IR 05000327/1987025

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Insp Repts 50-327/87-25 & 50-328/87-25 on 870415-17.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Conditions Adverse to Quality Program & Divs of Nuclear Engineering & Nuclear QA Interfaces
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/13/1987
From: Belisle G, Julian C
Shared Package
ML20214J968 List:
50-327-87-25, 50-328-87-25, NUDOCS 8705280278
Download: ML20214J987 (4)


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Report Nos.: 50-327/87-25 and 50-328/87-25


I Licensee: Tennessee Valley Auth'rity o ,

6N 38A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801


Docket Nos.: 50-327 and 50-328 License Nos.: ;bPR-77andOPR-79



, . . .

Facility Name: Sequoyah 1 and 2 s . ,





l Inspection Conducted: Apr 1 15-17, 1987



Inspector: .cs< K -

//N G. A. Bel' isle ' CV '

Date Signed



Approved byi C . t1 %ls C. A. JulianbChief




'Date Signed

Operations Branch


Division of Reactor Safety



! Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of status of the Conditions Adverse to Quality (CAQ) program, Division of Nuclear i

Engineering (DNE) and Division of Nuclear Quality Assurance (DNQA) interfaces,  ;

i and problems associated with substitution of replacement parts and document control. Additionally, there was inspection effort in preparation for a future



Results: No violations or deviations were identifie I

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8705290278 870514 '

PDR ADDCK 05000327


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REPORT DETAILS l Licensee Employees A. Capozzi, Manager, DNE-Engineering Assurance (EA)

E. Doherty, Consultant, DNE-EA C. Hansen, Section Supervisor, DNQA T. Howard, Site Quality Assurance (QA) Manager

  • N. Kazanas, Manager, DNQA J. Law, Branch Chief, Quality Systems Branch, DNQA T. Lee, Licensing Engineer
  • L. Nobles, Sequoyah Plant Manager j R. Olsen, Sequoyah Modifications Manager J. Smalley, QA Engineer
  • C. Whittemore, Licensing Engineer Other licensee employees contacted included office personne NRC Resident Inspectors i


  • K. Jenison K. Poertner
  • Attended exit interview I 1 Exit Interview ]

f The inspection scope and findings were summarized on April 17, 1987, with those persons indicated in paragraph I above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings listed belo No dissenting comments were received from the license The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the material provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio l Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters l

This subject was not addressed in the inspectio . Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspectio . CAQ Program The inspector interviewed licensee personnel to obtain the status of the CAQ program. To date (April 16, 1987), 661 Conditions Adverse to Quality Reports (CAQRs) have been identified and 57 have been closed. Of the 57




that have been closed, 11 were determined to be invalid, 3 were determined to be redundant, and 1 was transferred to another group for final dispositio A CAQ program assessment was being performed by DNQA personnel during the week of April 13, 198 The inspector interviewed members of the assessment team and was given a general overview of CAQ activitie Preliminary findings were also discusse The inspector reviewed a memorandum dated April 15, 1987, from S. A. White to those liste This memorandum stresses the need for additional controls to ensure timely and effective corrective action for CAQRs generated in the new CAQ program and CAQs previously identified under other programs (corrective action requests, discrepancy reports, etc.)

Various actions and completion dates for these actions are delineate Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie . DNE and DNQA Interfaces A meeting was conducted on April 15, 1987, between the inspector and representatives of DNQA and DNE-EA. The inspector requested information related to how DNE met QA program requirements. DNQA and DNE-EA representatives stated that matrices had been prepared showing comparisons between DNE procedures and the Topical QA Program (TVA-TR75-1A) and DNE procedures and the Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual. Copies of these matrices were provided to the inspector for review and future inspectio Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie . Review of Problems Associated with Substitution of Replacement Parts and Document Control A problem had been identified relative to the replacement of Robert Shaw gauges with Ashcraft gauges. This matter was investigated by TVA as part of the Employee Concerns Program in Report No. ECP-86-040-01. The inspector reviewed this report and concluded that additional in-depth inspection would be needed to determine if TVA's report fully addresses the concer A problem had been identified relative to document control. This matter was investigated by TVA as part of the Employee Concerns Program in Element Report Number 80503-SQN. This report was classified to be in the Quality Assurance category. This report was being reviewed by NRC personnel for closure and Safety Evaluation Report (SER) issuance. NRC personnel determined that additional information would be needed prior to SER preparatio Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie .._ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ ,_ __


8. Future Inspection Preparation The inspector met with corporate and site licensing personnel and was given various documents that were requested during an April 9,1987, meetin These documents included, but were not limited to, the following:

A copy of the Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual Copies of selected DNE procedures Copies of selected audit reports Copies of selected surveillance reports Copies of selected identified deficiencies Copies of selected problem tracking mechanisms Copies of selected organizational charts Copies of selected DNQA procedures This material will be used in preparation for an inspection of TVA's corrective action syste Within this area, no violations or deviations were identified.