IR 05000327/1989003

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Insp Repts 50-327/89-03 & 50-328/89-03 on 890109-13.No Violations or Deviations Noted.One Unresolved Item Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Inservice Insp & Inservice Testing of Pumps & Valves
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1989
From: Blake J, Crowley B
Shared Package
ML20235L169 List:
50-327-89-03, 50-327-89-3, 50-328-89-03, 50-328-89-3, NUDOCS 8902270413
Download: ML20235L175 (12)


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l Report Nos.:

50-327/89-03 and 50-328/89 03 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801

. Docket Nos.: 50-327.and.50-328 License Nos.:

DPR-77 and DPR-79 Facility Name:

Sequoyah I and 2 Inspection ndu ed-anuary 9-13, 1989 Inspecto.




F 1 Date Signed f


Appro db


J J Blake, Chief Date Signed a rials and Processes Section E ineering Branch D vision of. Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope This routine, announced inspection was conducted in the areas of inservice inspection (ISI) and inservice testing (IST) of pumps and valves.

Results In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identified.- Based on

. review of program documents and procedures and observation of in-process

. testing, the licensee's IST program and implementation of the program appeared to be good.

Some weaknesses in pro documents were -identified (see

' paragraph 2.h. of the report details) gramBased on a review of records and


observation of in-process tests, these program document weaknesses did not l

appear to affect the overall test performance.

I As noted in report 50-327, 328/88-58, the ISI program appeared to be well I

defined and documented.





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Persons Contacted

Licensee Employees


  • D. A. - Barker, lead Mechanical. Engineer - Valves
  • K. E. Casey, Mechanical Engineer, NQAD M.. Cooper, Complience Licensing Supervisor
  • H. M. Dooley, Mechanical Test Section Supervisor
  • J. McClanahan, Engineering Specialist, _ Nuclear Maintenance
  • S. J. Smith, Plant Manager
  • G. L. Wade, ISI Coordinator P. D. : Ward,. Lead Mechanical Engineer - Pumps e
  • C. H.L Whitteriore, Licensing Engineer Other licen;;ee employees contacted during this inspection inclu'ded engineers,. operator's, mechanics, security force members, technicians, and administrative personnel.

NRC Resident-?nspectors K. Jenison, Senior Resident Inspector


P. Harmon,, Senior Resident Inspector D. Loveless, Resident Inspector P. Humphrey, Resident Inspector

  • Attended exit interview 2.-

Inservice Testing of Pumps-and Valves (73756)-

The-inspector reviewed the licensee's IST' Program in the areas indicated below to determine whether regulatory requirements and licensee commitments were being met.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g), the applicable code is the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI,1974 Edition, S75 Addenda for Unit 1 and 1977 Edition S78 Addenda for Unit 2.

Based on TVA's IST Program submittal, dated March 3,1982, as : revised by TVA submittal, dated November 4,1982, the NRC issued a Safety Evaluation Report (SER), dated April 5, 1985.

Based on issue of the SER and subsequent meetings, TVA submitted a revised IST program on August 16, 198E.

On June 6, 1986, TVA issued a revision to the August 16, 1985, subriittal. On September 18, 1986, NRC requested additional information on TVA's latest IST program.

Additional submittals and relief requests were issued in 1987 and 1988.

NRC provided SERs and/or approvals of relief requests in letters dated October 23, 1987; January 19, 1988; March 14, 1988; and September 15, 1988.

See RII report 50-327, 328/86-59 for a previous inspection in this area.



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The inspector reviewed the following documents for control of IST activities:


FSAR, faction 6.8, Amendment 5, Pump and Valve Inservice Testing.


Program ASME Section XI Valve Trending Program Users Guide, R0.


NQAM, Part I, Section 2.16, R4 Corrective Action


NQAM, Part II, Section 4.5, R1, Plant Surveillance Test Program


NQAM, Part II, Section 4.9, R3, Handling of CSCC. Test




NQAM, Part II, Section 5.1, R5, Inservice Inspection - Nuclear i


Power Plant Components NQAM, Part III, Section 1.1, RS, Document Control


NQAM, Part III, Section 4.1, R2, Quality Assurance Records


NQAM, Part III, Section 6.1, R2, Selection and Training of


Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants S1-1, R24, Surveillance Program


Si-129.4, R0, Emergency Core Cooling Safety Injection Pump 2A-A


Quarterly Operability Test SI-166, R19, Summary of Valve Tests for ASME Section XI




