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Petition of Save Our State from Nuclear Wastes,Consumers League of Ohio,A Gleisser & Gs Cook for Leave to Intervene & Request for Hearing on Radioactive Sludge Disposal Issue. Served on 860416
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1986
From: Cook G
CON-#286-822 ML, TAC-60875, NUDOCS 8604180138
Download: ML20203B323 (8)


O y; pf0 UNITED STATES OF AMERIC I6 A 8,-l 7 NUCLEAR REGULATORY C0K4kfi:{i In tne matter of: ) $d et No.50-34o b b TOLEDO EDISON CO. and CLEVELAND )


(Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. I )

) ' N[ f[3 i[fy





(' ,


.SLUEGE DISPOSAL ISSUE AND FOR TEE ADJUDICATION HEARHiG Now1Save Our 5 tate From Nuclear 'dastes (hereinaf ter. " SOS"), .Tne Consu=ers. League of Ohio, (here cafter'"CLO"),' Arnola' Gleisser). and Genevieve S. Cook' petition the Cocmission for- -

leave to intervene in the proceeding wherein Toledo Edison Co. and the Cleveland Electric


Illu=inatins Co. (nereinafter " Licensees") seek approval from the Commission to bury low-level radioactive dred61L6s (fros their-settling ponds) on site at the Davis-Besse Nuclear.

Power plex in Ottawa County, Ohio. Intervenors support the petition with the _

accompany ling Memorandus Arnc1d Gleisser Genevieve S. Cook -

5005 S. Barton 2529o liall Dr. -

Lyndhurst, Ohio


W124 Cleveland, Ohio W145 Phone: (216) 291-1385 Paone: (216) 777-2548 .

WNNtw S ;b

' 860'4180138 860416 6 PDR ADOCK 0500 l e .

50 l


^[th [

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1. Intervenors

- By a notice entitled " Environmental Assessment ana Finding No Significant Impact" Dited October 8,1985 and whien appeared-in the October 9,1985 Federal Register (50 FR 41265) the Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff concluded that the open-pit burial of low-level ra,lio-active sludge from the settling ponds at Davis-Besse would cave no significant effect on'the public health and environment.

Petitioner Save Our State From Nuclear Waste (SOS) is a non-profit Onio environmental group, the address of vnich is 5005 S. Barton Rd., Lyndhurst, Ohio--44124 (Phone:(216) 291-1385). Chaired by Petitioner Arnold Gleisser, a. retired. high. schoolteacher of the same ad-dress,. .and composed.of. 35 members, .the.SO3. group works.with public, officials.and- innumerable v..

- ., . * . C ,

esvironmental groups in the matter of nuclear issues"of'significant importance to the health"-

and environment of tue. citizens across northern.0hio.

For example, .SCS organized.some .14, meetings across northern.Chio, fsent Jefferson to. Tole +r fro.n West Valley, N J. '

do in opposition to the 141 truckloads of highly radioactise reactor spent-fuelgbeing tratis-u ported to Illinois and Wisconsin. The trucks planned to cross northern Ohio through heavily


populated metropolitan areas. The meetings were held _in Mayors' offices, city Council cham-...

bers, and public: libraries witn the cooperation of city, county, and even state officials, as well as local citizens groups. The last meeting was in Toledo in cenjunction with the ..

Toledo coalition for Safe Energy, Inc. .

These educational public meetings resulted in having the 141 loads transferred to the Ohio Turnpike, monitored for radiation leaks at the state line, and escorted across Ohio by the State Highway Patrol. Also, local police and firenen, wno would be first on the scene in case of a transportation accident involving a radiation spill, began to get training, equipment, and protective clotning for such emergencies.

SOS was also an active participant in the local effort to keep radioactive waste out of our salt-. mines, along. Lake Erie and underithe. lake in several areas. . After.alli Lake. Erie c,

% r:

provides drinking' water for a few'million: people. . Radiation heat can cause salt aina; col %

lapst.or subsidenes,..but ths..daner was tha.activtopposLtion of.. local Council s

members, our Congressmen, and several. local. citizens groups.along with. SOS..

