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Forwards Rept for State of Mn off-hours & Unannounced Drill Conducted on 891019 for Plants.One Area Requiring Corrective Action Re Staffing Activation Inadequacy Corrected at Monticello 890726 Exercise.Preparedness Deemed Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, Prairie Island, 05000000
Issue date: 12/04/1989
From: Kwiatkowski D
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Congel F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8912140426
Download: ML20005D750 (9)


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J* 3 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 DEC '4 999 i

Mr. Frank J. Congel Director, Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness Office.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 4

Dear Mr. Congel:

Enclosed is a copy of the report for the Minnesota off-hours )

and unannounced drill conducted October 19, 1988, for the Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plants. The State.of Minnesota and the Counties of Sherburne and Wright participated in this drill, site-specific to the Monticello l offsit2 area. The State of Minnesota also participated with the Counties of Dakota and Goodhue/ City of Red Wing for the 'l Prairie Island offsite area. The report was prepared by the-Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region V staff and transmitted to FEMA: Headquarters December 8, 1988. A required report revision November 14, 1989, was received at FEMA Headquarters November 20, 1989.

There-were no deficiencies observed during the drill.

However, one Area' Requiring Corrective Action (ARCA) regarding a staffing activation inadequacy was identified at the Sherburae County. Emergency Operations Center. The 1

appropriate objective regarding the ARCA cited at the 1 0ctober 19, 1988, drill was demonstrated and the ARCA l corrected at the Monticello Nuclear Power Plant exercise l

, conducted July 26, 1989.

Based on our review of the final exercise report and the corrective actions, FEMA considers that offsite radiological j emergency preparedness is adequate to provide' reasonable I assurance that appropriate offsite measures can be taken to i protect the health'and safety of the public living in the j vicinity of the Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plants in the event of a radiological emergency occurring at i either of those sites. Therefore, the approval of the Minnesota offsite plans for the Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plants granted under 44 CFR 350 in May 1985~, and in September 1985, respectively, continues to be I in effect. )

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If you have any questions, please' feel free;to contact me on 646-2871.


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. Sincerely,

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Dennis =H Kwiatkowski' Assistant Associate Director Office of Natural and Technological Hazards

' Enclosure 5


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MINNESOTA 0FF-HOURS UNANNOUNCED DRILL STATE OF HINNESOTA Octsber 19, 1988 The off. hours and unannounced drill was conducted during the evenins of' October 19, 1988. Only one person at the State level knew the exact day or. starting time of the drill; all other staff members were provided with a one week window.

The Duty Officer was notified of the Alert at 2201. After varifing the notification at 2005 he began his calls. The Duty-Officer made his calls from his home using a current calling list. Staff activation was accomplished using telephone and pagers. The last Duty Officer esil was at 2256.

In addition to DEM the following State agencies staffed the EOC:

Transportation, Buran Services, Red Cross, State Patrol, Health, Medical and Agriculture. Staffing was completed at 2357 with the arrival of the Deputy Directsr. Field team members and Relocation Center staff were alerted and asked to provide an estimated time of arrival at their assigned, locations.

Each of the agencies representad in the EOC established telephanic communications with their counterparts in each of the county EOCs. The DEM established a telefax link with Goodhue County, Sherburne County and Wright County. Because Dakota .

County was in the process of relocating their EOC to a differnt building the fax link was not established.

The EBS station 5:aa alerted:(simulated) and placed on stand-by at <


The State EOC is in the basement of the Staca Capitol Building.

The Operations Room is normally set up in the emergency operations configuration. Telephone lines were drcpped from the

.colling and instruments connected. Maps status boards and other displays were ' removed from storage, positioned and prepared for operations. Pertinent exercise information was noted on the status boards.

Maps, displays and other equipment for use in the JPIC were taken from storage to the JPIC area of the building.

-Access Control for the EOC was established by the Capitol Security Force. Staff entering the EOC were screened against an access list and then signed in and badged.

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4 MIUNESOTA CFP-HOURS UNANNOUNCED DRILL RED WING, COODSUE COUNTY October 19,' 1960 The off_ hours and unan.ounced drill was c nducted during the svenina of October 19, 1980, Ne one at the County level knew the exact day or starting time of the drill; they were providoc oniv with week windew.

The drill was initiated by a telephone call from the Minnesota Division of Emergency Management (MDEM) to the emersency notification point in the Goodhue County Sheriff's Department at 2211. The call was- verified by a return telephone call to the MDEM by -Sheriff's dispatch center staf f. The di: catchers (C ) en duty immediataly notified their shift supervisor. and besan the alephene notification cf kov ECC staff and :he Red Wing-Police / Fire Dacartment. The staff was centacted by use of a currant and up to date staff call up re:ter, dated 1980. The

taff call-ap was c:opleted at 2200.

The fir:t staff arrival was at 2015, in the persen :( the Maver cf the City of Red Wing. Security was initiated at the entry to the Sheriff's Department and was centr:11ec by Civ!! Air Pstr:1 personnel and by use of percenal identification and a sign in recter. The ECC was eperational at 2240, with the prssence :f County Board Members (2), the Mayo", Civil Defense Directors for the City of Red Wing and Goodhue County, the County Sheriff, County Transportation, etc. The EOC vas fully staffed, in accordance with the exercise scenario at 2305.

