MONTHYEARTXX-9924, Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span1999-10-22022 October 1999 Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span ML20217M5711999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-15 & 50-446/99-15 on 990822- 1002.Two Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as non-cited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy TXX-9923, Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred ML20217E7951999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards COLR for Unit 1,Cycle 8,per TS 5.6.5 ML20212L2891999-10-0101 October 1999 Discusses Closeout of GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals. Purpose of GL Was to Obtain Info That Would Enable NRC to Verify That Condition of Licensee SG Internals Comply with Current Licensing Bases ML20216J5571999-10-0101 October 1999 Provides Final Response to GL 98-01,suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps ML20212F7481999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards SER Authorizing Relief from Exam Requirement of 1986 Edition ASME Code,Section XI Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) for Relief Request A-3 & 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) for Relief Requests B15,16,17 & C-4 ML20212G0721999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to Augmented Inservice Insp Plan for CPSES, Unit 1. Future Changes & Revs to Unit 1 Augmented Inservice Insp Plan Will Be Available on Site TXX-9922, Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 9908201999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 990820 ML20212F1041999-09-23023 September 1999 Requests That NRC Be Informed of Any Changes in Scope of Y2K System Deficiencies Listed or Util Projected Completion Schedule for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20212E6661999-09-21021 September 1999 Advises That Info Contained in Application & Affidavit, (CAW-99-1342) Re WCAP-15009,Rev 0, Comache Peak Unit 1 Evaluation for Tube Vibration Induced Fatigue, Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20212D9111999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That on 990818,NRC Completed Midcycle PPR of CPSES & Did Not Identify Any Areas in Which Performance Warranted Insp Beyond Core Insp Program.Core Insp Plan at Facility Over Next 7 Months.Insp Plan Through March 2000 Encl ML20212A7601999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-14 & 50-446/99-14 on 990707-0821.Four Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Ncvs.Conduct of Activities Was Generally Characterized by safety-conscious Operations & Sound Radiological Controls TXX-9921, Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC1999-09-10010 September 1999 Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC ML20211P3761999-09-0707 September 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990615,transmitting Rev 30 to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p).No NRC Approval Is Required ML20211L9871999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Rev 31 to Technical Requirements Manual. All Changes Applicable to Plants Have Been Reviewed Under Util 10CFR50.59 Process & Found Not to Include Any USQs ML20211J3801999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Corrected TS Page 3.8-26 to Amend 66 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,respectively.Footnote on TS Page 3.8-26 Incorrectly Deleted ML20211G1081999-08-26026 August 1999 Responds to NRR Staff RAI Re Util Mar 1999 Submittal for NRC Review & Approval of Changes to CPSES Emergency Classification Procedure TXX-9920, Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively1999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively ML20211G3441999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI on LAR 98-010 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.Communication Contains No New Licensing Commitments Re Cpses,Units 1 & 2 ML20211C4661999-08-18018 August 1999 Discusses Proprietary Info Re Thermo-Lag.NRC Treated Bisco Test Rept 748-105 as Proprietary & Withheld It from Public Disclosure,Iaw 10CFR2.790 ML20211B2861999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-13 & 50-446/99-13 on 990720- 23.No Violations Noted.Insp Included Implementation of Licensee Emergency Plan & Procedures During Util Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20210U3981999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs or SVs for Plant Occurred ML20211C4571999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Omitted Subj Page of Contractor TER TXX-9919, Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 9908021999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 990802 ML20210R6561999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRR 990805 Telcon RAI Re License Amend Request 98-010,to Increase Power for Operation of CPSES Unit 2 to 3445 Mwth & Incorporating Addl Changes Into Units 1 & 2 TS ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210S6411999-08-12012 August 1999 Informs That Wg Guldemond,License SOP-43780,is No Longer Performing Licensed Duties.Discontinuation of License Is Requested ML20210R2221999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-10 & 50-446/99-10 on 990510-0628.Violations Noted & Being Treated as Ncvs, Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20210N1101999-08-0404 August 1999 Provides Supplemental Info to Util 990623 License Amend Request 99-005 Re Bypassing DG Trips.Info Replaces Info Contained in Subject Submittal in Attachment 2,Section II, Description of TS Change Request ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ML20210J6071999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards line-by-line Descriptions of Changes in Amend 96 to CPSES UFSAR Transmitted by Util Ltr TXX-99166,dtd 990802. Replacment of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,rev 2 ML20210J2301999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards Amend 96 to CPSES Ufsar.Replacement of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,Rev 2 ML20210K2321999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards Insp Repts 50-445/99-12 & 50-446/99-12 on 990530-0710.No Violations Noted TXX-9918, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 19991999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 1999 ML20210J0121999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Summary of Methodology for Determination of NDE Measurement Uncertainty,In Response to Recent Discussions with NRC Re LAR 98-006 Concerning Rev to SG Tube Plugging Criteria ML20210D8231999-07-23023 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation of Relief Requests Re Use of 1998 Edition of Subsections IWE & Iwl of ASME Code for Containment Insp ML20210D3211999-07-21021 July 1999 Provides List of Estimates of Licensing Actions,In Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02,dtd 990603 ML20210C3331999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Exam Repts 50-445/99-301 & 50-446/99-301 on 990618- 24.Exam Included Evaluation of Six Applicants for Senior Operator Licenses TXX-9917, Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-62301999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-6230 ML20209H0111999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Relief Request C-4 to CPSES Unit 2 ISI Program for Approval ML20209H7501999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation on GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20209G0721999-07-13013 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs of SV Occurred During Reporting Period ML20209F0681999-07-0909 July 1999 Informs That Effective 990514,TU Electric Formally Changed Name to Txu Electric.Change All Refs of TU Electric to Txu Electric on Correspondence Distribution Lists ML20209E0421999-07-0909 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Addl Info on LAR 98-010.Attachment 1 Is Affidavit for Info Supporting LAR 98-010 ML20196L0121999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Granting First 10-Year Interval Inservice Insp Requests for Relief B-6 (Rev 2),B-7 (Rev 2), B-12,B-13,B-14 & C-9,pursuant to Tile 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) ML20209G7421999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards SER Concluding That Licensee Individual Plant Exam of External Events Process Capable of Identifying Most Likely Severe Accidents & Severe Accident Vulnerabilities & IPEEE Met Intent of Supp 4 to GL 88-20 ML20196K6771999-07-0202 July 1999 Ack Receipt of & Encl Scenario for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Emergency Plan Exercise Scheduled for 990721-22.Determined That Exercise Scenario Sufficient to Meet Emergency Plan Requirements & Exercise Objectives ML20209B6021999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Second Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Readiness Disclosure for Reporting Status of Facility Y2K Readiness Encl ML20196J4881999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs That as Result of Staff Review of Util Responses to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1,NRC Revised Info in Rvid & Releasing Rvid as Version 2 1999-09-07
MONTHYEARTXX-9924, Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span1999-10-22022 October 1999 Forwards Responses to Questions by NRC Re Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89,by Incorporating Changes Increasing RWST low-level Setpoint from Greater than But Equal to 40% to Greater than But Equal to 45% of Span TXX-9923, Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per Plant TS 5.6.4.No Failures of Challenges to PORVs of SV for Units Occurred ML20217E7951999-10-12012 October 1999 Forwards COLR for Unit 1,Cycle 8,per TS 5.6.5 ML20216J5571999-10-0101 October 1999 Provides Final Response to GL 98-01,suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps ML20212G0721999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to Augmented Inservice Insp Plan for CPSES, Unit 1. Future Changes & Revs to Unit 1 Augmented Inservice Insp Plan Will Be Available on Site TXX-9922, Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 9908201999-09-24024 September 1999 Forwards Rev 6 to CPSES Glen Rose,Tx ASME Section XI ISI Program Plan for 1st Interval on 990820 TXX-9921, Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC1999-09-10010 