. Petitioner Consumers League of Ohio (CLO) is a non-profit Onio corporation whose office w.

address is 1365 Ontario St.--r31r, Clevelana, Ohio--4114 (Pnone: (210) ti21-llT5) .- It has a membership of about 350, one tnird of whien is comprised of organized groups turougnout-Ohio, so that the comoined membersnip would nusoer in the tnousanas of Ohio citizens, inclua-ins many in tne Toledo and Davis-Besse areas. Its principal service is concerned with the health, safety, and protection of its members and the public in a diversity of issues.

These issues include product complaints and safety as well as equipment licensing and inspection, especially.of various systems in which radiation is a factor. Another vital .

concern la the. state >and local controla. for the safe transportation and- disposal of various;

. ....r .

b insurance protection,.especially,in / y

.s , - hazardous wastes;. including'the; rad'oactive...

i Reliable L matters of health and emergencies,are also part of the CLO program. Tais includes the liability amendments now under discussion in Congressional committees over another extension of'the Price-Anderson' Act, 'which regulates and limits insurance coverage in case of a nuclear power accident.

The CLO supported.the intervention of the Coalition for Safe Electric Power in the Davis-i .

Besse construction license hearings in 1971-2. It also opposed the spent-fuel shipments  ;

across Ohio cities from West Valley, N.'f. CLO also opposed tne use of Onio salt mines for e:

hign-level rad-vaste storage , especially those along Lake Erie, from vnich cities get tneir.

Cha;nnan Qter supplies..

Petitioner Genevieve S. Cook was Educational Committee 3 for toe Coalition for Safe Elec-tric Power when the Eroup was an intervenor in the Davis-Besse construction license and envir-onmental hearings. A retired school teacher, she has been a writer and speaker on various nuclear and toxic issues for the past 15 years, participating in innumersole programs around Onio and western Pennsylvania. On several occasions she has decated Cleveland Electric and Westinghouse PR personnel , including television and radio programs. Some of these education.

cl programs tood, place in Toleco in conjunction witn the Toledo Coalition for Safe Energy End Aunution. programs.deShe:was of. 3 speegerscin W.he:60Smeetings*whichiopposebthe West Valley spent-fuel shipments. ' Her service is principally concerned with the public -

health ana safety witu respect to all nuclear power issues and vaste disposal. l I


2. Grounds for Intervention 5

i Petitioners seek leave to intervene in this license modification proceeding and to oppose the branting of permission to the Licensees to dispose of the radioactive alud6 e-resin Y dredgings from tne Davis-Besse4 settling. ponds .orvany.'other: radioactive. materials;in. ai snallow landfill dump on the Davis-Besse site.


1. There were several Davis-Besse site issues which would be part of the henring. record for the construction license but which were never considered in the corresponcence between Toledo Edison and HRC's Mr. John F. Stolz concerning the site disposal of low-level radi-cactive wastes:
a. The Davis-Besse nuclear facility was ouilt on,the Navarre Marsh--not beside it--

despite wide protest.and public objection. ,

- w .. -b.2 The:Navarre Marsu was a Wildlife Sanctuary aal an . International.Bini. Flyway.. ; . .

As- - - Stewart Udall,..tuen. Interior. Secretary, said,that han.he.tnown tnis,.begwould. . v.

i ,

not nave permitted the Licensees to trade = the Darby Marsh for the Navarre. -

c. Lane Erie fish spawnin6 reefs. lie off-shore in tnis ares.

- d. At the construction; license. nearin ,s,e . Toledo. Edison reassurene.tne:public.that there, nuclear plant would use only about 200 acres of the Navarre Marsh and the rest would be a Wildlife reserve. 3

e. None of. these details are to be found in the Davis-Besse Final Safety Analysis 1 Report.or the Final Environmental Statement. ,
2. Tne Navarre. Marsh is in flood-plain area --an area subjected to extremely severe storms. .

