 1: 7 062000K302 [4.1] 001 MC-SR I B BBB BBB BB B 1: MC-SR 8 014000K101 [3.2G.6] 001 I C DAB CDA B C D 1: 9 000011K313 [3.8) MC-SR


001 I C C C C CC C C C C 1: 10 005000K101 [3.2/3.41 001 MC SR I C DAB CDA B C D -

1: 11 011000A102 [33/3.5] 001 MC-SR 1 AB C DAB C DAB l': 12 011000A101[3.5G.6] 001 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 13 0120000001 [3.8) 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB BBB BB B


1: 14 061000K407 [3.1/33] 001 MC-SR 1 B CDA B C DAB C 1: 15 072000K501 f2.71 001 MC-SR 1 C C C C C C C C C C l 1: 16 000027A101 [4.0/3.9) 001 MC-SR 1 B CDAB C DAB C


1: 17 076000K307 [3.7] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD 1: 18 004010A207 [3.8/3.9) 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C DAB C 1: 19 025000K601 [3.4/3.6] 001 MC-SR I B CDA BC DAB C 1: 20 017020K401 [3.4G.71 001 MC-SR 1 C DAB C DA B C D 1: 21 078000A301 [3.1) 001 MC-SR 1 A AA A AA A AA A 1: 22 063000K302 [3.5G.7) 001 MC SR 1 D AB C DAB CDA 1: 23 '000003K103 [3.5] 001 MC-SR I B BB B BB B BB B l 1: 24 002020K509 [3.6/3.9) 001 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB CDA l 1: 25 025000G004 [4.0/43] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DA B l 1: 26 000059A205[3.6] 001 MC-SR I DDDDDDDDDD 1: 27 000061K302 [3.4/3.6] 001 MC-SR I A B C DAB C DAB 1: 28 015000K501[2.9G.2] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD 1: 29 072000S014 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDA B C D 1: 30 000055K302 001 MC-SR 1 A A A A AA A A A A l

, 1: 31_194001A115 [3.1] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C I 1: 32 19400lK105 [3.1/3.4] 001 MC-SR 1 B CDA B C DAB C : 33 194001 A111 l2.8/4.1) 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB C DA l 1: 34 194001All3 [43] 001 MC-SR I B BB B BBB BB B l

1: 35 194001K102 [3.7/4.1] 002 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D : _36 194001A10l [33] 001 MC-SR 1 C C C C C C C C C C 1: 37 008000A401 [33] 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA 1: 38 0270000010 [3.0] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD 1 1: 39 000056K302 [4.4/4.7) 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA 1: 40 041020K417 [3.7/3.9] 001 MC-SR 1 D A B C DA B CDA 1: 41 000008A212 [3.4/3.7J 001 MC-SR I A B C D AB C DAB 1: 42 000036K101 [3.5/4.1] 001 MC-SR 1 B CDA B C DAB C 1: 43 000067A105 [3.0) 001 MC-SR 1 A AA A AAA AAA 1: 44 015000K406 [3.9/4.2] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C DAB C DAB 1: 45 000005G00813.11 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDD DDD l'

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Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 07:40 AM Answer Key Page: 2 Test Name: ROTEST1.TST Test Date: Thursday, May 21.1998 gg,)

Question ID Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 46 068000A302 [3.6] 001 MC-SR 1 A AA A AA A AAA 1: 47 000028A106 [33] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA AAA AAA 1: 48 001000K105 [4.5] 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB B B B BB B 1: 49 061000K401 [3.9/42] 001 MC-SR 1 C DA B CDA B C D 1: 50 002000K410 [42] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 51 039000K102 [33G3] 001 MC-SR 1 B CDA B C D AB C 1: 52 012000A406 [43] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA AAA AAA 1: 53 001000K403 [3.5] 001 MC-SR I B BB B BB B B B B 1: 54 000025A102 [3.8] 001 MC-SR I C CC C C C C C C C 1: 55 006000K602 [3.4G.9] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DA B -

1: 56 001000K502[2.9G.4] 001 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 57 000074A201 [4.6/4.9] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 58 013000Alol [4.0] 001 MC-SR 1 C C C C C C C C C C 1: 59 059000K104 [3.4] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA AAA AAA 1: 60 004010A201 [3 00.71 001 MC-SR 1 B C D A B C D A B C 1: 61 000033A202 [33G.6] 002 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 62 064000K402 [3.9) 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B B B B B B B 1: 63 000056A247 [3.8) 001 MC-SR 1 B B B B B B B B B B 1: 64 000008K301 [3.7/4.4] 001 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 65 013000K410 [33G.71 001 MC-SR I D AB C DA B C DA 1: 66 015000K504 [2.6G.1] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D AB C 1: 67 005000K301 [3.9] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 68 086000K403 [3.lG.7) 001 MC-SR 1 B CDA B C DAB C 1: 69 000024K301 [4.1/4.4] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 70 071000A303 [3.6G.8] 001 MC-SR 1 D A B C DA B C DA 1: 71 000069G012 [3.5G.5] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BBB BB B 1: 72 000007A204 [4.4/4.6] 002 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 73 000007K105 [4.0/4.1] 001 MC-SR 1 C DA B CDA B C D 1: 74 000033A202 [33G.6] 001 MC-SR 1 A BC DAB C DAB 1: 75 000040K107 f3 4/4.21 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D A B C DA B 1: 76 _064000A203 [3.lG.] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 77 000038A132 [4.6/4.7) 002 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 78 000037G003 [33/3.] 001 MC-SR I DDDD DDDDDD 1: 79 029000K103 [3.6G.8] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D A B C 1: 80 000022G011 [33G.6] 001 MC-SR 1 D DDD DDDDDD 1: 81 000015A210 [3.7G.7] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BB B B B B 1: 82 194001K104 [33G.5] 001 MC-SR I A AA A AAA A A A 1: 83 000026G011 [3.4G.7] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 84 003000K201 [3.1G.1) 001 MC-SR I A B C D AB C DA B 1: 85 005000K407 [32G.5] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D A B C L A B 1: 86 062000K201 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD 1: 87 013000K403 [3.9/4.] 001 MC-SR 1 C C C C C C C C C C 1: 88 000032A204 [3.lG.5] 001 MC-SR I DDDD DDDDDD 1: 89 000015A122 [4.0/42] 001 MC-SR I C DA B CDA B C D 1: % 194001K107 I3.6/3 71 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C

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Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 07:40 AM - Answer Key Page: 3 Test Name: ROTEST1.TST Test Date: Thursday, May 21,1998

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QuestionID - Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 91 19400lKil4 [330.6] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDD DDD DDD 1: 92 19400lK115 [3.4G.8) 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 93 19400lK103 001 MC-SR 1 A B C DAB C DAB 1: 94 194001 A10613.4G.4] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BBB BB B 1: 95 19400lKil6 [3.5/4.2] 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB BB B BB B 1: % 000076K305 001 MC SR I B BBB BBB BBB 1: 97 064000A303 (3.403] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDAB CD 1: 98 000005K306 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD l 1: 99 000057A219 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB BBB BBB 1: 100 0060000010 [3.4 0.7] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C l

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1. Given the following plant conditions: ND~ '

- The plant is operating at 100% powe e[uUo k 98-3q

- Channel #3 of the containment "HIGH-HIGH PRESS" pressure switches is out of service for surveillance testing and its bistable is BYPASSED, its associated channel 3 "HIGH PRESS" bistable has been tripped as allowed by Tech. Spec Subsequently, channel #2 of the containment "HIGH PRESS" pressure switches fail such that a high pressure signal is initiate Which ONE of the following describes the Cont. Spray system and plant response to the pressure switch failur A. Containment Spray WILL NOT actuate; Cont. Isolation Phase B actuates; Rx trip and Si actuat B. Cont Spray WILL actuate; Rx trip and Si and Cont Phase A actuat C. Cont Spray WILL NOT actuate; Rx trip, SI and Cont. Phase A actuate.

f D. Cont. Spray WILL actuate; Cont. Isolation Phase B actuates; Rx trip and Si actuat _

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2. Given the following Plant Conditions:

A unit 1 Rx trip signal is generate / Rx trip breaker B open Rx trip breaker A does not ope Reactor bypass breakers are ope i NIS power is 4% and decreasing )

Control rod H10 indicates 228 steps, with no rod bottom light  !

Control rod H6 indicates 228 steps, with no rod bottom light Which ONE of the following identifies the procedure flow path for this  !

situation?  !

A. Immediately enter both EO, "Rx Trip or Safety injection" and EA-68-4, " Emergency Boration" and initiate emergency boration to the specified volume while performing immediate actions of E '

l B. Immediately enter procedure FRS.1, " Nuclear Power Generation /ATWS", and initiate emergency boration when directed by FR- C. Enter procedure EO, "Rx Trip or Safety injection" and at step 4 go to ES 0.1,

" Reactor Trip Response", and initiate emergency boration when directed by ES- D. Enter procedure E-0, "Rx Trip or Safety injection" and at step 1 go to FRS.1 and initiate emergency boration per EA-68-4, " Emergency Boration".  !

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l 3. Which ONE of the following is the maximum expected dose at the exclusion boundary that could be received by a person following an inadvertent ( release from a Waste Gas Decay tank?

A. A total body exposure of 0.002 rem B. Not more than the 10 CFR 100 iodine limit over a one hour period.

l C. Not more than the 10 CFR 20 iodine limit over a two hour period.

l D. A total body exposure of 0.5 re .

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4. Which ONE of the following describes the reason for RCP restart in FR-P.1,

" Pressurized Thermal Shock,"if the Si termination criteria cannot be satisfied?

A. Restores PZR spray to allow RCS depressurization in subsequent steps with ECCS still in servic B. Equalizes SG pressures to allow simultaneous cooldown of all four loops in subsequent step C. Mixes ECCS injection water and RCS water to raise the fluid temperature entering the vessel downcome I


D. Transfers Core Cooling to forced flow allowing the cperators to terminate ECC .

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_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ ._ _ __ . Given the following plant conditions:

- Unit 1 is MODE 4 '

- Temperature was stable for the previous hour '

- RCS heat up is now in progres RCS temperature has increased from 297 degrees F to 303 degrees F in ten minute WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions will result in reaching the MAXIMUM RCS Heat Up Rate allowed by Technical Specifications at the end of the first hour?

A. Increase Heat Up Rate to 0.28 degrees F per minut B. Increase Heat Up Rate to 1.28 degrees F per minut .

C. Increase Heat Up Rate to 0.88 degrees F per minut 'D. Increase Heat Up Rate to 1.88 degrees F per minut !



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6. Given the following Plant conditions:

- Unit 1 is at 25% power increasing to 100%.


- AOP-S.02 " Loss of Condenser Vacuum" was entered due to Condenser vacuum indication decreasin Condenser vacuum is currently stable at 2.1 psi Exhaust Hood Temperature is 228 degrees F and increasing slowl Which ONE of the following actions is applicable per AOP-S.02 " Loss of Condenser Vacuum" for these conditions?

A. Trip the reactor; enter E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety injectio B. Immediately reduce turbine load to increase vacuu C. Stop the power increase and restore vacuum to normal range, if condenser '

l pressure exceeds 2.7 psia then trip the reacto l D. Trip the Turbine; enter AOP-S.06, Turbine Trip l

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7. Which ONE of the following is the order of sequential start for the following equipment after an SI plus Blackout 7 CCP pumps 2. CCS pumps 3. ERCW pumps Sipumps 5. TBBP pumps 6. AFW pumps RHR pumps I

A.1,3,6,5,2,4,7, B.1,4,7,3,6,5,2 C.1,3,6,2,4,7,5 D.1,5,3,6,2,4,7


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8. Given tha following Plant Conditions:

- Unit 1 is at 100 % power

- Condenser Circulating water temperature is at 79 deg. F.


