Insp Repts 50-528/76-04,50-528/76-04 & 50-530/76-04 on 761214-17.Violations Noted:Concrete W/Slump Exceeding Spec 13-cm-101 Used in Reactor Pit Basemat & Change to Drawing 13-C-FA S-116,DCN 5 Not DistributedML20134B280 |
Person / Time |
Site: |
05000000, Palo Verde |
Issue date: |
01/18/1977 |
From: |
To: |
Shared Package |
ML17198A269 |
List: ... further results |
References |
FOIA-84-293 50-528-76-04, 50-528-76-4, 50-529-76-04, 50-529-76-4, 50-530-76-04, 50-530-76-4, NUDOCS 8508150574 |
Download: ML20134B280 (12) |
MONTHYEARIR 05000528/19990121999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-528/99-12,50-529/99-12 & 50-530/99-12 on 990502-0612.Two Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violations.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000528/19990051999-04-21021 April 1999 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/99-05,50-529/99-05 & 50-530/99-05 on 990322-26 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program.Details Withheld IR 05000528/19980131998-11-20020 November 1998 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/98-13,50-529/98-13 & 50-530/98-13 on 981019-24 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program, Including Mgt Support,Security Audits & Plans & Procedures IR 05000528/19970231997-10-20020 October 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/97-23,50-529/97-23 & 50-530/97-23 Containing Safeguards Info (Ref 10CFR73.21) on 970922-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program IR 05000528/19970081997-04-22022 April 1997 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/97-08,50-529/97-08 & 50-530/97-08 on 970317-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) IR 05000528/19960201997-01-31031 January 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/96-20,50-529/96-20 & 50-530/96-20 on 961007-11 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Vehicle Barrier Sys Program Utilizing Ti 2515/132,dtd 960118 IR 05000528/19930481994-01-0404 January 1994 Insp Repts 50-528/93-48,50-529/93-48 & 50-530/93-48 on 931102-1206.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Lifting of Main Steam Safety Valve & mid-loop Operations IR 05000528/19930471993-12-16016 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-47,50-529/93-47 & 50-530/93-47 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Preparations for 940101 Implementation of Changes to 10CFR20 as Set Forth in Fr 56FR23377,dtd 910521 IR 05000528/19930491993-12-15015 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-49,50-529/93-49 & 50-530/93-49 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reviewed Licensee Implementation of Containment LLRT Program & Licensee Actions for Open Items Identified in Insp Rept IR 05000528/19930501993-12-0202 December 1993 Meeting Repts 50-528/93-50,50-529/93-50 & 50-530/93-50 on 931115.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Status & Schedule of EOP Rewrite Program & Assessment of Recent Operator Performance Issues IR 05000528/19930431993-11-19019 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-43,50-529/93-43 & 50-530/93-43 on 930921-1101.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930321993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-32,50-529/93-32 & 50-530/93-32 on 931018-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Licensee Program to Meet Commitments to GL 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve.. IR 05000528/19930461993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-46,50-529/93-46 & 50-530/93-46 on 930913-1029.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of ISI of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Welds & Licensee Unit 1 SG Eddy Current Insp Activities IR 05000528/19930391993-10-28028 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-39,50-529/93-39 & 50-530/93-39 on 930823-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Items in Emergency Preparedness Program Area ML20058D3571993-10-15015 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-40,50-529/93-40 & 50-530/93-40 on 930817-0920.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns, Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930371993-10-0101 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-37,50-529/93-37 & 50-530/93-37 on 930920-24.One Unresolved Item Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radiation Protection Program & Followup of Safety Evaluation Rept IR 05000528/19930421993-09-29029 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-42,50-529/93-42 & 50-530/93-42 on 930830-0903.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: on-site Followup of LER in Accordance W/Insp Procedure 92700, Onsite Followup of Written Repts.. IR 05000528/19930361993-09-22022 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-36,50-529/93-36 & 50-530/93-36 on 930830-0903.Non-cited Violation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Licensee Access Authorization Program ML20058H4231993-09-10010 September 1993 Errata to Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Provides Omitted Signature Page & Attachments ML20057E7451993-09-10010 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Chemistry,Fire Protection,Security & Outage Operations IR 05000528/19930291993-09-0909 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-29,50-529/93-29 & 50-530/93-29 on 930621-0709.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:External Exposure Control,Internal Exposure Control,Control of Radioactive Materials & RMS IR 05000528/19930331993-09-0303 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-33,50-530/93-33 & 50-530/93-33 on 930802-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Failure Rate of Crews & Operators During Sept 1992 & Mar 1993 Requalification Exams IR 05000528/19930271993-08-26026 August 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-27,50-529/93-27 & 50-530/93-27 on 930726-30.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Water Chemistry & Radiochemistry Programs,Including Water Chemistry & Health Physics Confirmatory Measurements IR 05000528/19930241993-08-0606 August 1993 Page 27 Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Inspection Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 IR 05000528/19930261993-07-30030 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-26,50-529/93-26 & 50-530/930-26 on 930601-0712.Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Tests, Plant Maint & Steam Generator Activities ML20056E3691993-07-29029 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 During Wks of 930524,0607 & 28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions for Previously Identified Followup & Enforcement Items & LER Followup IR 05000528/19930171993-07-21021 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-17,50-529/93-17 & 50-530/93-17 on 930607-11 & 0621-25.Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Effectiveness of QA Organization IR 05000528/19930281993-06-30030 June 1993 Enforcement Conference Repts 50-528/93-28,50-529/93-28 & 50-530/93-28 on 930603.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Analyses of Several Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements Re Emergency Classification ML20056C8511993-06-30030 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-12,50-529/93-12 & 50-530/93-12 on 930427-0531.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Emergency Operating Procedures,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Snubber Testing & Core Reload Analysis IR 05000528/19930081993-06-10010 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-08,50-529/93-08 & 50-530/93-08 on 930510-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Followup on Open Items Identified During Previous Emergency Preparedness Insp IR 05000528/19930251993-06-0707 June 1993 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/93-25,50-529/93-25,50-530/93-25 on 930524.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Efforts to Determine Root Cause of SG Tube Rupture IR 05000528/19930181993-06-0303 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-18,50-529/93-18 & 50-530/93-18 on 930503-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Follow Up Items,Training,Transportation,Control of Radioactive Matls & Facility Tours IR 05000528/19930221993-05-27027 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-22,50-529/93-22 & 50-530/93-22 on 930426-0514.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Emergency Preparedness Program Issues Identified in AIT 50-529/93-14 IR 05000528/19930211993-05-24024 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-21,50-529/93-21 & 50-530/93-21 on 930427-0507.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Isi Activities Conducted During Fourth Refueling Outage for Unit 2.Special Insp Effort Focused on Eddy Current Exam of SG IR 05000528/19930151993-05-0505 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-15,50-529/93-15 & 50-530/93-15 on 930405-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Design Changes & Temporary Mods,Onsite Followup of Written Repts of Nonroutine Events & Battery Maint Testing IR 05000529/19930141993-04-15015 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-529/93-14 on 930317-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Determination & Evaluation of Licensee Activities & Circumstances Re 930314 SG Tube Rupture Event at Plant IR 05000528/19930071993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-07,50-529/93-07 & 50-530/93-07 on 930301-05.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verify Implementation of ATWS & Assess Conformance W/Atws Rule, 10CFR50.62 IR 05000528/19930101993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-10,50-529/92-10 & 50-530/92-10 on 930223-0324.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Review of QA Audit Repts & Followup on Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930021993-03-0909 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-02,50-529/93-02 & 50-530/93-02 on 930111-0205.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee IST Activities & Verified Completion of Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930051993-03-0202 March 1993 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/93-05,50-529/93-05 & 50-530/93-05 on 930125-29 & 0211-12.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program,Records & Repts, Testing & Maint.Details Withheld Ref 10CFR2.790 IR 05000528/19930031993-03-0101 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-03,50-529/93-03 & 50-530/93-03 on 930111-15 & 0210-12.Deviations Noted.Violations Noted But Not Yet Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances That Led to Radiation Exposure to Worker Which Exceeded Limits IR 05000528/19920421993-01-22022 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-42,50-529/92-42 & 50-530/92-42 on 921206-11.