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Forwards Complaint of M Gregory V Brown & Root,Inc & Ltrs of Notification
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Comanche Peak
Issue date: 08/27/1984
From: Poer C
To: Westerman T
Shared Package
ML17198A302 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-299, FOIA-85-59, FOIA-86-A-18 NUDOCS 8607070028
Download: ML20199H812 (10)



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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f **

  • Wage and Hour Division J

s 1607 Main Street, Suite 200-


Dallas, Texas 75201


August 27, 1984 4

1 Thomas Westerman Director of Enforcement ~

Nuclear Regulatory Coninission 611 Ryan Place Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 In re: ERA Whistleblower Complaint of Meddie Gregory v. Brown & Root, Inc.

Dear Mr. Westerman:

Attached please find the above referenced complaint, and letters of notification to the complainant and the responderit.

Sincerely, k.


Curtis L. Poer Area Director Enclosures t

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G U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration

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Wage and Hour Division 1607 Main Street, Suite 200 h./

Dallas, Texas 75201


August 27, 1984 J

Thomas Westerman Director of Enforcement Nuclear Regulatory Comission 611 Ryan Place Drive Arlington, Texas 76012 In re: ERA Whistleblower Complaint of Meddie Gregory.v. Brown & Root, Inc.

Dear Mr. Westerman:

Attached please find the above referenced complai,nt, and letters of notification to the complainant and the respondent.




t Curtis L. Peer Area Director


Enclosures 4

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1901 Que Street. N.W.. Woshington. D.C. 20009 (202)234 9382 HAND-DELIVERED August 10, 1984 i

The Honorable Raymond Donovan Secretary of Labor U.S.

Department of Labor j

j Washington, D.C.

20210 Attn:

Wage and Hour Division

Dear Secretary Donovan:

Pursuant to the Atomic Energ'y Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.

5851 and 29 C.F.R.

Part 24, Ms. Meddie Gregory hereby files this complaint with the Secretary of Labor.

.Ms. Gregory alleges that on or about July 13, 1984, she was discriminated against in the terms, conditions and privileges of her employment by Brown and Root, Inc., Glen Rose, Texas, for whom she worked until July 13, 1984 as a Quality Assurance Document Reviewer at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant under construction in Glen Rose, Texas While employed by Brown and Root at Comanche Peak-Ms.

Gregory brought a series of violations of the Nuclear Regu'latory Commission ("NRC") regulations and applicable industry codes and


standards to the attention of the NRC's Office of Investigation, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.

As a result of Ris. Gregory's allegations, the NRC commenced at least one investigation.

In March, April and May, cis. Gregory also was interviewed by D.O.L.

investigators during that agency's investigation of Ms. Sue Ann Nuemeyer. and Ms. Linda!Barnes, pursuant to 24 C.F.R.

Part 24.2 (b) (3)..

Additionally, on or about June 27, 1984, Ms. Gregory agreed to testify as an in camera ex parte witness before the

.j Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.~

All of the above are protected activites as defined by 24 C.F.R.

Part 24.2 (b) (1) (2) and (3).


As a direct result of these activities, Ms. Gregory alleges that she was " laid off" on Quly 13, 1984) e O- -


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Pags Two Secretary Donovan August 10, 1984 t

1 j

Ms. Gregory hereby requests relief from the illegal discrimination which has caused her financial hardship.

The I

relief requested includes reinstatement to the same position, compensatory damages, and legal. fees as well as all other relief i

to which she is legally entitled.


' j Ms. Gregory reserves the right to add items to this complaint as they occur and come to her attention.

i 1


l Sincerely, Billie Garde Citizens Clinic Director t

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. U. S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f"' *,

Wage and Hour Division i

1607 Main Street, Suite 200 L. y,1 f

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,i Dallas, Texas 75201 Ed August 27, 1984


Ms. Meddie Gregory i

c/o Government Accountability Project 1555 Conneeticut Ave., NW Suite 202 Washington, D.C.


'. -l

Dear Ms. Gregory:

This will acknowledge receipt of your. complaint against Brown & Root Inc.

alleging violations of the Energy Reorganization Act. Your complaint was received in this office on August 27, 1984.

The act requires the Secretary of Labor to notify the person named in the complaint of its filing and to conduct an investigation into the allegsd viola-tions.

Conseque.ntly, we are providing Brown & Root, Inc. with a copy of your complaint and advising of the Wage and Hour Division's responsibilities under this law.

W e have enclosed a copy of the pertinent section of the Act, and a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24 for your information.

This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.

If this is not attainable, an investigation will be conducted as Possible.

If you have further evidence, please give it to our representative who will contact you on this matter.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to call me or our representative at 214/767-6294.

Sincerely, ab.. k b'urtisL.Poer Area Director Enclosure j

cc: NRC i

GAP Brown & Root, Inc.




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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration f y"' '* **,

Wage and Hour Division 1607 min Street, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75201 5.,,,,,. /




August 27,1984



i Stephen L. Hoech Manager, Employee Relations / Compliance


Brown & Root, Inc.