SI-166.1, R41, Full Stroking of Category

"A" and

"B" Valves i

During Operation

SI-166.6, R24, Testing of Category

"A" and

"B" Valves after


Maintenance or Upon Release from a Hold Order SI-166.8, R7, Increased Frequency Testing of Category

"A" and


"B" Valves SI-166.10, R23, Accumulator Inspection Primary Check Valve




SI-166-12, R16, SIS /RHR/UHI Check Valve Opening Test SI-166.18, R15, RHR Return Valve Leak Rate Test


- 01-166.39, R2, Disassembly and Inspection of SIS /RHR/CS/VHI

heck Valves During Refueling Outages




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3 SI-260, R13, SIS / BIT /RHR ~ Injection ' Flow - Balance, Pump

- -

Performance and Check Valve Test SI-260.1, RHR Injection Flow Measurement, Pump Performance and


Check Valve Test SI-260.2, RS, BIT Cold Leg Flow Balance, Pump Performance and


Check Valve Test TI-54, R14, Compliance Instruments



TI-54.2, R9, Compliance Instruments TI-69, RIS, PMT Summary for ASME Section XI and 10 CFR 50


Appendix J Valves TI-89, R5, Inservice Testing Required by ASME Section XI


TI-94, R0, Reactor Coolant Pump Vibration Measuring System


TI-96.1, R1, Vibration Observations - Pumps and Motors



TI-103, R0, Establishment and PMT Update of ASME Pump Reference Valves



AI-4, R72, Plant Instructions - Document Control AI-12, R1, (Part I) Corrective Actions


AI-31, R10, Control of Measuring and Test Equipment


SQA-134, R20, Critical Structures, Systems and Components (CSSC)


List SQA-193, R1, Quality Assurance for Computer Software Systems



The documents were reviewed for general cont (nt to support the reviews / observations detailed in paragraph b. through h. below and to verify that the licensee had assigned responsibilities for:


preparation, review, and approval of inservice testing (IST)



procedures scheduling of IST for normal and increased frequency testing f


performance of testing per approved procedurer


performance of post-maintenance and post-modification IST proper


certification and calibration of IST instruments

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L b.

For the tests. identified in paragraph f. below, the -inspector


verified that the test procedures were the latest ~ approved procedures land the test criteria were valid for the component being tested.


The11nspector verified : based on the procedures identified in paragraph a. 'above and the. observations 'and reviews identified in E

paragraphs d. and f. below, that' the licensee performs ISTo to an approved l schedule within the' limitations described in the11ST



l d.

In order to verify that test results are recorded per approved procedures and that data are evaluated and appropriate' corrective action performed in accordance'with code requirements, the inspector reviewed the following completed test procedures:



,'al ve No.

Test Date SI No.


'l-FCV-90-107 01/26/88 >

166 1.1 04/16/88 166.1.1 07/8/88 166.1.1 09/02/88 166.1.1, 166.4 10/17/88 166.1.1 2-FCV-1-148 08/03/88 166.1 1-FCV-63-175 04/06/88 166.6 09/05/88 166.6, 166.1, 166.4 1-63-563 12/15/88 166.10 1-FCV-70-66 01/26/88 166.1.1 04/29/88 166.1.1 07/9/88 166.1.1 08/22/88 166.1.1, 166.4 10/17/88 166.1.1 m.

1-87-558 10/03/88 166.11 2-FCV-68-332 01/21/88 166.1.1 01/28/88 166.40 04/20/88 166.1.1 04/30/88 166.40 07/11/88 166.1.1 10/03/88 166.1.1 01/03/89 166.1.1 j




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01/13/88 166.1.1., 166.6 01/21/88 166.1.1 01/26/88 166.6 04/20/88 166.1.1 07/11/88 166.1.1 10/03/88 166.1.1 12/27/88 166.1.1


Pumps Pump Date SI No.

