MONTHYEARML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20042D1901989-06-0808 June 1989 Memorandum Forwarding Partially Deleted Summary of Discussions During NRC 890517-18 Mgt Meeting Re Problem Plants & Addl Topics.Task Assignments & List of Attendees Also Encl ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys ML20245B7501989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20244A5461989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Using Leak Before Break Methodology on Lines Connected to RCS ML20244A5571989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890502 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nonlinear Piping Analysis to Remove Snubbers & Pipe Supports ML20247B7351989-03-24024 March 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/B&W,Inel & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Submittals for Plants ML20236A9721989-03-0707 March 1989 Forwards Feb 1989 Status Rept Re Current Review Milestones for Each Std Plant Project ML20235S6271989-02-28028 February 1989 Notification of 890307 Meeting W/Bwr Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Items of Current Interest.Agenda Encl ML20246N3171989-02-23023 February 1989 Notification of 890313 Meeting w/C-E in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Salem Project & Licensing of Future C-E Projects ML20245E9441989-01-31031 January 1989 Forwards Proposed plant-specific Backfit for Improved Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability Analyses for Required Improvement in Secondary DHR Capability at Plant ML20117P9051988-12-15015 December 1988 Forwards Info Re IE Bulletin 85-003, Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch Settings, for Region I Plants for Semiannual Status Rept ML20196C2701988-12-0202 December 1988 Notification of 881207 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Dcrdr Submittal of 880825 ML20196B6081988-11-29029 November 1988 Forwards Status Rept for Nov 1988 Re Std Plant Design Technical Reviews ML20206M9231988-11-23023 November 1988 Lists Questions Raised by Board Study of Licensee Environ Repts on Facilities,For Responses & Comments.Served on 881125 ML20246C9601988-11-22022 November 1988 Provides Update to Original Region I Assessment & Recommendation for Issuance of Low Power OL for Plant. Advises That Region I Continues to Recommend Low Power OL Issuance for Plant W/Special Note of Items Listed ML20195J0141988-11-22022 November 1988 Notification of 881214 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Actions at Plants ML20246C9761988-11-17017 November 1988 Discusses Team Insp at Plant to Review Licensee Assessment of Readiness to Achieve Initial Criticality & to Complete Low Power Testing.Licensee Conclusions Re Facility Overall Readiness to Conduct Power Operation Confirmed ML20206J6441988-11-16016 November 1988 Requests Responses to Listed Questions Re Proceeding, Including Explanation of Environ Consequences Caused by Movement of Centrifuges from State of Oh to State of Tn. Served on 881117 ML20206E6361988-11-14014 November 1988 Forwards Fr Notice Re Applications for Amends to Licenses DPR-51,NPF-6 & NPF-38,authorizing Addition of Sys Energy Resources,Inc as Licensee & Requests Comments on Antitrust Issues ML20206J5741988-11-10010 November 1988 Forwards H Thompson as Balance of NRC Response to State of Tn Re Enrichment of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Proposed Facilities,Per NRC ML20206J5571988-11-0909 November 1988 Forwards NRC Review & Evaluation of Facilities Security Plans Discussing Equipment & Procedures Used by Applicant to Meet Requirements in 10CFR95.W/o Encl ML20195G2581988-11-0808 November 1988 Partially Deleted Memo Re Commissioner Carr 880113-15 Visit to Plant,Meeting W/State of Mo Officials & Visit to Mallinckrodt,Inc ML20205T5821988-11-0707 November 1988 Notification of 881115 Meeting W/Devonrue & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Std Alternate AC Design to Meet Station Blackout Rule ML20205T6491988-11-0707 November 1988 Ack Receipt of to Chairman Zech Re Alchemie Applications to Operate Facility for Separation of Stable Isotopes at Oak Ridge,Tn & Construct Similar Facility at Oliver Springs,Tn ML20205R6731988-11-0404 November 1988 Forwards