MONTHYEARB13454, Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Approx Two NRC Team Insps Conducted at Facilities Each Yr.Two SSFIs Conducted in 19881990-03-0101 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Approx Two NRC Team Insps Conducted at Facilities Each Yr.Two SSFIs Conducted in 1988 ML17347B5881990-03-0101 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Info Covers Time Spent by Key Power Plant Managers in Responding to Operational Insps & Audits ML15217A1031990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & Revised Process Control Programs & Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals ML18094B3221990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Executed Amend 14 to Indemnity Agreement B-74 ML20055C3921990-02-26026 February 1990 Approves Util 900214 Request for Use of B&W Steam Generator Plugs W/Alloy 690 as Alternative to Alloy 600.Alternate Matl Is nickel-base Alloy (ASME Designation SB-166) ML20011F3821990-02-26026 February 1990 Confirms Amount Electronically Transferred to Us Dept of Treasury,Nrc on 900223 for Payment of NRC Review Fees of 10CFR50 Applications & 10CFR55 Svcs Per 10CFR170,for Period of 890101-0617 for Listed Invoices ML20006G0621990-02-22022 February 1990 Forwards Revised Proprietary Pages to DPC-NE-2004, Core Thermal Hydraulic Methodology Using VIPRE-01, Reflecting Minor Methodology Changes Made During Review & Approval Process.Pages Withheld ML20006E5881990-02-20020 February 1990 Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC 890725 Questions Re Vipre Core Thermal Hydraulic Section of Topical Rept DPC-NE-3000 & Rev 2 to Pages 3-69,3-70,3-78 & 3-79 of Rept. Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20006E1441990-02-16016 February 1990 Forwards Suppl to Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2 & Byron Station,Units 1 & 2,per 881214 & 891214 Submittals ML20006E9071990-02-16016 February 1990 Discusses Plants Design Control Program.Util Adopted Concept of Design Change Implementation Package (Dcip).Dcip Will Contain or Ref Design Change Notice Prepared Per Approved Procedures ML20006E4201990-02-14014 February 1990 Requests NRC Approval for Use of Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tube Plugs for Facility,Prior to 900301,pending Final ASME Approval of Code Case for Alloy 690 ML18094B3291990-02-14014 February 1990 Forwards Printouts Containing RW-859 Nuclear Fuel Data for Period Ending 891231 & Diskettes ML20011E6151990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards Revs 1 to Security Plan & Security Training & Qualification Plan & Rev 2 to Security Contingency Plan. Salem Switchyard Project Delayed.Revs Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20011E5571990-02-0808 February 1990 Forwards Us Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Tennessee Orders & Memorandum on Debtors Motion to Alter or Amend Order & Opinion Re Status of Sales Agreement Between DOE & Alchemie.Doe Believes Agreement Expired on 890821 ML20011E4991990-02-0606 February 1990 Discusses Liability & Funding Requirements Re NRC Decommissioning Funding Rules & Verifies Understanding of Rules.Ltr from NRC Explaining Liability & Requirements of Rule Requested ML20011E5981990-02-0505 February 1990 Requests That Listed Individuals Be Deleted from Svc List for Facilities.Documents Already Sent to Dept of Environ Protection of State of Nj ML20006D6911990-02-0202 February 1990 Provides Alternative Design Solution to Dcrdr Implementation at Facilities.Simpler Design Devised,Using Eyelet Screw Inserted in Switch Nameplate Which Is Identical to Providing Caution Cards in Close Proximity to Switch Handle ML20006C5661990-01-31031 January 1990 Provides Certification Re Implementation of Fitness for Duty Program Per 10CFR26 at Plants ML20006D6611990-01-29029 January 1990 Advises That 900117 License Amend Request to Remove Certain cycle-specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs Inadvertently Utilized Outdated Tech Specs Pages.Requests That Tech Specs Changes Made Via Amends 101/83 Be Deleted B13244, Informs of Plans to Resolve Problems Experienced During Last Two Summers W/High Svc Water Temps Slightly Above 90 F. Proposed License Amend Requests Will Be Submitted Limiting UHS Temps for Haddam Neck & Millstone Unit 21990-01-29029 January 1990 Informs of Plans to Resolve Problems Experienced During Last Two Summers W/High Svc Water Temps Slightly Above 90 F. Proposed License Amend Requests Will Be Submitted Limiting UHS Temps for Haddam Neck & Millstone Unit 2 ML20006B7961990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Summaries of Latest ECCS Evaluation Model Changes ML20006C6711990-01-29029 January 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Plants Have Established Preventive Maint Program for Intake Structure & Routine Treatment of Svc Water Sys W/Biocide to Control Biofouling ML18153C0951990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Belief in Appropriateness to Address Generic Ltr 89-13 Concerns within Context of Established Programmatic Improvements Noted ML20011E2521990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Proprietary Safety Analysis Physics Parameters & Multidimensional Reactor Transients Methodology. Three Repts Describing EPRI Computer Code Also Encl.Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML18153C0871990-01-26026 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-003, Potential Loss of Required Shutdown Margin During Refueling Operations. Refueling Procedures to Be Revised & Familiarization Sessions Will Be Conducted Prior to Each Refueling Outage ML20006D2431990-01-26026 January 1990 Provides Info Re Emergency Response Organization Exercises for Plants.Exercises & Callouts Would Necessitate Activation of Combined Emergency Operations Facility Approx Eight Times Per Yr,W/Some Being Performed off-hours & Unannounced ML18094B2861990-01-26026 January 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Aggressive Program of Monitoring,Insp & Matl Replacement Initiated in Advance of Generic Ltr 89-13 Issuance ML19354E4191990-01-25025 January 1990 Comments Re Issuance of OL Amends & Proposed NSHC Determination Re Transfer of Operational Mgt Control of Plants & Views on anti-trust Issues Re Application for Amend for Plants ML19354E6711990-01-24024 January 1990 Requests Approval to Use Alloy 690 Plugs as Alternative to Requirements of 10CFR55(a),codes & Stds for Plants Prior to 900226 ML17347B5451990-01-24024 January 1990 Informs of Plans to Apply ASME Code Case N-356 at Plants to Allow Certification Period to Be Extended to 5 Yrs.Rev to Inservice Insp Programs Will Include Use of Code Case ML19354E4451990-01-22022 January 1990 Submits Update on Status of RHR Sys Iconic Display at Facilities,Per Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Loss of Dhr.Computer Graphics Display Data in Real Time & Reflect Status of Refueling Water Level & RHR Pump Parameters ML19354E4461990-01-22022 January 1990 Forwards Proprietary Rev 1 to DPC-NE-2001, Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for MARK-BW Fuel, Adding Section Re ECCS Analysis Interface Criteria & Making Associated Administrative Changes.Rev Withheld ML20005G7161990-01-20020 January 1990 Forwards Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood & Byron Units 1 & 2.Changes in Rev 1 Include Facility & Procedures Which Were in Effect as of 890610.W/o Encl ML20006A8001990-01-19019 January 1990 Forwards Response to NRC 891220 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Plant Insps.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML16152A9091990-01-18018 January 1990 Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-1, Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff & Rev 24 to CMIP-2, News Group Plan. W/900131 Release Memo ML18153C0771990-01-17017 January 1990 Forwards North Anna Power Station Emergency Plan Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements for Emergencies' & Surry... Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements...', for Approval,Per 10CFR50.54(q),NUREG-0654 & NUREG-0737,Suppl 1 ML20006A2011990-01-16016 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel in Anchor Darling Swing Check Valves.Eight Subj Valves Identified in Peach Bottom Units 1 & 2 & Will Be Returned to Mfg ML20006A6241990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Draft Qualified Master Trust Agreement for Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants,For Review.Licensee Will Make Contributions to Qualified & Nonqualified Trust as Appropriate ML18153C0731990-01-15015 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or or Valves.... Util Replaced Studs in twenty-five Valves ML20005G6431990-01-10010 January 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-21 Re Implementation of USI Requirements,Consisting of Revised Page to 891128 Response, Moving SER Ref from USI A-10 to A-12 for Braidwood ML20006A8201990-01-10010 January 1990 Forwards Errata to Rev 3 to BAW-1543,Tables 3-20 & E-1 of Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Reflecting Changes in Insertion Schedule for A5 Capsule for Davis-Besse & Crystal River ML20006B8821990-01-10010 January 1990 Reissued Ltr Correcting Date of Util Ltr to NRC Which Forwarded Updated FSAR for Byron/Braidwood Plants from 881214 to 891214.W/o Updated FSARs ML20005G7601990-01-0404 January 1990 Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Plan. Privacy Info Should Be Deleted Prior to Placement in Pdr.W/ D Grimsley 900118 Release Memo ML18153C0491990-01-0303 