- A Third CCW pump is starte Condenser Vacuum changes from 23" Hg vacuum to 28" Hg vacuu Which ONE of the following describes the plant response to this changing vacuum condition?

A. Turbine back pressure increasin B. Reactor thermal power decreasin C. Hotwell temperature increasin D. Generator megawatt output increasin ._

l SROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 8

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-l 9. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- A loss of all off site power has occurre Both emergency diesel generators are running carrying 1250 KW eac The plant is being cooled down per ES-0.2, " Natural Circulation Cooldown."  ;

Which ONE of the following concerns should be addressed before 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> have passed since the loss of offsite power?

A. Diesel generators loads must be decrease < 1000 K i i

B. Diesel generator loads must be reduced to preserve the fuel suppl C. Diesel generators loads must be increased > 1600 KW, I i

D.- Si must be manually actuated to maintain pressurizer level due to cooldown rate '

increase per ES- l


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10. Gitten the following Plant Conditions:



- Loss of power on 120V AC vital instrument board 1-1 Feedwater flow and steam flow selected for "B" trai i

- Rx power 100 % on Unit 1.

l - Control Rods are in automatic.

! - 1B-B CCP is in service for normal charging and RCP seal flo Which ONE of the following describes the Plant response for these conditions?

A. Control Rods step in at maximum rate.

i B. Rx Tri C. Steam dumps fail ope .

D. Steam generator overfill.

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11. Given the Following Plant Conditions:

- Rx power is 99%

, - Pressurizer Level is 58% -

- Letdown Flow is 75 gpm (one orifice)

- A charging line leak developes near the charging line cont. penetration'(outside cont.) that diverts all charging flow from the lin Normal seal injection is maintaine Assume NO_ operator action is take Which one of the following statements describes the FINAL unit response?

A. High level tri B. High pressure tri .

C. Low pressure tri D. Low-low level alar . --

SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 11

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12. Given the following plant conditions:

-T-AVG is on program at 567 deg. F for 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> The Pressurizer Level Control System is in MANUAL due to a controller failur Repairs have been completed and the Pressurizer Level Control Systern is being returned to Automatic contro l Which one of the following setpoints should the program level be set at for the transfer to automatic?  !

A. 37%


B. 43%

C. 48%


l D. 54%  !

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13. Which ONE of the following describes a CHANNEL CALIBRATION per Technical Specifications?


A. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel input such that it responds within the necessary range and accuracy for the associated trip function B. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel output such that it responds with the necessary range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel monitor C. The adjustment, as necessary, of the channel sensor to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions which the channel transmitt D. The adjustment, as necessary, of a single channel output such that it matches the average values of other channels which monitor the same paramete ,

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14. Given the following plant conditions: 4 l TDarwP Aic c.bcep M(,dh4


.'cin c'ecm !!nc p'escu p nssart, .e is 98 psig and has been for 62 seconds,


Which one of the following describes requirements for the automatic transfer of steam supply to the TD AFW A. FCV 1-15 is open, FCV 1-16 is ope ,

B. FCV 1-51 is open, FCV 1-16 is close C. FCV 1-51 is open, FCV 1-15 is close D. FCV 1-15 is open, FCV 1-51 is close .


'fy, i n ocig nd pukim, co ccect eJ. kr.g 4.a.~ .

C h59 a.yd do g Lc g hek,141c . gg v/else l






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l SROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 14

o 15. Following a control room evacuation due to a fire, control of dt components has been transferred to the backup controls. The shutdown board handswitch for the 18-B Si pump is "OFF" when a valid Si signal is receive Which ONE of the following describes the response of the 1B-B Si pump? l A. Pump will start and remain running until Si is rese I B. Pump will start and remain running until its associated breaker is opened locall ;

C. Pump will NOT start but the operator may start the pump using the shutdown panel switch without first resetting S ,

D. Pump will NOT start but the operator may start the pump by first resetting.Sl and 1

then using the shutdown panel switc i i






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16. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- A large load rejection from 100% power has occurre The steam dumps have failed to ope PZR pressure is peaking at 2400 psi All systems are in automatic and functioning as designed.


Which one of the following conditions would you expect as a consequence of the above?

A. PZR spray valves full open, PZR PORVs full open, PZR safety valves liftin B. PZR spray valves full open, PZR PORVs full open, PZR safety valves close C. PZR spray valves partially open, PZR PORVs full open, PZR safety valves close D. PZR spray valves partially open, PZR PORVs closed, PZR safety valves close '







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17. Concerning the Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) System, which ONE of the following is a response to a safety injection signal?


A. Running ERCW pumps trip off and then restar B. ERCW unit crosstie valves on the affected unit ope C. ERCW outlet valves on CCS heat Exchanger throttle to 50%.

D. Standby (selected) ERCW pump on opposite Unit start _

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18. The reactor has tripped from 100% power due to a loss of offsite electrical power, the EDGs failed to reenergize the 6.9KV shutdown I boards and the following plant indications are note RCS pressure is 1650 psig and decreasing.

l Core exit thermocouple indicate 604 degrees Wide range RVLIS indicates 90%.

Pressurizer level indicates 100%.

Which ONE of the following is most likely to cause these indications?

A. A pressurizer PORV is stuck ope B. RCS depressurization has caused the plant to go soli C. RCS temperature increase has caused the plant to go soli '

D. The steam dump controller has failed with all steam dumps fully ope l l


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l 19. The unit is in the process of ramping to full power at 10% per hour with the following conditions as read on the control boards:


NIS power 80 %

Turbine load - 960 MWE Tavg 581 degrees F Pressurizer pressure 2225 psig Which ONE of the following describes plant status with respect to l Technical Specification's limitations?

j A. Plant conditions exceed DNB parameter limits; no action is required, since cause is

! due to the power ram l


B. Plant conditions exceed DNB parameter limits; the required action is to restore temperature to within the specified limits for this pressure or reduce thermal powe '


C. Plant conditions within DNB parameter limits; no action is ' required.

I t

D. Plant conditions exceed DNB parameter limits; the required action is to restore .

pressure to within the specified limits or reduce thermal power.


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20. Which ONE of the following describes the EXO SENSOR Monitor saturation calculation?

A. Calculates the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to RCS pressure and the pressurizer vapor space RT B. Calculates the difference between the pressurizer vapor space RTD and the highest T-hot RT C. Calculates the difference between the saturation temperature corresponding to RCS pressure and the maximum core exit thermocoupl D. Calculates the difference between RCS pressure and the saturation pressure corresponding to the average T-hot RT .



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21. After refu ling, the NIS intermediate range channels were not adjusted correctly to l

account for the lower leakage core pattern resulting from the core reloa ,

l Which ONE of the following would occur during the startup following the refueling

, outage?

A. Source and intermediate range overlap would be excessiv l B. A rod stop would occur due to the significantly lower intermediate range high flux setpoint C. Tne intermediate range high flux trips would occur at a significantly higher powe D. There would be no source and intermediate range overla .


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22. Which ONE of the following will occur upon a loss of 125V DC Vital Battery Board 17 A. NI-41 fails.


, B. MDAFW pump 1 A-A starts on low S/G water level.

l C. All control and service air compressors unloa D. Normal letdown isolation valves FCV-62-69 and FCV-62-70 clos .


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I 23. Unit 1 is at 100% power with a boron concentration of 800 ppm when a dropped rod l occurs. Temperature drops from 578 degrees F to 571 degrees F as Reactor power l returns to 100%. Disregarding Xe changes determine the reactivity worth of the dropped rod using the attached Informatio I A.102 pc B.124 pc C.135 pc D.270 pc l



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l 24. Given the following plant conditions:

l Reactor power is 70%

Loop 1 deltaT is offscale LOW Loop 1 Tavg indication is 612 degrees F Which ONE of the following RTD failures in loop 1 caused these indications?

i A. Two of the loop 1 Thot RTDs are shorte B. One of the loop 1 Thot RTDs is ope C. One of the loop 1 Tcold RTDs is shorte D. Two of the loop 1 Tcold RTDs are ope '





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25. Which ONE of the following statements describes the effect of operation with the Ice Condenser Lower Inlet Doors open when in MODE 17 s

A. Excessive sublimation of the ice because of warm air intrusion from the lower containment may not prevent exceeding containment design pressure of 12.0 psi B. In the event of a LOCA, levels of contamination in the upper containment will be much higher than analyze C. During a LOCA the released Reactor Coolant System fluid may be diverted away from the Ice Condenser Bay D. Inadequate sublimation of the ice bed may occur because of warm air intrusio .


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26.The unit is operating at 100% power with all systems normal. Annuciator 0-XA-55-12a window B-5 "1-RA-120A/121 A STM GEN BLDN LIO SAMP MON HIGH RAD" alarms and is vali Which ONE of the following must be done in response to this alarm?

A. Ensure 1-FCV-15-8 OPEN B. Ensure 1-FCV-15-6 CLOSED C. Reroute SGBD sample drain lines to TDC D. Ensure 1-FCV-15-44 CLOSED  !








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27. Givan th2 following plant conditions:

Unit #1 is at 100% power

- 1-RM-90-99 is OOS

- 1-RM-90-119 is in service

- No releases are in progress Alarm panel 0-XA-55-12A window C-1"1-RA-90-119A CNDS VAC PMP AIR EXH MON -


( HIGH RAD"is lit and will not rese Which ONE of the following is the most probable cause of this alarm?

A.1-RM-90-99 out of service B.1-RM-90-119 heat trace breaker open *

C.1-RM-90-120/121, SGBD, Instrument Malfunctio D. FCV-2-255 filter bypass valve ope . -



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28 Which ONE of the following describes how a THROTTLED VALVE that is locked can be verified in the correct position per GOI-6, "Appartus Operation"?

A. With the locking device REMOVED, the valve is closed and turned in the OPEN t direction the appropriate number of turns.


l B. With the locking device REMOVED, the valve is opened and turned in the CLOSE l

l direction the appropriate number of turns.

l C. The mechanical position indicator or stem position is checked for proper valve position.


D. Keep valve locked and verify locking mechanism.


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l 29. Given the following plant conditions:


Unit 1 at 100% power


Unit 2 core offload complete


Preparations to begin fuel shuffle in the Spent Fuel Pit in progress

- "0-RA-90-102A FUEL POOL RAD MONITOR HI RAD" alarms sounds


Radiation . level indicated on 0-RM-90-102 is increasing Which ONE of the following describes the proper operator response?

A. Dispatch Radcon to the control room to provide recommendation B. Announce on the PA System to evacuate the Auxiliary Building and dispatch operators to close the U-2 Equipment Hatc C. Verify the A-Train Auxiliary Building Ventilation Fans are shutdown and manually '

initiate a B-Train Auxiliary Building isolatio D. Verify A-Train and B-Train Auxiliary Building Ventilation Fans are shutdown and announce on the PA System "High Radiation at the Spent Fuel Pool Area" l





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30. Givcn the following plant conditions:



Units 1 and 2 have experienced a Loss of All AC Power


ECA-0.0, " Loss of All AC Power" has been implemented

- Step 13 directs the crew to place selected equipment in PULL TO LOCK or OFF Which ONE of the following describes the reason for defeating the automatic loading l onto the Shutdown Boards?

A To prevent potential overload of the Shutdown Boards when they are re-energize B. To prevent ECCS pump starting and thermal shock to RCS penetration C. To prevent ESF pump starts without proper cooling water and auxiliary support equipment availabl .

D. To prevent RWST inventory depletio <



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! 31. During an omnrgency condition the STA reports the following:

l 1. Core Cooling (C) Orange Path '

! 2. Subcriticality (S) Orange Path 1 3. Thermal Shock (P) Orange Path I


4. Heat Sink (H) Red Path 5. Containment (Z) Red Path l

Which ONE of the following describes the order in which the above conditions should be addressed?