NRC Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries of 881018 & Two Attachments.Related Correspondence ML20205N3691988-10-28028 October 1988 Advises That ASLB Tentatively Calling for Telcon on 881109 W/Parties & State of Tn to Discuss Need for Further Prehearing Conference & Other Scheduling Matters,Per 881026 Request.Served on 881031 ML20206B2481988-10-27027 October 1988 Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting 88-174 on 881118 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Configuration Mgt ML20195B6131988-10-26026 October 1988 Forwards Status Rept on Std Plant Design Technical Reviews ML20205K3321988-10-26026 October 1988 Forwards SER Re Const Mod & Licensing of & Application for CP for Facilities.Nrc Review of Safeguards/Security Plans for Two Proposed Facilities Sent to Board & Applicant.Telcon to Discuss Scheduling Matters Requested.W/O Encls ML20155H3621988-10-18018 October 1988 Requests Addl Info Re NRC Environ Assessments Submitted on 880914 for Uncontested Proceedings,To Complete Review of Adequacy of NEPA Assessments.Served on 881018 ML20204G0741988-10-17017 October 1988 Forwards Mh Mobley from State of Tn to NRC Not Received Until 881014.NRC Will Address Matters in Ltr in SER 1990-02-26
MONTHYEARML20055C3521990-02-26026 February 1990 Notification of 900305 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Licensing Activities for Facility ML20248E9391989-09-29029 September 1989 Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept on Debris in Containment Recirculation Pumps.No Occurrences Found to Involve Actual Accumulation of Debris in Containment Sumps.Immediate Corrective Actions Completed ML20248C8311989-09-20020 September 1989 Request for Hearing by Alchemie.* Forwards Response & Request for Hearing,In Response to NRC 890818 Order Modifying License & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked,For Appropriate Action ML20247H9261989-09-0909 September 1989 Advises That SALP Meeting for Facilities Scheduled for 891115.Assessment Input Should Be Submitted by 891016 ML20245E8501989-08-0707 August 1989 Advises of Reassignments in Project Mgt Duties Due to Recent Reorganization of Standardization & Life Extension Project Directorate ML20245H6451989-08-0404 August 1989 Requests Closure of Outstanding Action Item 87-0198,per 870617 Request Re Review & Evaluation of Acceptability of Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Generator Bearings.Action Completed W/Submittal of Transfer of Lead Responsibility to NRR ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML20247B7541989-07-19019 July 1989 Confirms That Licensee 880711,890221 & 0630 Responses to NRC Bulletin 88-004, Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss, Acceptable.Licensing Action for TACs 69886,69887,69893 & 69894 Considered Complete ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246K5991989-07-12012 July 1989 Notification of 890725 Meeting W/Util in Birmingham,Al to Discuss Status of Current Licensing Activities & Corporate Initiatives for Plants.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20246L6801989-07-10010 July 1989 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting 89-101 W/Util on 890718 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Util Engineering Reorganization ML20247A9561989-07-0606 July 1989 Notification of 890717 Meeting W/Lead Plant Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Implementation of Revised STS ML20246D8841989-06-19019 June 1989 Staff Requirements Memo Re 890601 Briefing on Operating Reactors & Fuel Facilities in Rockville,Md.Commission Expressed Disappointment in Long Term Operating Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant ML20042D1901989-06-0808 June 1989 Memorandum Forwarding Partially Deleted Summary of Discussions During NRC 890517-18 Mgt Meeting Re Problem Plants & Addl Topics.Task Assignments & List of Attendees Also Encl ML20246H3771989-05-12012 May 1989 ALAB-913.* Advises That Time Provided within Which Commission May Act to Review Aslab Decision ALAB-913 Expired.Commission Declined Review.Decision Became Final on 890501.