January 1990 Advises of Implementation of fitness-for-duty Program Which Complies w/10CFR26.Util Support Objective of Providing Assurances That Nuclear Power Plant Personnel Will Perform Tasks in Reliable & Trustworthy Manner ML20005F4641990-01-0303 January 1990 Advises That Licensee Implemented 10CFR26 Rule Re fitness-for-duty Program W/One Exception.Util Has Not Completed Background Check for Some of Program Administrators.Checks Expected to Be Completed by 900105 ML18094B2331990-01-0303 January 1990 Certifies Util Implementation of fitness-for-duty Program, Per 10CFR26.Training Element Required by Rule Completed on 891215.Chemical Testing for Required Substances Performed at Min Prescribed cut-off Levels,Except for Marijuana ML17347B5051990-01-0202 January 1990 Certifies That Util Has fitness-for-duty Program Which Meets Requirements of 10CFR26.Util Adopted cut-off Levels Indicated in Encl ML20042D3731990-01-0202 January 1990 Forwards Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 32 to CMIP-1,Rev 29 to CMIP-4,Rev 33 to CMIP-5,Rev 38 to CMIP-6,Rev 37 to CMIP-7,Rev 32 to CMIP-9, Rev 1 to CMIP-14 & Rev 30 to CMIP-21 ML17347B4961989-12-28028 December 1989 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-10, Safety-Related Motor- Operated Valve Testing & Surveillance. Util Considering Expansion of Plants to Include Addl safety-related & Position Changeable Valves W/ Emphasis on Maint & Testing ML20042D3381989-12-28028 December 1989 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing & Surveillance. Util Will Comply W/Ltr Recommendations W/Noted Exceptions.Response to Be Completed When Ltr Uncertainties Cleared 1990-03-01
MONTHYEARML17347B5881990-03-0101 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Info Covers Time Spent by Key Power Plant Managers in Responding to Operational Insps & Audits B13454, Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Approx Two NRC Team Insps Conducted at Facilities Each Yr.Two SSFIs Conducted in 19881990-03-0101 March 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey. Approx Two NRC Team Insps Conducted at Facilities Each Yr.Two SSFIs Conducted in 1988 ML18094B3221990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Executed Amend 14 to Indemnity Agreement B-74 ML15217A1031990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1989 for McGuire Nuclear Station Units 1 & 2 & Revised Process Control Programs & Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals ML20011F3821990-02-26026 February 1990 Confirms Amount Electronically Transferred to Us Dept of Treasury,Nrc on 900223 for Payment of NRC Review Fees of 10CFR50 Applications & 10CFR55 Svcs Per 10CFR170,for Period of 890101-0617 for Listed Invoices ML20006G0621990-02-22022 February 1990 Forwards Revised Proprietary Pages to DPC-NE-2004, Core Thermal Hydraulic Methodology Using VIPRE-01, Reflecting Minor Methodology Changes Made During Review & Approval Process.Pages Withheld ML20006E5881990-02-20020 February 1990 Forwards Proprietary Response to NRC 890725 Questions Re Vipre Core Thermal Hydraulic Section of Topical Rept DPC-NE-3000 & Rev 2 to Pages 3-69,3-70,3-78 & 3-79 of Rept. Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20006E1441990-02-16016 February 1990 Forwards Suppl to Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood Station,Units 1 & 2 & Byron Station,Units 1 & 2,per 881214 & 891214 Submittals ML20006E9071990-02-16016 February 1990 Discusses Plants Design Control Program.Util Adopted Concept of Design Change Implementation Package (Dcip).Dcip Will Contain or Ref Design Change Notice Prepared Per Approved Procedures ML20006E4201990-02-14014 February 1990 Requests NRC Approval for Use of Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tube Plugs for Facility,Prior to 900301,pending Final ASME Approval of Code Case for Alloy 690 ML20011E6151990-02-12012 February 1990 Forwards Revs 1 to Security Plan & Security Training & Qualification Plan & Rev 2 to Security Contingency Plan. Salem Switchyard Project Delayed.Revs Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20011E5571990-02-0808 February 1990 Forwards Us Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Tennessee Orders & Memorandum on Debtors Motion to Alter or Amend Order & Opinion Re Status of Sales Agreement Between DOE & Alchemie.Doe Believes Agreement Expired on 890821 ML20011E4991990-02-0606 February 1990 Discusses Liability & Funding Requirements Re NRC Decommissioning Funding Rules & Verifies Understanding of Rules.Ltr from NRC Explaining Liability & Requirements of Rule Requested ML20011E5981990-02-0505 February 1990 Requests That Listed Individuals Be Deleted from Svc List for Facilities.Documents Already Sent to Dept of Environ Protection of State of Nj ML20006D6911990-02-0202 February 