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Environ Monitoring program,follow-up of Previously Identified Items & on Site follow-up of Events IR 05000528/19920411993-01-13013 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-41,50-529/92-41 & 50-530/92-41 on 921103-1214.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19920381992-12-22022 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-38,50-529/92-38 & 50-530/92-38 on 921026-30 & 1116-20.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Radiation Protection Program,Surveys & Occupational Exposure During Unit 3 Refueling Outage IR 05000528/19920341992-12-0808 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-34,50-529/92-34 & 50-530/92-34 on 921005-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Emergency Preparedness Program & Followup on Open Items IR 05000528/19920361992-12-0404 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-36,50-529/92-36 & 50-530/92-36 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ist of Check Valves in safety-related Sys & Performance of Unit 3 ISI IR 05000528/19920351992-12-0101 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-35,50-529/92-35 & 50-530/92-35 on 921001-1102.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing, Plant Maint,Mgt Meeting & Diesel Engine 5 Yr Insp IR 05000528/19920321992-11-18018 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-32,50-529/92-32 & 50-530/92-32 on 921013-23.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Operating Procedures & Operator Continuing Training (Requalification) IR 05000528/19920401992-11-0404 November 1992 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/92-40,50-529/92-40 & 50-530/92-40 on 921027.Major Areas Discussed:Transfer of Fire Watch Responsibilities to Security Dept & Ongoing Program within Security Dept IR 05000528/19920311992-11-0303 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-31,50-529/92-31 & 50-530/92-31 on 920825-0930.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Esf Sys Walkdowns at Unit 2,surveillance Testing,Plant Maint & Reactor Trip/Turbine Trip at Unit 1 1999-06-30
[Table view] Category:NRC-GENERATED
MONTHYEARIR 05000528/19990121999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-528/99-12,50-529/99-12 & 50-530/99-12 on 990502-0612.Two Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violations.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000528/19990051999-04-21021 April 1999 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/99-05,50-529/99-05 & 50-530/99-05 on 990322-26 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program.Details Withheld IR 05000528/19980131998-11-20020 November 1998 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/98-13,50-529/98-13 & 50-530/98-13 on 981019-24 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program, Including Mgt Support,Security Audits & Plans & Procedures IR 05000528/19970231997-10-20020 October 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/97-23,50-529/97-23 & 50-530/97-23 Containing Safeguards Info (Ref 10CFR73.21) on 970922-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program IR 05000528/19970081997-04-22022 April 1997 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/97-08,50-529/97-08 & 50-530/97-08 on 970317-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) IR 05000528/19960201997-01-31031 January 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/96-20,50-529/96-20 & 50-530/96-20 on 961007-11 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Vehicle Barrier Sys Program Utilizing Ti 2515/132,dtd 960118 IR 05000528/19930481994-01-0404 January 1994 Insp Repts 50-528/93-48,50-529/93-48 & 50-530/93-48 on 931102-1206.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Lifting of Main Steam Safety Valve & mid-loop Operations IR 05000528/19930471993-12-16016 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-47,50-529/93-47 & 50-530/93-47 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Preparations for 940101 Implementation of Changes to 10CFR20 as Set Forth in Fr 56FR23377,dtd 910521 IR 05000528/19930491993-12-15015 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-49,50-529/93-49 & 50-530/93-49 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reviewed Licensee Implementation of Containment LLRT Program & Licensee Actions for Open Items Identified in Insp Rept IR 05000528/19930501993-12-0202 December 1993 Meeting Repts 50-528/93-50,50-529/93-50 & 50-530/93-50 on 931115.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Status & Schedule of EOP Rewrite Program & Assessment of Recent Operator Performance Issues IR 05000528/19930431993-11-19019 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-43,50-529/93-43 & 50-530/93-43 on 930921-1101.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930321993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-32,50-529/93-32 & 50-530/93-32 on 931018-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Licensee Program to Meet Commitments to GL 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve.. IR 05000528/19930461993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-46,50-529/93-46 & 50-530/93-46 on 930913-1029.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of ISI of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Welds & Licensee Unit 1 SG Eddy Current Insp Activities IR 05000528/19930391993-10-28028 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-39,50-529/93-39 & 50-530/93-39 on 930823-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Items in Emergency Preparedness Program Area ML20058D3571993-10-15015 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-40,50-529/93-40 & 50-530/93-40 on 930817-0920.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns, Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930371993-10-0101 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-37,50-529/93-37 & 50-530/93-37 on 930920-24.One Unresolved Item Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radiation Protection Program & Followup of Safety Evaluation Rept IR 05000528/19930421993-09-29029 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-42,50-529/93-42 & 50-530/93-42 on 930830-0903.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: on-site Followup of LER in Accordance W/Insp Procedure 92700, Onsite Followup of Written Repts.. IR 05000528/19930361993-09-22022 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-36,50-529/93-36 & 50-530/93-36 on 930830-0903.Non-cited Violation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Licensee Access Authorization Program ML20058H4231993-09-10010 September 1993 Errata to Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Provides Omitted Signature Page & Attachments ML20057E7451993-09-10010 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Chemistry,Fire Protection,Security & Outage Operations IR 05000528/19930291993-09-0909 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-29,50-529/93-29 & 50-530/93-29 on 930621-0709.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:External Exposure Control,Internal Exposure Control,Control of Radioactive Materials & RMS IR 05000528/19930331993-09-0303 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-33,50-530/93-33 & 50-530/93-33 on 930802-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Failure Rate of Crews & Operators During Sept 1992 & Mar 1993 Requalification Exams IR 05000528/19930271993-08-26026 August 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-27,50-529/93-27 & 50-530/93-27 on 930726-30.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Water Chemistry & Radiochemistry Programs,Including Water Chemistry & Health Physics Confirmatory Measurements IR 05000528/19930241993-08-0606 August 1993 Page 27 Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Inspection Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 IR 05000528/19930261993-07-30030 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-26,50-529/93-26 & 50-530/930-26 on 930601-0712.Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Tests, Plant Maint & Steam Generator Activities ML20056E3691993-07-29029 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 During Wks of 930524,0607 & 28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions for Previously Identified Followup & Enforcement Items & LER Followup IR 05000528/19930171993-07-21021 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-17,50-529/93-17 & 50-530/93-17 on 930607-11 & 0621-25.Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Effectiveness of QA Organization IR 05000528/19930281993-06-30030 June 1993 Enforcement Conference Repts 50-528/93-28,50-529/93-28 & 50-530/93-28 on 930603.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Analyses of Several Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements Re Emergency Classification ML20056C8511993-06-30030 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-12,50-529/93-12 & 50-530/93-12 on 930427-0531.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Emergency Operating Procedures,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Snubber Testing & Core Reload Analysis IR 05000528/19930081993-06-10010 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-08,50-529/93-08 & 50-530/93-08 on 930510-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Followup on Open Items Identified During Previous Emergency Preparedness Insp IR 05000528/19930251993-06-0707 June 1993 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/93-25,50-529/93-25,50-530/93-25 on 930524.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Efforts to Determine Root Cause of SG Tube Rupture IR 05000528/19930181993-06-0303 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-18,50-529/93-18 & 50-530/93-18 on 930503-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Follow Up Items,Training,Transportation,Control of Radioactive Matls & Facility Tours IR 05000528/19930221993-05-27027 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-22,50-529/93-22 & 50-530/93-22 on 930426-0514.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Emergency Preparedness Program Issues Identified in AIT 50-529/93-14 IR 05000528/19930211993-05-24024 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-21,50-529/93-21 & 50-530/93-21 on 930427-0507.