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 890512 ML20246P9601989-05-10010 May 1989 Discusses 890413 Meeting W/Rosemount & Industry Re Malfunctions of Rosemount Transmitters.List of Attendess, Agenda,Nrc Info Notice 89-042 & Viewgraphs Encl ML20246C9811989-05-0303 May 1989 Provides Update of 881122 Low Power License Recommendation for Plant,Reporting Closure of Technical Issue Associated W/ Agastat 7000 Series Relays.Advises of Plant Readiness to Conduct Initial Criticality & Low Power Testing Operations NUREG-1353, Board Notification 89-003:forwards Listed Documents Re Spent Fuel Pool Accidents for Resolution of Generic Issue 82, Beyond DBA in Spent Fuel Pools, Including NUREG-13531989-05-0202 May 1989 Board Notification 89-003:forwards Listed Documents Re Spent Fuel Pool Accidents for Resolution of Generic Issue 82, Beyond DBA in Spent Fuel Pools, Including NUREG-1353 ML20245E9781989-04-17017 April 1989 Forwards Regulatory History AC83-2 Re Licensee Action During Natl Security emergency,10CFR50 (54FR7178) ML20245B7501989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6531989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Flooding of Steam Lines.Events Determined to Involve Deficiencies in Control Sys ML20245B6421989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Engineering Evaluation Rept on BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.Though Little Actual Damage Experienced,Potential for Equipment Damage Believed to Exist & Any Damage Occurring Should Be Fixed Prior to Restart ML20245B6191989-04-15015 April 1989 Forwards Evaluation Rept Re BWR Overfill Events Resulting in Steam Line Flooding.All Events Included Reactor Depressurization Followed by Uncontrolled Condensate or Condensate Booster Pumps Injection or Both ML20244E2681989-04-12012 April 1989 Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-015 on 890412.Discussion of Events,List of Attendees & Three Significant Items Identified for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Also Encl ML20244A5571989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890502 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Nonlinear Piping Analysis to Remove Snubbers & Pipe Supports ML20244A5461989-04-10010 April 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Using Leak Before Break Methodology on Lines Connected to RCS ML20247B7351989-03-24024 March 1989 Notification of 890503 Meeting W/B&W,Inel & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Submittals for Plants ML20236A9721989-03-0707 March 1989 Forwards Feb 1989 Status Rept Re Current Review Milestones for Each Std Plant Project ML20235S6271989-02-28028 February 1989 Notification of 890307 Meeting W/Bwr Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Items of Current Interest.Agenda Encl ML20246N3171989-02-23023 February 1989 Notification of 890313 Meeting w/C-E in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results of Salem Project & Licensing of Future C-E Projects NUREG/CR-5176, Updated Board Notification 89-01 Re Lll NUREG/CR-5176, Seismic Failure & Cask Drop Analyses of Spent Fuel Pools at Two Representative Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-14014 February 1989 Updated Board Notification 89-01 Re Lll NUREG/CR-5176, Seismic Failure & Cask Drop Analyses of Spent Fuel Pools at Two Representative Nuclear Power Plants ML20245E9441989-01-31031 January 1989 Forwards Proposed plant-specific Backfit for Improved Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability Analyses for Required Improvement in Secondary DHR Capability at Plant ML20117P9051988-12-15015 December 1988 Forwards Info Re IE Bulletin 85-003, Motor-Operated Valve Common Mode Failures During Plant Transients Due to Improper Switch Settings, for Region I Plants for Semiannual Status Rept ML20196C2701988-12-0202 December 1988 Notification of 881207 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Dcrdr Submittal of 880825 ML20196B6081988-11-29029 November 1988 Forwards Status Rept for Nov 1988 Re Std Plant Design Technical Reviews ML20206M9231988-11-23023 November 1988 Lists Questions Raised by Board Study of Licensee Environ Repts on Facilities,For Responses & Comments.Served on 881125 ML20195J0141988-11-22022 November 1988 Notification of 881214 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensing Actions at Plants ML20246C9601988-11-22022 November 1988 Provides Update