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Requests to Make Statement at Hearing Re Disposal of Radwaste at Lake Erie Shoreline.Nrc Should Order Util to Find Offsite Facility to Hold Low Level Radwastes.Served on 860414
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1986
From: Waldorf H
To: Hoyt H
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#286-758 ML, TAC-60875, NUDOCS 8604150326
Download: ML20205M609 (2)


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,q;i League of Women Voters LAKE ERIE BASIN GQRCMMITTEE h 6470 Auburn Rd.

Painesville, OH 44077 I 6 AS I4 All $1 April 10, 1986 Helen F. Hoyt, Esquire 0FFICE ci 9 Administrative Judge 00CHETmL i M : fg ;_ Ybb Atomic Safety and Licensing Board PangpANCH jqiG Fg,p'14 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission '

Vashington, D.C. 20555 Re: Toledo Edison Co. et al-(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station)

Docket No. 50-346-ML

Dear Judge Hoyt:

On behalf of the Lake Erie Basin Committee of the League of Women Voters, I propose to make a statement at the Hearing with regard to the above matter.

The Lake Erie Basin Committee is an interleague and interstate

~(Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York) committee of the League of Women Voters. It was established to coordinate the activities of the various Leagues in the Lake Erie Basin to

" preserve and restore Lake Erie and its tributaries through pollution control, abatement and prevention, and improve planning and management of water and related land resources."

We were shocked to discover that the Toledo Edison Co. had asked permission to remove low-level radioactive vaste from a settling basin and distribute it at a minimum thickness of two feet on land owned by the company at the Davis-Besse site.

Because of the nature of the shoreline and terrain at the Davis-Besse site, there is a strong possibility that radioactive wastes will teach into Lake Erie, adding a load of unacceptable pollution to our Lake.

Almost daily, newspapers have carried stories of the high water level in Lake Erie. The shoreline near Davis-Besse is a wetland and is subject to flooding in normal times. This high-water-level episode emphasizes the importance of not distributing low-level radioactive vaste at the proposed site.

The Committee's interest in this Hearing is in line with the purpose of our organization. The Committee as such has no personal, financial or property in[}erest in the proceedings, but we do have 8604150326 060410 PDR G ADOCK 05000346 pop '


Judge Hoyt April 10, 1986 the health and welfare of the several millions of people along Lake Erie's shores and the preservation of our great natural resource in mind. In addition, many of our members live in communities -

clong the south shore of Lake Erie, such as Bay Village, Lakewood, Avon Lake, Mentor, and most of them get their drinking water from the Lake.

We ask that the NRC order Toledo cdison Co. to find an offsite facility to hold these low-level radioactive wastes. The application of TEC as reported in Docket No. 50-346 of the Federal Register mentions that offsite disposal vould cost more and endanger the health of workers! Still TEC has no right to endanger the health of millions of people along the shore of Lake Erie.

Send information about the place and date of the Hearing to me at 6470 Auburn Rd., Painesville, OH 44077.

Yours truly, Helen L. Waldorf, Secretary S t eering Committee of the Lake Erie Basin Committee HLV 1

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