A. 2,1,4,3,5 B. 2,4,5,1,3 C,4,5,2,1,3 '

D.5,4,3,1,2 l

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32. Which one of the following is the MAXIMUM number of individuals that an escort can be responsible for in the vital area?

s A. 2

B. 5


l C. 8 D.10


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33. Which one of the following individuals by title is responsible for assigning the Manager Assigned Continous Responsibility (MACR)for Complex Infrequently Peerformed Test or Evolution (CIPT) 7 A. Responsible superviso B. Test directo C. Shift Operations Superviso D. Plant Manage .



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34. Which ONE of the following establishes BASELINE valve alignment configuration on which further system operations are based as stated in SSP-12.17 A. Valve alignments shown on the plant's " Controlled Drawings" B. The initial valve alignment following a refueling outage or major maintenance perio C. Valve alignments as shown on the PEDS compute D. The most recent valve alignment as verified prior to a refueling outag .



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35. Which one of tha following is the MINIMUM inmperatures for a high energy system that l

j requirss double valva isolation when preparing a clearance?


A.150 deg. F I

B.175 deg. F i C. 200 deg. F D. 225 deg. F



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36. SSP-2.7 "Varifying the latest Document Revision for Use" allows an alternate method be established by site DCRM for maintaining the integrity of document verificatio ' Which ONE of the following describes this alternate method?

A. Copies of procedures may be made from the SON simulator controlled copie B. Copies of procedures may be made from the WCC controlled copie C. Copies of procedures may be made from the SON control room controlled copie D. Copies for urgent needs may only be obtained from the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> TIC


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E 37. An increase in RCS charging AND which ONE of the following will confirm that a steam l- generator tube leak exists for entry into AOP-R.01, " Steam Generator Tube Leak"?


l-l A. Decreased makeup to the VCT.

l L

6. A discernible Steam flow / Feed flow mismatc C. Steam generator blowdown effluent isolation and divert to CDI due to high radiatio D. An unexplained increase in steam generator pressure.


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38. Which ONE of the following events does the Sequoyah Probalistic Safety Assessment identify as the MOST Dominant Sequence?

A. Total station Blackout resulting in a Loss of Emergency Raw Cooling Water System.

B. Large steamline break outside containment with MSIV's failing to close.


C. Small Loss of Coolant Accident with failure to align for recirculation.



O. Main Steam Line Break inside containment and failure of containment spra .








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l 39. Which one of the following conditions will cause the actuation of the steam dump to condenser system?

s l Assume the steam dumps are in T-AVG mode unless otherwise indicate A. Failure of the impulse pressure PT-1-72 LOW with a coincident T-ave-T-ref error signal of 8 deg. F B. Failure of BOTH impulse pressure PT-1-72 and PT-1-73 HIGH, coincident with a hot leg RTD failed HIG I C. Failure of impulse pressure PT-1-73 LOW with the steam dump mode selector switch in PRESSURE MOD j l

D. Failure of impulse pressure PT-1-73 LOW concident with a hot leg RTD failed l HIG '



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40. Given the following plant conditions:

.The Rx has tripped from 65% powe /

- "A" Rx trip breaker is close "

- B" Rx trip breaker is ope The Steam Dumps are in the Tavg Mod Which one of the following describes the response of the Steam Dump System?

l .A. The steam dumps will transfer to the Rx trip controller, but will not open.

B. The steam dumps will remain on the load rejection controller and "B" train P-4 l

signal will arm the steam dumps.

l j C. The steam dumps will remain on the load rejection controller and the load rejection signal (C-7) will arm the steam dump '

l D. The steam dumps will transfer to the RX trip controller and the load rejection signal


(C-7) will arm the steam dumps.

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41. Given the following plant conditions:

- Unit 1 and 2 are at 100% power

- 250V DC battery board #1 was inadvertently de-energized while transferring to its alternate suppl Operators are preparing to re-energize this boar Which ONE of the following could occur unless appropriate actions are taken prior to re-energizing the board?


A. The unit #2 ICS computer will be los B. 2B MFP will tri '

C. 6.9KV unit board 1C will transfer from Alt. to normal feede l D. Unit 1 will tri l

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l 42. Given the following plant conditions:

-Refueling in progress on unit A spent fuel element is being moved from the reactor to the upende The spent fuel element is dropped to the bottom of the cana Which one of the following products released from the ruptured spent fuel element will present the most immediate radiation hazard?

A. Beta radiation from Xenon gase B. Gamma radiation from lodine and Krypton gase C. Alpha radiation from fission product .

D. Gamma radiation from fission products and corrosion product '


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43. Identify the ONE statement below that describes the flow path of the Control Building Emergency Ventilation System following a Control Room isolation (CRI)

s A. A portion of the MCR A/C system return air is routed through both of the HEPA filter-charcoal absorber trains and then to the system return air plenum by the Control Building Emergency Air Cleanup Fans. The air is then recirculated to the MCR by the operating AHU. The system is maintained at a positive pressure by the Control Building Emergency Air Pressurization Fan B. All of the MCR A/C system return air is routed through both of the HEPA filter-charcoal absorber trains and then to the system return air plenum by the Control Building Emergency Air Cleanup Fans. The air is then recirculated to the MCR by the operating AHU. The system is maintained at a negative pressure by '

the Control Building Emergency Air Pressurization Fan C. Fresh air is taken from the outdoors, supplied to the air return ductwork of the '

Electrical Board Room air conditioning system, to the cable spreading room, and to the Mechanical Equipment Room. The bui'd;ng is maintained at a positive pressur D. Fresh air is taken from the outdoors, supplied to the air return ductwork of the cable spreading room, and to the Mechanical Equipment Room. The building is maintained at a positive pressur l l




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44. During a Rx Startup, the power range low setpoint high flux trip is blocked when two of the four power range channels reach the setpoin ' '

Given the information above, fill in the blanks with one of the followin A.' Manually; P-1 '

B. Manually; P- C. Automatically; P-1 D. Automatically, P- .


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45. The unit is in Mode 1 at 50% powe Which ONE of the following statements apply, if the operator determines that three control rods are capable of being tripped but inoperable due to rod control system electrical problems?

Assume all rods are properly aligne AJ The operating crew must initiate a manual reactor trip and verify all rods inser B. The plant m'ust be placed in hot standby within the time required by the action statemen .

C. There are no limitations on power operations unless the inoperable rods become untrippable which then requires immediate emergency boratio .

D. Power operations may continue provided the Technical Specifications requirements for rod alignment and system " Operability" are me .




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46. Given the following plant cond.tions:


A liquid radwaste release is in progress.



0-RCV-77-43 Effluent radiation control radwaste isolation valve CLOSE Which ONE of the following could have caused the closure of 0-RCV-77-43 7 A. Loss of control air to the valv B. Loss of 120 VAC supply to the valve solenoi C. Two of three running CCW pumps tri D. Hi activity alarm on monitor 1-RM-90-11 !


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47. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- Unit 1 Reactor tripped from 100% powe .


- The crew completed the first 4 steps of E-0 and transitioned to ES- minutes after entering ES-0.1 Si occurre US is in E-0 at step 9, monitor containment spray not actuate The STA informs the US of a RED PATH on Heat Sink due to all

- S/G's less than 10 % level and total AFW flow less than 440 gpm.

l Which ONE of the following actions should be taken by the US?

A. Transition immediately to FR-H.1," Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink",

l based on RED path conditio '

B. Continue with procedure to event diagnostic steps of E-0 and enter FR-H.1 when directed to transition to E-1, E-2, or E- *

C. Review all CSF's to determine if any higher priority RED paths exist, then immediately transition to highest priority pat D. Transition to FR-H.1 when directed in E-0 at step 14, determine if secondary HEAT SINK available.


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i 48. A rod control urgent failure has occurred on Unit 1. The Auxiliary Unit Operator (AUO)

reports that Power Cabinet 2BD has a local urgent failure alarm and all other cabinets l indicate normal. Based on this information, which ONE of the following describes the effect this will have on the abil;ty to move rods?

A. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for groups 1 and 2 of shutdown bank B & B. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for group 2 of shutdown bank B ,

and group 2 of control banks B & C. The RO can individually move all rod banks except for group 2 of control bank D. The RO can move all rod banks individually except for shutdown bank .

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49. Given the following plant conditions:

- The unit has been operating at 100% power for 30 days.

- - The unit tripped due to a loss of offsite power.

! - CST level is 200,000 (approximately 16 feet).

- CST is the ONLY source of S/G feedwate Both Motor Driven AFW pumps are nannin Steam generator atmospheric relief valves are being used to dump steam, if the Unit SRO decides to maintain the plant in Hot Standby, which ONE-of the following is the minimum time it will take to deplete the CST contents for these conditions based on the minimum required CST level? -

A. 3.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br />


B. 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> C. 2.0 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> D.1,5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />

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50. Which ONE of the following REQUIRES notification of the NRC within ONE (1) hour?

! A. An event or condition that results in the actuation of the reactor protection syste B. Any event or situation for which a news release is planned or notification to other government agencies has been or will be mad C. Any natural phenomenon that significantly hampers the performance of duties necessary for safe operation of the nuclear power plan D. Any event or situation that has the potential for the theft or loss of licensed materia .



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I 51. Given the following Plant conditions:

- Unit 1 in Mode 3 preparing to startu '

- RCS pressure is 2235 psi Tave is 547 degrees F, being maintained by the steam dump to condenser, operating in the pressure mod S/G Atmospheric Relief Valve controls are in automatic at normal setting per 0-GO- All four RCP's are runnin If a loss of Offsite Power occurs with NO operator actions, RCS Tave will stabilize at which ONE of the following temperatures? ~

A. 545 degrees B. 547 degrees .

C. 550 degrees F.


D. 552 degrees F.



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52, in preparation for surveillance testing during at-power operations, reactor trip breakers

"A" and "B" and reactor trip bypass breaker "A" are closed. Racking in and closing l

reactor trip bypass breaker "B" will result in:

A. opening both reactor trip bypass breakers and both reactor trip breaker B. opening both reactor trip bypass breakers and reactor trip breaker "B" onl C. opening both reactor trip breakers onl D. a " General Warning" alarm onl .



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53. An emergency event occurs at 2100. Which ONE of the following is the lowest position l in the chain of command with the authority to approve actions that violate technical specifications or license conditions in order to protect the safety and health of the public?

A. Operations Superviso B. Shift Manager SR C. Licensed Reactor Operato D. Unit Supervisor Senior Reactor Operato .



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54. During reduced invsntory conditions a hot lag vent path capability must be established


to, ...

A. allow a vent path for nitroge B. prevent surge.line floodin . C.' prevent vessel head pressurizatio D. allow for a steam flow path during a loss of RH .




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55. Tha following conditions exist on Unit 1:

- RCS Temp / Press is 210 Deg. F. - 450 psig

- Maintenance is being performed on the Containment Pressure Transmitters

- An Si actuation occurs Which ONE of the following statements describes the response of the ECCS Accumulators; and the reason for that response?

A. The Accumulators will not discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are shut with their power supply remove B. The Accumulators will not discharge into the RCS; because RCS pressure is less than P-11 (1950 psig).

C. The Accumulators will discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are -

interlocked to open on an SI Signa D. The Accumulators will discharge into the RCS; because the outlet valves are open with their power supply remove . _

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56. If a control rod bank has a differential reactivity worth of 12.8 PCM/ inch, which ONE of the following describ::s the integral reactiity worth for 5 STEPS of outward rod motion?

A. 28 PCM B. 33 PCM C. 40 PCM l t

D. 64 PCM



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57. Givsn the following plant conditions:

- Reactor shutdown

- RCS pressure is 1535 psig

- Decay heat is being removed by the steam generator What pressure must be maintained in the steam generators to obtain a 110 degree F subcooling margin in the RCS loops? (Assume a negligible delta T exists between the RCS and steam generators.)