A 1972 stora flooded the whole Navarre Marsh and broke the Davie-Besse dyke in 2 places. ']_


3. Davis-Besse dytes were to be made higher and stronger. However, the dytes today show - i f

considerable deterioration. Also Lake Erie is 11/2 ft. nigner today taan its all time .-]

record ana further increasea in lane level are predicted. ,

4. Toledo Edison's estimate of radiation dose from the settline ponds and suallow sludge-resin landfill dump are applicable only to humans. There is no consideration of the role that wildlife would play in spreading the radiation, which would reconcentrate in their bodies from their food and water.
5. Runoffs from both the settling ponds and burial area would lead to reconcentration in fish also, destroyin6 the local merchant fishing industries and endan6 erin 6 public food Q plies.
6. Tne amount of sludge-resin waste that Toledo Edison wants to dispose of onsite has been vastly understated as evidenced when compared to such output from comparable reactors.

This means the radiation amount nas oeen understated also.

7. Toledo t-talsing about 34,000.f t.bof, waste but ktimes 34,000. ft.3 which .4-totals. 204,000.ft. .for. crude burial.on a marsn.;w., ,
8. We question whether any NRC research studies have ever been done'on the crea effects of - :

of a shallow slud6e-resin dump located on a marsh. I

9. Cesium-137 has a half life of 30.2 years and would still be radioactive after 300 years.




9. What' doeo the NRC' staff '"unrastricted'ud'. of tav landfilt sits <

I after 30 years? Is Ohio detting a low-level rad-vaste dump with no public hearin6s for b official or local citizen input?

10. Botn the Davis-Besse FSAR and the Final Environmental Statement-1973-(Docket No.50-346)

(Construction) maxe no mantion; of .either .settlin6 ponds. ors site. disposal. of these. sludge-resin vastes. Botn include provision for packaging toe vastes for off-site shipment to a licensed low-level. commercial landfill witnin 300 miles.

11. The 3 licensed rad-waste landfill facilities within 300 miles have been shut down and-found to be learine , all over tne area from radiated water run-off--the " bathtub effect."

Maxi Flats Sheffield West Valley ,

12. It would appear tnat the NRC staff mi bbt be grantin6 site disposal for Davis-Besse sludse-resin vastes without adequate on-site investigation because of a snortade of commercial licensed rad-waste burial facilities. Tnree more distant facilities are reported almost full.
13. TEC's operatin6 license for Davis-Besse (License No. NPF-3) speaks of reprocessing high-level wastes and of shippind low-level wastes to a licensed landfill. It further states that there would si6nificant. effluent to the. environment. . Yet TEC's letter to Mr.

Stolz.of NBC (Docket No.50-346) (License No. NPF-3) . (Serial No.972) of July 14, 1983 ..

6ces into 6reat. detail- concerning tne. operation. of Davis-Bessa's, settling ponds. :.Taare A is .mantion.of thealandburial. plans in this. application.for..such--no specificah Even in subsequent correspondence there is a paucity of these specifics.

14. Nobody seems to_ know of. any -provisions, for. the < use. of<. settling ponds at. Davis-Be sse either

{, One cust assu=e their use was arran6ed bymeans similar .to the burial-on-site--ncnearings, no public discussion--e<puolic . penalty fctr not reading the- Federal Register.- '

15. Davis-Besse is a Babcoca-Wilcox design facility with Problems. It was operated only 325 3 of the time its first 4 years. Presently it.has.been shut down since. June 9,1985 If any malfunction resulted in hiS her radiation levels in the sludge-resin batches, it is.

very likely ~that;the batch would simply be disposed of via settlin6 pond and landfill. .;]'

TEC was fined $900,0U0 by NBC tnis past year for its procedures.  ;

16. Pennission for Davis-Besse site disposal of sludge-resin wastes will establish a preced- $


eat for. the same procedure at CAPCO's Perry nuclear facility. Or would Cleveland Electri Ifhhting visa to use the Davis-Besse site for Perry's sludge-resin vastes since CEI is half owner of Davis-Besse?