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Isi Activities Conducted During Fourth Refueling Outage for Unit 2.Special Insp Effort Focused on Eddy Current Exam of SG IR 05000528/19930151993-05-0505 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-15,50-529/93-15 & 50-530/93-15 on 930405-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Design Changes & Temporary Mods,Onsite Followup of Written Repts of Nonroutine Events & Battery Maint Testing IR 05000529/19930141993-04-15015 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-529/93-14 on 930317-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Determination & Evaluation of Licensee Activities & Circumstances Re 930314 SG Tube Rupture Event at Plant IR 05000528/19930071993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-07,50-529/93-07 & 50-530/93-07 on 930301-05.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verify Implementation of ATWS & Assess Conformance W/Atws Rule, 10CFR50.62 IR 05000528/19930101993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-10,50-529/92-10 & 50-530/92-10 on 930223-0324.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Review of QA Audit Repts & Followup on Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930021993-03-0909 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-02,50-529/93-02 & 50-530/93-02 on 930111-0205.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee IST Activities & Verified Completion of Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930051993-03-0202 March 1993 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/93-05,50-529/93-05 & 50-530/93-05 on 930125-29 & 0211-12.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program,Records & Repts, Testing & Maint.Details Withheld Ref 10CFR2.790 IR 05000528/19930031993-03-0101 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-03,50-529/93-03 & 50-530/93-03 on 930111-15 & 0210-12.Deviations Noted.Violations Noted But Not Yet Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances That Led to Radiation Exposure to Worker Which Exceeded Limits IR 05000528/19920421993-01-22022 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-42,50-529/92-42 & 50-530/92-42 on 921206-11.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Environ Monitoring program,follow-up of Previously Identified Items & on Site follow-up of Events IR 05000528/19920411993-01-13013 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-41,50-529/92-41 & 50-530/92-41 on 921103-1214.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19920381992-12-22022 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-38,50-529/92-38 & 50-530/92-38 on 921026-30 & 1116-20.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Radiation Protection Program,Surveys & Occupational Exposure During Unit 3 Refueling Outage IR 05000528/19920341992-12-0808 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-34,50-529/92-34 & 50-530/92-34 on 921005-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Emergency Preparedness Program & Followup on Open Items IR 05000528/19920361992-12-0404 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-36,50-529/92-36 & 50-530/92-36 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ist of Check Valves in safety-related Sys & Performance of Unit 3 ISI IR 05000528/19920351992-12-0101 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-35,50-529/92-35 & 50-530/92-35 on 921001-1102.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing, Plant Maint,Mgt Meeting & Diesel Engine 5 Yr Insp IR 05000528/19920321992-11-18018 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-32,50-529/92-32 & 50-530/92-32 on 921013-23.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Operating Procedures & Operator Continuing Training (Requalification) IR 05000528/19920401992-11-0404 November 1992 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/92-40,50-529/92-40 & 50-530/92-40 on 921027.Major Areas Discussed:Transfer of Fire Watch Responsibilities to Security Dept & Ongoing Program within Security Dept IR 05000528/19920311992-11-0303 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-31,50-529/92-31 & 50-530/92-31 on 920825-0930.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Esf Sys Walkdowns at Unit 2,surveillance Testing,Plant Maint & Reactor Trip/Turbine Trip at Unit 1 1999-06-30
[Table view] Category:INSPECTION REPORT
MONTHYEARIR 05000528/19990121999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-528/99-12,50-529/99-12 & 50-530/99-12 on 990502-0612.Two Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violations.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000528/19990051999-04-21021 April 1999 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/99-05,50-529/99-05 & 50-530/99-05 on 990322-26 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program.Details Withheld IR 05000528/19980131998-11-20020 November 1998 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/98-13,50-529/98-13 & 50-530/98-13 on 981019-24 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program, Including Mgt Support,Security Audits & Plans & Procedures IR 05000528/19970231997-10-20020 October 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/97-23,50-529/97-23 & 50-530/97-23 Containing Safeguards Info (Ref 10CFR73.21) on 970922-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program IR 05000528/19970081997-04-22022 April 1997 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/97-08,50-529/97-08 & 50-530/97-08 on 970317-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) IR 05000528/19960201997-01-31031 January 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/96-20,50-529/96-20 & 50-530/96-20 on 961007-11 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Vehicle Barrier Sys Program Utilizing Ti 2515/132,dtd 960118 IR 05000528/19930481994-01-0404 January 1994 Insp Repts 50-528/93-48,50-529/93-48 & 50-530/93-48 on 931102-1206.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Lifting of Main Steam Safety Valve & mid-loop Operations IR 05000528/19930471993-12-16016 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-47,50-529/93-47 & 50-530/93-47 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Preparations for 940101 Implementation of Changes to 10CFR20 as Set Forth in Fr 56FR23377,dtd 910521 IR 05000528/19930491993-12-15015 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-49,50-529/93-49 & 50-530/93-49 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reviewed Licensee Implementation of Containment LLRT Program & Licensee Actions for Open Items Identified in Insp Rept IR 05000528/19930501993-12-0202 December 1993 Meeting Repts 50-528/93-50,50-529/93-50 & 50-530/93-50 on 931115.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Status & Schedule of EOP Rewrite Program & Assessment of Recent Operator Performance Issues IR 05000528/19930431993-11-19019 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-43,50-529/93-43 & 50-530/93-43 on 930921-1101.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930321993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-32,50-529/93-32 & 50-530/93-32 on 931018-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Licensee Program to Meet Commitments to GL 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve.. IR 05000528/19930461993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-46,50-529/93-46 & 50-530/93-46 on 930913-1029.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of ISI of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Welds & Licensee Unit 1 SG Eddy Current Insp Activities IR 05000528/19930391993-10-28028 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-39,50-529/93-39 & 50-530/93-39 on 930823-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Items in Emergency Preparedness Program Area ML20058D3571993-10-15015 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-40,50-529/93-40 & 50-530/93-40 on 930817-0920.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns, Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930371993-10-0101 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-37,50-529/93-37 & 50-530/93-37 on 930920-24.One Unresolved Item Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radiation Protection Program & Followup of Safety Evaluation Rept IR 05000528/19930421993-09-29029 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-42,50-529/93-42 & 50-530/93-42 on 930830-0903.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: on-site Followup of LER in Accordance W/Insp Procedure 92700, Onsite Followup of Written Repts.. IR 05000528/19930361993-09-22022 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-36,50-529/93-36 & 50-530/93-36 on 930830-0903.Non-cited Violation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Licensee Access Authorization Program ML20058H4231993-09-10010 September 1993 Errata to Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Provides Omitted Signature Page & Attachments ML20057E7451993-09-10010 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Chemistry,Fire Protection,Security & Outage Operations IR 05000528/19930291993-09-0909 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-29,50-529/93-29 & 50-530/93-29 on 930621-0709.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:External Exposure Control,Internal Exposure Control,Control of Radioactive Materials & RMS IR 05000528/19930331993-09-0303 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-33,50-530/93-33 & 50-530/93-33 on 930802-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Failure Rate of Crews & Operators During Sept 1992 & Mar 1993 Requalification Exams IR 05000528/19930271993-08-26026 August 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-27,50-529/93-27 & 50-530/93-27 on 930726-30.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Water Chemistry & Radiochemistry Programs,Including Water Chemistry & Health Physics Confirmatory Measurements IR 05000528/19930241993-08-0606 August 1993 Page 27 Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Inspection Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 IR 05000528/19930261993-07-30030 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-26,50-529/93-26 & 50-530/930-26 on 930601-0712.Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Tests, Plant Maint & Steam Generator Activities ML20056E3691993-07-29029 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 During Wks of 930524,0607 & 28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions for Previously Identified Followup & Enforcement Items & LER Followup IR 05000528/19930171993-07-21021 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-17,50-529/93-17 & 50-530/93-17 on 930607-11 & 0621-25.Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Effectiveness of QA Organization IR 05000528/19930281993-06-30030 June 1993 Enforcement Conference Repts 50-528/93-28,50-529/93-28 & 50-530/93-28 on 930603.