-The EOC staff used commercial telephone and radio ' systems during the drill. Conferencing, via che dedicated " red telephone" is availab12 in the EOC. Both primary and back up systems were able to.handl, communications flow without undue delay.

The Red Wing /Goodhue County EOC is located in the basament of the County Public Safety Buildins. The facility is well cutside the 10 mile EPZ of the Prairio I: land Nuclear Pcuer Plant. The E00 his sufficient srace, furni:hinss, lighting, rest recms, back up cloctri:a1 power, adequats ventilation, . and other amenitie for e:: tended operations. The equipment include typewriters, datafax,

,- copiers, etc. Map: depicting evacuacion route , relocation centers, radiological monitorins peints and the plume EPZ population by planning area . were pected in the ECC.

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' ~ October 19,~1988 The off heuru'and unannounced drill was conducted during :he evening cf Oc: ber-19. 1938. No one at the County level knew. the exact davict .

's:artins ::mo of the drill; they were provided oniv with a' ene week viad u.

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b Tho Dakota : un:V Sheriff's DI:sacch Conter received the cali.initiscing: The cal;.uas.

ghs dril!-from he 2tata by . ::maercial telephone at 0011. The


k .immediately verifiedL to tho': designated number given for the dri!J. Staff of Alert.

initial messase contained.the Emergency Classification alercing and mcbili:stion was begun by the dispatcher c mplecing a brief

'~ 'cali list fram-the. procedures that included the Dispatch Superviser, Chief


  • DeputyE She. tiff; and the EmersencynoPreparedness Director. The remaining ified by- the Emerzency Preparedners


. County Asency Representatives. vere l Direct:r who_ carries a pager and who has a Deputy Direct:r who also h:s ena-

a ll: cu- lis:s.

The dispatcher and 2mersency- Preparedner: Dir:cect cemple:educheEscaff activacion cali in approximately 1E minutes.  :


A L. This dri!! wa: the firc: ac:iva: ion Of the Ccunty ECC in its new loca icn sin ens' raining r:on-:f the recently cens:ruc:cd Fer ani.this nc: drill fully cc upied law ene ci: pat:h

=Enfor ament Annen  :: the. Government Centar.

L center waa still at the old tuilding. The radic capabilliv for the ECC wa  !

oemonstraced ty portable shariff and fire radios. When the scve t: this new building is. completed the di: patch center will be d:wn the hall fr:m-l((. '( ' ~;he EOC.There- wer2 six c:=mercial celeph:ne lines ac we!! as the dedicated SF 4~ and wi!!

emiephone'to the Sate ECC and Goodhue County / City cf Red Wing ECC


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provide addicionali radio frecuency capability. The Emergency Pracacdnce:

Director discussed a variecy of enhanc-ments planned fer the ECC.

The last

' Ths.ECC was opened at 0240 with the arrival of the EOC security.

EOC staff member arrived at 2300 abeuc fifty minutes af:ec ;he inittacing

' call. The EOC etaff censisted of County- Board of Ccomissioners Administrator, Chief Deputy Sheriff, Operations Officer (County Emersency a

' Preparedness Director ), Radiological Officer (County EnvirnementalH:: Health ting:

Divisien), Tarfic - and Acces: Concrol (County Read and Bridges


), Sheriff (County Fire Chief, Ccamunicacions and Security Personnel This'is the Department Staff) and the MH DEM Regional Coordina:Or.

staffing identified for the Alert Emergency Ciascification necessary to make the ECC c:oracional. Addi:fonal staff'tha: would he ac:iva: d for a

' Site Area Imeramney include reprecentative: frem the E: hee! 2:ard. Human

-s. . Servi:ss. C:un:v Scaith. Salvati n Army, and C unev Agriculture Agen:.

The:o Organization: were c:ntacted and notified to a:and tv.

-Upon str! val at the EOC,-tho :taff precoeded to make the 50C functional.A As muncioned above the ECC is establi:h by c;nysrting the training reca.

storage _ cabinet in the room contained the telephones, message forms.

supe!!e . maps and :: pie: Of the pians. The EOC wa: Operati:nal w!: Pin teards and :urplie: ::

!' minu:r: with tho appro ria:a map:. displays, ::stu:

surecr: amargency rs pense activities.


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! Primary and' back-up communications : were demonstrated The ECC. st af f established-~ communications with their counterparts :. .the State ECC.

Commercial telephone were utilized during the communications demonatration.

A new facsimilie machine had not arrived and the old one was inoperable.

This function _ was not. tested. Both the Sheriff and Fire radios present were tested by contacts with responding personnel in mobile units and with i the dispatch centers. The specific contacts at the StateLEOC included the  :

' Controller,: Operations Chief, State Patrol,-Human Services, Agricultures'nnd Health Department. Contact with the Goodhue County / City'of Red Wira EOC were also made. The drill was terminated at Dakott County at f340 ,

-following the demonstratien of the communication links.