to Original Region I Assessment & Recommendation for Issuance of Low Power OL for Plant. Advises That Region I Continues to Recommend Low Power OL Issuance for Plant W/Special Note of Items Listed ML20246C9761988-11-17017 November 1988 Discusses Team Insp at Plant to Review Licensee Assessment of Readiness to Achieve Initial Criticality & to Complete Low Power Testing.Licensee Conclusions Re Facility Overall Readiness to Conduct Power Operation Confirmed ML20206J6441988-11-16016 November 1988 Requests Responses to Listed Questions Re Proceeding, Including Explanation of Environ Consequences Caused by Movement of Centrifuges from State of Oh to State of Tn. Served on 881117 ML20206E6361988-11-14014 November 1988 Forwards Fr Notice Re Applications for Amends to Licenses DPR-51,NPF-6 & NPF-38,authorizing Addition of Sys Energy Resources,Inc as Licensee & Requests Comments on Antitrust Issues ML20206J5741988-11-10010 November 1988 Forwards H Thompson as Balance of NRC Response to State of Tn Re Enrichment of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Proposed Facilities,Per NRC ML20206J5571988-11-0909 November 1988 Forwards NRC Review & Evaluation of Facilities Security Plans Discussing Equipment & Procedures Used by Applicant to Meet Requirements in 10CFR95.W/o Encl ML20195G2581988-11-0808 November 1988 Partially Deleted Memo Re Commissioner Carr 880113-15 Visit to Plant,Meeting W/State of Mo Officials & Visit to Mallinckrodt,Inc ML20205T6491988-11-0707 November 1988 Ack Receipt of to Chairman Zech Re Alchemie Applications to Operate Facility for Separation of Stable Isotopes at Oak Ridge,Tn & Construct Similar Facility at Oliver Springs,Tn ML20205T5821988-11-0707 November 1988 Notification of 881115 Meeting W/Devonrue & Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Std Alternate AC Design to Meet Station Blackout Rule ML20205R6731988-11-0404 November 1988 Forwards NRC Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries of 881018 & Two Attachments.Related Correspondence ML20205N3691988-10-28028 October 1988 Advises That ASLB Tentatively Calling for Telcon on 881109 W/Parties & State of Tn to Discuss Need for Further Prehearing Conference & Other Scheduling Matters,Per 881026 Request.Served on 881031 ML20206B2481988-10-27027 October 1988 Notice of Significant Licensee Meeting 88-174 on 881118 in King of Prussia,Pa to Discuss Configuration Mgt ML20205K3321988-10-26026 October 1988 Forwards SER Re Const Mod & Licensing of & Application for CP for Facilities.Nrc Review of Safeguards/Security Plans for Two Proposed Facilities Sent to Board & Applicant.Telcon to Discuss Scheduling Matters Requested.W/O Encls 1990-02-26
[Table view] |
.y WASHINGTON, D C. 20555
.....f April 2,1984 MEMORANDUM FOR:
Chairman Palladino Comissioner Gilinsky Ccmissioner Roberts Comissioner Asselstine Co7minnar B rnthal FROM:
hn erbe, Director Office of Policy Evaluation
Based on our review of the report, we generally agree with the report's conclusions, recommendations and suggestions and recommend its approval.
We concur with staff recomendations for action, but suggest some further steps that the Commission might have the EDO take, both in the QA program plan development and in interim inspections of plants under construction.
Finally, if, as the staff suggests, the transmittal letter to Congress is to serve as the report's Executive Summary, we believe it should be expanded and to that end we offer several suggestions.
THE REPORT The report'is comprehensive in identifying factors associated with NRC and i'ndustry QA program failures and successes. The recommendations, commitments and actions derived from the study are summarized by the staff in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.
However, many suggestions, conclusions and reccomendations presented in the report do not appear to be adequately reflected in those tables.
Thus, we have extracted from the report and provide.in the Attachment what we believe are the more important lessons to be learned from the study.
The primary focus of the report's conclusiens, Q Bi g s 0507o3
LEIGHTOB4-293 PDR fleill Thomasson, OFE F0/A-N493 Gene Gallagher, OPE X-432c5 L t%
The Comission 2
recomendations, and suggestions is NRC programs and initiatives.