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Analyses of Several Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements Re Emergency Classification ML20056C8511993-06-30030 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-12,50-529/93-12 & 50-530/93-12 on 930427-0531.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Emergency Operating Procedures,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Snubber Testing & Core Reload Analysis IR 05000528/19930081993-06-10010 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-08,50-529/93-08 & 50-530/93-08 on 930510-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Followup on Open Items Identified During Previous Emergency Preparedness Insp IR 05000528/19930251993-06-0707 June 1993 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/93-25,50-529/93-25,50-530/93-25 on 930524.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Efforts to Determine Root Cause of SG Tube Rupture IR 05000528/19930181993-06-0303 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-18,50-529/93-18 & 50-530/93-18 on 930503-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Follow Up Items,Training,Transportation,Control of Radioactive Matls & Facility Tours IR 05000528/19930221993-05-27027 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-22,50-529/93-22 & 50-530/93-22 on 930426-0514.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Emergency Preparedness Program Issues Identified in AIT 50-529/93-14 IR 05000528/19930211993-05-24024 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-21,50-529/93-21 & 50-530/93-21 on 930427-0507.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Isi Activities Conducted During Fourth Refueling Outage for Unit 2.Special Insp Effort Focused on Eddy Current Exam of SG IR 05000528/19930151993-05-0505 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-15,50-529/93-15 & 50-530/93-15 on 930405-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Design Changes & Temporary Mods,Onsite Followup of Written Repts of Nonroutine Events & Battery Maint Testing IR 05000529/19930141993-04-15015 April 1993 Insp Rept 50-529/93-14 on 930317-25.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Determination & Evaluation of Licensee Activities & Circumstances Re 930314 SG Tube Rupture Event at Plant IR 05000528/19930071993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-07,50-529/93-07 & 50-530/93-07 on 930301-05.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verify Implementation of ATWS & Assess Conformance W/Atws Rule, 10CFR50.62 IR 05000528/19930101993-04-0909 April 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-10,50-529/92-10 & 50-530/92-10 on 930223-0324.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Review of QA Audit Repts & Followup on Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930021993-03-0909 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-02,50-529/93-02 & 50-530/93-02 on 930111-0205.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee IST Activities & Verified Completion of Previously Identified Items IR 05000528/19930051993-03-0202 March 1993 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/93-05,50-529/93-05 & 50-530/93-05 on 930125-29 & 0211-12.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program,Records & Repts, Testing & Maint.Details Withheld Ref 10CFR2.790 IR 05000528/19930031993-03-0101 March 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-03,50-529/93-03 & 50-530/93-03 on 930111-15 & 0210-12.Deviations Noted.Violations Noted But Not Yet Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances That Led to Radiation Exposure to Worker Which Exceeded Limits IR 05000528/19920421993-01-22022 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-42,50-529/92-42 & 50-530/92-42 on 921206-11.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Radiological Environ Monitoring program,follow-up of Previously Identified Items & on Site follow-up of Events IR 05000528/19920411993-01-13013 January 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/92-41,50-529/92-41 & 50-530/92-41 on 921103-1214.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19920381992-12-22022 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-38,50-529/92-38 & 50-530/92-38 on 921026-30 & 1116-20.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Licensee Radiation Protection Program,Surveys & Occupational Exposure During Unit 3 Refueling Outage IR 05000528/19920341992-12-0808 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-34,50-529/92-34 & 50-530/92-34 on 921005-09.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Status of Emergency Preparedness Program & Followup on Open Items IR 05000528/19920361992-12-0404 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-36,50-529/92-36 & 50-530/92-36 on Stated Dates.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ist of Check Valves in safety-related Sys & Performance of Unit 3 ISI IR 05000528/19920351992-12-0101 December 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-35,50-529/92-35 & 50-530/92-35 on 921001-1102.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing, Plant Maint,Mgt Meeting & Diesel Engine 5 Yr Insp IR 05000528/19920321992-11-18018 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-32,50-529/92-32 & 50-530/92-32 on 921013-23.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Operating Procedures & Operator Continuing Training (Requalification) IR 05000528/19920401992-11-0404 November 1992 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/92-40,50-529/92-40 & 50-530/92-40 on 921027.Major Areas Discussed:Transfer of Fire Watch Responsibilities to Security Dept & Ongoing Program within Security Dept IR 05000528/19920311992-11-0303 November 1992 Insp Repts 50-528/92-31,50-529/92-31 & 50-530/92-31 on 920825-0930.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Esf Sys Walkdowns at Unit 2,surveillance Testing,Plant Maint & Reactor Trip/Turbine Trip at Unit 1 1999-06-30
[Table view] Category:UTILITY
MONTHYEARIR 05000321/19890321989-12-0404 December 1989 Insp Repts 50-321/89-32,50-366/89-32,50-424/89-34 & 50-425/89-39 on 891115-17.No Violations or Deviations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Environ Monitoring & QA for Corporate Environ Lab IR 05000528/19890121989-09-0808 September 1989 Insp Repts 50-528/89-12,50-529/89-12 & 50-530/89-12 on 890130-0811.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Vital Areas,Commercial Grade Procurement & Followup on 2 Allegations ML20246C4001989-08-15015 August 1989 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-272/89-19,50-311/89-17 & 50-354/89-15 on 890710-14 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Actions Taken in Response to Regulatory Effectiveness Review on 890410-14 ML20246Q0301989-08-10010 August 1989 Insp Repts 50-029/89-14 & 50-271/89-10 on 890717-21.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Corporate Engineering & Offsite Support for Plants & Implementation of Mods ML20247B6651989-05-0909 May 1989 Mgt Meeting Rept on 890307 & 0413.Major Areas Discussed: Status of Plant,Training & Safety Programs & Self Assessment Programs IR 05000321/19880371989-03-0909 March 1989 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-321/88-37,50-366/88-37 & 50-424/88-53 on 881102-890106 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21). Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Operational Activities & Safeguards Matl Handling IR 05000213/19880211988-11-15015 November 1988 Physical Security Insp Repts 50-213/88-21,50-245/88-22, 50-336/88-25 & 50-423/88-21 on 881017-21.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Safeguards Info Program - Corporate Ofcs IR 05000280/19880401988-10-26026 October 1988 Insp Repts 50-280/88-40,50-281/88-40,50-338/88-28 & 50-339/88-28 on 880926-30.No Violations or Deviations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Control Room Habitability & Insp Followup Items ML20207M1611988-10-0505 October 1988 Insp Repts 50-219/88-27 & 50-289/88-25 on 880913-19.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Engineering Support of Plants by Corporate Technical Functions Organization IR 05000528/19880201988-07-12012 July 1988 Insp Rept 50-528/88-20 on 880525-26,0606-10 & 24.Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Circumstances Surrounding Reactor Startup of Unit on 880514 in Which Reactor Went Critical W/Control Element Assemblies Below Tech Spec Limit IR 05000454/19880081988-05-27027 May 1988 Insp Repts 50-454/88-08,50-455/88-08 & 50-456/88-16 on 880509-19.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Action on Previous Insp Items & Followup on SER Items IR 05000272/19880061988-03-18018 March 1988 Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Repts 50-272/88-06,50-311/88-06 & 50-354/88-04 on 880201-05 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Procedures,Security Organization & Mgt Effectiveness ML20151U8781988-03-0404 March 1988 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-259/88-01,50-260/88-01, 50-296/88-01,50-327/88-01 & 50-328/88-01 on 880106,07 & 13. (Ref 10CFR2.790(d) & 73.21).Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Measures in Response to Unresolved Item IR 05000528/19870441987-12-30030 December 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/87-44,50-529/87-43 & 50-530/87-46 on 871214-18.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee QA Program for Startup Testing & Operations & NRC Insp Procedures 30703,35501 & 35701 ML20234D2531987-09-10010 September 1987 Insp Repts 50-454/87-32,50-455/87-30 & 50-456/87-28 on 870810-17.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Operation Procedures IR 05000327/19870271987-08-0707 August 1987 Insp Repts 50-327/87-27 & 50-328/87-27 on 870601-05.Major Areas Inspected:Design Calculation Review Program IR 05000263/19870081987-06-0808 June 1987 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-263/87-08,50-282/87-10 & 50-306/87-10 on 870526.Areas Discussed:Operator Licensing Program Implementation & Methods to Improve Performance in Operator Licensing IR 05000529/19870081987-03-25025 March 1987 Corrects Insp Rept 50-530/87-09 on 870223-26 & Transmitted by .Correct Identification Number Is 50-530/87-07 in Conjunction W/Insp Rept 50-529/87-08 IR 05000528/19870091987-03-20020 March 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/87-09,50-529/87-10 & 50-530/87-11 on 870302-06.