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Requests Hearing on Evaluation of 850609 Event & Decision on Whether to Allow Restart of Plant
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/08/1985
From: Webb R
Shared Package
ML20137S495 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8509300401
Download: ML20137S496 (2)


. - _ - ._ _ . - .

i Studies of Nuclear Hazards i

and Constitutional law Richard E. %, ebb. Ph.D.

  1. 4821 New England Lane, Suite 29 Jul7
  • lI5 Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Telephone: (419) 882-6523 "3.NuclearRegulatoryConn$$1on i lachington, 3.0. 20555 socntr ausset '

mt00 8, imL FAC g ,-y c/'g' car Conniscion:

',85 JJt. ' n PS:15 3ubject: The Davis-3a Petition for a Mearing o("k'i nuclear po~er plant:suestion of Re-startup of

. n The Davic-3ccco nuclear power plant operated by the Toledo Zdison Concany of Toledo, Ohio has cufferred a loss-of-cooling

! .ishap on Junc ?th and la chutdown crocently. According to the Tolede 21 ado noecnarer, the NRO's Region-33's office hac lacued

! an order to the Toledo Idicon company not to re-startup the reactor

ithout the :R;'s aporoval, as the ::30 ic procontly conducting an i

i invectication of tho' incident. I request a hearing under the

.itonic Iner y Act and the NRC's regulations on the atter of the

) "RO's invectication and evaluation of the incident and its decicion

on whether or not to allow re-starting un of the reactor plant.
y interest is as follows: I an a citicen of Shio and a j resident of Sylvania, Ohio, which is about 30 niles from the a

avic-3e:sc reactor. I contend that the reactor is a danger to

no with respect to catastrophic reactor oruptions and radiatbn i
  • release pocalbilitloc and notentialitloc and consequent harmful radiation exposures to no living in Sylvania, Ohio. Thorofore, I claim that Ihave a right to a ' hearing, to inquire into the dangers of the reactor oeeration in light of the fact of the l

June 9th loss-of-coolins nichap and its significance with recpoet to the public cafety if the reactor were allowed to recune operation.

! I have invectigated the loss.-of-cooling nishap of Jun) 9th and i

have issued a report, titled: "A Repbrt of an Investigation of the less-of-Oooling I:1 chap at the Davia-3 case :!uclear Power Plant on June 9th,1985," with a Postocript dated June 27, 1985 I have j sent a cocy to the NRC'c Resident Inspector at the Davic-30cso plant sito, !:r. Donald Mosloff, ee/ p Jude E4:see(e. Aradef I call for a public hearing, in oldor tot

1. Invectigate just what hanponed in the incident and establich


the facts >with witnoca"under n oath and the tower of subpoona.


Cenonctrato that the incident wac a roactor accident which was beyond the "docicn basic" of the olant'c sufoty cyston:

and toacter cycton docign that boyond-docign-bacia accidents are crediblot that the reactor energoney proceduroc were not  :

did not includo instructions on how to deal with the inciden/ t r when so to ectabl1 athe it o^[currod---i.e.$h contleto loco facts in thisofrogard foodwator---

s and that or otherw i the Josign-3ccis Accidoqta in the niant'n tafety Anal alc l Ronort Pre not adoquato7 cover the accident pecclbilit oc  !

for which the public nuat be protected---that is, that the plant's "2foty Analysis Report is not adoquate to demonstrate i 0509300401 850718 PDR ADOCK 05000346 H PDR

Page 2 the safety of the reactor with recocet to the Public Safety.

j 3 Show that the oublic was in danner during the nichap, contrary

< to what the !IRC reportedly inforned the Con.;ress on June 21, i according to the Toledo 31 ado newspaper, and to show that reactor systen cano very cloco to a catastrochic over-precoure condition, b.m17 nanely, fillint; the reactor cyatom

' conolotely with water by thornal exuancion of the wather readde wa ter (" going colid"), which is a condition which evidenti: the systen's safety relief valves are/ tere not designed to l control, and also to investigate and octablich whether or not the onorgency corc/ reactor coolirg system could havc/

i was designed if the to keen the loss-of-cooling reactor (co.pleto condition fuel fron over-heating losc of food $ater) had porcisted nuch longer. ,9,g 1 Invectigato the potential concoquencer of a3 completo loca of foodwater to the steam generators, and octablish the notential concoquences.

! 5 Show that an innodiate oublic ovacuation chould have boon called for "thon the nichan occurred--that is, when the connleto loca of foodwater to the stoan generators occurred.

! 6. And,- To subject tho iRC's inventication and evaluations of the nichao to public review and thus pernit a truly indopond:nt scientific evaluation.

I further request that the public hearing be field in Toledo, Ohle,'

as it is noct practical for the public to unview the procoodings, if the hearint; woro conducted in Toledo. It would be near the Tolodo Zdicon officos. Alco, it la not practical for no to travel to ? ort Clinton or cono cuch distan* ;1aco near the reactor.

- Toledo, Ohio would be the clococt large cit' to the reactor and

';o uld be noot in dancer of a reactor erupt on, and is cloco to the Detroit ::etro Airport or the Toledo hpress Airport for j xxitzt cacioct accoca by ::RC porconnel and of ficiale.

9 Rocpoetful cu mitted, 1?; Sk l Richard 2. "obb Addrocci M01 'few Ingland !.ano, luito 29 sylvania, Ohio h3560 O S.

Tolophones h19-?92-6523 M h4

da- /

Copy graf t\n /Wfl*SA'$ cy Co, AM- -E% W>tf sou & am. ne. m m' 70We, O/u'O . f I