1990 Provides Alternative Design Solution to Dcrdr Implementation at Facilities.Simpler Design Devised,Using Eyelet Screw Inserted in Switch Nameplate Which Is Identical to Providing Caution Cards in Close Proximity to Switch Handle ML20006C5661990-01-31031 January 1990 Provides Certification Re Implementation of Fitness for Duty Program Per 10CFR26 at Plants ML20006C6711990-01-29029 January 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Plants Have Established Preventive Maint Program for Intake Structure & Routine Treatment of Svc Water Sys W/Biocide to Control Biofouling B13244, Informs of Plans to Resolve Problems Experienced During Last Two Summers W/High Svc Water Temps Slightly Above 90 F. Proposed License Amend Requests Will Be Submitted Limiting UHS Temps for Haddam Neck & Millstone Unit 21990-01-29029 January 1990 Informs of Plans to Resolve Problems Experienced During Last Two Summers W/High Svc Water Temps Slightly Above 90 F. Proposed License Amend Requests Will Be Submitted Limiting UHS Temps for Haddam Neck & Millstone Unit 2 ML20006B7961990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Summaries of Latest ECCS Evaluation Model Changes ML20011E2521990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Proprietary Safety Analysis Physics Parameters & Multidimensional Reactor Transients Methodology. Three Repts Describing EPRI Computer Code Also Encl.Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML18153C0951990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Belief in Appropriateness to Address Generic Ltr 89-13 Concerns within Context of Established Programmatic Improvements Noted ML20006D6611990-01-29029 January 1990 Advises That 900117 License Amend Request to Remove Certain cycle-specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs Inadvertently Utilized Outdated Tech Specs Pages.Requests That Tech Specs Changes Made Via Amends 101/83 Be Deleted ML18094B2861990-01-26026 January 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Aggressive Program of Monitoring,Insp & Matl Replacement Initiated in Advance of Generic Ltr 89-13 Issuance ML20006D2431990-01-26026 January 1990 Provides Info Re Emergency Response Organization Exercises for Plants.Exercises & Callouts Would Necessitate Activation of Combined Emergency Operations Facility Approx Eight Times Per Yr,W/Some Being Performed off-hours & Unannounced ML18153C0871990-01-26026 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-003, Potential Loss of Required Shutdown Margin During Refueling Operations. Refueling Procedures to Be Revised & Familiarization Sessions Will Be Conducted Prior to Each Refueling Outage ML19354E4191990-01-25025 January 1990 Comments Re Issuance of OL Amends & Proposed NSHC Determination Re Transfer of Operational Mgt Control of Plants & Views on anti-trust Issues Re Application for Amend for Plants ML19354E6711990-01-24024 January 1990 Requests Approval to Use Alloy 690 Plugs as Alternative to Requirements of 10CFR55(a),codes & Stds for Plants Prior to 900226 ML17347B5451990-01-24024 January 1990 Informs of Plans to Apply ASME Code Case N-356 at Plants to Allow Certification Period to Be Extended to 5 Yrs.Rev to Inservice Insp Programs Will Include Use of Code Case ML19354E4451990-01-22022 January 1990 Submits Update on Status of RHR Sys Iconic Display at Facilities,Per Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Loss of Dhr.Computer Graphics Display Data in Real Time & Reflect Status of Refueling Water Level & RHR Pump Parameters ML19354E4461990-01-22022 January 1990 Forwards Proprietary Rev 1 to DPC-NE-2001, Fuel Mechanical Reload Analysis Methodology for MARK-BW Fuel, Adding Section Re ECCS Analysis Interface Criteria & Making Associated Administrative Changes.Rev Withheld ML20005G7161990-01-20020 January 1990 Forwards Rev 1 to Updated FSAR for Braidwood & Byron Units 1 & 2.Changes in Rev 1 Include Facility & Procedures Which Were in Effect as of 890610.W/o Encl ML20006A8001990-01-19019 January 1990 Forwards Response to NRC 891220 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Plant Insps.Response Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML16152A9091990-01-18018 January 1990 Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedure CMIP-1, Recovery Manager & Immediate Staff & Rev 24 to CMIP-2, News Group Plan. W/900131 Release Memo ML18153C0771990-01-17017 January 1990 Forwards North Anna Power Station Emergency Plan Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements for Emergencies' & Surry... Table 5.1, 'Min Staffing Requirements...', for Approval,Per 10CFR50.54(q),NUREG-0654 & NUREG-0737,Suppl 1 ML20006A2011990-01-16016 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel in Anchor Darling Swing Check Valves.Eight Subj Valves Identified