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Forwards Response to 851021 Notice of Violation from Insp Repts 50-454/85-22 & 50-455/85-20.Corrective Action: Temporary Change Initiated to Operating Procedure BOP AB-9 Re Boric Acid Recycle Holdup Tank Operations
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1985
From: Farrar D
To: James Keppler
0922K, 922K, NUDOCS 8512130400
Download: ML20138E275 (2)


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< . Commonwsilth Edison O 3) One First National Pisza, Chicago. Ilknus O Address Reply to: Post Othee Box 767 Chicago Ilhnois 60690 i

November 20, 1985

'i t Mr. James G. Keppler  ;

Regional Admid strator i

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

Region III 799 Roosevelt Road ,

Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 3 i- ,


Byron Station Units 1%and 2 IE Inspection Report Nos.

50-454/85-022 and 50-455/95-020 References (a): August 8,1985 letter 'from J. A. Hind

.to Cordell Reed .

I (b): October 21, 1985 letter from J. A. Hind to Cordell Reed e

Dear Mr. Keppler:

Reference (a) provided the results of inspections of the radiation protection program at Byron Station between May 6 and July 22, 1985. As a ,

result 'of these inspections, certain activities were .found to be in violation of NRC requirements. - Reference (b) transmitted an additional Notice of Violation related to one of the violations icentified in reference (a).

Attachment A to this letter contains Commonwealth Edison's response to the Notice of Violation appended to reference (b). '

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to this office. '

4 . ,

Very t ly yours


'D L. Farrar Director of. Nuclear Licensing im ,

s's 3 ,


' Attachment ,


.j- g 9

cc: Byron Resident Inspector- .

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t 's 0922K #

i '54 8d1213o4000%{DR DR ADOCK O P WM1985 '~

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l ATTACHMENT VIOLATION 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V requires that activities affecting quality be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings.

Contrary to the above, no authorized permanent procedure or temporary procedural change described a valve line-up through which diluted reactor coolant water was transferred from the recycle holdup tanks to the Unit 2 condensate pit sump. As a result, the sump overflowed and the

- surrounding area was contaminated.

CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN AND REStLTS ACHIEVED Immediate action was taken to stop the spread of contamination and to decontaminate tne affected areas. As a result of these actions there were no personnel contaminations nor a release to an unrestricted area in excess of Technical Specification limits.

All valves manipulated to effect this transfer were either placed or verified to be in their normal position.

On May 26, 1985, a temporary change to Byron Operating Procedure BOP AB-9, Boric Acid Recycle Holdup Tank Operations, was initiated to address the transferring of the Recycle Holdup Tank to the Radwaste Release Tank via the. Chemical Orain Tank. The corresponding 10 CFR 50.59 review determined the change did not involve'an unreviewed safety question.


1) Tne Assistant Superintendent for Operations reiterated to shift personnel that all activities of this nature must be done by an approved procedure. This was completed by June 14, 1985.
2) The Operating Engineering for Radwaste reAressed to his foremen the This was necessity of using a procedure for all radwaste activities.

completed by June 14, 1985.

3) Licensed Operators will read this violation and response.

DATE WEN FULL COWLIANCE WILL '8E ACHIEVED Licensed operators will read this violation and response by December 27,-1985.-