September 1999 Suppls 981221 LAR 98-010 to Licenses NPF-87 & NPF-89, Clarfying Conditions of Use Re Analytical Methods Used to Determine Core Operating Limits,Per Telcon with NRC ML20211L9871999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Rev 31 to Technical Requirements Manual. All Changes Applicable to Plants Have Been Reviewed Under Util 10CFR50.59 Process & Found Not to Include Any USQs ML20211G1081999-08-26026 August 1999 Responds to NRR Staff RAI Re Util Mar 1999 Submittal for NRC Review & Approval of Changes to CPSES Emergency Classification Procedure TXX-9920, Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively1999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Revs 29 & 30 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual (Trm). Attachments 1 & 2 Contain Description of Changes for Revs 29 & 30 Respectively ML20211G3441999-08-25025 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC RAI on LAR 98-010 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.Communication Contains No New Licensing Commitments Re Cpses,Units 1 & 2 ML20210U3981999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs or SVs for Plant Occurred TXX-9919, Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 9908021999-08-16016 August 1999 Forwards Relief Request A-3,Rev 1 to Unit 1 ISI Program,Per Conversations Between NRC & Txu Electric on 990802 ML20210R6561999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRR 990805 Telcon RAI Re License Amend Request 98-010,to Increase Power for Operation of CPSES Unit 2 to 3445 Mwth & Incorporating Addl Changes Into Units 1 & 2 TS ML20210S6411999-08-12012 August 1999 Informs That Wg Guldemond,License SOP-43780,is No Longer Performing Licensed Duties.Discontinuation of License Is Requested ML20210N1101999-08-0404 August 1999 Provides Supplemental Info to Util 990623 License Amend Request 99-005 Re Bypassing DG Trips.Info Replaces Info Contained in Subject Submittal in Attachment 2,Section II, Description of TS Change Request ML20210J2301999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards Amend 96 to CPSES Ufsar.Replacement of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,Rev 2 ML20210J6071999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards line-by-line Descriptions of Changes in Amend 96 to CPSES UFSAR Transmitted by Util Ltr TXX-99166,dtd 990802. Replacment of FSAR Figures with Plant Process Flow Diagrams Meets Intent & Requirements of NRC Reg Guide 1.70,rev 2 TXX-9918, Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 19991999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Six Month Period of Jan-June 1999 ML20210J0121999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Summary of Methodology for Determination of NDE Measurement Uncertainty,In Response to Recent Discussions with NRC Re LAR 98-006 Concerning Rev to SG Tube Plugging Criteria ML20210D3211999-07-21021 July 1999 Provides List of Estimates of Licensing Actions,In Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02,dtd 990603 ML20209H0111999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Relief Request C-4 to CPSES Unit 2 ISI Program for Approval TXX-9917, Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-62301999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2 & Containment ISI Summary Rept for Fourth Refueling Outage of CPSES Unit 2,per ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Paragraph IWA-6230 ML20209G0721999-07-13013 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for CPSES, Units 1 & 2,per TS Failures or Challenges to PORVs of SV Occurred During Reporting Period ML20209E0421999-07-0909 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC Request for Addl Info on LAR 98-010.Attachment 1 Is Affidavit for Info Supporting LAR 98-010 ML20209F0681999-07-0909 July 1999 Informs That Effective 990514,TU Electric Formally Changed Name to Txu Electric.Change All Refs of TU Electric to Txu Electric on Correspondence Distribution Lists ML20209B6021999-06-30030 June 1999 Submits Second Response to NRC GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Readiness Disclosure for Reporting Status of Facility Y2K Readiness Encl ML20196A4921999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards Rev 30 to Physical Security Plan.Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20195J6981999-06-15015 June 1999 Provides Addl Info Related to Open Issue,Discussed in 990610 Conference Call with D Jaffe Re ISI Program Relief Request L-1 Submitted by Util on 980220 TXX-9913, Submits Response to RAI Re Implementation of 1.0 Volt Repair Criteria1999-06-14014 June 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re Implementation of 1.0 Volt Repair Criteria ML20195J0651999-06-14014 June 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety Related Power Operated Gate Valves ML20195F0091999-06-0808 June 1999 Forwards Response to RAI Re Units 1 & 2 ISI Program for Relief Requests E-1 & L-1.Communication Contains No New Licensing Basis Commitments Re Cpses,Units 1 & 2 05000445/LER-1999-001, Forwards LER 99-001-00, Some Electrical Contacts for RCS Pressure Relief Valves Were Not Included in Surveillance Testing Procedures. New