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Program for Unit 3,including Plan Training & Retraining of Emergency Response Personnel IR 05000528/19870041987-03-19019 March 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/87-04,50-529/87-05 & 50-530/87-05 on 870203-12 & 25-26.No Items of Noncompliance Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Capability to Perform Required Radioactivity & Chemical Analyses & Adequacy of Selected Measurements IR 05000529/19860331987-03-13013 March 1987 Insp Repts 50-529/86-33 & 50-530/86-27 on 861201-12. Violations Noted:Failure to Properly Protect Safe Shutdown Cables Through Fire Barriers & Test Breakers Mounted in Train B Essential Switch Gear Room IR 05000528/19870111987-03-12012 March 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/87-11,50-529/87-12 & 50-530/87-10 on 870302-06.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Action on Previously Identified Items IR 05000530/19870061987-03-0505 March 1987 Insp Rept 50-530/87-06 on 870202-20.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Qa/Qc Administration, Records,Audits,Surveillance & Calibr Control,Maint,Safety Committee Activity,Repts & Document Control IR 05000528/19870081987-02-27027 February 1987 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/87-08,50-529/87-09 & 50-530/87-09 on 870204.Major Areas Discussed:Util Evaluation of Causes & Implementation of Corrective Actions Re Recent Operational Events.Meeting Agenda Encl IR 05000293/19870051987-02-17017 February 1987 Insp Rept 50-293/87-05 on 870112-17.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Previous Insp Findings,Ie Bulletin 83-02 & Generic Ltr 84-11,inservice Insp Activities Including Review of Procedures & Licensee Action Re Oyster Creek IR 05000528/19870061987-02-0909 February 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/87-06,50-529/87-07 & 50-530/87-01 on 870105-09.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Emergency Preparedness Program & Followup Reviews of Open Items & Info Notices IR 05000528/19860371987-01-22022 January 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/86-37,50-529/86-37 & 50-530/86-31 on 861126-870104.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Review of Plant Activities,Plant Tours,Fire Protection,Esf Sys Walkdowns & Surveillance Testing IR 05000528/19860361987-01-13013 January 1987 Insp Repts 50-528/86-36,50-529/86-36 & 50-530/86-36 on 861201-12 & 23.No Violations or Deviations Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Control,Training & Qualifications & Followup on Info Notices & Generic Ltrs IR 05000528/19860381987-01-0909 January 1987 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/86-38,50-529/86-38 & 50-530/86-30 on 861217.Major Areas Discussed:Plant Performance Indicators.Meeting Agenda Encl IR 05000528/19860351986-12-30030 December 1986 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/86-35 & 50-529/86-35 on 861110-13 (Ref 10CFR2.790).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Allegation RV-85-A-0068 Re Coverup of Investigation IR 05000259/19860371986-12-15015 December 1986 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-259/86-37,50-260/86-37, 50-296/86-37,50-327/86-58 & 50-328/86-58 on 860721-1031 (Ref 10CFR2.790 & 73.21).Unresolved Item Opened.Major Areas inspected:pre-employment Screening of Certain Individuals IR 05000528/19860291986-11-25025 November 1986 Insp Repts 50-528/86-29 & 50-529/86-28 on 861027-31.No Significant Deficiencies or Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Exercise & Associated Critiques IR 05000369/19860221986-10-30030 October 1986 Insp Repts 50-369/86-22,50-370/86-22,50-413/86-31 & 50-414/86-34 on 860804-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensed & Nonlicensed Operator Training IR 05000528/19860271986-09-26026 September 1986 Insp Repts 50-528/86-27,50-529/86-26 & 50-530/86-20 on 860804-0907.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Followup of Previously Identified Items,Review of Plant Activities,Plant Tours & Engineered Safety Sys Walkdowns IR 05000528/19860191986-07-0202 July 1986 Insp Repts 50-528/86-19,50-529/86-19 & 50-530/86-13 on 860527-0613.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Items in Units 1 & 2,LERs in Unit 1,IE Bulletins & Generic Ltrs ML20211N4461986-06-26026 June 1986 Enforcement Conference Repts 50-213/86-04,50-245/86-06 & 50-336/86-06 on 860618.Major Areas Discussed:Violations & Program Weaknesses in Radioactive Matls Transportation Program IR 05000219/19860151986-05-30030 May 1986 Insp Repts 50-219/86-15 & 50-289/86-08 on 860430-0502.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Independent Safety Reviews & Overviews by General Ofc Review Board,Audits & Previously Identified Items ML20205M5101986-04-0202 April 1986 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/86-07 & 50-529/86-06 on 860211-0313.Noncompliances Noted:Vital Area Not Limited Only to Authorized Individuals,Failure to Respond to Vital Area Alarms & Vital Area Barriers Not Adequately Maintained IR 05000455/19850471986-03-28028 March 1986 Insp Repts 50-455/85-47,50-456/85-60 & 50-457/85-56 on 851118-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Design Verification Activities IR 05000454/19860091986-03-11011 March 1986 Insp Repts 50-454/86-09,50-455/86-08,50-456/86-11 & 50-457/86-09 on 860225-26.No Violation or Deviation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Engineering Allegations IR 05000254/19860031986-02-13013 February 1986 Insp Repts 50-454/86-07,50-455/86-06,50-373/86-05, 50-374/86-06,50-254/86-03,50-265/86-03,50-295/86-03 & 50-304/86-03.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Environ Monitoring Program IR 05000528/19860011986-01-21021 January 1986 Insp Repts 50-528/86-01,50-529/86-01 & 50-530/86-01 on 860106-10.No Violation or Deviation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Tmi Action Plan Items & Operational Safety in Unit 2 & 100% Load Rejection Test in Unit 1 IR 05000528/19850341985-11-26026 November 1985 Insp Repts 50-528/85-34 & 50-529/85-34 on 850927-28 & 0930-1004.No Violation or Deficiencies Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Program,Including Emergency Plan Training,Emergency Facilities & Equipment IR 05000528/19850371985-11-13013 November 1985 Insp Repts 50-528/85-37,50-529/85-37 & 50-530/85-27 on 850923-1104.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Action on NRC Enforcement Item & Quality Records Re safety-related Piping & Components IR 05000528/19850411985-11-13013 November 1985 Insp Repts 50-528/85-41,50-529/85-35,50-530/85-25 & 70-2984/85-03 on 851003-04,15-29,07-11 & 30-31.No Noncompliance or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Preoperational Test Program for Radiation Protection IR 05000528/19850401985-11-0707 November 1985 Insp Repts 50-528/85-40 & 50-529/85-39 on 851015-1101.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Operational Staffing,Design Changes,Tmi Action Plan Items, IE circulars,10CFR55.55(e) Items & Surveillance Testing IR 05000528/19850351985-10-23023 October 1985 Matl Control & Accounting Insp Rept 50-528/85-35 on 851007- 10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Inspector Identified Problem & Unresolved Items.Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) IR 05000529/19850361985-10-18018 October 1985 Insp Rept 50-529/85-36 on 850930-1004.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Implementation of TMI Action Plan Items & Followup of 50.55(e) Repts IR 05000528/19850331985-10-16016 October 1985 Insp Repts 50-528/85-33 & 50-529/85-33 on 850916-27.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Tmi Action Plan Items,Ie Bulletins & Circulars,Action on Inspector Identified Items & Temporary Mods IR 05000529/19850321985-10-11011 October 1985 Insp Repts 50-529/85-32 & 50-530/85-24 on 850916-19 & 0930-1004.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nde of Piping,Structural Steel & Supports & Review of RCPB Piping Records 1989-09-08
MONTHYEARIR 05000528/19990121999-06-30030 June 1999 Insp Repts 50-528/99-12,50-529/99-12 & 50-530/99-12 on 990502-0612.Two Violations Occurred & Being Treated as Noncited Violations.Major Areas Inspected:Operations,Maint, Engineering & Plant Support IR 05000528/19990051999-04-21021 April 1999 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/99-05,50-529/99-05 & 50-530/99-05 on 990322-26 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program.Details Withheld ML20196D6391998-11-20020 November 1998 Notice of Violation from Insp on 981019-24.Violation Noted: Licensee Submitted Physical Security Plan Rev 40 Which Contained 10 Changes to Physical Security Plan That Decreased Safeguard Effectiveness of Plan IR 05000528/19980131998-11-20020 November 1998 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/98-13,50-529/98-13 & 50-530/98-13 on 981019-24 (Ref 10CFR73.21).Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Physical Security Program, Including Mgt Support,Security Audits & Plans & Procedures ML20236N0381998-07-10010 July 1998 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in Amount of $50,000.Violation Noted:On or About 980310, Unit 3 Operators Failed to Demonstrate Operability of Operable Offsite Power Circuits IR 05000528/19970231997-10-20020 October 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/97-23,50-529/97-23 & 50-530/97-23 Containing Safeguards Info (Ref 10CFR73.21) on 970922-26.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program IR 05000528/19970081997-04-22022 April 1997 Partially Withheld Insp Repts 50-528/97-08,50-529/97-08 & 50-530/97-08 on 970317-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Support.Portions Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20138C1071997-04-22022 April 1997 Notice of Violation from Insp on 970317-21.Violation Noted:Safeguards Documents Discovered Outside Protected Area Unsecured in Terminated Employee Desk IR 05000528/19960201997-01-31031 January 1997 Partially Deleted Insp Repts 50-528/96-20,50-529/96-20 & 50-530/96-20 on 961007-11 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Vehicle Barrier Sys Program Utilizing Ti 2515/132,dtd 960118 ML20236U9511994-05-11011 May 1994 Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 5-93-023R.No Noncompliance Noted.Investigation Conducted to Determine Whether Technician Vacancy at Plant Had Been Discriminated by Plant IA-98-273, Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 5-93-023R.No Noncompliance Noted.Investigation Conducted to Determine Whether Technician Vacancy at Plant Had Been Discriminated by Plant1994-05-11011 May 1994 Partially Deleted Investigation Rept 5-93-023R.No Noncompliance Noted.Investigation Conducted to Determine Whether Technician Vacancy at Plant Had Been Discriminated by Plant ML20059K7021994-01-0505 January 1994 Notice of Violation from Insp on 931102-1206.Violation Noted:On 931103,operators in Unit 1 Failed to Monitor Reactor Coolant Sys Level While Draining for Approx Eight Minutes IR 05000528/19930481994-01-0404 January 1994 Insp Repts 50-528/93-48,50-529/93-48 & 50-530/93-48 on 931102-1206.