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Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Versions of HI-982083, Licensing Rept for Byron & Braidwood Nuclear Stations. Proprietary Rept Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(b)(4)
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1999
From: Krich R
Shared Package
ML20138H521 List:
NUDOCS 9910290337
Download: ML20217P617 (5)



j Commonwealth filnon Company.

1 HX) Opus Place Downers Grose, 11.60515-5701) 4 e

'Octob'er 21,1999 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-72 and NPF-77 NRC Docket Nos. STN 50-456 and STN 50-457 Byron Station, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-37 and NPF-66 NRC Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455


Response to Request for Additional and Clarifying Information Regarding Holtec intemationa! Report, HI-982083, " Licensing Report for Spent Fuel Rack Installation at Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations"


Letter from R. M. Krich (Commonwealth Edison Company) to U.S. NRC,

" Request for an Amendment to Technical Specifications to Support Installation of New Spent Fuel Pool Storage Racks at Byron and Braidwood Stations," dated March 23,1999 The referenced letter submitted our request for Technical Specification changes that would reflect the installation and use of new spent fuel pool storage racks at the Braidwood and Byron Stations. A report by the new storage rack fabricator Holtec Intemational (HI), Hi-982083, " Licensing Report for Spent Fuel Rack Installation at Byron j

and Braidwood Nuclear Stations," was submitted with the March 23,1999 letter.

On May 24,1999, members of Commonwealth Edison (Comed) Company and the NRC met to discuss technical issues regarding our request for the subject changes to Technical Specifications. At the conclusion of this meeting, the NRC requested that the Holtec Intemational Report, HI-982083, be revised to include some additional information and to clarify and correct certain items identified during the meeting. In a ul\\ (q subsequent telephone conversation between NRC and Comed representatives on September 16,1999, another addition to the Holtec Intemational Licensing Report was requested. 9910290337 991021 ADOCK 050004 4 gDR y gqg ggga t o cyt g; 1 A Umcom Company J

October 21,1999 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Page 2, Revision to Holtec Intemational Licensing Report, HI-982083, (Proprietary

~ Version) and Attachment 2, Revision to Holtec Intemational Licensing Report, - Hi-982083, (Non-proprietary Version) contain the requested additions and revisions. Please replace the appropriate pages of these reports as directed by the instructions in ' and Attachment 2, I As noted in our' March 23,1999 letter, the Hsitec Intemational Report, Hi-982083, j contains information proprietary to Holtec Intemational. Therefore, we requested that - ) ' this information be withheld from public disclosure. ' Accordingly, an affidavit signed by a representative of Holtec Intemational, the owner of the information, was provided with the referenced letter, setting forth the basis on which the information may be withheld from public disclosure by the NRC and addressing the considerations listed in paragraph !(b)(4) of 10 CFR 2.790. The proprietary information included in this response to NRC requests for additional information is also covered by our original request to withhold this j information from public disclosure for the reasons attested to in our March 23,1999 letter. 4 L Should you have any questions or concems regarding this information, please contact Mr. J..A. Bauer at (630) 663-7287. Respectfully, R. M. Krich. . Vice President'- Regulatory Services ' Attachments: Attachment 1, Revision' to.Holtec Intemational Report, HI-982083, " Licensing Report for Spent Fuel Rack Installation at Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations"(Proprietary Version), Revision to Holtec International Report, HI-982083, " Licensing . Report for Spent Fuel Rack Installation at Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations" (Non-proprietary Version) cc: Regional Administrator-NRC Region lli 1 NRC Senior Resident inspector-Braidwood Station - NRC Senior Resident inspector-Byron Station i j

bec: NRC Project Manager-NRR - Byron and Braidwood Stations Office of Nuclear Facility Safety-IDNS Frank Niziolek, IDNS Site Vice President-Braidwood Station Site Vice President-Byron Station Regulatory Assurance Manager-Braidwood Station Regulatory Assurance Manager-Byron Station Director, Licensing and Compliance - Braidwood and Byron Stations 1 Comed Document Control Desk Licensing (Hard Copy). I Comed Document Control Desk Licensing (Electronic Copy) M. P. McNamara, Holtec International i l i l l l l ..J

ATTACHMENT 1 Revision to Holtec International Report, HI-982083, " Licensing Report for Spent Fuel Rack Installation at Byron and Braidwood Nuclear Stations" _(Proprietary Version) Revision 5 Page Replacement instructions: j

1. Replace the two pages of the " Review and Certification Log for Multiple Author Documents" that reflect Revisions 3 and 4, and replace them with the two new pages of the " Review and Certification Log for Multiple Author Documents" thht reflect Revisions 3,4 and 5.


2. Replace page i, " Summary of Revisions," with the new page i to reflect Revision 5 changes.
3. Replace pages li through vi, " Table of Contents," with new pages ii through vi to reflect changes made in the body of the document.


4. Replace pages vil through x, " List of Figures," with new pages vii through x to reflect the renumbering of figures in Chapter 7.0.
5. Replace page 6-12 with the new page 6-12. Algebraic corTections were made to the f

" Fop.ning" equations.

6. Replace page 6-14 with the new page 6-14. The page was revised to reference an added Table 6.5.3.
7. Replace page 6-57 with new pages 6-57 and 6-58. A new Table 6.5.3, " Typical Stiffness Values for Byron and Braidwood Spent Fuel Racks," was added and Table 6.9.1 was renumbered to page 6-58.


8. Replace Figure 6.5.1 with the new Figure 6.5.1. A revision was made to update the rotational and displacement node nomenclature.


9. Replace Chapter 7.0 in its entirety (i.e., pages 7-1 through 7-7). The chapter was revised to address a potential rack drop accident during construction.
10. Replace Figures 7.5.1 through 7.5.6 with Figures 7.2.4 through 7.2.9. These figures were renumbered due to Chapter 7.0 revisions.
11. Replace page 8-3 with the new page 8-3. A typographical error was corrected in Table 8.2.1; " West Wall Braidwood" was changed to " East Wall Braidwood."


ATTACHMENT 1 ); (page 2) Revision 6 P&ge Replacement Instructions:

1. t insert the " Review and Certification Log" for Revision 6.
2. Replace page i, " Summary of Revisions," with the new page i to reflect Revision 6 changes.
3. RepIace Chapter 6.0 in its entirety. A new paragraph was added to Section 6,4, 1

" Synthetic Time Histories," to state that the design response spectra used to develop the synthetic time histories is the envelop of the Byron spectra and Braidwood spectra.. Minor editorial changes were also made to pages 6-12 and 6-14. l D}}