Licensing Commitments Identified in Attachment 11999-06-0808 June 1999 Forwards LER 99-001-00, Some Electrical Contacts for RCS Pressure Relief Valves Were Not Included in Surveillance Testing Procedures. New Licensing Commitments Identified in Attachment 1 ML20207E1711999-05-28028 May 1999 Supplements 990526 LAR 99-004 as TU Electric Believes Extingency Exists in That Proposed Amend Was Result of NOED Granted to Prevent Shudown of CPSES Unit 1 TXX-9913, Submits Updated Request for NRC Staff to Review & Approve Certain Changes to CPSES Emergency Plan Submitted in 981015 & s Prior to Changes Being Implemented at CPSES1999-05-28028 May 1999 Submits Updated Request for NRC Staff to Review & Approve Certain Changes to CPSES Emergency Plan Submitted in 981015 & s Prior to Changes Being Implemented at CPSES ML20207D9841999-05-26026 May 1999 Requests That NRC Exercise Enforcement Discretion to Allow Cpses,Unit 1 to Remain in Mode 1,power Operation,Without Having Performed Svc Test,Per SR on Unit 1 Battery BT1ED2 ML20195B6351999-05-25025 May 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety Related Power Operated Gate Valves TXX-9912, Submits Response to RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety Related Power Operated Gate Valves1999-05-25025 May 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety Related Power Operated Gate Valves TXX-9912, Forwards Txu Electric (Formerly TU Electric) CPSES Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scenario Manual for 990721-22,Graded Exercise1999-05-21021 May 1999 Forwards Txu Electric (Formerly TU Electric) CPSES Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scenario Manual for 990721-22,Graded Exercise ML20206U1981999-05-20020 May 1999 Forwards Form 10K Annual Rept,Per 10CFR50.71(b). Communication Contains No New Licensing Basis Commitments Re Cpses,Units 1 & 2 TXX-9911, Forwards MOR for Apr 1999 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.During Reporting Period There Have Been No Failures or Challenges to Power Operated Relief Valves or Safety Valves1999-05-20020 May 1999 Forwards MOR for Apr 1999 for Cpses,Units 1 & 2.During Reporting Period There Have Been No Failures or Challenges to Power Operated Relief Valves or Safety Valves TXX-9911, Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to RAI Re LAR 98-010 by Incorporating Attached Changes Into CPSES Unit 2 OL NPF-89 & CPSES Units 1,OL NPF-87 & 2 TS to Increase Licensed Power.W & Caldon Proprietary Responses Withheld1999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards non-proprietary & Proprietary Responses to RAI Re LAR 98-010 by Incorporating Attached Changes Into CPSES Unit 2 OL NPF-89 & CPSES Units 1,OL NPF-87 & 2 TS to Increase Licensed Power.W & Caldon Proprietary Responses Withheld TXX-9910, Forwards Rev 28 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual. Ltr Contains No New Licensing Basis Commitments Re CPSES, Units 1 & 21999-05-13013 May 1999 Forwards Rev 28 to CPSES Technical Requirements Manual. Ltr Contains No New Licensing Basis Commitments Re CPSES, Units 1 & 2 ML20206Q5951999-05-11011 May 1999 Requests That Proprietary Version of Response to NRC RAI for LAR 98-010 Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20206F9841999-04-30030 April 1999 Requests That NRC Return Bisco Tests & Remove Them from Docket Re Thermo-Lag Cable Functionality Issues for CPSES, Unit 1 ML20206D9951999-04-29029 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Cpses. Rept Summarizes Results of Measurements & Analysis of Data Obtained from Samples Collected During Interval ML20206E1301999-04-29029 April 1999 Lists Open Items Requiring NRC Action in Response to 990226 Meeting to Discuss Topical Rept Control of Hazard Barriers ML20206Q5731999-04-28028 April 1999 Requests That Proprietary Responses to RAIs for CPSES Unit 2 Uprating Be Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20206B0671999-04-23023 April 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990413 RAI on License Amend Request 98-010,to Incorporate Changes Into CPSES Units 1 & 2 TS & Unit 2 OL to Increase Licensed Power for Operation to 3445 Mwt ML20205S4801999-04-19019 April 1999 Forwards Objectives & Guidelines (Extent of Play Notes) for CPSES Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scheduled for 990721 & 22,for Review 1999-09-03
MONTHYEARML20011E5571990-02-0808 February 1990 Forwards Us Bankruptcy Court for Eastern District of Tennessee Orders & Memorandum on Debtors Motion to Alter or Amend Order & Opinion Re Status of Sales Agreement Between DOE & Alchemie.Doe Believes Agreement Expired on 890821 ML20006E3971990-02-0505 February 1990 Advises That EPA Has No Objection to Commission Decision That Further Mods to Plant Not Warranted,Based on Review of Final Suppl to Fes ML19354E4351990-01-12012 January 1990 Forwards Final Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Rept. Several Areas Requiring Corrective Action & Areas Recommended for Improvement Identified in Exercise ML20005D7501989-12-0404 December 1989 Forwards Rept for State of Mn off-hours & Unannounced Drill Conducted on 891019 for Plants.One Area Requiring Corrective Action Re Staffing Activation