NUREG-0845, Advises of Change in NRC Onsite Staffing & Function During Emergency.Region II Incident Response Team Will No Longer Provide Primary Communicator for Emergency Notification Sys & Health Physics Network at Emergency Response Facilities

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Advises of Change in NRC Onsite Staffing & Function During Emergency.Region II Incident Response Team Will No Longer Provide Primary Communicator for Emergency Notification Sys & Health Physics Network at Emergency Response Facilities
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1986
From: Verrelli D
To: Kingsley O
RTR-NUREG-0845, RTR-NUREG-845 IEIN-85-080, IEIN-85-80, NUDOCS 8612040340
Download: ML20214P743 (2)







NOV 2126 ' '

Mi.ssissippi Power and Light Company ATTN:q Mr. 0. D. Kingsley, Jr.

Vice President, Nuclear Operations P. O. Box 23054 Jackson, MS 39205 Gentlemen:




This is to inform licensees of a change in NRC onsite staffing and functio.n ,

during an emergency. NRC policy for manning the Emergency Communicatiori Network ' .

(Emergency Notification System (ENS) and Health Physics Network (HPN)) telephones',,P

- has called for each licensee to assign a knowledgeable individual to connunicate.

essential reactor safety and protective measures data over these networks.

Region'II Incident Response Team procedures have called for NRC staff to assume communication responsibility .on these networks when sufficient NRC staff arrived onsite.

However, the Region II Incident Response Teams, including the Resident Inspector, will no longer provide a. primary communicator for the ENS and HPN at-'your .. ,

Emergency Response Facilities (Emergency Operations Facility Technical Suppo'rt Center, or Control Room). Licensee responsibility to man these two positions  ;

will now continue even after NRC~ staff arrives onsite. NRC wi_ll still provide ENS 'and HPN monitors for the Incident Response Team at your Emergency Response Facilities. The bases for this change are outlined below: #

a. 10 CFR 50.72(c)(3) requires that each licensee, during the course of an ,

event, " maintain an open, continuous communication channel with the NRC Operations Center upon request by the NRC." Thus, the responsibility for communication is the licensee's. ,

b. .NUREG-0845, " Agency Procedures for the NRC' Incident Response Plan,"

Chapter III, Page W-6 Paragraph 2.a. prevents the Resident Inspector from relieving the licensee of the responsibility for telephone connunication with the NRC.

c. IE Information Notice No. 85-80, " Timely Declaration of an Emergency Classification. Implementation of an Emergency Plan, and Emergency -

Notifications," further clarifies the licensee's responsibility to ensure that adequate personnel, knowledgeable about plant conditions and emergency plan implementing procedures, are available on shift to assist the shift supervisor to classify an emergency and activate the emergency plan, including making appropriate notifications, without interfering with plant operations. ,

8612040340 861121 PDR ADOCK 05000416 F PDR

) pW

Mississippi Power and Light Company 2 We are making the' appropriate changes to our Emergency Response Plans by deleting

'the positions on the NRC Response Team of an ENS Communicator and the HPN Communicator wherever they are manned by the licensee. -

We recommend that you consider adjusting as necessary the staffing of your Emergency . Response Teams to ensure that adequate qualified personnel, knowledgeable about plant conditions and emergency plan implementing procedures, are available on shift to assist the shift supervisor in maintaining an cpen, continuous communication channel with the NRC Operation Center.

Sincerely, David M. Verre111, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 2 Division of Reactor Projects cc: . H. Cloninger, Vice President, d.NuclearEngineeringandSupport E. Cross, GGNS Site Director


/ Manager A. F. Dale. Director, Nuclear

/ Licensing and Safety W. T. Lally, Manager of Quality Assurance j Middle South Services, Inc.

W . B. McGehee, Esquire Wise, Carter, Child Steen and

/ Caraway W . S. Reynolds, Esquire Bishop, Liberman, Cook, Purcell M.&Reynolds W. Jackson, Project Engineer bec: C' Resident Inspector Document Control Desk State of Mississippi RII RII Rll RII h11/

berry 86 er D ns 11/27/86 11Ah/86 11/gg/86 I