CS 18-8 12/15/88 37.2 S1 2A-A 10/21/88 129 AFW IA-A 01/03/89 130.2.1 CC 28-B 12/15/88

In addition the following MIT-14 test. records were reviewed to determine if pumps.were being tested on required schedules and that-data met requirements:

Pump Test Date CS 18-8 12/15/88 SI 2A-A 11/05/87 02/15/88 02/18/88 05/18/88 01/19/88 10/22/88 AFW 1A-A 08/28/86 08/20/88 CC 28-B 10/15/86 01/05/87 04/23/87 07/15/87 09/25/87 01/10/88 04/06/88 06/27/88 09/17/88 l

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In conjunction with the i fiews/ observation identified in paragraphs.

a. thru-d. above and f. below, the inspector verified that IST


procedures and data reflected the requirements of the applicable _

edition of'the ASME B&PV Code,Section XI'in the areas'of: '



evaluations of-imposing and removing increased frequency. testing


requirements pump vibration test data analysis and acceptance criteria


justification, including location of vibration measurement requirements that pump tests be conducted at reference


conditions, including reference speed compliance of test. instruments.- to 10 CFR 50 and ASME Code


requirements requirements that testing of Category A' through D valves




performance of positive testing of Category C check valve

whose safety function is to open and close (i.e.,- full-stroke verification in both directions and individual

. quantitative leak rate testing where applicable)

evaluation of Category A valve leak test data conducted in


accordance with ASME IWV-3426 and -3427 guidelines and including containment isolation and pressure isolation valves observation of remote position indicators, including those on the remote shutdown panels, at least once every two years to verify that valve operation is. accurately indicated indication that valve stroke times are commensurate with the capabilities of the valve tested f.

The inspector observed the in-process testing detailed below to verify that test procedures were adequate, test quantities were obtained consistently and that applicable test conditions were met.

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Stroke time testing in accordance~ with SI-166.1' was observed and-


in-process records reviewed for the following valves:






Operability testing in accordance with SI-129.4 was observed and in-process records reviewed for Safety Injection pump 2A-A.


Calibration records for the below listed instruments, used in the testing listed in paragraphs d. and f. above, were reviewed.

Vibration Meter Serial No. 549654


Digital Thermometer Serial No. 41/194


Serial No. 522396 Pressure Gauge


Pressurc Gauge


Serial No. 900187 Serial No. 900741 Pressure Gauge


Vibration Instrument


Serial No. 549546 Diff. Pressure Gauge


Serial No. E084025 Vibration Meter


Serial No. 571191 UT Flow Meter Serial No. 561718


Vibration Meter Serial No. 555665


Stop Watch


Serial No 526752 Serial F. 526758 Stop Watch



In the above reviews / observations, the following problems or


weaknesses were identified:


There is no stand alone "IST Program" document.

Section 6.8 of l

the FSAR contains the IST program.

Therefore, the IST program


is being administratively controlled through the FSAR.

When changes are required to the program based on approved relief request or for any other reason, significant or insignificant, the FSAR must be changed.

Normally the FSAR is only revised once per year.

This method of controlling the IST program is very cumbersome and difficult to administer.

Also, the NQAM,

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Part II, Section 5.1, indicates that a stand alone IST Program is required and that the program is to be prepared by DNE.

Based on recent TVA reorganizations, nuclear Maintenance, rather than DNE, now has this responsibility.

Therefore, the NQAM is out of date based on the current organization.

The Nuclear Maintenance organization has recognized the discrepancy in the NQAM and the need to enhance the IST program by issuing a stand alone program document.

Such a document is planned.

Based on this inspection, the fact that the NQAM is out of date and the need for a stand alone IST program does not appear to have adversely affected the overall performance of IST of pumps and valves.

There is not a procedure to cover the general code requirements


for IST of pumps.

For valves, the general code requirements are covered in SI-166.

For pumps specific SI's for each pump test cover the general as well as specific code requirements.

The licensee agreed that the program for pump testing could be enhanced by specifying general requirements for pump testing in a general procedure, and that TI-89 would be evaluated for this purpose.



Paragraph IWP-6210 of ASME B&PV Code Section XI requires that a


Summary Listing of pumps' be maintained to record the current status of the test program.

Until very recently, MTI-14 data has served this purpose.

A new computer program is now being used that stores the information needed for a Summary List. The computer program is an improvement over MTI-14.

However, the program has not been through the approval cycle in accordance with procedure SQA-193.

Although, the program does need to be processed in accordance with procedure SQA-193, the fact that it has not, is not that significant since all data in the list is backed up by QA records and other computer programs that have been QA processed.


Near the close of the inspection, during reviews of M&TE records as detailed in paragraph g. above, the inspector noted the following discrepancies:

For vibration meter, Serial No. 549654, the M&TE usage log indicated that the meter was checked out for use on TI-96.1.