in Peach Bottom Units 1 & 2 & Will Be Returned to Mfg ML20006A6241990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Draft Qualified Master Trust Agreement for Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants,For Review.Licensee Will Make Contributions to Qualified & Nonqualified Trust as Appropriate ML18153C0731990-01-15015 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High-Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing Check Valves or or Valves.... Util Replaced Studs in twenty-five Valves ML20006B8821990-01-10010 January 1990 Reissued Ltr Correcting Date of Util Ltr to NRC Which Forwarded Updated FSAR for Byron/Braidwood Plants from 881214 to 891214.W/o Updated FSARs ML20006A8201990-01-10010 January 1990 Forwards Errata to Rev 3 to BAW-1543,Tables 3-20 & E-1 of Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveillance Program Reflecting Changes in Insertion Schedule for A5 Capsule for Davis-Besse & Crystal River ML20005G6431990-01-10010 January 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-21 Re Implementation of USI Requirements,Consisting of Revised Page to 891128 Response, Moving SER Ref from USI A-10 to A-12 for Braidwood ML20005G7601990-01-0404 January 1990 Forwards Public Version of Rev 33 to Crisis Mgt Plan. Privacy Info Should Be Deleted Prior to Placement in Pdr.W/ D Grimsley 900118 Release Memo ML18094B2331990-01-0303 January 1990 Certifies Util Implementation of fitness-for-duty Program, Per 10CFR26.Training Element Required by Rule Completed on 891215.Chemical Testing for Required Substances Performed at Min Prescribed cut-off Levels,Except for Marijuana ML20005F4641990-01-0303 January 1990 Advises That Licensee Implemented 10CFR26 Rule Re fitness-for-duty Program W/One Exception.Util Has Not Completed Background Check for Some of Program Administrators.Checks Expected to Be Completed by 900105 ML18153C0491990-01-0303 January 1990 Advises of Implementation of fitness-for-duty Program Which Complies w/10CFR26.Util Support Objective of Providing Assurances That Nuclear Power Plant Personnel Will Perform Tasks in Reliable & Trustworthy Manner ML17347B5051990-01-0202 January 1990 Certifies That Util Has fitness-for-duty Program Which Meets Requirements of 10CFR26.Util Adopted cut-off Levels Indicated in Encl ML20042D3731990-01-0202 January 1990 Forwards Revised Crisis Mgt Implementing Procedures, Including Rev 32 to CMIP-1,Rev 29 to CMIP-4,Rev 33 to CMIP-5,Rev 38 to CMIP-6,Rev 37 to CMIP-7,Rev 32 to CMIP-9, Rev 1 to CMIP-14 & Rev 30 to CMIP-21 ML20042D3381989-12-28028 December 1989 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing & Surveillance. Util Will Comply W/Ltr Recommendations W/Noted Exceptions.Response to Be Completed When Ltr Uncertainties Cleared ML17347B4961989-12-28028 December 1989 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-10, Safety-Related Motor- Operated Valve Testing & Surveillance. Util Considering Expansion of Plants to Include Addl safety-related & Position Changeable Valves W/ Emphasis on Maint & Testing ML18094B2291989-12-27027 December 1989 Requests to Apply ASME Section XI Code Case N-460 to Facilities Re Reduction in Exam Coverage on Class 1 & 2 Welds.Fee Paid ML18094B2201989-12-27027 December 1989 Advises of Intent to Provide follow-up Response to Generic Ltr 89-10 by 900831 to Describe Status of Program, Recommendation Exceptions & Any Schedule Adjustments 1990-03-01
MONTHYEARML20011E5571990-02-0808 February 1990 Forwards Us Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Tennessee Orders & Memorandum on Debtors Motion to Alter or Amend Order & Opinion Re Status of Sales Agreement Between DOE & Alchemie.Doe Believes Agreement Expired on 890821 ML20005D7501989-12-0404 December 1989 Forwards Rept for State of Mn off-hours & Unannounced Drill Conducted on 891019 for Plants.One Area Requiring Corrective Action Re Staffing Activation Inadequacy Corrected at Monticello 890726 Exercise.Preparedness Deemed Adequate ML20247J7721989-07-19019 July 1989 Forwards Rept for Unannounced off-hours Drills on 881020 for State of WI,site-specific to Zion,Point Beach,Kewaunee & Prairie Island Nuclear Power Stations.No Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Actions Noted ML18101A4911989-06-26026 June 1989 Forwards Final Exercise Rept of 881129 Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans site-specific to Artificial Island Generating Station.No Deficiencies Noted ML20235N3421989-02-15015 February 1989 Responds to 890201 Request for Estimates for Centrifuge Plant Demonstration Facility (Cpdf) & Oliver Springs Plus Cpdf.Doe Intends to Ensure That Sufficient Finances Exist for Decontamination & Decommissioning Liabilities ML20151A1321988-06-29029 June 1988 Forwards Artificial Island Nuclear Generating