A. 577 psig B. 597 psig C. 612 psig D. 627 psig -


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58. Given the following plant conditions:


Unit 1 has been shutdown per AOP-C.03 " Emergency Shutdown" due to a S/G Tube Leak on loop The crew is in the process of cooldown and depressurization per AOP-R.01 "S/G Tube Leak".

Low steam line pressure Si and low pressurizer pressure Si have both been manually blocke l Which ONE of the following conditions will automatically UNBLOCK the Unit 1 pressurizer low pressure safety injection signal?

A. Tave increases to 541 degrees B. Reclose the Reactor Trip Breakers to reset P-4 contac C. RCS pressure increases to 2015 psig on 2 of 3 instrument channel D. RCS pressure increases to 1980 psig on 1 of 3 instrument channels





i SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 58

l 59. Which ONE of the following describes the functional relationship between the main FW pump, the FW rwg. valves (with respect to controlling S/G levels) when the unit is ramping from 80% to 100% powe '

A. Main FW Pump rnaintains a Variable delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a constant S/G level progra B. Main FW Pump maintains a Constant delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a variable S/G level progra C. Main FW Pump maintains a Variable delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a variable S/G level progra D. Main FW Pump maintains a Constant delta P program across the FW reg. valve, the FW Reg. Valve throttles to maintain a constant S/G level progra .

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60. Given the following Plant Conditions:


Unit 1 reactor tripped and Si acutated e -

A small LOCA exists inside containment


RCS pressure is 2200 psig


Crew is performing E-0 Which ONE of the following describes the status of the #1 seal leakoff for the RCPs?

A. #1 Seal Leakoff flow from each RCP is O gp B. #1 Seal Leakoff flow from each RCP is ~10 gp C. Total #1 Seal Leakoff flow from the RCPs is -10 gp D. Total #1 Seal Leakoff flow from the RCPs is ~40 gp '

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. 61 Unit 1 is in mods 6 with core alterations taking place following a 285 day run at 100%

powe Operators are about to insert an element near the reactor vessel hot leg and have requested temporarily stopping all running RHR pump Which ONE of the following actions is allowed to be taken for these circumstances?

A. The operating RHR pumps cannot be stopped due to decay heat limitations imposed by Technical Specification B. Technical Specifications permit stopping the RHR pumps for up to one hour per 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> period during performance of Core Alteration C. The operating RHR pumps cannot be stopped due to motor re-start limitations and still remain within acceptable Technical Specification time limit '

D. Technical Specifications allow stopping the RHR pumps indefinitely provided core outlet temperature remains 40 degrees below saturation temperature.

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62. Which ONE of the following descibes the operation of the Unit 1 CVCS makeup control system when it is properly alignad for auto-makeup and VCT level is less than 20%?

FCV-62-143 is the Primary Water (PW) Flow Control valv FCV-62-128 is the Volume Control Tank Inlet Stop valv FCV-62-140 is the Boric Acid Flow Control valv FCV-62-144 is the Charging Pump Suction Makeup Stop valv A. A PW pump auto-starts if not already running, FCV-62-143, FCV-62-140 and FCV-62-144 open to supply blended makeup to the charging pump suction heade B. A boric acid pump auto-starts if not already running, FCV-62-143, FCV-62-140 and FCV-62-128 open to supply blended makeup to the Volume Control Tan C. Both boric acid pumps and both PW pumps auto-start if not already running, FCV-62-143, FCV-62-140 and FCV-62-128 open to supply blended makeup to the '

Volume Control Tan D. A boric acid pump auto-starts if not already running, FCV-62-143, FCV-62-140 and FCV-62-144 open to supply blended makeup to the charging pump suction heade . -

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63. Given tha following plant conditions:


A reactor trip and safety injection have occurred due to a large break '

LOC Procedure ES-1.3 " Transfer to RHR containment sump"is in us Both diesels were running unloaded and subsequently shutdown and

. placed in standb Offsite power has just been los Which ONE of the following statements describes ECCS pump status?

A.~ All ECCS pumps are load shed and must be manually restarte .

B. All ECCS pumps are load shed and then only the CCP's sequenced back on automatically by their Blackout Sequence timer .

C. RHR and Si pumps are load shed and then sequenced back on automatically by their Safety injection Sequence timer D. All ECCS pumps are load shed and then the RHR and Si pumps sequenced back on automatically by their Safety injection Sequence timers.

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64 Given ihn following Plant Conditions:


- Unit 1 RCS has a stuck open pressurizer safety valv <

- The reactor tripped and safety injection initiate The RCS rapidly depressurized to saturation condition l

- Pressurizer level indicates 100 %.

Which ONE of the following characterizes the relationship between pre.ssurizer level )

and RCS inventory under these conditions?

A. Level is an accurate indication of inventory, because ECCS flow will keep RCS subcooling within limits and prevent voiding in the RC .

B. Level is an accurate indication of inventc y, because hydraulic pressure forces any {

water to the pressurizer steam space and out the safet j C. Level is NOT an accurate indication of inventory, because RCS voiding may result in a rapidly increasing pressurizer leve D. Level is NOT an accurate indication of inventory, because at higher temperatures the cold calibrated pressurizer level channels indicate hig i


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65.~ Given the following Plant conditions:

- A loss of offsite power has occured, all D/G's started and connected to the S/D '

Board Tavg is 550 degrees Main condenser back pressure is 1.5 psia and increasing.

l - Steam dumps are placed in Steam Pressure mode.

! - Steam dump demand is MANUALLY increased to begin cooldown.


- The steam dumps will NOT open Which ONE of the following explains why the steam dumps will NOT open?


A. P-12. LO-LO Tavg, has disarmed the steam dumps.

B. P-4, Reactor Trip controller has locked out the steam header pressure controlle C. C-9, Condenser available, interlock is not me D. The mode selector switch has not been RESET.

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66. Given the following Plant conditions, Unit 1:

- Reactor is shutdown in Mode '

- Pressurizer level is 63% and stabl ,

- RCS System pressure is 1385 psig and stabl PRT [ Pressurizer Relief Tank] pressure is 6 psig and stabl If one pressurizer PORV is leaking slighty, which ONE of the following temperatures will be indicate on the Relief Valve discharge RTD?

l A. 240 degrees F.

l B. 265 degrees l C. 280 degrees .

l D. 294 degrees F.

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67 Given the following Plant Conditions:


Unit 1 in Mode 6 with vessel head installe Midloop operations in progres SG hot and cold leg manways are remove SG nonle dams installed on hot legs.



SG nonle dams not installed on cold legs.



No vents are open in the RCS.

l -

Loss of RHR cooling occurs.

L Which ONE of the following will occur as a long-term result of this event if NO

! corrective action can be taken?


l A. Steam formation in hot legs will cause erroneous reactor vessel level indicatio B. Steam formation in upper head will increase pressure enough to blow out one or '

l more SG hot leg nonle dam C. Steam formation in upper head will depress vessel level and displace water out the SG cold leg nonle D. Steam formation in hot legs and resultant steam expansion will displace water out the PZR PORV .

l l



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68. Given the following Plant Conditions:

l - A Fire / Explosion on the Unit 1 Main Bank Transformer 1-A has caused the HPFP sprinkler system to discharg An auto Fire Pump start signal has been generate The new HPFP -A has lost control power and did not star Under these conditions what design feature allows the HPFP-A to be started?

A. An emergency motor power supply breaker from 480 V shutdown bd.1 A-A has to be manually close B. An emergency run D-Ring " push / turn to lock" switch that mechanically closes the normal breaker must be use '

C. An emergency 125 V DC control power breaker must be manually closed from the pump ski D. The jockey pump auto starts if pump discharge pressure is < 130 psig and will supply enough flow and pressure to satisfy fire protection requirement SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 68

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- 69. Which one of the following conditions requires the operator to Emergency Borate using .

. EA-68-47 l


A. Receipt of the " Rod Control Limit " LOW' alarm.


B. RCS T-AVG is at 535 deg. F and Core Burnup is 11,000 MWDTMTU following a Rx tri i

.C. An unisolated main steam line break with RCS T-AVG at 520 deg. F and decreasing.-

D. An uncontrolled or unexplained increase in source range counts during a Rx startu *


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70. Given the following plant conditions:


Condenser pressure is at 2.6 psia and steadily increasin Turbine load is 75%.

Which ONE of the following would be the first to occur or be procedurally required?

A. " Condenser Vacuum Low" annunicator lit, requiring reduction in Turbine loa B. Loss of Steam dump capabilit C. " Condenser Vacuum Low" annunicator lit, requiring a manual turbine tri D. Automatic trip of the main turbin .

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71. During the performance of E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, a red path for containment pressure is identified. The operators transition to FR-Z.1, l Response to High High Containment Pressure and upon completion of all required steps in FR-Z.1, the red path condition still exists. The operator shoul A. repeat the sequence of steps of FR-Z.1, then retum to E-1 at step in effec B. return to E-1 at the step in effec C. continue to repeat actions in FR-Z.1 until the red path condition clear D. return to E-1 at the step in effect and concurrently perform the actions of FR-Z.1 red path until conditions clear .

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72. Steps 3 and 4 of FRS.1, " Nuclear Power Generation /ATWS", require the operator to:

3. " CHECK AFW Operation" l 4. " INITIATE Boration of the RCS" Which ONE of the following is the reason that each of the above actions must be performed manually by the operator instead of through manual initiation of Si to

- simultaneously accomplish these actions?

A. Initiation of Sl will compound the problem by charging the RCS system solid, causing pressurizer safety valves to lif B. Initiation of Sl will reduce the possible paths for emergency boration and adf to a loss of heat sink problem, if one exist '

C. Prompt operator action ensures the most direct method of boration into the RCS and ensures feedwater is maintained when Si is not require D. Operator action is necessary to prevent complicated recovery actions rssulting from a full S . -

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I 73. Unit 1 is operating at 30% steady state reactor power. A maintenance technician mistakenly pulls the instrument power fuses to PR channel N-42. Then, realizing the error, he immediately reinserts the N-42 fuses and then pulls the instrument fuses for channel N-4 Which ONE of the following describes the reactor protection system response to these actions?

A. Power Range neutron flux low setpoint reactor tri B. Power Range over-power rod stop is deactivate C. Power Range Negative Rate reactor tri D. Power Range neutron flux high setpoint reactor tri .

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_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ . .-__ _-_ - - ___ _ ___ . During normal full power operation, the controlling pressurizer pressure control channel fails HIG Which ONE of the following describes the immediate response of the listed components to this failure?


' Both spray valves go wide open, control and backup heaters energize, PORV-68-340 will ope B. Both spray valves remain closed, control and backup heaters de-energize,


PORV-68- 340 will remain close C. One spray valve goes wu open, control and backup heaters energize, PORV-68- -

340 will ope D. Both spray valves go wide open, control and backup heater: de-energize, '

PORV-68- 340 will remain close i

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75. ECA-2.1 " Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators" directs that a minimum of 25 gpm must be maintained to each S/G with a narrow range level of less than 10 %, the basis for this step is:

A. Allow feedflow to increase when needed without damaging steam generator component B. Minimize RCS heat up potential thus reducing Pressurized Thermal Shock concern C. Minimize any radiation release to the atmospher D. Maintain minimum conditions for natural circulatio .


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76. Tha two paramst rs indicated by the diesel g:nnrator synchroscope ar A. Current and voltage difference B. Frequency and current difference C. Frequency and phase difference D. Current and phase difference I J



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77. Given the following Plant conditions:

- RCS is at 685 psi '

- Average core exit thermocouple readings is 500 degrees Offsite power is availabl #1 S/G has a ruptured tube and has been isolated. Pressure is 725 psi #2 S/G MSIVs and bypass valves were inadvertently shut. Pressure is 1025 psi #3 S/G used for cooldown (steam to condenser). Pressure is 765 psi #4 S/G used for cooldown (steam to condenser). Pressure is 760 psi You are at step #43 of E- Which ONE of the following is the next required transition from E-37


A. ES-3.1 Post SGTR Cooldown Using Backfil B. ES-3.1 Post SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdow '

C. ECA-3.1 SGTR and LOCA Subcooled Recover D. ECA-3.2 SGTR and LOCA Saturated Recover .

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78. Given the following conditions on Unit 2:


Leakage into #3 steam generator is determined to be 0.5 gp No leakage is detectable into the other steam generator Other leakage whose source cannot be identified is determined to be 0.6 gp Leakage from known sources other than steam generator leakage is determined to be 4.0 gp With these conditions in existence, Technical Specification leakage limits:

A. are not exceeded for any leakage categor B. are exceeded for unidentified leakag C. are exceeded for pressure boundary leakag .

