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Forwards Maint Team Insp Repts 50-295/89-18 & 50-304/89-17 on 890619-0724 & Notice of Violation.Significant Weaknesses Re Instances of Inadequate & Untimely Corrective Action & Failure to Post Maint Test Requirements Noted
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/01/1989
From: Miller H
To: Reed C
Shared Package
ML20247A796 List:
NUDOCS 8909120214
Download: ML20247A792 (6)

See also: IR 05000295/1989018


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Ey 4 6 Commonwealth Edison,' Company


W f ' ATTN: Mr; Cordell. Reed- -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' '

[, m, sSenior:Vice President

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s     +                                                                                                4

iJ , y : Post Office' Box.767n -

                                                   Chicago,illi 60690 -
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                                              WThisire,fers'to"the special' maintenance (team inspection conducted by-

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                                               lMrSZL Falevitse and others of this- office on June 19-23, July:17-21, and;24,                                                                                                                                                                           +      ,
   ?.                                              1989. 3 This: inspection _ covered l activities at the Zion. Nuclear. GeneratingL                                                                                                                                                                           s             me

( Ro g'~~Stationp. Units 11and2,:asauthorizedbyNRC10perating.Licens'es'No.DPR-39and~m

                                                   No.~ DPR-48e and thezinspection findingsnthat were discussed.with Mr. T. Maiman1C 

[yM< !and 'otherslof your staff at ths " conclusion' off the ins.p ction/ .; s, ,~ ,, . , ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,        1~

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                                                                                                                                               .           .
                                              "The inspection was!conductedeto assess and evaluate your< support and                                                                                                                                                               . .
                                                    Implementation of maintenance' to' assure that' plant structures,E systems, and :
                 '7                                                                        , reliably perform on: demand.                                                                                                                                                                            a"

% S  :/ determine.

                                                     components.if/ maintenance was accomplished, effective, and adequately;asses

( <,

                                                   bylyourlown quality. verification process.
                              G N Thelenclosed copy of'our' inspection report identifies. specific areas examined
      q                  , " A during the' inspection. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a


            F-                                 .-selective examination of_ procedures andTrepresentative records, observations,,
 L                                                 and) interviews with personnel. In an attempt to focus,on'thos'e activities that-
   !                                -
                                                   are most fiskt significant, insights'from the. Zion Nuclear Generating Station
                                                ;Probabilistic Risk' Assessment Study were used to select systems and components
                                                .important;to; safety.                                                                                                                                                                                                         *
   ,, 7
                         o                             ..
                                                                                          ~                                                                                                                                                                                                        .

n -The1 inspection team. concluded that maintenance at-Zion Nuclear Generating

                                                .Statio'n was,'in general," satisfactorily performed, however, based on.the
                                                   deficiencies identified, significant improvements in the maintenance program                                                                                                                                                                                                    ",

', are warranted. The' Executive Summary highlights our inspection findings and t '

                                               LSection 3.0 of the inspection. report provides a synopsis of your maintenance
   4                                             . program'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           '
                                                                          .                                 .                                                             .                                                                                                                                                             ;
                                              ~Some"of,the mos.tlsignificant weaknesses were:

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{l.; a r il; ' Instances of inadequate and untimely corrective action: j pg a


n 4

                                                                                         Aniauxiliary feedwater pump turbine overspeed trip mechanism had
  l                                              3                                       not been tested or maintained.for approximat . 17 years.                                                                                         .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Another                                                             i
                                                                                         auxiliary feedwater pump ti,rbine overspeed trip mechanism was tested

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                                                            .                                            SEP    1 1989
                                Commonwealth Edison Company                          2