Stations Site Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Sys Satisfies NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP,Rev 1 & FEMA-REP-10 Requirements ML18093A8641988-05-27027 May 1988 Forwards FEMA & Region III Final Exercise Rept of 870909 Exercise of State of DE Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans site-specific to Artificial Island Generating Station ML20237C0831987-12-0707 December 1987 Forwards Kewaunee Nuclear Plant & Point Beach Nuclear Plant Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Alert & Notification Sys Satisfies NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 ML20236L2461987-07-30030 July 1987 Discusses Participation of Certain Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ-only States in Qualifying Exercises Used by NRC in Making Licensing Decisions for Operating Exercises.Listed Plants Noncompliant as of 870331 ML20245B6361987-06-17017 June 1987 Forwards Post-Exercise Assessment of 861112 Exercise of Radiological Emergency Response Plans of State of Nj,Salem County.... FEMA Requested Schedule of Corrective Actions from State by 870626.Offsite Preparedness Adequate for EPZ ML20199B2561986-06-0505 June 1986 Notifies NRC That State of DE & Local Radiological Emergency Plans Adequate,Conditioned on FEMA Verification of Alert & Notification Sys ML20214E2311986-02-28028 February 1986 Forwards Medical Svcs Info for State of Ny & Oswego County Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan.Info Confirms List of Medical Facilities Identified for Use in Event of Emergency ML20151V0191986-02-0404 February 1986 Forwards 851029 Full Participation Exercise Rept of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans & Results of 851115 Remedial Exercise.Deficiency Identified Re Failure to Complete Public Alert within Time Period ML20140A8921986-01-14014 January 1986 Forwards Interim Findings on Adequacy of Radiological Emergency Response Preparation of State & Local Govts..., Based on State of Nj Emergency Response Plan & Exercises Conducted at Salem from 810408-841023.Plans Adequate ML18092A7771985-09-16016 September 1985 Informs That Remaining Category B Deficiency Identified During Salem 831026 Exercise Corrected.Util Agreed to Underwrite Cost of Installing Decontamination Showers & Sleeping Quarters at State of DE Emergency Operations Ctr ML20133G6411985-08-0606 August 1985 Supports Pennsylvania Emergency Mgt Agency Request to Exempt Chester County from Full Participation in Joint Exercises Involving Peach Bottom,Providing County Participates in Limerick Exercise ML20127J8811985-06-14014 June 1985 Advises That State & Local Plans for Radiological Emergencies Adequate,Subj to Criteria of App 3 of NUREG- 0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 & FEMA-43, Std Guide for Evaluation of Alert & Notification Sys for Nuclear Power Plants ML20133A5121985-04-30030 April 1985 Forwards PA Bradley FOIA Request for Documents Re Vogtle & Ei Hatch Antitrust Reviews ML20108F3801984-12-13013 December 1984 Forwards Final Findings 44CFR350,NY State & Oswego County Plans & Preparedness,Nine Mile Point/Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Generating Stations, for Review.Comments Requested by 850108 ML20199H6301984-09-26026 September 1984 Forwards Ltr of Determination on Complaint of M Gregory V Brown & Root,Inc.Related Info Also Encl ML20199H8121984-08-27027 August 1984 Forwards Complaint of M Gregory V Brown & Root,Inc & Ltrs of Notification ML20138C1821984-08-23023 August 1984 Forwards Project & Budget Proposals for NRC Work for Rev 1 to, Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load & Evaluation of Selected Open NRC Activities at Near-Term OL Sites Needing Action.. ML20095A2061984-08-13013 August 1984 Informs That FEMA Does Not Intend to Conduct full-scale Evaluation of Hope Creek 1985 Exercise.Since Salem Unit 1 OL Issued Prior to 820713,full Participation in 1985 Not Required by NRC or FEMA Rules ML20126D8341984-03-0808 March 1984 Forwards FEMA 840216 Review of Util Emergency Planning Zone Public Info Brochure,Per ASLB 830526 Partial Initial Decision.All Recommended Changes/Mods Incorporated ML17346A5701984-02-15015 February 1984 Approves State & Local Plans & Preparedness for Alerting & Protecting Public in Event of Radiological Emergency. Approval Conditional on Verification of Alert & Notification Sys,Per Criteria of App 3 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 ML20106A0681984-01-27027 January 1984 Discusses Savannah District Dam Safety Plan.Plan & Related Maps Forwarded Under Separate Cover.Plan Addresses Emergencies Re Above Normal Reservoir Water Levels &/Or Rapid Release of Large Vol of Water Past Dam ML20210E7061984-01-18018 January 1984 Provides Info in Response to Request for