D. are exceeded for steam generator leakag !



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79. Sequoyah Unit 1 is operating in Mode 5 with the containment purge system in operation. Unit 2 is operating in Mode Which ONE of the following describes the special requirements in 0-SO-30-3, " Containment Purge System Operation", to operate under these conditions?.

A. An operator must be available to shutdown the purge system in the event of a containment phase "A" isolatio B. An operator must be available to shutdown the purge system in the event of an auxiliary building isolatio .

C. An operator must immediately close purge isolation valves if high radiation is detected by containment radiation monitors RM-90-112/10 .

D. An operator must start the auxiliary building gas treatment system fans to ensure any release to the environment is filtere !


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80. Given the following plant conditions:


100% reactor powe gpm Letdown establishe Pressurizer level increasin VCT level decreasin Tave is constan "FS-62-82 LOW PRESSURE LETDOWN FLOW HIGH PRESSURE l HIGH" annunciator li Charging flow is decreasin All control systems are in automati Which ONE of the following events would cause these conditions?

A. Orifice isolation valve 1-FCV-62-73 closin .

B. Orifice isolation valve 1-FCV-62-74 openin C. Letdown isolation valve 1-FCV-62-77 closin D. Letdown pressure control valve 1-PCV-62-81 closin SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 80

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81. G;ven the following:


Unit 1 is at 45% power '

- All systems are aligned normal for this power level


1B MFPT is tagged to replace the 250V DC Trip Solenoid


1 A MFPT automatic speed control malfunctions


Levels in all S/Gs decrease to 5% before the CRO can take manual control of 1A MFPT and begin recover Which ONE of the following describes the plant response?

A. A reactor trip would immediately initiate as soon as 2/4 S/G levels dropped to 15%.


B. The TDAFW pump would immediately start if the 1 A MFPT tripped during S/G level recover .

C.1 A-A MDAFW pump would automatically start if all S/G levels remained at 5% for 25 second D. The TDAFW pump LCVs would open as soon as S/G levels dropped to 10% for 2 seconds.

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82. Given the following:


A point source in containment is reading 500 mrem /hr at a distance of two (2)

feet. Two options are available to complete a mandatory work assignment near this radiation sourc Option One: Operator X ca:. perform the assignment in thirty (30) minutes working at a distance of four (4) feet from the point sourc OptionTwo: Operators Y and Z, who have trained in the use of special extension tooling, can perform the assignment in seventy-five (75) minutes at a distance of eight (8) feet from the point sourc '

Which ONE of the following is the preferred option when considering the total exposure based on the ALARA plan? -

A. Option One since the total exposure is 62.5 mre B. Option Two since the total exposure is 78 mrem C. Option One since the total exposure is 125 mre D. Option Two since the total exposure is 39 mre I

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l 83. The following plant conditions exist for unit 1:



Power is 100%.

! -

Normal CCS lineup with 1 A-A CCP runnin Pressurizer level slowly decreasing.

l -

CCS surge tank level increasing.

l -

Rad Monitor 1-RM-90-123, CCS Process Rad Monitor, increasing.

Which ONE of the following components is the source of in-leakage to the CCS under these conditions?

A. RCP seal water heat exchanger.



B. Residual Heat Removal heat exchanger.

l C. RCP thermal barrier heat exchange D. Spent fuel pool cooling heat exchanger.


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l SROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 83 l l

84. Given the following plant conditions:

- The plant is in mode 3 at 355 deg. RCP's 1 and 2 are runnin All prerequisites are met for starting #3 RC The operators are unaware that the anti-reverse-rotation device on the #3 RCP is NOT functionin If the #3 RCP is started under these conditions, which ONE of the following on #3 RCP will be most adversely affected?

A. Stator winding insulatio .

B. No.1 seal packag C. Motor thrust bearing temperatur D. Pump joumal bearing temperature.

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85. Given the following plant conditions:



At 1259 a steamline break occurs inside containment '


18-B Diesel Generator starts and energizes the board t


Normal feeder breaker to 6.9kV Shutdown Board 18-B inadvertently opens


Containment pressure is 4 psig

- At 1300 the CRO reports that 18-B Containment Spray Pump has not started Which ONE of the following describes the proper response?

A.18-B Containment Spray Pump must be manually started from Control Room Panel M- B. Place the 18-B Containment Spray Pump handswitch in pull-to-lock until its breaker can be checked ou .

C. Start the 1B-B Containment Spray Pump after verifying sufficient load available on the diesel generato D. Continue to monitor the 1B-B Containment Spray Pump and verify it auto starts when required

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86. Given the following plant condition l




l - Unit 1 is at 25% power l


18 Start Bus trips out on differential relay actuation Which ONE of the following describes the plant response?

l A.1B-B diesel generator starts and connects to the 18-B 6.9 kV shutdown boar !

B. Control rods withdra C. CVCS letdown isolates .

D. Reactor trip .

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87. Given the following Plant Conditions:

- Unit 1 is operating at 50% powe On the previous shift, turbine impulse pressure PT-1-73 failed hig Rods are in manual and the actions of AOP-l.05, ' Turbine First Stage impulse Pressure Instrument Malfunction" has been complete Which ONE of the following describes the reason why rods must be operated in the manual mode?

If placed in automatic, the rods will:

A. withdra B. continuously inser C. not respond to outward motion demand D. not respond to inward OR outward motion demand . -

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, 88. Given the following plant conditions:

- Unit 1 is in MODE 4 and stable with RHR in service for shutdown coolin Both trains of RHR are aligned to all 4 loop A LOCA occur RCS subcooling is 70 deg. F.

l - PZR level is 25%.

l - RWST level is 55%.

With regard to RHR, which ONE of the following is correct per AOP-R.02 " Shutdown LOCA"?

A. Maintain RHR in service and realign RHR suction to the RWST.

B. Maintain RHR in current alignment, pumps should be stopped only if cavitation occur *

C. Immediately stop both RHR pumps until suction can be realigned to RWS D. Immediately realign RHR to the containment sump and maintain RHR in service.

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89. Given the following plant conditions:

-The Unit is operating at 100% powe '


- No.1 seal leakoff flow recorder indicates 10 gp Charging flow has increased by 40 gpm to maintain pressurizer leve Which ONE (1) of the following RCP seal failures has occurred?

A. No.1 and NO. 2 seals have failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the No. 3 sea '\

B. The No. 2 seal has failed and is allowing water from the standpipe to flow out the No.1 seat leakoff lin .

C. The No.1 seal has failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the No. 2 sea D. The No. 2 and No. 3 seals have failed and the RCS pressure drop is across the N sea I i



SROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 89

90. Which of the following complete sets of electrical protective equipment is required for removing fuses with terminals energized with more than 300 volts or with exposed parts energized with over 50 volts?

A. Hard Ha Safety Glasse Leather Glove Flame resistant clothin Grounding devic B. Hard Ha Safety Glasse Insulating Glove Face Shiel Rubber ma C. Hard Ha Safety Glasse Face Shiel Insulating Glove Flame resistant clothin D. Hard Ha Face Shiel Insulating Glove Flame resistant clothin Rubber ma _

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91. Which ONE of the following constitutes a confined space that would require a Confined Spaca Entry Permit for entry?


A. Inside the containment annulu B. Waste gas decay tank roo C. Main generator exciter cubical when generator H2 pressure > 18 ps D. The fuel transfer cana .


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9 Per FR-Z.1, the hydrogen recombiners should not be placed in service above which one of the following minimum hydrogen concentrations?



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C. 6%

l D.8%


l 1







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93. Which ONE (1) of the following is tha required radiological posting for an area in which a person could receive a radiation dose of 0.075 rem in an hour?



l A. Radiation area.


l B. High radiation area.

l C. Contamination area.



D. Very high radiation are .

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94. Which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM requirements for Recorder Charts in accordance with SSP-12.1, " Conduct of Operations?"

A. All main control room recorders must have the time, date, and initials noted by the individual performing the check on the chart at least once per shif B. Each recorder chart in operation must have the time, date, and initials of the individual performing the check, noted on the chart at least once per da C. All main control room recorders must have the time, date, and initials noted by the individual performing the check on the chart at least once per da D. Each recorder chart in operation must have the time, date, and initials of the -

individual performing the check, noted on the chart at least once per shif .






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l 95. Which one of the following may be assigned as the Fire Brigade Incident Commander?

l l A. Unit Supervisor /SRO designated to perform STA function B. Unit Superviscr/SRO designated support responsibilitie C. Unit Supervisor /SRO designated control room comman D. Unit Operator /RO designated CRO responsibilitie '

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96. Tech Spec LCO 3.4.8 requires the plant to be placed in HOT STANDBY with Tavg less than 500 deg F if RCS activity exceeds the limits for DOSE EQUIVALENT l-13 Which ONE of the following is the basis for this action?

A. The iodine remains entroined in the reactor coolant making the cation bed more effective in 1-131 remova B. The release of activity to the atmosphere is prevented should a steam generator tube rupture occu C. The stress on the fuel cladding is reduced minimizing additional release of I-131 to the coolan .


D. The release of activity to the atmosphere will be limited to less than the limit for a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dose at the site boundar .

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

97. After a reactor trip and safety injection on Unit 1, the following conditions are observed for Emergency Diesel Generator 1AA:


- Diesel Generator' Fail to Run alarm is energized

- Green engine running light above pane! 1M1 energized-Red engine running light above panel 1M1 not energized

- Diesel generator 6.9KV breaker open

- Diesel generator voltage zero Which ONE of the following correctly describes the response of EDG 1A-A?

A. EDG 1 AA started, accelerated to 900 RPM, and then shutdown after 10 second B. EDG 1 AA feeder breaker tripped open due to overcurren '

C. EDG 1 AA started but engine speed did not accelerate from 200 RPM to 850 RPM within 10 se D. EDG 1 AA started, engine speed exceeded 850 rpm in normal time, but did not increase to 900 rpm.

I i


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i SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 97

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98. Given the following Plant Conditions

- Unit 2 is operating at 30 % thermal power,

- Loop 2 RCP trip Which ONE of the following describes the initial unit response?

(NOTE: Assume no operator action.)

A. A reactor trip occurs, core' delta T decreases, # 2 S/G pressure increases, loop 2 l T-AVG. increase .

B. A reactor trip occurs, core delta T increases, # 2 S/G pressure decreases, loop 2  ;

T-AVG. decrease l


C. A reactor trip will NOT occur, core delta T increases, # 2 S/G pressure decreases, loop 2 T-AVG. decrease D. A reactor trip will NOT occur, core delta T decreases, # 2 S/G pressure increases, loop 2 T-AVG. increases


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SROTEST1.TST Version: 0 Page: 98

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99. Given the following plant conditions:


Unit 1 is at 50% power


Instrument maintenance is performing a monthly surveillance on pressurizer level l channel 11 and its associated bistables are in tri Loss of 120V AC vital instrument power board 1-1 occurs.


Which ONE of the following is a consequence of the loss of power?

. A. Reactor trip and safety injection occur B. Reactor trip occurs and steam generator PORVs will control secondary pressure.

l -

C. All diesel generators start but do not connect to the shutdown boards. D.' Channel I of pressurizer level fails low and no Si or reactor trip signals are -




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I SROTEST1.TST Version. O Page: 99 i

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100. Which ONE of the following Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) conditions meets the operability requirements for the RWST in Mode 4?