                                                      in April 1987, with inconclusive results, and
                                                      function due to lack of maintenance during atatics.recently
                                                                                                            test. failed to
                                                      The failure of these overspeed trip mechanisms had the potential
                                                      to significantly overpressurize the pump discharge piping. The
                                                      necessity for such tests was previously made known through vendor
                                                      information, an NRC information notice, your own and INP0
                                                *     Significant deficiencies'were not always documented and properly
                                                      addressed. For example, on more than one occasion the technical
                                                      staff and electrical department appeared to accept the recurrence
                                                      of a battery to bus circuit breaker failure to close on the first
                                                      attempt.    Adequate documentation of these failures or a root cause
                                                      evaluation to correct the degraded condition did not exist.
                                                      Previously identified ~NRC violations have not been adequately
                                                      addressed in the areas of work instruction adequacy, bypassing
                                                      of QC hold points,-and radiological controls.
                                2.             . Instances of failure to specify' post maintenance test requirements.for
                                                safety-related and non safety-related components and systems.
                           13.                  Instances of failure to follow procedures, or inadequate procedures,
                                                that resulted in: .a miswired torque switch on an auxiliary feedwater
                                                pump. turbine main steam inlet valve that subsequently tripped on thermal
                                                overload; an incorrect procedure in a work package that was used to
                                                perform the maintenance activity; and three of six unplanned reactor
                                                trips at Zion in 1988.
                               4.               Instances of inadequate engineering support and involvement in
                                                maintenance as indicated by the problems and examples discussed.above.
                                                *     System engineers did not adequately evaluate and correct generic
                                                      problems such as failure of battery to bus circuit breakers to close
 .                                                    on the first. attempt.
                                                i     Lack of-an aggressive review of vendor recommended maintenance
                                                      activities that resulted in components being excluded from the
                                                      preventive maintenance program.
                                5.              Lack of management aggressiveness in implementing the maintenance program,
                                                including balance of plant. This resulted in instances where items
                                                classified as high priority work were not completed for an extended
                                                time period and were not technically justified.
                                During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in violation
                                of NRC requirements, as specified in the enclosed Notice. A written response
                                 is required. We are particularly concerned with your actions regarding the
                                turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump overspeed mechanism failure,                                    f
                                Violation 295/89J18-01D; 304/89017-01D. We request that your response                                   {
                                to the violation specifically address all corrective actions you have                                    I
                                taken to ensure that this problem has been resolved.
       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ .                                                                                          I

, _ . - __-- -- . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _

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     -                                                                                                                                          j
              CommonwealthNdisonCompany                   3                                                   SEP    1 1989                    ,
             'In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this
              letter, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed in the :                                                 l
              NRC Public Decument Room.                                                                                                         1
              The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not
              subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget
              as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.                                                                   }

l We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.

                                                            CRIGINAL SIGNED BY HUBERT J. MILLER
                                                          H. J. Miller, Director
                                                          Division of Reactor Safety
              1.    Notice of Violation

, 2. Inspection Reports

                      No. 50-295/89018(DRS);
              cc w/ enclosures:
              T. J. Maiman, Vice President,
                 PWR Operations
              T. Kovach, Nuclear
                 Licensing Manager
              T. Joyce, 5tation Manager
              DCD/DCB (RIDS)
              Licensing Fee Management Branch

l Resident Inspector, RIII

             -Richard Hubbard
              J. W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public
                 Utilities Division
              Mayor, City of Zion
              Chandu Patel, Project
                 Manager, NRR
              David Rosenblatt, Governor's
        ,        Office of Consumer Services
              Commissioner J. R. Curtiss, OCM/JC
              K. Hart, NRR/LPEB                                                                                                                 -
              Director, Division of Reactor
                 Safety, RI, RII, RIV, RIV
               RIII             RI I -       RIII-                RIII                                       RIII       RIII

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               Falevits/ims     J
                                             Cooper             q*i,%v
                                                                  H Ms
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               8/3o/89          8/p/89       8/30/89              8/3V89                                     9/f /89 (3/f/89

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                                                                                --                                                                  . . _


             .E          ,                            s                                                o
                               RE                                                                           [ UNITED . STATES .
   !                                              "k,                                     ' NUCLEAR' REGULATORY COMMISSION
         [[ '
                                                                                                                ' REClON lli
                                                                                                          1799 ROOSEVELT ROAD
 ,       : .
                                                                                                       CLEN ELLYN, ILLINOIS . 60137
          n       mp                                                  :
                    -Docket No; 50-295


                           Docket No. 50-304:
                           Commonwealth Edison Company
                      ' ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed.
                                                                          Senior Vice President

R' iPost Office Box 767 i . Chicago, IL -60690

                      .This' refers to the special maintenance team inspection conducted by
                           Mr. .Z. Falevits and others of this office on June 19-23, July 17-21, and 24,
                           1989. This inspection covered activities at the Zion Nuclear Generating
                           Station, Units 1 and 2, as' authorized by NRC Operating Licenses No. DPR-39 and
                           No. DPR-48 and_the inspection findings that were discussed with Mr. T. Maiman
                           and.others of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.
                      .The inspection was conducted to assess and evaluate your support and
                            implementation of' maintenance to assure that plant structures, systens, and                                   .