Inadequacy Corrected at Monticello 890726 Exercise.Preparedness Deemed Adequate ML20247J7721989-07-19019 July 1989 Forwards Rept for Unannounced off-hours Drills on 881020 for State of WI,site-specific to Zion,Point Beach,Kewaunee & Prairie Island Nuclear Power Stations.No Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Actions Noted ML20246Q3081989-07-12012 July 1989 Forwards Objectives for Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scheduled for 890725-26,ltr from State of Tx Clarifying Levels of Participation & Two Ltrs from FEMA Region IV Ofc Addressing Levels of Participation ML18101A4911989-06-26026 June 1989 Forwards Final Exercise Rept of 881129 Exercise of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans site-specific to Artificial Island Generating Station.No Deficiencies Noted ML20011E8721989-06-0505 June 1989 Advises That Antitrust Review of Unit OL Unnecessary,Per NRC Draft Finding That No Significant Changes in Activities or Proposed Activities of Licensee Have Occurred Since Prior Reviews ML20235N3421989-02-15015 February 1989 Responds to 890201 Request for Estimates for Centrifuge Plant Demonstration Facility (Cpdf) & Oliver Springs Plus Cpdf.Doe Intends to Ensure That Sufficient Finances Exist for Decontamination & Decommissioning Liabilities ML20151A1321988-06-29029 June 1988 Forwards Artificial Island Nuclear Generating Stations Site Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Sys Satisfies NUREG-0654/ FEMA-REP,Rev 1 & FEMA-REP-10 Requirements ML18093A8641988-05-27027 May 1988 Forwards FEMA & Region III Final Exercise Rept of 870909 Exercise of State of DE Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans site-specific to Artificial Island Generating Station ML20237C0831987-12-0707 December 1987 Forwards Kewaunee Nuclear Plant & Point Beach Nuclear Plant Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. Alert & Notification Sys Satisfies NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 ML20236L2461987-07-30030 July 1987 Discusses Participation of Certain Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ-only States in Qualifying Exercises Used by NRC in Making Licensing Decisions for Operating Exercises.Listed Plants Noncompliant as of 870331 ML20245B6361987-06-17017 June 1987 Forwards Post-Exercise Assessment of 861112 Exercise of Radiological Emergency Response Plans of State of Nj,Salem County.... FEMA Requested Schedule of Corrective Actions from State by 870626.Offsite Preparedness Adequate for EPZ ML20199B2561986-06-0505 June 1986 Notifies NRC That State of DE & Local Radiological Emergency Plans Adequate,Conditioned on FEMA Verification of Alert & Notification Sys ML20214E2311986-02-28028 February 1986 Forwards Medical Svcs Info for State of Ny & Oswego County Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan.Info Confirms List of Medical Facilities Identified for Use in Event of Emergency ML20151V0191986-02-0404 February 1986 Forwards 851029 Full Participation Exercise Rept of Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plans & Results of 851115 Remedial Exercise.Deficiency Identified Re Failure to Complete Public Alert within Time Period ML20140A8921986-01-14014 January 1986 Forwards Interim Findings on Adequacy of Radiological Emergency Response Preparation of State & Local Govts..., Based on State of Nj Emergency Response Plan & Exercises Conducted at Salem from 810408-841023.Plans Adequate ML18092A7771985-09-16016 September 1985 Informs That Remaining Category B Deficiency Identified During Salem 831026 Exercise Corrected.Util Agreed to Underwrite Cost of Installing Decontamination Showers & Sleeping Quarters at State of DE Emergency Operations Ctr ML20133G6411985-08-0606 August 1985 Supports Pennsylvania Emergency Mgt Agency Request to Exempt Chester County from Full Participation in Joint Exercises Involving Peach Bottom,Providing County Participates in Limerick Exercise ML20126L2751985-07-15015 July 1985 Forwards Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Alert & Notification Sys QA Verification. State of Tx & Local Plans Adequate ML20133C0031985-07-0909 July 1985 Requests Space & Ofc Equipment for Five FEMA Emergency Response Team Members at Emergency Operations Facility & Two Team Members at News Ctr ML20127J8811985-06-14014 June 1985 Advises That State & Local Plans for Radiological Emergencies Adequate,Subj to Criteria of App 3 of NUREG- 0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 & FEMA-43, Std Guide for Evaluation of Alert & Notification Sys for Nuclear Power Plants ML20125C7471985-06-0707 June 1985 Forwards State of Tx Request for Exemption from Full Participation at 851030 Emergency Preparedness Exercise. Exemption Requested Based on Full Participation in 841114 Exercise.Exemption Supported ML20133A5121985-04-30030 April 1985 Forwards PA Bradley FOIA Request for Documents Re Vogtle & Ei Hatch Antitrust Reviews ML20108F3801984-12-13013 December 1984 Forwards Final Findings 44CFR350,NY State & Oswego County Plans & Preparedness,Nine Mile Point/Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Generating Stations, for Review.Comments Requested by 850108 ML20100B1421984-11-29029 