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Lifting of Main Steam Safety Valve & mid-loop Operations IR 05000528/19930471993-12-16016 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-47,50-529/93-47 & 50-530/93-47 on 931108-10.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Preparations for 940101 Implementation of Changes to 10CFR20 as Set Forth in Fr 56FR23377,dtd 910521 IR 05000528/19930491993-12-15015 December 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-49,50-529/93-49 & 50-530/93-49 on 931115-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Reviewed Licensee Implementation of Containment LLRT Program & Licensee Actions for Open Items Identified in Insp Rept IR 05000528/19930501993-12-0202 December 1993 Meeting Repts 50-528/93-50,50-529/93-50 & 50-530/93-50 on 931115.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Discussed:Status & Schedule of EOP Rewrite Program & Assessment of Recent Operator Performance Issues IR 05000528/19930431993-11-19019 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-43,50-529/93-43 & 50-530/93-43 on 930921-1101.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns,Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930461993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-46,50-529/93-46 & 50-530/93-46 on 930913-1029.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of ISI of ASME Code Class 1,2 & 3 Welds & Licensee Unit 1 SG Eddy Current Insp Activities IR 05000528/19930321993-11-17017 November 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-32,50-529/93-32 & 50-530/93-32 on 931018-22.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of Licensee Program to Meet Commitments to GL 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve.. IR 05000528/19930391993-10-28028 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-39,50-529/93-39 & 50-530/93-39 on 930823-27.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Open Items in Emergency Preparedness Program Area ML20058D3311993-10-19019 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930817-0920.Violation Noted:Between 911225-920113,licensee Engineer Worked More than 72 Hrs in 7 Day Period,Exclusive of Shift Turnover Time W/O Authorization by Manager ML20059C9811993-10-15015 October 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 920719-0824 & 1001-1102. Violation Noted:Licensee Determined That Records Required to Be Maintained by NRC Not Complete or Accurate in All Matl Respects ML20058D3571993-10-15015 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-40,50-529/93-40 & 50-530/93-40 on 930817-0920.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Engineered Safety Features Walkdowns, Surveillance Testing & Plant Maint IR 05000528/19930371993-10-0101 October 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-37,50-529/93-37 & 50-530/93-37 on 930920-24.One Unresolved Item Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radiation Protection Program & Followup of Safety Evaluation Rept IR 05000528/19930421993-09-29029 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-42,50-529/93-42 & 50-530/93-42 on 930830-0903.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: on-site Followup of LER in Accordance W/Insp Procedure 92700, Onsite Followup of Written Repts.. IR 05000528/19930361993-09-22022 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-36,50-529/93-36 & 50-530/93-36 on 930830-0903.Non-cited Violation Identified.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Licensee Access Authorization Program PNO-V-93-017, on 930922,util Informed NRC That re-review of Eddy Current Test Data Identified Midspan Indications in Two Tubes in Unit 3 SG31.Review Being Performed to Determine If Nonquantifiable Indications Exist.Telcon W/Nrc Scheduled1993-09-22022 September 1993 PNO-V-93-017:on 930922,util Informed NRC That re-review of Eddy Current Test Data Identified Midspan Indications in Two Tubes in Unit 3 SG31.Review Being Performed to Determine If Nonquantifiable Indications Exist.Telcon W/Nrc Scheduled ML20057E7301993-09-16016 September 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930713-0816.Violation Noted:Emergency Operating Procedures Used to Identify & Mitigate SG Tube Rupture Were Inadequate ML20057E7451993-09-10010 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plant Chemistry,Fire Protection,Security & Outage Operations ML20058H4231993-09-10010 September 1993 Errata to Insp Repts 50-528/93-35,50-529/93-35 & 50-530/93-35 on 930713-0816.Provides Omitted Signature Page & Attachments IR 05000528/19930291993-09-0909 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-29,50-529/93-29 & 50-530/93-29 on 930621-0709.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:External Exposure Control,Internal Exposure Control,Control of Radioactive Materials & RMS ML20057C5941993-09-0909 September 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930621-0709.Violation Noted:Despite Licensee Chemistry Manager Receipt of from Combustion Engineering Identifying Potential for Dilution of Sample,Licensee Failed to Establish Measures IR 05000528/19930331993-09-0303 September 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-33,50-530/93-33 & 50-530/93-33 on 930802-06.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Failure Rate of Crews & Operators During Sept 1992 & Mar 1993 Requalification Exams PNO-V-93-016, on 930828,plant Restarted After Refueling Outage That Proceeded Tube Rupture Event on 930314.Cause of Tube Rupture Was Due to Intergranular Attack.Unit 3 Operating at 100% Power1993-08-30030 August 1993 PNO-V-93-016:on 930828,plant Restarted After Refueling Outage That Proceeded Tube Rupture Event on 930314.Cause of Tube Rupture Was Due to Intergranular Attack.Unit 3 Operating at 100% Power IR 05000528/19930271993-08-26026 August 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-27,50-529/93-27 & 50-530/93-27 on 930726-30.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Water Chemistry & Radiochemistry Programs,Including Water Chemistry & Health Physics Confirmatory Measurements PNO-V-93-014, on 930811,NRC Was Informed That APS Supervisor Declined to Hire Contract Employee Because Employee Raised Safety Concerns at Plant & Elsewhere.Judge Ruled APS Discriminated Against Employee1993-08-11011 August 1993 PNO-V-93-014:on 930811,NRC Was Informed That APS Supervisor Declined to Hire Contract Employee Because Employee Raised Safety Concerns at Plant & Elsewhere.Judge Ruled APS Discriminated Against Employee IR 05000528/19930241993-08-0606 August 1993 Page 27 Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Inspection Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 IR 05000528/19930261993-07-30030 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-26,50-529/93-26 & 50-530/930-26 on 930601-0712.Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Surveillance Tests, Plant Maint & Steam Generator Activities ML20046D0801993-07-30030 July 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930601-0712.Violation Noted:During Performance of Surveillance Test 36ST-9SB02 in Unit 1,workers Noted That pre-trip Indication Failed to Illuminate as Required by Procedure,But Failed to Mark Step ML20056E3691993-07-29029 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-24,50-529/93-24 & 50-530/93-24 During Wks of 930524,0607 & 28.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Corrective Actions for Previously Identified Followup & Enforcement Items & LER Followup IR 05000528/19930171993-07-21021 July 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-17,50-529/93-17 & 50-530/93-17 on 930607-11 & 0621-25.Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Effectiveness of QA Organization ML20056C8501993-07-0101 July 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930427-0531.Violation Noted:Licensee Failed to Meet Surveillance Requirements for Testing Snubbers in Plants ML20056C8451993-07-0101 July 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930426-0514.Violation Noted:Sgtr Event Involving RCS Leakage Greater than 44 Gpm & Previous Condition Involving RCS Leakage Greater than Charging Pump Capacity,Not Classified as SAE ML20056C8511993-06-30030 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-12,50-529/93-12 & 50-530/93-12 on 930427-0531.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Review of Plant Activities,Emergency Operating Procedures,Surveillance Testing,Plant Maint,Snubber Testing & Core Reload Analysis IR 05000528/19930281993-06-30030 June 1993 Enforcement Conference Repts 50-528/93-28,50-529/93-28 & 50-530/93-28 on 930603.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Analyses of Several Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements Re Emergency Classification IR 05000528/19930081993-06-10010 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-08,50-529/93-08 & 50-530/93-08 on 930510-13.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Followup on Open Items Identified During Previous Emergency Preparedness Insp IR 05000528/19930251993-06-0707 June 1993 Mgt Meeting Repts 50-528/93-25,50-529/93-25,50-530/93-25 on 930524.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Util Efforts to Determine Root Cause of SG Tube Rupture IR 05000528/19930181993-06-0303 June 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-18,50-529/93-18 & 50-530/93-18 on 930503-21.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Follow Up Items,Training,Transportation,Control of Radioactive Matls & Facility Tours ML20045C2121993-05-28028 May 1993 Notice of Violation from Insp on 930325-0426.Violation Noted:On 911231,Unit 2 Steam Generator 2 Declared Operable Despite Defective Tube Not Being Plugged IR 05000528/19930221993-05-27027 May 1993 Insp Repts 50-528/93-22,50-529/93-22 & 50-530/93-22 on 930426-0514.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Emergency Preparedness Program Issues Identified in AIT 50-529/93-14 1999-06-30
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IE Inspection Report No. m. : >,' en.c9e en_ew nc-04 Arizona Public Service Company Docket No.50-528. 50-529, Licensee gge..goM.141.142,
P. O. Box 21666 143
Phoenix, Arizona 85036 Priority
A Palo Verda Unit Nos.1, 2 and 3 category
Facility Location _ i4aricopa County, Arizona PWR's (CE), 3800 MWt
Type of Facility Routine, Unannounced Type of Inspection
i December 14-17, 1976 Dates of Inspection
September 21-24,1976 Dates of Previous Inspection
Principal Inspector
/ Date R. J.'Pate, Reactor. Inspector
/-/ f "/
Accompanying Inspectors Date
L Date
other Accompanyir.s Personnel:
G. 5. Spencer Chief, RC&E5 Br.
if Reviewed by '
' Dett G.5. Spencer, Chief,ReactorConspuctionand Engineering Support Branen IE V Foru 219
0508150574 050703 i
- _ _ - _
. _ _
_. -
Enforcement Action 1.
