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Forwards Correspondence Addressed to President Reagan Re Safety Problems at Nuclear Power Plants & DOE Reply
Person / Time
Site: 05000000
Issue date: 05/25/1983
From: Trebules V
To: Dircks W
Shared Package
ML20117L803 List:
FOIA-84-210 NUDOCS 8505160444
Download: ML20117L928 (4)



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  • hMY 2 51983 Mr. Williarn Dircks Executive Director for 0perations U.S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Dircks:

Tre enclosed corre:,pt ,dence has. bee, directed to the Ds;artment cf Energy.

, in? ccat(nts indictie trci an appropriate rc:.iy 6is; tr.:_.:. '

L'e_ rSCc by the f ucls t- Regulatcr:' f o~.~.if s ior.. Accorcing1;. .e  ; fr t -i - 2 copy to you

% tc uidercticq, alor.g

  • lith a copy of c.- . ..

Sir.a cly,

(,% i. ,u.. s Victor ll. 1rebules,'? .

Acting Mar.ager, E> terr al Aff airt Divirir of Piar,s an; :nicatior; Offia of-hurlea- Er. r-

.' Enclosures g 51 g 4 841030 ~

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f. arch 31, 1903 2/

i V }3't)7 U The Honorable Ronald Reagan President of the United States Wr.ite House Washington, D. C. 20500 t

Dear Mr. Reagan:


Safety problems at Nuclear Power Plants I wosid like to cerpratulate ve.: on t".e j a you ere doin;. I v:ould aisc likt to cor.:ratslite you " ;.. tin 9 +

c:r: %3ced t>Eci in the right direction. I kno.. y; u are a vc r., busy pirs u c:.: :c involve yours cif ir, eve r; prt:ier.

] am r.:. againt- :les : v..c  : : r- like to cut d:r cr. f( c ri , cyc .cics, t 31 << c.:w. yo : .

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c nc c r t ;c d t'y f c . . * ' a pe r r i t : tc r c rert s u ty vicit..: isc feel -: r: re c:-re i nt . . :e taltn in tnt hiring ci constt:: terr.onnel; .< .er quali #i c :: insp:: : :, ctc.

I sure ht;'e ycu are conce'ned. If I can be cf any help, please contact me by r: ail F:t thc cddress belo.*.

Sin:crcty, I.. D',llinaha a, Jr. Arvill Dillingham, Jr.

P.O. Box '124 P. O. Cox 124 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Glen Rose, Texas 76043 8CS W ofn;gttg . .

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'4 ,aw Department of Lucrgy

, Washington, D.C. 205S5 Mr. Arvill Dillingham, Jr.

Post Office. Box 124 Glen Rose, Texas 76043

Dear Mr. Dillingham:

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 31, 1953, to President Reagan relative to safety problems at nuclear pecerplant . On behalf of the President, permit me to provide additional viewccints fo* your consideration.

As you know, oversight cf the safety of commerciel nuclear pc,serplants is primarily the responsitility of ttc l'.5. Nucicer Regulatory Carcission. Its coverapi invsives tne sitinc, corstruction, operation, atir,tenen:t. and r,tifur.ctic* cf P :t gentritinc stttiene; its ct tic s include licensing, inspcctiu . cr.#crtcrrni, ano continuing researc- 2nc cevelopment cirected tor:ard ir ors vic taf ety for plantworkert anc tr.. rublic under all foreseeable condi tior,s.

I r i t s ' . - ' E' T:ecor;" f or 1979, t'ic Committ i. - ;u:rlishtd thc folloiing t '. Ei tmer ;:

Reportino Defects and Nonceroliance 0: Jc 4 i, If7', the NEC publithcd in th3 r ederal Regi;tcr a re;;.1c.icr, (10 CFi Fart 21) setting ferta 1,e recairttents for 5 ircle- " in; ."ection 206 of the Energy 0.eoraanizatic'. Act of 1974 Indiv;cct, cirectors or responsible offict's of a fir.: invc1ved in the r.. lear inruttry are recuired to rt;,rt noncoroliance witt. NRC reo;1ations er the existence of defects unich could create a sub-sthr.tial health anc safety hazard. Any such person who knowinoly and consciously fails to provide the recuired reports to the h?.C is sub,iect to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each failure and a total amount not to exceed $25,000 within any 30-day period. The reculation becam5 fully effective on January 6,197E.

10 further ensure quality of materials and workmanship in nuclear powerplants, the ComTission stations retident inspectors onsite to monitor the output of engineers and_ contractors. Our records indicate that such inspectors were


located at the Comanche Peak generating station during 1978 and 1979.

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2 In a De:ciber 190 adorest to an Atomic Energy Forum conference, however, the current Cr. air. Tan of the fiuclear Regulatory Corrnission, Nunzio J. Palladino, recognized that there have been lapses'in design analyses, in construction practices, and in other aspects of powerplant administration. He called upon the utility companies to examine their policies on quality control and to perform audits'of their quality control measures to further ensure public safety and. confidence in the industry.

I Earlier that year, President Reagan had issued a statement endorsing nuclear power as "one of the best potential sources of new electrical energy supplies in the coning decades." In encouraging modification of the licensing and regulatory process, however, he recognized that any changes to be made must be

" consistent with public health and safety."

To ensure that your concern fo nuclear powerplant safety ar.d youe etcce'cnce in that area ar e giver arp'criate visibility, I have forwarded a copy of your letter to the f uciea- T,eplatcry Commission for their considera:ics.

Your willingnest te speak out on the subject of nuclear power ir apc.reci--

ate', av yc+ e e (ncourcred to continue to express you vie..: at future

('iergy poli:," ( volves.

Sincerely, Y1ctor *. 1"tbult! , [".

Acting Manager, External Afftirs Divisior. of Plans and Evaluation Office cf tsuclear herp;.

? Enclosures cc:

Williai. DircLs, tiRCs' i 4 'i