November 1984 Forwards Second Interim Finding on Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Offsite Emergency Preparedness,Texas State Plan. Plans Adequate ML20199H6301984-09-26026 September 1984 Forwards Ltr of Determination on Complaint of M Gregory V Brown & Root,Inc.Related Info Also Encl ML20199H8121984-08-27027 August 1984 Forwards Complaint of M Gregory V Brown & Root,Inc & Ltrs of Notification ML20138C1821984-08-23023 August 1984 Forwards Project & Budget Proposals for NRC Work for Rev 1 to, Evaluation of Selected NRC Open Items Before Plant Fuel Load & Evaluation of Selected Open NRC Activities at Near-Term OL Sites Needing Action.. ML20095A2061984-08-13013 August 1984 Informs That FEMA Does Not Intend to Conduct full-scale Evaluation of Hope Creek 1985 Exercise.Since Salem Unit 1 OL Issued Prior to 820713,full Participation in 1985 Not Required by NRC or FEMA Rules ML20093F7941984-07-16016 July 1984 Forwards Final Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Rept for Comanche Peak. Deficiencies Observed Did Not Detract from Overall Demonstrated Capbility of State of Tx & Somervell & Hood Counties ML20084F2591984-04-0606 April 1984 Forwards Ltrs Containing Determination Re Energy Reorganization Act Whistleblower Complaints of D Hatley & B Orr ML20126D8341984-03-0808 March 1984 Forwards FEMA 840216 Review of Util Emergency Planning Zone Public Info Brochure,Per ASLB 830526 Partial Initial Decision.All Recommended Changes/Mods Incorporated ML17346A5701984-02-15015 February 1984 Approves State & Local Plans & Preparedness for Alerting & Protecting Public in Event of Radiological Emergency. Approval Conditional on Verification of Alert & Notification Sys,Per Criteria of App 3 of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1,Rev 1 ML20106A0681984-01-27027 January 1984 Discusses Savannah District Dam Safety Plan.Plan & Related Maps Forwarded Under Separate Cover.Plan Addresses Emergencies Re Above Normal Reservoir Water Levels &/Or Rapid Release of Large Vol of Water Past Dam ML20210E7061984-01-18018 January 1984 Provides Info in Response to Request for Assistance in Addressing Issues Raised in R Kranzdorf Re Emergency Preparedness of Offsite Jurisdictions.Issues Addressed Include Flooding at Twin Bridges & Siren Sys ML20210E6951983-12-16016 December 1983 Responds to Request for Assistance in Formulating Response to R Kranzdorf Re Emergency Plans & Preparedness. Info Provided Includes Evacuation Time Considerations, Evacuation Transportation Routes & Emergency Broadcast Sys ML20127E9941983-11-16016 November 1983 Forwards Std Order for DOE Work for FIN A-3711, Safety Evaluation of Core Melt Accidents:GESSAR-FDA,Limerick-OL & FNP-ML ML20127N1911983-11-16016 November 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Operating Reactor Reviews for Indian Point & Zion ML20127L8421983-11-0404 November 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:CESSAR-FDA,Westinghouse Std Plant- Fda. W/O Order ML20083H9381983-10-18018 October 1983 Responds to Jj Cummings Re Alleged Violations by Bahnson Co Employees.Criminal Prosecution Declined Due to Inability to Prove Criminal Intent ML20127M8981983-09-14014 September 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Operating Reactor Reviews for Indian Point & Zion. W/O Encl ML20127E8521983-09-14014 September 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work for FIN A-3346, Safety Evaluation of Core Melt Accidents:GESSAR-FDA, Limerick-OL & FNP-ML ML20127M7581983-08-26026 August 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Indian Point Operating Reactor & Zion Operating Reactor ML20117L9281983-05-25025 May 1983 Forwards Correspondence Addressed to President Reagan Re Safety Problems at Nuclear Power Plants & DOE Reply ML20127L7541983-05-0303 May 1983 Forwards Executed Std Order for DOE Work: Safety Evaluation of Core-Melt Accidents:Cessar - Final Design Approval, Westinghouse Std Plant - Final Design Approval. Project Identification Summary Also Encl.W/O Std Order ML20073K4051983-04-12012 April 1983 Forwards Response to Request Re Eligibility of May House for Inclusion in Natl Register of Historic Places.Property Not Eligible Due to Extensive Remodeling & Enlargement ML20155D3261983-03-22022 March 1983 Responds to Approval Request for Info Collection Re 10CFR50, Domestic Licensing of Production & Utilization Facilities. Request Approved for Use Through 850430 ML20134A8321983-03-17017 March 1983 Informs That Mc Beard Will Be Available on 830405 to Provide Briefing for Commission Re FAA Sys of Civil Aviation Regulation,In Response to 830303 Request 1990-02-08
[Table view] |
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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f **
s 1607 Main Street, Suite 200-
Dallas, Texas 75201
August 27, 1984 4
1 Thomas Westerman Director of Enforcement ~
Nuclear Regulatory Coninission 611 Ryan Place Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 In re: ERA Whistleblower Complaint of Meddie Gregory v. Brown & Root, Inc.
Dear Mr. Westerman:
Attached please find the above referenced complaint, and letters of notification to the complainant and the responderit.
Sincerely, k.