A. 350,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2350 ppm, and a water temperature of 80 degrees B. 365,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2450 ppm, and a water temperature of 75 degrees F.

C. 372,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2550 ppm, and a water temperature of 100 degrees D. 370,000 gallon volume, boron concentration of 2250 ppm, and a water temperature of 65 degrees .

SROTEST1.TST Version: O Page: 100

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GROUP IfEIGHT LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.1. All' full length (shutdown and centrol) rods shall be OPERABLE and ,

positioned within 2 12 steps (indicated position) of their group step counter j demand positio i f



' With one or more full langth rods untrippable, determine that the lR219 SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specifiestion is satisfied within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and be in HOT STANDBY within 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> With more than one full length rod misaligned from the group step lR219 l counter demand position by more than 2 12 steps (indicated position),

be in NOT STANDBY within 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> With one full length rod' misaligned from its group step counter lR219 demand height by more than i 12 steps (indicated position), POWER OPERATION may continue provided that within one hour either:  :

i 1.- The rod is restored within the above align = ant requirements, or lR219 j The remainder of the rods in the group with the misaligned rod R228 are aligned to within 2 12 steps of the misaligned rod while maintaining the rod sequence and insertion limit of specification 3.1. The THERMAL POWER level shall be lR159 restricted pursuant to Specification during subsequent

. operation, or  ; The rod is declared inoperable and the SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification is satisfied. POWER OPERATION.may then continue provided that:


. ,




  • See Special Test Exceptions 3.10.2 and 3.1 I November 21, 1995 3/4 1-14 Amendment No. 114, 155, 215 SEQUOYAH . UNIT 1 i


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l ACTION: (Continued)

a) A reevaluation of each accident analysis of Table 3.1-1 is performed within 5 days; this reevaluation shall confirm that the previously analyzed results of these accidents remain valid for the duration of operation under these condition b) The SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirement of Specification is FP determined at least once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> c) A power distribution map is obtained from the movable incere detectors anp. F (Z) and F are verified to be H


within their limits within 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> d) The THERMAL POWER level is reduced to less than or equal ro 75% of RATED THERMAL POWER within one hour and within the next i hours the high neutron flux trip setpoint is reduced to less than or equal to 85% of RATED THERMAL POWER.

l SURVEILLANCE REQUIRDIENTS The position of each full length rod shall be determined to be within the group demand limit by verifying the individual rod positions at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> except during time intervals when the Rod Position Deviation Monitor is inoperable, then verify the group positions at least once per 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> .1.3. Each full-length rod not fully inserted in the core shall be R219 determined to be trippable by verifying rod freedom of movement by movement of a 10 steps in either direction at least once per 92 day .

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l November 21, 1995 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 1 3/4 1-15 Amendment No. 215 l

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APPROVED BY: U i f. M- m) - ~






l REVISION I DESCRIPTION: This procedure contains a Foldout Page which is printed on the back of applicable pages and a Handout Page which is two-sided (3 copies).

I Revised to incorporate WOG ERG Revision 1 l l

I L --_-- ___ __ _ ___________ _ _ _ . _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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l E-3 l




Revision 11 I










DESCRIPTION: This procedure contains a Foldout Page which is printed on the back of applicable pages and a Handout Page which is two-sided (3 copies).

Revised to incorporate WOG ERG Revision 1B.


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E-3 SQN STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides actions to terminate leakage of reactor coolant into the secondary system following a steam generator tube ruptur .



2.1 ENTRY CONDmONS E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety injection:

. Secondary radiatio .

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-1 Series Foldout Page

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-1 Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant:

. Secondary radiatio . S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne E-2 Fautted Steam Generator Isolation:

. Secondary radiatio ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Backfi.II:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdown:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ES- Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Steam Dump:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators:

. Secondary radiatio (Step continued on next page.)

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ECA- SGTR and LOCA - Subcooled Recovery:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- SGTR and LOCA - Saturated Recovery:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne ECA- SGTR Without Pressurizer Pressure Control:

. S/G level rising in an uncontrolled manne . Pressurizer pressure control restore FR- Steam Generator High Level:

. Secondary Radiatio I 3.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS

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ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED STEP NOTE Loss of seal injection flow could result in RCS debris entering the RCP seals and adversely affect RCP seal performanc . MONITOR RCP trip criteria:

a. CHECK the following: a. GO TO Step . At le one CCP OR SI pump AND

. RCS pressure less than 1250 psig b. STOP RCP . BYPASS condensate D .

T'J. ?

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a. IDENTIFY Ruptured S/G(s) as a. WHEN Ruptured S/Gs identified, indicated by any of the following: THEN PERFORM Steps 4. and . Unexpected rise in any S/G GO TO Caution prior to Step narrow range leve 'OR

. High radiation from any S/G sampl ,


. RADCON survey of main steamlines and S/G blowdown line OR l l

- High radiation on any main steamline radiation monito OR I


. High radiation on S/G blowdown '


recorders RR-90-120 and RR-90-12 I i

l l

i l

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l E-3 !

SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION . Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source of feed flow will result in loss of secondary heat sin . Isolating all S/Gs will result in a loss of secondary heat si' : . ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s);

a. ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s)

atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO. (1040 psig)

b. CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric b. WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure relief hand switch in P-AUTO and less than 1040 psig, valve (s) CLOSE THEN PERFORM the following:

1) VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSE ) IF atmospheric relief NOT closed, THEN CLOSE atmospheric relie IF Ruptured S/G(s) atmospheric relief can NOT be closed, THEN DISPATCH personnel to close atmospheric relief USING EA-1-2,

, _

Local Control of S/G PORV c. CLOSE TD AFW pump steam supply c. IF at least one MD AFW pump running, from Ruptured S/G(s) FCV-1-15 or THEN FCV-1-1 ISOLATE TD AFW pump locall d. VERIFY Ruptured S/G(s) blowdown d. CLOSE valve (s),

isolation valves CLOSE (Step continued on next page.)

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E-3 -


MSIV bypass valve: 1 1) CLOSE Intact S/G MSIVs and MSIV l

. CLOSE valves manuall bypass valve OR IF any intact S/G MSIV or MSIV ,

. bypass valve can NOT be closed, '

. CLOSE valves locally THEN l USING EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs CLOSE affected valve USING l Locall EA-1-1, Closing MSIVs Locall ) CLOSE the following:

. HP steam to MSAs

. Condenser steam dumps

. HP steam to MFW pump turbine

. MFW pump steam sekts

. Main Turbine steam seals

. Steam header traps USING EA-1-4, Steam Trap isolatio ) USE Intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief for steam dum IF any Ruptured S/G can NOT be isolated from at least one intact S/G, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and

LOCA - Subcooled Recover Page 7 of 35 J

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. Rev.11 l

l STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUT!ON Feeding a S/G that is Faulted and Ruptured increases the potential for an uncontrolled RCS cooldown and S/G overfill. This option is NOT to be considered UNLESS needed for RCS cooldow . MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) levelin ,

narrow range:

a. CHECK narrow range level a. MAINTAIN feed flow to Ruptured S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV]. UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV].

GO TO Caution prior to Step b. STOP feed flow to Ruptured S/G(s). )

l l

l I

1 i .



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I a


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CAUTION Any time a pressurizer PORV opens, there is a possibility that it may stick ope . MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block vaives:

a. Powerto block valves AVAILABLE a. DISPATCH personnel to restore power to block valves USING EA-201-1,480 V


Board Room Breaker Alignments.

l b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED b. IF pressurizer pressure less than 2335 psig, THEN CLOSE pressurizer PORV IF pressurizer PORV can NOT be closed, THEN CLOSE its block valve.

l IF pressurizer PORV remains open

., AND associated block valve can NOT be closed, THEN



! - Subcooled Recover .

c. At least one block valve OPE c. OPEN one block valve UNLESS it was closed to isolate an open POR Page 9 of 35



. S/G pressures controlled or rising . MSIVs and MSIV bypasses CLOSED


. S/G pressures greater than 140 psi . MFW ISOLATED

. Atmospheric relief CLOSED

. S/G blowdown valves CLOSED

. Steam supply to TD AFW pump ISOLATED (S/G 1 or 4).

IF any Faulted S/G NOT isolated AND NOT needed for cooldown, THEN GO TO E-2, Fautted Steam Generator isolatio . MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels:

a. Greater than 10% [25% ADV] a. MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV]

in at least one intact S/ b. IF level in any intact S/G continues to rise b. Between 10% [25% ADV) and 50%. in an uncontrolled manner,


THEN GO TO Note prior to Step Page 10 of 35

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l RESET Si and l CHECK the following:


! permissive LIT [M-4A, C4]

. S.I. ACTUATED permissive DARK [M-4A, D4].


i l


10. RESET Phase A end Phase . ESTABLISH control air to containment USING EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containmen . MONITOR AC busses energized ENERGIZE AC busses from offsite power from start busse USING EA-202-1, Energizing 6900 V Power Distribution Syste IF necessary, THEN ENSURE diesel generato'rs supplying shutdown board * '

WHEN shutdown power restored, THEN ENSURE safeguards equipment running as necessary.

l I i



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a. CHECK RHR pumps a. IF RHR pumps aligned to containment ALIGNED to RWS sump, THEN GO TO Step 1 b. CHECK RCS pressure b. GO TO Step 1 greater than 180 psi c. STOP RHR pumps and -

PLACE in A-AUT d. MONITOR RCS pressure d. START RHR pump greater than 180 psig..


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I a. CHECK either of the following a. DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure conditions SATISFIED: UNTil conditions satisfied ,

UNLESS Ruptured S/G needed

. Ruptured S/G MSIVs and for.RCS cooldow MSIV bypass valves CLOSE OR

. MSIV(s) and MSIV bypass valve (s) CLOSED on intact S/G(s)

to be used for RCS cooldow b. CHECK the following CLOSED: b. CLOSE valves as necessar . Ruptured S/G blowdown valves

. Ruptured S/G steam supply to TD AFW

. Ruptured S/G atmospheric relie . CHECK Ruptured S/G pressure GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA greater than 380 psi Subcooled Recover Page 13 of 35 J

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i STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE . Blocking low steamline pressure Si as soon as pressurizer pressure is less than 1920 psig will prevent an inadvertent MSIV closure and keep the condenser available for steam dum . After the low steamline pressure SI signal is blocked, main steamline isolation will occur if the high steam pressure rate setpoint is exceede . The 1250 psig RCP trip criterion is NOT applicable after RCS cooldown is initiated in the following ste . INITIATE RCS cooldown:

a. DETERMINE target core exit T/C temperature based on Ruptured S/G pressure:

[ Ruptured S/G pressure (psig) Target Core Exit T/C Temp (*F)

1100 515 1000 500 900 490 800 475 700 460 600 445 500 425


400 400 380 390 (Step continued on next page.)

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E-3 <

SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 b. DUMP steam to condenser b. DUMP steam at maximum achievable rate from Intact S/G(s) at maximum USING intact S/G(s) atmospheric relief (s).

achievable rat IF local control of atmospheric reliefs is necessary, THEN DISPATCH personnel to dump steam at maximum achievable rate USING EA-1-2, Local Control of S/G PORV IF Intact S/G NOT available, THEN PERFORM the following:

. USE Fautted S/ OR

. GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover c. WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN PERFORM the following:

. BLOCK low steamline pressure S . CHECK STEAMLINE PRESS ISOL/SI BLOCK RATE ISOL ENABLE permissive LI (M-4A, A4]

(Step continued on next page.)

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d. GO TO Step 1 . d. CHECK core exit T/Cs less than target temperature determined in Substep 1 .


e. STOP RCS cooldow MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs k less than target temperatur g. DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure UNTIL RCS cooldown COMPLETED.


