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Comments in Opposition to NRC Approval of Amend to License NPF-3 to Permit Burial of Radioactive Sludge Onsite.Served on 860414
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1986
From: Stupka E
CON-#286-772 ML, TAC-60875, NUDOCS 8604150388
Download: ML20205M820 (2)




e An Affiliate of National Wildlife Federation 4 24


. . . . . 268-9924 268-9925 '86 I4 P1:44 April 10, 57f Unix -

Docketing and Service Branch emc.

an 14 WE Office of Secretary , g/

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. 3- 2R .. c 5 7 < P _//(~

1717 H St.,N.W.

PROD. g. UTIL. FAC.).,e""*' ' ~

Wa shington , D .C . 20555

Dear Secretary,

I am writing on behalf of the League of Ohio Sportsmen and its sub-sidiary,the Ohio Wildlife Federation.The League is the oldest and largest conservation and sportsmen organization in Ohio. Founded in 1908,the League now consists of more than 100 clubs and numerous individual members. Total membership is over 200,000. Conservation, pro-tection,and wise utilization of natural resources has been the found-ation of the organization.

In keeping with these beliefs,the League has become concerned with l the Toledo Edison Company's plans to landfill radioactive wastes at I the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station. Situated adjacent to Navarre Marsh and Lake Erie,the landfill of radioactive sludge may potential- ,

ly impact groundwater and surface waters.

Because of this potential,and the lack of data proving otherwise,the League acted on a rerolution at its March,1986 Annual Convention in Toledo.A copy of this resolution has been enclosed for your review.

Among the several hundred voting members,the resolution opposing Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval to bury radioactive sludge was unanimously approved.

The League has continued to follow the development of the application  !

through the required channels.Our discussions with other conservation l 7 groups, individuals,and state resource agencies have netted the same l

conclusion. Toledo Edison has not proven through hydrological hydro-l geological,and soils data that disposal will not adversely impact Ohio's greatest water resource. l I

Therefore,the League and Federation urge that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission deny the request for license amendment.Thank you for your consideration.

1 Respectfully, 1

8604150388 860410 PDR G

ADOCK 05000346 '

PDR Edward A. Stupka President 0b


s ,

RESOLUTION 86-19X OPPOSE BURI AL OF R ADIOACTIVE WASTE ON-SITE AT DAVIS-BESSIE NUCLEAR POWER STATION WHEREAS, the Toledo Edison Company of Toledo, Ohio, has applied to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f or an amendnent to its license to operate the Davis-Bessie Nuclear Povier Station so as to permit burial of radioac tive sludge on-site and unrestricted use of this land in the future, and WHEREAS, the location of the Davis-Bessie Nuclear Power Sta-tien is situated in the immediate area of the Navarre Marsh La .ds adjacent to Lake Erie, which is a designated flood plain area sub. ject to flooding by the waters of Lake Erie, and WHEREAS, the burial of radioactive sludge in excavations two feet deep and covered by four inches of seeded soil could result in radioactive elements being either washed or leached into Lake Erie from the proposed burial site, or the emmission of radioactive rays for many years into the future, and WHEREAS, exposure to radioactive elements would be physically harmful and substantially detrimental to the health and wel-fare of area residents, possibly contaminating drinking water with harmful radioactive materials and generally adding to the pollution in Lake Erie, thereby adversely affecting fish and ciner aildlife, and NHER EAS , sportsmen are generally more cognizant than others of the adverse effects of environmental hazards on plants, animals, soils and waters, and are alert to the significance of potentially harmful acts such as burial of radioactive sludge in shallow graves in the Lake Erie flood plain, NCS THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the League of Ohio. Sports-men expresses its deep concern and opposition to the request by7the' Toledo Edison Company for permission to bury radioac-t tive slucge on-site at the Davis-Bessie Nuclear Power Station,

- f and urges the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to deny this request.

Submitted by.: Ohio Chapter, Safari Club International .