Curtis L. Poer Area Director Enclosures t
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G U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration
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Wage and Hour Division 1607 Main Street, Suite 200 h./
Dallas, Texas 75201
August 27, 1984 J
Thomas Westerman Director of Enforcement Nuclear Regulatory Comission 611 Ryan Place Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 In re: ERA Whistleblower Complaint of Meddie Gregory.v. Brown & Root, Inc.
Dear Mr. Westerman:
Attached please find the above referenced complai,nt, and letters of notification to the complainant and the respondent.
t Curtis L. Peer Area Director
Enclosures 4
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1901 Que Street. N.W.. Woshington. D.C. 20009 (202)234 9382 HAND-DELIVERED August 10, 1984 i
The Honorable Raymond Donovan Secretary of Labor U.S.
Department of Labor j
j Washington, D.C.
20210 Attn:
Wage and Hour Division
Dear Secretary Donovan:
Pursuant to the Atomic Energ'y Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
5851 and 29 C.F.R.
Part 24, Ms. Meddie Gregory hereby files this complaint with the Secretary of Labor.
.Ms. Gregory alleges that on or about July 13, 1984, she was discriminated against in the terms, conditions and privileges of her employment by Brown and Root, Inc., Glen Rose, Texas, for whom she worked until July 13, 1984 as a Quality Assurance Document Reviewer at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant under construction in Glen Rose, Texas While employed by Brown and Root at Comanche Peak-Ms.
Gregory brought a series of violations of the Nuclear Regu'latory Commission ("NRC") regulations and applicable industry codes and
standards to the attention of the NRC's Office of Investigation, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.
As a result of Ris. Gregory's allegations, the NRC commenced at least one investigation.
In March, April and May, cis. Gregory also was interviewed by D.O.L.
investigators during that agency's investigation of Ms. Sue Ann Nuemeyer. and Ms. Linda!Barnes, pursuant to 24 C.F.R.
Part 24.2 (b) (3)..
Additionally, on or about June 27, 1984, Ms. Gregory agreed to testify as an in camera ex parte witness before the
.j Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.~
All of the above are protected activites as defined by 24 C.F.R.
Part 24.2 (b) (1) (2) and (3).
As a direct result of these activities, Ms. Gregory alleges that she was " laid off" on Quly 13, 1984) e O- -
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Pags Two Secretary Donovan August 10, 1984 t
1 j
Ms. Gregory hereby requests relief from the illegal discrimination which has caused her financial hardship.
The I
relief requested includes reinstatement to the same position, compensatory damages, and legal. fees as well as all other relief i
to which she is legally entitled.
' j Ms. Gregory reserves the right to add items to this complaint as they occur and come to her attention.
i 1
l Sincerely, Billie Garde Citizens Clinic Director t
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. U. S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f"' *,
Wage and Hour Division i
1607 Main Street, Suite 200 L. y,1 f
cm l
,i Dallas, Texas 75201 Ed August 27, 1984
Ms. Meddie Gregory i
c/o Government Accountability Project 1555 Conneeticut Ave., NW Suite 202 Washington, D.C.
'. -l
Dear Ms. Gregory:
This will acknowledge receipt of your. complaint against Brown & Root Inc.
alleging violations of the Energy Reorganization Act. Your complaint was received in this office on August 27, 1984.
The act requires the Secretary of Labor to notify the person named in the complaint of its filing and to conduct an investigation into the allegsd viola-tions.
Conseque.ntly, we are providing Brown & Root, Inc. with a copy of your complaint and advising of the Wage and Hour Division's responsibilities under this law.
W e have enclosed a copy of the pertinent section of the Act, and a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24 for your information.
This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.
If this is not attainable, an investigation will be conducted as soon.as Possible.
If you have further evidence, please give it to our representative who will contact you on this matter.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me or our representative at 214/767-6294.
Sincerely, ab.. k b'urtisL.Poer Area Director Enclosure j
cc: NRC i
GAP Brown & Root, Inc.
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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f y"' '* **,
Wage and Hour Division 1607 min Street, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75201 5.,,,,,. /
August 27,1984
- s
i Stephen L. Hoech Manager, Employee Relations / Compliance
Brown & Root, Inc.
,1 PO Box 3 1
Houston, Texas 77001 i
Dear Mr. Hoech:
I This will notify you that the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor has received a complaint from Meddie Gregory alleging discriminatory d
employment practices in violation of Energy Reorganization Act. This charge was received by our office on August 27, 1984. We have enclosed-a copy of the complaint, a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24, and a copy of the pertinent j
section of the Act.
The Act requires th'e Secretary of Labor to conduct an investigation into the a
violations alleged. This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.