Concrete with slump exceeding the requirements of the Specification No. 13-CM-101 was placed in the Unit No. 1 Reactor Pit Basemat (Lift 1C010-0) contrary to the requirements of Criterion XV of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.
(Paragraph 4.b.(1)ofDetails)
The frequencies of testing conerete materials at the placement was less tnan required by the Specification No.13-CM-191 for the Unit
No. 1 Reactor Pit Basemat (Lift 1C010-0). This is contrary to criterion V of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.
(Paragraph 4.b.(2)ofDetails)
The change to Drawing 13-C-ZAS-116. DCN No. 5, was not distributed to the work stations as required by the Bechtel Procedure WP/P 3.0 and Criterion VI of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B.
(Paragraph 8.bof Details)
Licensee Action on Previously identified Enforcement Items The Engineering Testing Laboratory (ETL) QA program had been audited by Bechtel including the equipment calibration records and the qualification records of ETL personnel.
Bechtel personnel stated that the audit l
disclosed that satisfactory corrective action had been taken on these items.
However, the audit report had not been issued and was not available for the inspector's review.
This item will remain open.
(No reference)
Otner Significant Findinas A.
Current Findines All significant current findings are included in Enforcement Action.
Status of Previously Reported Unresolved Items The following items which were identified during the previous inspection (neportNo. 50-528/76-03) have been closed.
Champion QA program ard implementation.
(Paragraph 3.aof Details)
i 2.
United-Metro, Inc. QA program and imp?ementation.
(Paragraph 3.b l
l l
Special precautions for concrete curing in hot weather.
(Paragraph 3.c.(3) of Detatis)
e 2-4.
Sof rust on the rebar in the auxiliary building.
(Para-graph 3.d of Details)
The items which remain open from the previous inspections (Report
Nos. 50-528/76-01 and 50-528/76-03) are listed below.
Training records of construction personnel including field engineers.
(Paragraph 3.e of Details)
Provisions for unplanned cold joints.
(Paragraph 3.c.(1) of
Truck dischar 3.
Sanple location for slump measurement.(Paragraph 3.c.(1), (2) and (3)
pump line discharge.
Use of water with 400 ppm chloride ion content.
(Paragraph 3.c.(2)ofDetails)
Improper filing of quality related records.
(Paragraph 3.fof Details)
Manace?.ent Interview The results of the inspection were discussed with Mr. Van 8 runt and other members of the APS staff on December 17, 1976. The following items summarize the discussion at the exit meeting.
Tne status of previously identified unresolved items was reviewed.
Tne inspector noted the itams that were closed this inspection and briefly discussed the items that remain open. Most of the dis-cussion centered on the adequacy of tne Bechtel procedure for control of unplanned cold joints.
The licensee's management personnel stated that a review of concrete cold joint procedures would be conducted.
(Paragraph 3.c.(1) of Details)
The followup of the enforcement items identified in the ETL QA
program will be based, at least in part, upon the Bechtel audit results.
These results were not available.
Therefore, the follow-up of these itras will be completed during a future inspection.
(ho reference)
The inspector noted that the response to Circular 76-02 was over-due.
The licensee's management personnel stated that a response was being prepared and would be mailed in the very near future.
l (No reference)
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The drawing enange, DCH No. 5, to drawing 13-C-2AS-110, Revision 4 was not distributed to the work stations as required.
The licen-see's management personnel stated that corrective action would be j
(Paragraph 8.b of Details)
The deficiencies identified regarding control of nonconforming I
concrete and concrete sampling frequencies were discussed.
The licensee's management personnel stated that these deficiencies l
would be reviewed and corrective action initiated.
(Paragraph 4.b t
of details)
An item regarding QA and QC review and concurrence of nonconformance resolutions, previously identified by the licensee, was discussed.
The licensee's management personnel stated this item would be resolved.
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Persons Contacted Arizona Public Service Com:any (APS)
E. E. Van Brunt, Jr., Vice President, Construction Projects and ANPP Director J. A. Roedel, Quality Assurance Manager R. Hand, Site QA Supervisor
D. D. Webster QA Engineer W. M. Petro, Site Manager Bechtel Power Corporation (Becntel)_
C. Betzhcid, Project QA Engineer
J. Maqbool, QC Engineer R. Caldwell, QC Engineer W. F. Sturm, Civil QC Engineer J. Schweers, Civil Constructicn Superintendent A. K. Priest, Project Field Engineer M. Arambel, Field Engineer H. P. Smith, Project Field QC Engineer R. L. Lyknes, QC Engineer D. Wendelle, Concrete Superintendent F. E. Schack, QC Engineer
, J. Pfunder QA Engineer D. E. Orcutt, Civil Eng'ineering Superintendent V. Nienstedt, QC Engineer
. L. E. Purcell, Lead Civil Field Engineer E. C. Avila, Warehouse Supervisor R. R. Rosen, Document Control Supervisor F. Hamilton, Carpenters General Foreman C. C. Baker. Carpenters Fereman M. Krei:enbeck, Electrical Superintendent G. Maynard, Electrical General Foreman R. Schumitz, Electrical Foreman A. E. Dunckel, QC Inspector N. Weber, Site Advisor - General Environment J. Dyer, Assistant Field Engineer Champion, Inc. (Chamofon)
P. Halott, QC Engineer K. C. Holman, QC Engineer Encineers Testing Laboratory (ETL)
R. White, Level II Examiner
r o
D. M. Duffy, Project Engineer V. X. Shupe, Engineering Technician Field Supervisor 2.
Project Status The construction progress was reported as indicated below:
% Complete
Large Pipe Installation
Concrete Placement
Reinforcing Bar Installation
Ground Cable Installation
Conduit-Non-metallic Installation
Followup of Previously Identified Unresolved Items Champion OA Program and Implementation a.
The Champion QA Program that had been approved by Bechtel on
November 3, 1976..was examined.
The inspector noted that Champion had established the duties and responsibilities of
the QC engineer, a training program, and a system of planned and periodic audits. Also, the batch plant recertification intervals had been changed to conform to the specification re-quirements.
No deficiencies were noted.
Champion has had two Level II examiners on site, but the number had been reduced to one due to attrition.
Champion representatives stated that arrangements had been made with ETL for a backup Level II examiner until a Champion replacement arrives on site and can be certified. The records of certifica-tion for the Champion and ETL Level 11 examiners were examined and appeared to be satisfactory. This item is closed, b.
United Metro, Inc. 0A Program and Implementation A Bechtel audit of United Metro activities, performed on October 13, 1976, was reviewed. Areas aucited included nonconforming material, material identification and segre-gation, and inspection personnel certification.
The audit appeared to be satisfactory in both scope and finding resolu-tion.
The records of qualification and certification for United Metro personnel were examined and appeared satisfac-tory.
This item is closed.
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Bechtel CA Ieptementino Procedures for Containment (Structural Concrete)
The following specifications were examined and appeared satisfactory except as noted.
(1) Specification No.13-CH-101. Furnishina and Deliverino Concrete
A Sechtel study has determined that a backup batch plant to preclude unplanned cold concrete joints is unwarranted.
The bases cited by the study are the availability of sufficient spare parts on site, age and operating condi-tion of the equipment, the implementation of a preventive
maintenance program, experience at other nuclear construc-tion sites and the assumption that Bechtel can properly
form a cold joint.
AnexaminationofAttachmentC(Cold Joint Detail) to Specification fio.13-CM-305 resulted in the following concerns:
.(a) The maximum and minimum angles of the existing concrete to the horizontal are not specified.
(b) The questionable validity of the implication that the Specification 13-CM-305, Attachment C detail
provides adequate resolution for all cold joint locations.
(c) Attachment C is applicable to construction joints in
slabs and does not address joints in walls or joints exiting in the vicinity of embedments.
(d) Paragraph 8.6 of Specification 13-CM-305, requiring the 'mplementation of Attachment C. contains no requirement to document the conconforming joint or perform an engineering analysis of the cold joint.
(e) The cold joint detail did not properly implement the requirements of the ASME P&PV Code Section !!!,
Division 2, Paragraph CC-4252.
Licensee personnel indicated that a review of the cold joint procedure would be conducted to determine its adequacy. This is an unresolved item.
-7-The inspector noted that Specification 13-CM-101 (para-graph requires that samples for concrete slump be taken at the point of truck discharge.
An apparent inconsistency exists in the specified sample location for pumped concrete slump as. required by this specification and Specification No.13-CM-305.
(See discussion of Specification No.13-CM-305, Item 3.c.(3) below. ) This item is open.
(2) Specification No.13-CM-191, Testino of Concrete.
Materials anc Reinforcino Steel Bechtel representatives stated that approval of the request for code case allowing water of 400 ppm chloride ion content to be used as concrete mixing water, nad not been received at the site. All water used in concrete for Category 1 structures had been trucked from Phoenix, Arizona. This item is open pending verification that the request for i. ode case has been approved by ASME and accepted by NRC.