17. There are no provisions for monitoring at Davis-Besse--both on-site and off-site for rad-iation migration-through the soil, for leaching, flooding run-off, or erosion of the 5 inch cover cat rial over the landfill. Also there is no report of lake water monitor-in6 since the use of settling ponds nor of future plans for monitorin6 after the landfill would be in use.
18. Tnere is no insurance coverage for damage to private property or for injury to the public from operation of this onsite disposal method use on a marsh.
19. Employees, far from being less exposed to radiation injury, might have greater exposure from on-site disposal since it entails double nandlin6 of these materials and probably daily exposure to rad-leakage into the air and water surroundin6 them.
  • - E f 3. Conclusion Intervenors state that the fore 6oing contentions are drounds for adjudication,.

and decana sa=e to occur prior to any dumpin6 of radioactive. material into.the ground.'

at the Davis-Besse site. If tne Commission were to allow Licensees to accomplish the-proposed dumpin6, Petitioners' interest in radiation-free air, water, and soil would be irreparably da: aged.

WHEEEFORE, Petitioners pray the Co= mission grant then leave to intervene upon all the fore 6oing contentions; that these matters be set for hearing; and that Licensees request be wholly denied. ,, ,



fh 3 c' Genevieve S. Coot.' .

, , s g' ,


25296 Hall Drn . . .


J .' . .

Cleveland, Ohio C 244145 :o '4 Paone: (216) 777-2548 For the.Intervenors .

Certification _ .

I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing " Petition of Save Our State From - ,

Radioactive Wastes; The Consumers. League. of.0HIO;. Arnold.Gleisser; .and Genevieve S. Cook

- to Intervene on Radioactive Sludge-Resin. Issue.and. for. Adjudication" was sent by me 'via. -

't .

U..S. Mail, posta6e prepaid,.to the following this 11-th day of April, 1986: e Shaw Pitmad, Potts & Trowbridge Executive Legal Director <

1600 M. St. N.W. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,, _.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Washington, D.C. 20555


OW$lfll/ /

Genevieve S. Cook 25296 Hall Dr.

Cleveland, Ohio 44145 Phone: (216) 777-2548 For these Intervenors


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Will A-Power Plant Kin Lake Sanctuary?

b, tils lt title t 1111ty p -


vid MilllDi la Met m ,

%tafl htiseen POf(T C11NTON O - Along the uorth line s eter le pul beh t*t d a TIIEV HDl; % %T(lit f THE AllIt ' I ha*r hved anmod wate r erst hshot cijs , the i n .td < mew nme h..s m aff my f;te " Ittesrr saut "H a rmd pr h sis oe at I Ac Frw hetaren here and Tule risi.e e les rek auna; sm Il ,imment., os i.e temlera iere s warase asi 12 degrees lus l'wr s t nN. Liv eisce and the whateinh dheap k" 4 ""I N

  • M * " kd' M I U

+ . lie seo e 12 fam as ecs e,f sLite nd lecter- dio Ine waste meu the .or ased seter us ti, allectmg a lake shei-h leimit treenlais anst ,,,, trnm the lake ret hes al the tast re-steinspmg trenendous amuunis of healed renmeetatiomsts say n " dying " ni.unmg preme aget les the walleye- called ""II' ""s PI ' 8'"I P' I* Id"I8 "

I the remt4mts of ,a wet

iss il mildhf e smtuary. water into the lake Earl F hedsiarik, estaenalty krioen ' ker cl" 6n tie restaurned trade.hase y ,3se, 3,ng ,,, ,,, , ,ms ofw ed the

. In the muf t of these lanet, omscarred waterteel tailogni and manager of Ohia s derbricit frune militatis of g=meds annually plant's hot watrr da l.arge mmel1 "wrn k m .. _ _ .