                           components reliably perform on demand. Various activities were evaluated to

E determine if maintenance was accomplished, effective, and adequately assessed

                           by your own quality verification process.
                         The' enclosed ' copy of our inspection report identifies specific areas examined
                       'during the inspection. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a
                           selective examination of procedures and representative records, observations,
                           and interviews with personnel. In an attempt to focus on those activities that
                           are most risk significant, insights from the Zion Nuclear Generating Station                                                    l
                           Probabilistic Risk Assessment Study were used to select systems and components
                           important to safety.
                          The inspection team concluded that maintenance at Zion Nuclear Generating
                         Station was, in general, satisfactorily performed, however, based on the
                          deficiencies identified, significant improvements in the maintenance program                                                       l
                           are warranted. The Executive Sumary highlights our inspection findings and                                                       j
                          Section 3.0 of the inspection report provides a synopsis of your maintenance
                           Some of the most significant weaknesses were:
                          1.                                     Instances of inadequate and untimely corrective action:
                                                                 *          An auxiliary feedwater pump turbine overspeed trip mechanism had                l
                                                                            not been tested or maintained for approximately 17 years. Another               i
                                                                            auxiliary feedwater pump turbine overspeed trip mechanism was tested
                  - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _ - _ .                           _____.                              - __         _.     __

_ - -_- _ - _ - - _ - - __ _ -- - - - -

   T. S .'      /
                                                                                                              SEP-  11989
                     ' Commonwealth Edison Company                          2
                                   in April 1987, with inconclusive results, and recently failed to
                                   function due to lack of maintenance during a static. test.
                                   The failure of these overspeed trip mechanisms had the potential
                                   to significantly overpressurize the pump discharge piping. The
                                   necessity for such tests was previously made known through vendor
                                   information, an NRC information notice,.your own and INP0
                             *    ~S ignificant deficiencies were not always documented and properly
                                   addressed. For. example, on more than one occasion the technical
                                   staff and electrical department appeared to accept the recurrence
                                   of a battery to bus circuit breaker failure'to close on the'first
                                   attempt.               Adequate. documentation of these failures or.a root cause
                                   evaluation to correct the degraded condition did not' exist.
                             *     Previously. identified NRC violations have not been adequately
                                   addressed in the areas of work instruction adequacy, bypassing
                                   of QC hold points, and radiological controls.                                                l
                             Instances of ' failure to specify post maintenance test requirements for
                             safety related and non safety-related components and systems.
                       3.    Instances of failure to follow procedures, or inadequate procedures,
                             that resulted in: a miswired torque switch on an auxiliary feedwater
                             pump turbine main steam inlet valve that subsequently tripped.on thermal
                             overload; an' incorrect procedure in a work package that was used to
                             perform the maintenance activity; and three of six unplanned reactor
                             trips at Zion in 1988.
                       4.    Instances.of inadequate engineering support and involvement in
                             maintenance as indicated by the problems and examples discussed above.
                             *     System engineers did not adequately evaluate and correct generic
                                   problems such as failure of battery to bus circuit breakers to close
                                   on the first attempt.                     -
                             *     Lack of an aggressive review of vendor recommended maintenance
                                   activities that resulted in components being excluded from the
                                  -preventive maintenance program.
                       5.    Lack of management aggressiveness in implementing the maintenance program,
                             including balance of plant. This resulted in instances where items
                             classified as high priority work were not completed for an extended
                             time period and were not technically justified.
                       During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in violation
                       of NRC requirements, as specified in the enclosed Notice. A written response                           ';
                       is required. We are particularly concerned with your actions regarding the                                 l
                       turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump overspeed mechanism failure,                                      l
                       Violation 295/89018-01D; 304/89017-010. We request that your response                                     ]
                       to the violation specifically address all corrective actions you have
                       taken to ensure that this problem has been resolved.

___=__ -- - __ _ l

_ _ _ __ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !

          Commonwealth Edison Company                       3
          In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this
          letter, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed in the
          NRC Public Document Room.
          The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not
          subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget
          as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.
          We will gladly' discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.
                                                              . J. Miller, Director
                                                            Division of Reactor Safety
          1.     Notice of Violation
          2.      Inspection Reports
                                     No. 50-295/89018(DRS);
                                     No. 50-304/89017(DRS)
          cc w/ enclosures:
          T. J. Maiman, Vice President,
             PWR Operations
          T. Kovach, Nuclear
             Licensing Manager
          T. Joyce, Station Manager
          DCD/DCB (RIDS)
          Licensing Fee Management Branch
          Resident Inspector, RIII
          Richard Hubbard
          J. W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public
             Utilities Division
          Mayor, City of Zion
          Chandu Patel, Project
             Manager, NRR
          David Rosenblatt, Governor's
             Office of Consumer Services
          Commissioner J. R. Curtiss, OCM/JC
          K. Hart, NRR/LPEB
          Director, Division of Reactor                                                   l
             Safety, RI, RII, RIV, RIV                                                    j