Assistance in Addressing Issues Raised in R Kranzdorf Re Emergency Preparedness of Offsite Jurisdictions.Issues Addressed Include Flooding at Twin Bridges & Siren Sys ML20210E6951983-12-16016 December 1983 Responds to Request for Assistance in Formulating Response to R Kranzdorf Re Emergency Plans & Preparedness. Info Provided Includes Evacuation Time Considerations, Evacuation Transportation Routes & Emergency Broadcast Sys ML20127N1911983-11-16016 November 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Operating Reactor Reviews for Indian Point & Zion ML20127E9941983-11-16016 November 1983 Forwards Std Order for DOE Work for FIN A-3711, Safety Evaluation of Core Melt Accidents:GESSAR-FDA,Limerick-OL & FNP-ML ML20127L8421983-11-0404 November 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:CESSAR-FDA,Westinghouse Std Plant- Fda. W/O Order ML20083H9381983-10-18018 October 1983 Responds to Jj Cummings Re Alleged Violations by Bahnson Co Employees.Criminal Prosecution Declined Due to Inability to Prove Criminal Intent ML20127E8521983-09-14014 September 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work for FIN A-3346, Safety Evaluation of Core Melt Accidents:GESSAR-FDA, Limerick-OL & FNP-ML ML20127M8981983-09-14014 September 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Operating Reactor Reviews for Indian Point & Zion. W/O Encl ML20127M7581983-08-26026 August 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Indian Point Operating Reactor & Zion Operating Reactor ML20117L9281983-05-25025 May 1983 Forwards Correspondence Addressed to President Reagan Re Safety Problems at Nuclear Power Plants & DOE Reply ML20127L7541983-05-0303 May 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Cessar - Final Design Approval, Westinghouse Std Plant - Final Design Approval. Project Identification Summary Also Encl.W/O Std Order ML20155D3261983-03-22022 March 1983 Responds to Approval Request for Info Collection Re 10CFR50, Domestic Licensing of Production & Utilization Facilities. Request Approved for Use Through 850430 ML20134A8321983-03-17017 March 1983 Informs That Mc Beard Will Be Available on 830405 to Provide Briefing for Commission Re FAA Sys of Civil Aviation Regulation,In Response to 830303 Request ML20127M5691983-02-25025 February 1983 Forwards Property Certification of Equipment Purchased Under FIN A-3392.Disposition Instructions Requested by 830315 ML20127M4941983-02-10010 February 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work, Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Indian Point Operating Reactor & Zion Operating Reactor ML20127M3751983-01-10010 January 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Indian Point Operating Reactor & Zion Operating Reactor ML20067D5281982-11-18018 November 1982 Clarifies Position Re Seismic Potential of Certain Regions of Eastern Us.Deterministic & Probabilistic Evaluations of Seismic Hazard Should Be Made for Individual Sites to Establish Seismic Engineering Parameters ML20064E1331982-03-19019 March 1982 Requests Completion Date of Insp at Facility.Criminal Investigation Might Impair NRC Civil Enforcement Efforts. Related Info Encl ML17276B1011982-02-19019 February 1982 Forwards Input for Des Re Potential Use of Water Stored in Fdr Lake ML20071H1881981-03-26026 March 1981 Forwards Sealed Ltrs for Delivery to Houston Lighting & Power & Brown & Root.Ltrs Deal W/Investigation at South Tx Project ML20064E4191981-03-13013 March 1981 Responds to 810302 Request Re Authority of Ofc of Special Counsel,Merit Sys Protection Board,Under 5 U.S.C. 1206(b)(2) & (7).NRC Not Required to Furnish Counsel Rept on Complaint Alleging Govt Mismanagement & Gross Waste at Facility ML20072P5121979-10-10010 October 1979 Forwards Copy of Investigation Rept of Alleged Improprieties at Facilities.W/O Encl ML20072P0211979-04-17017 April 1979 Forwards Hb Gonzalez Re Allegations of Possible Const Violations & Draft Response.Reply Requested Should Evidence of Possible Violations of Federal Criminal Statutes Develop.W/O Gonzalez Ltr ML20245B9081976-07-0202 July 1976 Comments on NRC Environ Statement Addendum to Fes for Operation of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plants Units 1 & 2. Premature Judgment Made Re Reactor Risk Being Acceptable. Related Info Encl 1990-02-08
[Table view] |
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'Ibe-Eonorable Nunzio J. Palladino 4
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Chairran, United States Naclear
Regulatory Ccmnission Washington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Cnair:
'Iti's is in reply to your Parch 3 letter regaesting a briefing to thes Nuclear Regulatory Cccmission on the Federal Aviation Id.inistration's (FAA) syste:n of regulation of civil aviation.