le a frat tion of the 1.o ener baid ,

htags, htarsli, whall ta grar the platil bite, the fnhmg aroueid here "

p at I the le o 4 ( a g The U S. Atomic Energy Comm;ssion held The I' lain f ar.afer tbt the p ant s h>d There maior lake trets, important le t Orsetattd Eles tror illuttilnaimg (,4 are het ennounced it will hold a public bear. water diuhalte suiskt treale a "lWhighal the armening of the walleye and ettwe (bh HF. Mlin lit % M 1R)ING Tu arran tir aetg to i+ied a lW neilhnn not leer pow. si irrses, are =dhm ses mdes pt Lhe site al are oppossf a<m to (fie plant. utiless omdbog qgpte,,g th;g (ey, th;, h,e,m,g ,,1l g,,,,," m ni erstern Me EA se

" Hednarit, said d a utahly rempany con- 'he l't"Pawd fint la er plant -+ facilthes are hmit involve the constrisction itself and red.e The covhpanics plan to burfd the plani I nhein ed lie M solm away" from Acontdibg to a stmty ordered by 74mdo $ H P.rou si asi Ohssi pinnrer and n.itu.

W pt d b up to th Fdnon sr submissom tu the Olde Water i abt, trasers,.d One suull -rn there ed f..ste U S ther'e j "* ** pollution Centrol tooed to held H'e hut eatn wese correct then se plam er

.pio d f ro si e # NMN "W M b NA * "dNU law n any imin % n'M so 18 0 he cries and % tidhfe an esch for PF say be*<*gs sa f acila'+** to sentrol het algae ecum The heated mater sould hur. M""d omd ane"ater rendihems the het water ,,,.orded hn m or.dct at the odd marJics ireterve Daiby klarsh. emned by Toledo water discharges tiare the grneth of na h erum. he ta.d could reacle the rech with a teaspe{sture and taas hes, amt tlee arernmgly unlimited

^ ' " #" 8hunstam e of Ibe answd portion af the plant site 4 tiRHHING PROBlJ nl Al0NG the laLc's shore, the algae growths f oul seim- TM reled said e ed

  • a nesrat er. cow 'di mih-<>

vn.sfshland- pt thaps .ome too at see wal No one can prethit for sure, however, nims beat hrs and hmits and, an orel ng to ' A probinted rise marht endisre cather iseng and from two tu 10 h+t wide estend a em6'nir under lederal gurndia twn a, a ya'.t how catensive any d.imare might ty lhe plant would produce much neerted s* wntnis enhaust on) Pen ne Lbe eater. re, spawmng af the rue were unasterrupled. mg from the mouth of the Portage liever e d ' hse relate P'*er to run mdu .try's me hines and the sulhaf

  • l'581 kids but it is mare bkely thal the spawners I shout 12 mden re' of Tunnamt creeki to A WARflE kt %Rsill 31 Jt'57 west of homenwner's electr c hghts, toasters, air- ' I'm thot spinst progress but esai, woul.1 nieve esat rather than spast en seeuth e4 Iwtroit Ma h , Umtaming ned im the Toussaint Creek lub Marsa n wver. sdeguec d that could to m shouki 30 in warmer taler." *
  • than F101N10 as res "

at miles to the east renditsorwrs amt other aJthanreL tiednank .MmarW Amt dal aMuhs Hwy Com M of Oak Hadad, some ei d the to tw higher than

' The ut.hty ump nies are cimdadent the Rt'T IN ORDi'R TO PRolet'CE this tuohng farslatws " It mes west of Pad Ctsales, has been energy, the plant met diae from the take ma cads and as I asa mat. remfined 14 Jtil will enuse na harm to the envirun- la Ww edlu sat rennd le W utuo h gomt out m compm sal Mang M M togettwe by a sin es of pea eme " litaen n.eid Het a growmg numhet of biobegists more a battum galkms of water a day Ier Petturaen tomrol finard, etir utabaies has tahr sme e he sa* h*e tears W ,,

s e.stsersattogssts and state and federal of!> to cool als enndensers stated their case for not sprndanal an esti- flir ien& H4 ot*tR4TE ist T IW