' Paragraph 15.1.3 of this specification requires that the sample for slump measurement be taken at the " transport discharge" The licensee's representatives stated that this is interpreted as the truck discharge.
This require-
ment is inconsistent with Specification No.13-CM-305 (Seeparagraph3.c.(3)below). As this specification and not specification No.13-CM-305 is included in the contract between ETL and Bechtel for testing services, this inconsistency requires resolution.
Specification No.13-CM-305. Concrete Preplacement, Placement and Postplacement An examination of this specification and WP/P-QC1 54.0 (Concrete Postplacement Procedure) disclosed that adequate This precautions for hot weather curing are specified.
item is closed.
Also,the inspector noted that paragraph 19.3 of this specification had been enanged to incorporate the re-quirements of ANSI N45.2.5, paragraph 4.8, to sample pumped concrete for slump measurement at the pump line discharge. This specification was apparently ch.nged as a result of concern identified in Inspection Report 50-
However, the inspector also noted that specifications No.13-CM-101 and No.13-CM-191 had not
been changed to conform to the requirements of ANS!
l N45.2.5.
Both of these specifications require the sample
for slump measurement be taken at the truck discharge instead of the pump line discharge.
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a 8-d.
Site Dewatering
Bechtel personnel stated that the water was removed from the Unit 1 auxiliary building sumps and the reinforcing steel (rebar)hadbeencleaned. The Construction Inspection Data Report (CIOR) for preplacement was complete including the verification tnat the rebar was satisfactorily installed.
This item is closed.
The ground water monitoring program was reviewed.
The moni-
toring records disclosed that the water level in the Unit 2 excavation wds dropping.
However, the recedence may not be sufficient to lower the water below the 882 foot level (bottom of auxiliary building sump) within the excavation schedule.
The dewatering program for Unit 2 will depend on the rate the
water recedes and has not been established.
Training of Construction personnel
The audits conducted about September 16,1976 by Bechtel of the construction personnel training activities (Nos. S-76-30, 5-76-31, 5-76-32 and S-76-33) were reviewed.
The audit
' records indicated these audits were complete and the correc-tive action had been verified by audit S-76-43.
audit S-76-43 addressed the training activities of the OC
i ers and not the construction personnel. Apparently, a eng):w~ ding error, that was not discovered during the management recor review, prevented the required re-audit to verify the correc-tive action was taken. This item is open.
Improper Filinc of Quaf f ty Related Records In a previous inspection APS identified that some of the quality related records had been improperly filed.
This item was held open last inspection (Report No. 50-523/76-03) pending completion of the records review by the licensee.
Followup of
this item must be done in the project engineering office.
The engineering office was not visited this inspection.
This item will be held open for a future inspection.
Containment (Structural Concrete}_
Observation of Work and Work Activities Concrete placement activities were observed for the Unit No.1 Reactor pit Basemat (Lift IC010-0) and Unit 1 Tendon Gallery Walls (Lif ts IC03-0 and IC04-0).
The activities inspected consisted of placement preparation, concrete delivery and placement, curing, aggregate and cement storage and batch plant operation.
No anomalies were noted.
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Desion Engineerino Orawings Tnere are several locations (approximately eignt) on the site where a controlled set of design drawings are maintained in accordance witn WP/P-QCI 3.0.
When a change is made to a drawing, WP/P-QCI 3.0 requires tnat the revised drawing or enange notice be placed in the controlled sets.
Contrary to tnis requirement, the Design Change Notice (DCN) No. S to Drawing 13-C-ZAS-110 Revision 4, dated November 4, 1976, had not been distributed to the controlled sets as of December 16, 1976.
Bechtel QA Audits The Bechtel 0A audit schedule was reviewed. Some minor record keeping errors were noted which were corrected by Bechtel. The audit schedule appeared satisfactory.
The records of the Bechtel audits were reviewed.
The audit planning, scope and documentation appeared to be satisfactory, except as noted below.
- The form entitled Quality Assurance Finding, No. LAO 0663(TP0)
6/76 had no space for signature of the initiator. The con-trolling procedure Quality Assurance Standards and Guide
Lines, Section 6.3 has no requirement for the initiator to sign the form. This deficiency was previously identified by Bechtel and wil1 be corrected in accordance with the QA Program,
i b.
The followup audit for the construction personnel training was erroneously marked complete.
Structural Backfill The records for the backfill for three locations were reviewed including the sieve analysis for the backfill material and the
com; action test results. The areas that were backfilled were observed after the work was complete. The records for the follcwing areas were reviewed:
Electrical Duct Bank Unit 1 first half ramp crossing b.
Tendon Access Shaft Mudmat c.
Auxiliary Building Ramp Unit 1 No nonconformances were noted.
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Review of Guaffty Records
The quality recoros concerning preplacemant preparation, concrete celivery and placement, concrete curing, rebar splicing, concrete materials and batch plant operation were examined for the Unit tio. 1 Reactor Pit Basemat (Lift IC010-0). The records appeared satisfactory, except as noted below.
(1) The inspector identified tnat concrete was placed on December 14,1976 with slumps above the maximum spac1-fied, including inadvertency margin, by Specification fio.
13 CH-101, paragraph
Slump tests performed for trip ticket lios. 00611. 00622 and 00634 identified slumps of 4 3/4", 4 3/4" and C 1/4", respectively. The maximum allowable slump for 0-2 class concretc is 4 1/2", in-cluding inadvertency margin.
The nonconforming concrete was placed, contrary to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criteria XV which requires that nonconforming materials be controlled to prevent tneir inadvertent use or installation.
(2) 'The inspector identified that the frequencies of testing of concrete materials at the placement did not conform to
specification requirements.
Specification 13 CM 191 (Testing of Concrete Materials) requires that testing for
air content, temperature and slump be accomplished once for every 50 cubic yards placed (Paragrapns 15.2.2 and 15.3.2,respectively).
The testing frequencies on December 14, 1976 for the Unit fio. 1 Reactor Pit Basemat (Lift IC010-0) were 63 cubic yards between trip ticket tios. 00604-00611; 72 cubic yards between trip ticket tios.
00626 00634 and 00694 00700n 99 cubic yards between trip ticket rios. 00636-00647; 81 cubic yards between trip ticket ilos. 00651-00660 and 00667 00676; and 90 cubic yards between trip ticket fios. 00703 00713.
Specification 13 CM 191, paragraph 15.4.6, requires that one set of three cylinders, for compressive strength tests, be formed for each 100 cubic yards of concrete placed.
Tne cylinder formation and testing frequencies on December 14,1976 for the Unit tio. 1 Reactor Pit Basemat(Lift 1C0100)were135cubicyardsbetweentrip ticket tios. 00611-00626 and 144 cubic yards between trip ticket tios. 00634-00650 and 00660 0007.
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Re:eivinq Inspection A tour of the QC storage yard and warehouse was conducted.
Attributes observed consisted of material identification, markings, segregation, area access control, <:leanliness and preservation. The procedure for Receiving Inspection (WP/P-QCI 4.0) was examined.
Material certifications for weld rod heat numbers 026926. N33793, N14203, 02L017 and No.18 Cadweld sleeves (Lot dos. 5874 and 5887) were examined.
No deficiencies were noted.
0A Audits
Supplier audits by Champion, Inc. of Pacific Cement Co., Consock Inc., United Metro, Lassenite and W. R. Grace Co. were examined.
The audits appeared satisfactory with regard to planning, frequency, scope and finding resolution.
Nonconformance Reports (NCR)
Examination of the NCR file disclosed that Project Quality Assurance personnel.did not sign for review and concurrence on NCR Nos. C-010, C 022 and C 034 and that Project Quality Control personnel did not verify remedial actions on NCR No. C-024.
ThePSAR(Section requires that the Project Quality Assurance Engineer (PQAE)reviewandconcurinallNCR'sandthattheProjectQuality-
Control Engineer (PQCE) verify remedial actions on nonconformances (Section
It was noted that Bechtel procedure WP/P-QCI5.0(NonconformingParts,MaterialsandComponents) requires tne PQAE to review and concur in only those NCR's dispositioned
" repair" or "use-as-is" and allows the field engineer to verify re edial actions in place of the PQCE, contrary to PSAR co nitment.
Licensee representatives showed that this item had been identified previously and tnat resolution was in progress.
Occu*ent Control a.
Field Generated Desian Drawines The procedure for control of field generated design documents (WP/P 3.1) was examined and numerous field generated design
' documents were examined. The authorization, approvals and revision controls appeared to be in accordance with the procedure WP/P 3.1.
No deficiencies were noted.
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