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Requests Completion of Analyses of Liquid Samples Spiked W/ Radionuclides within 60 Days of Receipt of Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/1990
From: Dan Collins
To: Cottle W
NUDOCS 9010260061
Download: ML20062B699 (3)






OCT 121990 System Energy Resources Inc.


Mr. W. T. Cottle, Vice-President Nuclear Operations

-?. O. Box 469 Port Gibson, MS 39150 Gentlemen:


DOCKET NO. 50-416 As part of the NRC Confirmatory Measurements Program, liquid samples spiked -

with radionuclides will be sent to the Grand Gulf facility for radiochemical analyses. These samples are to be analyzed for tritium, iron-55, strontium-89, and strontium-90 in accordance with your approved procedures for analysis of liquid waste samples. If routine analyses of this type 'are normally' performed by a vendor, this vendor should be used to analyze the spiked samples.

The spiked samples, with instructions, will be sent under separate cover from the Department of Energy's Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, i

within approximately 30 days.

l We request that the ar.alyses be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than 60 days from receipt of the samples.

Results should be sent to:


I Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN:

Mr. D. M. Collins.

Our evaluation of your results will be discussed with your staff and transmitted-in a letter.

Spiked samples will be sent to you on an annual basis as part of, our routine inspection program, i

If you have any questions regarding _this program, please contact Ms. Susan S. Adamovitz at 404-331-4774 or Mr. Thomas R. Decker at 404-331-2559.

Sincerely, pHW SIGNED W DOUGt.AS M. COI.tM Douglas M. Collins, Chief Emergency Preparedness'and-Radiological Protection Branch Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards cc:

(See page 2) y 1

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901Q260061 901012

' 'N PDR' ADOCK 05000416

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e System. Energy' Resource s,L Inc.' -

2 1


T. H. Cloninger, Vice President -

j Nuclear: Engineering and Support'-

~t System Energy Resources, Inc.

1 P. 0.-Box 31995 f-1 Jackson, MS 39286

i a

C. R. Hutchinson,' General Manager


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station n.

4 System Energy Resources, Inc.-


P. O -Box-756 Port Gibson, MS 39150


J. G. Cesare, Director h

Nuclear Licensing fi System Energy Resources, Inc.

P. O. Box 469 Port Gibson,_MS 39150 y,

,j Mr. Ralph T. Lally Manager of Quality Assurance I

Entergy Services, Inc.

d P. 0.~ Box 31995 1

Jackson, MS 39286 a,

g R. B, McGehee, Esq.

L' Wise, Carter,. Child, and Caraway 1

Jackson, MS 39205 (1}

P. O. Box 651 d

4 N. S. Reynolds Esq.

Sj Bishop, Cook, Purcell & Reynolds 1400 L Street, NW - 12th Floor Washington, D. C.

20005-3502 L

C. B. Hogg Project Manager a

Bechtel Power Corporation

'i P.-0. Box'2166' Li Houston, TX ~77252-2166-

1 Alton B. Cobb,',M.D.


= State Health Office

i State Board of' Health 1

P=.'O. Box 1700 t-Jackson', MS '39205


Cont'd on page 3) l.

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,1 i 6 System' Energy Resources,<Inc..

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The Honorable William J. Guste, Jr.

Attorney General-Department of' Justice State of Louisiana m

Baton Rouge, LA 7080.4 Office of the Governor State of Mississippi Jackson, MS 39201 Attorney General Gartin Building Jackson, MS 39205 Jack McMillan,-Director:

Division of-Solid _ Waste Management ~

Mississippi Department of-Natural Resources



P., 0. Box 10385 Jackson, MS 39209

' -5 y

Clairborne County Board of Supervisors J

Port Gibson, MS 39150 71 Dennis Jackson Chemistry Supervisor P. 0.' Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150 bec:

L. Kintner, NRR Document Control Desk NRC Resident:-Inspector U.S. Nuclear, Regulatory Commission 6

0 m

Route 2, Box 399


Port Gibson,.MS 39150-



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