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Advises That Rev 5b to Plant Emergency Plan Consistent W/ Provisions of 10CFR50.54(q) & Acceptable.Approval of Emergency Action Levels (EAL) Does Not Preclude Additions to Upgraded EALs Resulting from NRC Review of Decommissioning
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/08/1989
From: Greger L
To: Reed C
NUDOCS 8903210269
Download: ML20236B761 (2)


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MAR 0 81983 I

. Docket No. 50-10 Docket No. 50-237 Docket No. 50-249- '

Commonwealth Edison Company

< ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed Senior Vice President Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Gentlemen:

On January 24, 1989, we received your. submittal of Revision 5b to the Dresden Station Annex to.the Generating Stations Emergency Plan (GSEP). We have completed our review of this submittal, dated. January 1989, and have determined that it. is consistent with the requirements of 10. CFR 50.54(q) and does.not decrease-the effectiveness of the. Emergency Plan.

Revision 5b consists.of a table of Station-Specific Emergency Action Levels (EALs) and an associated "BWR EAL Philosophy" supporting document. The EAL .,

philosophy document provides the technical bases for each EAL'and references relevant " example initiating conditions" listed in NUREG-0654, Revision 1'. j


The upgraded Dresden Station EALs represent part of your continuing program to 'I standardi.ze, where possible, the organization, wording, and technical bases of .

.the EAls used by the emergency response organizations at all of your nuclear l generating stations. The Dresden Station is the fifth station to have its l EAls upgraded. '

c While a number of the upgraded EALs, such as those addressing natural and  ;

destructive phenomena, are appliable to any of the three units at Dresden Station, several fuel handling and radioactive release EAls are specific to Unit 1. We understand that your staff is responding to Headquarters staff's concerns on the Unit 1 Decommissioning Plan. Therefore, our approval of Revision 5b'to the Dresden Station Annex does not preclude additions to the upgraded EALs which may result from the ongoing NRC review of the Unit 1 ,

Decommissioning 71an.

Be advised that 10 CFR 50.54(q) requires prior NRC approval of any changes to your Emergency Plan which may decrease its effectiveness. However, if your safety review assures no decrease in emergency preparedness effectiveness, ,

then changes to.the plan may be made and implemented without prior NRC approval in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q). Also, any changes to the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures should be made in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E, Section V.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room, f

e9e21026,e,0303 .

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Commonwealth l Edison: Company 2 MAR 0 81989 4

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact' Mr. T. Ploski of my. staff at (312) 790-5529.

Sincerely, i_n -

L. Ro ert Greger, Chief.

Reactor Programs Branch-a cc: H. Bliss, Nuclear.  :

'. Licensing Manager 1

.J. Eenigenburg, Plant Manager


Licensing Fee Mr.nagement Branch Resident Inspector, RIII Richard Hubbard 1

.J. W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public Utilities-Division '

W. Travers, EPB, NRR.

R. Meck, PRPB, NRR I

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