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  • J Un . ,

7 October- 19,~1988

'The' unannounced und off hsers drill- . was conducted ' during' the evening of

.Cercher 19, 1988. No one at the, County level knew the exact dav er  ;

tarting" time'of the drili: they were provided only';k wind 9. s

'The Shirburno-CountyLSt *: Pr Di: pat:5 Centor received the initiating call s from the Stato at 2001. .; call vac verified.-'st 2002. an: se:if sisrtina-and. mobill:ation was' begun at 200a. The dispatcher u:ed a pager and 4 e

commercial, telephone to centact the EOC' staff as designated en a written

', call list. A log of call: was not maintained. This call 11st was prepared-by screaninguthe es!!out list identified in the plan (Attachment 2 - Annex A ,- Rev. 2 ). While the plan -callout liet was up-to-date, it had been:

reviewed and edited for. staff : availability during the week of the ,

anannounced drill.

Ac?A REOUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION: (E.1 and . N .1. b ) The c 11 cut lier utili:ed for the unanncunced cri!! hsd teen :creened for stsif availability

.during the one week! window.

RECOMMENDATICH: During unannounced drill: (and biennial exer !:es ) the-es11out list should be it appears in the plan with:ut any screening of it for staffg availsbiliev.

The di patcher c mpletad the- etsif activation cell: In apprc..imatelv 15 U -minutes. Ecwever, theLidenti!ied Hesith 5;rvices repre:entative cou!d :st be reached by'the dispatcher. By this time the EOC Cperstions Officer had

' arrived.and- indicsted that the JEOC staff. would take responsibility for contacting,an alternate. The alternate Health Services representative was

' notified'at 2200.

  • The first EOC staff member arrived at 2216 and the last at 2256, well within' one hour of- the initiating es11. The EOC staff cen:isted of j representatives- cf the Sheriff's Department (also .respensible for c:mmunicaticas), Engineer, E: tension-Agent. Social Services. He lth

_ Services, Fire and Rescue, Red Cross, RADEF, Operations- Officer.~EOC .i Security and County Commissioner, t 1

d The ccmmunicie: of.Becker and Eig Lake were also notified tf :he drill anc s:tivated their ts: pen e ::ntar: in thcir reccective communities. Se ksr i racerted being :persti:nal at 2240 sne 3!g Lsh2 st 2242. ]

Upon arrival at the ECC, the =tsff pre:eeded to make the EOC fun:tiens!.

The ECC is a dedicated space with supplies, maps and other materista st: red in the -rocm. The EOL ws: Operational within minute: with the accropria:s /

macs,.dispisyn, status teard: and :upplies t: suppcrt emergency rescenze  !

e activitie:.

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The EOC staff l established communications with their counterp;rts in'th9 '

State EOC, with the Vrisht County EOC and with the Becker and Big Lake '

E0Cs. Commercial telephone, radio, feccimile machine and pagerc woro utilized during the communications demonstration. 'The specific contacts as State Patrol, Health'

, the State- EOC included Operations, Health (RADEF ).

_ Services, Transportation, Agriculture and Social Services-(Red Cross). The at' -2350 fo11oving the

^ drill was: terminated at -Sherburne County .


. demonstration of the communication ' links, e

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.L ii-October 194;1988.


  • The unannounced and off hours. drill was conducted during the evening of -

ctober' 19,_1968. at the' County level knew the exact day er ::arting


time efithe. drill; they vers provided only with a one week vindcu. -


. ' 1 t I The 'Jright C:unt) ?heriff's Diccat:h Concer. reesived che 'inic acina tail. '

from the Stata at' 2005. The call'was1 verified atc2208'and staff.aler:;ng


and mobilitation was begun at 2209. The dispatcherr used pagers and-commercial telephone _ to contact L .the EOC staf f as desigr.ated on a . written, _


~ ,up-to-date,' call list. Staff activation-calling was completed by 2255.

,e Staff presentin the EOClin addition to the County. EM Director _ were: PIO,: '

'. R ADEF , _ Canaregate . Care / Human Services, Agriculture Engine 2 ring,_ Law

.Enforcament, State DOT, NSF Liaison and Facility Security.

The EOC . staff 1ertabli:hed communicatiens- :with their counterparts in tho-

' State ECC, and with_the;Sherburno County ECC._ Commercial colophcne, radio,__

facsimile ' machine and. pasers were utiliced 'during the c:mmunicatione demenstration. -The crecific'c:ntacts at the Stoca EOC included Cperation:.

Transportation, Agriculture Health (RADEF ),; State Patrol, Health Services,

< and Social Services (Red Croes ). .

.The- EOC . :is located. in the s'richt County Covernment Complex. Buffalo, ,

Minnesota. .The EOC is fully equipped. Maps shewins traffic c:ntrol-points, radiological sampling point, siren location, evacuation routes and 3 relocation centers were-posted in the ECC.. A status - board. was avella' ale and appropriate exercise data was posted ,

The drill:was cerminated at Wright County at 0002 Cetober 20,' 1968.


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