As a candid and frank self-evaluation of NRC QA and regulatory programs, the report can be valuable to NRC senior management in areas beyond the QA program itself.
The report contains three recomendations for industry to revise its approa'ch to nonnal conduct of business:
(1) view NRC requirements as minimum levels of performance; (2) treat QA as a management tool, not a substitute for management oversight or as just a regulatory requirement; and (3) place additional emphasis on licensee QA programs to icentify problems and trends. Although only these three recommendations are directed specifi-cally to industry, the report as.a whole does provide valuable insights that l
could as,sist in industry self-evaluation.
STAFF RECOMENDATIONS We have grouped our analysis under four topics related to staff recommenda-tions:
Comission actions, program plan, interim actions, and transmittal ietter.
Comission Actions.
The staff recomends Comission approval to initiate the regulatory processes leading to rulemaking to require (1) third-party audits and (2) periodic demonstration of licensee tapability and effectiveness in implementing a QA program and managing a project.
The staff also recommends the Comission approve a regulatory analysis of the concept of establishing an independent advisory panel to advise the Comission on utility management capabilities.
We believe that these staff recomendations are well supported by the report and we recomend your approval.
In addition to the actions for Comission approval that relate to possible future rulemaking, the staff indicated that other identified administrative actions will be taken by the EDO under his existing authority.
Primarily these consist of developing and implementing the QA program plan and of taking certain interim actions.
We believe the Comission should consider and provide guidance on the total package of NRC actions to be undertaken.
Procram Plan.
The staff has comitted in SECY-84-124 to prepare by September 30, 1984 a QA program plan, which will fulfill the Cormission's 1984 PPG direction.
The plan would specify goals and object,1ves. resources, priori-ties and a task-oriented structure for program implementation.
We believe that the plan is critical to comprehensive and timely correction of deficiencies in NRC's QA program, as well as related inspection and its enforcement activities and should be the foundation for all necessary QA and related regulatori initiatives to increase assurance of nuclear plant quality.
Given the urgency of the need, we believe the Cornission should determine whether it is feasible to have the plan completed for Commission consideration earlier than September 30.
In the following, we make several suggestions regarding program plan development.
The Comission 3
With respect to the concept of the designated representative the staff reccmmends only that it be studied further and does not reflect information in or reference a December 5,1983 Information Paper, SECY-83-499, in which the staff presented alternatives on how a designated representative. program might be used by NRC to assure quality through increased inspection oversight.
We believe an appropriate course of action would be to seek a prompt Commission decision whether to adopt the designated representative concept and, if so, to select one of the SECY-83-499 alternatives'.
The program plan would then address the implementation of the designated representative pr' gram.
Unless prompt action is taken, we believe the o
benefits of such a program to improved inspection are unlikely to be real,ized in the current generation of plants.
The report is silent on the potential application to operating plants of the
. insights gained from the study.
In our view, such plants could derive insights on possible im'provements in operational QA and in management of and QA for plant modification construction.
We suggest that, in developing the program plan, the staff address the implications of the study for operating pl ants.
We note that the report contains some recor.cendations -- e.g., those related to training of inspectors and development of QA inspection priorities based on safety significance -- that have not been sumarized in Chapter 2 or l
i indicated by Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 to be included in the program plan. We l
believe the program plan should ensure consideration of all applicable lessons learned and reasonable suggestions for improvements in the regulatory oversight process.
In Chapter 2 of the report the staff rec 6 mends considering establishment of l
a QA program limited to NRC's QA activities.
The main body of the report, however, takes a much broader perspective -- that of the entire fiRC regulatory program.
We note that in a March 21, 1984 letter on the staff QA l
report the ACRS recommended "that i;RC establish a program to assure quality of its activities," although they do not believe a fomal QA program is "necessary or desirable." We note also that, while not identified in the report, the Department of Energy (DOE) has an independent QA audit group responsible for overview of its program and field office implementation of DOE QA requirements. This could provide of insights for fiRC in considering how to implement this recomendation were it adopted.