Mr. M. Craig Beard, Director of the Office of Ai: chiness, will be available to provide the Com.ission the b-iefing you requested co :Tencing at 2_ o.m. on Acril 5,1CC3.
I un5erstand that Ms. Linda Stoloff of your ottice tentatively arranged this date a d tire by telephone with Mr. Beard.
ft. Eeard has cuer 25 years of FAA certification experience in teth industry and Caernrent anf is highly gaalified to a.swer any gaestions the Ccm ission right have en our programs.
ft. Anthony J. Ercderick, r.eputy Asso:iate Aininistrator for Aviation Standards, will acemg.any it. Eeard.
I ar, gaite proud of our aircraft certification organi:ation and of our progra:ns for the certification and nonitoring of aircraft 6esign, aircraft ranufacturing gaality control syste:rs, cperators, and air: nan.
We welco:re this w.Lunity to' neet with the Ccanission.
Sincerely, Py J. Lynn Helms A&ninistrator 8508100434 050703 PDR FOIA LEIGHT004-293 PDR 3/21...'Ib Secreta y.Fer Appropriate Action...CFys to: RF, 110.. 83-1596.
FW4 - 8 +-193 L/zfl
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MAR 2 S 333 Mr. Lars Nordstrom Statens Karnkraftinspektion Box 27106 5-102 52 Stockholm, Sweden
Dear Mr. Nordstrom:
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has recently initiated a major study of methods for improving the quality of construction of nuclear power plants.
One part of this study includes a review of existing and alternative approaches to assuring quality in parformance as practiced by the non-nuclear industry in the United States and as practiced by the nuclear industry in other countries.
The purpose of the study is to ascertain what improvements may or should be made to the quality assurance programs required by the NRC, based on the review and study of other programs.
My purpose in writing to you is to request your assistance and participation in helping us come to a better understanding and awareness of how quality assur-ance programs and activities are structured, organized, practiced and integrated in the Swedish nuclear power program.
In April of this year, Mr. Richard Kleckner, a consultant to the NRC, will be in Sweden on personal business.
We would like to take advantage of his being there to arrange meetings for Mr. Kleckner with representatives of the Swedish Nuc1 car Power Inspectorate and other Swedish experts to discuss the Swedish approach to assuring quality in the construction of nuclear power plants.
A Mr. Kleckner will be in Sweden on April 21 and 22,1983.
If these dates are suitable to you, I would appreciate your identifying the cognizant personnel in the Swedish nuclear power program (both government and/or industry personnel as you deem approprinte) and taking the arrr.ngments for Mr. Kleckner to reet with these individuals.
I assume that Stockholm would be the location for these c,eetings, but please advise if other locations would be more suitable.
Please advise if these dates and arrangerents will be convenient to you.
In identifying the date, time, and location of these reetings, it would also be nost helpful if you could suggest hotel accorredations which would be convenient for Mr. Kleckner.
Dr. Willard Altman, Office of Inspection ard Enforcenent, is the NRC manager with overall responsibility for these quality assurance studies.
Dr. Altman can serve as your technical contact should you have any questiens concerning our request for your assistance.
fwA 1A3, 2y t,, j -a v s-u g, y r 1
l l
Mr. Lars Nordstrom
-2 MAR 2 81983 Thank you for your cooperation.
I look forward to your reply.
Sincerely, original s!;ned by Rons1d D. llaaber hDr.JosephD.LaFleur,Jr.
l l
Assistant Director for f.
I International Cooperation Office of International Programs United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission bec: E. L. Jordan, IE J. M. Taylor, IE B. K. Grimes, IE W. D. Altman, IE
/E.W.Brach,IE J. D. Lafleur, Jr., IP
R. Hauber, IP D. M. Chenier, IP
l Distribution:
IE Files IE Reading QASIP Reading QUAB Reading EWBrach Reading i
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