The inspector had observed the equipment being used on SI-129.4.

For UT flow meter, serial No. 561718, the fi&TE usage log indicated that the meter was checked out for use on SI-129.4.

Records reviewed by the inspector had shown the equipment being used on SI-130.2.1. The purpose of the M&TE usage log is to allow identification of equipment tested using a particular instrument should the l

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R; instrument be found out of calibration.

For the two.

instruments in question,Lthe. test engineer was show the inspector a. computer backup (part: of the program


identified above that has not been through the. approval-cycle) to the manudl M&TE-log that provided complete usage-history.

For vibration meter, serial No.. 571191, the M&TE l'ab could-not provide a usage log.

The. test engineer had possession of the meter and again, - his computer-records' showed

. complete usage history.


As noted abo 7e, the M&TE log discrepancies were identified at '

the close of the inspection.

The licensee requested time to^

in"estigate, the problems and determine their significance.

Further evaluation of these problems and the M&TE records system will be required by the NRC.

Pending further evaluation' during


a future ' inspection, this matter is identified as Unresolved Item 327, 328/89-03-01, Evaluation of M&TE Record Discrepancies.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Inservice inspection - Review of Program (73051) (Units 1 and 2)

The inspector reviewed the licensee's ISI program in the areas indicated units is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) plicable code for both below.- In accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g), the ap Code,Section XI,.1974

. Edition with Addenda through S75..

However, as indicated in TVA's'

submittal to the NRC, dated September 13, 1984, TVA has updated their ISI programs to the 1977 Edition, S78 Addenda of the ASME-B&PV code except that the extent-of examination for category B-J and C-F pipe welds is in accordance F.h the 1974 Edition, S75 Addenda.

Steam Generator Tubing is to be inspiued in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.83.

J In response to TVA's submittal, dated September 13, 1984, the NRC requested additional information by letter (Adensam to Parris), dated November 18, 1985.

TVA provided additional information by letters (Gridley to Youngblood), dated March 12, May 6, and July 30, 1986.


followup to the March 12, 1986 response, on December 10, 1986, TVA


submitted revision 7 to Surveillance Instructions 114.1'and 114.2 (Units 1 and 2 ISI Programs).

On July 30, 1987, Revision 10 to SI 114.2 was submitted to the NRC for Unit 2.

In response to "NRC Safety Evaluation Report on Tennessee Valley Authority:

Sequoyah Nuclear Performance Plan, dated May 1988", revision 13 to SI 114.2 for Unit 2 was submitted November 9, 1988.

Revision 13 augments and accelerates the ISI of welds for Unit 2.

The SER for the ISI programs has not yet been issued.

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See RII Report No. 50-327, 328/88-58 for a previous inspection of the ISI program.

As followup to the 88-58 inspection, the following program and QA documents were reviewed:

SI-114.1, Revision 12, ASME Section XI Inservice Inspection Program -


Unit 1 SI-114 2, Revision 13, ASME Section XI Inservice Inspection Program j



- Unit 2 NQAM, Part I, Section 2.5, R2, Instructions, Procedures and Drawings



NQAM, Part I, Section 2.16, RA Corrective Action NQAM, Part II, Section 2.3, R2, Repair and Replacements of ASME


Section XI Components



NQAM, Part III, Section 1.1, RS, Document Control i


AI-12 (Part III), R1, Corrective Action


The documents were reviewed in the areas of:

Plan and procedure review, approval and issue


Corrective action of conditions adverse to quality detected during


examination Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on January 13, 1989, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1.

The inspector described the areas


inspected and discussed in detail the inspection results listed above.


Proprietary information is not contained in this report.

Dissenting comments were not received from the licensee.

(0 pen) Unresolved Item 327,328/89-03-01, Evaluation of M&TE Record l

Discrepancies - Paragraph 2.h.


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Acronyms and Initialisms Auxiliary Feedwater AFW


Al Administrative Ir.struction



American Society.of Mechanical Engineers


B&PV -

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Centrifugal Charging CC


. Containment Spray CS


DNE Design Engineering


NQA:1 -

Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual ISI -

Inservice Inspection Inservice Testi1g IST


M&TE -

Measuring and Test Equipment MTI Mechanical Test Instruction


R Revision


RII 1 Region II i

Surveillance Instruction or Safety Injection SI


TI Technical Instruction



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