We believe the program i
plan should include regulatory analysis of alternatives for assuring quality in all liRC regulatory programs.
i The report to Congress does not contain any specific recomendations for initiatives b~v industry but, as noted above, we believe there are valuable lessons to be 1 earned and actions to be taken by industry.
We suggest the procran plan identify l'RC steps to encourage collective action en the part of industry to implement QA and manager:ent system improvements.
l The Cc= mission 4
The requirement to develop a program plan should not hinder initiation of FY-1984/FY-1985 procurement actions on follow-on studies and contractor i
suppcrt of the QA developmental. program.
However, each of the follow-on studies should clearly relate to resolution of questions regarding possible QA programs or other related regulatory initiatives.
The staff has indicated that the actions recommended by the study are compre-hensive and that any one of several of the actions could " consume all NRC's current budget and manpower allocated to development of the quality assurance a
program" and, thus, it will be necessary "... to prioritize the quality assurance issues within the other issues faced by the NRC and make resource allecations." While the caveat is important, we assume it is not an indica-tion that the staff would limit the program plan to only those actions attainable with existing QA program resources.
We believe that it is impor-tant to identify the resources necessary to implement the changes and program expansion justified by the study and then to set the priorities and mile-stones accordingly.
To assure adequate resources for initiatives to improve NRC oversight of nuclear plant quality, the EDO should be requested to provide an analysis of resource needs -- personnel and program support -- as soon as possible, since the FY-85 and FY-86/87 budgetary processes are already upon us.
That analysis would address reallocation of FY-84/85 resources, need for supplemental FY-85 resources, and a possible planning wedge for FY-86'87.
Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report to Congress provide an indication of need sufficient for such early planning.
Interim Actions.
Because it will take one to two years to implement many of the suggested regulatory changes and studies, such actions are likely to be of benefit only for future generation plants and not for those of the 42 plants under constructicn expected to be completed during the next three years.
For those plants some actions should be implemented while the plan is under development.
In the report to Congress the staff has indicated that efforts have been initiated to apply the lessons learned to the development of screening criteria for evaluating CP plants for potential QA program deficiencies.
We view this effort to be critical in answering the question "Will the quality of the plants now under construction be found acceptable for future operation?" The staff also indicated that intensive team inspections, e.g., CAT inspection, will be carried out for those plants that fail the initial screening. We endorse these efforts and urge that they be given priority.
However, the staff has recommended that the concepts of team inspections and expanded resident inspections receive additional evaluation through pilot prograns in one region.
As these programs would not be completed for up to twc years, most of the plants under construction will have already been completed and would not have had the benefit of such upgraded inspections.
The Comission 5
We believe that team inspections have been given ample trial in the regions and headquarters and that the benefits of an expanded resident inspector program have been established. Thus, we believe there is sufficient basis for deciding now whether these efforts should be expanded to all regions, instead of embarking on another pilot program.
Similarly, the staff has recommended that licensees be encouraged to conduct
" voluntary" third-party IDVP or IDCVP programs until rulemaking can be completed to requ. ire third-party audits.
The report to Congress provides a sufficient basis for more assertive interim action than this, since it is, generall.y clear that insufficient regulatory attention has been directed at design QA on this generation of plants.
We support the staff effort to develop guidelines and criteria for third-party audits of the design and design implementation process, but we suggest that the applicants for plants that have heretofore no.t completed such audits be directed to arrange for them on a timely basis.
We believe that, if only four CAT and three IDI inspections can be done per year,.it is important to direct all such OL applicants to sponsor independent design audits, if they have not already done so.
As indicated above, we believe there are va-luable suggestions for industry in the report and, thus, we recommend that copies of the report be sent to industry, particularly CP holders and licensees, requesting that they initi-I ate self-evaluations and quality improvement programs based on lessons learned.
While we concur in the text of the transmit-Transmittal Letter to,i, Con,gress.t goes, we believe the letter should be strengthen
tal letter as far as place the NRC in a more affirmative posi^ ion by reflecting the Corrrnission's t
decisions on the report.