If this is not attainable, the law requires that an investigation be conducted as soon as possible.
You are encouraged, and wi'l be given every opportunity, to present any relevant information or evidence to
our representative.
t Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely, D )..
, Curtis L. Poer Enclosures
-i cc: NRC I
ARA /WH Adm.
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GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT institute for Policy Studies 1901 Que Street. N.W.. Washington D.C. 20009 (202)234 9382 HAND-DELIVERED August 10, 1984 i
'l 1
- i The Honorable Raymond Donovan t
Secretary of Labor U.S.
Department of Labor Washington, D.C.
20210 Attn:
Wage and Hour Division
Dear Secretary Donovan:
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
5851 and 29 C.F.R.
Part 24, Ms. Meddie Gregory hereby files this
. complaint with the Secretary of Labor.
14s. Gregory alleges that on or about July 13, 1984, she was discriminated against in the terms, conditions and pri'vileges of her employment by Brown and Root, Inc., Glen Rose, Texas, for whom she worked until July 13, 1984 as a Quality Assurance Document Reviewer at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant under construction in Glen Rose, Texas While employed by Brown and Root at Comanche Peak, Ms.
Gregory brought a series of violations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") regulations and applicable industry codes and standards to the attention of the NRC's Office of Investigation, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Atomic Safety and j
Licensing Board.
As a result of fjs. Gregory's allegations, the NRC commenced at least one investigation.
4 j
In March, April and May, Ms. Gregory also was interviewed t
by D.O.L.
investigators during that agency's investigation of Ms. Sue Ann Nuemeyer. and Ms. Linda Barnes, pursuant to 24 C.F.R.
j Part 24.2 (b) (3),
i l
Additionally, on or about June 27, 1984, Ms. Gregory agreed to testify as an in camera ex parte witness before the i
i Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.~~
All of the above are protected activites as defined by 8
24 C.F.R.
Part 24.2 (b) (1) (2) and (3).
As a direct result of these activities, Ms. Gregory alleges that she was " laid off" on duly 13, 1984)
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Secretary Donovan Aug,ust 10, 1984 1
3 Ms. Gregory hereby requests relief from the illegal discrimination which has caused her financial hardship.
The relief requested includes reinstatement :to the same position, compensatory damages, and legal. fees as well as all other relief to which she is legally entitled.
(4s. Gregory reserves the right to add items to this complaint as they occur and come to her attention.
i 1
Sincerely, Billie Garde Citizens Clinic Director i
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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration
.i Wage and Hour Division i
1607 Main Street, Suite 200 9
I Dallas, Texas 75201 j
August 27, 1984 1
Ms. Meddie Gregory c/o Government Accountability Project 1555 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 202 Washington, D.C.
20009 i
Dear Ms. Gregory:
4 This will acknowledge receipt of your complaint against Brown & Root Inc.
alleging violations of the Energy Reorganization Act. Your complaint was received in this office on August 27, 1984.
The act requires the Secretary of Labor to notify the person named in the complaint of its filing and to conduct an investigation into the alleged viola-tions.
Conseque.ntly, we are providing Brown & Root, Inc. with a copy of your complaint and advising of the Wage and Hour Division's responsibilities under this law.. We have enclosed a copy of the pe,rtinent section of the Act, and a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24 for your information.
This case has been assigned to Comp 1tance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.
If this is not attainable, an investigation will be conducted as soon.as possible.
If you have further evidence, please give it to our representative who will contact you on th.is matter.
If you have any questions' do not hesitate to call me or our representative at 214/767-6294.
- f. h W -
t. o c.. ~ o Curtis L. Poer Area Director t
1 Enclosure i
cc: NRC
'l GAP 1
Brown & Root, Inc.
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U. S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration
.- y'"
f-Wage and Hour Division 1607 hin Street Suite 200 L
d Dallas, Texas 75201 i
- /
August 27, 1984 a
1 j
Stephen L. Hoech l
Manager, Employee Relations / Compliance i
Brown & Root, Inc.
PO Box 3 l
Houston, Texas 77001
Dear Mr. Hoech:
This will notify you that the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor has received a complaint from Meddie Gregory alleging discriminatory employment practices in violation of Energy Reorganization Act. This charge was received by our office on August 27, 1984. We have enclosed a copy of the complaint, a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24, and a copy of the pertinent section of the Act.
The Act requires th'e Secretary of Labor to conduct an investigation into the violations alleged. This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.
If this is not attainable, the law requires that an investigation be conducted as soon as possible.
You are encouraged, and will be given every opportunity, to present any relevant information or evidence to our representative.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
, Curtis L. Poer j
i i Enclosures i
cc: NRC
. q ARA /WH Adm.
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