,1 PO Box 3 1

Houston, Texas 77001 i


Dear Mr. Hoech:

I This will notify you that the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor has received a complaint from Meddie Gregory alleging discriminatory d

employment practices in violation of Energy Reorganization Act. This charge was received by our office on August 27, 1984. We have enclosed-a copy of the complaint, a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24, and a copy of the pertinent j

section of the Act.

The Act requires th'e Secretary of Labor to conduct an investigation into the a

violations alleged. This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.

If this is not attainable, the law requires that an investigation be conducted as soon as possible.

You are encouraged, and wi'l be given every opportunity, to present any relevant information or evidence to


our representative.

t Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely, D )..

, Curtis L. Poer Enclosures

-i cc: NRC I

ARA /WH Adm.

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GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT institute for Policy Studies 1901 Que Street. N.W.. Washington D.C. 20009 (202)234 9382 HAND-DELIVERED August 10, 1984 i


'l 1

- i The Honorable Raymond Donovan t

Secretary of Labor U.S.

Department of Labor Washington, D.C.

20210 Attn:

Wage and Hour Division

Dear Secretary Donovan:

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C.

5851 and 29 C.F.R.

Part 24, Ms. Meddie Gregory hereby files this

. complaint with the Secretary of Labor.

14s. Gregory alleges that on or about July 13, 1984, she was discriminated against in the terms, conditions and pri'vileges of her employment by Brown and Root, Inc., Glen Rose, Texas, for whom she worked until July 13, 1984 as a Quality Assurance Document Reviewer at the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant under construction in Glen Rose, Texas While employed by Brown and Root at Comanche Peak, Ms.

Gregory brought a series of violations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC") regulations and applicable industry codes and standards to the attention of the NRC's Office of Investigation, the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, the Atomic Safety and j

Licensing Board.

As a result of fjs. Gregory's allegations, the NRC commenced at least one investigation.


4 j

In March, April and May, Ms. Gregory also was interviewed t

by D.O.L.

investigators during that agency's investigation of Ms. Sue Ann Nuemeyer. and Ms. Linda Barnes, pursuant to 24 C.F.R.

j Part 24.2 (b) (3),

i l

Additionally, on or about June 27, 1984, Ms. Gregory agreed to testify as an in camera ex parte witness before the i

i Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.~~

All of the above are protected activites as defined by 8

24 C.F.R.

Part 24.2 (b) (1) (2) and (3).

As a direct result of these activities, Ms. Gregory alleges that she was " laid off" on duly 13, 1984)

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Secretary Donovan Aug,ust 10, 1984 1

3 Ms. Gregory hereby requests relief from the illegal discrimination which has caused her financial hardship.

The relief requested includes reinstatement :to the same position, compensatory damages, and legal. fees as well as all other relief to which she is legally entitled.

(4s. Gregory reserves the right to add items to this complaint as they occur and come to her attention.

i 1

Sincerely, Billie Garde Citizens Clinic Director i

i 6

1 3




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U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration

.i Wage and Hour Division i

1607 Main Street, Suite 200 9

I Dallas, Texas 75201 j

August 27, 1984 1

Ms. Meddie Gregory c/o Government Accountability Project 1555 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 202 Washington, D.C.

20009 i

Dear Ms. Gregory:

4 This will acknowledge receipt of your complaint against Brown & Root Inc.

alleging violations of the Energy Reorganization Act. Your complaint was received in this office on August 27, 1984.

The act requires the Secretary of Labor to notify the person named in the complaint of its filing and to conduct an investigation into the alleged viola-tions.

Conseque.ntly, we are providing Brown & Root, Inc. with a copy of your complaint and advising of the Wage and Hour Division's responsibilities under this law.. We have enclosed a copy of the pe,rtinent section of the Act, and a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24 for your information.

This case has been assigned to Comp 1tance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.

If this is not attainable, an investigation will be conducted as possible.

If you have further evidence, please give it to our representative who will contact you on matter.

If you have any questions' do not hesitate to call me or our representative at 214/767-6294.





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t. o c.. ~ o Curtis L. Poer Area Director t

1 Enclosure i

cc: NRC

'l GAP 1

Brown & Root, Inc.

'~j ADM



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U. S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration

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f-Wage and Hour Division 1607 hin Street Suite 200 L

d Dallas, Texas 75201 i

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August 27, 1984 a

1 j

Stephen L. Hoech l

Manager, Employee Relations / Compliance i

Brown & Root, Inc.

PO Box 3 l

Houston, Texas 77001

Dear Mr. Hoech:

This will notify you that the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor has received a complaint from Meddie Gregory alleging discriminatory employment practices in violation of Energy Reorganization Act. This charge was received by our office on August 27, 1984. We have enclosed a copy of the complaint, a copy of Regulations, 29 CFR Part 24, and a copy of the pertinent section of the Act.

The Act requires th'e Secretary of Labor to conduct an investigation into the violations alleged. This case has been assigned to Compliance Officer Luis Diaz whose first action will be to try and achieve a mutually agreeable settlement through conciliation.

If this is not attainable, the law requires that an investigation be conducted as soon as possible.

You are encouraged, and will be given every opportunity, to present any relevant information or evidence to our representative.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.



, Curtis L. Poer j

i i Enclosures i

cc: NRC

. q ARA /WH Adm.

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