In particular, we believe the letter should indi-cate NRC intent (1) to develop a detailed program plan as the foundation for NRC action to improve nuclear plant quality and the NRC oversight role; (2) to develop as soon as practicable budget and manpower requirements to imple-ment the necessary improvements; (3) to reprogram existing resources as necessary and possible within priorities or to request supplemental budget requests; (4) to institute an interim program to apply lessons learned by screening and reviewing all plants under OL review; and (5) to send each plant owner a copy of the report as a basis for self-evaluation and, as justified, a quality improvement program.
OPE RECOM, MEND,ATIONS In summary, based on the above analysis', we recommend the Cemission:
Approve the report to Congress, but strengthen the transmittal letter as suggested.
The Commission 6
Endorse preparation of a QA program plan by Septem.ber 30, 1984 (or earlier, if possible), but request the EDO to assess resou ces necessary so that revisions in budget an.d manpower allocations may be considered as early as possible.
Endorse immediate implementation, as far as current resources permit, of team inspections and an expanded resident inspector program.
Consider issuing orders to require that all plants under construction sponsor third-party audits of design and engineering practices.
Havi the QA report sent to plant owners to consider the insights pre-sented and undertake quality improvement programs as appropriate.
Decide promptly, as a separate matter, whether a designated representative program is to be implemented and, if so, select the alternative to be implemented.
As stated cc:
H. Plaine S. Chilk W. Dircks R..DeYoung V. Stello 4
OF QA REPORT L ES50f(5,,L, EARNED The lessons learned from the study can be separated into, generic, those for industry and those applicable to the NRC as follows:
Generi_c Neither the degree of prescription of design cri,teria nor enforcement were contributing factors to major quality problems.
Quality problems were directly attributable to changes in design and inadequate change management.
INP0's current mission of assisting utilities in raising their levels of performance and standards of excellence will do more to correct, problems 5
than transposition of INPQ activities to a quasi-regulatory role.
Comprehensive third party audits can provide significant additional preventive and detection capability'.
State Public Utility Commissions provide a major source of regulatory oversight that has unknown implications on quality and safety.
QA implementation should be the focus of regulatory oversight, not indices of implementation or a good program such as shown by paper reviews.
The regulatory basis for QA in the nuclear industry, i.e.,10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, is sound.
2 Licensee More complete design early in ' construction would enhance quality.
Deficiencies in utility and project management were root causes of major quality problems.
There is a strong correlation between QA program effectiveness and effectiseness of overall project management.
Prior nuclear design and construction experience in the project team greatly increases the likelihood of success if each team member plays a role appropriate to his experience.
tlanagement understanding and appreciation of the complexities of nuclear project construction is essential.
There is a direct correlation between a project's success and the licensee's view that NRC requirements are minimum standards and that higher standards are to be met.
Important factors for successful high quality projects include strong management commitment, involvement and support for quality.
Centracting arrangements can affect achievement of quality.
QA must be a, tool used by management to achieve quality, not as a substitute for management.
i e
3 NRC NRC has clearly contributed to the magnitude of major quality problems.
NRC has not adequately assessed management capability to implement a sound QA program on pre-or post-CP reviews and inspections.
Team inspections are an effective way to address the problem of synthe-sizing and analyzing inspection findings into the big picture of the project as a whole.
Resident inspector program should be expanded and assignments to sites should be implemented as early as possible in the life of a project.
Inability to detect and react to quality problems was due to a high threshold established due to (1) the lack of an immediate threat; (2) belief the serious problems would be detected in pre-operational in-spections;(3)focusonpaperversusactualwork;(4)focusondetail rather than QA process and the implementation; and (5) reluctance to address utility management capa.bility.
Third party management audits would be an acceptable means of post-CP demonstration of management effectiveness.
Incorporation of PSAR commitments as conditions of cps would provide inproved bases for enforcement.