17. CHECK Ruptured S/G(s) pressure IF Ruptured S/G(s) pressure drops to stable or risin less than 250 psig above pressure of Intact S/G(s) being used for cooldown, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover . CHECK RCS subcooling based on core GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA exit T/Cs greater than 60* Subcooled Recover ._

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STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 19. DEPRESSURIZE RCS to minimize break flow and to refill pressurizer:

a. CHECK normal pressurizer spray a. GO TO Cautions prior to Step 2 AVAILABL i b. INITIATE maximum available pressurizer spra c. CHECK depressurization rate c. GO TO Cautions prior to Step 2 {'

ADEQUAT d. CONTINUE depressurization .

UNTIL any of the following conditions SATISFIED:

. Both of the following:

1) RCS pressure less than Ruptured S/G(s)

pressure AND l

2) Pressurizerlevel 9reater than 10% [20% ADV OR l

. Pressurizer level greater than 65%.

! OR l

' . RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40* (Step continued on next page.)

Page 17 of 35




19. e. CLOSE spray valve (s):

1) Normalsprayvalves 1) STOP RCP(s) supplying failed spray valve (s).

2) Auxiliary spray valve ) ISOLATE auxiliary spray lin . GO TO Caution prior to Step 2 _

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STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION . Depressurizing the RCS using a pressurizer PORV may result in PRT rupture with attendant abnormal containment conditions.-

. Excessive cycling of a pressurizer PORV increases the potential for PORV failur NOTE Upper head voiding due to RCS depressurization under natural circulation conditions may result in a rapidly rising pressurizer leve i 10. DEPRESSURIZE RCS ,

USING one pressurizer PORV to minimize l

"reak flow and to refill pressurizer:

. i a. CHECK at least one pressurizer ESTABLISH auxiliary spray USING PORV AVAILABLE EA-62-4, Establishing Auxiliary Spra IF auxiliary spray established, l THEN GO TO Step 19.b.

IF auxiliary spray can NOT be


established, THEN l PERFORM the following:

1) CLOSE normal and auxiliary spray ) GO TO ECA-3.3, SGTR Without Pressurizer Pressure Contro (Step continued on next page.)

Page 19 of 35 J



l 20. b. OPEN one pressurizer PORV

! UNTIL any of the following conditions SATISFIED:

. BOTH of the following:

1) RCS pressure '

less than Ruptured S/G(s)

pressure AND 2) Pressurizerlevel greater than .1 0% [20% ADV].


. Pressurizerlevel greater than 65%.


. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40* c. CLOSE pressurizer POR c. CLOSE block valv d. CLOSE spray valve (s):

1) Normal spray valves 1) STOP RCP(s) supplying failed spray valve (s).

2) Auxiliary spray valve ) ISOLATE auxiliary spray lin Page 20 of 35

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Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 21. CHECK RCS pressure RISIN CLOSE pressurizer PORV block valv IF pressure continues to drop, THEN PERFORM the following: .

1) MONITOR the following conditions for indication of leakage from pressurizer .


. Acoustic Monitoring System

. Tail pipe temperatures

. PRT indication ) GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recovery.

i h

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E-3 -


STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION Any delay in terminating Si after termination criteria are met may cause Ruptured S/G(s) overfil . CHECK if ECCS flow should be terminated: ,

a.' RCS subcooling based on core exit a. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump T/Cs greater than 40*F GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recovery, b. Secondary heat sink: b. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

. Narrow range level - Subcooled Recover In at least one intact S/G greater than 10% [25% ADV)


. Total feed flow to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm AVAILABLE c. RCS pressure stable or rising c. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover .


d. Pressurizerlevel d. DO NOT STOP ECCS pump greater than 10% [20% ADV]. GO TO Step 1 Page 22 of 35 e __

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E-3 -



. SI pumps


a. CLOSE inlet isolation valves i FCV 63-39 and FCV-63-4 b. CLOSE outlet isolation valves FCV-63-26 and FCV-63-2 I I


25. ESTABLISH normal charging flow; a. CLOSE seal water flow control valve FCV-62-8 b. OPEN alternate or normal charging isolation valve FCV-62-85 or FCV-62-8 c. OPEN charging flow isolation valves

FCV-62-90 and FCV-62-9 l d. ESTABLISH desireri charging flow USING seal water and charging flow control valves FCV-62-89 and FCV-62-9 . CONTROL charging flow to maintain


pressurizer level.

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Rev.11 a.-


a. RCS subcooling based on core exit a. START ECCS pumps as necessar T/Cs greater than 40*F GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA -

- Subcooled Recover .

b. Pressurizerlevel b. START ECCS pumps as necessar greater than 10% [20% ADV].

IF pressurizer level can NOT be maintained, THEN GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA

- Subcooled Recover . MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped:

a. CHECK any containment spray pump a. GO TO Step 2 RUNNIN b. CHECK containment pressure b. GO TO Step 29.

- -

less than 2.0 psi c. RESET Containment Spra d. STOP containment spray pumps and PLACE in A-AUT e. CLOSE containment spray discharge valves FCV-72-2 and FCV-72-3 Page 24 of 35

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29. CHECK VCT makeup control system: ADJUST controls as necessar i a. Makeup set for greater than RCS boron concentratio b. Makeup set for automatic contro l


30. MONITOR if letdown can be established:

a. CHECK pressurizer level a. GO TO Step 3 greater than 20% [35% ADV).

b. ESTABLISH letdown USING b. ESTABLISH excess letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal EA-62-3, Establishing Excess Letdow Charging and Letdow ,


l l

l l

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31. DETERMINE if CCP suction can be aligned to VCT:

a. GO TO Step 3 a. CHECK CCP suction ALIGNED to RWS .

b. OPEN VCT outlet valves LCV-62-132 and LCV-62-133 and PLACE in PULL A-P-AUT c. CLOSE RWST valves LCV-62-135 and LCV-62-136 and PLACE in PULL A-P-AUT _


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32. CONTROL RCS pressure and makeup flow to minimize RCS-to-secondary leakage:

l a. PERFORM appropriate action (s) from table:



[35% ADVJ makeup flow, makeup flo makeup flo * DEPRESSURIZE e MAINTAIN RCS l RCS USING and Ruptured S/G(s)

l Substep 3 pressures equa Between DEPRESSURIZE TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS 20% [35% ADV] RCS USING pressurizer heater and Ruptured and 50% Substep 3 S/G(s) pressures equa Between e REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS 50% and 65% makeup flow, pressurizer heater and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures equa * DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 3 I





makeup flow, pressu:izer heater and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures' equa b. USE normal pressurizer spray as b. IF letdown in service, required by Substep 3 THEN  ;

USE auxiliary spray USING EA-62-4, j l Establishing Auxiliary Spra IF letdown NOT in service OR auxiliary


spray can NOT be established, THEN USE one pressurizer POR l (Stop continued on next page.)

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32. c. MONITOR RCS pres;ure c. PERFORM the following:

less than 1040 psi ) MAINTAIN RCS subcooling based on l core exit T/Cs greater than 40* ) DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 32.b. UNTIL RCS pressure less than 1040 psi '


3) DO NOT CONTINUE this procedure UNTIL RCS pressure and Ruptured S/G(s) pressures less than 1040 psi ) MAINTAIN RCS and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures less than 1040 psi . DETERMINE if diesel generators should be stopped:

a. VERIFY shutdown boards a. ATTEMPT to restore offsite power to ENERGlZED from start busses, shutdown boards USING EA-202-1, Energizing 6900 V Power Distribution Syste b. PLACE any unloaded diesel generator iri standby USING EA-82-1, Placing D/Gs in Standby.

. -

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, _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . .

E-3 SON STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 34. DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-0-3, Minimizing Secondary Plant Guni.ininatio . OPERATE pressurizer heaters to maintain pressurizer at saturation temperature for Ruptured S/G pressur .

36. CHECK RCP cooling NORMAL: ESTABLISH normal cooling to RCPs USING EA-68-2 Establishing RCP Start

. RCP CCS flow Condition . RCP sealinjection flo .

37. DETERMINE if RCP seal retum flow should be established:

a. VERIFY CCS cooling to seal water a. ESTABLISH CCS cooling to seal heat exchanger NORMAL: water heat enhange . SEAL WATER HX OUTLET IF CCS cooling to seal water heat FLOW / TEMP ABNORMAL exchanger can NOT be established, alarm DARK [M-278, A6 (A7)). THEN GO TO Step 3 ~

b. OPEN seal retum isolation valves FCV-62-61 and FCV-62-6 Page 29 of 35

_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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-3 -



STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION Loss of all RCP seal cooling may cace RCP seal damage and will require a TSC status evaluation prior to restarting affected RCP NOTE To optimize normal pressurizer spray capability, the preferred RCP starting orderis: 2,1,4, .

38. MONITOR RCP status:

a. CHECK at least one RCP RUNNIN a. ATTEMPT to start one RCP:

1) IF all RCP seal cooling has previously been lost ,

THEN NOTIFY TSC to initiate RCP restart status evaluatio ) IF RVLIS lower range indication less than 98%,

THEN PERFORM the following:

. RAISE pressurizer levelto greater than 90%

. RAISE RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 76*F.

O 3) ESTABLISH conditions for starting an RCP USING EA-68-2, Establishing RCP Start Condition (Step continued on next page.)


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SON E-3 -

STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 38. a. (continued) 4) IF conditions for starting an RCP are l established, THEN START one RC IF an RCP can NOT be started, THEN MONITOR natural circulation USING EA-68-6, Monitoring Natural Circulation Condition IF natural circulation can NOT be verified,


THEN RAISE steam dump rat b. STOP all BUT one RCP.






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STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 39. MONITOR if source range detectors should be reinstated:

a. CHECK intermediate range flux a. GO TO Step 4 less than 10-5% powe .

b.' CHECK source range detectors b. REINSTATE source range detector REINSTATE c. SELECT one SRM and one IRM on NR-45 recorde d. ENSURE audio count rate operatio e. RESET shutdown monitor alarm f setpoints. [M13]

l WHEN shutdown monitor ALARM LEDs dark AND HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN bistable lights dark, THEN PLACE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN ala,m block switches in NORMA [M13)


l l

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l l 40. ALIGN MSRs for hot standby: l l a. DEPRESS RESET on MSR Control l Panel XX-47-300 b. ISOLATE high pressure stearn to .

MSRs: '

1) CLOSE the following valves and VERIFY status on Panel XX-1-145:

. FCV-1-141

. FCV-1-241

. FCV-1-135

. FCV-1-235 l

. FCV-1-143

. FCV-1-243

. FCV-1-137

. FCV-1-237

. FCV-1-145

. FCV-1-245

. FCV-1-139  ;

e FCV-1-23 _

c. OPEN MSR starting vents and VERIFY status on panel XS-6- d. CLOSE MSR operating vents and VERIFY status on panel XS-6-3.

l l

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. MFW pumps.,

. Con DI booster pump . No. 3 heater drain tank pump '

. No. 7 heater drain tank pump . Condensate booster pump . Hotwell pump . PERFORM EA-O-9, Post Trip Administrative Requirement . -

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l E-3 SQN STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE Rev.11 STEP ACTION / EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE e Backfill method is slow but preferred since it minimizes radiological releases and facilitates processing of contaminated reactor coolan . Blowdown method is slow but minimizes radiological releases and eliminates boron dilution and secondary chemistry effects on RC . Steam dump method is fast but may involve:

1) radiological releases if the condenser is NOT available and 2) water hammer concems if water exists in the steamline '

43. DETEREINE appropriate post-SGTR cooldown method:

a. SELECT appropriate procedure:

. ES-3.1, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Backfil OR

. ES-3.2, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Blowdow OR

. ES-3.3, Post-SGTR Cooldown Using Steam Dum b. GO TO selected procedure.


l i



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l l


Si REINITIATION CRITERIA IF Si has been tenninsted AND either of the following conditions occurs:


. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40 *F, OR e Pressurizer level can NOT be maintained greater than 10% [20% ADV),

THEN START ECCS pumps as necessary and GO TO ECA-3.1, SGTR and LOCA - Subcooled Recover RED PATH SUMMARY


1. SUBCRITICALITY Nuclear power greater than 5%.

2. CORE COOLING Core exit T/Cs greater than 1200* OR Core exit T/Cs greater than 700*F AND all RCPs stopped AND RVLIS lower range less than 40%.