  • (


mated adottannel st7 mdhan to 519 mdhon the Twinsamt Cterb HE !Mf D Til%f NEAR Tiff. Slot Ttiof the Toussamt t. reck the grass "was ahaut for towers te roul the water The' esart spot m the INe ehere the

. . unten fed hgh M W h k M d souki A prioripal eblection, their otheials surlear plant stil dnct.arge hot water se n'idy Wm onel bl a some PWna

  1. ,* said, as that the nnwers would create a visa. ehere the Covers set theat seine mets fur tal rould have w alked on its surf ace "*

es ' f*w

' 4tg ,y

,(, .' ,, ble " fog

  • ever the ares a few dars a year their hvetahead ,

In the Last century, residents along the

  • W' - ' Under certain mmtettame conditions, this .

would cause armg en Ohio 3, wharll rians llarvey Ceter says the hee water will lake shore speared the great sturgesm as

  • 'M: P=g' % dv the f ah away. af at first does not kdl they migrated up the streams.

. ,'g[F I withee a snde of the plaat sale g,. g ~ hI.T *.

  • us. * *1E A1.REAI)Y linE CRot'ND fog Ig 'thev fast m the rookes towers, l "M 't" 4'* 1 ' Q ' ,- here much of the usse nseyway. and iwaple could stel lhe fog " Cover gernarked Ww fnh mere smoked for food. ren.

have learned to drive careltstly became d"f'd I"' "I d d U#d MdM"" "" **9'

' *y "#*~

  1. liut d they don't l'Il starve " - e serted mte isser"ta they espect some are ce the h4ghway," lied-nank eemmented, ' The lake around here already turns ,

green every summer from the algae, and rammen ial h+nnen, hnwem, bersee fledaank also pninted eut t hat Ohio 2 :s the tmcirar pt.ent could only make et

    • " worse," tie said *F d *'**d * "" 7 "h"u*
  • I scheduled for rel. cation m Lt.e nest few smw nw'* tie as h toWm nd or'hugs kD ""
  • years. .. , ro,,, poet,4 out that the Toussaint

.a Thts was ennhrmed by a spokesman for Creek is a masur rathsh spa mag stream take the tal gres, the stiargean aee the Ohio Department of thshebs *he told He sasd the het mater would be diarharged geme now

%,,_ - The I%ie Dealer that the reintmedlugh- enly 33 feet frees the mouth of the creek * * * " " ""I'

  • way would te *seseval mdes" from the nu THE l'Itt.yagt.INC. L4hr (URRENT * ""
  • - -..,['"." eleer plant. The retersten project has a tap
  • wait push some of the het eaner up the ,


' Pneriy he aded Tounamt and eill keep ttie catfish from runneg up it to spaen," Cover tauf A M E R f C 4 % RMIM 58 TTCOO*iS e

mestern tanke Erle once ywhied more t plush hunhng clubs in W marshn

..W #  % topqualsty itsh ta ceramertaal fishers non Supplyant bve batt. fisheng tackle and and ImnW W tramWs d W aWant


  • and sports engters than any other twidy of boats asu$ motors has long bees empertant

\f/;g A g fresh water in the world, accerthag to gow- to the economy of this area '. "

  • dd'"*' '*'#"* *

, , The durks and the geese sh31reme to.

e. ed.4 , eA.* H a r r e # bl 5 s s e r cPef ales a comt4 a

nahas gros cry store end bad and tackle d.ey. although m temer numbers, and thoet But pollubon Ices scarty wraed out the  % ends of tards are hatched every year in

' mutuadhnnatellar commerraal f ahery Ev- store se usk Hart er, which deprads heanty

,e ery year that goes bv finds more inhermen on siutmg anglers, luserists and svensner hee N"Ph * *f '8di* '"d kd"'*A b8" PROTECTED W@!JIT WJdide many types of water- rottage Swnets near W nurtear plant ute lowt, abounds un the seceshland between Tolede and Port Cimtost Idbalg ther ncis tur he laat tarde ,

Regwmtait fremi Itw PI,un Dealm as a potil.c service.

4 s

e 'a f

y e