3. HEAT SINK All S/G narrow range levels less than 10% [25% ADV]

AND Total feedwater flow less than 440 gp . PRESSURIZED T-cold drop greater than 100*F in last 60 minutes THERMAL AND SHOCK T-cold less than 250* . CONTAINMENT Containment pressure greater than 12.0 psi EVENT DIAGNOSTICS e IF both trains of shutdown boards deenergized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of Ai! AC Powe . IF any S/G pressure dropping in an uncontrolled manner or less than 140 psig AND S/G NOT isolated AND S/G NOT needed for RCS cooldown, THEN GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator isolatio '

i IF any intact S/G has level rising in an uncontrolled manner or has abnormal radiation, THEN GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture, Step TANK SWITCHOVER SETPOINTS

. IF CST levelless than 10%,

THEN ALIGN AFW suction to ERC . IF RWST levelless than 27%,

THEN GO TO ES-1.3, Transfer to R lR Containment Sum J



HANDOUT FOR E-3 s Page 1 of 2 r



. At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNIN AND

. RCS pressure less than 1250 psig . MONITOR indications of Ruptured S/G(s). WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) pressure less than 1040 psig, RNO THEN VERIFY S/G atmospheric relief close . MAINTAIN Ruptured S/G(s) level in narrow range greater than 10% [25% ADV]. MAINTAIN feed flow to Ruptured S/G UNTil level greater than 10% [25% ADV].

RNO MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves: Power to block valves AVAILABLE b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED c. At least one block valve OPE . MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels between 10% [25% ADV] and 50%. MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm RNO UNTIL level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one S/ . MONITOR AC busses energized from start busse . (if any train of shutdown power lost-- momentary or sustained)

RNO WHEN shutdown power restored, THEN ENSURE safeguards equipment running as necessar .d. MONITOR RCS pressure greater than 100 psi . .

WHEN RCS pressure less than 1920 psig, THEN BLOCK low steamline pressure S .f. MAINTAIN core exit T/Cs less than target temperatur .1) MONITOR for indication of leakage from pressurizer POR RNO 2 CONTROL charging flow to maintain pressurizer leve . MONITOR ECCS flow NOT required:

a. RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs greater than 40*F b. Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].

- - _ _ _ _ - _ _

HANDOUT FOR E-3 Page 2 of 2 STEP ACTION 2 MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped. (pressure less than 2.0 psid)

3 MONITOR if letdown can be established. (pressurizer level greater than 20% [35% ADVJ)

3 CONTROL RCS pressure and makeup flow to minimize RCS-to-secondary leakag (see table below).


(Order of preference- normal spray, aux spray if letdown in service, pressurizer PORV.)

3 MONITOR RCS pressure less than 1040 psi . MONITOR RCP status. (at least one RCP running)

38.a.4) MONITOR natural circulatio RNO 3 MONITOR if source range detectors should be reinstate (IRM flux less than 10-6% power)

3 WHEN shutdown monitor ALARM LEDs dark AND HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN bistable lights dark, THEN PLACE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN alarm block switches in NORMAL. [M13]



Substep 3 pressures equa Between DEPRESSURIZE TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS RCS USING pressurizer heaters, and Ruptured 20% [35% ADV)

and 50% Substep 3 S/G(s) pressures equa Between e REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTA10 RCS 50% and 65% makeup flo pressurizer heater and Ruptured S/G(s)

pressures equa e DEPRESSURIZE RCS USING Substep 3 Greater than 65% REDUCE RCS TURN ON MAINTAIN RCS makeup flo pressurizer heater and Ruptured S/G(s)


pressures equal.

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Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 08:01 AM Answer Key Page: 1


I Test Name: SROTEST1.TST Test Date: Thursday, May 21,1998


Question ID Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 1 022000A301 [4.1/43] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 2 000024G011 [3.8G.9] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDA B C D 1: 3 000060G007 [3.1/3.4] 001 MC-SR I D AB C DAB C DA 1: 4 000040K304 [4.5/4.7) 001 MC-SR 1 C DA B C DA B C D 1: 5 002000A103 001 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB C DA 1: 6 000051 A202 [3.9/4.1] 002 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB C DA 1: 7 062000K302 [4.1] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B B B B BB B 1: 8 000051G011 [2.7/2.9] 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA 1: 9 000055A203 [3.9/4.7] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 10 000057A217 [3.lG.4] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D AB C 1: 11 011000A102 [33G.5] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C DAB C DAB 1: 12 011000A101 [3.5/3.6] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 13 0120000001 [3.8) 001 MC-SR 1 B B B B BB B B B B 1: 14 061000K407 [3.1/33] 001 MC-SR I B C DA B C D AB C 1: 15 000058Al21 I3.9/4.11 001 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 16 000027A101 [4.0/3.9] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D AB C 1: 17 076000K307 [3.7] 001 MC-SR 1 D DDD DDD DDD 1: 18 000008A212 [3.4/3.7] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C DAB C DAB 1: 19 000027G008 [3.10.6] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 20 017020K401 [3.4/3.7] 001 MC-SR I C DA B C DA B C D 1: 21 000033A202 [330.6] 002 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 22 063000K302 [3.5/3.7] 001 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB C DA 1: 23 000003K103 [3.5] 001 MC-SR 1 B B B B B B B BB B 1: 24 002020K509 [3.6/3.9] 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA 1: 25 025000G004 [4.0/43] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DAB 1: 26 000059A205 [3.6] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDD DDDDDD 1: 27 000061K302 [3.4/3.6] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DAB 1: 28 194001K101 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B B BB B BB 1: 29 072000SG14 001 MC-SR 1 C DAB CDA B C D 1: 30 000055K302 001 MC-SR 1 A A A A A A A A A A 1: 31 194001 All5 [3.1]


001 MC SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 32 194001K105 [3.1/3.4] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D AB C 1: 33 194001 Alll [2.W4.lj 001 MC-SR I D AB C DAB CDA 1: 34 194001A113 [43] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BBB BBB 1: 35 19400lK102 [3.7/4.11 002 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 36 194001 A101 [33] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 37 000037A206 [43/4.5] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B CD 1: 38 000026K304 [3.5/3.7) 001 MC-SR I C DAE C DA B C D 1: 39 041020A102 [3.1/3.2] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C DAB C DAB 1: 40 041020K417 [3.7/3.9) 001 MC-SR 1 D A B C DAB C DA 1: 41 000058A203 (3.5] 001 MC-SR 1 D DDDDDD DDD 1: 42 000036K101 [3.5/4.1] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C D AB C 1: 43 000067A105 [3.0] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA A AA AAA 1: 44 015000K406 [3.9/4.2] 001 MC-SR 1 .A B C D AB C DAB 1: 45 00000$G00813.1] 001 MC-SR 1 D DDD DDD DDD


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Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 08:01 AM Ariswer Key Pa8e:2

Test Name
SROTESTI.TST Test Date: Thursday, May 21,1998 gg Question ID Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 46 068000A302 [3.6] 001 MC-SR 1 AAAAAAA AAA 1: 47 194001A102 [4.lG.9) 002 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DAB 1: 48 001000K105 [4.5] 001 MC-SR 1 B B BB BB B BB B 1: 49 061000K401 [3.9/4.2] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDABC D 1: 50 194001 A105 [3.6G.8] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 51 039000K102 [33G3] 001 MC-SR I B CDABC DAB C I 1: 52 012000A406 [43] 001 MC-SR 1 A-A A A AAA AAA l 1: 53 194001All6 [3.1/4A] 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA l 1: 54 000025A102 [3.8) 001 MC-SR I C C. C C C C C C C C i 1: 55 006000K602 [3.4/3.9] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DAB 1: 56 001000K502 [2.9GA] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDAB C D


1: 57 000074A201 [4.6/4.9] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDA B C D 1: 58 Ol3000A101 [4.0) 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 59 059000K104 [3.4] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA AAAAAA 1: 60 003000K103 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 61 0000250007[3.4/3.6] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C DAB C

  • 1: 62 004000A301 [3.50.7] 001 MC-SR 1 D AB C DAB C DA 1: 63 000056A247 [3.8] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BB B BDB 1: 64 000008K301 [3.7/4A] 001 MC-SR I C DAB CDAB C D 1: 65 000051K301 [2.8/3.11 001 MC-SR 1 C DA B C DA B C D 1: .66 000008K10l [3.2/3.7] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA BC D AB C 1: 67 005000K301 [3.9) .001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 68 086000K403 [3.lG.7] 001 MC-SR 1 B C DA B C DAB C 1: 69 000024K301 [4.1/4 A] 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C l

- 1: 70 000051 A202 [3.9/4.1] 001 MC-SR 1 B B B B BB B BB B 1: 71 0000690012 [3.5/3.5] 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B B BB BBB 1: 72 000007A2M [4.4/4.6] 002 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D 1: 73 . 000007K105 [4.0/4.1] 001 MC SR I C DAB CDA BC D 1: 74 010000K301 [3 A'3.9] 001 MC-SR 1 DAB C DAB CDA 1: 75 000040K107 f 3 4/4.21 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DA B

1: 76 064000A203 [3.1/3.] ~

001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 77 000038A132 [4.6/4.7) 002 MC-SR I C DAB CDAB C D 1: 78 0000370003 [3.2/3.] 001 MC-SR 1 D DDDDDD DDD 1: 79 029000K103 [3.6/3.8] 001 MC-SR 1 D C DA B C D AB C 1: 80 0000220011 [3 3/3.61 001 MC-SR 1 D DDDDDD DDD 1: 81 016000K403 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 82 19400lK104 [33G.51 001 MC-SR 1 A A AA AAA AAA 1: 83 0000260011 [3 A/3.7) 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 84 0030VOK201 [3.1/3.1] 001 MC-SR 1 A B C D AB C DAB 1: 85 026000K201 001 MC-SR 1 D DDDDDD DDD _

1: 86 062000K201 001 MC-SR 1 DDDDDDDDDD 1: 87 000001 A203 [4.5] 001 MC-SR 1 A AAA AAA AAA 1: 88 0000llK312 [4A/4.6] 001 MC-SR 1 AB C D AB C DAB 1: 89 000015Al22 [4.0/4.2] 001 MC SR 1 C DA B CDAB C D 1: 90 ' 19400lK107 f 3 5/3.71 001 MC-SR 1 C C C C C C C C C C


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Wednesday, June 03,1998 @ 08:01 AM Answer Key Page: 3 Test Name: SROTEST1.TST Test Date: Thursday,May 21,1998


QuestionID Type Pts 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1: 91 .19400lKil4 [330.6] 001 MC-SR 1 DDDD DDD DDD 1: 92 19400lKil5 [3.40.8) 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C 1: 93 19400lK103 001 MC SR 1 ABCDABC DAB 1: 94 19400! A106 [3.4/3.4] 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB BBB BB B 1: 95 19400lKil6 [3.5/4.2] 001 MC-SR 1 B BBB BBB B B B % 000076K305 001 MC-SR 1 B BB B BBB BB B 1: 97 064000A303 [3.4G3] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D .

1: 98 000015K102 [3.7/4.1] 001 MC-SR I C DAB C DA B C D li 99 000057A219 001- MC-SR 1 B BBB BBB BBB 1: 100 0060000010[3.4/3.7) 001 MC-SR I C C C C C C C C C C t

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